Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1907, p. 1

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s Gifts. mong the most appro- d relatives, and we are 7 good values. » most reliable whole- y of Quebec, now re- "the fur trade. FS, $10 to 21.50. FS, $10.50, 11.75, 14.50. 'S, $14.50 to 27.00. rs, $14.50. Muffs, $13.50 to 15.00. 0, 15.50, 18.75. Flat Muff and Throw, 4.50. 's Furs 79. 9.50 up. JAL. lies' JAned ts. Broadcloth, full 50 fine grade musk- ble Collar and Re- ack Persian Lamb nk Collar and Re- oice, $50. y Coat may be select- required. nd Shoes ND YOUNG. Shoe Store. House Slippers and 8. f YEAR 74--NO. 291, OULDN'T That Puagsley Woul KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1907. iggerted in the treaty with Japan wi} cerning the immigration question. ! Sir Wilirid Laurier stated that the' Jer etnment had been fully alive to! Br in PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. Thomas | Sault Ste. Marie of | murdering, William Dixon. Prince G of Greece and the Princess Marie Bonaparte were mar- DRAW HIM difierences between the civilization! the fwo races when they asked ad-! | mission in the treaty, but the gov- | ernment bad no expectation of sucha, large immigration of Japanese as had) | occurred. He gave his consent to the { production of" the papers asked for by Viadimir Ssviatowsky, professor McFarlane was acquitted at the charge of of Not Speak on Address. Scoring on the Senate Needed Railway Hours of Work From Our Own Correspoudent. Ottawa, Dec. 12.--The debate on the address came to a sudden stop, yes- terday afternoon. The address was adopted by a vote of ninety-six to fifty, and the house proceeded to the .neral business of the session. The estimates were brought down. Just how it was that the debate concluded suddenly makes rather an interesting story. At the conser- vative caucus in the morning it had been decided that amendment after amendment would be brought forward and the address held up until the Hon. W. Pugsley got on his feet and made good the utterances concerning the opposition leader and his connec tion with the consetvative campaign funds in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, which he had made during the recess and at a public meeting in Ot- tawa. Mr. Pugsley has aroused the deepest wrath of the copservatives by his at- tack upon their leader, and their in- tention *was to bring the minister oi public works to task during the de- bate on the address. However, the government informed the opposition, to-day, that Mr. Pugsley would cer tainly not speak during this debate. Adcordingly, the conservatives called off their amendments, and they will LR 80 awail a convenient occasion, such as the passing of the public works' es- timates, or the debate upon the laws, when vicious nature amendment to the elec an attack of a most may be anticipated. Amongst the estimates pertaining directly 'and indirectly to Kingston are: The penitentiary, $192.200, which is an increase over 1907-8 of £2400. The details are: Salaries amd retiring al 907-8 1908-9 BNOP seeianinmses $71,600 $74,000 Uniforms amd mess 4,000 4.000 Mamtcnance of convicts 23,000 24,000 Discharge expenses ..... 4.000 4.000 Working Expenses .. .. 8.000 I8.000 Industries XTC 57.000 57,000 Lands, buildings and eouipment ws assis ow 11,000 10,000 Miscellaneous . 1.000 1,000 Miscellaneous, special 200 200 One million dollars is wanted for the Trent canal; 3950,000 was voted for the current year. For all expenses, except repairs to buildings, $95,000 is wanted for the EE ------E------------ DAILY MEMORANDA. LED Mr. Monk with the understanding that! they will not be brought down until after Mr. Lemieux's return from Japan. ried in the Greek church in sede sociology has arrived to study\labor TEACHERS Board 'of Education Took Action at RELIE Meeting Last Night. | conditions in the" United States and { Th : Out Me. Foster asked Sir Wilfrid to de.| Canada. hg F I & the. status of c. Lome | The Nova Scotia government has or rowing a ine the status of Mr. Lemieux. ! boen awarded the large silver gilt me- The premier said as Canada had no Amendment. The | dipionmytie relations with Japan Mr. { Lemieux had been introduced by the s 3 {dal of the Royal Botanical Society's show for piles. St, Patrick's church, Montreal, is preparing to petition Axchbishop Bru chesi to allow Father Callaghan to | British ambassador, and the negotia-| { tions, if they could be described as Royal Military College, an increase of | en: | such, were being conducted through the Ten thousand dollars tg pay expen- 1 A 1 x . ly to the allowance it provides f {ses in connection with cases before the | members of the House of Commons Ring Leopold. Paya Ww {several Collegiate Institute teachers railway commission. {have been appointed to the senate. | H. Morn : : : { y OF Sd Ras. ta. During -t