Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1907, p. 13

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ts for Children irls' Rubber Boots, sizes 6 to Jolors, all sizes, 25, 35 to 85c. es for Boys and Girls, 60c, le Folks, sizes 6 to 10%, only | sizes for Little Girls and icy colors, 25c. n to our store. 1ethy's STOVES | HOME "®® range larity as one of the inges made. h less fuel than any fine line of Steel I pay you to examine T BROS. 77 Princess St. IRISTMAS xifts 'our Christmas can be made rht ky selecting a present nour holiday stock. ames Reid "PHONE, 147. Store Open at Nights MILWAUKEE ADE, Druggist, cor. Presents propriate Christmas Dainty ones for Young People 'GESTIONS : 25, $1.50, $1.75. * of true: feminine daintiness. id all appeapfince of clumsi- tiest creations manufactnred. MAYORALTY, 1908. 70 THE ELECTORS: At the request of large numbers of citizens, I offer myself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty. If you deem my ten years of well-meant service as an Alderman to have been of value to the people, I can confi dently appeal for your support for a position in which experience and intimate knowledge of city affairs can be most effective for the gen- gral good. R. H. TOYE. MAYORALTY, 1908 CITY OF KINGSTON. In answer to over five hundred qual- ified electors, who have, by petition, requested me to offer myself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty, I beg leave to state that I have consented to do so. I, therefore, request the "vote and influence of all favorable ww my elec tion as Mayor for 1908. A. E. ROSS, M.D. Nov. 26, 1907. Ann Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any evem pumbered section of Pominy Lands in Manitoba or the North-West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not re served, mu be homesteaded by any per- son the sole head of a family, or wale over 18 years of age, Lo the extemt ot pune-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant at Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be mad at an Agency ,on certain conditions by the father, mothur, son, daughter, broth- er or sister of an intending homesteader. An application for entry or cancella- tion made personally at any sub-agent's pilice may be wired to the Agent by the Sub-agent, at the expense of the appli- cant, and M the land applied for is vacant on receipt of the telegram such ap licas tion is to have priority and the land will be held until the necessary papers to Sompiew the transaction are received by mail. In case of "personation" or fraud the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim or if entry has been grauted it will be summarily cancelled. An application for cancellation must be made in person. The applicant must be eligible for homestead entry, and only one Application for cancellation will Le re 'ccived from am individual until that ap- plication has been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation procewdiugs, the applicant for Gancellution Will be én- titled to prior right of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in what particulars the homesteader is in efault. A _homesteader whose eutry 1s not the subject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart- ment, relinquish it in favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister M eligible, but to no one else, on fling Meciaration of abandonment. DULIES--A settler is required to per form the duties under one of the follow: ng plans :-- 1) At least six months' residence up- pn and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) A bhowmesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence dutigs -by living on farming land owned wok by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, im the wicinily of hi homestead. Joint ownership in land Will Bot meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a howceteader has permanent residence on farming lan owned solely by bim,. not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the Vieini- ty of the howestend, or upon a home: stead entered for by hum in the vicinity, such homesteader may perforin his own residence dutive by living with ihe fath er (or mbther.) (4) The term "wieinity" in the two preceding paragraphs is dafined as mean ing not more than nine miles