Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1907, p. 8

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by coming to a store they know Ey. osm: dhaiman of the Sr und reliable. . nN tobe: of * A Beautiful Stole, $1 "Come in to-day, make your selections, and we will store and deliver them for your Christmas Eve. 3 afty Razor > by all the large Catalogue Houses, and every paper aon a5 the only Thin Blade Safty Razor that can be 5 iy : ul little 'shaving tool. Can be used for a lifetime blades as a few strokes puts it in perfect order. , and strep Conibined for §5, SOLD ONLY AT Blacks and Colors, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. 5. -- Large variety of ed, Blacks and Colors. $3.00, 3.50, 4.00 up to variety of , 3.00, g bo de le, at's Kid Gloves and Mitts, the reli- warm makes in Mocca, Ca Tan, ede, &c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. French Kid Gloves --Every pair guar- _ anteed. All new goods. Blacks and Col- ors, $1.25 pair { WHO KEEPS HOUSE: APPRECIATE Sete 0 100 ul in all the desired e Silks Ik A Jabgths, th neatly done up, 350, 5.00, 8.50, * ig gor AR 14 Price Sale Is just the opportunity to obwin a stylish te Gentlemen will relieve thems | A Beautiful Mufl, -$ va | cowardly. Kay Fur Housé ====*!thought it would he bettor if Ald, loxpense and another horse has had to light commitice, said he was willing to have a full investigation, and put witnesses under oath. Mayor Mowat insisted that Ald. Chown 'withdraw the word "cowardly" and Ald. Chown did so. 'Ald. Henderson said that chairmen of committees were scarcely ex exception, Horses purchased even on the recommendation of veterinary sur- geons had turned out bad after chase, and even the veterinary ght not be to blame. Ald. Henderson Elliott brought some definite charge against some particalar horse in the fire department. Nothing was to be by going into the history of all the department horses. Ald. Angrove also wanted some do finite charge made. It was unfair to throw out insinuations as he claimed Ald. Elliott had done. Let the latter ke some particular charge. Ald. Elliott stated that the first in- formation he had of there beine an unsound horse in the fire department was in an article published in the press and signed by "Taxpaver." He did what he conceived to be his duty as an alderman, and brought up the matter at the last meeting of the city council. Unfortunately, Ald. Ross, chairman of the fire committee, was not present, and he refused to make any motion until he should be at the council meeting. As for Ald. Chown's statement that his action was coward- ly. AM. Elliott wished to say that he mieht lack some qualities, but cow- ardice was not in his make-up, as most of the aldermen well knew. The horse in question, Ald. Elliott dared, was now lame. It is in a rding stable at the corporation's be hired at the expense of the city to take its place. Ald. Elliott referred to an article in the News, stating that if all the city horse deals were fooked into Ald. Carson would not show up favorably. If Ald. Carson was eouilty of purchasing a damaged horse ax the present committee had done. then Ald. Elliott said he wanted him hrought to justice. The fre committee was partly responsible for the pur- chase, but more so the veterinary sur- geon Vin the employment of the city. Ald. Elliott declared that' he was prepared to prove that the last. horse purchased by Ald. Ross and his com- mittee was unsound when purchased; that it was baulky, snd had rinebones and splints. ile had sworn aflidavits in his possession togthat offect. For this horse was given 8230 of the city's The person responsible for the 'veport of the soundness of the horse should be asked to put up the $230 or pay the difference between the cost of a horse and the sum that would be realized by the sale of e UNSO one. In reply to Ald. Nickle, Ald. Elliott said he would be satisfied to receive a report upon the 'horse in question rather than to bother about going in- to details concerning long pest pur- h for the fire Ald. Ross said that he and Ald. had been appointed a sub- committee 10 purchase a «team of horses last ) h HH ol The simply a lack of judgment. This ended the Ak Sligo ud we: in to service. They could | rived in the city at \ pu ding from John Mahoney, of Wolle g laland, Jor 4700. Wheth wi jSnimel | Elected Officers For 1908. [i hd nb hk at i Ga for ages +inot w! i e. He " nied Ald. Elliot's other charges as to 16th, elected =the ; following officers : v 3 It was never Chief iSomnetllor, phot Rabinpan; os "| baulky said o councillor, Wm. . recorder a baulky, he Wor -seuly . two treasurer, H. Sharpe; assistant re- weeks 4t did its 'work in the station. 