-- lees Ct s : i, ts fl 5 a tie it! Lis: i i 2 § il ie bit hil HH before the court are un men, and this. has led to the 2 as to the advisability of marrying to bo cured of «A great of them doubt, be whif and not to settle down. Many kind end in the wife be- or cleo having to sue for and a separation is EF TE i Hn § ; provides in pleasant, concentrated form o harmless cure for coughs, colds, sore throat and oo 20e., at name. Look for signature, E. W. Grove. 20e. Canada will not likely fall into 's trap for free exchange of forest products. Canada has the and the articles i Still, you can't buy your Christmas ts so early, because the Stores So not open until about eight A ergy ui for Shoo Store. ast . Barrowsmith, is in . Lockbary, Harrowsmith, is visit: Lv eave id week Bb : advertising has a it. Watch hristmas A Yost day Fo he Early Christmas jou hie big for hig's bi "This wi the woe . Prices away down. imon & : Lounging rohes, Livingston's : J. A. Porter, Kingston, was in Wa N.Y., on Mongay acting as at of his brother, Harry E. Porter. In regard to the bogus twenty-five cent pieces in 'cireulation, it is stated that it might be well to take the old faghioned precaution of biting every quarter received. ; Hockey skates and sticks--a laige ¢ just opened. Call and od Prices awey down. Lem- mon & Sons. St. Mary's cathedral this week for deceased inn , who ° has at Tamworth, re- 'I'he vompany that will present "The Bur w at The Grand," to- night, arrived from Ottawa at noon. This company numbers about sixty and they are billeted at the ple Sitierent hotels. Nearly all the staff at the Bedford be no more shipments of feldspar to Chbinrlotte. Foreman Flynn reports the palit season to have been a very buy one. Several carloads of flint have been shipped recently. $ipanish onions, 9 lbs The rink will likely receive its first floxding in a day or two, and if 4 prosent cold weather keeps up the rink will open shortly. A Jew improve- ments have been made since the roller rink closed and it should be better thiin ever this year. Also n came from a ein named Joseph Smith, New York, a lormer member of the PW.OR. in of oy boot with protected sides, 30 from the mn on the ground that the road in front of his place was not sufficiently terod. H he Solemn requiem masses will be sung turned to the city, to-day, and will leave for the west as soon as his ® will t. J- M- Smith, formerly license in- ? land one that is - | comment, is ~ Hal . | people. mines has been laid off, as there will [pg 25¢, Ed: soles, and a well. The Lockett It Was a Sweet Clean Play and Just About Funny Enourh-- Other Attractions For This Week. : Jameson Lee Finney, in the "Man on the Box," was the attraction at the Grand, last evening, and was greeted by. a faiel). large nudience, not as large as t The play is three acts, brimming over with ridi- culous situations, and amusing inci- dents, all undermined by the strong love of a man for a maid. The play varies a good deal from Harold Me Grath's novel, a little being cut out, ood deal more added. The plot deals with the adventures of "Bob Warburton," in which Mr- Finney had a role well suited to his talents, one which gave him a chance to bring out the best, and "Elizabeth Annesley," in which Miss Elsie Leslie made a great hit. Her frank, girlish manner, her clear acting and her pretty face, won her audience at once. The part of Charles Henderson, 's'" strong friend was well han- died by Sydney Booth, while Neil Mo- ran, ax Elizabeth's father, was all that could be desired. Miss Madge Pierce, as Nancy Warburton, "Bob's" sister, was excellent, portraying the happy. carefree, young American girl in a creditable manner. Mrs. Conway, Elizabeth's friend was well looked af- ter by Miss Jeanette Fenall. The min- or parts. were all well taken, The play was well staged, the scen- ery ang fixtures being handsome. The music rendered by the Opera House orchestry under W. H. Walker, during the performance is of the highest or- der. The orchestra has certainly pick- od up wonderfully, during the past season. To-Night "The Burgomaster." Electricity will play a most import- ant part and form a particular factor in this season's presentation of the famous Pixley & Luder's musical co- medy "The Burgomaster,"'swhich is booked at the Grand for to-night. Manager William P. Cullen has even gone to Europe in order to secure the very latest Parisian electrical and prismatic effects. In the second a group of pretty bathers are seen play- fully dancing in the rolling surf. So true to nature and correctly exact has the scheme been worked™owt that the water and spray appears to ac- tually leap over the heads of the bathers. Another innovation will be the introduction of a real rain storm. A company of superior excellence, in- cluding the original Gus Weinburg and Ruth ite, has been engaged, along with some of the prettiest singing chorus in America, and with the fam- ous Kangaroo girls, will form one of the #trongest musical attractions to visit ug this year. 7 "Custer's Last Pight! A piay of more than ordinary merit exciting favorable Reid's big melo: drama, "'Custer's, Last Fight" which will be the attradtion at the Grand, on