# A many in the past, and will probably do so etenibihy li fit and dey sup does 'not go back 4 winter, it will no through the fault of the players' ex- ecutive. "Tommy'" Burns, the an | weight championship b; Gunner Moir, on 5 y " engaged to appear tly ata Lon- don music hall. His salary will be manager ' Henry Burrell, who has winning combinations n. horse ' that has won the most Paris, heads the list with £17,800 to credit. Mordant comes second with £9,194, and Punta Gorda third with £8,872, Fifteen horses have won over £4,000 each, and more than an hundred have won over £1,000 each. Varsity will not enter a team in the | senior series of the O.H.A. this sea- son. This is absolutely final. The Toronto Club's decision is caused by the refusal of evarsl Playets i dain i promise to y th tl ue my white should their services be needed, and also on account of the rule, which obtains in both the O.H.A. and the Intercollegiate League, bar ving men who play in another associa tion. Jt must be amusi to "Tommy" Burns to hear himself classed as a "third-rater" by pugilists whom could whip with his bands tied. '"Jim" Jofiries, absent from the ring | for three or four years, and now a Tro- tund saloon-keeper, also ridicules Burns' pretensions to ' the champion: ship, yet the big fellow declares him- out of the running for the honor. Burns is the best heavyweight in sight, and clearly entit to the title 1 have the Real Estate end of of "champion of the world. pleasant, concentrated form cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness. 20e., at £300 a week. resolv : "dim the post offices of the . Tommy" wig in in Sale din ill-treatment u shrimp," which induce | animals, Jim , over-work- "Tommy" to i} prolly nd to | ings, tying-up in vehicles, etc., and of- be a Canadian than a fat-head- ng counsel and aid in humane en- Rn dil wl mips Ja a Doe ia gant i of i sought for s what that hoo ay Voi of the ay and at fr g riefield. bers society and a i hat the § see . that horses are , which be looked ted on the streets and markets after by et exaliont and |on cold days. The inculcating of hu- money in France this year is Sans| The Canadian government agent at Souci 11, who, thanks principally to | Bristol, land, writing to the de- his victory in the Grand , de | partment of trade and commerce at he {ed out of the mmchine in one opera- I i 8 '¥ i ciEigl oh Society was a) [ once, putting animal out of mis ery. A man in Place d'Armes, quarantin- ed for scarlet fever, had his cow turn- ed loose on i jd commons, where grazing was t and gone. Prof. atler Royal filitary College, had it cared for in a village shed, and now the owner will be called to ac count. A horse, turned loose about the same time on the commons, has been purchased by another villager. The piggery of a woman on Conces- sion street, north end of the city. on the county side of the dividing line, was complained of. The inspector found seventeen dead pigs on the lot; the veterinary declal they had most likely died from effects of improper food. were 120 pigs in the sheds. Some of the buildings were so foul that the inspector would not en- ter them. The animals are fed on garbage collected about the city. The place is very unsanitary and a resolu- tion was passed calling the attention of the boards of health of the city and township of Kingston to it, and to the feeding of garbage of a doubt- ful quality to animals being raised for human food; the collection of arbage for such use, when it should Bo burned, was called to the notice of the city board, and Prof. Butler and Dr. ) appeal to the board for protection of the public health. : : It was resolved to place information mane ideas in the minds of children of the city schools will be an early ob- ject in the new year, The Garbage Problem. calls attention to a novel of 'turning garbage to good account. Chambers' Journal describes an ingenious machine being experi mented with hy one of the London borough councils, which combines the three operations of disintegrating, pul- verizing and mixing in one. The as- sorted garbage is turned into a hep- per, through which it falls into 4 small compartment in which revolve four fity-pound hammers at