am 2 FOR LATE 'SHOPPERS GENTS :--Tie Pins. Cuff Links, Pocket Letter Cases. Vest Chains, Lockets, Um- brellas, Signet Ring. and Desk Requirements. LADIES :--Pearl Bracelets, Necklets, Rings, Round Plain Lockets, Neck Chains, Umbrellas, Brooches, Purses and Manicure Sets. : JEWEL- Smith Bros.," 5 350 King St. Phone 666. Kingston. Before making your selec- tion in Fur Setts. Sec our quality and prices. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Exclusive Furrier. Follow the Crowd To this Store, where Sensible Presents are to be had at Pop- ular Prices. Children's Fancy Handker- chiefs, 3 for 5c. Children's White Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 for 10c. Fancy Boxes containing | 3 White Handkerchiefs, for 15¢. 15¢. and 20c. White Em- § broidered Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. Narrow Silk Ribbon, all colors, 3 yards for Se. Holly Ribbon; all widths. Ladies' Fancy Collars, 25c. and up. ; Waist Patterns i F, Boxes, 50c. to $3. Tangy Men's Wool Si 2c oa foal or Silk Scarfs, Men's Wobl Gloves, 50c. a pair, Men's Lined Kid Gloves, 75¢. and up. Fancy Umbrellas, $1 and up. White Table Cloths $7.50. 756 1a Pauls Napkins, 75¢. to $5 0 a zen. Hand-drawn Doylies, Tra . y Cloths, Table Covers, Dress- er Covers, etq. EE == Newman & Shaw | Busy Making Ice. co Manager Flannigan was busy at . Kingston skating rink, last even- » making ice. Towards midnight * weather becamie quite mild, and | be very hard on both skating 1 curling rinks. o ysters. Edwards & Jenkin, 2 " sti DA pr 11vin ) we THE FRENCH : TREATY STRANDED IN SCOTLAND. | Girt From Canada Shamefully Hoaxed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1907. r---- 3 x Is HAmusemen yours 51d, Was sfrested on a warrant i sod charged WIth trespassing. A MANY INDUSTRIES LIKELY By Plausibis Scayndral, -- pelghiddr gwore tht George tore up TO BENEFI, FROM IT | A pathetic story of a girl from Can- pid 1aWi dnd flower beds. But th pa ih [ada Tho wa hemeiully jispassd or (GRAND YOPERA "HOUSE ) Court declined to hear the case. The |g . | in on was related to Edinburgh, Scot- Jittle son of Mrs. John Cline of Ayl. | >r.Siaction Expressed Over the | land, City Yalice the thes day- Ape _TO-NIGHT & year older than baby Shaffer when his mother poticed that he suffered with severe | attacks of Billousness. She tried everything she could think of, but the grew steadily worse. "I camnot 1 praise ~ Friit-a-tives too highly,» | Aided by writes Mrs. Cline, "I have tried so Service Likely. i i ¥ As the provisions of the new France Can treaty are more closely ex- Very Advantageous Terms course of the afternoon and informed Steamship | the ice of her pitiful story. She | had Police ) ft at Liverpool the previous | morning by her intended husband, a | young, welldressed man, who had |taken her from Montreal across to Liverpool, as he said, to marry her the members of Parlia- | i ' ; ; Ment the greater is the satiste otis at his father's house in Edinburgh. | The lady went from Scotland te many Qifferent kinds of medicine for | .F with oh gi | Canada last year to take up & promin- ous terms my sc. He has had billous attacks | Ministers, lg oy tars, The dren, as well as grown folk. They are pleasant to take and mild In action-- being made of fruit juices and tonies. 0c a box. At all dealers, ve ¥. v A CHANCE FOR XMAS | implementa, TEE : 3 » > - "- =< and cardboard to France, these being | Then com: retty piece of the principal Canadian items affeet- | Prva, thoi o od Dy the lower aa nhs aise | Crossing the Atlantic "Mackie" pro- ship line between Canada and France | ent tion in one of the hotels in Chambers will | Vancou There she met an attrac Was three years old, | shortly revise the whole tariff of | 4 why and since he began to take " Fruit-a- | France with a view to making a con- beg es « Who fave the name tives" he has been so well." * Fruit-a- | Siderable increase in the protective | fro tives" are