Thursday, December 5th. It ® ton- ceded to be the largest dramatic com- pany on the rond, and numbers forty This includes a band of full- blooded Indians with their war pon- ies. The cowboys, horses and dogs used in the production have been kindly loaned by "Pawnee Bill" (Col. Gordon W. Lillie). N England Is Interested. The manager of the Draper's -Re cord and Men's Wear, the great an thoritios in the clothing trade in Great tain, recenily wrote to the Semi- ready dompany, in, Montreal, inviting Chiel He Brownlee to call at their London offices whilst he was in England and explain the X wonderful Asem of Semi-ready tailoring. "We shall be glad to see Mr. Brownlee," he said. This invitation from the home of the finest fabrics is a tribute to thie great Canadian enterprise, with ite originality and initiative. What do you think of a year's sub: scription to the Whig as a Christmas gift for the absent one ? William Swaine, piano tuner. Order: received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Photos at Weese's for Xmas. Livingston's for lined gloves. PERSIAN LAMB. The lari~ ty of Persian Lamb is not confined to Coats. This season Persian Lamb Setts are exceeding- ly popular and we have in exceptionally good stock of 7} them. Prices i $25 a sett and upwards. A sett like the above picture, made from our choicest skins, pin $35. We il ake anything to your on short noti : notice. Beautiful Catalogue free. ticulars of the daring hold-up at the '|G.T.R. station, in Prescott, with a ) deseription of the men suspected te a few. strangers Quite & the city within the past few days, but none of them answered to the description given of the 'hold-up men." expécted to receive flags, The flags are six feet by three feet in size, and are considered nest make. A letter accompanies [Unable to sleep at night. My ko flag, suggesting plans for its Jojo use. Ta BC King street. avd CITY AND VICINITY. . The Prescott Hold-Up. The Ki police received par- have been Fell And Was Hurt. A Surplus Unlikely. The city council is not likely to have famous old farm lot it cost $1,000 to repair the and the liquor license The Funeral On Tuesday. The funeral of the late Francis Carey took place, Tuesday morning, to St. Patrick's church, Railton, when a solemn requiem mass was sung. Five priests, Rev. Father Carey, son of the deceased, and Revs. Fathers Kehoe, Hanley, Riley and Cullen, of- ficiated. The funeral was very largely attended, many personal friends of the deceased from the city being present. Would They Look Well ? Ths sergeants on the Toronto po- lice force have donned new caps, in- stead of the heavy helmet as hereto- fore. The cap is a smart military cap of navy blue, with the civic coat- of-arms in silver on the front. It has been suggested that Kingston's "fin- est" would look well in such a cap. The Toronto .chief of police is the or- iginator of the idea. Vital Statistics. During November there were regis- tered with the city clerk these vital statistics: Births, 39 ; marriages, 12 : deaths, 42. The deaths, it will be no- ticed are greater than the births. Some of the deaths, of course, are those of people who died in the hos- pitals, and who did not belong here. However, if the doctors would regis- ter all birthe that occur, the "kids" list would appear larger. Have Sound Digestion. ; People who have perfect digestion need never worry about danger of disease. Sound digestion produces a surplus of vital energy. Whenever di- gestion is disordered restore it to normal condition at once with Day's Dyspepsia Cure. This preparation has ligestive, tonic and laxative proper- jes. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's Irug store. ' The Late George Nelson. The late George Nelson, whose fune- ral took place Tuesday, was one of the oldest settlers of Pittsburg town- thip. He was born at Barriefitld ig S20, but removed, when a boy, with his parents, to Pittsburg, where he since resided. He was a man of ster- ling qualities, 4 kind neighbor and respected by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn his loss a sorrowing wife, six daughters and two sons, William, on the farm, and John, a con- tractor in Calgary, Alta. One broth- ar, James, also survives him. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. C.» Hansel, William Greig, H. C. Douglas, James Normandie, James R. Greig, H. Diplock, A: C. Whittaker, Montreal; James Thompson, South Lake; W. R.. Fish, Hamilton; W. .F, Kelly, Oil City, Pa.: W. C. Wilson, G. \. Griffith, W. G. Pyne, L. Loug- heed, S. C. MacPherson, W. H. Fos- ter, G. R. Harlock, C. H. Burgess, Toronto; Miss Elsie Leslie, Jamieson Lee Fenney, Robert B. Tesseman, Neil Moran, Madge - Pearce, J. Ferrell, W. Herbert, I. Nienstedt, New Yark; F.C. Borright, Sutton, Que.; IL. O. Robinson, Kemptville; M. W. Peabody, C. B. Ferree, Pittsburg. y Relieved Of Hospital Duty. City Auditor Miller has been re- lieved of the duty imposed upon him twenty months ago of visiting the local hospitals each month and count. ing the patients. The count was made at the request of Alderman Gaskin, who wanted to find out just how the number of patients in 'each hospital compared, by actual' count. Taken