a Ady WON My Fanart "Sh : THE ACME HEAT PRODUCER. 8 years of SXperimmtiige Sloan, white coal. can : At the ht 'wiven below. jn ie H 71 h f ir Eris ! i i ; i ? i tif ol i] ef feet ii il i sé iE £ g Fe F I 2 tht ig ite : ifs i isd i i: i | jit 34 §i ii it : gE g is i = : - H ¥ Hse i : § ; the treasury should accept more than a fixed amount from any individual and the meces- publicity for receipts and expen Sitares could without . difficulty be provided." The president may have struck the secret of a great purity scheme, but it is not apparent. -- NO BLEND TO THE JAPS, Those who attended the intercolle- question gave out some of the light they had received, and the result was Hither\o Canada has wanted immi- grants, and it has pot, one fears exam- immigrant, Though high eT = be almost eso have certain Anglo-Japanese treaty. : surrender. But £f4L HE { E ¢ tourneau, aged thirteen, was killed by . {a Grand Trunk pessenger train at Tecumseh, run down at a cross {ined as closely as it should into the |geh : i § oF i § il recognition in this way, and perhaps they are right. There are mow over 2,000 divorce courts in the United States, and they are all busy, dissolving marriages, at the rate of nearly a million and a half a year. Wrecks on the sea of matrimony. What shocking - thing has the Cana- dian Policyholders' Association dis covered in the transactions of the life companjes ? Ong fact would excite mote attention than a column of words that say nothing. Roosevelt's idea, that the Unit- I : ! gé g 5 : 3 % i g § what is happening in his own coun- ty. He contended in parliament that hog cholera had never beem in Kent, and Mr. Fisher quoted from the vet- erinary departments of the govern- Elgin's Turkey Fair. Elgin, Dec. 3.--Our Model factory is i cheese every other istic services in the Katie Brown, Smith's Falls, are visit ing their many friends in this locality. Louis Mustard and wife, Swect's Cor- ners, will spend the winter at his father's, Archibald Mustard. The funeral was held on Sunday after- noon of the infant child of Archibald Mustard, Jr. Elgin's poultry fair takes place to-morrow. Miss Mattie Stanton has so far recovered as to resume her studies at Athens High School, on Monday. Miss Jennie Coon and Watson Kelsey went to Brockville and were married on Wednesday. Wil liam Kerr is able to. be around again. . F. Earl is gaining slowly. George Mustard and. wife, Burridoe, have returned for the winter to their residence in the vi Frederick Stanton has his new saw mill come pleted. Maxwell Eaton, who has. been quite ill, i¢ recovering. C. L. Ripley has returned from Toronto. a A Man Was Killed. St. Thomas, Ont:, December 6. John Bain, of this city, a Wabash en- gineer, - was killed while making up his train in the Buffalo yards, las} night. His o was struck by some freight cars, that were being shunted, and he was so badly scalded that he died in the emergency hospital a. fow hours. later. Percy Scanlon, fireman, also of this city, was slightly injured, and a workman, who was riding on the engine through the yards, was in- stantly killed. Bain was single. Girl Killed By Train. Windsor, Ont., Dec. 6.--Blanche La: ing and hurl thirty feet by the train, which was running at the rate girl ap of sixty miles an hour. proached the track alongside of a waggon, and, it is presumed, did not see the train coming. She was the daughter of Clophice Latourneau, or- gavist of Ste. Anne's church, Tecum: Not For Sorel This Year. Montreal, Dec. 6.--The Richelieu and Hamilton Times. 3 According to the St. John Sun, in Colchester, N.S., election the liberals i in eleven different dis- Stanfield's election was won in Truro, his home town, where his mills are lo- cated. He received there 236 more votes than the conservative caldidate in 1904. How these votes were gained will be made the subject of a court inquiry. DAIRYING IN CANADA. S------ Tribute Paid By Dr, Eilbrecht | Danish Ottawa, Dec. 3.