the ideal medicine for chil- | Julies all along the line. The result | address as one in He be to give Canada an even great- | was a civil engineer, he said, employed ie, and said he came m Edinburgh, and gave his father's ey Terrace. er preference in the French markets | \ than the new treaty affords. It is {27.3 Glaagow company lo leuk iter expected that as i i is Tafificd, Which Jon as be real | love for the lady, taking her to the yr - | or three months hence, a great im- SESS DL2A4424 24444 | potas will be given to Canadian ex- | tended returning home to the Old Bl! | ucts, agricultural | Country, and her lover stated his in- implements, fish, meats, woodpulp | tention ef going by the same liner. te to Canada. He professed occasionally. Jt so happened that the lady in- The Otiginal Production of the Pant. ominic Cartoon Cowedy Drama. > ,"0 "Hooligan In New York Junin Mh Sia Cr dense Te lnc Abi 3. "iris 16-26-36-60 "gh Seats now on sale; ey 5 ONE WEEK 5500, on Matinces and turday. W. A. PA , Presapts the PARTELLO STOCK 0O. Including ALICE KENNEDY in w Re rioire of High Class Plays, Polite /audeville, Moving Pictures and Illu- strated Songs. MONDAY, THE COLLEGE GIRL. Change of Play end Specialties Nightly. Evening Prices--10¢., 20c., . 'Xmas Matinee--10-20-30 Reserved. Seats now on sale. Foe. Monday only one Lady's Ticket given free ith. every 80 cen ticket purchased re 6 p.m, Monday, | posed marri » ana his_proposal was { accepted. The coupld® arrived at land, and was glad to hear Scottish 2 -- In he case of agricultural im DY . " AC | ments, especially, Canadian manu- | 1; Vi 4 For Saturday, Monday and | facturers will have a grest sdvantage | Liverpool on November 5, jd eyed 4 Tuesday, we have decided to over the American manufacturers | dog Ln one oi ae re 4 make a straight 25 per cent. ({ | and it is not at all 'unli pn. 1 30% Lays. i 4 discount on all Christmas +. | panies like th = i valiely hat a | The time, however, to part arrived, 9 ; Ty e the 'nternatiol Har- | apd when the lady intimated that her goods, which are marked in vester Co., which has a Canadian | friends would be expecting her, her 4 Plain figures. What it means : |' |plant at Hamilton, will hereafter | "lover" burst into tears. He, on the 4 A $10 Toilet or Manicure Set manufacture in Canada all the agri- | other hand discovered that he had 4 for fo, a Yai Ly cultural implements intended for ex- | some important business to transact 2 An $8 oilet or Manicure Set port to France. {in Glasgow, but he was to .visit his y for $6. we In respect to the clause providi | intended wife at her parents' house 4 A #1 Toilet or Manicure Set p> | that the lower rates of duty shal | immediately afterwards. He bade the 3 for $3. t | apply only to goods shipped direct |lady a hurried and affectionate good- 4 A $2 Toilet or Manicure Set [| between the two countries or else | bys, but after her departure it was 4 for 81.50. © | through countries having a preferen- | foumd that his flight had been so hur- " A 85 Shaving Set for $3.75. tial tariff Cranguiiant ith ejtlier ried that he had forgotten to pay his « And so on through the whole rance or Canada, it may poin | hotel bill, together with $30 he had 4 one sk--uxvapting: Ko- out that the effect will be to practi- , : Christmas stock--excepting Ko- & el 1 prac b ed f h , 3 dake, pling he » cally stop the shipments now being | Sout the lady. milous. and, AU 25 per cent. ofi Hand Bags. K made via American ports, with con- | after communicating with the Edin- 4 25 per cent. off Cigar Cases I | sequent advantage to the development | burgh police, discovered that the ad- 4 (solid leather). x | 3 Canadians, worte. Much of Canales | dress which her "lover" had given a > o " : Smokers' f tr France is now carried on | wag false. 