aos rr incsTON& PEMBROKE EVRY Apr IN CON! 0] ITE nadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : m.~--Express--For Ottawa, Mon. ohne NB. Dalits, Toronto, Den N ver, Hen- Duluth, St. Vancouver, Seattle, rassengers Kingston at 12.10 n., TIVE oe Xi at 445 pm. terboro, Toy x Ry t pnections at Renfrew with Pr. No. leave Ren) , 415 p.m., for Pem- oke, Port 'Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci- F. EoNwAY, Gen. Pass Agent. inte Rail ay of Quine Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee. pseronto, and all local points. rains we City Hall epost at thn R. . DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., ingston. TREES hristmas & New Year's Holidays, 1907-1908. Round trip tickets will be sold at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Tuesday and Wednesday, December ith and 25th, good to return until hursday, December 26th and on Tues uy and Wednesday, December 31st, and anuary 1st, 1908, good to return until hursday, Janwary 2nd, 1908 ; also at First-Class Fare-and- One-Third. December S1st, 22d, 23rd, 24th, 25th th, 20th, 30h, 31st and January 1st 08, good to return om or before Janu- ry 3rd, 1908, For full particulars, apply to J. P. ANLEY, Ageuat, Corner Johuson and ntario streets. ROYAL MAIL TRAINS INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME / EXPRESS { Leaving Montreal 12.00 noon, Fridays arries the European Mail end lands mSsengers, baggage, etc., at the Steam- rs side, Halifax, avoiding any extra ransfer, the following Saturday, When mward mail steamers at Halifax © not connect with the regular train, he Maritime Express--west bound special rain with through sleeping and dining ars attached, for passengers, baggage nd mail, will leave Halifax for Quebec nd Montreal, connecting with trains for ttawa, Toronto and all points wests For turther particulars, apply to Mont- eal City Office, 141 St. James street. [ime Table, Beginning Oct. 13th. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- londay, 7.30-9.15 a.m. 1.00--8.00 p.m, 7.80--9.15 aan. 1.00--3.00 pou. Vednesday, 1504.15 am. 1.00--3.00 p.m kota 6.309 .30 am. 1.00--2.80. 2 » I ct I £58 Leave Kingston. ION. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2,00--4.30 p.m. UES, 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3:00--4.80 p.m. VED., 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.00--4.30 Im. 'HURS., 8.30--11.30'a.m. 2.00 Breakey's Bay, 8.00---7.00 p.m. 'RI. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.004.830 p.m. AT, 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m. SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.15-38.30 p.m. 2 o'clock trip from Ki on to Wolte sland, Spoor's Dock end Simcoe Island. ime Table subject to shange without Boat calls at Garde Island going to nd from Kingeton: i E. BRICELAND, Manager. MIEN Se TNE STEAMER IONIAW London or G Rates of passage and full tion may be ob from Third Class $27.50, to Taversooi, w informa- J. P. ARMS WANTED Experience, Absolute Rel: pod judgment in values have § an enviable repu state Business tation end ned for Real Estate mrket, you will find it to your advant- to communicate with us. We want present a choice farm of 75 to 100 Tes, mear Kingston, also a large dairy rm with good buildings in good T. J. Lockhart teal Estate Agent, 159 Welling- ton St., Kingston, Ont. The Women's Hospital Aid Society [ Brantford, has raised $4,616 to- ard the erection of a nurses' home, - wh ' iE jb 8 : : 3 Are You Up to the Mark? If not feeling as well as you should, do not make the mis- take of letting your health take care of itself. Resort to Beecham's .... Pills In boxes 25 cents. EEE LT 3 l 5 i: "2 5 2 F case : applicant will forfeit al} priority of claim or if entry has been granted it will be mmarily cancelled. a A for cancellation must be cei A what the in elault. A homesteader Whose entry is not the wother, Mf eligible, but to no one else, on filing declaration abandonment. DUTIES--A settier is required to per- form the duties under ome of the follow- lans -- ny least #ix months' residence wup- on and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) A bomesteader may, 0 sires, m the required residence duties by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less tham eighty (80) acres extent, in the vicinity of pomestead. Joint ownership in land Ww pot meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the tather is deceased) a homesteader has i farming land i not less than eighty (80) acres in eXtent, ty of the homestead, or upon a home stead bmtered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by living with the fath- er (or mother.) (4) The term yal the two recedi paragraphs is as mean re Or than mine miles in a direct the above while living with parents or on farming land owned by himsel must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. : Before making plication for patent the settler must ay six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, i tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal Siding rights may be leased for a period twenty-one hg at an annual rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,560 acres shall be leased to one individual or company. A royalty 3 QUARTZ--A person eighteen years of bavipg discovered locate a claim 1.5808 a claim is $5. piace, may The fee for spon having a survey made, complying 'with other requirsments, pur chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty oh3} cent on the sales. Placer mining Se . are 100 feet square ; entry fee $3, renewable year An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, remewable at the discretion of the Min ster of the In- terior. The lessee shall have a dredge in opeb. ation within one season from the of the lease for each five miles. Rental $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 2§ per cent collected on the output after it ex- ceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unpauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. ; | When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. CEREBRO CHASER LETEALL ELLA PONS Our New Stock of 'Xmas Books. JUST ARRIVED, BOYS' OWN, GIRLS' OWN, QUIVER, SUNDAY AT HOME, CHUMS, YOUNG CANADA. Also a special line of Devotional Books by Rose Porter, Miss Havergal, J. R, Miller, F. B. Meyer. Call in and look them over; T. McAuley. Phone, 778. City Book Store. COAL! capt, Totton ChE when ek Putting in some good coal. We soll good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, makes the home comfortable ; it's the best > there none ter . We deliver te you clean and the very bottom without slate, at prices. Booth & Co., Roll Basen. 13je. per B. Bore Pinner Steak Padding' Bd 60 Brock Be. in the vicini- | | : $5.50 JN the less expensive Brooches Diamond Hall has never shown such excellent value as the one illustrated above at $5.50. HE mount is made of heavy 14k. gold and the pearls are of the finest quality. THE crescent is 13{ inches long and finished in the bright gilt. Send for our Catalogue. Eb RyYRrIE Bros. Limited 134-138 Yonge St. TORONTO nvalid LadieS This Is For You. There are thousands of females who suffer wntold miseries common to their sex. This is largely due to the peculiar habits of life and fashion, and the improper train- ing of girlhood. Then, too, the physical ehanges that mark the three eras of woman- hoody(the maiden, the wife, and the mother) have mach te do with her sufferings, most of which are endured in silence, unknown by even the family physician and most in- i friends. To all such whose hollow cheeks, pale faces, sunken eyes an feeble footsteps, in- dicate nervousness, palpitation of the heart, weak, faint and dizzy spells, we would i Mrs. Jou. Sharp, Brighton, Ont., writes: "J was troubled with palpitation of the found no relief until advised te try Mil. burn's Heart and Nerve Pilla I got one five more. I am now cured com- pletely." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50s. por box or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toroute, Ont. 3 is the cream of the wheat --the choicest Manitoba Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat. ¢ It contains the good qualities light, tasty Cake and like Ontario wheat also yields MORE the barrel, than Good cooks say any that greatest help on baking day, is BEA R FLOUR. Try it. > ENTITLED TO PARTICULARS $ p One ounce Fluid Extract Dande- $ On sn : 3 Four ounces Syrup Mix, and take a teaspoonful ee ey box and that helped me so much I sent and | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1907. a FROM PGTON TON DECISION REGARDING STREET WATERING TAX. Service Not Good, But Citizen Must Pay--A Kingston Young Man Married--Importing Ne- gresses As Housemaids. Picton, Dec. 10.--The winter session of the court, the session for Prince Edward, with dge Morrison on the bench, opened is_afternoon. Therpwas only one jury and one non: jury case on the docket. Boulter vs. Woods--An action to recover unstated damages. Wellington Boulter, the Jeane Prince Edwarder and well- own as the one-time head of the big "Lion Brand" canning factory, and the plaintifi, in the suit, sought to recover damages from Wood. The ' MUCH MARRIED GIRL. Had Three Husbands Before She Was Twenty-One. New York, Dec. 10.