Doilies, Centre Pieces Cloths; genuine Irish handwork - Embroidered Linen Dresses for zg, 1908, neatly boxed, $12.00 up to rish Linen Table Cloths, with Napkins to match, per set, $5.00 to 30.00 each. : Hematitehed Sheets, with Pillow Cases to "match. Best English manufacture. Very special values. SACRIFICE PRICES 'We are still ofiéring New Fall Coats at Exactly HALF PRICE $10.00 Coats for 5.00. $12.50 Coats for 6.25. "hy "$15.00 Coats for 7.50. be H will pay you to inspect our stocks. 'HE KID GLOVES r are renowned for their durability KID We i . * and perfection in Den'ts Lined Kia Gloves for Ladies and OS Chi. Tone. M Reindeer, © &e.y $1:00, L25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. * French Kid Gloves, in Black and Colors. Every pair guaranteed. $1.25, 1.50 pair. 'Voiles, Punamas, Broadcloths, $3.50 to ---------- ig % a i i fg WA, of St. George's Cathedral, held was at he awor , Miss May "Kogers | : Burton, selling | in the hallway. Within the | Tendy, and Miss Kathleen , Miss Laturnpy Miss White looked after the tea and coffee, Miss E, Miss D. Lee, and Miss L. Riley dis penging the same. ten cents from the visitors, at the door. The work table, cqn- taining pretty ings, was in charge of , James ie, Mrs. ames Reid, rs. Thomas Barlow, Mrs. Clenahan, and Mrs. T. Milo. The homemade things had Mrs. James Henderson, Mrs. William Smith, and Miss Effie Robertson in charge, while candies wore sold by Miss Edith Mas- sie, Miss dar. eielt and Miss Mabel Hewitt. tea table, very prettily th white carnations, One of the o denpurced as a de- sectal of the Sabbath by the Evan- the fine x "sor "The Story of a; Lost child." It is Dubois" great work, "God My Father, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me." At vach during. this week, in the ns ang after 10 pam., Caruso and Scotti will sing their splendid duet "The Power of Destiny." ¢E i i ot i or of + £E 0 F Hk , "Wednes- a never in the police court before," so prevalent in the city at the Tile company, sent time. The Members the © Washburn, was by A will resume their studies to-morrow, | Tanner, a 2 the non wages, to the The most, beautiful display of high- (back. The y man was out of class for Christmas will be on | Work, was to pay his board sale at bson's Red Cross Drug|and had been unjustly, kept waiting Store next week. McConkey's. and | for his money. Huyler's are sold there Angus Grillion, a drunk, who was T. J. Lockhart, real estate agent, | discharged in police court yesterday, has this week sold a brick residence | was fined $3 and costs, on Frontenac street, belo: to The Young Lodisw Mission Uircle ol Bothel ch and concert in | hall a sveuing. The | beautifully decora fory the occasion Afternoon. and in the afternoon the® prettily ar- The ten and sale of the G. B. of the | ranged booths, roe at the home of Muss Macaulay, King were well patronized. street, on Tuesday, was well attended. {seven o'clock supper was served and The Miss Aonnje Creeggun, so large was the number of guests Macaulay and in the evening. Two recitations pretty wares disposed of by Miss Jane | quartette, composed of Messrs. Wil Stafford, Miss E. Badley, Miss L. son, is- | for hei work, . The polished table, ' presi at the concert in the even- with its white carnations and stevia ing. Il those |Bodwell is transferred to reserve of officers, i Mrs, Laurence Henderson's pretty |S. company--To be major, Capt. F. , captain, Lieut. iF "It was my first offence, His worship then semtenced the pri- day to show why the money had been held BETHEL YOUNG LADIES Held a Mission Tea Yesterday Afternoon and Evening. held their annual aale the uate} school 1 was where dainty home were offered for sale, rrom five till articles that the ladies in charge were kept over the allotted time. . An excellent was given " Miss S. Moxley were greatly enjoyed, and the singing of little Miss Grace Ely was a feature. The Be... church Thompson, F. Haffner and Allan Haffner, contributed two fine numbers. Juite a neat sum was made by the ladies, who deserve credit Rev. r. McKenzie Latest Militia Orders. The following militia orders are of interest to Kingston : 14th P. W. 0. Rifles--Lieut. H. L. », ai. - Queen's Own Rifles--Capt. R. K. Barker is granted brevet rank of major. Canadian Army Service Corps, No. Waugh, vice Maj. W. J. B. White, transferred October 1st, 1907. To be G. H. Gillespie, vice Capt. Waugh, promoted October 1st, 1907. \ Corps of Guides--Capt. A. W. Rich- , promoted to rank of major. Local Victorian Nursing. At the meeting of the executive of the local branch of Victorian Order of Nurses, yosterda afternoon, Miss Offord reported that during November she had attended eleven cases and made 144 visits. The patients con- sisted of two Methodists, three Ang- ficans, ove Baptist, one Presbyterian, one Congregationalist, oue Salva tionist and one Roman Catholic. Fees leollected amounted to $13.95. What Will Be Done A circular has been issued by the education department giving notice that students who have been admit- ted to the