ina dirge line, exclusive of the width of road sl towance crossed in the moasurewent. (5) A homesteader intending to perform s residence duties in accorgance with the above while living with parents o on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for the district of such intention. Before making application for patent the settler must give oix months' notice fn writing to tlie Comuussioner of Lo minion Lands at Utiawa, of his imten tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. COAL--CUoul mining nights may for a period of (wenty-one years at an annual rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,500 acres shal ) one individual or company. A royuliy at the rate of live cents per ton shall be collected on the merchantable coal mined QUARTZ--A person eighteen years ol age or over, having discovered mineral in place, may locate a claim 1,00Ux1,500 t. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or pmd to the mining rocorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may mpon having a survey made, and upon eomplying With other requirewents, pur chase the land at §1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment bl a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 100 feot square ; entry fee 35, renewable year An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles cach for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the . Min ster of the In terior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper ation within ome season from the dat of the lease for each five miles. Renta 10 per annum for each mile of river . Royalty at the rate of 3} Pel cemt collected om the output after it ex: 9.999. w. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.-- Unauthorized publication ment. will not he paid for Instead of a brush use an old hroom with about one-third off, to shine stoves. 2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDA Gips For Bbhe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH. There are ample stocks, of market is steady at $13 to 319 per ton, according to Early fall cheese is held at 13c. to 14c., at Montreal. The man who grows a pig, whether much profit. A pig' is grown to con- marketable product is a grass eater, of the farm. The hog supply his wants be supplied to its full has always given of fuel in cooking is an item a Easy to get into--on and off like a coat. Easy to wear--fits all over. Dress and business styles. with benefit to idle horses, White and colored in exclusive patterns. HE Makers, Berlin, Canada. ™ The best single feed to produce eggs is wheat, but a mixture better. | Jb,; perch, 30c. a dozen; frogs 40c. a Ib.; ciscoes, 1bc. a ib.; oy- because | gtors, 50c., and 60c. per quart; blue-| might bring the bank down in ruin, of | fish, 15c. a lh.: butterfish, 15c. a 1b.;} and the insolvency of the bank means Jake herring, 10c. a lb.: finnan baddie, | the insolvguey of England. The finan While poultry require some roughage THERE JRE JSINY BAKING POWDERS depends a great deal on the percentage the breathe even more I'hen in addition to and gases must be . the unpleasant odors existing in the poultry dissipated and removed, of Canada to-day, he sold one load of al- seed grown on a nine-acre farm for $740 to James | washed, 13. MAGIC BAKING POWDER st mann It ts Pure, Wholesome and Economical SOLD IN ALL SIZES. EW.GILLET remarkable of Mr. Simpson's farm is something with no known equal in Peterboro county Herald and Weekly HERPICIDE NOT A FAKE. Unsolicited Testiyionials Tell be It's Superiority: woor honey locations if there were no quoted from is no exaggeration, and this year seen an number of cases our own localitw and in Victoria coun cheep, tv where similar vields have been ob Yields from six to eight bush reap. as | The bustling spring-tides. clamorous wild prove a fake A tl high as ten bushels were in I'he price is now ranging bushel, amd the com bination of good yields and high pric: | The year lies in the lap ol God, bonanza to farmers for- | And resting waits Hig alsike this word. were | The hush, the magic spell seems moet, } 00 for every legitimate purpose th her Saviour waits 10 | France has more money than Fag- scalp, and inguired one | While and gr was | And gr h only 26.50 per Sold by leading druggists crop. ep than the who had some Leicesters exhibit that had brought him are \ oar ht Conor R MARVEL Whirling Ask your druggist for (8, If he cannot supply the MARVE ¢ TYPEWRITINC! stenographer and we are prepared to do strictly first class copying of all kinds. vor | vear the the the « dropped the sheep. that r hired A lish men in a period of nine months, They Joy. v would | (0, joy, grand joy of Christmas time, |in Odessa, is home for a few days and | Mr. and Mrs. B. Rose were in King ember of parjiamen ers, Repairs and Supplies. