Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1907, p. 2

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mm------ mss WILL CHALLENGE -- =|" UP AT WATERTOWN, N.Y. | nobody "this done. the 32 was : o-- seconds correct He calla attention to the fact that he Worker and Wn wh| Commodore' Strange Has Given | 10 WU ST CLL 1 we 1 C. aA YO on x Fain] wf i Notice to the Crescent Club--|( games at the island, Toronto. in Ringe raul Ta Mooers' rs' 5 VICINITY Likely athléen Will Do 2] 2.5 seconds, at the Penman games rd--Art ; GIrY AND " the i at Hamilton and in 2X seconds at| votion Had Her Affection. Thanks of Mayor Mowat. / Ee a . the 1. C. A. C. games at Hamilton. Kingstonians will be sensitively in- : ; : What Headache. Watertown, N.¥., Standard. A challenge cup for an internation: | sorutig in ome of December's - most a ae headache. jase tha Whiniin is ¥ ¥. Boeke, OL of the al yacht race to be sailed with aj. je Ce Blue Bonnet' '--the life Bromo aia 1 remo Jax Yacht & tra a oi wholesome type of boats. mutyally story of Ada Florence Kinton, artist Ey lio, 0 ge, of the | qtistactory, between fefender and |g Salvationist, edited by her sister, E. W. Grove on box, 20e Ki oa Yoritt ha Jetted hich challenger, been offi by fs Sarah A. Randleson, from letter, to states 1 : . Brooklyn Yheht Club. trophy, | de hs Great Clearing Sale. challenge for the George cup Hex! | which js to be known as the Brook in pea sud pope, Vis Jess were referred | Provost, Brock steel, has meds a /sumur and that the letter shell ln Yacht Club International Chal- » po of Sng, | great in price in the order | taken as notice t a formal chal- Jenge Cup, will cost $3,000 ad» Son ert chia); then at. low <b, aif] » " . 9 lore vo ot ond Tadrmade dothing Core] "The mews Ay Ange has Sommitite was pia io fom not a few persons. She found the un- . : joreign yacht clubs tha cup - ev i ing. of [tock is well '@ssorted with new goods. (heen practically ressived will he ZTE | hod Ee a Tint. challengee| evviobed _schoul "ery Se Le ie -------- ed as good news by the local yachte- under any conditions would 'he re-{ a yours Sania 'e i ed Buried At Montreal. men, as it assures races off Chaumont | © dan, England, bat Batters haproved The remains of the late Mes. 5.7 for the big cup meat, season. TAO} { The board of governors of the Cor Ho er dmidan, Not a Gad Ryckman were to Mantrnd on hat Baton challenge but | adian Amateur Athletic Tiny met on| it. when the pupils at first had the noon , » lor n i : < : Saturday and awarded the champion-| .. oti Fart. Iv tiated th soon ele, Ve ban, th potion fom Ringion i+ mot | JY ob uLime provney Ri | Cle" coring. chrmor ad oo 8S. E. Allen, re remission of taxes Toronto, arrived in the city Houday "The letter of Commodore Strange | tur Athletic Association, and the| . vundings of galleries, emulation " ' night, and accompanied his father 10{, "0 Ji0t6s what boat will carry meet will be held next fall on, the! \. competition to make them ambi- . secretary, 1.0.D.E Montreal. the Kingston hopes but it is under grounds of the Wanderer A.C, at! us. But she wrote of the houses of sfor refund of money or 8 Cracked Lips stood that no new boat will be con Halifax. TD Nucing and] Kingston as full of light, gross wd city ball for charity ball SRN yo i t structed and that the Kathleen, pos- en \ YMC \ he Toronto | refinement, from out of which flowe owell, bill for door| Nothing will heal them as fast 83 jp), Slightly se-modelled, will bé the | to the | entral YM.CA., of -! brimming kindness; the arts commit- carried away on Haliows'en sight, and Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. Rub it in |p jlenger. The Crescent will be the The union will hold * skating cham-| were ever courteous and sym: asking that same be pal three times a day. Cracks heal, new, po io. ond there will, doubtless, be pionships this winter. in Toronto. The pathetic. ---- tissue forms. Trouble is all gone ua other yachts in the race. Oswego is | date of the latter was not decigled Ales Nachar has written a preface, Reports Of Committees day. You il find a thousand ee oT almost fure to have a representative Creed, the champion Jumtiper, of ne in which she speaks of Miss Kinton as ~The finance committee made these re- a ing. ohsunt fie - Hamil: | 4nd some of the. Canadian clubs, aside land, arrived in Toronto to-day. he one of the rare and finely congtituted et ton's. Buy a 10c. box. from Kingston, will also probably will become a valuable addition to t el spirits that combine, with' sweetness * elevator, and that . n policies heen deposited slippery condition and the main walks od posited with --- should be sanded. Last evening parts w: Atlas Insurance com v : pany. glass, al while the young Profit dule in the jenior CLH.U. was ar | This is Santa Claus weather, . 