1 Then something went w with it, ||corder, Roy er; prelate, Mrs, La- Ross et i r: marshal, Fred. Sparks: warden, & an vit of Jas. MeWaters; time of 3 . Mahoney "rH % ; ith |tors, Wm. Hed take 30 back and replace ¢ with TIN ot used in | Friends prevails. in Council, No. 121. TH i { horse purpose, eonceptiaons of, the various : clared, was to rear evidence gods. The speaker stated that the Ladies, when you find it hard to decide tumble on Ald. Ross, a mayoralty paper was but a cursory survey of the of the horse was A -------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Bibby's for Dent's ladies' gloves." 'Phe handsomest display of shaving sete from $l.ov to $10, at Bests'. $6.50, $10 to $25, at Robert J. Reid's. The market on 'Tuesday morning was very and Saturday eve expected to be big days. See Bibby's dainty B0c. neckwear. *"High-class ny for Christmas. Huyler's in half, one, two and four polind boxes only at Gibson's Red Cross drug stove. An option on the Big Dipper mine in Kaladar has been secured by Uni- ted States people, who will test the property at ance. Sec Bibby's $1 storm caps. High-grade china cabinets in oak and mahogany, from $10, $15, $20 to $65. Robert J. Reid. There was no session of the police] court this morning, A first-appearance! drunk, a soldier from Tete de Pont | barracks, was handed over to. the officers in charge. Iron Beds, ®, $4.50, %6.50 to $25, at Robert J. Reid's. See Bibby's great #1 gloves. The Kingston Collegiate Institute pupils are making great preparations | for their annual "At Home," which "ill be held on Thursday evening. It | promises to surpass amy previous .at- | tempt. : Neckscarfs and neckwear galore at Hunt's. Oranges, three dozen 25¢. Edwards & Jenkin. Jardinieres, from 5c, to $6.50, good value, $1.50, in oak and mahogany, at Robert J. Reid's, The students of the Collegiate Insti- tute have made a fine open rink be- side the janitor's house. The rink ie of regulation size and will come in handy for hockey practices during the winter. The K. C. 1. boys expect to put a five team on thy ice this winter in the junior intercollegiate series. Lowney's. "The Red Star." = What is better than a three-piece parlor sel for Christmas giits, from $18 to $125, at Robert J. Reid's. See Bibby's $2 German sweaters. After the fracas between Arts and 8. P. 8, at Toronto University, many T squares were carried off as souvenirs by the Arts meno. The Literary Soci- ety undertook to pay for those 'that could not be recovered. Would they have been as willing to settle if they had wrecked some citizen's place. CARS, WERE DERAILED. Slight Accident on K. & P. Rail- way Tuesday Morning. The derailing of four freight cdrs on the mixed - train, leaving Kingston over the Kingston & Pembroke rail- way, on. Tuesday morning, at 7:45 o'clock, caused some delay to the train, and damage to rolling stock. No person was injured. The mishap occurred at Donovan's crossing, eight miles from the city, and the cause of the ident is not k Quite a stretch of track was torn up. The line was blocked, and passengers on the incoming train were transfered to another train sent out, and they eleven o'clock. Kingston Council, No, 121 C.0.C.F., meeting, hold December iit of Sons Of Scotland. E. Ross; chief, H. Atkins: on regular meeting of the' Philosophical / 1 , last evening. Th be | Was large and was agi con- de- questions such 'as the Roman con tion of immortality, ete. - } The animal Kkely | Alma Mater Society, has arranged to bruised his fest when being driven be in the A M.S. executive room dur- . ing the following hours, to issue rail- 'Ald. Elliott said he wished it un- | Way certificates : Tuesda, }d. | and Friday, 11-12 am, and 12 pm; Wednesday, 11-12 a.m. and 34 p.m. candidates for the vice-presidency of the Alma Mater ao The candi- dates receiving the larger number of votes has been accustomed to fill. the Picked Up By | first vice-prasidency, while the defeated On Their Rounds. Sandidate becomes second viee-presi- Reporters nt, didates or each office, according to notice of motion on the AM.S. re. Writing desk and table from. $4.50,| cords. tly attended. Thursday homes are in Western Ontario, was day afternoon, when it was a These officers were chosen by the a Sons of Scotland, Sir William Wallace the News or ARL Camp, at their last meeting: P.C, tain, D. Smart; chaplain, R. MeMil- ..