4 Se nd off Smokers' and xX {via New York. Hereafter goods will | Tp prong course of an interview the 3 "95 per cent. off all Fancy ! thar be sariid] ou sheamship Yistes girl stated to a press representative + 2 in stock 1 5: and rench ports | that he . i i : tools in, Stock. bie savipe | direct or else via British or German | man pe Tuainlance Will, young 4 ls ne an xa ayIng ¥ | ports. France has a preferential trade | little more than three weeks ago. She 4 lo yousanca SO pan 10% ¥ | treaty with both Germany and Great | was at that time in one of the princi- 4 loss to us. Anything that you X | Britain, but goods sent on the Brit- | nal hotels in Vancouver, and one 4 may see bere would make an > | ish or Hamburg lines to France will | evening, while in the drawing-room, 4 acceptable and useful gift for +» | also be liable to the additional French | she was approached by the fair-haired 3 either lady or gentleman. flo d' entrepot," which amounts | young man [to 8 francs 50 centimes per 200 |° i 4 "» , n acquaintance of a warm nature 4 The "Best Drug Store, x pounds. se | soon sprang up betwen the two, and <4 12d Princess St. | One result of this is alteady evi | when the young man offered to play q . K dent in the formation of a new com- | "Annie Laurie" on the "cello the lady PITT TTT TITTY OITIIILY | pany which will establish a steam | wag delighted. She hailed from Scot- Simple But Effective. Ask your druggist if the following | -- simple recipe will not give relief to | ------------------ those suffering with kidney trouble | Here it is: One ounce sweet spirits Happy Islanders. The difficulty of collecting rates in | The new company is known as the | music. | Compagnie Francais Trans-Atlantique | Later in the evening she was askea by her new acquaintance to go to the theatre. Bhe consented, and at the | theatre they were joined by anether { young mn. The party left for Mont of nitre; four ounces syrup of rhu- a number of islands lying off the real a day or two afterwards, arrange barb; one ounce compound vimosa. | aoast of Donegal was discussed re- | ments being made on the way for the He will mix it for you at a small cently at Donegal County Council cost. Directions are a dessertspoon- meeting. ful in water after meals and at bed. AT By . p It was stated that rates 0] not time. At this time of the year it is | been paid in Tory Island for the last trip to Scotland. The young girl, at | tracted by the handsome appearance ! of her friend, was quite agreeable, and between themselves everything was advisable to wear warm clothing twenty years, and that within the arranged. about the kidneys. Boiled water is | past few years the islanders of Gole, preferable to drink, as it absorbs any | Inisherer, Inishmair, Inishboffin, and poison in the blood. Don't use sti- | others, had followed the example of their Tory brethren, and developed a | ec ientious objection to rate collec- tors. It was impossible to get boat- { men to tuke out collectors to serve demand rates or to make collections, and even summons-servers, who had summonses for the islanders, were re- mulante, and 'eat well cooked food. Dr. Brock's g£5%7%s Female Periodical TY ish best monthly cine for X SoM ston, at the oe REST DRUG STORE, 124 Prin- Coss street. Mailed om receipt of fused a passage, sion Wire Rail , Flower Stands, Wire Bi 2 Guards, Ash ites. Builder cad Ceap| 2Howed to reenter the boat. Dealers' Screens and Wire Work of all kinds manufactured by On one occasion the collector en- rice--§1. gaged a boat and succeeded in reach- Sse PPPesvadsIdsdpe | Ing the first island before his mis- 'was discovered. The boatman then refused to take him back to the Crescent Wire &% Iron Works mainland, and it was only after much promising and pleading that he was One councillor said that short of | catching the islanders when they came | On arriving at Montreal, berths were { party of three arrived at that port the | couple put up at an hotel. Everything seemed to be going quite | smoothly, until one evening the gir found her intended crying. Next morning, when