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., 171 Wellington street. { Gait, which i he found broad-gauged PLAIN TALK FROM THE DOCTOR 2099004 hysician, famous for e treatment of kid- er troubles, stated that prescription is due & is responsible for fluid extract dande- farming, i Jeps One ounce compound salatone ; the people of that Four ounces compound syrup 1 after Mix and take a teaspoonful afte be admitted, This mixture will, he says, posi- tively cure any dissubes 'arising from weak, clogged or inactive kidney much as the he North-West of the wheat fields At Maine stations evidence, up for hali a mile, conducted systematically, handle the produ cleanse the blood of the poisonous through elevators waste matter and acids, , allowed to remain, cause lumbago, lame back, rheumatism and sc.atica, time will restore the kidoeys to healthy The ingredients, w vegetable and entirely harmless, ed frou any good druggist at home at very little cost. This advice will undoubtedly be much appreciated by many readers. 0090000000000 00000000000 At sixty cents per bushel pota Maine farmers in the next of this easy position financially for and poo dis that { after each meal. * of handle cut H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. and Mc . Waldron's sale of costs, half-price. AAA ARR LOLOL tdssdosdd 0999240009000 000 Auley's bookstore. he bas been over it and with a prac- tm - | tical eye estimated its value as a producing commonwealth. Produce And Prices. ed to the Whig, to-day, as follows : $25 to $26 per ton; shorts, $26 to packed, 30c. per dozen. Grain--Oats, 40¢.; £1.04; buckwheat, 5c.; barley, rye, ibe. to .; peas, TBc.; corn, best, T73c.; mixed, 68c. ed. 28c.: rolls, 8c. 104c.; by carcase, be. to Se fay cutlets, e.: hogs, livdiw a cats, 12jc. to 15c. a lb Grinding and cooking feed for stock pound, 10c.; chops, 15¢. a 1b, mut. 4 but ton, Sc. to %e. per lb. the objection is the expense. The cost Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc. a Ib; } nd the | whitefish, 124c. a th; pike, 100, grinding is anotner. There | ji,.: Chinook salmon, 30c. a ih; are now, however, grinding mills that | colts 10¢., 15¢. and 20¢. do rapid work and in winter, horse- per Ih. ; kippered herring, Yar: be used | Louth Dloaters, 40¢. a dozen; At 7¢. to 15c. a lb; halibut, 20¢. a 1b. fresh kaddock, 10c. a lb; bullheads, 10c. a Ib. red herring, 1bec. a boa a of | mackerel, 15¢c. a Ib; trout, 124e. logs, 30. a lb. much good Poultry--Chickens, 35. to he. per pure | pair; turkeys, 12¢. per lb. health | Fruit--Malaga grapes, 20c. and 25c. On account | per Ib.: lemons, 25c. to 30c. per doz; oranges, 30c. to 60c. per dozen ; ba- chickens require plenty of good air to | nanas, 34¢. a dozen. . than most other Vegetables--Potatoes, $1 per bag; | pletion, a financial stringency is in cabbage, 5c. to $1 per dozen; celery, 50c. a dozen; parsnips, 75¢. a bushel; turnips, 70c. per bag; beets, 30¢c. per |drawn from the Bank of England by peck; onions, $1 per bushel; carrots, 75¢. a bushel. Peace. in | Stilled is some cas suit, 1s spent full-well in the summer fruit. but throughout the world. ing bids the old adieu, With His blest peace salutes the new. | hilst that of England is banked and borrowable. This gives the nation its : great power over the markets of the Righteousness. world. A million dollars in a bank Walton, | 0, holy, holy, Christmas-tide er's hands is a great power, but the Sweetly thy hallowed spell abide same sum seattered in a thousand F'en Nature breathes all chaste and has no power Yet English bank I pure, ers are not thempelye direct And Christ stands knocking at the Jor foreign brokers; they lend to thos to door who lead. Why. | Of hearts, rebellious hearts of men, - ---------- in | That all the world be born again. They