{lan; recording-see , W. Massie; AKL. Carson de |financial-secretary, J. aT A Dozen or More 5 Ba® Ve w Bi abe Presents That Men Wig gf EMA eh BFE E Would Like. wr what to give at Christmas to your gentle- men Iriend, brothers er "hubby," as you know they have already almost everything you can think of, why not give something useful as well as pretty. For instance : An Umbrella; "You can get a choice of at least a dozen different makes, and in each make quite anumber of new handle designs. The coverings are first-class. Prices $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 up to 6.50 each. oad theme and did not enter upon Secretary D. A. Carmichael, of the y, Thursday Heretolore there have been but two future there will 'be two can: A meeting of the students whose held in the new: arts building, vester- that the G.T.R. would furnish a special coach from Kingston to Teronte on condition that at least forty students travelled in the car. The committee is securing the signatures of those wha: are willing to accede to this arrange ment, and there is little doubt that the coach will be secured, Handkerchiefs Ever Useful » 'Men'$ Puré Linén Hemstitched Handker- chiefs, 10g, 12}¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢ up to 50c. Men's Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with dainty hand-worked Initial, a special bargain af 25¢ each. Men's Silk: Handkerchiefs, 25¢, 40c, o0c, 69e, 75¢, 90c. NECKTIES--You can get a very nice choice in the latest designs in Men's Ties, Suen Jo all the popular shapes, at 25¢c Each. > on, on account of several re- hearsals in' the interim. At 50c each you can get handsome Ties 0 in Rich Barathea, plain colors or fancy de- Many of the students who are at- . . tending Prof. Cappon's course of lec- signs, in the newer fall shades. tures on "Art," attended the exhibi- |{ tion of paintings held under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Art Association of the city, on Friday. Many of the students who, for good and sufficient reasons, such as ap proaching examinations, did net have an opportunity of seeing the Dramatic Club's = presentation of "Twelfth Night," last Thursday evening, were present at the Grand, last evening, when the play was repeated. The members of the cast were perhaps in even better form than on the previous -- --- A Pair of Gloves Are always . welcome, according to your purse and the person you want to give them to The arts students of the junior yea: are holding their annual social even: ing in the new ' arts building, this evening. There had evidently been re- [}and vealed 10 the encrgetic committee in charge of the affair, a premonition that the attendance would suffer as a result of several mid-session examina tions, which will form a dire termina- tion of the autumn term. According- ly the bulletin announcement of = the social evening concluded with the earn- est exhortation, "Be sports, and do not let exams. interfere." Wool Knitted Gloves, 25¢. 35¢, 49c. : Mocha or Kid Gloves, with warm linings, $1.00, 1.25, 1.49 up. Sinclair Hamilton, who has been in charge of the Dramatic Club for the past two weeks, left for his home in Brampton to-day. The sophomores consider that they have at length solved the year-book problem. Their year-book will be pub- lished next year, and by this means thoy hope to dispose of every book published, rather than having a large number of books left on the commit- tee's hands, as was the case with the '07 vear-book last spring. The idea is|, an excellent one, and, if successful, it will probably be adopted by the vari- jous year societies of posterity. 'A Neck Wrap or Muffler English Silk Squares, in plain black silk. English Silk Squares in colored Silks. Shaped Silk Mufflers in black silk or satin. Way's or Scott's Knitted Mui ft In plain white, cardinal, navy, black or in fancy design. 25¢, 49¢, 75¢, 90c. The proceeds of the Dramatic Club's performances will form the nucleus of a fund to purchase scenery and all the necessary stage fittings for Grant hall, in order that the club's plays may in future be presented. there. Take Objection To Work. Toronto, Dec. 17.