a speed of 1,250 revolutions per minute. This is equivalent to 5,000 strokes for a cumu- lative weight of over 250,000 pounds per minute, irrespective of the impetus produced by the centrifugal force of the machine, Under this treatment the incongru- ous mass of rubbish and filth is turn: Ottawa, method tion in the shape of a uniform black mould. Bottles, ashes, slates, veget- able refuse. and other garbage are completely reduced to powder in the apparatus and so assimilated and in- termixed as to constitute a new sub- stance of great value. The Glan oc- cnpios little space and can deal with about five tons of garbage per hour, thus rendering the operation very cheap. It is also claimed to be en: tirely sanitary, as there is no dust smoke or noisome effluvid. The ma: nure obtained is entirely odorless and extremely valuable as a fertilizer. There is a keen demand for it, and the municipality' where this de structor is in operation obtains sub: stantial profits from the sale of the product. MARINE NEWS. ---- The Items Gathered About the Harbour, The steamer Aletha leaves, Satur day, for Amherst Island, on her last trip of the season. steamer Ames is on her way from Fort William to Richardsons' elevator, with wheat. The steamer New Island Wanderer cleared, to-day, for Cape Vincent, with The steamer Caspian, had to be moved to the end of Swift's slip to allow the steambarge Glengarry to get in with her cargo of coal. The tugs Mary P. Hall and Glide arrived from Montreal, to-day, with more barges of the M. T. Co. laid up for the winter. Nearly the company's boats are now winter quarters. There is onl- one grain boat, the Advance, to arrive from Fort William, and she is report- to be on the way. i We are big values in um: brellas suitable for Christmas gifts, See our lines at S0e., 7c. 81, 81.50, $2, $2.50, 83, $4. Campbell Bros., the store that saves you money. ¢CUSTER'S | STRONG. Massie were requested to make | : FIGHT" A O-DRAMA. ean It Was Produced at the Grand Last Evening--The Parts Well Taken--Twenty Full-Blooded Indians. "Custer's Last' Fight," a strong western melo-drama in four acts, was presenged at the Grand last evening o large and aj iative audi- ence. The play dealt with Custer's last stand om the Little Big Horn, where he was killed bf Yellow Hand, a Cheyenne chief. The leading role of Buffalo Bill, an Amkrican scout, was ably portrayed 'by Armstrong in a manner that showed him to be to break out, Chester Jow in the role of Charles Dunn was all that could ba desired. Qeorge Kennedy, as Yellow Hand, was well suited to the part al- lotted him. Lillian Lancaster, as Louise Ramsay, had an exceedingly hard part to play, and bandled it in a way that won the audience from her first appearance, Celia Rosewood, as Chrystal, Buffalo Bill's adopted daughter, was excellent, her singing being the hit of the performance. The minor parts were all" well suited, and the band of real Indian from the American reserve, aided greatly in the production. The scenery was excellent, WILLIAM WALCOTT, fn "The Fatal Flower," at The Grand, ow r 9th. and the Amefica 'Vitagraph machine, showing the pictures of Custer's last stand were true ang life-like. "The Fatal Flower. William Walcott, And Miss Florence Rossland, will present first time, Howard Hall's great mod- ern, play, "The Fatal Flower," at the Grand on Monday, December Oth. This piece is said to have been one of Mr. Hall's strongest efforts being awny from his usual style inasmuch A GIFT YOUR WIFE WOULD APPRECIATE. If there is any one Fur article in our store that we could single out as being the most popular "Xmas gilt, it's a Mink Muff. How many women are wearing Sealskin . and Persian Lamb Jackets, who have not yet purchased Maffs ? Mink Mulls are recognized as being the most suitable and appropriate to go with these two high-priced jackets, and they are indeed a gilt to be appreciated whether or not the receiver owns a fur jacket; but if she does, so much the better. Our Christmas stock of these Muffs is complete. We couldn't commence to describe the beauty and elegance of them. but suffice it to say that we are showing the rich= est and newest Mink Mulls in Kingston, and our prices are as low as workman- ship and the best quality will allow. Beautiful Mink Muffs, $75 to $85, depending on the | size, quality and number of stn ! an of our new Cata- logues. od here for the: sions is everywhere apparent, it's success is due to its mtense tic action, one climax follow- trigue, humor and pathos are so care- fully Bl the ended and plot is so watis- factorily worked out, that it shows that Mr. Hall has. his hand on the public pulse, knows what they want and how to present it. 