Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1907, p. 3

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Take it in time, If yon are subject to Biliotis- mess, Constipation, Sick Headaches -- don't wait for another attack. Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our stock special values in (8 Stone) (5 Stone) and Solitaire Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Optidians 'Phone 666 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. comprises SEEK NO FURTHER For Men's Coon Coats W. F. GOURDIER, 6, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone, 700. . Fool's Great English Tones aud invigorates the Ww fiemedy. nerv new ous nm, in old Veins, Cures Nerv Mental a and rein W orrs, us Debil natorrhea, a: Price §1 bo: a for § rill per box, i lain . ab reco; position Worth Considering. = If you have $7.50 iF invest in a first-class LADIES' TWEED COAT all new goods this sea- son. Some beautiful models were sold at $15 each. Your choice Wed- nesday and Thursday at $7.50 Each. This is a golden op- portunity for any per- son wishing to give their friends a useful Christmas Present. We will lay it aside fon you until required. NEWMAN & SHAW. Handsome solid leather hand bag, west styles, at Bests', "PAIN Pain in the bead--paln. ywhere, has its canse | tique oak and sombre leather and darkiof Halifax, . onal arin on Be td else At $0_SayS Shoop, and Heel Eat" Dr Shoop's Titadache Tablet 3 fa). Sen a Ee a So ape hci i painful ful periods With women cme sms Som ecngamon blood | posse: ar Sey ise certainty, , 's Headache Tablets ET otes. and sha tablets SmpLY Gisribad She nnnatural blood pressure. Bruise our finger, and doesn's it, got fod. and and pain you? Of course it does. It's con. You'll ind it where pain Ei Wmns common Get 2 Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets Xe DEALERS" {tains, an immense | Beauty roses shed their fragrance, and | .| the light Ley the Buge 5 fire of he big white house, on of Ring 'abd 'Barrie "streets, was 'en yesterday, when Mrs, Cornelius i invited a large pumber people . to tea. The house is > Suita one, arranged wi e mos per taste, soft tone blending with oft tone in a harmony of quiet color- ing. The most lovely inhabitants of the floral world were, yesterday brought to add to the beauty of he home, and the effect was in the big panelling, with brown and staircase, blends guling and red in walls and cur- how! of American palms and many ferns lent a relieving touch of living green, intensified logs on the hearth. In rpinghany's own {'den," thrown Xk Be ay, a deep crimson carnations brought a touch of femininity, to surroundings eminently masculine, ton- ing up with the richness of the fur- nishings. In the drawing-room, where ' all is cream and gold, rose pink and] softest grey, after the manner of the | i sixteenth Louis of France, were prim- ulas in white, pale pink and palest mauve, with smilax and maiden hair fern giving a lightness and lacipess to the effect. In the library, where an- | green, with lighting touches of gold in the wall hangings, harmonize with the gold and brown, yellow and red i the books which fill the shelves, American Beauties held sway this queen of flowers heing sur rounded with the most beautiful ferns, and heavy ropes of - smilax, a pine tree, on either side of the deep fireplace, catch- ing strings of smilax which hung from he mantelpiece. In the dining-room, where green is the color to offset ma- hogany, and silver and crystal, yel- low and white were the flowers used. A mass of the gold-crowned flowers of Japan stood in a large glass vase in the middle of the table upon a centre of Japanese embroidery, and smaller vases, filled with sweet polyanthus narcissus, weré about upon the polish- ed surface of the table. Light was (shed down upon it all from a globe man. some designs two lines ; here you are showing. We presents here friends. A Signet Ring or a pair of Cuff Links would make an ideal Christ- mas rememberance for any mentle- We have many very hand- and when purchased moderate prices, but best quality. Cuff Links from $2.50 up. Signet Rings $1.75 up. Drop in and see our attractive BUY NOW FOR yet AMAS, some to suit any of y. =| and styles in these not only assured of Kinnear & d'Esterre, 2m incess St- JEWELLERS. There is nothing better adapted to the vast major- ity of Xmas gifts than a box o nice Handkerchiefs. Shoppers are all excited over 'th8 mew 'styles we're showing for men and women, and if in doubt as to what to give you will find Handkerchiefs always acceptable. Prices from 5c to $1.00. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR _ We're showing a number of late novelties in La- dies' Neckwear that will make very desirable "Xmas gifts, Direet connections with 'the 'leading sources of supply give us the advantage in regard to style, and as fast as new things go on Therefore shop early and get the best choice. sale they are snapped up. 25¢, 35¢, 50¢, 65¢, 75¢, 90¢, $1.00, £25 to 2.00. - CRUMLEY BROS You will get the best value possible, in High Grade Sugars, if you buy REDPATH 8. Special attention is called to Redpath Extra granu- lated in20-pound cotton bags. The Best Milwaukee Beer, For sale by James McParland, Kingston ball, where weathered oak,. is ith was in ' w ely lace, Mrs. F. G. Wallace was \a- tier blye voile, with Iri and chiffon gown, with folds of satin trimming it. In the tea-raom were Yous, Fe Brownfield aud Miss E. Mac onell, in charge of coffee tea, Miss Loretta Swift td. ices, wad irls assisting were Miss Mabel and Miss Doro Brownfield, Miss Beatrice Tandy, iss Marion Redden, Miss Irene Swift and a number of the not-outs, Miss Hilda and Miss Doris Kent, Miss Blanche Kent, Miss Mar- jery Brownfield and Miss Lassie Kirk- pat - . - - Cards are out for the Bachelors' bell, in the city ball, on Wednesday, December 18th. The patronesses are Mrs. Jobn Bell Carruthers, Mrs. Wal ter Macnee, Mrs. James Ca Mrs, |W. D. Gordon, Mrs. J. M. Campbell. | Mrs, F. Strange. The secretary is Mr, Arthur Macnee. - Mrs. Norman Sat Leslie, Bagot street, will give a dinner to-morrow night in homor of Mrs. GC. W. Drury, Mr. A. M. McPhail will give another of his series of musical evenings, at "Romilly House," on Saturday. . Miss Alice Busbiidge, of Ottawa, gave a delightful tea on Saturday af- ternoon in honor of Miss Marguerite | Carr-Harris, of Kingston. The tea table was artistically decorated with pale mauve chrysanthemums. . Ne - . The artistic house, on Albert street, which but lately sheltered an artist family, and which has been taken by Mrs. Cecil F. Lavell, looked very at- tractive, yesterday, when its chate- laine received for the first time since coming among us. Rose shades were over all the lights, and pink ecarna- [tions filled the rooms. Mrs. Lavefl {herself wore a gown of soft grey silk- en stuff, and Mrs. 0. J. Stevenson, who received with her, wore white. Mrs. George Y. Chown assisted in en- tertaining visitors, and Mrs. Arthur L. Clarke and Miss Katie Workman helped in dispensing tea. In spite of the very disagreeable day, the visitors were many. - "oe Mre. William G. Anglin was hostess at a jolly party. last night, when the students in Miss Mamie's year, at Queen's, and some of Mr. Douglas An- glin's friends enjoyed the well-known hospitality of Dr. Anglin's house, on Earl street. There outside of Queen's. the hours till going home time, Several girls were asked to bring their work to Mrs. Daniel Gordon's, Queen's, on Tuesday, of tea with Miss Anna Currie. . . Mrs. J. M. Machar, Bagot gave one of her bright little Monday, Meta Dobbs. It was very informal, self, lor's dance at the Military College, for a few friends of one of the young- er girls whose home is on Union street. The little bridge at Mrs. James Cappon's is a Barrie street pleasure for to-night also. eee Mrs. George Mahood was at home, on Monday, and many had the oppor- tunity of welcoming Mrs. George Fen- wick, the bride. The latter looked very. pretty in*a lovely gown of soft white material. Mrs Hugo Craig and Mrs, Frederick Mahood were in the dining-room, presiding over tea table, which was adorned lovely flowers. with A linen shower for a bride-to-be kept a few of her old friends busy for an hour this afternoon. . =e» be home as soon as she expected, but has decided to spend Christmas in London, Her visit in the old land has been an enjoyable one in every way. She will sail for home during Christ- mas week. Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris come up from Ottawa, and is guest of Mrs. George Richardson, versity avenue. Miss Adelaide Ritchie has not able to remain over for the ball, next Wednesday, as she hoped, hut left for Montreal" today. has the Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osler will be here on Saturday. Mrs. Percy Borden and little daugh- ter Alice, of Montreal, are visiting a in Kingston. --Montreal Her- ald. Mrs. Edgar R. Doward, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John T. McMahon, William street. Miss Alma Stillville, of Cataraqui, is staying with Mrs. William Nicholls, Clarence street, and will be here for the conversazione. - - - A good many people are going out of hn for the Christmas holidays! this "year. | Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Bagot street, [. Mrs, Charles McDunough, Master Ar-| thur Wilkinson and Master Grafton, | left for Ottawa on Monday. Their de | parture is most sincerely regretted. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neish will be here from New York for Christmas. Mrs. Andrew McMahon, Earl street, has returned from Oswego, N.Y. Miss dicta Dobbs expects to go down to visit Mrs, Ogilvie Dobbs, in Brockville, on Saturday. Mrs, C. W. Drury, of Halifax, las I Te Hnemtic Dames Tory were no guests Dancing filled up and have a cup street, teas, on in honor of her visitor, Miss the hostess looking after the tea her- To-night there is Mrs. E. T. Tay- and also a small and informal dance the been | | getting strong and well come up from Ottawa, ana js staying 'went up a few days. ago, Fn pre ] (aun CX ROUSE ) iar RAY Premed "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hay] Queen's University Dramatic v Glub presents "Twelfth Night" THURSDAY, Dec. 18th Prices--235¢., 85¢., 50¢c., 75¢c. Tickefs now on sale at Box Office, or iy be procured from members of thé ie Dram oF Raighthood | First op¢ Ret or 4 Sora: Si Stree or che Br weriion, 25¢. HELP WANTED--MALE. Sys 21d oose OVERCOATS TO repair and EEL WANTED FEMALE. NCED OHAMBERMAID. Congress. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, AP- Bch fa Site 4 A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF Br Noo Box STUDENT, DRUG CLERK, OVER three years desires posi- tion for a Apply 246 Univer sity Avenue. -------------------------- FO BXPERIENCED SITU ATION s R BIJOU Mme Melba, the world- famed. lyric' soprano, will sing every: afternoon. this week, at 7 p.m. only, and after 10 p.m, through the Concert Gramophone. This record would cost you $4, but you can-hear it at The Bijou for 5 eents; and you can also hear a fine illumin- ated song and see two good, clean comedies. " A Fish Story " "The Crazy Quilt" The latter Comedy Jerhaps the vivid sufferinge of a man who slept under a Crazy' Quilt, amd who wap Sven bad dreams Ly the pictures on ~FIVE rodent Wonderland THE FPIRST-THE ge BEST. Offers the E Three Pictures for WED ESD Y THURSDAY, TRAINER HOPKINS. The Greatest of Great Apiwal Pictures. SAVE THE PIECES, The Poor Fellow Geta His Bill of and » pals work Suny 1 Sn asliswes: PE ait, es Sng Bibby's Livery. Lytle, General Carter, = St. ED. . S. NO. 32, TOWN- SITUATIONS WANTED A TAGES Son ' S. SN BY_CAPABLE WOMAN. POSITION | Glas corifesss 0 Poppin 4 C. D.% ER X wAGuOX soonth. ¥ JOar, or any way Sk Laturney's Fins -- i -------- Princess MONEY AND BUSINESS. ts, maids a, ate. ., arriving Dee. 10th or 11th. The Guild, 7 Drununond St. a Tel Up., 2,261, ARCHITECTS. ---------------------------------------- THUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, oF. ARTI Cor. Queen and Bagot streels. CIES COVER M MORE OF OUR Ming an con es Re pote Sa LIVERPOOL, LONDON Ann GLOBE HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, mssets $61,187,918. tion to etc. Anchor Building, Market Square. = (Phone, S45. wl the rion 2 a POWER 4 SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER ne > mere arab - streots. 'Phone, 313. ( JA (COD 10 rates from Strange Rew Y 568 #M. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEOT, OF Bon, ee0B, 0%, TL NRE" Snape CENSES ra es on Bagot street. MARRIAGE LI . stoteis. rane. E---------- S. KIRKPATRIUK, ISSUER OF % Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St, LOST. PURI WITH A PAIR OF SPRC- a a and small amount of money, MEDICAL. Finder please leave at Whig office. ---- . ST Jie KEYES, LATE corp, BROOCH, WITH INITIALS "E rl ho niet Resident & Eg Un Now Rides oil be rewarded Uy hetuonieg Fork es 04, 357 i rr to 251 Barrie street. YY. YM COA 'Phone, FOUND. DURING LATTER PART OF OUTORKR 'R Sydenham street, « gen wath. fob with coin attached. Ow er cam have same bY proving prope erty and paying for advt. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. OC. W. CASSON. OTTAWA. Concerning Authority. The Unitarian church holds that the seat of authority in religion is THE CAT'S AWAY. The Poor Fmployees Get Theirs. VY. rks, Latest AT THE PRINCESS J. J. ALLEN, MGR. Play Or Life of Christ. This is the same picture thet ceused such a'etir in our Sunday Sacred Con- cert some weeks ago. TO-DAY and TO-MORROW omly, Pictures will be waccompenied by a lecture, from 8 #0 10 pun. Auction Sale of High Class Furs, Gray irrel Jackets, Mink and Sable Stoles, Ruffs, Mufls and ih rc ... | Muskrat Lined Coats, Otter and Persia Mrs. R. J. Craig, King street, will Lamb Collars, «Marmot 'Titled Coats, be another hostess on that street en % yd. Gutman Ghter Collars 3 ob i % en's Roccoom Coats, ulgarian Lami ho will be at home on Friday Inf Coats, Goat Robes, Nutria Beave : uture, Astrachan and Persian Lamb Caps and | ! .. v.99 other articles too numerous to mention. Miss H. Mair, Union street, will not| This eale will start '7:80 pm., on THURSDAY, December 12¢h and FRI- PAY and SATURDAY, at 2 p.m., and 7.80 pom, at my Rooms, 27 Brock St, WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. A.0.U.W, CONSUMPTION AND ITS PREVEN- tion at ani open meeting of Limestone cage 91, A.OU.W, THURSDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, Bro. Dr { Bogart will lecture" on the ve Admission free. Com@ and ¥ your friends. : . W. i. GODWIN, R.F. GREENLESS, Recordery Ti MW, COUNTESS ZARA Clairvoyant and .Palmist. lady who read the late P t MeRiniors Hand. She tells your uame. 102 Queen street: with Mrs. Norman Stuart Léslie, Ra- got street. Her many old friends will be delighted to see ber. Miss Ara Drury is going down to Montreal, from the capital, to. visit Mrs, Max Aiken, «her sister. - Miss 6. Grist, of Ottawa, is guest 'of Mrs. Fife Fowler, | street, Miss Anna Currie, of Halifax, is the | guest of Mrs. Daniel Gordon, at the principal's residence, Queen's. s many, many, grown-up friends » the Brock - of little Miss Helen Campbell, who will | be home with Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Sydenham street, for holidays, have heard with the very greatest pleasure that Toronto air has been good for her. gud that she is once more, Mrs. George Fenwick left, yesterday, for Toronto, to join her husband, who | Soa w MISS EMILY SELWY x bro] ing New & "LORA The Passion Men's | : | 341-343 Princess St. the . Christmas, | found in one's personal perception of the truth. He may and must eves. ily accept truth from many exterior | DEY Fhe bulk of what he be i lieves comes primarily from the per- ceptions of others. Bat when there is any clash or disagreement or doubt, he must, trust his own thought. His reason and conscience together form the court/of highest appeal. To take exception to its finding is to com- mit a crime against the highest and holiest in himself. All Bibles, revela- tiohs, creeds, church detrees, must yield to the authority of one's sell, yp, Mr. Casson for [ree liters: Couper's Pure Baking Powder For the past fifteen years we have made and sold this superior article with steadily increasing sales each year. This fact goes Our Baking Powder RIGHT. We mix it every week and guar- to prove that is ALL I ave. recived tof Fy antee it to be Absolutely Pure * vel = comgignmen urs trou in one of the Lemding Manufacturers and of full strength. of Montreal, consisting in part of Pers- | we golicit a trial order from Lamb Jackets; Plan k pe es lag J Near Seal ah wid Mink trim those who have not used it. D. Couper's, 'Phone, 76. Loughboro Lake -Bridge. ------ SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceivad at the uitice of the County Clerk, Court House, Ki , up to 13 o'clock (noon of TUESD December Aish, from any person av. persons willing | perfor the following Work in tion with the substructure of Lo Lake Bridge, to in with stone a | distance