000, | would see it a > * {ranged : enough. | peals 000; total, [°F could not, and many heavy | jo, '90 RNC. II at KCL Sey Bibby's 0c. brace, in tat fail falfs resulted. Jan. 29--K.CI at RM.C. IL fancy boxes. i Feb. 3--Winners at Queen's III. William Swaine, piano tuner. C ing for remission of taxes Had A Merry Time. Feb. 5--Queen's III at winners. received at McAuley's. Phone 778. | a floral 1907, be granted, on account| The "Social Five" gave another of s-- If you don't shop to-night, shop their lar 'At Homes in t Opening Of Rink. first thing on Wedn: y morning. » ' Whig hall, last evening, when shyt The Kingston skating rink opens to- H. CL , piano tuner, | fifty couple were present. The i . night for the first time this season. | King street. and McAuley's bookstore. Was In excellent condition, n was For the past few days the younger Dr. Campbell bas removed his office | after midnight before the merry-| Lo 0 of the city has been very busy | to 150 Clergy street, opposite Queen | ji, , $r £ 2 fF i | = - » i; i Ef ge : i Foif ith i Lp : 2 ¥ H § is i i: =f ie the turn out and help i the by« i F i purchased, and the by- passed, work would be furnished to all who had none. He would see that they could go to the quarries and break the stone. The city would take the stones from them and pay them for what they had broken. Givens « pointed out that the nowly built block on Clarence street was not as good as the new King street west roadway, as the top sur face was much softer. Ald. Gaskin replied that the board of works had to take what top dressing it could get in order to finish Clarence street. Roads constructed next year would have a much harder finish. Ald. Henderson wanted to know why the Rideau street drain had not been constructed, Ald. Gaskin said the reason was that the city bad ran out of Ald. Craig asked about the unfinish- ed block of Princess street, below King street. Ald. Gaskin replied that this block had been begun as an ex- periment, and would be completed next year. © Ald. Blliott drew the attention of the council to the fact that oneof its number, Ald. Rigney, was soon to for sake bachelor's life. He moved hearty congratulations to a brother-alderman on the coming happy event. The coun- dl applauded vigorously, and Ald. igney, blushing but brave withal, and thanked his confreres for their good wishes, and added that he hoped to be able to reciprocate in a heartily expressed. Ald. Givens moved, seconded by All. Nickle, that the thanks of the council be extended to Mayor Mowat for the fair, impartial, and able man- ner in which he had presided during the year. Both mover and seconder spoke of the presiding ability of his worship, and the resolution was car ried by a standing vote. The mayor expressed his thanks to the aldermen for their expression of dati His five years' service : tion. {in the city council had given him Repayable in Fifteen equal annual instalments of principal on first July each year from 1808 of rheumatism or neuralgia you want t year | olief in the shortest possible time. er than gestion, magic. drug store. .| North America. practical way the feelings which had |; so AILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1907. ------------ The Slippery Walks. The streets are getting in a very of Princess street were like so much makers thought of leaving for home. Excellent music was supplied by Cros- by and O'Connor's orchestra. ------ Short-Cut Curing. When you have a severe strain, or in the back, ér twinges Sothing can relieve and cure quick- mith's White Liniment. It and relieves con- inflammation and pain like Large bottles, 25c., at Wade's e-- The Removal Of Snow. A citizen registered a complaint with a Whig reporter, to-day, about who refused to remove snow the sidewalk in front of their home. "'All last winter there wore some who did not attempt to remove any snow from the walks, and this is not a fair deal with the others who endeavor to keep the sidewalks clear," he said. 4 ' ------ Approving Word From Mexico. The Canadian, a in Mexico City, says: Douglas Watts, CE, a bright young Canadian, of Toronto, medal duate of the Royal Military College of Kingston, will shortly arrive in Mexico, and practice his ssion. Th gineering course the college is one of the best and most thorough in ---- Easy Way To Get Iron. Any person who is run down or who has impoverished blood needs iron. Most iron preparations constipate or are hard to assimilate. Wade's Iron "Ponic Pills (laxative) provides a re- medy which is reo from objections. These pills agree with everybody. They give prompt benefit and permanent