ard up to 6 yards will lloths, Suiting T weeds, ther materials ; also dies' Skirts, others for Flannclette. 7, 814c Yard. Wns v, 10c Yard. SH ONLY pted for any & SON. @ GOOD : WATCHES Our Special Ladies Watch, at ® $25.00 Is a reliable and durable time- piece. POSTE HBB The case is of Heavy Solid 14k Gold, engraved or plain, as de sired, and contains a finely Snish- ed 15 Jeweled Movement. In & 25 year filled case i! for $14. it sells Monogram or initials engraved free of charge. i 4 ( vEWELLER ; Issuer of Marriage Licenses, rerstockings, Rubber Overshoe at- ops. Button up the side. r Outfit for Girls, e 11 to 2, 82. I SHOE STORE. w Boys juet arrived--the newest. very neat and IX [RRR] YEAR 74--NO. 283, "S ou ND ) A ND FU RY" -. TR Richard Harding Davis the noted novelist, war coi t and play : i us on hin ia in These Were the Features of Foster's its: iu iui bowser ue Speech. Times and the New York Herald, dur ing the Turkish-Greek and Spanish- & 4 | American wars, when he did some re mn ¢ - " 'The Kind of Criticism of Conservatives Shown Up---Co-operation Asked in Seeking Clean Politics. vinces, conservative and liberal alike. From Our Own Correspondent, 2 tiv The finance minister challenged Mr. Ottawa, Dec. 4.--"Sound and fury" | said Mr. Fielding of Mr. Foster's Foster's statement in the house on speech of the night before in con- Monday that Sir Wilirid Laurier had tinuing the debate on the address in entered into a compact with Mr. Mer- reply to the speech from the throne, |cler in Quebec; that if he would give The violence of Mr. Foster's speech, him a majority in that province he continued the finance committee, must | Would give Quebec a subsidy." Mr. have convinced every member of the Fielding assured the house that there opposition that he was in the wrong. was no such compact entered into, The selection of members of the cabi- though the question of subsidies for net was the prime minister's own busi- | all the provinces did come up. ness, certainly not a theme for oppo- As regards the question of corrup- sition sympathy. He suggested that tion in elections, Mr. Fielding said il a parallel for the selection of the that he was heartily in accord with recently appointed ministers were {the leader of the opposition, but had needed it would be found in the choice | MF: Borden assumed a different atti- Sabo of Mr. Borden for the leadership in | tude he would have had more respect mar n ly clever 1 i preference to such men as Mr. Foster, | for his position. He had inferred that Mr. Davis married Miss Cedil ( lark Mr. Haggart, Mr. Monk or Mr. Ber" at Marion. Mass., in 1599 and still geron. 'Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, makes his home in that oi y- Some of too! What ahout him? Mr, Field- hix best known, books are "Soldiers of ing admitted that this was nota fair Fortune" and the famous Gallagher kind of criticism, but it was quite an stories. Among his successful plays fair as that which Mr. Borden and | balance was about equal. Provided | are "'Ransom's Folly and "The Die ra ¥ ter had made yesterday {there was an honest attempt on both | tat Mr. Davis' mother was Rebec Yin woe roc. ry con ca Harding Davis, a writer of note. servatike deficits in eleven years were " 5 1 g ses level Slay A Missionary. £60,000,000; liberal surpluses in eleven RI dT oi 1A jourmnlistic work throughout the length and breadth of the country the corruption had all beenn on the liberal side; Mr. Fielding ran over a long list of conservative corrupted elections to show that the | sides to purify elections in Canada he {would welcome action. It was regret table that many eminently respectable men had been guilty of "'foolish and The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. Hintonburg has voted to be annex- ed to Ottawa. THe population is 3,- An important deputation oi French commercial men is to visit Canada 7 The East Eud emigration fund sent 6,100 men to Camada this year to ber 30th. An advance in granted the employecs kaming railway. Montreal has every year five thou! sand cases of vomsumption and one thousand deaths from it. Advices to CPR, say the steamer Mount Temple's cargo can be saved, and perhaps the ship as well. A runaway Russian destroyer, with a mutinous crew, is reported on the rampage in the Sea of Japan. Contracts have been awarded by the G. T. P. for clearing two thousand acres of land at Prince Rupert for $220,000. Montreal Irish societies, hoaded by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, are organizing a banguet to Hon. Charles Devlin. Senor Bernardino Macadoo, leader of the republicans in Portugal, de clares the country is not calm, but only superficially so. Mr. Melntyre, M.P., proposes a con- ference between members of both houses to comsider questions relating to the reform of the senate. Unashai Kai had been isolated by i the other members of the Chinese gov- |ernment, because of his attitude on | the concessions ted to foreigners. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the actress, was requested by the manager of the Hotel Plaza, New York, to wages has been of the Temis- William Stanton, thirty-nine years old, a Chicago watchman, died from burns caused by being pushed into a ban-fire by the two fighting Italians vears were $93,000,000 in the aggre |. .: x ns k - o + ' ' improper and corrupt things," in mat- | o . g Ss nes Te > gate. Special expenditures by con-| pe an I Sone Bhat Miss Agnes Templeton, the servatives in that time were eighty TW. Cockshutt. who followed, said only white woman missionary at the villions of which sixty-two millions - W. Cockshuti, who lollawed, said | Baptist Indian mission at Valverde, Ini ons Of. W'2 Sixt) the finance minister should be asham- | Rio Arriba county, was murders, either by Mexicans or Indians. An unconfirmea report says that Wiss Templeton was assaulted before being put to death. David Martinez San hes is under arrest as a suspect, were charged to the public debt. Onl.g of his utterances. Instead of deal- similar accounts liberals had to re ing with the speech from the throne, cord £129,000,000 and increased the |} 0 tored upon a speech of incrimin- debt only five millions. : _ lation instead. Mr, Cockshutt, in deal- Like the premier Mr. Fielding paid | ine with purity in elections, pointed considerable attention to the Halifax | ut that clean eloctions were now to | platform, which he described as the |}, found in Ontario, Manitoba and "Halifax platitudes." He accused Mr. |puitish Columbia. He asked that l Borden of having "skated over the! hare he co-operation between the two | tarifi" when he was in the west, and| ,riies to this end. | tor Henry G Will Marry Newspaper Woman. Washington, Dec. 4.--Former Sena- Davis, of West Virginia, having avoided touching upon the |. H. Miller, of South Grey, fol- one time canglidate for the vice-presi- school question. { lowed. : | dency om the democratic ticket, eigh- Mr. Borden interrupted with ade-| There was an interesting debate in | ty-four years oll and thicty times a nial. : the senate on the address. Sir Mac- millionaire has decided to take unto Mr. Fielding said the conservative |kenzie Bowell pointed out that the [himself a bride. Mrs. Henry G. Davis platform had been framed in a hole] present French treaty, of which so jto be, is Miss Maud Ashford, a Wash- and corner style, while the liberals much had been made by the govern- ington newspaper woman. made theirs in the open. I ment, was not the first that had been Mrs. Clara Christensen filed a suit for divorce against her husband in Chicago, saying he threw lighted | matches at her, trying to burn her to death. Robert Threshie Reid, Baron Lore {burn, the lord chancellor, was mar ried, on Tuesday afternoon, to Miss | Violet Hicks-Beach, a niece of Lord St. Aldwyn. { Hon. Clifford Sifton, addressing the | Liberal Colonial Club, at London, de- iclared that the All-Red route justified {itself both on commercial and on high I political grounds. "French nfflitary balloon, La Patrie, which accidentally got away from Verdun, France, last Saturday, passed over Clyde Bank, Dumbarton- shire, Scotland, on Tuesday, going im a north-westerly direction. fu Mr. Fielding attacked the leader of | negotiated by Canadians without Brit that the settlement which Mr. Borden | There was almost a pathetic refer- | was trving to set aside was made lence by Sir Mackenzie to his troubles with British Columbia, not by Sir [of old. He told the new senators for Wilfrid Laurier, but by the other pro- | their comfort that a seat in the sen- | : C E------------ | 010 WS eVen better than a seat in the Ancient ostame of DAILY MEMORANDA. { cabinet. Furs: { The fact that the premier has gone Furs: Furst J . |outside of the house to fll the cabinet The reliable kind Gt Campbell Byes' an | has given the conservatives something