--By the time she was twenty-one years of Matilda Yates, a Brooklyn "hello" girl, had three husbands. One of them has bben freed by the courts, and the others are after liberty, but they all three still like her, and don't want to pro- secute. Before her first marnage Matilda posed for the "Girl at the Phone" pictures used by the tele- phone companies for advertising. Her first husband, Dr. Daniel A. Shay, of Brooklyn, is trying to have it called offi. Alired Minen was the next, but Matilda didn't like him much, and left him. The third was Edward O'Neil, a seventeen-year-old, with whom she sloped, and whose father, just appoin guardian, is trying to t the boy out of it. defendant during the past . worked the plaintifi's Demorestville farm on shares. During a dispute it is said Woods hit and injured Mr. Boulter. Judge Morrison has given a most interesting decision in the division court case of Dr. T. S. Philp, electric light and water works commissioner, who sought to recover from the town $3.30, his water rate tax. The plain- tiff contended that the street watering service on King stieet was insufficient and not worth the tax. His honor admits that the service was not as | the ratepayers had a right to . expect, {but he decided that payment of the {tax could not be repudiated. "To {relieve the King street ratepayers would be to burden the others of the {town,"" comments his honor, "and | that would be unfair." Judge Morri- {son feels that the matter is one that {should be dealt with by the town {council and in dismissing the action {be leaves the council to pay the costs. | The best of secrets will leak out and {that's why many are congratulating a Kingstonian who has captured one of {Prince Edward's popular young wo- imen. Thursday evening Ivan Publow, | third son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Pub- low, of Kingston, and Niss Ena May | Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. { Richard Robinson, of Bethel, drove to town and were very quietly married by Rev. J. G. Lewis, at the parson- age of the Main Street Methodist church. Then the happy pair were { "discovered" and have * 'fessed up." {Miss Robinson is well-known in Pic- ; |ton, having received her high school | training here, since when she has been the popular school teacher at Big Is- land. Mr. and Mrs. Publow will go {to Kingston in a couple of weeks, to imake their home there. | Two Picton families have sought to isolve 'the servant girl problem by im- {porting help. Thus it was that three negresses from the West Indies ar rived in town last week. They were a {dejected trio, seemingly quite out of |their element. Their arrival was {marked by a very cold day and the | weather was too unusual an experi- {ence for them. As for the snow that {amazed them. They had no idea what {it was and said they didn't like the {idea of white earth. The three wo- men were imported at the rate of $60 each. { The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's | Presbyterian church closed a' most | successful two days' bazaar on Satur- {day evening. The proceeds amounted {to over $150, to be used for church { purposes. | THE SPORT REVIEW. | Interesting News From the Var- | ious Sporting Fields. | Richard Croker is said to be back- ling Roche against Burns. { Ambrose © DeGray, stellar Cornwall { player, has been secured for right wing on the Brantford professional hockey team. Ottawa College' hockey forward line will probably consist of Bawli, Byrnes, O'Neil and Joron. Lamothe will play goal, but the defence has yet to be decided upon. J. A. hing, of Syracuse, has been engaged by the Central Canada Ice Racing Association as presiding judge for the coming winter meet on the Ottawa river. The net result of the intercollegiate hockey meeting was a strengthening of the union by the formal admission of Laval University to the senior ser- ies, of McGill and Laval to the inter- mediate, and of Woodstock College and Upper Canada College to the junior. Catcher McLean, of the Cincinnati ball team, who thinks himself some- probably mean for the "lengthy cham- pionship," as he stands six feet six inches. Mclean is a Canadian, being a product of the St. Jghn, N. B., team. An enthusiastic feminine rooter from; Memphis spurred on Sewanee in its game with Vanderbilt by standing behind the Vandy goal line.and offer- ing each Sewanee player who could cross it with the ball a sweet kiss. Twice during the day she had to make good, in spite of the fact that her proteges lost. rugby team have elected Vaughan Black captain for next sea- son. Black was one of the speediest of this year's ation and a first-class