'A carefully selected cast, combined with a beauti- ful scenic equipment serve to make it a foremost dramatic offering. Fe Reporters 3 oe: Bilioy's for Semi-Ready suits. Fur-lined Mocha gloves, v.20, at E. P. Jenkins. Ten cent. off house coats Satur- day. ivingston's. J : Give your friends a silk waist, $2.65, at Waldron's sale. Miss Ida Willey, Earl street, leit to- day for New York to visit friends. Capt. John Bongard, of the schoon- to-day. See Bibby's $10 black overcoat. Livingston's men's furnishings are exclusive. Ten per cent. off Saturday Pretty handkerchiefs, suitable for fhncy work, 124c. and 15c. New York Dress Reform. Frontenac conservatives will select a candidate for the Ontario legislature on December 19th. Sse Bibby's 815 black overcoats. C. 0. Morris, Sharbot Lake, ap- pointed bailiff of the sixth division court of Frontenac. To encourage early Christmas buy- ing ten per cent. off men's furnishings Saturday. Livingston's. See Bibby's nobby vid overcoats. It would be nice for Christmas here- abouts if stocks would go up about fifty or a hundred per cent. Half-price sale of coats at dron's. See Bibby's 812.50 black overcoats. Coat sale at Waldron's, half price. Constable McAdoo arrested an Eng- lishman for drunkenness, this morn- ing. He will come before the magis- trate to-morrow. Take advantage of discount on men's furnishings Saturday. Livingston's, Wal- er Kitchen, left for his home in Picton to go to the police station WERE ON A SPREE FOUR MEN CREATE QUITE ISTURBANCE. AD ian. Visited Two Chinese Restaurants and Had to Be Ejected For Their Bad Conduct. Four strangers in the city, yesterday afternoon, created quite a disturbance while out on a spree. After indulging in 'strong stufi," Chinese restaurant, and while there, they endeavored turn things topsy turvy, and before bein, breaking some dishes. After securing a few more drinks, the quartette went into the Chinese street, and there misbehaved. One of the Celestials in to be quiet, but they tion to his request, that there was a fight. The Chinamen succeeded in getting the men out the restaurant, and when one of them came out, he had a cut on his and claimed that a knife had been the street, to they visited Princess put out, they succeeded in restaurant on King charge, asked them paid no atten- with the result of face, used on him, although very little faith was placed in his story. He threaten- and odge a complaint, but on second thought, considered that it would not be wise for him to do so. The four men got as far as the market square, and after having a little quarrel all to themselves finish- ed up by having drinks all around at a nearby hotel. They were out on a spree, that was all. Was Used Roughly. According to a report going the rounds to-day, a well-known. citizen was roughly bandled by another man, in an hotel on Ontario street, last night, and a police court case may follow as a result. It is stated that the citizen was attacked by a drunk- en man without any provocation whatever, thrown on the floor, and beaten. The proprietor of the hotel went to call the police, but ashe did 80, the man responsible for the trou- ble made off. QUEEN'S WOULDN'T WAIT. Didn't Want Toronto Year's Start. On good authority, it is learned that the superintendent of education for Ontario did not want to establish to Get a Frederick C. Carman, of Rochester, was a visitor in the city for past few days. He returned home on Thursday afternoon. Initial silk Handkerchiefs, and 75c., at E. P. Jenkins'. Miss. Madge Mahoney, Rochester, N.Y., arrived at Wolfe Island, on Thursday to be at the bedside of her mother, who is seriously ill. Waldron's coats at half price. the stock. Bibhy's for Semi-Ready clothing. The