Wonderland Theatre, aRemoon to talk about. Hon. R. W. Scott de- evening. "Phe Burgomaster," fended this, which was referred to by House, 8.15 p.m {Sir Mackenzie Bowell. He said Sir Court Frontenac 1.0.F. meets Thursday Wilirid was not bound to take men night. Election of officer from either house, hut had properly St. James' Church Tea and Sale' to- made a practice of taking men who morrow, from 3 to 7 p.m. | seemed to be most in touch with pub- Y.W.C.A. Doll Sale Dee. 34 Dolis | lic affairs ptievery. describlion JOf - ling : "Canada is the most prosperous Miss Jameson, Evangelist, at Queen country on earth, so roel that street Methodist Church, 8 pam. ! a Hear Miss Jameson, Temperance Evan- (a five hundred dollar head tax would 7 the opposition regarding the attitude |ish aid. Lord Dufferin and Sir Charles | = { / he had assumed on the subsidy paid { Tupper had also negotiated a French | to British Columbia. He pointed out | treaty. | London, Dec. 4.--Successiul attempts are being made in Scotland to revive the wearing of the kilt, which, until comparatively recent times, was only to be seen, except on very special oc- | casions, in out-of-the-way parts of the * Grand Opera country. A correspondent writing to the Times on the growing use of the kilt remarked : "Twenty years ago the kilt was practically unknown in the _ Popular. gelist, Thursday, at 3.30 p.m., Chinese out of Canada," was a statement by Mr. Scott, evoked much applause. Roows This day in history '--Rising in Upper Canada, 1837 ; Thomas Carlyle born 1795. Bijou Theatre-- Caruso, Scotti and de; CQogorza will sing. Drama, "The Work man's Traeedy," or "The Story _ ol a Lost Child At Tho Princess--Pictures Love Microbe | Geo. Hammond and Mrs. Geo. Rochefort on of the| New sing the conversational version popular song, "Smile On Me. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Department. Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig is always on sale at|struck the comb, glanced off and buri- tors, Market Square--| .; ji.0lf in the wall. Open wil late each cvenioe | The Dennys have been separated for Gibson's Drug Y.W.C:A. got keep city of Aberdeen. It was, indeed, held up to universal ridicule by the towns- folk. That has quite changed, and on my last visit to Aberdeen I discover- ed that even the school boys have re- { turned to kilts. It has become a re- Prevented Husband From Accom- |cognized article of evening dress, and, plishing Murder. what is more strange still, many of York, Dec. 4.--The fact that the 'young men of | she wore a hair comb heavily mount- |© a | ed with silver probably saved the life of Mrs. Josephine Denny, of No. 319 eee | which *1 COMB STOPPED BULLET. ---- Camden street, Newark, yesterday -~ . oe ee Her husband, Edward E. Denny, fired Skating Is Here. a revolver at her, but the bullet And we are here with all kinds of skating and hockey boot prices and see kett Shoe Store. | some time. Early yesterday, Mrs. Den- Turkey and Game Setts Just opened some Very pretty POULTON SETS, and very cheap from $3.50 to $15.00 Qua Jd odd shapes and pretty nt oe very appropriate pres- the year. ent at this time of See Them At Robertson Bros. ny was surprised by a call from her { husband at the house where she had | been stopping. He wanted her to re- | turn to him. She refused, whereupon {he tried to shoot her | Believing that his aim had been true | when he saw the woman stagger and { heard her scream, Denny fled from the {of President Cabrera, of Guatemala. | house and. escaped. The police have | killing the coachman, but not serious been unable to locate him. ly injuring the president. Sale Farm Stock, Etec. At William Ferguson's, York Road west of Cataraqui, rrnday, Dec. 6th at twelve o'clock. ------ | | | pans, all sizes, at Lemmon & Sons. Weston's Christmas Plum The Red Star, Edwards & Jenkin. Buy his Christmas ingston's. Father Kennedy Made Bishop. Rome, Dec. 4.--Rev. Father Kenne- dy, rector of the American college here, has been appointed bishop, of Adrianople. { CANADA'S BI -- 12 MORE HEATERS o NLY. a These Stoves Will g9, and must this month. Remember, bargain. 3 good Parlor Sv TURK'S Second-Hand Store, "Phone, 705. s cheap. avs Pri cess St. FOR SALE a b t fod Chivice Brick Residence, Barrie stroe | Catiadian exhibitor, all fmprovements, grand location. Double Stene Dwelling. bath, gas, etc. Frame Dwelling, Albert street, ba shed, large lot and many others: SWIFT'S Real Agency. Wall paper, frames : photos, Weese' Come and get al ieee | defeating the Berl street, | King, a short-horn calf, Estate and Insurance | yards Own Grounds. l | wo Chicago, Dec. 4.