tackle. To the early part of the season he played on the hali- line and later at right outside wing. His home is Amherst, N.S. and he formerly played on the Mount Allison University half line. Black is a se cond year student in medicine. The Vancouver World says: Ac- cording to the dope sheet, L&hghoat, the famous Indian runner, should be able to beat Arthur Burn, of Calgary, by about one-third of a"mile over a fiftecn-mile course. At least that is the way running experts and athletic dopesters figure it out by a com- parison of the respective times made by these two noted runners in recent races, Has Closed Down. Belleville Intelligencer. The big corundum mill at Craig- mont was closed down for four months, on Saturday, and about 200 men were thrown out of employment. The office and shipping staffs are still on duty. The demand for corundum at present is limited, and only a few days ago a $7,000 order from a big American firm was 0 ' Street Coat For Little Girl. gs BABY INSURANGE NOW POLICY PAYABLE AT BEGIN- NING OF EXISTENCE. New Work Rivals London in Antigunes--Manhattan's Push- cart Trade Great--New York Inventor Finds Workmen Very Stupid. New York, Dec. 9.--Here is the lat- est baby insurance: A company has entered the field here that guarantees | to every policyholder $500 in gold at | the birth of every child. One does not | have to die to get this insurance; it Lis payable at the other end of life's existence. Any married couple may en- joy its benefits, and when maternity stamps the house with the imprint of a new life, will reap an advantageous excellent model for all-round gervice. Dark blue cloth was used in the' mo- del garment, trimmed with black mo- hair braid, put on in graceful long lines. 'The little turndown collar wes faced with dark blue velvet and trim- med with braid. The skirt was plain and was laid in box plaits. From Chaps To Erysipelas. troubles by its antiseptic, germ-des- troying properties. ures Eczema, Salt Rheum, Scaly o les, Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store, Is Your Forehead Pimply ? Hard red lumps and pimples on the neck and face render many voung peo ple very unsightly, if not almost re pulsive. This condition is so speedily cured by Dr. Hamilton's Ointment that thousands use it. This healing, purifying skin balm has penetrating qualities that enable it to reach the what of a scrapper, says he is anxi- | ous to meet Tommy Burns. It would] {very root of the trouble. By at once {destroying the cause of the irritation, by restoring natural activity to the { glands, the skin speedily becomes healthy. For a clean, soft, well tioted skin, anvint frequently with Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. 50c., at all dealers. John Simpson, one of the best known residents of the 7th concession of Thurlow, passed awav on Saturday at the age of fifty-eight vears. For first-class storage on carriages, furniture, etc,, go to James Latur. ney's Carriage Works, 390, Princess St. Hand mirrors in, ebony, round or oval, long or short handles, at Chown's Drug Store. A by-law, to grant the Furniture compan- $20,000, carried at Dese- ronto. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. and McAnley's hookstara. Cardigan jackets, $1, $1.25 81.50, 81.75. Jenkins'. When is meat like fish * When it is smelt. The child's coat pictured was san | Itching Eruptions of the Skin, Pimp- | | | reward. | What value railway corporations place on New York as 5 terminal, | may be approximated when the New fbrk Central and Pennsylvania sys- tems are spending about $200,000000 to improve their facilities. New York | city would never have existed as a | metroplis, without the waters ground Manhattan, yet to facilitate, travel over these waters, there has been | spent and planned to be spent in | bridges $201,000,000. The best remedy for all injuries to About 13,000 women living in hotels or diseases of the skin is Wade's Oint- | ment. It not only cures wounds and | skin diseases, but prevents many skin | in New York city, are entirely, reliev- ed of all the cares and large re spongibilities of housekeeping and' fa | milies and have their attention first | occupied with food, dress and amuse- ment. New York is now a rival of London in its stock of antiques. No matter how great the sales, the numerous | shops keep up a full and increasing supply of what appear to be inde structible goods and chattels. x ¥| Few persons realize the push cart 5 CONVENTION CALL. # | business done on Manhattan Island. Do x ¥ Last Friday in a walk of forty min- WW Washington, Dec. 10.