--~Some of the busi- ness men of Toronto, large property- owners mostly, are threatening to ap: ply for an injunction to restrain the city from going on with the emergen- cy work on three and a half miles of sewers by day labor. To have the sewers constructed this way was de cided by the city council, yesterday, jn order to provide work for the un- employed. 000000800000000000000000000000000000000000° Don't Forget HAT at a time like this, with deep snow and 8 cold weather, something useful as a present for Xmas is far better than spending money on other things. We have 16 tables full of useful Xmas things. Slippers.ii Carpet, Leather and Felt for Babies, We have selected everything With the care that comes from long experfence. We guarantee all goods we sell and comparison of qualities will show you that we can make your dollar go further everytime. An Umbrella makes an accept- able gift. - We show some choics desigms of Handles from purchased, Al nghy, (or, I. Scott; marcha, A. G. Sinclair; li No MeC y tandard bearer, R. = w nn en---------- Smoking Concert. latreet, on Wednesday evening. fellows and fricads "welcome. > guard; T. MoRenaie; junior guard, M. Glenn. x 4 At Granite Lodge, 10.0.F., King € $4 50 T0 $12 00 Girls and Boys or Ladies and Gentlemen. : Ad Overshoes for all kinds of people and all ages. Hockey Boots for the Boys. And don't forget Jaege'rs "ure Spangenberg Wo Slipper JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Che Joockett Shoe Store. 0000000000000 00000000 00000000000000000000" 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1000000600000000000000000000000000000 SHR BRAN WANE gn 09, hy YEAR 74--NO. 2f BORDEN } To Discuss Al So He Says Tradin . Efforts for Immig ---Resolution From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Dec. 18. --There was excitement m the house, yesterda HON. R. L. BORDEN, ternoon, when before going int ply, R. L. Borden rose to refu statement that he, during his ern tour, had avoided certain in certain places. He said that did not discuss all of the qu concerning the west, to which t servativé party had drawn the tion of the country, it was bec had not time, but if any ha missed, the leader of the opp offered to go west with Sir Laurier, and discuss them up same platform. Mr. Borden brought up the Atlantic Trading company again. He said that in two yes company had drawn from the of the "people some $265,520, penses were $54,000, and the fits about $181,591. He claimed that the contre made beh back of parl If lawful why was the work n by the government itself ? If v it should not have been done Mr. Borden made the char people were coming to Canada instigation of persons claiming agents of the government, a then "stranded in this country Hon. Frank Oliver, minister interior, said that the labor a the Cunadian Manufacturers' ation had been inducing art come to Canda. The immigral partment had always objected ing an employment agency. As regards the North Atlan ing company there were no cla standing for bonuses, and he none for damages. The reasor agreement entered into with t Atlantic Trading company W the country desired immigra it did get them. The comp: out 156,000 immigrants and | paid bonuses on 57,000. 1 he a between the government and pany was cancelled because c had changed, and some of th of {he agreement had not b up to. The minister said he did r the names of the members North Atlantic Trading comp did not care if he ever kn To-day they found that the in the direction of securi DAILY MEMORANI Open evenings Until Christmas, . Campbell Bros'. Hat and Fw Wonderland Theatre, after evening. Smoking Concert, Granite L evening. Y. W. C. A. Doll Sale, Thurs Clube Concert, Wednesday nigh At The Princess-- Fining J 229,000,000," also « Comedy minutes. Bijou atre--Comedy ~~ * A Lavery, or * The Mav Joke." Caruso sings except | to 10 p.m. RR WHIG TELEPHONI 243--Business © 229 Editorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at The Daily Whig is always ( Gibson's Drug Store, Marke Open till late each evening. Dinner S -------------------- This i8 a RARE SN pretty set of 97 peo t fish porcelain, oicely ** GOLD LIN This set would cost yO any other store. Our for this week only. EN i -------------- 'Robertson B -------- While engaged in prepar ing meal Mrs. Margaret : erboro, dropped dead on

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