--Canada has cap-| offered by the management of crowning honor of the In Stock Exposition 89 tured the io | : y | ternational Live American breeders {horn Breeders' Associsgion. This on | the first | their own grounds. The grand cham- | ried off piopship in the steer class went to a ribbons. -- 3 last night, Roan The dominion also seored heavily owned James Leark, of Greenbank, Ont., be-| pionship for mm. ing selected as the best of the huge. George Drwamond, of perds of eattle assembled at the stock | Que., for a pure bred The class was limited to the | This is the { champions in the various events. The |} won by a sheey s. | honor carried with it a prize of $100 States, ) the better-to-do | are learning to play the [to give being between 360 and $65. . Get our{put up a our styles. The Loc- A bomb exploded under the carriage | phia, is to act Roasting pans and Christmas case present at Liv- VICTORY show and an additional premium of #500 offered by the Anterican Short- time a shorthorn has care this biggest of all the blue by | the sheep department, the grand cham r : wethers going to Sir telling Danish dairymen that they are ey they -seize from the crown officials Beaconsfield, in danger of Southdown. ! ada as the quality of Canadian butter | highest honor that can be is steadily improving, and it will soon { political , breeder in the United be possible to Highlanders Becoming | | The manager of one of the principal Jfirms of Scottish tailors in the west lend of London stated recently that ithe movement was making consider- lable headway among the upper and | mitidle classes. "In London," he said, "there is a growing demand for High- {land evening dress outfits among the large body of Scotsmen who belong to | the various national sqeieties. ' "The Scottish evening dress is as it is picturesque. A com- plete outfit would be cheap at $150, the average prices paid riffing from $200 to $225. It is possible, however, |to spend as much as $1,500 or $2,000, or even more, in the matier oi orna- { ments." The ordinary outdoor Highland dress is not so expensive, a very fair price | costly as \ i stop ihe said, "London's water comes prin. smoking a cigarette in the tea room. |cipally from the Thames, taken out London, Dec. 4.--~The Metropolitan Water Board is engaged in trying to solve the great problem of Poujon's water su pply fifty years hence, when the population within its area will be more than doubled. As a step toward the solution of the problem the board is now erecting in various parts of London large storage reservoirs, The experts of the water board cal culate that by 1916 the population of London will be 8,000,000, and that by the year 1960, it will he 16,000,000. Whence is to come the unpolluted wat- er to supply that vast aggregation of human beings ? That is the very seripus question which it is necessary for the present authorities to answer for the sake of coming generations. G. G. Easton, mayor of Fulham and a member of the London water board told a reporter last right that the matter wae receiving the very earnest attention of the board. "At present™ between Hampton and Staines. It is possible that with the inctease of people and new means of communica: Estimate That This Enormous Figure Will Be Reached in the Year 1960. ee -------- tion, the Thames valley may have a population of 2,000,000. "Will it then be possible to draw upon that necessarily polluted water for a supply ? Shall we have to go farther up the river for it ¥ If so, how far up the river will it be practicable for us to go? These are some of the omtions we have to deal with. Fifty. ve per cent. of our water comes from the Thames, about twenty per cent. from the Lea, and some thing under 30 per cent. is pumped from wells." The suggested solution of the pro- bleny of the future, continned Mr. Eas- ton, was to secure water from the riv- ers at flood time and store it. Al ready great remervoirs were being pro vided, reservoirs which would contain more water than the cubic space of the interior of St. Paul's cathedral. It has been found that water not al- together pure became pure by natural action after stor: for a few weeks, "There ig Prriah 4 stored in London at tho present