Wish Us Well. or | The grey blue sky so pearly pure, ston, gave an exhibition here in the Broad-domes his day with gentle lure, | school house, Wednesday evening, of Ihe fleecy clouds, or old gold sun, himelight views. William Babcock At set, or "'rosy-fingered dawn," Odessa, who passes through here Call back his thoughts from filth and | every Wednesday, with his "rovers most fear-- : waggon, will not make a trip next Ra does the crisp clean atmosphere. weok. A number are on the sick list . : As There is good sleighing here, and old vn in the stilly night,"" not drear, and vounge seem to he enjoving it. A nd The moon shines silent, silvery, clear, | large number here will give ( hei tma Ail shadows flee the sparkling sheen, | dinners. Edwin Bell shot a large fox teneath the gem-set heavens agleam ; | Just week, Mr. and Mrs William Prin in | His thoughts steal silently, but sure, | gle were, on Sunday aunts of Jn vs | To Him who js the soul's best eure. | ind Mrs. Lewis Hartman, Magle Ave o -- nue, Mrs. Mdaray Lapum, who is spending the winter with her mother, nd Ring out ye hells, your chant ld chime-- never | (gy that first night at Bethlehem, I'he shepherds heard the angels sing, stafi. Whose ears attuned, whose heart the | The theme through sentiment Nature | mild effects of Cart e thrills w | 'Swell cut the song ye merry bells the dwellers in | 1511 up the circle of the home Hither let all the children come Flot + Elliott | oan ipa and grandma crown and enterpris cultivation of fray. cheer, ings until Christmas Peautiful down the floor of the room, with the an | a8 near the floor as possible. our own ma ed pure, at MeL: aghlin's Y, DECEMBER 21, 1907. Kingston, Dee. 21.--Prices were quot Flour and feed--Fiour, bakers', 22 $2.90; dormers an, Bb 8; ungarian patent, to $3.15; tmeal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.65 to $1.75; bran, $7 lor to give d in exchange for all per ton; straw, $12 to $15; hay, loose, , 820, laid, '35c. per dozen; local wheat, $1 to Butters=Uhoice, creamery, 3e.; farm- ers' butter, prints, 8c. to 30¢.; pack- Moat--ieef, carcase, 85 to $1 =a rt; ice ou 0c. to 12§c. 1b; and an omnivrour creature and hose $uty choles a in by 4 and | cuarter, Se. to 9¢. per lb; e 1240. a lb; red snappers, 15eg floun- oats fed with | ders, 10c.; fresh salt water herrings, 10c. to O0c. dozen; fresh lobsters, Beef hides--No, 1, 4c. per Ih; No 2, whirh will pro- [and bulls, dic. per lb; sheep pelts, 3 than one own- | freshly taken off, 80c. to 1: calf | point was the sale of 50,000 tons of Peterboro, | skins, 10c. a Ib; dairy skins, 60c. each; rendered tallow, Se. per Ih; bees wax, No. 1, 25¢. Ib.; wool, washed, 2ic.; un- THE SPELL OF CHRISTMAS. What time of year is greatér blest, When Nature folds her arms to rest, crop, | And winter's quiet, reigns supreme, . F. Byer, both for the seed | And all the world is idyllic dream ; and honey, and as regards the latter | Than Christmas time with that cease, And breadth of sweet seraphic peace. its sur- Gone is November's chill and sheet, 1 have | Oclober's sear and falling leal. i the chires of the crickets And the clattering ¢lick as thd reapers quickening Greet them ye parents, greet with jov.| long tape to your apron belt will the | save many steps in the kitchen. Hail ! Santa Claus, Hail ! Christmas | pEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. export ! Hail ! grandest time of all the year. |, diseased portion of the ear. There is The business, a most profitable one, is G. C. W., Newboro, Ont. | oniy one way to cure deafness, and that Newman-Spriggs Electric company, | nucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. 20 Princess street, will keep open e¢ven- | When this tube is inflamed you have a elec- tric and gas portable lamps marked | result, and unless the inflammation can be In escaping from a fire creep slong od forever ; mine cases out of ten are ace | guused by Catarrh, which is nothing but : » of commercial | aces. : : hs S » mixed candy, 10¢. per pound, warrant any cass of Deafness (caused by catarrh) For flutulency there is no better re- THE BANK OF ENGLAND. Institution. 