5 Tq FINE i i gf i HE i ge I H i il 3 F i Hi 5 Bs i i ; i i hs ji il di How Is This For A Record ? Al. L. L. Henderson, agent of the Montreal Transportation company, in of most rapidly working elevator on the lakes, gives the follow- ing culars of i of a big cargo of wheat by his com- 's elevator this fall : Vessel arriv- ed, 11 a.m.; started to discharge, 11.15 ; finished, 5 p.m.; cargo, 102,000 bushels of wheat. The actual working time, allowing an for dinner, was four hours and forty-five minutes. Eat Well And Be Well. Physical well depends upon per nutrition the whole body. his depends entirely on the digestive organs. Don't tolerate indigestion or dys . Make your digestion per- fect by use of Day's Dy Cure. This tion tive, To- nie tive i Each bottle contains sixteen days' treat ment. For sale only at Wade's drug store, , M. E, Bloomer, C. F. Grover, C. A. Lark- ley, Miles W. Green, F. E. Walton, L. H. Adams, J. F. Saffing. A. P. Inglis, Mrs. Reid, N. P. Schaab, Toronto; W. J. Bullock, Gananoque; Leister Mof- fatt, Hamilton. Don't Let Corns Torment You: Use Putnam's Corn Extractor which cures corns in. One t, without a The ee Jt vo} fixings of the him. ' iture hat ; ; ; 14th club have been movea the] Bibby's for men's fancy vests WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1907. "TWAS A FINE AFFAIR : BR 5 CONCERT AND Held Under the Auspices of Glee look upon him as a good business man, and one capable of filling the mayor's chair to the satisfaction of all classes of the community. A good word in his behalf will help along his election. WORK ON THE K. & P. Line Was Cleared Late on Tuesdav Night. The Kingston and Pembroke railway made quick work in clearing the line and putting everything in proper shape, after the wreck at Donovan's Crossing, on Tuesday morning. line was cleared at midnight, and to- day all the trains were in time and things in good running order. The company sent an auxiliary with 150 men to the scene, and although the line was opened by midnight, the men | worked all night, clearing everything | away. It was a fine clear night for| the work. Quite a large number of the men went from Kingston, and the sectionmen, all along the line, be- tween here and Sharbot Lake, were summoned. All day, Ywestlay, the passengers were transferred from one train to another at the scene of the wreck, and in this way, all the trains were able to make their trip. The passengers on the train that fig- ured in the runoff recvived quite a CT em------ Truth In The Complaint. Murvale, Dec. 17.~(To the Editor): In the Murvale jottings of November 26th, appears the following : "George Trewin bas leased Miss A. Purdy's place for another year." Permit me to say that there is no truth in your correspondent's statement. While the statement is apparently a harmless item of news, it is annoying to have an irresponsible party meddling in what is none of his business and manufacturing falsehoods about his neighbors and forwarding them to vour paper as news of the neighbor hood --~GEORGE IRWIN. A Quiet Wedding. A quiet wedding took place in the Presbyterian manse, at 21 Queen street, on Tucsday evening, when Rev. Dr. MacTavish united in marriage Miss Jennie E. Sprague, Massena i Gananoque. The couple were unattend- ed and left on the midnight train for Gananaque, where they will reside. The bride. was dressed in a suit of blue silk, with white trimmings. The young couple have many friends both in Kingston and Gananoque, who will exter! congratulations. ee -- Underwent An Operation. Allan Lemmon, church, was taken suddenly ill on Sunday, and on Tuesday underwent an operation at the General Hospital for appendicitis. On Sunday morning Mr. mon was in the choir as usual, and had no cause for: plaint. In the afternoon, about four o'clock, he became ill, and his con- dition became so serious as to cause his removal to the hospital. His many friends look forward to a speedy re- covery. Board Of Works Blamed. According to Ald, Nickle, the blame for the knocking out of the new fire horse rests with Ald. Gaskin's board of works, whose roads, he says, caused corns to develof on the horse's feet in a few days. Perhaps it was the street railway tracks that did the damage. It's up to the board of works members to defend themselves. com Bibby's for best $1 