ina fluid. The professor calls them + Stats Emulsion makes little red wheels in the bone * marrow. OTT'S Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our stock comprises special values in (3 Stone) (5 Stone) and Solitaire Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. For Men's Coon Coats W. F. GOURDIER, 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone, 700. Wood's » Great English Tones and invigorates the Whoto Veins, Ce A Nao re: ore. wus Dabili Mental and Brain Worry, Des Weakness, Emissions, Sper Price §1 per box, Sec: o 4 Pa caadat, x Pinks, Bg. on Recelpt Of pier New pamphict gi h ca, New ig Ont: If you have $7.50 to invest in a first-class LADIES' TWEED GOAT # all new goods this sea- gE son. Some beautiful models were sold at $15 § each. Your choice Wed- f nesday and Thursday at $7.50 Each. Here Is a Pro- position Worth Considering. their friends a useful Christmas Present. We will lay it aside for you until required. oN 3 This is a golden op- portunity for any per- ; son wishing® to give x a : NEWMAN &: SHAW. comfortable GLI Round > AKENING IN THE wag ORIENT. China to Havé'a Parliament--Im- perial Edict Establishes Pre- liminary =. Assemblies in All Provinces. Lid there's a fabric of the right "feel and weight in Pen-Angle to make you most comfortable. . press of China ssipblishing delibera- tive asspinblies in the provinces of the The edict recites 'the fact decree has been prom ted for the establishment of a constitutional assembly in Pekin, which isto be the foundation of a national parliament. In order to --- ap | provide sofi¢ means by which an ex- | pression 'of ipublic opinion can be Loughboro Lake N obtained) the viceroys and the Jor aay | FI) ernors e various provinces have SEALED TENDERS Lat baa been ordered to establish immediate sg Li the office of thie County Cierk, | deliberative 'assemblies in every pro- Court House, Kingston, up to 12 o'clock vineial !capital. » poon of TUESDAY, December 17th,! These assemblies are instructed to fram J De Oe a ne consider all questions relating to new ry the substructure of Loughboro| institutions: or to changes of any , to fill in with stone aikind, In the fdture when members distance of ot ete thas 130 fet, tie are 10 be elected to the constitutional Tt. at the top, and the top surface assembly the members of the provia of filling to be not more than 18 fest | cial assemblies may be «hosen 'ur the below the surface of the water. seats in the national body. The elict eT 0, lee Be ie ae contains the following warning : mentioned filling. "The officials shall ecle;t competent Fupthet, information; PIA toe may and ficient men. to get as metobets be Bot & tend " neces the iberative assemblies and up- The Tout ny nob der no 'circumstances shail men of "Ww. EDWARDS, County Clerk. J evil reputation, or local "bosses," FRANKLIN, Chairman Roads | op,' seek only their own advancement, be chosen by them." sa J. We fy 1 and Bridges Comanittees. Borough President Removed. any Cents eocrnal Mon | Albany: N.Y., Dec. '10.--Governor orc a Hughes has ordered the removal from Za of strength--No. 1, & lo. £ | office of John F. Ahearn, president of 5 Gores vir 3 No.8 | the borough 6f Manhattan, New York ¢ity, on the charges preferred against him By the Citv Club of New York, holding that the "'neglect and miscon- duct alleged to prevail in the borough president's office," were for the most Ba all >or sew peed on Joos of pr All A i cox Memonce Da. TorduTo, OT. part made: possible because of the GRAND UNION HOTEL want of that administrative Opposite Grand Central Station which it was the plain duty of the o oroagh president to exercise. MEW YORK CITY borough-y Srery ssmvenience at medernte expemes, Rooms $1.00 & day and upward When the stomach, ways fail. Don't nor stimulate the heart or kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get =a Considerate. prescription known to druggists every- "Why, gracious, pa," said the only | where as Dr. Snoop's Restorative. The daughter, "what in the world are| Restorative is prepared expressly for | ied 3 those queer arrangements you have | these weak inside nerves. Strengthen | these merves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid --and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by "You see, I noticed how long it takes| Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health for you and that young man to say {is surely worth this simple test. Sold good night, so I fitted up an electric | hy all druggists, heater to keep your feet from gétting| <'Symole ; Trokevs for Husky cold and a portable alarm clock to in-| Throats," sold at Gibson's Red Cross form you of the breakfast hour." Drug . Stare. Fur lined caps at 50c., 75¢. and 81. Jenkins'. v Livingston's for half hose. ed in the vestibule ?" The old gentleman rubbed his gouty foot and softly. chuckled. "Not much, dearie," he responded. Perfum® in fancy Christmas packages for Christmas at Bests', A Signet Ring or a pair of Cuff Links vega make an ideal Christ- mas renféinberance for any gentle- man. We have many very hand- some designs and styles in: these two lines; and when purchased here you are not only assured of moderate prices, but best quality. Cuff Links from $2.50 up. Signet Rings $1.75 up. BLY NOW FOR XMAS. Drop in and see our attractive showing. We surely have some presents here to suit any of your friends. Kinnear & d'Esterre, nen svommar JEWELLERS. Suitable Presents For Gentlemen SHIRTS White Coat style, or otherwise, from 50c. to $2.50. and Colored UMBRELLAS AND CANES Beautiful new lot, from $1 to $4.95. Initialed free. GLOVES Everything you could desire in this line. Suspenders in Fancy Boxes. . SOMETHING NEW Fancy box, containing 1 pair Suspenders, 1 pair Garters and 1 pair Arm Bands, $1 and $1.50. Muffers, in Black and White and all Colors, from 50c. to $5. J Fi BEE EE Ea - TIES Four-In-Hands, Tecks, Puffs, Ascots, Folded "English Squares and Strap Knots. Finest showing in Kingston: Beautiful box' given free with every Tie, 50c. and over. ".. ' Buy while stock is complete. ae See our display. heart or kidney! Grant. perves get weak, then these organs al-{ the guest of the drug the stomach| pects to | men, who recently attacked the French | *!forces, have sent in cmissaries asking sacred songs and oratorios, for sale at ANOTHER BIG VESSEL. New Steamer For Nothern Navi- : gation 3 - Port Arthur, iS Dee. To. wie the opening of navigation in 1908, the Northern Navigation ° company put into commission a new monster passenger vessel of the same type and dimensions as the Huronic. The an- pouncement was made by C. H. Nich- olen, the general traffic manager, of arni will * a. : Washington, Dec. 10.--The state de- LA Mr. Nicholson is in the city this partment has received a translation |week, on his anndhl "closing up" of an imperial edict issued by the em- | visit. . = "The Northern Navigation com- pany's 1907 business was the heaviest on record," said Mr. Nicholson. "The vear 1906 established what we consid- ered the best yet, but this season's Business yill exceed the 1906 record by a wide margin." Mr. Nichloon remarked that the success of the Sunday night Duluth trips. on the Huronic contributed greatly to the season's splendid re- cord. Concerning the new boat, which it is hoped to place on the upper lakes run in 1908, Mr. Nicholson said it would be in every way the equal of the Huronic as to speed, conveniences and equipment. She would also make the Duluth trip once a week. The plans of the Huronic's sister ship are now under consideration. "READY TO RUN." Secretary of War Taft Sails For Home. Berlin, Dec. 10.--Secretary of War Taft did not learn much about recent political developments in America un- til he reached here and spent his spare time reading his correspondence and the latest files of the New York newspapers. When he had posted him- self as far as possible he smilingly re- peated his willingness to run for president if he should be nominated. He repeated what he had said before concerning the situation between the United States and Japan, and added that no importance could be attached to the reeall of Viscount Aoki. He felt certain Aoki was not recalled ow- ing to any strain in the relations be- care| tween the two countries. Mr. Taft sailed for New York from Cuxhaven, on the Hamburg-American Steamship company's liner, President He will cross the Atlantic as company. He ex- reach New York December 18th. ; IRISH MISS REMITTANCES. | ---- Financial Worry Reflected in Emerald Isle. Dublin, Dec. 10.