1 know of no item of interest at this time or. more valuable for readin than a talk about Bank of England. Some may be familiar with the his tory and workings of this great finan- cig: head, but they are few. The bank must always be able to pay in gold, its own bank motes on demand. Its reserve is always in gold coin. It is the gold reservoir of the world. The bank protects itsell in times of financial unrest by raising its rate of discount. It is required to loan free ly on good security to prevent panie, and it does loan freely, making the borrower, however, pay roundly for the accommodation. This is practical: ly fining the borrower, and the men in actual need of the money pay the fine, which, however, is sufficient to rovent people not in actual need a borrowing from precaution or fear. A rise in the rate of discount of the Bank of England is, therefore, a danger signal to the civilized world, Somewhere trade conditions ave dis- turbed. If the disturbance is long continued, gold is required at its centre, and this is apphed for at the bank, which, hy rapid advances on its discount rate, socks to fine the bor- rowers so heavily that they will be compelled to stop. This is necessary, because, should the gold reserves of the bank become too low, the fact would become quickly public, and the necessities of the panic-stricken centre elsewhere would, if carried far enough, create a panic in England itself, which cial public "atching the gradual ex haustion of the bank's gold deposit, knows that this means the bank's A Concise Sketch of the Great No Other Food Product has a Like Record Baker's Cocoa 127 ens 1, al Ful R. Office, Ontario street. i It is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious; highly nourishing, ecasily- digested, fitted to repair wasted strength, preserve health, prolong life. CHOICE RECIPE BOOK SENT El REQUEST Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. DORCHESTER, MASS, U. 8 A. BRANCH HOUSE : 86 St. Peter Street, Montreal | Christmas power to make loans freely is becom. ing impaired, consequently a contrac tion of credit will take place if the extend loss and less credit to brother merchants till, following the gold de full force, and that is the condition that is apt to turn the panic. Gold is foreign countries sending good bills ore securities to London, discounting them, and taking away the procecds in gold coin at bullion, A case in American copper on November 1th This immediately gave American mer- chants a credit of $15,000,000, against which they could draw I'he Bank of England is a banker's bank. Nearly all other banks keep their reserves with it. If it fails they fail. It bears the brunt of every pani and is really the financial barometer of the world, When other bankers fear a panic is approaching they call in their loans in order to strengthen their reserve. The Bank of England, under such conditions, is called on to discount bills that other banks refuse to discount, to loan on securities that other banks refuse to loan on. When the business of other banks contracts that of the Bank of England expands, it. being as it were, the final tribunal in the courts of finance. If the Bank of England refused to loan or dis count at periods of incipient distrust, the action would precipitate an imme- diate panic, not alone in England, England is the greatest monied power. The ready money available there is for the markets of the world It can be, and is lent out to every land, and is perhaps a richer country, but the money of France is hoarded, Lapum, De 19.--~Mr. Mane Ring ston, Saturday. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the, Whig is I-known whole, A Peace Maker, The same grand music's in hig soul.V | Philadelphia Record, "Youre a liar," exclaimed the first ngs (On earth be peace, good-will to | man "You're another!" reported No struck men." 2. "Calm vourselves, gentlemen," in the | With joyous heart, let friend greet | terposed "the peacemaker. "It is . his friend barely possible that you are both nothing like them "A Merry Christmas." "Same to] right." eX You"-- i -------- awtull All wrongs forgot, good friends and Harsh purgative remedies are fast man true-- giving way to the gentle action and 's Little Liver Pills. If you try them, they will cer- tainly please you, : Cheap sale silk waists for Christ mas, 81.95, at Waldron's A pot holder tied or pinned with a local applications, as they cannot reach