first of the intercollegiate de- bates, Queen's vs. Toronto university, was held here last night. The judges decided in favor of Queen's. The Ja- panese immigration was the topic. Ten per cent. off all furnishings Sa- 25¢., 50c. See turday. Livingston's. Ribby's for Christmas toggery. Arthur Elliott, employed in the Woodstock branch of Davies & Co. for the past year, has accepted a more lucrative position with the company at Toronto. Mr. kiliott is a King- stonian. President suspenders in fancy boxes, S0c., at E. P. Jenkins', Seo Bibby's handsome $15 overcoats. Dr. Lake was in charge of the nor- mal class at the Y.M.C.A., and there was a large attendance. The doctor illostfated his talk by the use of lantern slides, and his discourse was thus made very interesting. | EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Met, on Thursday, to Arrange Work. A meeting of the Evangelical Al- liance was held, on Thursday after- noon, in the Y.M.C.A., the president, Rev. W. H. Sparling, in the chair. The committee which has been grrang- ing for the week of prayer, reported, and with but a few slight changes, the report wae adopted. The meetings will be in the First Baptist, First Congregational, . St. Andrew's and Queen Street Methodist churches. Among the subjects discussed will be '"T'he Layman"s Missionary Move- ment," "The Strangers Within Our Gates," and '""Need For Better Citi- zenship."' Arrangements were also made for the ananal exchange of pulpits. This will take place on the Sunday follow- iag the week of prayer. The matter of house-to-house visitation was con- sidered, and if a room in the city buildings can be secured, there will be a meeting held there, next Thursday, at which ministers aml Sunday- school officers will be present. Isabella Fox. We show this popular fur ina great variety of styles. See our neck pieces made from choicest skins, 90 inches long, double fur throughout, large muff to match, set $35, smaller sets, $25. Campbell Bros, the store of quality, . Iressing Gowns. For Christmas gifts are very popu- lar this season. Our showing includes many rare novelties in pattern and weave. Ten per cent. off marked price Saturday only. Livingston's. Your Pet Corns. Some people cling to corns as though they were prize possessions. Anybody that cares to get rid of corns can fo # ayery time with Peck"s Corn Salve. In big boxes, 15¢c., at W , drug store. 3 aie's Men's fur-lined overcoats, , special price for Saturday, at Livingston's. : Oysters, 40c., 50c., 60c. a quart. 'The Red Star," Edwards & Jenkin. Shorthand writing was the inven- tion of Pitman in 1837. The first American ¢ was made in 1740. Paper ; money 8 bby's handsome neckwear in fancy box, 50c. The first iron wire d Nurembure in 1881 Hickory nuts, 10c. a qt. "The Red the | ! only 'enou h {hind Dox. TEE sof now am 1a¥ing has a faculty of pedagogy at Queen's Uni- versity for another year. He is said to have pointed out to Queen's au- thorities that it would be much bet- ter to wait until they had got the local schools regulated for practical instruction purposes. The Queen's peo ple, however, didn't want Toronto University 'ta get a year's start, and intimated that they were ready to proceed to establish the new faculty. Accordingly, the superintendent of education said to go ahead. It was anticipated that there would hg some trouble in making changes on the school stafis, and the present condi- tions have not caused any surprise. There is a reason why the salaries of teachers in the Kingston Collegiate Institute are lower = than, those in some smaller places in the province. This reason came out clearly several years ago, when more than one teach: er was willing to come to Kingston for less money than was offered by other places. Kingston is a 'ni- versity city and collegiate teachers like to be close to a university for educational advantages. Royal Arcanum. 