model school, this year, pending the result of their examina- tion appeals, and whose appeals have been sustained, may complete their professional course and will receive certificates provided that they pass the departmental examination - next year. State Of The Taxes. Of the city's taxes, which in all amount to a little over $164,000 this year, only $3,800 now remains un- id. By the end of the week, Col- footer Bartels expects that this amount will be reduced almost to $2,000. There will be a very small amount unpaid by the end of the year. The delinquents are being press- od for payment, inap------ Excavations Will Cease. When the Montreal street merchants, Winnipeg, who have been and: 1 at the north end of Port Huron, will employment will be given to 600 men, "| triplets, a tiny boy . Palmer served as government printer or is completed there will beho more drain . Last re Tn he . sum- moned to his bedside. it The SS, Mount Temple was forty miles out of her course when she ran on the rocks at Iron Bound Island, in a snow storm. McBean & Co., grain commission out of business for several days, have liquidated all liabilities. At Hamilton, for stealing copper wire, Joseph Goldberg was sent to Kingston peniten for three years convention nominated J. B. T. Caron as its can- didate, to fill the vacancy in the com- monskreated by the elevation of Hon. Mr. Belcourt to the senate. The Grand Trunk car building shops be greatly enlarged, and additional The present pay roll consists of about 1,000 men. . Arthur Furneaux Hunt, one af Que- bee's prominent citizens, died, Tues- 5 fifty-uine. The deceased was agent for the Phoenix Insurance com- y of London, and of the Hudson Bay company. Mrs. Gustave Gagnon, of 54 La- londe avenue, Montreal, on Monday night, gave birth to three children, who were all born alive. Two of the and girl, suc cum] shortly after birth. At Chicago, Francis Wayland Palm- er, former public printer, died of ia, aged eighty vears. Mr. under several administrations. He was also postmaster of Chicago. Mrs. Edith K. Me¢Creery, daughter of the late Col. Lawrence Kip, and divorced wife of Richard McCreery, of San Francisco, was married, on Tues- day, to the Hon. Heury Coventry, son of the Earl of Coventry. At Toledo, Ohio, playing consistent billiards, George Sutton, champion 18.2 billiard player, defeated Jake Schaefer, 18.1 champion, by a score of 300 to 146. The game was for a hundred points, at 18.2 balk line. W. T. Macoun, chief Dominion horti- culturalist is cataloguing all the fruits of Canada, with special attention to those originated in the country. This will be the basis for systematization of the fruit industry. Russell E. Footman, the Boston man arrested on a charge of defraud ing the Boston Club out of $1,800, jo Nonmpdod Ko 'g0d°00a' [8 noqU will leave for Boston probably to- morrow to stand trial. Footman de nies the charge. The Dominion Grange and Farmers' Association opened its session. in To- ronto, Wednesday afternoon. The mas- ter, J. G. Lethbridge read the usual address, in which he said that there was lethargy among the farmars in regard to their political aflairs. Gladwyn Cobban, cashier in the C.P.R. treasurer's department, 'Mont- real, was found with a bullet wound in the head. He died. His financial affairs are declared to he straight, and no motive is known for the sui- cide. . Francis H. Warner, New York, who shot and killed Esther C. Norling, whom he had previously employed as a stenographer, and who then killed John C. Wilson, was sentenced to states prison for a term of not less than twenty years. At a meeting of the creditors of Alexander W. Grant, the well-known dairy produce merchant, Montreal, not only was his offer of twenty-five cents | on the dollar unanimously accepted, | but general sympathy was expressed | with Mr. Grant in his business trou- | bles. i -------- Toilet sets from $1.80 to $13, silver mounted, at Bests'. BI TsseIe esses ! GOOD WATCHES Our Special Ladies Watch, at $25.00 Is « reliable and Qureble time- piece. The case is of Heavy Solid 14k Geld, engraved or in, as de sired, amd contains a finely findsh- ed 15 Jeweled Movement. In & 25 year filled case it sells for $14. Monogram or inftials engraved free of charge. Spangenberg JEWELLER Licenses. HOPI PIPSIIIIIPIIPING ------------------------------. Nature Works The Cure. Issuer of Marriage { Something Yery Special To-Morrow Last week while in Montreal we secured SEVERAL GOOD THINGS suitable for Christmas giving. Some of these have ar- rived and To-morrow we will offer 2 parti- cularly attractive articles : French Overcheck Velvets FOR WAISTS, pretty shades of brown, navy, myrtle, wine, overchecked with black. The colors are quiet and extremely pretty. The width is 21 inches. These were imported to sell at 75¢c yard. THE LOT IS NOT LARGE and you will see these with no one elsewhere. 'The Price To-morrow, 37%c Yard. Waist lengths can be placed in fancy boxes suitable for Christmas giving. Boxes 7c Each. SALE (9.30 TO 12 O'CLOCK. . 