re- sults. They a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Money back ii not satisfactory. i -- Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. J. W. Turner and wiie, J. J. Davis, R.A. Clifi, A. W. Taylor 'and wile, G we; L. Glover, Jno. D. Gregg, Addison Pegg, F. W. Doran, C. GU. Strack, Toronto; H. Schutt, New York; Jas! Alexander, Hamilton; C. C. Caldwell, Auburn, N.Y.; Geo. S. South Lake; J. M. Young, Brockville; Thos. A. Webster, Lansdowne; E. E. Belcourt, W. A. Lewis, Montreal; Dr. W. J. Robinson, Guelph; Wm. J. Moore, H. R. Moore, Owen Sound. Speedily Put It Out. Av 920 o'clock, last evening, the firemen received a telephone call from the cab stand, that a fire was raging in one of the new inland revenue office buildings on Clarence street. The men from both stations quickly responded, and broke in the glass in the door in order to gain entrance to the build- ing. The Sve caught in some oil waste lying in the middle of the floor and rapidly. A large hole was burned through the floor, and some rubbish in the cellar was also burned. One carpenter lost his tool box and a lot of tools. The firemen were on hand just in time, as serious damage would have been done if the fire had got a start in the new offices. FIVE YEAR COURSE Adopted By the Medical Faculty of Queen's University. The medical faculty of Queen's Uni- the five-year dicine, to apply to upon their medical studies in Septem- ber, 1908, cod thereafter. The regula- tions of the Ontario Medical Council will apply to the university course. {These permit of three options for the ith year. The examinations will be Ipractical and clinical. 5 has arranged a diploma course in ie health have hoats entered. donnell as representatives, this sche- Irish-Canadian A. C. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By On Their Rounds. ------ Schedule Arranged. At a meeting at Queen's with E. O. Sliter, Cadet Watson and H. W. Mac Street church, on December 9th. getting its skates and straps in trim report for the opening. The Frontenacs will have a practice on Wednesday night, if the weather is cold enough. The striking tailors Game At Toronto. furniture, etc., go to James Latur Physical Instructor Burton will ae- company the Y. M. C. A. basketball undreds of pounds of McConkey's | team lo Tatante on hete- The son's Red Cross drug store for Lurist-| : mas. wight. The schooner Robert McDonald, | will alere. which arrived from Coilins Bay, a few | St sy, Frontenacs, of days ago, has been placed in winter Sri - ¥. Oliguarters. \ Kingston, will play two games in|' Jf you once try Carter's Little Liver| their O.H.A. group, and a third | pills' for sick headache, biliousness or WeCeSSATY. | constipation, you will never be with-| | out them. They are purely vegetable ; Sporting Netes. 7 As a result of a petition the Uni-| this. versity of Toronto Athletic Associa-| The Ogdensburg Opera House or- | tion, will take up curling. chestra will furnish music at the Chief of Police Cowles of New Hav-|Bacheiors' ball here on Wednesday night. See Bibby's elegant 50c. neckwear. Two knights of the road called at | the police station early, last night, | to seek protection. They were given | one of the hard benches in the long | corridor. There is a 'feeling of inward satis-| faction when a lady receives a box] of McConkey's or Huyler's high-class candy. She knows they are the best] money can buy and are from Gibson's] Red Cross drug store. i The street railway had the hig broom at work again yesterday after- noon. The lines were all cleared, but the slippery rails made travelling very difficult. See Bibby's dainty A large number of stores are open every night now, to accommodate Christmas shoppers. Only seven shopping days now before Christmas. | Lowney's, Ganong's and Webb's fancy box chocolates at McLaughlin's. | No gentleman in Kingston would] think of giving any other make of candy wien he can buy McConkey's and Huyler's high-class candy at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The resolution passed at the recent mass meeting, calling for the dis- | missal of Magistrate Farrell, will | come before the Trades and Labor | Council on Thursday night. | en, says sparring exhibitions do not | pay because the public wants prize fights and prize fights will not be per mitted in New Haven. Dr. Cameron of the Montreal A. A. team announces that the forward line of the Montrealers will be Glass, Rus- sell, Johnson and Sargent. The first three are said to coet the club $900 each for the season. A Montreal story Montreal, Victoria, Quebec were all in a deal to desert the Wangerers and Ottawa, and or- ganize a new league on amateur lines, with the Argonauts of Toronto includ- ed. It