of mot mote 130 feet, the said flling to be - miata width of 40 feet, at he top, the top surface of filling to be ot ir, 5 lest below surface of the water comstrudtion of Further information plans, eto. be seen at Office of County Clerk. The lowest or any tender ly ne Supe a WARDS, County Clerk. i WwW. % FRANKLIN, Chairmen Roads and Bridges Committees. neces EEEE RET EE TE Rs SEE Sie seen Rheumatic Relief. Many people suffer from rheumatism, and more particularly at this time of the year. Such sufferers may get relief by observing the following in- structions : Wear warm clothing, par- ticularly about the knees, ankles and hands. Drink lots of water and ab- stain from all liquors or acid pro- ducts. To eradicate the urie acid in the blood get your druggist to mix vou the following doctor's prescrip tion: Four ounces syrup of rhubarb, one ounce sweet spirits of mitre, one ounce compound vimosa. Take a des- sertspoonful in water after meals and at bedtime. Take lots of sleep and as much as : ron BOARD AND ROOMS. You! NG GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD and room in private family, Address Box "C.' Whig oflice. MAYORALTY, 1908. TO THE ELECTORS: of citisens, I offer myself as a didate for the Mayoralty. eral good. R. H. TOYE. MAYORALTY, CITY OF KINGSTON. a ------------ In answer to over five hundred qual who have, by petition, requested me to offer myself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty, I beg leave to state that I have consented to do so. I, therefore, request the vote and influence of all favorable to my elec- tion as Mayor for 1908. A. E. ROSS, M.D. Nov. 26, 1907. ified electors, OF INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION ve | Physicians and remedies failing, Marvel: ous DRUGLESS CURE, (no bread stufly), all forms Stomach and Intestin. al diseases. Particulars free. GERMAN GRAINS, No. 525-West 124th St. New York, N. Y. Attention, Furnaces ! HM your furnace 3 Fou want an ork dong ine. y of cell, you will 'got tra a satisfaction. 93 Brash 54 DAVID H Grescont Wire @ Iron Works Ae a Work of all 75 KING STRE ET I EE Ey Partridge 3 $6 n At the request of large adpes If you deem my ten years of well-meant service as an Alderman to have been of value to the people, 1 can confi- dently appeal for your support for} a position in which experience and intimate knowledge of city affairs| g, can be most effective for the gen- 1908 I Cured Myself FOR SALE. : = MOVING PICTURE THEATRE, IN live town, Ys Hot air and hot door. Apply to 633 Princess St. FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM 1st NOV, tw Relve-roomed Huss, louse, 353 Do a a wi nr Ane 8. R. " McCants, ARTICLES WANTED. JOHN THOMPSON ¥ Tho! te well at low Siow, ami Nersobs Vi good Furniture Stoves og of, before drop a card to 333 Princess 3 STRAYED. FROMES Sard for its return to rea PERSONAL. PALMIST AND PSYCHOLOGIST rot. Holstend APRA, will givea ualiam before Jeaving city. be consulted, 78 Witham street. - ing the DOMINION, SOHMER and FARRAND PIANOS, KNLBE-ANGELUS, SOHM- ER-CECELIAN and FARRAND-CECEL- IAN PLAYER PIANOS and the DO- MINION ORGAN. aoa ook be be. pleased to have ypu drop our goods. DAWSON & STALEY, 217 Princess Street. High Grade Pianos, at Living Prices. THE FRONTENAC LOAN ANY NU INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro-j N Nunitipal and County Debens res. rtguages purc Deposits. received and interest allowed, 8. C. McGill, Managing Director- C. H. Powell Carpenter and Jobber 103 Raglan St. New YorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street. a The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all ow shorfest notice, lish and a specialty. A. Chinese Restaurant 1 King Street. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK, ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete. for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Little and Saves Much, Good Variety at BEST'S SHORT STOP HAS GOOD - SYDENHAM ST, SUNDAY, ; ackar {female Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m 2m RET CEE 3 5 > a * & * ol i BB ped TERE R ERY Bad Bow RE PRR Dr. Brock's Eien Female wiodi ws. - 3 Sota In Kies: qo BEST DRUG STO ces "street. RAT I-T XS ALL he GHS price--§1.

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