ek Sonpamd . Morris, engineer, was acquitted | whom the Faculty of Pedagogy of _Thirty million dollars for the Na- | 4 g the same period twenty-five] i (). charge of manslaughter in con-| Queen's had reported unsatisfactory tional Transcontinental railway; $3%,. | ex-members of the house were ap- o ith the de rt its ing : he 360,000 was the vote last year | pointed to the senate. The present non - e: death of Robert]for its purposes of instruction. The 4 5 Lh : | o . : v flackburn, fireman, i sol Nsi 14 ras s y © y divi i Monument 10 memory of Inte Sir | government has also appointed thirty Klas Jura in a collision at roard pr thus pretty evenly divided | from Allandale. {upon the question of letting the teach- L. NX. Lafontaine and late Hon. Rob- ert Baldwin, $20,000 Ocean and mail service between Jritain and Canada, $550,000. A line of steamers between St. John and Halifax and the West Inc and South America, $50,700. Patroiling and policing the waters in the northern portion of Canada, £50,000. To provide for the organization of a naval militia and expenses in using the cruiser Canada as a training ship, $10,000. Kingston graving dock, 36.000, Kingston post 342, an increase of 31,121. Great es 8 office salaries, $2 The Railway Clause Re-Enacted. Ottawa, Dec. 13.--MNr. Lancaster, of Lincoln, scored on the upper house yesterday. Twice he has, at the cost of mach labor and worry, induced the House of Commons to pass an act to amend the Railway Act, in a man- ner to prevent trains running at a high rate or speed through thicaly popula- ted portions of cities, towns and vil lages. On both occasions the pro- posed measure has been thrown out by the senate. Mr. Lancaster, in a some what heated speech, asked the House of Commons to once more pass his bill. In doing so he criticized the senate, and quoted Hon. G. W. Ross, to the cifect that in a matter so closely fiecting the interests of the people th will of the lower house should pre vail. gailways, was inclined to agree with Mr. Lancaster. brought down this would give the railway power to deal with the n.atter. ev- ertheless he thought the bill should be sent back to the senate. The house agreed to the proposal. The bill was given its second and third readings, and the members of the upper house have practically the whole session in which to think it over and decide on which commission session on the wisdom or otherwise of a third in Fine Furs, at Campbell Bros' rejection of the proposed measure. Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. - Aaron A. Wright, Renfrew, bewailed Y.W.C.A. Doll Sale to-morrow after-| (he late hours that the members kept,' duiand Theatre, afterncom and and asked if they were lacking in in- evening. telligence that they could not do their Sale of Furs, by Mur-ay, at 2 'and | business during the day as many other 7.30 p.m : | nations did. He moved a resolution Mrs. Compton's Art Rooms, Barrie [io the effect that the house adjourn siroel, wre Open With a Welcome to..¢ 10:3) p.m. when there were evening cellers on Saturday At The Princess--The ter Great Race Course Scene from Saratoga. Somg, "School Days." This day im history '--Rebels defe: St Eustathe, 1837; First U. S. armament, 1778 ; Council of Trent, 1545. Doll Sale and Ten Cent Tea, to-mor- row, YW.C.A,, corner Princess and Sydenbaan strvets. Dolls of every de scription. Every ome invited. sings Tyainer's Daugh- ated Ss Bijou Theatre--Melba periormance, eXeept between 1 10. Comedies "How Baseball Match" and Borrow.™ at every 7.05 pam. Brown Saw "Neighbors WHIG TELEFHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Edilorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. ote Duly Whig a always an ole at beon's Drug tore, Market uare-- Open late each evening. FULL CRYSTAL GLASSWARE We carry a large variety of these goods, in TUMBLERS, WINES, ETC. They are the very finest. Nothing better for a holiday gift. A pleasure to show to you. Robertson Bros. them , sittings. { Sir Wilfrid Laurier remarked that] | there had been a tacit understanding | | of late years that during tne earlier | part of the session the house should | not sit after 11 o'clock. Im the latter { part of the session they 3 were 'anxious | to get thr®ugh their business and they | | did not mind working a little harder. | | He asked Mr. Wright to withdraw his | motion, which was done. | F. D. Monk said that the House of | Commons of Great Britain gets | through more work in half an hour | than the Canadian house does in a week, Mr. Taylor, the chief conservative { | whip, said that after twenty-five years {in the house he was of opimion that | the commons should meet from 10 a.m. {to 1 p.m. and from 2 pa. to 6 pm. F. D. Monk, of St. Jacques Cartier, | moved that a copy should be laid on | the table of all correspondence be- | tween the governmént and the imper- | inl