fell through because the Vies suddenly came to a decision not to whipsaw their old associates. "Jack" Johnson and "Jack" 0'- Brien, the "corkscrew twins," have agreed to fight, and the Industrial declares that Shamrocks and neckwear, 50c. | the down town | Club of Philadelphia has fallen for the match. Rumor says that Bob Deady per offered the men 60 cent. of the Ws y= "HRISTMAS FURS. | Qur Christ- mas stock of Furs is ready for your in- spection, and our big show- rooms are lit Bibby's Dent's gloves for ladies. | This is the season of decay and] wenkened vitality; good health is hard to retain. If you'd retain yours, forti- fy your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the surest way. 35c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store. Bibby's Dent's gloves for ladies. The steamer Rosedale will stay in Kingston for the winter, and not go to Hamilton, as was reported yester- day. Capt. Grant received word last night to get the vessel in winter auar- ters here as soon as she was unload- ed of her cargo. o o a cold quickly get from fou druggist some Little Candy Cold ablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. re veptics contain no quinine, no laxa- tive, notaing i harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "snecze stage" Preven- ties will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchit- is, La Grippe, ete. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish child: ren. 48 I'reventics jc. Trial voxes, Sc. Sold by all druggists. ° some Furs : with attractive styles and prices. If buying rs for some one . you should be dun prestisnlas as you would if buying for yourself, and get Renengable Li: 30 come to the right store. The quality of "George Mills & Co.'s" Furs stands out by itself and our prices are as low as you can hi reliable Furs selling for any-- where in Canada, in short. our Furs have the style and quality that go to make ideal A Young Prisoner. Charles Stinchombe, aged nineteen, sentenced at London, to two years for theft, was brought to the peni- teantiary, this morning, by Sherifi Cam- eron, of that place. Stinchombe was formerly in the Industrial school, but ran away from that institution, got into bad companionship and thus his garents. What could make | |downiall. a more acceptable gift ? A Clock For St. Paul's. | Come inif only to see and Last evening, the men of St. Paul's! congregation presented the wardens with a handsome clock to hang in the sacred edifice. The clock was accepted by R. F. Elliott, on behalf of the war dens. Short addresses were made by _. Elliott and Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, handsome Fur get one of our Catalogues. sso. | of disposition and a loving heart, a | strong Her artistic and delicately résponsive to phases of { external beauty, seemed {for the prosaic side of life, but was sure | alive to the moral | till the longing comes for a pilgrim- age to her grave at ! more enduring memorial could be de | sired than her charming descriptions of nature in and Muskoka, the comes from the heroine's that | with the Salvation Army in England there is nothing new in the situation. | f llowing Organizer Robinson is still in the city. | (qi), 'or first-class storage on carriages,| , .. Canada for several years after re a rd pri ir | reaving Kingston for Toronto, chiefly s C ge Works, 390 St. | as illustrator. Hen delicate constitu and Huyler's high-class candy at Gib-| 100s Many Strangers Are in the City quite a number of Last night the police cells gave pro- tection to six strong, able-bodied men, small and easy to take. Don't forget ail strangers in the city. of them came from Toronto, and the lother three from across the border brought {the farmer will not receive much here { on Friday morning bring either money | Red Cross drug store. character and individuality. temperament, sensitive too dreamy beauty that ap- to the soul. Her personality to prepossess the reader Huntsville, for offering to her worth. No Thousand Islands latter region hav ing sheltered her first and last Cena The title of the bool connection the home. personal acquaintance a of General Booth the family tion gave way long ere her death in MEN OUT OF WORK. at Presint. Kingston is at present besieged with unemployed men. And all of them had a hard luck story to tell of being unable to secure work. Three "There are thousands of men out of work in Toronto," remarked one of the men. "When a job is advertised there are dozens of men on hand for the place." Weather In Far West. George W. Collier, a Whig reader re- siding at Copland, 'Sask., a new post office just opened up, writes that the weather is fine there. He is now loca- ted in Central Saskatchewan. Not enough snow has fallen for sleighing. "There is plenty of hard times," he says. 