Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1907, p. 10

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: Hockey Sticks | * Dotble grooved blade--the lower one serrated to insure accurate shooting and also strengthen ESTO Dr, KOHR'S R New Otntgry,~-the most i : § i g i tie bas recommended this Astiima where, as is well mal Board in Insane of the inmates are victims of | i in the great standi of France n a rm! both SSD gh enh te Bat ns en & few day's treatment. The skin becomes clean, the bright. Confidence returns, step elastic, bowels Hea r. No more weak me- , the mind and active. A Food ain and Blood. A permanent cure ne matter h 'Sheanic the cass, ust sesl ua 10-day your name ; CATE ah" fe ST ate a momen . 4 ith Saccers and with Doses eon idonce. KOMR MEDICINE CO. P.0. DRAwen L, "2341. WONTREAL. ~~ STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges : Closing Law. Eleanor Robson is playing a four weeks" engagement in i pl a new lyric drama, is to be produced in in Jan . Parts of it are bas- od on episodes real life. "Tom Jones," a musical setting of Fielding's novel, did. pretty well in New York, but the fates decree that it go on tour on January 4th. London is sort of a place, doncher'know? It will use up fifteen acres of Battersea and the name is "Dream City." w ALICE KENNEDY, ith the Partella Stock Com Fa The Grand, all mext eoke Henry E. Dixey is ing for an- other. starring tour to begin in Janu- ary--"Poliche' is the name of his new comedy adapted from the French, The new Franz Lehar, com- poser of he Ror Widow," was produced in Vienna this week. Tt is culled ,, "The Man With the Three ives. The new lessees of the Shaftesbury Theatre intend to give London a ° lot of American comic operas. About Eas- ter time they will lead off with "Rob- in Hood." Ludermann's "Die Ehre" or "Hon- or," as it is known in the English version, was presented this weok b the stock Sompany at Keith & Proc- tor's Theatre, New York. Madame Luisa Tetrazini, declared by critics the most marvellous colora- ture soprano since Patti's prime, will join the Manhattan Opera House forces on January 15th. Beerbohn Tree is giving the English provinces a dramatization of Charles Dickens' unfinished novel, "The Mys- tery of Edwin Drood." According to the stage version there is no murder. The advance cash sale of "The Mer- ry Widow" company, now playing at the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York, reached $90,848.75 last Saturday night. Practically every seat in the playhouse is sold for the next six weeks. The .. Wonderful sensation, "The Thiel," in New York, .has been dupli- cated in England, France, Germany, Hungary and Holland. The play will soon be produced in Russia. This will make six languages in which Henry Bernstein's drama will be before the public. Vera Fedorovna Kommisarjewskava, a Russian actress, is coming to Now York city next spring and will open an engagement at the Liberty Theatre in an Ibsen play on March 2nd. She has leased the theatre for five weeks, paying $3,000 a week, The New York managers that have been in the habit of giving entertain. ments in their theatres on Sunday af- ternoon and evepings were amazed . man, of the supreme court, in the case Sunday. December 30th, is to be Ibsen's "Ros- mersholm." Three years ago Mrs. has produced, the others being "A Doll's House in 1804, and 'Hedda Gabler" in 1904. these days on his opera version of "The Girl of the Golden West," and year, when its first performance will be given in New York. Charles Zangarini, has already finish. ed the Italian version of the libretto, apd the tithe in Italy will be "La Fanciulla del West." be in two sets, with the last one somewhat different from the original play. Pills for sick che, constipation, you will never be with. out them. They are purely vegetable this. taffies of ll kinds when the decision of Justice 0'Gor- against William Hammerstein was pub- lished. The decision is sweeping in its efiect, and interprets the law as pro- hibiting every form of amusement on Mrs. Fiske's first new offering at the New York Lyric Theatre, beginning Fiske announced her intention of play- West. "Rosmersholm" will be the third Ibsen play that Mrs. Fiske Signor Puccini is working overtime The poet, small and easy to take. Don't forget Go to McLaughlin's for home-made |ilton's Pills, and heroine dies er a heap of but nature has written them and , and we have not always had to read them. keep flies out of the om kitchetr may be clever, a product of this age, but she is not a true and the The two horses attached to the ve- hicle fell to the Hila tracks below apparently uninj \ driver, w had béen thrdwn to the ground, also escaped injury and aided in liberating the bridal party from its perilous posi- tion. the bride and groom, included the lat- ter's brother and sister-in-law. The driver attempted to cross a via- duct that was being repaired. The horses plunged ions through a break, but the carriage was hel by the rear wheels. A German Quack. At Volbeck, a little place near Munster, , one of the potable figures has been for several years the water doctor, a peasant named Josef Garthaus. ES rastiod® is so great, says a Fran paper, that he will sce patients on three days in the week only. The "doctor" was recently sum- moned before the tax