glove. The police are notifying citizens that they must clear off sidewalks in front of their homes. Negligent ones will be summoned to appear before the court. Ribby's for smoking jackets. Many a man is wearing a shabby necktie in the vague hope that Santa Claus is going to do something for 1! The Frontenac club building will be formally opened some evening next well hk Choice neckwear. Livingston's. The | Watch," * | manufacturing farriers. Springe ? N.Y., and Robert John Campson, of soloist in Cooke's | Business College. .r The cobudFt dnd dance given by the Glee Club of the Kingston Business College, in the Whig hall, on Tuesday ight, was a great success. The hall was filled to the doors, and the mun bers 'of the club Are to be congrawu- lated upon the outcome of their df- forte. The was an excel lent one, and ighted the audience. After the me, which was con- cluded at 10. o'clock, refreshments were served and then dancing was in- dulged in for a few hours, Uroshy & O'Connor's orchestra providing a fine programme of dancing music. The principal of the college, H. F, Metcalfe, was chairman of the even- ing, and at the ing Mayor Mowat gave a short a . The glee club, which is trained by George Cummings, mude an excellent showing, all of Se numbers, receivisg a hearty 'encore. Miss Jennie Montgomery acted as paanist, _ The programme included the follow- ing numbers : Piano solo, Miss Jennie Montgomery; chorus, "Yo Ho, Gal- lant Sailors," Glee Club. violin solo, Olive Simpson, accompenied op the piano by Miss Siddie Kane: solo, "The Blacksmith," by Harvey Angrove; re- citation, "How the Mission Box Scan- dalized the Village," Miss Edwards; chorus, "Nainey Lee," Glee Club; solo, Miss Ada Rosevear: club swinging; Miss Macnamee: male quartette "Poo Little Lamb," by members of the Glee Club; chorus, "Ching-a-Ling," Glee Club; recitation, ""The Wind," Miss Edwards; solo; "Asleep in The Deep," Arthur Reynolds; duet, "Larboard Messrs. Shanks and Cum- chorus, -- * Evening Rowing on Glee Club; recitations, "Money Musk" and "The Romance in a Ham mock," George Cummings. A pleasant feature of the evening was the present. ation of a fine bouquet of pink car nations to the pianist, Miss. Jennie Montgomery, by the members of the Glee Club. mings: A Well-Known Fact. We are only stating a well-known fact when we assert that our furs have earned a wide reputation as the stan- aard of excellence. Grey squirrel sets, $950 up; Persian lamb sets, throw and mufi,' $25 up; natural lynx set, $25; badger set, $18; Alaska sable sets, $13 up. At Campbell Bros., the That Aching Corn. Why not remove it with Pecks Corn Salve. The remedy is sure, it is guaranteed. It is easy to use and ts the corn every time, In big xes, lie, at Wade's drug store. Retain Major Poole. The admiralty has approved the re- tention of Maj. G. R. Poole, at the 'Royal Military College, for a further duennium. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department, also in the gent's furnishings. 'The stock is well assorted with new goods. Campbell Bros', Fur Store. { Open evenings until Christmas. . Manicure sets, rdley's. House coats, Livingston's. choice and good. { | BEST. You bave just five more days to get your i Ea, *hoppi keep you Lust- ling, ia fact you will have to do fa lotof it ina hurry. This is ' a good place to shop when you are in a hurry, for here goods are just as rep' resented and satisfaction is guaranteed. We are open even- ings until Christmas and those who can't find time during the day to buy their presents should come here and just see what we are doing. Furs, hats, Indian goods, gloves, umbrel- las, etc, are shown in great array, We'll admit that night time is not the best time to W. J. Chapman, contractor, moved into his new residence at 322 Queen treet, opposite business col ibby's for buckskin gloves. of the road were piven shelter on Tuesday night. Ribby's for reindeer gloves. ing early is somewhat interfered a rule to sell only for cash. Bibby's for fur-lined mit The police station continues to serve! as a good lodging house. Two knights | ing, for after 30 years mak- with by the faet that some shops have; choose furs in most stores, but | Erm Se ht 3 . fet us do hos {] ing and selling furs we know Ee you i] can upon us to give dollar for dollar value every one that you invest. -- ems INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Fancy purses, Medley's. Neck wraps. Livingston's. Bibby's The thermometer this istered 18 degrees above zero. * William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Fitted suit cases and club bags, $18 up, at the Lockett Shoe Store. H. Cunningham, piano tuver, 21 King street. and McAuley's bookstore. Best range of neckwear ever shown jn Kingston. Everything new at Hunt's. ¥ "Give me the bread man to the pill man any day," says the Portsmouth Philosopher. 