Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1907, p. 9

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% SON. { Items yrning, K. s both are well suited samples of ancy Silk Bags . just one oi a design, SENT. OFF. arfs hese are about 2 yards ese are worth 75¢c and 1, §9¢ Each. t Covers ceptable gifts a woman hoose for an intimate all new, being copies s shown in New York ie with beautiful em- trimmed. = . ac, 99e, 1.3), 1.75, and sandie RARE © J FOR CHRISTMAS Our effort this year has resulted [RRR i in placing one of of best and in Kingston. We have selected everythi 3 ing with the care that comes ony oo experience. We guarantee all goods we sell and comparison of qualities will Shoe you that we can make your ollar go further everytime. : An Umbrella makes an accept- able gift. We show som some s of Handles from Shoja $4.50 TO $12.00. RRERERE AERA RE ® Spangenberg <EWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. NR ORRRRRRR EB ught of These 2 Slippers ? Ladies' High Cut Felt Slip- pers, fur trim- me d,, leather soles, 85c. Same kind in better quali- ty, $1. Red, b lue, Black, $1.25. A cheaper grade leather and felt soles, < in red, brown , Same style, in black only, Slippers to select from. i Shoe Store. 0000000000000 0000000 most extensive stocks ever shown © I RII : g 2 E 8 o 2 PERRRFRRRERRERRR fRREYERRR RT RRRRRRRTTR ---------------------- EE ---- Li PR A] V] he | they have seen, that Santa Claus From then until Cluistmas eve they wonder what their toys | wili be, and have many delightful day | dreams thinking of the beautiful toys Christmas Eve the | children go to bed very early, for they will not } |] believe bring his toys if he finds them awake. \J They place their stocking on the man $ tol, and however much noise they hear . in the night they do not stir. in the § morning they are up early, to find : plenty of candy in their stockings, « hough 'every nation has its special they need a ery § " 1) doll Tor the girls, amd interesting me- holidays ahd celebrations, Christmas They expect nd'w | chanical toys for the boys. As the is the one holiday that nearly the {jes are | \J hour of twelve approaches they rush entire world celebrates. Much as this imate. They " \ () to the churches, Immediately after day of rejoicing means to the grown- iof a Kitten or bird is pris they go to the restaurants, or to up, it is, above all else, a children's |}v. and if they caunot hate n {) their homes for boullion, dav. When the glad Christmas chimes joree, a wooden rocking-horse The English are wonderfully ene ring out millions of little folks the |gatisfactory substitute = Sun | } | thusiastic about the Christmas cele: world over rejoice and are happy. | derkloas cannot come he his | bration. The bakers and mammas are Though Germany is supposed to be | presents on a goat kicks | busy for days making plum coker and the home of the tree and Santa Claus, {and thus scatters the the | tarts. The children are quite ag busy 1s Mm the north countries Sunderk- | floor. 1} fs circle and | the homes he finds Christmas trees on | plenty of confetti and sweelments and writing Bonta Claus letters, anxious loas first appears. In Norway, Swe | In Norway it » make Y | to every Ger. | which to place the toys. Long before toys. It is a custom for the royal | 10 let him know what they want. On den, and Denmark the little folk cele- | the very birds Chri ~ Swit man of art. SO Taanenbatim. | suntise the children ave up, busy with'fehildeen to tive about. Christma] Christmas Eve' there is always a great brate his coming for fifteen days. The |gladness. For t \ nd 1 i h is makes huste to pilethe] their stockings. The all expect to | morning, leaving toys and good things family disner, with plenty of turkey thought of his coming creates a feel- | planted in iron ¢ t trip back { v He has |g foot of the tree: he hs find a pair of ates, a mountain | for the poor Children of the wealthy cider and plum cake. Dinner aver, ing of good fellowship, resulting in with 