throughout the year, the number cared for by the general hospital and the Hotel Dieu are pretty even. It was. felt by the finance committee of the city council that there is no far- ther need of requiring the auditor to visit the hospitals. FLAGS FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. Every School in Province to Re- ceive One. _ According to information receiv in Board" of Fducation ciscles, a t that before the Christmas vacation, every rural school in the province will have received a Union Jack. The first consigument of flags purchased by the . provincial govern- ment, on the recommendation of the minister of education, has reached the department, and they are being dis- | I 1 They are be- Hirtschman, who has been in a some- ing shipped to the various counties in what serious condition lately, has re- alphabeticaly order. The list of sehools covered and says : hundred. |™Y appetite fell became very poor. tributed by each 'mail. total six Your Pet Corns. Some people'cling to corns as tho they were prize possessions. Anybody | back that cares to get . So, it rT neywith_Jeok's ve. In boxes, ., at Wade' drug Store, 2 ot Wade's Corn ------------ Cunningham, piso tuner, McAuley's bookstore. kom but now, as one to be of the | tacks Pills of Mandrake and Butternut Two boxes cured my indigestion. My h | petite increased a be rid of corns can [®st for my meals. they are so cleansing and se tonic in their effect I think Dr. Hamilton's Pills 9] wife used them 1 regu results." A BRILLIANT SERIES) A FORMER KINGSTONIAN WON MUCH PRAISE. With a Master Hand He Treated the Scriptures Before a Well Attended Methodist Conference in the West. Pittsburg Christian Advocate. At the Pittsburg, .Penn., well at- Robert E. Mclaughlin, secretary- treasurer of Queen's Hockey Club, suf-}¢o,ded Methodist educational confer- fered a severe accident on Tuesday lence; Rev. Dr." Allan McRossie, ('The play deserved. levening, one which will necessitate his | Togcher and His Bible') on 'The Pro- a delightful comedy in [staying in the house for some days. |. pqs" He was returning from a friend's |.j the scriptures. Many teachers have bouse when he slipped and fell on the lf und the prophetic books hard to icy pavement, receiving a severe gash grasp by reason of divergent views, under the eye and other bruises. . with a master hand open: intelligent teacher remarked, "it is different." Each pro- phet added something to that spiri- tual evolution whereby the rather in- any surplus this year. It had to pay definite "I am that I am" became the damages to the extent of ¥750 and a registry office account for $950 for work on the number twenty-four. These items hit the contingencies fund pretty hard. Then breakwater, : fees were ¥U00 less than last year. personal Father. With the skill of an artist he pictured these successive steps, and lifted the fog of confusion from not a few minds. The second study was on 'The Gos- pels." The same skill, the same sym- pathetic interpretation was shown. If ever the evangelists were far-away, in- distinct personages that time has passed. His characterizations' were real models of how much splendid in- formation can be given in few words. He promised "nothing original," but his setting of old facts was an inspir ation, His third study was on "The Envistles." With the loving touch ofa friend] who knew the inner life of bis subject, he portrayed Saul of Tarsus. Then he (uncovered with loving and skilful hand his writings. No teach- er having heard these studies will be the same again; the value of his I'il le has been. enhanced many fold, and the profit of earnest and devout study, in bringing out of the treasuré-house new things as well as old, has Leen demonstrated. SEASON ALMOST OVER. The Sailors Are Coming Back to the City. Nearly all the Kingston sailors are back home for the winter, and their work is now over for another sea son. A few grain boats will arrive within the next few days, but an- other week will see the end. The boats are now getting into their win- ter quarters, and the different slips along the harbor are being filled up with boats. The schooners Ford River and Kitchen were the last of the sailing vessels to make the trip across the lakes, and as soon as their cargo is taken off, they will be laid up. Marine Items. The sloop Pilot carried a cargo of corn from Richardsons' to Rockwood asylum. The sloop Maggie L., cleared, on Tuesday afternoon, for @lengen, with a load of corn. One of Calvin's tugs was, used to break the ice around. the Kingston and Pembroke railway wharf, so" that the schoower Kitchen, with its cargo of coal, could get in. The steamer Windsor, formerly known as the Iroquois, and purchased in the states by the M.T. Co., arrived, light, from Montreal, and will be id up for the season. ~Yrhe steamer Nevada arvived at Richardson', Tuesday night, at sev- en o'clock, from Fort William, with 46,000 bushels of wheat. Consider able delay 'was caused in the unload- ing of the vessel, this morning, owing to the breaking of one of the main belts. Are Your Children "Croupy ?"' This trouble is deadly--must = be stopped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the Nerviline treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvellous pow- er of Nerviline, both as a liniment and in plaster form, will surpriye you. For sore throat, coughs, colds and pleur- isy alone it is used by thousands every day. Invaluable in the home, espe- cially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles, 23¢. each; Nerviline Plasters same price, at dealers, or N.C. Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont. Great Clearing Sale For The Balance Of The Year. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department, also in the gent's furnishings. _ The stock is well assorted with new goods. Dressing gowns. Livingston's. Harry S. Powley, Toronto, who at- tended the funeral of his uncle, Fraser Asselsting, in Bellewille, on Tuesday, was in the city to-day, visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Asselstine, Alfred street. Lowney's. Edwards & Jenkin. McPherson's Lightning Hitch Hoe- key Boots at $2.50 and $2.85, tan or black. The Lockett Shoe Store. Parney Hirtschman Tells His Part of Story The Case Fully Reported, Proves the Work Was Done Hamilton's Pills. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 4.--A well-known resident at 93 Sackville St., Mr. Perney "Six months ago offi and my health ; I had terrible at- of indigestion and often was rc r showed what an ill man I so tried numerous remedies but - the only genuine one was Dr. Hamilton's and my strength came Today 1 have a fine healthy as a young boy. Becahse be used by ew person. My $ White, Black, D K Wool Clouds, all colors, § Ef 25c. each. i d Scarlet Sashes, Mitts, i Overstockings. Ladies' Umbrellas, with i or Bl By Dr. 2 Slack, an R each, % 98c. each. ® Underwear, at % in Kingston for Ladies' and ildren. 1 feel 'as strong h eo / pun mpd thts er od 8 box of Casearets and was a. Sars Thirphaeadp bos Camarsts sod vaso. squirming Jas left me. Ju s s our howed him thirty fees, and in an: mainder about the same f 8, Palatable, Poleny Taste Good, Do Good, Kever Sicken, Weaken or , 10¢, Se, Sbe. Never d in buik. The genuine tablet stamped CCC, teed $0 cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. go ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our stock comprises special values in (3 Stowe) 5 Stone) and Solitaire Set Patterns, SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. LISTEN! We make to order Persian Lamb and Sealskin Jackets. Prices' no higher than ready-to-wear Coats. Choose your own Skins, hundreds to choose from. W. F. GOURDIER, 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. "Phone, 700. 19 degrees stronger, jor special cases, Sold by all druggists, or sent op phlet Address yam " : Ok MEOIOE DO. TORGNTY. ON: Gormerly 1 inden TCI III, > Dd E a wh SHAAN og ; ~ pile i208 BEG Shp 2 52 o EDITION HAAN Drawing Near. Only 17 more between now and 'Xmas. Are you getting supply of artidles Shopping headquarters for presents at low Golf Jackets, Navy, Car- dinal, all sizes, $1.75. Wool Toques, all colors, ¥ 25c. each. Fancy Handles, at $1 eacn & and up. * Ladies' Silk Waists, White fb styles, sizes N and prices. 7 Men's Cardigan Jackets, $1 Men's Wool Sweaters, at White Wool Blankets, Com- R forters, Flannelette Blankets, 1d very low J prices. X Still selling the best Coats 3 Newman & Shaw § The Central Ontario Curling League y with "ghand [ will hold its annual meeting in King- AT i iston, on December 11th, : 1, and It is so easy to cure Constipation. Just a glass of every morning makes the liver active -- the bowels 'healthy and regular--and so easy to take. 26c. and 60c. a bottle. At druggists. 188 Heart Streng| Strength, or Heart Weakness, h, or Nerve Weakness--nothing more. itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is, | self, actually diseased. It is hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at § This obscure nerve--the Cardiac, or Heart N ~simply needs, and must have, more power, stabiltiy, more controll almost alwa , IMOre gover Without that the Heart must cont the stomach and kidneys also controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine Shoop's Restorative has in the past done son for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first so she cause of all this painful, palpitating, suff {ng heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative- popular prescription--is alone directed to 1 weak and wasting nerve centers. {strengthens it offers real, genuine heart he If you would have strong Hearts, strong gestion, strengthen these nerves -- re-estal them as needed, with Dr. Shoop' Restorativ It bu "ALL DEALERS" ----r For sale by James ting Trusses is phe- nominal. Yet it is not to be wondered at, For 48 years, we have studied, tested, examined, inve To-day, we guarantee to fit ¢ ruptured person with a truss, th pot only easy and comfortable, bu a truss that will retain the ruptur -- Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Trusses Our success in fit. Auth " OUR CHI / I SLIPI Extra good qua heavy fleece, 35¢. COMFO For Men, Wome and German mak ors, 75¢., 85¢., $1 Corduroy Leggin Leather Leggins SPATS, OV L For Women, in Grey. 75c, $1. 1.00 to 1.50 in BI MOCCASINS 65c;, Toc, Aber