officers, to whom he had never made a statement as to his income. Even before that body he would make no statement, and paid the tax on the authorities' estimate of 14,000 marks income a year. "And is man," says the report, 'practic es at the very tes of Wunser, where there are ty Physici ve in good standing, wl a ica faculty is being ined sur- ise becomes greater when it is wn that the "doctor" never charg- es more than fifty plennigs for a con- Itati How thousands of people must seek his' help. At the low estimate of the ' tax board Garthaus must be consulted by: 28,000 a year. Scorching At Meals, Philadelphia Lawrence Mott, author and automo- bilist, condemned scorching at a din- ner. "I condemn," he said, "scorching and the scorcher, but I don't condemn the scorcher unheard. I don't con- demon the accused man hastily. Hasty condemnation is always a mistake. "Once on a C jan railway I got off the train for a five-minute Y | luncheon at a railway eating bar. "There was a man beside me b- bling away, and when he finish I heard him say bitterly, as he took out his purse: "Call that a ham sandwich? It's the worst ham sandwich I ever ate. No more taste than sawdust, and so small you could hardly see it." ""Ye've et yer ticket," said the waiter. 'This here's yer ham sand. wich.' ** Too Versatile. Philadelphia Press. idder--*He said you .were very versatile." Scribbles -- 'Well, now; that's a compliment coming from him." Kidder--"I don't know. He said afterwards that you were more kinds of an idiot than any other man he new." Eczema Cured For 25c. Wade's Ointment cures eczema and all other similar diseases. At the same time there is no more perfect remedy for cuts, bums, cold sores, and other minor skin troubles. Try it and you will never be with- out it. Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, otc. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Buy' Christmas Wilk waists at Waldron's sale, $1.98. A covered box, with shelves, nailed outside the window, will' prove a good place for butter, mik and eggs. Y, DECEMBER 21, 1907. + fense." TE OF DXPERIENGE DRUMMERS SHOCKED AT MAN WHO KISSED GIRL. Grace--Not Afraid of Mother. One of a up of travelling men succeeded in having the la on his compan in the lobby; a Detroit the other night. He was telling of an experience t he had on a Michigan Central train, in which he made the "acquaintance" of a certain young lady, in a very short time. "I was coming from Chicago," he began. "At Evanston, Ill, a young woman accompanied by an elderly lady, whom I presumed to be her mother, boarded the car. Although they selected a seat directly opposite mine, I did not pay particular at- tention to the Ea beyond observing that she was good looking. 1 must admit that the fact of the young lady being accompanied by her mother, to- gether with my natural bashfulpess, might account for this seemingly im- possible situation. 'We had gone probably twenty-five or thirty miles, when the young lady came over to my seat and offered me the book she had been reading. As 1 said before, I am extremely shy, but I suggested that the book had a very pretty cover, and' after that it was easy. We rode all the way to Jack- son, Mich., together, and I must sav we had a most enjoyable time. "When we got within about ten miles of Jackson she went back to where her mother was sitting, to get her hat and coat. I supposed she had Jeft me (for good, but in about five minutes she came back and staggered me eh: ) 3 "'Well, I guess I'll have to go now; but won't you kiss me good- 3 The travelling man was interrupted by the laughter which followed, but when it ended he continued : "Well, 1 was never up against anything like this before, but the maiden looked at me so appealingly that I must confess that I fell from grace. "I supposed this to be the end of our friendship, but I was mistaken. She made another trip to her moth- er's seat, and anothér>to mine with the uest that I put the kiss that I had en 'back where it belonged.' "Well I tell you I felt pretty em- barrassed. I noticed an old lady who had observed the first performances, pointing me out to the conductor, but the maiden insisted that 1 'put it back," so 1 did. " 'Now,' she said, 'give me just one more." Holy smoke! I was sorry that I ever left Chicago, but smiling feminity is a mighty hard thing to resist, so I gave the young lady what she was Joong for." Of course a series of lectures and admonitions followed the drummer's recital. He was assured that his con- duct was, to say the least, indiscreet, and was told that he was indeed for- tunate in not being arrested. "Yes; 1 admit that it was wrong," he began, "but you know that 'char: ity covers a multitude of sins,' and 1 think I was at least charitable. "Anyway," he added by way of de- fense, "the entire performance occur- red in tle presence of her mother, and I think that 'parental sanction' some- what lessens the enormity of the of- "How old do you suppose the young lady was?" inquired one of the" older travelling men, who was evidently shocked by the drummer's frank re- cital. "Well, vou know they always try to make themselves out vounger,"' he an- swered, "so when she told me she was three, I thought she was fibbing, so 1 asked her mother, and she told me the girl would be four in April." Waterman's Latest Pens. A new stock of Waterman's modern and seli-filling pens to choose from. Modern style-at $1 up; seli-filling at $2.50 up. Every Waterman pen is a perfect one. Have a fountain pen and Not Broadened By Travel. Youkers Statesman. "They say that travel broadens a man," said the dark woman. 