authorities, also all correspondence { between the government and any per | son or persons and all reports com- municated to the government in re | spect' to the Anglo-Japanese conven- | tion regarding Canada. | In support of the motion Mr. Monk | declared that Canada must always | keep and maintain absolute control | {| over the immigration. He laid stress | on the fact that he held the Japan- | ese in great admiration, but contended | that their civilization and mode of life were very much 'different from | ours. We should not, at the present | moment, he said, of nation-building, { bring to the country people who were {so entirely different to our own. He considered that the government were to blame for not having had a clause ne | Hon. George P. Graham, minister of | Legislation w ould bel | British embassy. remain with the parish. | A return laid op the table of . the She sacialist deputies in Belgium are By a vote of nine to eight, the lhouse by Sir Wilirid Laurier shows ining strong opposition to the | Board of Education, last evening, de- | that since July. ith, 1896, fourteen | members of parliament to offices { emolument under the crown, of whom ! the following nineteen were given {places on the bench: Joseph Laver { gue, F. Langelier, J. Lister, P. A i Choquette, 0. Desma B. M. Brit {tom, Sir L. H. Davis, T. Fortin, J. A. Madore, H. G. Carroll, D. C. | Fraser, Aulay Morrison, A. Malouin, Sir William Mulock, D. 9. Mackenzie, Hon. C. Fitzpatrick, L. P. Demers, A. | A. Bruneau and F. A: Laurence. i F. HEAD OF UNIVERSITY. 7, | Stands As Executive With a Very | Fine Record. Benjamin lde Wheeler, president the University of California since July, 1899, was:born at Randolph, Mass., on July 15th, 1354. He gra- duated 'at Brown University in 1873, of i the degree of doctor of philosophy from the University Heidelberg in 1586 and since then has been given honorary degrees by scores of promin institutions. President and received Wheeler married Miss Amy Webb at Providence, R.1., in June of I1S31. As a scholar, Dr. Wheeler is considered id as an executive head of a great unive he is pronounced a marked success. lle has written many text books and among other volumes a notable biography of Alexander the Great. profound rsily WILL AID MOVEMENT. London 'Churches to Unite ' in Raising $50,000. London, Ont., Dec. 13.--At a mass { meeting of the churches it was resolv- ed that all unite in an effort to raise 0.000, to assist in the missions rent, and pledge their co-oper- | in the movement for the evan lization of the world Triumph For Vatican. Dec. 1 The council of state has decided against the proposed abo lition of religious instréction in the as being contrary to, law The decision of the council is likely to inflame the anti-clericals, who are bent on the abolishment of religious Rome, schools, instruction and who consider it a | triumph for the vatican. Bishop Fell Dead. nburgh, De 13.--Right Rev. ge Howard' Wilkinson, bishop of St. Andrew's, and primus of the Scottish Episcopal church, died, sud- denly, yesterday. He had just finish- ed a speech belore representatives at- tendant upon the council of the church, when he fell back dead Approves The Cause London, Dec 13.--All the this morning give prominence to Earl Grey's speech. The Morning Post says the Women's Canadian Club could not begin its career in a better waw than by associating itsell Vigourously with a cause which so nearly concerns the national fame of the dominion. papers names guarantee 'he Their uality. Rowntree's & Cadbury's Celebrated Chocolates Words canot express, adequate- ly, the real daintiness and down- right prettiness of this season's boxes, Come in and see them while the assortmant is complete. Your good judgment will do the t. is, Redden & Co. Importers (of Fine Groceries. P.S.--Tom Smith's Christmas Stocki in all sizes, 5c. to 12. ~The g Ed-| New York, Dec. ward Mines company, 'a $6.008,000 cot- which has two silver pro-| poration, ducing properties. in the Cobalt re SEEKS AN ACCOUNTING SH For Money Put Into a Mine in the Cobalt Region. } i Brevoort. Thomas Raborg and Robirt Leslie Mofiett for SS08.000 paid the King Edward Mines company. It} is alleged that the defendants," with of | of | { {| Casa Blanca, Gen. Drude, the French | trouble for the city before the winter Congo Annexation Treaty, particular- Arthur Jackson was sentenped tojers go. {tee said that he supposed their places . i seven years' imprisonment, at Wood | There was an hour and a half dis- {here would be filled by graduates of | Delays lead to disappoint- stock, on a robbery charge and for ajcussidn upon the new report of the other universities. This was rather{@ ment, It sometimes happens tha | remark made in court for an addition-| management committee, recommending | galling. "| al two years. A new navy league to be called the | Imperial Maritime