moment," said Mr- Easton, "'epough water to last for some months." { Two Hunters Xilled By Fierce Wild Boar, Paris, Dec. 4A tragic accident of the case, resulting in the loss of two lives, occurred yesterday in the woods of Rehon, in the department of the Meurthe and Moselle, During a bear hunt a party of sportsmen came across an old boar, and a M. Risch ter fired, wounding the beast slightly. The boar charged, knocked M. Risch- ter down, and buried his tusks in his flesh. Another gentleman, M. Frimons, who stood a few yards away, fired ot the boar. The animal turned upon M. Frimont and ripped his side with its tusks, A few minutes later other members of the hunt came up and in killing the boar, but M. Rischter died half an hour later, A doctor was sent for to attend M. Frimont, who, how- ever, was mortally wounded, ang died this morning. Shirs Imprisoned. Paris, Dee. 3.~Owing to the trans- Atlantic company's liner Virginie col- liding with the dock bridge at Havre, the bridge mechanism has been much damaged, and a number of steamers are detained in the dock, including several British vessels. The repairs are expected to take several days. Bocharan Jackets. Madé from the choicest selected skins, evenly matched and very glossy Plain and trimmed, $40, $43, 345, $60. Our fur garments are the kind that give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Campbell Bros., Kipgston's Of Japanese anc Taffeta a Cap] So bully Wool Cashmere Waists Cardinal aed Black, Ts A SENSITIVE COUNGIL PICTON FATHERS DECIDED TO ADJOURN Because a Show Was in Progress Over Their Heads--An Action Over Lack of Street Watering. Picton, Dec. 4.--~Picton's town coun- cil is very sensitive to the least noise, Monday night the town fathers assem- ths were holdi forth i he tion RAS th council now ad, owing to the noise caused by there being 'a show going ou over the coun cil, to December 9th." Three interesting notices were serv- ed on the council. Hepburn Bros, through their solicitor, T. Walmsley, pointed out the condition of the was ter course down, the hill, since ser- vices have been opened into it, which now discharges a large amount of sewerage upon the Hepburn and into the water at the w fre 50, See Our Collection Tota. You'll admire ment. You'll be pleased creates a nuisance go prices. gencral public. T Mren's White ners' company asserts that Shild hey from 0 wo rTe hold the town responsible for dam to its property at the Al Mil branch, through . non-repeir of the Bridge street bridge, and Robert Jamieson, Church street, and Alexan- ler Carr, Grove street, complain that new walks have been constructed so as to flood their cellars. Were the streets of Picton kept pro- Con ik dts tha. Come TO- MORROW, We'll expect you. Steacy's} |busy fur store. A Gruesome Catch. Liverpocl, Dec. 3.--~At Northampton, vesterday afternoon, Mr." Lewis, while pike fishing in the club waters of the river Nene, pulled up the body of a man named Alfred Bunker, a painter, perly watered during the summer months ? Dr. T. 8. Philp, electric light and waterworks commissioner, contends not, and at division court, yesterday, he entered suit against the town for the refund of $3.30, his wa- ter rate tax, which he claims he paid under protest. To support his argu CUMMINGS. ~In Kingston, on Dec. 1907, to Mr. and Mrs, GQ. B, ou mings, a son. aged fifty, who had been missing for | ment he introduced into court several pep. ' three weeks = prominent townsmen, residents of Hany mornings or. 40th, 1907, Judge Morrison reserv- cave has excited King street: ed judgment. This much interest in town and the out- Jamon Raphael, son of Mr. nad Mrs, 3k MeNighols, oged ove Destructive FPaupers. month and four days, At London, Ont., the King Edward i; Hotel company has been formed to magnificent $500,000 hos- { telry. | The story is current in Ottawa that {Henri Dourassa's i i {gular and that he is still member for | Labelle. Frederick Gabriel, twelve years -old, of Williamsburg, N.Y., was struck by ternal injuries sustained. Prof. Frank Miles Day, of Philadel with Prof, Goodhue, , jof New York, to select a design for - legislative buildings. in Regina. | Tt is understood in political circles that Hon. H. R. Emmerson will be- fore long leave the House of Commons Puddings. | and betake himself to a remunerative | office. George Neuburger, eight years old, while hurrying home to his Thanks- giving dinner at Winfield, L.1., caught