'herbs nt ¥ thad t i w a for | the on to © he dare stick and a sted, and whatever else follow their thoughtful example. They they gather mn the parlor and q much visiting back and forth, dancing | tempting seeds, so tha ° trees nt help- | to hang them up He their good friend is kind enough to {make a great effort to provide the their frat glance of 'the brilliantly and laughter. The children keep the [feathered guests may feast a al fers m tr st n i the children spend the | bring 4 If it were not for the Christ many poor children with clothes, lighted tree. Christmas trees are very postman busy mailing their letters, | their fill. -- and and Nuremba i er timing their gifts and admir-| mas gilts winter days in the dreary | stockings! and chicken, La 'rake trent | plentiful «in England, and some sve for thousands ufechildren send letters | When Sundgfidons leaves Norway | toys e gréat forests mer those of their brothers, sisters and | mountain villages would become very among the Italian peasants, very tall. The children Shaw theie to Sunderkloas, telling him just what and Sweden he goes to Holland. He Thusy for days eutti The little Dove write : to} tedious . "Now Year is the great holiday in gratitade singing nny beautiful they 'want. Though their lists are [always reaches that country on the {They are distributed sow Claus for great suidier's caps Nowhere does Christmas wear a more | France, though Santa Claus does not | carols. When Santa Claus appears he often Jong, they are careful to explain | 5th, instead of the 25th However |Chfistmas, The childrer 1 ord. bat "their sis. | solemn tone than in tndy The { nesloet them Fir trees are very unloads his toys, and they then often that if he cannot bring them everv- [eold it is on that day, there is ne to peep into the Y rt Y ter lis and buggies for] churches ar all lighted and decorat- |searce, $6 OF tv a fortunate few get dance round him in a civele. In some thing, they would' like' certain things la fire burning on the hearth, for | certai nau } | their ' In Germany Christ-{ed, and the litde folks also go to | tes laden with toys but the tovs]of the smaller towns the 'ahitdren wo yery much, and their sparents will {he usually: comes down the Il chim- [Santa U1 {mas en's eve, apd not aj midnight mass to give thanks, On the jare $0 wonderful and beautiful they | through the streets smging beautiinl fook after the rest. On Christmas eve | ney, instead of knocking at the door. [whet | child) w vo to bed until every ear he way they stop Hy ec at the brilli- | compensate in no «mall part. Several carols, Others dressed ar 'miynmers the household dre gathered in the best {The chil are gathered A ( 1 {burfis low. h me laces the cane) ant stalls, decorated with candles, | weeks before Christmas thousands of knock at friends' doors and' play all parlor, waiting his coming impatient- grate, Vielng with one another trimmed © are kept ted for two or three Hantern and bright-colored papers. | children ¥isit the shops to see ° the sorts of pranks, & Iv. In the smallest village the church {who will catch the first glimpse © of !balls, candis a . intl ta} Rut Santa Claus does 'not for-| They will not m on until their] toys Fhere are rooms fitted up Thowgh Santa Claus visite little chimes are heard ringing merrily. In- | him. Before he unties his bundle he is iresemi loot the little folks in the coldest, | parents consent to buy them a wax expecially for the little folks. Here folks in every part. of the world, he side the family forms a circle and [pretty sure to ask_how the children It v i 1 r-ont-oi -the-way places. Every L hambino and some sugared hearts they seo wonderful dolls, houses fitted | does not forget hie little American sing Christmas carols. Anxious to [have behaved themselves during =the. {lo i wither at ov noth R \ makes a fving trip through | Toward midnight one sees hundreds of {up as completely as a real house. Dolls | friends. He sees they are well provid: make a great noise, the younger