League, is in pro-|that new teachers be at once secured ed above. cess of projection. It threatens to de of its authority. ; The kaiter, in his official farewell, says he greatly enjoyed his visit to | England and hopes it has contributed | to foster friendly feelings between King [should be paid by Queen's University. | went, and occupied many of the lead. | Edward's subjects and his own. The stork was very busy at {home of Mr. and Mrs, Finkelstein, 350 Nelson streety Toronto, on Wednesday. [to carry out its agreement with the | professions. girls | Faculty of Pedagogy to maintain the | now was no reason why he should al- | He left three as fine baby as it hes been his mission to carry. | The Protestant | treal, has decided to give the sum of {$300 to each of the parents of the children who were burned in the fire in the Hochelaga school fire last Feb { ruary. | Britain has notified China that she | will continue the patrol of the West iriver as long as the Chinese police boats are not given over to the con- {trol of the customs department, whic under the charge of Sir Robert | Hart. A traveling salesman in Cleveland, sterday, slipped and fell, fracturing his skull. A policeman thought he was drunk and put him in a cell, where seven hours afterwards the mis- take was discovered. He was taken to the hospital, where Se died. Canada has mpl #o. Australia's jaction in exciuding Canadian products {from Australian markets by dropping ithe SI180.000 subsidy towards the n-American steamship service, SO many years has opera- | between Vancouver and the Aus | tralian ports. An order in council has been passed atgOttawa commuting the sentence of { Joseph Fiddler, thd Indian convicted jis | i i or | {| of murdering We-Te-Go, an insane In- { dian girl, near the shore of | Ray. Fiddler was sentenced | hanged January 7th, but will spend the remainder of his life in jail | PETWORTH BRIDGE WRECKED James' to be now | Gave {cided to terminate its contract with the termination of the teachers' econ: {tract. This report also recommended to fill the vacancies--teachers who prive the older organization of much would be satisfactory to the principal | had dubbed them, in view of the ae- {of the Collegiate Institute and the dean of the Faculty of Education, and | provided also that any additional sal- aries to the schedule of the board | .The reasons 'advanced for the dis- the |missal of the teachers in question was | There were ups and that the board was in honor bound The {schools in an efficient condition. school board, Mon-| high school inspector, the dean of ped-jand succeed elsewhere. agogy and the principal of the insti {tute had reported that the teachers in question were not in class 1 as in- structors, Furthermore, the existence of the School of Pedagogy was threat- ened if changes were not made. Senti- ment could not be allowed to prevail. The opponents to the dismissal ad- vanced these reasons for voting against the management committee's veport : The collegiate pupils were lia- ble to suffer hy the change of teach- ers in the middle of the school year; the agreement with the School of Ped: {allow the board freedom of action such circufustances as existed; the | rather strange fact that two of the | marked tomchers were graded high last {ume and were now put in class 1; ith¢ admission that the teachers were good enough for collegiate institute {but not for pedagogy demonstrations. Two 4f the dismissal opponents in The Vote For Dismissal Was 9 to 8---Trustees Thought They Were in Honor Bound to Carry Out Contract With Queen's. {agogy was not so binding as not to | {spoke very pointedly about Queen's University. They pointed out that | two of the teachers marked for retire iment were honor graduates and gold i medallists of Queen's. It didn't look jell they said, for Queen's to be { "knocking" its own graduates of high 'standing. If it wanted to thrust them positions, how could it expect {them to succeed elsewhere. One trus- | Another tfustee arose tb remark that { he didn't agree with the views express- Queen's honor graduates { were not "culls," as another speaker Stocks are in better order, and more complete, and the store service better throughout than is possible during the rush of the clos. ing hours | tion of the pedagogy faculty in wish- jing to rid the Kingston Collegiate of two of them. He #aid that Queen's imen 'were successful wherever they {ing teaching positions in Ontario. ' doves in ue | 3 Interesting Suggestions | teaching profession as well as in other Because a man was down Ladies Unbrellas, $1 to $7. Men's Umbrellas, $1 t% He would rise { ways be graded low. Men's Lined Gloves, 90e. to $3. : Ladies' Kid Gloves, 75¢. to Another trustee remarked that it was strange that nearly all the teachers the Kingston Board of Education had retired, were occupying better posi tions