3 Ribby's for dressing gowns, Twelve picture post cards for direct importation from Germany. 10¢., Med- ley's drug store. The holiday traffic to Cape Vin-| cent and Watertown, this week, has] been very brisk. Ladies' and gentlemen's pure wool "Jaeger" slippers, only at the Loe kett Shoe Store. Lined gloves. Livingston's. Dr. Campbell has removed his office to 150 Ck street, opposite Queen Street as on December 9th. Try Bibby's for boys' sweaters: The steamer Rosedale which arrived at Richardsons' elevator on Monday, was the last vessel to leave Fort Wil- liam for Kingston. Richardsons' ele vator is now filled. See our own make of commercial mixed candy, 10c. per pound, warrant- ed pure, at McLaughlin's. Try Bibby's for men's sweaters. The Board of Education has receiv- ed a number of applications for the three Collegiate Institute vagancies. The appointments will be made very shortly. Fancy vests. Livingston's. Our picture post cards, 12 for 10c., are meeting with a big demand. Med- ley's. Bibby's for neckwear elegance. Any child who has passed the en- [OR THE _GANDIDTES LasoR PARTE To. sk Of All Seeking Homors in the Municipal Election--The List of Questions Asked. The Independent Labor Party, of Kingston, has drafted a number of questions, which they will, through their secretary, William Towers, sub- mit to the candidates at the munici- pal election. The questions are as follows : Are you in favor of : 1.--Free compulsory education, and the immediate restoration back to the public schools of the fifth class ? 2.--A more rigid governmental, and civie inspection of all industries, and the absolute exclusion of children of Ma, esia, cal- omel, pills and evil - tasting mineral waters have no place beside Abbey's is the gentlest, mildest, and most ive of all tonic-laxatives. It makes school age, from all local factories, mills, ete. 3.--(A.) A legal working dav of eight hours, and six days to the w (B.)--The organization of corpora- tion laborers and other civic em- ployees, and the payment of a mini- mum living wage, based on local con- ditions; (C.)--Placing the union label on corporations and other supplies as far as possible; (1).)--A consolidation of the civic offices, and, a fairer distribution of the work and wages or salaries at present paid ? 4.--The abolition of the contract system on all civic or public work ? 5.--Public ownership of all tran- ¢hises, such as railways, telegraph, telephones, water works, lighting, eto. 6.--(A.) Tax reform, by lessening taxation on industry, and increasing it on land values. (B.)--The taxation of all city pro- perty as such when held, for specula- tive purposes, and not as farm pro- perty, no matter by whom owned ? 7.--Will you, if elected mayor, as far as possible, cause the exclusion of un- work in the Collegiate Institute free of charge. Some children have availed themselves of the privilege arranged for them Ly the Board of Education in 1906. Just arrived at McLaughlin's a large assortment of chocolates and Christ. mas novelties. Try Bibby's for boys' sweaters. Princess street was given a good sanding last evening and it was a great help to the citizens. The sand does not do much good when the merchants have not shovelled their Jallowed their walks to get in ¥ dis graceful condition, huge hog backs, being in the middle of the walks. AT THE GRAND. Comedy Drama Will Be Put To-Night. It requires no stretch of the imagin- ation to believe that in Lillian Morti- mer's successful comedy drama, 'No Mother To Guide Her," which the New York managers, Messrs. Long & Packard, have selected to present the fascinating little comedienne, Miss Alma Hearn, formerly of the Klimt- Hearn company, to her host of Cana- dian admirers, as an individual star, this clever little lady has made