--The financial wor- ry in America is beginning to have its effect in Ireland. : There is a universal complaint among the peasantry regarding the non-arrival of remittances from the United States. They are usually count- ed on, specially during the month or so: preceding Christmas. . Numerous complaints have been re- ceived from America regarding lack of employment and scarcity of money, and many. of these find their ways into 'the local newspapers, accompan- jed by warnings to intending emi- grants to remain at home--aT all ev- | ents, until the present trouble shall be over. ------ Religious Census of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Dec. 10.---The religious cen- sus which was commenced Nov. 20th lis complete and the following are the | denominations with the number of ad- {herents : Church of England, 22,812; | Presbyterian, 21,872; Methodist, 16,- {312 Roman Catholic, 12,888; Bap- |tist, 4,724; Congregational, 3,776; | Evangelical . Lutheran, 3,624; Hebrew, 12,840; Salvation Army, 836; various |denominations, 4,632; no preference,2,- 1940; refused information, 1,084; not at | home or no information available, 5,- [132. Total, 104,472. : | Some other sects are Zoroasterians, | Agnostics, Materialists, plain infidels, Mohammedans, Free Thinkers, Mor: mons, Swedenborgians, Mennonites, | Christadelphians, those who call their { particular belief 'The Fatherhood of {God and the Brotherhood of Man," | others who claim to be of the "Church { established by Christ while on earth," | Ethical Spiritualists and Shakers, Chil- dren under four years were 'not count- Senator Fulford's Will. Toronto, Dec. 10.--A lawsuit arising out of the will of the late Senator Fulford, who left an estate of six million dollars, came before Justice Riddell Monday, The action is brought b Dorothy Fulford Hardy at | Mes. Martha Fulford Sheriff, guardian {litem for George Taylor Fullord, a {son of the late senator. The plaintiff claims that under the interpretation of the will the difference between the annuities directed by the testator . to be paid to each child awhile under the age of twenty-five, and the full one-third share of surplus income of the estate which would have been pay- able to each of the children had they been the full twenty-five years of age, does not accumulate to the benefit of the children, and is not to be paid them upon their arrival at the age of twenty-five, but falls into the general estate to be accumulated and invest- ed. Judgment was reserved. Scholarships For Australians. _ Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 10.--The Age announces that Thomas Stan- ford, brother of the late Leland Stan- ford, the founder of Leland Stanford University at Palo Alto, California, intends to bequeath $250,000 to found eight annual scholarships at Leland Stanford University for young: Aus- tralians, who must pledge themselves to return to "Australia and employ the knowledge thus gained in developing their native country. - Thomas Stanford has lived in Aus alia for forty-seven years and wishes to link the two countries by an edu- cational bond. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1907. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11th. ERNEST SHIPMAN Prescots BANC Boe ie Phan of mh thood 8. tr dap "Dorothy Vernon . "Haddon By Chas. Major and Paul Kestef, Special 25-85-50-75¢ ae Seats now on sale: : Queen's Ubiversity Dramatic all' A RATES le. word. Each Pee? grtioh TaCrianer bet eit HELP WANTED-MALE, FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO also ones to repair and en 3m repair work done Galloway, well, able prides. : 5 Bibby's Livery. - Club presents "Twelfth Night" THURSDAY, Dec. 12th Prioes--26¢., 35¢., 80c., The. | Tickets mow "om 'sale 'at. Box Office, or may be procured from members of the 3 FOLLOW THE SURVEYORS. Settlers Squatting on Newly-Sur- veyed Lands. Winnipeg, /Dee, 10.