Slsewhere. One of the collegiate teachers Bad sent in his resignation to the board when he learned the condi- tion of things, and he understood had an offer for a western school ata higher salary. The yeas and nays on the question of dismissal were taken, and the re- sult was the close vote of 9 to 8 in | favor. Dean Lavell, of the Faculty of Peda- | gogy, intimated that he would person- ally interview a number of teachers in view to fill the vacancies, and be in a position te report within adveek. The appointments vest entirely with the board, though it will, no doubt, accept the recommendation of the dean and the principal of the Collegiate In- i stitute. $3. Men's Neckwear, 25¢. to $1. lathe Neckwear, 10c. to Wool Chest Mufflers, 25¢. to | Man Caediien. Jacketa $2 Taio aittad Jackets, $1 SIE Betticosts, $350, to. WOULD HA |Stoessel Strengthened { | Way Under Threshing | S¢. I tershurg, Dec. -Gen. Kour | Machine and Team. lopatkin testified, yesterday, at the { Yarker, Dec. 12. The new iron trial, by court-martial, of Lieut.-Gen. bridge at Petworth, is a wreck. It } : {went down while Irvine Card was{Stocssel aud other . army . offieurs, | crossing over with his steam thresh | ing machine. He and his son were in ithe cab. the two horses being led be hind. When about the middle of the bridge, the son saw something was | giving {who reversed the engine and jumped but the son was caught and had his knee jammed, but not very badly. The | horses were thrown against the eab of d very badly injured Dr. Oldham was telephoned for and | reached there in good time, to attend | to the injuries of the boy. the engine, A WOMAN'S QUICK WIT. | Prevented Landslide From | ing Train Wreck. | Lancaster, Pa., Dee. 11.--The tracks slide to-day for a distance of 500 feet at Fishing Creek, and a disastrous | wreck was averted by the guick wit of} {a woman. Mrs. Elmer St. Clair, wife {of a track-walkef, was in her home | nearby, when she heard a terrific rum- { ble, and, occurred. {in the house and flagged the! first train {that came along which happened to be a freight. The crew then flagged two passenger trains, which, combined had two hundred persons aboard. i Dr. Murray Dead. Halifax, N Dec. 13.--Capt. Chas. Dickie Murray of the permanent medi- cal corps died on Thursday morning at the military hospital. Little over a week ago he returned from Montreal, whither he had been pursuing profes- sional study. He was then ill. Dr. Murray was the son. of the late Rev. William Murray. His mother and sev- eral sisters now live in Kingston, Ont. Before joining the permanent force Dr. Murray practiced his profes- sion in this city. Ss » ay, and called to his father, | Caus- | of the Columbia & Port Deposit rail-| road were covered by a gigantic land-| ki i » 2 looking out, saw what had |® qq (Tilo Laat ee arcity of work She locked her six children | {charged with needlessly surrendering Port Arthur to the Japanese, that the {Japanese could have taken Port Ar- thur by assault in the early days of the war. The defences were then -so | Arthur. VE FALLEN the Defence of Port $2.50. Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5c. to ' . Call and receive our help- ful little BOOKLET of re- minders for Christmas Shop- incomplete. Gen, Kouropatkin said that the fortress must have fallen at pers, 3 the first vigorous attack. But the {slowness of the Japanese and the re: \ i sistance made by the army ip the 3 > (field gave the Russians time to im- Steac S . {provise defence works, which had > withstood the Japanese for months. Kouropatkin's "evidence was fa- | vorable to Gen. Stoessel, Gen FIFI INNING THE POOR MAY SUFFER Through Being Unable to Get Work This Winter. From present appearances the poor relief and other societies are likely to wwe as much gs they, can very well | handle to look after this winter. Be- } fore the snow feil, many people re- marked about the number of men | standing around doing nothing and making no apparent effort at rescue work. Most of these were Englishmen, | who had lately arrived om this side. | Now more than ever #an be seep stand- ing around the hotel corners or walk- ling up and down the street, and many {of them are residents who have lived { here with their families, good honest | people, willing work could the | get any. to here the same as in other places, but the people here feel it more, for num- erous reasons, and the this: 'The large number of Kingstoni- ans who go sailing every summer have always had a job to come back to in the winter, in fact they were never very long in town before their em- ployees were after them. This year it is different, for the reason that as their places were vacan} in the spring, there were iots of men af- ter it. eager to get it, and they are still holding it, with the result that some one clse walks the street. How are these people, many of them in very popr, almost destitute circum- stances, going to live ? is a question soon as people cannot earn a living honestly, are they going to be left to starve ? As a local preacher stated the other The Forces To Retreat. Paris, Dec. 13.