'Well, 1 don't know about that, replied the light woman, "my husband has been a conductor on the trolley car for seven years, and see how thin he is. A Work Of Art. From Puck. "Was that picture you just sold a genuine work of art?" "No," answer- ed the dealer, "but the story I told about it was." Better Unchecked. Ballimore American. Mother (sternly)--"Can't you check your wife's constant demand for money *"' Husband (despairingly)-- "That's just it; she's always after cheques." The Habit of Health Many people have a habit of ailing. How much better it would be to learn to keep well "For health, after all, is largely a matter of _habit, which all may acquire with a little practise. BEECHAM'S PILLS teach good habits to Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. If you are subject to Bilious Attacks, suffer from Constipation or are trou with Indigestion, Nervousness or Headache, Beecham's Pills will reform all these bad habits and set an example of good health, which the body will quickly. follow. You can break up all » sickly habits by occasionally using the health suggestions trars- mitted by Beecham's Pills, Prepared onty by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by all Druggists in Canada and U. S. America, In boxes 25 cents. We are not half as proud of our Dress Suits at, Fit-Reform $15 Oyercos months of planning 'and "fésting, and two trips a year to England--to get cloth worthy of bearing the Fit-Reform label and yet reasonable'in price. It takes careful bissifiéss 'management to enable the finest tailoring corps in Capada to make these Overcoats, and still let us sell them for $15. 262 Every good style. "snl \dzens of handsome patterns, at $15. Gl-SReform E. P. JENKINS have the best. Wade's drug store. *| House Slippers, . Baby's Fancy Shoes, Leggings, Overgaiters, Spats, Overshoes Moccasins, Hockey Boots, Royal Shoes 'for' Men and Women, Successors to D. J. McDermott, P.S. ST Kingston, Ontario. (LONDON) ' ' Undoubtedly the best brewed on the continent. Proved to be so 0 er by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhibitions, especially Chicago, 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. isle. Tr A Few 'Xmas Suggestions. Strap Slippers, Reid & Charles, 111 Princess Street 'ORE OPEN EVENINGS. Saad das saaaas 3 « Knowing the' frequency with which ailmen ] ure, a section will what is commonly wn using them Every Sufferer From Piles i i Should Read This Carefully. : Pre ny he ireuen hich. fiend lis rey highly; there are dr LC He found that the lower part of the can be depended hopes to have it finished carly next|bowels is like a network of blood ves- safeguard against piles, sels, and ii subjected to persistent |ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter out and nut. 1 ar. &s every girl or woman." The only effective mode of curing system will be ritali The opera will{this trouble is the regular use of Dr. and made Ale ici Ring Fund Hamilton's Pills, which can be taken | Good for men, excellent {or women, retiring. Next day will bring and mos. effective for children. All ages } "1 suffered' up to about limi ton's Pills & marv ici . If you once try Carter's Littje Liver | human ry with tthe ne of 'thoug > Sous sediciue, &1 heada biliousness or | Miss Lueders, from Cagrwall, Ont., was employed in a fa "I cause inconvenience, still they cleanse otory here, but and purify the system, thereby main- ; (for a while had to give up work till I taining a hi t better of this trouble. I read in 'Sold by all / Montreal Herald about Dr. Ham- Ly boxes for 81, or by mail, from N. after IC. Polson & Co., Hartiord, Conn. U. two weeks was: cured. I can recom- S.A. and Kingston, Ont. 334400844442 AAA 4440200 at once relieve , and from my experience upon as a perfect Dr. Hamil su, would be a benefit to Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and your and both sexes find Dr. Hamil h active, they do not gripe or standard of health. 25¢. per box, or Granulated ahd@*Yellsws, Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." The St. Lawrenca Sugar Refining Co Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Made entirely from cane : Nothing better for Christmas than a box of Ganong's G. B. or Stewart' ~_ EE -------- EAA 4444444404044 +44 : | ; HEE Chocolates ! + : + + * + + + + A i» + + + + > + b + + Pe + + + +> 3 s Chocolates The Finest in the City. FEHR ARERR OES T A. Jd. REES, 166 Princess Street EE HE Er be § ~~T¢ ey A BISSEL SWE Is a Christmas Gift that is one of the most practical Sister or Friend, for it actua in the wear on carpets, etc., every day it is used. Let us show you our Chr SWEEPERS." Take a peep at Our Wind McKELVEY & BIl REPRRRRRERREE Tom - Christmas Stockin; 75c. and $1.00. Cra Finest Fancy Cra 60c and 75¢. per box of HOLLY ! A. J. REES, "PH Canada Life / SIXTY Assets foyer) hn = > 2 Insurance o! rd Profits paid policyholders (o 'When insuring your life I you would like to repre office--18 Market street, King can be made.

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