4 The following officers have heen elected for the ensuing 'year : George W. Bell, regent; Allan J. Reés, vice- regent; W. B_ Skinner, orator; T. R. Carnovsky. past regent; Robert An- glin, secretary; William Dunlop, col- léctor; James B. Mcleod, treasurer; Robert J. Reid, chaplain; A. McMa- hon, guide; A. Strachan, warden; M. S. Sutherland, secretary; John E. Twigg, P. S. Rees, W. H. Macnee, trustees; G. W. Bell, representative to grand council; T. R. Carnovsky, = al- ternate. Dr. Campbell will remove hig office to 150 Clergy street, opposite Queen Street church, on December 9th. What do you think of a year's sub- scription to the Whig as a Christmas gift for the absent one ? Boys' sweaters, extra strong, 50c.; mittens, 10ec,, 15¢ and 20e., New York Dress Reform. Wall paper, fraines, photos, Weese's. 5 Miss Lizzie Haines, Watertown,N.Y., is the guest of Mrs. Bradshaw, Prin- cess street, Japanese kimonas, pretty designs, 81.25. New York Dress Reform, Clyde Ash, Ottawa, is visiting his parents, Arch street. 5 Fooled the Doctors and Got Well GIN PILLS CURE RHEUMATISM They certainly were a surprised of doctors out Tyneside way. They had been treating Mrs, Harris Tavira Saxe, ber about everibivg thal was or i 101d Ber the dibcase wer oni-tud then friend told Mrs. Harris about GI PILLS. Just to oh! i SIN Harris took a Sige hoe Sung, these were Jack Detter that she doin laughed every time ghe saw a Tyneside P. 0.° 0 Fel) iy i ge Pr Eo i, te Soe 33 EEE cna Whatever Rifle you Use you will find that Dominion Ammunition is made for it, and gives the best results -- because no cartridges are more carefully tested, guaged and inspected. Dominion : Cartridges are best for big game because of their reliability, Accuracy, high velgcity and great st i g power. Sold at a " less-the- duty-pric eM Dominion Co.Ltd, Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our | stock comprises special values in (3 Stone) Solitaire (5 Stone) and Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. LISTEN! We make to order Persian Lamb and Sealskin Jackets. Prices no higher than ready-to-wear Coats. Choose your own Skins, hundreds to choose from. W, F. GOURDIER, 76, 78 .and 80° Brock St. 'Phone, 700. ' Wood's The Greal Pnglish Remed Tones and invigorates the Lalo nervous eystem, 8 Dew lood'ia old Veins, Cures Nero- us Debilit, ondency, Si aatorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses. 'rice §1 per box, six for $5 One will please, six vill cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in dain pkg. on reccipt of price. New nailed free, Tho W Medicine Go. formeriy Windsor Ont. HASISISIIASISICISIICIS IIR ISIE Coats, Ladies we have 18 Sample Black Coats : bought at a great bar- gain and on Saturday we will sell them at Half the Regular Price. The prices were $15, 18.00, 20.00, 25.00 each. Your choice SATURDAY AT {HALF PRICE. Choose one and if you do not wish to take it at once we will lay it aside for you. Newman & Shaw Drug | FEIN Bombshells were first made in Hol- and in 1495. Bilby's llars, 2 for 2c. 2 Tea, Coffee, Extracts and Bo Tea stimulates ! Who could get stron tea ? Coffee stimulates ! Who ever grew- lust coffee ? All Beef Extracts ss lata ? But stimulation is enough. Bovril does not stop | It stimulates certainly that it is the least par nourishes--that is tl portant part. Stimu may often be desire nutrition is essential, What ence ? causes the Bovril contains the men and fibrin of which are necessal maintain life. Othe tracts of meat do no tain them. Therein world of difference ar difference is all in fa Bovril. Palatable--¢ lating--Nourishing. ' ------------------------------------------------ Boil The Water, Lame back and urinary arise from a poison in the s fecting the urinary organs. woman's recipe for the drivii this poison is quite simple expensive, it comsists of fou syrup of rhubarb, one ow pound vimosa, and one sweet spirits of nitre. Buy any drug store, and mix at | ter meals and at bedtime tal sertsfoonful in a little wate all drinking water and drin} it. Don't eat any acid prod as new fruit, pickles, and al no liquor should be used. ---------------------------------- | rome FOR For wife, mother ble gift than a pair o ly be chosen. Fown best made, and each at our Christmas stot Gift. Long and shor 1.35, 1.50, 2.25, 2.50, Christmas Linen dies' Collars, Handke kerechiefs, etc. Don't forget our CA You will get the Sugars, if you buy R Special attentior lated in20-peund Cot' Bras: Canada Meta [Fe Prelerr O Fu Stes, Beh FOR @ THEE. 0