'Wheat is selling at about We. a bushel. A few earlier varieties a little more. So yeu see this year." Now Is The Time. To buy furs and here is' the place See the choice Alaska sable sets, 815 $20, $25; natural lynx large mufi and |. stole, $25; choice Isabella fox scarfs. $12 up. At Campbell Bros', the store that saves vou money on fine furs. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days: Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- ing or protruding plies in six to fourteen days or money refunded. 50c. The pupils of Frontenac school will, or candy to school with them, and will then go down with their teachers to the House of Industrys They will} brighten up the inmates with an im- promptu concert and then 'will dis- tribute their little remembrances. Bibby's for cosy house coats. Every lady in Kingston js. cordially invited to call and see the beautiful assortment of fancy baskets and boxes? of McConkey"s and Huyler's . high-|] class candy being shown at Gibson's Bibby's for nice bath robes. A citizen has advanced a good round sum to pay men who have gladly ac- cepted a job breaking stone, some miles in the country, for the sum of fifty cents a day. : Handkerchief and glove hoses filled with McConkey"s high-class cand from $1 to $20. Sold omlytat Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Bibby's for house coats | See our' own make of commercial | mixed candy, 10c. per pound, warrant- ed purei at McLaughlin's. : i Sheriff Moore, of Owen Sound, arriv-| ed in the city this morning with | George Cass, sentenced to five vears! for burglary goa | EE _S------------ DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. | 8 hy local applications, as the: 5 cannot { the diseased POTtion of the car. There ia | only ome Way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies, "Deafness s caused by an inflamed ition th ucous Laing of the Eustachian this tul hen be is inflam but caused by Catarrh, which an inflamed condition of a aces, We will give One any case of Bethe roa Dollars for cannot be cured ) BN Tn Sr dy Tt SUR hothing but mucous sur- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. So SE ee, Fo a dozen. ; Wool. Three Stone Pear! Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. Our stock comprises special values in (3 Stone) s Solitaire Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 868 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. Stone) and SEAL CAP for Xmas. We have-all sizes. Exclusive Furrier. only safe effectual M €old in three paid gE By Adress : ox Memos Ba. ToRonve. ONT. Gormerdy W Children's 2c. each. Ladies' White Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Special value at 2 for 25¢. Initial Handkerchiefs, in Silk or Linen, 25¢. and up. Fancy Collars, swell de- signs, 25¢. and up. Waist Patterns, in Fancy Boxes, at 50c. and up. Silk Waists, Black White, $2.50 and up. = Petticoats, special, at White Table Cloths, from 75¢. to $7.50 each. Table Napkins, 75¢. to $5 Handkerchiefs, or Dress Patterns, in Silk or Goods, all colors and at very reasonable prices. NEWMAN & SHAW. DOOR COREORORONAN CRLAOOROROOACF OFCRORORCIGS LRCHOHCH Bring him and get a nice W. F. Gourdier, Brock St 'The Uterine Tonic, ami great Uterine RE athiy lator on which women can on receipt of price FOO GOO 00n Men's Underwear ASK FOR 200 LINE it's a winner, at She: Price Made only by THE KINGST HOSIERY CO. LTD. Kingst Can. Ask your dealer for it. A Pair of Cinderella a Christmas Gift Because. 'they are partic stylish and handsomely mad you desire a gracelul, easy. wearing shoe at a moderate ask to see the Cinderella Si $3 00. 3.50 and 4.00. H. JENNINGS, KIKt CITY OF KINGST DEBENTURES. TRE CITY OF KINGSTON 2 sale at par, Debentures amount $14,900 payable in the years I 1930, and bemring intefest at the 44 per cenl. per annum, payable nually. The Debentures and Inte payable at the Oity Treasurers here. Persons having money lyin or yielding only a swall rate of have noW an' sepportupity lo = desirable smd cabsolutely secure went, which is not taxable. For further information apply . C. TRELAN City Tr Kingston. Dec. 13th, 1907; C--O Attention, Furnac If your furnage needs repairing, want any work done in the way Waker Heating. or Plumbing, gt' call, you will prompt. atten! wood tial tin: los Phon DAVID HALL, =5 WEATHER STH Keeps out the Cold, Costs and Saves Much, Good Vari _ STRACHAN'S We're selling more thi and ladies will relieve the ing and seeing what we b Anything going out fi along with it. People lik from here. House Coat Dressing Ge E.P. JENKI 114 PR

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