chil- winter. They are dreadinlly disap. ] t nty | intai The mountaineers | women and "children walking along beautiful dolls and dressed in the | ed with Christmas trees, dolls, bue- dren join in with wind instruments pointed if they are not given a p A } Ww nto the villages and await | lonely country roads going to ma latest fashions Their gowns are ss, gies, horses and everything dear to a A sudden knock tells them he is | Kites mean much to Dutch children } 1 i ni When not playing the and "the great cathedrals in Rome, fclegant as though they were made by boy's heart. In very city through- there. Some rush up to help him off {for the winds are strong Holl hildren are busy eating ies. can-| Florence and Venice are thronged with | Paquin and Doucet, The mechapical | out the country the Christmas chimes with his fur coat and others assist and there is a large sweep of | i ut i ot scarce | worshippers tove include every Kind, from a com bring words of greeting and love to him to unload his toys. Every little In Southern Holland the littl t | nyt th vhil Returning. the children hasten home | plete train running on a track tolall mankind, though the sound of girl and boy expects a pair of skates. | prefer go-arls to leds be = | le Santa | and hang up their stocking they | looping the loop. There are airships, these bells menns most to the little In no other country is skating finer, | their brothers can pull them "To » w | «: they fear th toomay be tight joep when Santa | balloons exprofs wagons trunks, | folks, who are all eagerness to see and the children skate so much that | = hool. The children in Hojland mer jous } some of | Claus comes They are sure to fd {dol tronsseaus. and what not, what Santa Claus has brought them. {I'he second creates an extraordinary replied the girl hesitatingly. ticket on = your cookoo E---- - tribunal for Roye/ Pela at L 13600 ~ dnvs examined, and those | political events unfavor- | treatment dealing summarily with TURMOIL IN PORTUGAL : A SERIOUS REVOLUTION IMPENDING. rn composed of a judg oriminal court and two ii is authorized person ornme have been held up | pointing with accused of 1 leaving Por- | commercial mess: | ing soothes away U gOrIons ~ I foreign telegram uly with ble to the government are suppress: od. Many ordinary ages, not in cipher as 11. thus causing vemenee Rheumatic Poison Neutralized. Prive H0e., at Wade's | "Buy =a t? "Oh, you won't {Please buy a ticket » He bought. get it, to try The lining of the ' Dr. neon ment, skin forms at cneeg or irritation, vou'll find Dr {dock ? What the dickens would 1 do oe |with a cookoo clock if 1 should get mister. Sores Inside The Nose. nose will erack, grow very sore and irritating. Noth- he trouble like an- Hamilton's Oint- Ruly it on thoroughly, and new For any ore, cut Hamil- lton's Ointment best of all. Try a Ste. thox. Rheumatism has One cause only---| -- mr uric acid. 1 this acid can be peutral- | Same Old Mother ized and expelled from the system and | - } ' i ft hei Now, Jamie," said a school teach- the formation of an excess of 3 el "if there i pr for des: copped a eure must result It is os]®? ere were only ont § 4 ol : 2 result that water will-put | sort and there were ouly five of you certain a result as p t out fire. Year of experience have | children and papa and mamma to Br De Hall's Rhewmatic Cure]divide it among, how large a piece | would you get?" hb shiv power to neutralize and ex | 5 ' . . oo ie acid. It cures cases "of the "One-sixth," replied Jamie prompt 1 : . longest standing with surprising | 7; : " "Rut there would be seven people sickness, It 'cares permanently Tew | - i { there, Jamie. Don't you know how many times seven goes into one » pe Drug ky gh - " { "Yes'm--and 1 know my mother. A Clean Record. { She'd 'say she wasn't hungry for lio. | Toldo Blade that day. I'd get one-sixth. te There 18 & of min savs ---------------- Irons Prof. Lorimer, ' « veteran edu | Waiting. : i cator, who helieves in corporal pun Jones--What are you