--The following tri- bute to the future of the dairying in- dustry in Canada, is paid by Dr. Eil- brecht, a Danish dairy expert, who visited Canada last year. The. senti- in the course of an address recently de- livered in the cify of Copenhagen. . "T do not:anticipate," says Dr. Eil- brecht, "that Canada will b w . {called ulsters. Plain and fancy silk muffers at E. Jenkins' Barometers were first made by Tor- ricelli in 1643, Christmas silk waist, $2.65, at Wal- handsome Waldron's sale of silk waists at $2.65. See advt, 8 needles were first made in England in 1546. Silk-lined Mocha gloves, in grey and brown, $1.50, at E. P. Jenkins', HEADS EXPOSED. Hung Up As Warping on the City + Gates. Tangier, Dec. 6.--Advices received from adore and Anflus say the tribesmen won a decisive victory over the troops of Mulai Hafid, the so- sultan of the south, on No- The tribesmen took vember jsoners, and the heads of four 5 | man - of 's leaders are now exposed on the gates of Mogadore. Have Sound Digestion. People who. have perfect digestion need never worry about danger of dis- ease. Sound digestion produces a sur- plus of vital energy. Whenever di- gestion is disordered restore it to nor- mal conwdon at once with Day's * | Dyspepsia Cure. This preparation has Digestive, Tonic and Laxative pro- perties. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store, Charleston Occurrences. Charleston, Dec. 3.--Mrs. J. Mec Kenney paid friends a visit last week. Miss Mabel Morris has been engaged to teach our school another year. B. Flood Trevelyan spent a few days, last week, with his sister, Mrs. T. Foster. Mrs, C. Slack spent Sunday and Monday with friends at Long Point. The youngsters are enjoying skating these evenings at Glen Morris' lake. Some of our young peo- ple are invited to a party at the Orange hall, Leeds, on Tuesday night. BEER* IS A FOOD Apollinaris "The Queen of Taoie Waters" BIBBY'S SEMI-READY RRR TAILORING. A ------------------------------------ Suits and Overcoats ready-to-try on, and finished to your order, in two hours. See our Scotch Tweeds Suits, in single or double-breasted styles, $18 and $20. See our Fine Blue and Black Cheviots, at $18 and $20. See our Special $15 Serge Suits. x See our Handsome Semi-Ready E Grays, $15, $18 and $20. Tuxedo Suits, Overcoats, Blacks ® Frock Suits, Ete. See our $30 Silk-Lined Full Dress Suits. serious competitor to Denmark so long as her h tion, is so great am through it a large home consumption developed; but on the other hand. as I have ly pointed out, the Cana- dians are working energetically and with determination. towards i their exports, and the time is not far distant when it will be possible to land batter in England within eight days after it is made, and as the quality of their dairy pro- ducts is y being improved we Tuy Well kevp a 'watchful eye on Cen- l in a large degree, the honor and cre- dit for the great progress made in the dairy industry, by the establish- ment of a daiey branch. of the dee tment of agriculture, by assisting og the vement of the cold stor- age facilities at the creameries, in the operation of refrigerator cars on rail stenmships, the operation of gemtral cold st for the safe keeping of pr aa shows up to the time of shipment, the establishment of cow testing associations, in order to im- prove the rather inferior herds (it is said that the average annual-milk yield per cow in Canada is 3,000 lbs.) "These and many other lines of ac- tion, costing Canada large sums of money every year, show that the government spares no reasonable ex- pense in building up a flourishing trade. "Canada is undoubtedly the land of the future; with its many mil lions of acres of virgin soil, its inex- haustive supply of minerals, its un- limited forest wealth, fisheries and game of all kinds, it will become the comfortable and happy home of many millions. It is no country for the sleepy individual; he must work hard, especially in the beginning, but the thrifty workers who are sober and in good health will do well. "Canada soeks and wants only good industrious citizens, and has no use for any other. "The typical Canadian is proud of his country, he loves it, and will not tolerate any adverse criticism of it. Though he maintains at first a cer tain reserve towards