the hit of her career. The production is fresh from eastern circuits. Thrilling climaxes, pathetic cadences, and hilari- ous comedy are the star's strong points, and the management. it is said, have spared no expense to sur- round Miss Hearn with a capable, supporting cast, and high class spe- cialties at the Grand to-night. on "Hooligan In New York. The pantomimic cartoon comedy drama "Hooligan In New York," will he seen at The Grand on Saturday, December 21st. Bargain matince and night. It is said to be one of the most refreshingly original stage crea- tions seen in many a day and abounds in humor and pathos from rise to fall of the final curtain. Be- sides, Hooligan, who is accompanied by his famous dog, Flip, a big com- pany of well-known stage favorites evidence. Many ludicrous {will be in {situations are heightened b+ original itrick properties, while an actual train of cars and other realistic scenes of interesting places will be shown. Magnificent California {rains. Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North-Western Line. The "Los Ange- les Limited" to Southern California and the "Overland Limited" to San Francisco are considered by travellers as the finest trains leaving Chicago. Three days to California. Drawing- room and Compartment sleepers, buf- fet, observation and dining cars. Traine electric lighted throughout. The "China and Japan' Fast Mail carries Pullman Standard and Tourist sleep- ers to all California Coast points. II- lustrated California literature, folders and rates to be had on application to B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto. Furs For Christmas Gifts. When you buy her you ave certain of getting an article that will give entire satisfaction. Our store has gained an enviable reputation for selling reliable-made furs. See our Isabella fox scarfs, $12 up. Choice Alaska sable scarfs, $6 up; mufis to match, $9 up. Japanese mink stoles, = up. Campbell Bros., the busy fur store, "To Revise Voters' Lists. To-morrow, Judge Madden, of Na- panee, will sit in the city council chamber to revise the voters' lists. There are quite a large number of persons applying to have their names added as voters at the coming muni- cipal elections. A Fine Degree Team. Cataraqui Lodge No. now an even better team than before, a strong choir having been added. Last evening the third degree was ex- ified in an excellent manngr. be fore a large assembly of the members. 's neckwear is simply grand. trance examination can take fifth form walks, Many of the merchants have! council itsell, to grant exemption N 10, 1L.O.O.F., is noted for its degree teams. It has the clearing sale of desirable emigrants. no matter of what description, and faithfully en- ideavor to prevent the overflowing of the local labor market to the detri- {ment of resident mechanics and labor- ers ? 8.--The abolition of property quali- {fication for members of parliament, and an elector in dominion election ? 9.--A redistribution of the present jecity wards, in order to give a fairer ivote for all electoral purposes ? | 10.--Ii elected, will you, if in your ipower, veto any attempt on the part jof a committee of council, or, - of | or |other consideration to any concern, { when, as far as possible, the electors have voted against it? { 11.--Will vou, without regard to party politics, do your utmost dur- jing your term of office, to secure the location of desirable industries ? 12--Can you at the moment, assure us that, as the result of your investi- gations, and efforts in the capacity qf an alderman, you have something definite in regard to securing new in- dustries ? CURES CATARRH: Zam-Buk"s Great Power--A Young Lady's Testimony. Miss Ruth V. Carr, of Grantley,Ont., says : "We have known for some time how good Zam-Buk is for skit sores and diseases. For these 'I "believe it to be the best healer made. Recently, however, I proved its value in another connection. I had a sore on the inside of my nostril, and at the same time was suffering with eatarrh. 