--In a despatch from | commander, in Morocco gives a report that Mulal Hafid, the! "sputhern sultana' has 'withdrawn in the direction of Morocco city, and at! Mititary to | the same time ordered his forces, near {four families in a house. | Brevoort for parties, which went into | Sidafassa and Mogador also to re-| was visited by a lady a few days ago, tire. 4 { Freel i day, "idleness sometimes breeds crime." and it may vet make serious "is over. The large majority of these people, ially the English. peoples have jarge families, some living three and One house Rp where the famly had only beep out a few weeks, and the woman was trying main one is that is puzzling a good many. If these! the exception of Mr. Moffett, mode a) in i profit of $640,000 out of the deal by | gion, has filed a bill the United States eirouit conrt, here, seeking an Don't Say Hard Times. : & twhi + King Edward co \ 5) " buy' nice oran 3 accounting from the banking frm of fwhich the King Edward company was | Whon you can buy 1 ges, 1 McCormick & McCormick, William H. [formed Adozons for 3c, cars & Jenkin, {to boil the kettle aver an open grate. She was asked if she did not have a leookstave, and she replied that she jbad, but did not know how to use it, ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. ------e---------------------- A BARGAIN IN and had no coal to put in it if she did. With the high cost of everything this { season, and' the number of families and individuals that are | going to need assistance, the charities of the city are going to have a busy time, if} LAMPS | something is not done or some way {found to secure work for these men, where they can earn enough for food] 50 Fancy Lawps, Just gol them ina and fuel if nothing else. job lot. Come and get owe for Christe Foe -------------- mus, «as I um going to sell thom At TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 898 Princess St, ' "Phone, TOS. ----------------e i ms meen. 8 FOR SALE Choice Brick Repideuce, Darrio stroet all improvements, grand location. Double Stone Dwelling, Earl street," bath, gas, ete. barn, ALDERMANIC CANDIDATES. i Those Who Are in the Field at Present. . So far as at present known, the fol lowing aldermanic candidates are in the field : ' | Frame Dwelling, 'Albert street, Sydenham ward--Ald. ( raig. | shed, large lot and many others. i Ontario ward--Ald. Kent. | SWIFTS Real Estate apd Insurance St. Lawrence ward--Ald, Elliott Agency. L Cataraqui ward-Ald. Millan. f ! Frontenat ward--Jloseph Tait, AM, Robertson. "TWAS AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Rideau ward--Ald. Douglas, | Victoria ward--Ald. Chown. The Dance Given By Kingston ! Two aldermen are to be elected for Canton, 1.0.0.F. : Sydenham and Frontenac wards, Kingston Canton, LU.O.F,, gave a owing to the forthcoming resignations of Alds. -Toye and Ross, who are mayoralty candidates. Only one alder- man is to clected in each other ward. Ald. Chown may have an acclamation in Victoria ward, present, dance in the * Whig' hall, last night, which proved a most enjoyable afiair, Seventy-five couples were in attendd ance, and everyone had a jolly time, Ivotingd it one of the best dances of so far as known at fthe season. The music was rendered: . by Crosby & O'Connor's orchestra ® and at midnight, daiaty refreshments' were served. The committee in charge' of the arrangements was eomposed of A. Blomley, J. Hunter, Charles Hall® and Francis Ludlow. Another dance: | will be held on New Year's night. : AT THE POLICE COURT. | Two Cases Before the Magistrate ! To-Day. James F. Harper, an old man, was registered as a drunk, at the police : court, this morning! He denied the! Sad Satiety. charge, and stated that he had been |London Tatler, taken with a weak spell on the street.| ~ Oh, sir, | am 86 hungry." said = Constable Arniel, who made the ar-|beggar to an alderman who was on. rest, stated that the accused was very his way to the Guildhall on a famous" much under the influence of liquor, [feast day. 2 and was unable to take cave of him-| "Lucky dog! 1 wish I were" wad' self. The arrest was made ai 11.40 the envious aldérman's reply. o'clock, on Thursday night. He was! ram remanded for a day. | Getting Sour, Ap assault case was on the docket, Bobcaygeon Independent. E but jt was dismissed, as neither the! rouble seems to never : complainant or defendant put in an sooner do' the cheese appearance, William Dolan {here than word comes from Co Wilfrid Phillips with assault. Both! nople that trouble with the men are employed in a local tgunery. arising there, i x + aN

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