--P. R. A. Belan- r, chief indpetor of surveys for the department 'of "the interior, passed through the city, yesterday, on his re- turn trip to Ottawa. Mr. Belanger, with a stafl of twelve assistants, spent the summer inspecting the works of the various surveyors who have been enga, for upwards of a year in the tract of Jaritoty between the fifth principal idan, and the Macleod river, roughly speaking, about sixty townships, Mr. Belanger said they found the land to be of the very best, watered with pure soft water and a plentiful supply of hay. They found many squatters on the lands, and were continually followed by intending settlers, who wished to have the first solection of lands immediately they were surveyed and marked out. Others would go ahead of the party and lo- cate themselves so that they might even have a better chance. On his re- turn trip, Belanger said Lie met at least fifty families on their way out to settle on the newly surveyed lands. Belanger has spent twenty-seven years surveying lands in Western Can- ada, having first been appointed to his present position by the govern- ment of the late Sir John A. Mac- donald. MAN SHOT AT DUCK. Bullet Glanced Off Jce and Killed Another. i Campbellton, N.B., Dec. 10.--The ex- pected happened at Sayabee, Que., when James K. Pollock was arrested on a charge of causing the death of Gervais Gauthicr, near that place. The arrest was made by two detectives from Quebec, who have been working on the case for several days. The ar- rest was made at the Red River mill of' John Henderson & Co., 'about twelve miles from Sayabee. Pollock was taken to the jail at Rimouski, but will be brought back to Sayabec, when the preliminary examination be- gins, Pollock has the sympathy of the people of Sayabee, who believe that he did not intentionally kill Gauthier, The story, as given out, is that Pollock fired at a duck, and that the bullet glanced off a piece of ice, and penetrated Gauthier's side. VOTES FOR MARRIED WOMEN. Council to Ask Yegislature to Amend Act. Toronto, Dec. 10.--~The city council has decided to ask the legislature to amend the municipal act, so as to give married women qvotes at munici- pal elections. A deputation of ladies and gentlemen waited on the council in behali of the married women, who desire the municipal franchise, and council passed a resolution, on mo- tion of Alderman Bengough, to the effect that application be made to the legislature to amend the municipal act, so as to provide that married women be placed on the same footing with regard to the franchise as |widows and spinsters. At present widows and spinsters. who own pro- perty can vote at musi elections, but 'women with husha ds cannot. The Late Dr. Moritz Schmit, Frankfort-on-Main; Dec. 10.--The death is asnounced of Professor Moritz Schmit, the well-known laryngologist, He removed a polypus fram the throat of Emperor William several years ago and for this service the emperor con- | ferred upon him the title of exoellency. A tickling cough, from ahy cause, is uickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough ure. And it is so thoroughly harm- less and safe that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to giseMit without hesitation even to very babes. The wholesome green leaves and ten- der stems of a lung healing. mountain- ous shrub, fumish he curative pro- pafties to Dr. Shoop's Cough 'Cure. t calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, . no chloroform, nething harsh used to injure or suppress. "Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps ~ to heal aching lungs. * The Speniards call this shrub which the doctor uses, "The Sacred ' Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all druggists. "They are poor writers but emin- ently good business mem," is the ex- clamation as one looks over the Montreal business proclamation is- sued by the Witness with the auto- graphs of the captains of finance. The special industrial number is a credit to the newspaper. Montreal's com- mercial interests, her industries, ber Tribesmen Ask Pardon. Oran, Algeria, Dec. 10.