is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and When it is entirely closed, Deafness is the taken out and this tube restored to its pormal condition hearing will be destroy- an inflamed condition of the mucous sur will give Owe Hundred Dollars for that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0; drain continues. Fach merchant be gins to husband his recourses, and to Had Palpitation of The Heart EVER SINCE SHE WAS NINE YEARS OLD, NABURN'S HEART AND NERVE PULS EFFECTED A COMPLETE CORE | Thursday {day and Wednesday, December | January 1st, 1908, good te return | Thursday, | First-Class Fare-and- ., mont, to a state of health hick, rn's Heart and Nerve Pills, wi utter ) in prostration wait until have gone ing these pills Sow will Mary Wilson, Toronto, Ont. , writes: of pleasure use--and i | | | pu rpose as as "Baby's Own" cannot be bought for as little aps Ltd, Mfrs, Montreal. sons and swbslilules accept mone but the genuine Baby's We re ¢ Kor beauty of sconery N CA ARIES lelimate Sheds trips are | iHusirpt More profitable thas poultry, Waperien e unnes essary. ™ With bi we A CT | usbet x Sond suc today, Stamps ae coin, tA Sec'Y.u es ot 0 Tichat* Afonso Pt {HANLBY, amd J. P, GILDERS LEVEY vite us berore buying. Adress i coriam Bin The emperor of Japan retains services of thirty physicians and sixty Waldron's medy than a teaspoonful of glycerine Sold by Dr tn. 56. smily Puls for sonstipa- Take Mall's Silk waists, $1.98, at Waldron's sale, tion, SINGLE FARE 008 fring, Dee, 24 and 35, retueniag wnt and turning until Jan. 2, 1908. FARE AND A THIRD kood Dec. 21,23, 28, 24 and 25, also Dec. wod 31 lars I good hr o at \ i. hed 10 Ps ¥. CONWAY, . Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, and points. at 4pm. ed City ve Uit oO Sag. Topo |W. DICK ON, Agent B.Q.RY Wigston & New Year's Holidays, 1907-1908. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Tuesda { hay and Wednesday, [a bth, to return A ee 20th and on Thess Sat, January 2nd, 1908 ; also at © One-Third. a December 21st, 22nd. 28rd, 24th, 25K, {26th, 20th, 80th, Sst and January 1st {1908 good to return on or before Janu ary 3rd, 1908, I For full particulars, apply to J. Po | HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and. {Ontario streets. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY THE MARITIME EXPRESS {80 mot connect with the regular train, | the Maritime Express--west bound special dining | tran with through sleeping and cars attached, for passengers, and mail, will leave Halifax for fi Ottawa, Toronto and all points westy real City Utlice, 141 St, James QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Heached in 48 hpurs from New York iby the pew Twin Screw Sisamship *'Mers mudian," 5,600 tons, Sallings every ten | days. west India Cruises from New York | New Stemmer "'Guinna,'" 3,700 tons, {with all uptodate improvements sod | York every 10 days, | sermuaa to nassau, Bahamas i 8. "Trinidad fortnightly in February mud March. i i all EB. OUTERBRIDG HB i [Mimguton { Leave Wolfe Island :-- | Monday, 7.30--4.15 am. 1.00-3.00 p.mg¢. | 00--3.00 pros . ! i Bay 6.30--9.30 a.m. 1.002.380. p.m; | . 7.309.135 a.m, 1.00--8.00 p.m Saturday, 8009.15 am. 1.00--~3.00 pms UOAY meee 9.15 8m. 13.30--8.00 p.m ! Leave Kingston. |MON. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.00--4.30 p.m: {THURS., 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00 B Bay, 3.00--7.00 pam. £.30--11.80 a.m. 3.004.830 p.m; A Pair of Cinderellas As |i: Fir 5.25, 4m dunes dust a Christmas Gift. Because they are particularly stylish and handsomely made. i you desire a graceful, easy, good ---------- E RRL | wearing shoe at a moderate price] ALLEN Royal LINE ask to see the Cinderella Shoe, at! 'TO LIVERPOOL $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00. H. JENNINGS, KING ST the sotioce. Boat calls at Garde Island going ta and fro Kingston. S.S. CORSICAN Twin-Screw, 11.500 tons, from St. Dec. 20 3 | | i] BA {1 Local | When mward mail steamers at Halifax {and Montreal, connecting with trains for | For further particulars, apply to Monts street. {other first-cinss steamers Sail from New & | Time Table, Beginning Oct. 13th. ™ STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER E. BRICELAND, Manager. +,

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