600 Embroidered Handkerchiefs ALL SAMPLES. Many dainty designs, ranging in value from 23¢, 25¢, 30¢, '33c, 35e¢, Your Choice To-morrow Morning, 19¢c Each Or 4 dor 75e. Sale 9.30 to 12 o'clock. A Something in this list you may require and will be able to find here. Slipper Soles, Wool-of all kinds, Handkerchief Centres, Fancy Belts, Beltings, Cushion Forms, Laces, j Cushion Cords, Silk Cords, Colored Waddings. Ribbons, "--"AND -- } you try to doctor an overwork- ed stomach and a clogged liver you often add to your troubles. The sto- TEPAITS, found to be too large. {10 excavate in the winter. excavations dug till next spring. winter excavations continued for both | water and sewers, but the cost Christmas Cards. message. of charge; at Bests', il was | It's expensive | The Whig has a fine assortment of ware of = . | elegant Christmas cards, for large or {bowels may | small orders, with printed Al} Christmas goods engraved free | mitre, four ounces syrup of rhubarb | mach that has been living on rich foods meeds a rest, not drugs. Diet | yourself and leave drugs alone. To iget the stomach and liver back into |shape you must eat moderately, skip a meal occasionally, eat your food islowly, take lots of exercise, and be- cathartic pills, The tten into workin order by the mel + the following ws | seription : One ounce sweet spirits «of {and one ounce compound vimosa. Take aan fates 4 purse on a |a dessertspooiful. in water after medls land at bedtime v { | i Children's Good Quality Overstockings, Rubber tached, with waterproof cloth tops. Button up the side. Overshoe at- The easiest kind of a Winter warm. Outfit for Size 6 to 10}, $1.50; size 11 to 2, $2. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. P.S.--New Party Slippers for Boys, just arrived--the newest. Girls, 'The Newest} very neat and [§ EE YEAR 74--NO. A Bla OUT Over Bad Train Co fon In Ontario GEORGE P. 6A MINISTER OF RAILWAY MISES REDRESS. Laurier Explains Hyman tion Further--G.T.P. Statistics--Insane Idea servatives About Bal Trade. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Dec. 5.--Juestions bers were given precedence ov bate on the address in the « yesterday, and several of g terest were answered. ; Sir Wilfrid Laurier told Ho Foster that Mr. Hyman k control of the public work ment on December 4th, 1906. resignation was dated Novem 1906, and his final resignat dated May 22nd, 1907. Th read the second letter of res which was written at Oakls fornia, and his reference ther ten in Milan, Italy. Mr. Hy in it thatlafter he had with first resignation, at the requ premier, he had confident he the improvement in his hea permit an early return to | at Ottawa. In this hope he disappointment; complicatic which threatened to make hi chronic, with most serious and made necessary an exten voyage. Owing to the disal der which his colleagues lal the result of his long enf sence, the indefinite time of ble return, and the necessit) cessor being named to assume ties before the meeting of pe he felt that he must perfor Sir Wilfrid to accept his res The letter closed with an e of appreciation of the tres had received at the hands of mier and his colleagues. The premier, in his reply, under the circumstances det Mr. Hyman's letter, there v ing for him to do but to co his request. He expressed that Mr. Hyman would soo his usual state of health. Hon. George P. Graham, in Mr. Foster, said that eight miles of the G.T.P. were un struction between Winnipeg monton. He estimated the construction from Winnipeg monton as $1%¥,400,000; from ton to the coast, $60,700 EE -------- ' DAILY MEMORAN] More Amd more The popularity Of Campbell Bros'. Furs incr Wonderland Theatre, aften evening. Debate. Queen's vs. Varsity, tion Hall, 8 p.m. "Custer"s Last Fight," Grar House, 8.15 p.m. Royal Arcanum Meeting Election of officers. Farmers' Institute Meeting, a Friday afternoon mad evening Court Frontemec 1.0.F, 1n night. Election of officers, Stock Sale at William Fergw Cataraqui, at noon to-morrow Bijou Theatre--Caruso, Scot! Gogorza will sing. Drama, ~ man's Tragedy," or "The Stc Lost Child." This day in history :--Gener born, 1838 ; Dumas died, 187¢ died, 1792 ; Authorized versio lish Bible issued, 1611. At The Princess--FPictures Lo Geo. Hammond and Mrs. Geo sing the conversational version popular song, "Smile On Me." WHIG TELEPHONE 243--Business Office. 22V--Edilorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at V The Daily ig is always o Gibson's Drug Store, Market Open till late each evening. I Turkey and CG Setts Just opened some very DOULTON SETS, and ve! from $3.50 to $15 Quaint old odd shapes an desi; . A very appropri the ¥ Ens _ent at this time See Them At Robertson Br 12 MORE HEA' ONLY. nma-- These Stoves will go, and this' month. 'Remember, Come bargain. .8 good Parlor Suit TURK'S Second-Hand Store, cess St. 'Phone; T05. -------- et FOR SAL Choice Brick Residencs, Bs all improvements, grand loca Double. Stone Dwelling. | bath, ges, etc. Frame Dwelling, AMert st shed, large lot and many oth SWIFT'S Real Estate am ia ed i