--It is re- ported here that Bennia Nassen tribes- | for pardon. They took this step up- | on learning that the preparations to advance against them made by Gen. EP JENKINS CLOTHING TO | ' transportation facilities, and many other factors in her greatness, are described in racy style 3 Bibles, prayer books, Mymn books, McDermott Bros. "Cod Liver Oil Emulsion," fregh SITUATIONS WANTED. BY CAPABLE WOMAN, AN BX CHAMBERMAID, . Apply at Congress. ------------------ i ------ AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKFR to work by the day. Apply 76 Gore street. AT ONOB, COMPETENT BOOK-KEEP- Apply rd BL Be 174. Barrie St. WANTED---GENERAL. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yarda or cellars, or other carted. Prices Hye. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, ain St. care invalid aod 9 OMen, for 1908. Ap- : ol an to Daniel Attewell, Sec.-Treas. City preferred. Soply Box C.D." B® . y ey y ; h SITUATIONS FOR EXPERIENCED CARRIAGES, WAGUUNS, FURNL I servants, cooks, house- ture, Pianos, or any Jor stor maids s, ete., arriving Dec. age, by the month, year, or any Way 10th er 11th. A The Suid, 71 i. For further, Autormation, Pras mond St., Montreal. Teleph: an 'turney Darriage orks, : ---- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streels. SMITH, HENRY P. ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, commer Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213. Iding ompany fers. Examine them Godin . Insurance 3 LIVERPOOL, AND GLOBE Fire Ins perty rates: ANDS, ARCHITECT, OM iM pS BNL py i's D Princess and miracts. "Entrance om Bagot mtreet. 'Phone, 808. MEDICAL. DR. STANLEY J. EKEYES, LATE OChiet Resident & in En ued York Polyclinic Hospi an SE 827 St., Op Y.M.C.A. "Phone, 831, new wet ra & Strange, Agents. 'Phoue, he STEAM HEATED ROOMS, at and Brock St. Apply to rR hp T™WO FURNISHED ROOMS, oI choite local w heated and lighted, Rat Barrie ®treet. FROM 1st OF JANUARY, No. 590 nincesy roet, house rooms, conven Heated oy hot air and hot water. Cars pass the door. : T NISHED HOUSE, FROM ist NOV. ve ant MDI: 282 Brock a ARTICLES WANTED. a Liberal Tan for its return to Whig office, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ; - JOHN THOMPSON MAS _aGoOD Thought Rebges and Heaters O 5. KIREPATRIOK, ISSUER OF( 10 So mood Ruraiturs. of Stoves ta Vv Joge Hd 3 p , before selling drop card to 383 Princess street. LOST. STRAYED, SMALL BROWN PURSE, ON_ TUES. y last, contal about 6, on ingt reots. | FROM 28 SYDENHAM ST. SUNDAY, Thora no an a Hed Cocker 1 (female). Res ward for its return te above THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. O. W. CASSON, OTTAWA. The Challenge. There never was a more glorious age in which to live than 'the present. There never was a time that so chal- lenged the spirit of man by the chance of splendid achievement. There never wee day 'that called more for high spirit and sttong ocoufage and devoted d 'here are causes that challenge fis as they invite our aid. To the coward the age is mean and inglorious. To the brave man and true, who 'will ritk for the right, and dare by his deed, it offers the chauce divine. What means it to you? Are you going to skulk in the rear, or are you going to accept bue challenge of the age and go forward? Address, Mr. Casson for free liters ture. SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAIR. All Come From Dandruff, Which is Caused By a Germ. Split hair, hard bair, lustreless hair, brittle hair, falling bair, all owe their origin to dandruff, which is caused by a measly little microbe that burrows into the scalp, throwing up the cut icule into dandruff scales and sapping the vitality of the hair at the roo: causing the several diseased conditions of the hair till it finally falls out. Modern science has discovered a remedy to destroy the dandruff microbe, which is combined in Newbro's Herpicide, the delightful hair dressing. AMlays itch- ing instantly and makes hair soft as silk, Take no substithute; nothing "just as good." Sold by leading drug- gists, Send l0c. in stamps for sam- le to. The Herpicide Co., Detroit, ich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. PREVENTION OF CANCER. Eminent Physician Rfecommends a Simple Life. Berlin, Dec. 10--~Dr. Czerny, of Heidelberg, an eminent authority on cancer, reviewing the latest German researches into the natture and treat- ment of the