--The 3| utes within a block of the terminal of # official call for the re- ¥! the Williamsburg Bridge, were seen # publican national konven- 3) 587 of these portable stores in charge 3 tion, to be held in Chicago | of as many peripatetic merchants, BE of June 16th mext, is ¥ The government of New York city {% issued. It is signed by | will spend more than twice as much {# Chairman Harry S. New 3|in the caming year as the government #E and Secretary Elmer 3 | of the United States spent in the vear # Dover of the republican | before the civil war. The city, with all ¥ national committee. # | its public buildings, has to provide Ww | for 8755,835.96 in rents next year. i SIERO | New York's oldest dealer in musical instruments says that there mre more violins in the city hearing the name "Antonius Stradivarius," than the great Cremona fiddle maker ever had in his little shop, Residents of New York are planning for about 12000 new homes to be erected in Westchester county, next vear. It was 5 revelation to a New York inventor who went to nine shopd | of mechanics last week, and couldn't find one workman able to make a simple addition to a machine with- out a model for a pattern. Finally, in desperation he paid a mechanic £5 for the use of his tools for an hour and in fifty minutes he made what he wanted. Waterman's Self-Filling Pens. These are the highest achievement in fountain pen making: a source of endless satisfaction. We have them at $2.50 up. Waterman's '"'Modern" pens at 81 up. Come and gee them at Wade's drug store. John Jones, Thurlow, was arrested {on Saturday, on the charge of steal ing a horse and buggy, the property of Ivory Temple, proprietor of the Ontario house at Canifton. Tho the earth with Jack Frost shakes Not a man will have the aches, every night a dose he takes Of Hollister's Rocky Mountain Jea. Insurance firms and agents doing business in Manitoba are to be taxed. through the nose air. positive cure for © tion. It is not mere theory. The result ninety-nine cases in one hundred can | hearing by the use of Catarrhozone. respiratory passages caused by micro It never fails to cure any of these reach the seat of the disease. That is vance of treatment by spufis, washes, A very safe and efficient moans of this end can be had by the It is sure death to the ! tains the inflamed condition, and healing properties restores the diseased organs to a healthy, normal condi- i Fr catarrh, asthma, or bronchitis, it is well ------ mh SETAE LAL0R RRA TA BAD 000000040000 004800 4 » <« » 4 & «.. ¥ "4 . » " » - ------ " ® 3 A large proportion of all cases of impaired hearing 4 and deafness is due to disease of the middle ear and a eustachian tubes, caused either by acute inflammation or chronic ecatarrh. Nearly all these cases gress of the disease arrested, by. inflation of the ears can be cured, or the pro- and eustachian tubes with medicated accomplishing use of Catarrhozone, a atarrh in the most chronic form. microbe life which main- also through its of actual experience proves that be cured, and stay cured of impaired Ltd Catarrhozohe is a -new scientific remedy.for all diseases of the nasal and pic life, and if you are affected with deserving of your attention. affections, because it is sure to why Catarrhozone is so far in ad- douches, etc., which are absolutely useless, because they cannot reach the root of the trouble. You simply breathe the medicatedair, it does the rest--nothing could be simpler. Complete outfit, sufficient for two months' treatment, price $1, at { fall dealers or by mail from { ford, Conn., U.S.A. N. C. Po! 'son & Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hart- 'Suitable Xmas Gifts esseseetr | We have a well assorted stock of Hockey Boots, Rubber Boots, Overshoes, Moccasins, Hand Bags, Suit Cases, AND Fancy Slippers. 'WHICH MAKE IDEAL GIFTS. 60000090000000000000000000000000000 secon » 3 ® INSPECTION INVITED. Abernethy's 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 1000000000000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000008000000 ?eccsssesstsese " Fond Memory Brings the Light Of Other Days...... Everywhere the Favorites. Have You Tried Them? Always, Everywhere in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches. Can You Think Of a Gift that could be of more use 'than a Happy Thought Range? It is certain that it will be fully appreci- ated, because no other article can be more conducive to successful house-keeping. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St LIBRARY FURNITURE Easy Sa, $5.50, regular price SFY Couch $5.50, regular price $7.50. Book Cases $1.50, $3 to $25. : Sectional Bookcase, $2.50 to $4.50 per section. Couches and Davanports, Leather,