going to give ishment, "who is raising a family of your wife for a Christmas present * surrounded |" boys with the help of moral *ia- | Brown--She hasn't told me wet. mild little chap argued -------------------------------------- ry ! troops hing Charles Mon - T fai latism in| ar hoxing : been ad-jabont the mation the other night at be movement against absolutism in risoner, having v 8 Oe club. Amd do you believe," said Portugal has assumed such dimensions into city during | TL moral suasion is better than > " 1 1 i ' thi i i : 1 that the country, axcording oe Modiid} + : corporal punishment for big. husky elegrams, 1s on e brink ol revolu- : ba Gir " «' said . 1 iti . . "r apis Hike your ' al my tion. The Portuguese authorities are a ol ts hn 1 'And u y '0 5 #1 wand Cascisrty and foal If mas, 1 have i ug 5 th ant iti I ; frien: "ne do vou pwan "9 av a rata dys ear i - telegrams: | (he situntion, hoping 1 pi vil {lat vou never whipped your boys ? Bh Bent Lg ing dt nu news eached Madrid tha he Brtud my, ' . bare » frie ne apd other drugs, but as Toa he lads | throw of the present gaverume ha that 3 . ' As true I sit hes my friend ort Rima wil tecomme 2 many Monarchists have deserted hing throw © th hy i . 1 declared aestly. 1 have mover my friends 3x the oy bug foe Toe > - PESOTVIS ing o the throne | ing quartered on Iwo © : Re ee cons haries; and tht the army teservi ts | bring him to the mw being quiere track. of my children except in four Tory Ed » ave heen mobilized, in anticipation - A <elf-defonce.' 5 Wa Vasily. Minach of a conflict with the rev Slutionavios,] Madrid Dec 13 --The news frow | A numb r of wealthy businéss mw elf-defene It is ev jeclared that the Lisbon| Portugal is increasingly grave, an we sending their families to Madrid ariel the RT of the was there is every indication that the | anticip rioting. and Inducement Pressed Home. + : tind 4 rv iS the brink of rey ution goes are i ail New York Times ns ships in the harbor ' hate matinied. country is on hr Ton da ets 5 a A tatieres forlorn | miss of fifteen The prisons ar filled with political R has heen rumored n : i A tattered. Torlmn ll A young Pp - Pp) . morning that yo or 2 ™ ¢ . »" o - suspects, and the govern nt is wiil-; terday mormng . 1 cao tate y "> n v Ordi- jain tw transports in Ite harbor! garrison and the crews pablish f the real estate man the other day. Ordi a re risan shine guese squadron now lying the pre . wpa narily he is thy politest o inividuale + so amine} ig | ous snied and ined the re- | received ar Six of these jour but thiz day he was so busy that he Meanwhile, the ng EE _, =m ky gue a Hut Ean bios Lie mohasizing 1) ' « of th and the other ° four didn't know "where he was at Ww by loyal troops: e| volutio 5. n v n y & ; palace, gt ade ciled at Villa Vicosa|s ble. because of the Tig sures | gitaation. ' : 8p, with a quick glance out of the a crown We 18 a S +} § hi r adopted by the Port vern- Aeoordin a { 1ibw gt eo Official Gazette contains two mm- corner of his eve, he said rather Plasstat. : IE because Ga nat his fathe dojite 3 » J ETS ie ae . Soe 4 ie, eaken hould ei 9 Jes lish the dictatorship ment to prevent news being © sent | wert ists have heen wi ed d many mon- | portant decrees dealing with the un- sharply Son Ela Salk THY eoudles Les showy eit or 8 Prin Miguel > of abroad situation is destribe wha have hitherto upheld rest The first has prok wed the re-| "Well. what do yon want? Sterling Co., Chicago or N.Y. or abdicate, and Princ £ The report of the mutiny in The Liberal ins King Charles' policy are now dt derting ' strictive mensures against, the press, "Pup-p-please, mister, won t vou ANNUAL SALE, BOXES » { > ating A i . » the comservatives, which became operative last June {buy a ticket on our cook00 clock ? Portuguese pretender, et : a he : the. Po wr ! the Madd | prinde was banished from Lisbon to'lim ana Jouung RB gan, following i who is in was frst published by Austria, is closely

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