disease, necommends a simple life as among the best means of preventing cancer. lle advises that the skin be kept mos scrupulously clean, that rich food ba avoided, that liquid irritants be avoided. There are, he says, 40,000 defiths from can- cer annually in Germany. He admits that X-Rays and raditun have fre quently 'checked cancei;ous growths, and occasionally cured Lhem. He finds that wo certain conclusion as to their efficacy is to be drawn. Further re- search is necessary. "Brick's Tasteless" is 30ld in Kings- ton at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. E. D. Rotter, Chicago, followed his wife and son to North Flay, and at- tempted to abduct the little boy. He was arrested. ; Shiloh's for the wor a thesharpest co Cure --iitomspue GC an ily ye i Coughs and Colds CURE guickes than esnything you ever t eied. Sale to take,- nothing im it to luart even a haby. 34 years of success commend Liautey, the French eommander-in- chief, had been successfully completed, } vem « at Gibson's Red Orosg ~Rtore. 4 Livingston's fot raithbio: Ohivivvinds presents, , "2: BC * : Fig QUICKLY Shilolf's Cure-- 26c., 80, $1. MAYORALTY, 1908. TO THE ELECTORS: At the request of large numbers of citizens, I offer myself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty. If you deem my ten years of well-meant service as an Alderman to have been of value to the people, I can confi- dently appeal for your support for a position in which experience and intimate 'knowledge of city affairs can be most effective for the gen- eral good. R. H. TOYE. MAYORALTY, 1908 GITY OF KINGSTON. In answer to over five hundred qual- ified electors, who have, by petition, requested me to offer mysell as a can- didate for the Mayoralty, I beg leave to state that I have consented to do so. I, therefore, request the vote and influence of all favorable to my elec tion as Mayor for 1908. A. E. ROSS, M.D. Nov. 26, 1907. I Cured Myself OF INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION physicisins and remedies failing, Marvel- ous DRUGLESS CURB, (no 'bread stuffs), all forms Stomach and Intestin. al diseases. Particulars free. GERMAN GRAINS, No. 525-West 124h St., New York, N. Y. "Attention, Furnaces! I your furnate heeds , i want ay. or . or Plumbing, A call, you will get prompt ati tention and wood satisfaction. AVID HALL, Sos Phone 336 Fresh Air By Compulsion. London, Dec. 10.--It has been report- ed to the Camilford district council that at a house in St. Cleather two of the occupied bedrooms have no win- dows, but only open apertures. It was stated that the house was very clean and that no ' person had died there recontly until eighty years of age, and some were ninety. The coun. cil decided to call on the owners to put windows to each room. Coughs and colds soon fade away before Gibson's Red Cross. Cough Syrup. 20c. bottle. 'wenty-one Toronto bakers were Representing the KNABE, WILLIS, DOMINION, SOHMER and FARRAND PIANOS, KNALBE-ANGELUS, SO ER-CECELIAN and FARRAND-CECEL: IAN PLAYER PIANOS and the DO<% MINION ORGAN. = * We will be pleased to have you drop our goods. in and see ds. Lh . DAWSON & STALEY,: 217 Princess Street. +R 1 High Grade Pianos, at Living Pista THE FRONTENAC I LOAN ANU INVESTMENT SOCIETY: ESTABLISHED, 18683, ul President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro = jes. Municipal County Deben~ res. Mo! purchased. Deposits received and: allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director. a C. H. Powell Carpenter and Jobber: A) 103 Raglan St. New YorkChinese Restaurant - 83 Princess Street. & Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m _ The best place to get an all a Lunch in the city. Meals of all . om shortest notice. English and Dishes a specialty. . New England Chinese Rcstaurant 331 King Street. | © Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8 a.m., the best place to get an all round Lunch in - the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes =n specialty. 'Phone, 655. BEA -- Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Little and Saves Much, Good Variety at STRACHAN" S RE Cures ALL Co summoned, on Monday, on charges of offering light-weight bread for sale.