1 put some Zam-Buk inside my nose to cure the sore, and was surprised how the evaporating healing essences gave me ease from the catarrh. So I con- tinued to use Zam-Buk for both pur- fecting a complete curd. In the winter bands. They crack and bleed and are] very painful. Zam-Buk I find - gives me quick relief, and heals the cracks! and sores better than anything I have ever used." Zam-Buk alse cures guts, hands, ulcers, burns, sore legs, ab- §cesses, poifoned wounds, boils, eczema and all skin troubles. Rubbed® well in it is a splendid embrocation for rheu- matism, neuralgia and sciatica, ete. 50c. a box, of all' druggists and stores, or postpaid on receipt of price from the Zam-Buk ' Co., Mor boxes for $1.95. roe 3 asi GRADUATES MARRIED, A Pleasant Event at Swithetville on Saturday. A pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mes. P. E. R. Miller, Switzerville, on Saturday, De- cember 14th, when their daughter, Eva, became the bride of Dr. James Mitchell, North Battleford, Sask.:*in eo presence of about fi gents. y R. Duke, B.A, bout ily ge Bay of Quinte conference, officiated. The bride, unattended, wore a handsome imported gown of white net over taf- feta, and carried a huge" bouquet of white roses. The wedding march was spacious rooms were: beautifully" de- corated with ; Three Stone Pearl Rings will be much in vogue this gift-giving season. . Qur comprises specin! values in (3 Stone) (5 Stone) and Solitgire Set Patterns. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. stock poses, and it answered splendidly, ef-|} time I suffer very much with chapped |$ chapped | 3 played by Miss Bajus, Kingston. The|$ cut flowers and palms. In Mrs. Mitchell, the doctor ge helpmate whose social and intellec- tun], qualitiee will ever prove to be of ¢ greatest assistance { i Both the bride and. groin sre' hewn: graduates of Queen's University. | _ The happy couple left on the even- ing train for an extended tour) through Eastern Ontario and Quebee, | cloth, hat and gloves to match, and | wore a handsome set of mink furs. Bilious? " How are your bowels?"" the doctor always asks. He knows how impor- | | the bride travelling in a brown broad. | ® Bring him and get a nice SEAL CAP for Xmas. We have all sizes. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. Cook's Cotton The 4 great Ul! ly safe effectual Monthly Jalor on w! Womon cna =F depend. Sold in #8! of strength--No, 1, §1: No. & Xt 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. § Seeial per box. Sold by all or senb Thursday We Will Sell 50 Ladies' Winter Coats All new styles and 2 first class materials. The price was $10, 1250 and 15.00 each. & They go on sale Thurs- day at. $5.00 Each. - Silk Blouses 25 silk waists white and cream also black, lovely designs, the price was, $3.00, 3.50, 4.00 $2.50 Each, NEWMAN & SHAW. STOMACH INDIGESTION. pe Si te 1 8 a NN ii Mr. 8. J. Massey, formerly & resi of Toronto, and a well-known bust man, writes from 247 Guy street, ) cal. Quebec: well to testify to the good res | have derived from the use of Pen «Having been troubled for sev vears with catarrh of the head, 1 cided to give Peruna a fair trial a can truly say I have received great fit from its use. «It evidently strikes at the very ¢ trouble and good results are of th noticeable. «f have also found Peruns & 3h re for stomach od odie no hesitancy whatever {1 ommending Peruna as areliableca rmedy." --. are several kinds of indige: The trouble may be due to slug ness of the liver, derangements ¢ bowels, enlargement of the pancre it may be due to the stomach itself In nearly all cases of stomach in tion catarrh is the cause. The onl manent eure isto remove the cata Perna has become well-know world over as a remedy in such cs GENTLEMEN'S SMOKING OUTFITS If he gentleman sol why . give him sometb for his den ? No gift wo prove more acceptable, instance an Ash Tray, Cigar Holder, Pipe Star ete. ASH TRAYS, $1.25 up. CIGAR HOLDERS, $8. The above goods are h made, in beaten brass copper. Also Cigarette Cs Cigar Cases and many © pleasing articles in line at very mioderate pr Kinaear& d'Ester Jewelers, 100 Princess St. PPEN EVENIN WEATHER STI Keeps out the Cold, Cost: and Saves Much, Good Var STRACHAN?! HRERRL I) (11-139 {A Noe] ALWAYS. COSTS BUT AND Some 'X Fort Come to Crumle) We are showing som and invite your Inspe Men's Fancy S fancy silk stripes anc pair or 3 pairs for $1. Men's Fine Inti in fancy boxes $1.25 Fancy Silk Elas boxes, dainty colorin Men's Silk or Si or fancy stripes and $1.00, 1.25. Men's Gloves, | fashionable shades, § Men's Fancy an ngs, strictly u p-to-d Crurr