his left foot in a switch frog and. a train cut it off. Mrs. Louise Hazelrigg, who had her husband arrested for desertion at jthe witness stand that the judge leased the husband. | -- the American Breeders on Their| loin Thien. o Sate, Collec Empire. ™ the station when jumping from train. thel A St. Catharines man was late in| : yo station and thought he Who are endeavoring to do away with | jn' Kutaerbitka, Tobolsk, where thay The only wey to eure dandruff, is to reaching the w his daughter in a cab. He rush is up, jumped in, person. Apologies followed. in] Dr. Filbrechi, the Danish dairy ex- [carrying on their 1 g pert, who visited Canada last year, is { the government mainly With ithe mon- | when a soldier ran toward competition from Can jvitiin eight days after it is made. resignation is irre- | an auto, his legs being broken and in- | | Evansville, Ind., talked so much on Short Work Being re- | across Jowa to take dinner with his | " fiancee at Summit, Ia., was killed at | &¢. the | sate execution of and, putting his | tinues. arms ground her, he kissed her on the lips. Then he found it was the wrong [for "'exproprinting" government funds | feet, clambered up t land it in England London, Dec. 3.--In a period of six months 2,100 mugs, upward of 1,000 {plates and over 1,000 cups and sau- |cers were broken at Croydon work {house. It is suggested to substitute come is anxiously awaited. Should the doctor win out, it is highly pro- bable several similar suits will be en tered. : The Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, { metal for chinaware. On the arrival of the C.O.R., this re - m-- morning, the funeral occurred of the The Best Hockey Boot. late Mrs. Philip MoKibbon, whose THE BUSY TIME We } death occurred at Wingham, on Mon- have it with ineide support or with-lday. She was a former well-known {out, with heels or without. The Loo | townswoman and the sister of the {kett Shoe Store. late J. N. Carter, ex-mayor. i Henry Chadd, Sr., is critically ill. 1 A receiver hag been asked for by | Miss Annie Gillespie has returned {creditors of the Jamestown exposi home, after several weeks' stay with tion her sister, Mrs, Jaffray, in Toronto. Roasting pans and Christmas cake] Mrs. R. H. Hubbs and her niece, Miss | ans, all sizes, at Lemmon & Sons. Freoliecen Kaylor, have gone to To- Smoking jackets. Livingston's. ronto to spend the holiday season Malaga grapes. The Red Star, with relatives. | { | On the market is sold here. 1s drawing very near, and Wwe are ready for it NOW, with a large stock of sea- sonable goods. The Very Best Quality - AT THE Lawest Possible Prices. Our advice fa TO BUY NOW and avoid the rush later. . Jas, Reddea & Co. PB. ~Our New Rowntree and Cadbury Chocolates have arrived. a erect {HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT, When It Is Free of Dandruff, It: Grows Luxuriantly. i Hair preparations and dandruff cures as & rule ave sticky or irrita- ting aflairs that do no eartuy good. Petersburg, Dec. 4.--The whole: the northern governments of Russia. |Hair, when not diseased, grows natur- the revel tio] venty-two of thirty-three Russian [ally, luxuriantly. , is 'the 1 renoorats. nihiliste and others, | SOBvicts wire killed. in a desperate jcause of minc-tenths of all hiie ont , s Bin Y +| fight in the dark in a prison corridor (ble, and dandruff is caused by a germ. - EXECUTED WHOLESALE Made of Revolationists in i and bureaucracy, con-| attempted to overcoms the military [kill the germ; and, so far, the only . escort.. The handful who survived, hair preparetion that will politi The majority of the executions are | though hampered chains on their destroy the germ is Newbro wall and made cide--absolutely harhiless, - {by revolutionists, who are evidently | for the forests. One, who carried a grease, sediment, dye' ma campaign against | carbine, was struggling over the wall |gerons drugs. 1b alla; him, and, | stantly; makes hair addressing him as "comrade" ofiered 'silk. Destroy the {and officers. ' to hold the carbine for a moment. The [the effect." Sold by During twenty days in October 1,400 | prisover, believing him to be a fellow- | Send 10c. in prisoners = were sent away | refugee, dropped the carbine, and the | Herpicide | Co. from St. Petersburg alone. The usual {soldier thereupon bayoneted him to sizes, Sle. and si destination of the exiles is Siberia or | death. |#pocial agent, -| the autocracy SiN