a stranger, one learns to feel at home with him in a remarkably short time, and, once thorouchly acquainted, can not find a better friend." A ---- "To the Canadian government is due; ways, refrigerator spaces on board | porterso EER®, used with meals and before bedtime, incredses digestive power, gets you more good out of the food you eat--and is itself a food. : @. Beer does not contain enough al- cohol to react upon the system -- just enough to induce the stomach to do its work better. @. Beer is not an intoxicant--it is a beverage with defi- nitevaluefor almost every grown person, @. Ask your own doctor whether it wouldn't be good for you and the adults of your eggs, and digests easier. Thin le will find it | household. buikis healthy flesh, made moat the best In the malt, hops. sad pare water. 1 SCIENCE SETTLES IT. Dandruff is Caused By a Germ That Saps the Hair's Vitality. It is now a settled fact that dan- druff is caused by a germ. Falling hyir and baldness are the result of dan- druff. Dr. E. J. Beardsley, of Cham- paign, Tl, got hold of the new hair proparation, Newbro's Herpicide--the only one that kills the dandruff germ. He says: "I used Herpicide for, my dandruff and falling hair, and I am well satisfied with the result," Dr. J. T. Fugate, of Urbana, Ill, says: "I have used Herpicide Tor dandruff with excellent results. I shall presribe it in my practice." Herpicide kills the dan- druffi germ. Physicians as well as 'the general public say so- Sold' by lead- ing druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sola in two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. :The Misery = Of Coughing --noed not be borne for any longer time than it takes to get a bottle of Mathieu's Syrup from the nearest dealer. This invaluable family cough cure INSTANTLY allays all soremess and irritation and relieves the bronchial tubes of accumulated phlegm. 't be mewde miserablo-- don't make other people so by ee coughing. Get & tle of MATHIEU'S SYRUP of Tar & Cod Liver Oil Large bottle only costs 335 conta al any dealerss J. Is Mathieu Co. Props, Sherbrooke, 1. Q, 5 Shaput Fils & Cle, { Depot, Montreal, THE H. D. BIBBY GO. SEMI-READY TAILORING. ia Suitable Christmas Gifts Very little time to choose. Christmas will You can get service and best choice of goods by shopping now. Below we give small list of most accept- soon be here. able Gifts: FOR WOMEN Warm Slippers, Evening Shoes, Street Shoes, Over- gaiters, Leggins or Spats, Skating Boots, Overshoes. FOR MEN Warm Slippers, Fancy or Plain Leather Slippers, Hockey Boots, Overshoes, a pair of Invictus Shoes or Suit Cases. FOR BOYS | Rubber Boots, Moccasins, Hockey -Boots, Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers. FOR GIRLS | Skating Boots, Slippers, Leggins, Overshoes and Party Shoes. Abernethy's 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 CKEYBOOTS| MuLe Hioe Hockey Boot Boys' Hockey Boots, $1.50, 2.00 and 2.50. Hockey Boots, $3.50. The Sawyer ShoeStore x $1.75, 2.00 and 250. ¥ Men's Hockey Boots, Invictus Mule Hide a for Women is a luxury, as w a winter necessity It holds its shape unwrinkled grace -- always fits perfe because it is abso unshrinkable. Stanfield's Under comes in 3 winter wi --and all sizes fror to 70 inch bust me At all dealer's, Beaver Flour is the b Pastry--just as it is best for Beaver Fl is both a "Spring Wheat" "Winter Wheat" Flour nitoba § blend of Mahon a he just the exact proporti each to make the whites nutritious Bread --and the est, most inviting, most some Cake, Pies and Economical, to say the le AT YOUR GROCER'S Dealers, write for prices of Feeds, Coarse Gra . T. H. Taylor Co.. | IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE ( HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA WADE FOR OVER 50 v (ssTasusneo esa) E.W.GILLETT TORONTO,.ONT. Weak Wo way But with that Dr. 8hoop's Night Cu membrane s mucous SUpPOSItOry rem 's Restorative is wholly an | reaches tl "ALL DEALER BEST'S SHORT W113 (AN ALWAYS AND COSTS BU Get acquainte: Black Wa the big black chewing tobacc tremendous fa everywhere, bec: its richness and pl flavor.