she awoke, he was gone, and her sorrow was increased when she could find no trace of his | whereabouts. Subsequently she learned he had left Liverpool for Glasgow, and she followed him up. Her inquiries at the police there having elicited no information, she went to Edinburgh, having been given an address in Ash- ley Terrace as that of the residence of the young man's father. She in- quired in that district, and being un- able to unearth any of his relatives she put the matter in the hands of the : to the mainland and stripping the | & Partridge & Son's 175 King clothés off them, he did not see how | Edinburgh police. Street. they were to be made to pay. (FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. acon, 13jc. per For a quick i try our Ham teak or Blood | Put in fancy box, at Jenkins', Padding" EH. J. Rs, a Brack St. Mint sauces at Henderson's. a -- Men's Furnishings for Christmas Gifts. This is a useful and ready store for what ever. is wanted in Men's Furnishings. Nothing commonplace, but everything new and right Up-to-Date. We want you to see what we call value in HOUSE COATS, $3.95 to $12. DRESSING GOWNS, $5 to GLOVES, 50c. to $4.95. SHIRTS, 50c. to $2.50. HOSIERY, 25¢c. to $2. ror) HANDKERCHIEFS, 10c. to TIES, (in' Fancy Boxes), 75e. 50c. to $1. SUSPENDERS, 25c. to $2. | yyupFLERS, all kinds, all FANCY VESTS, all prices. prices. We seen to be having things very much our own way with business growing continually. We want your trade and have taken pains to deserve it. Let the goods speak ior themselves EP JENKINS CLOTHING CO | last year. If the rate of increase in | | immigration maintained so far this | year is kept up until the end of De-| | cember, the total for the whole year | { will be about 288,000, or over nine | times the total annual immigration | of six years ago. { 114 PRINCESS STREET. | The young man, after booking the { berths, confessed that he was in need | of money, and the young lady unsus. | | pedtingly handed over all her savings Every pair of gloves, $1 and over,| She was somewhat astonished to find | f | next day that her intended had leh | her to pay the bill at the Liverpoo! hotel. At present the young lady is being Royal Rink Season 1907 and 1908. 14th Band in attendance. Skating, Monday, Wednesday & Friday Bweninge. And Saturday fiteraocns. Season Tickets, Adults, $1 ; Children, $1. A Season Th Would make wu suils able Christmas : COUNTESS ZARA eT ae 0D Pheade MeiCintey 8 H 103 Queen and. She tells your aame. street. ---------------------------- ------ J DESPOILING 'THE POLES, Compatriots in Diet and Reich- stag Contemplate Resignation. Berlin, Dec. 21.=<The Polish party, both in the reichstag and in the low- er house of the Prussian Diet, are seriously considering whether they should not resign their seats by way of protest i the government measure for the expropriation of Pol- booked for Liverpool, and when the | ish landowners ig * Pqsen and West | Prussia. The! Polish' press is urging { this step as & as of directing the {attention of forolan tioms to their condition. The Peles will be asked to | return social demoeraty, the present {members pledging Ahem 0s to do all in their power 10 Wheip elec | tion. . Nw en The folly of , proposed action is only too y of this Be wand not have | the slightest @éffect on the policy of {the Prussian government. TARTE'S FUNERAL. Bl MR Was One of Laygest Seen in { \ Montreal. | Montreal,- Dec. 200-#The fumeral of the late Hon. J, I. Tarte, this morn- {ing, was one of the largest in this jcity for a long time. The remains {were taken to the chirch of St. Louis |de France. Mr. Tarte's three sons were | the chief mourners, and among those {who paid their last respects were a |large number of political friends and {admirers, journalists and business !men. Sir Wilfrid Leurier and a num- ber of ministers came down from Ot- tawa with many members of parlia- ment. Provincial representatives, Pre- {mier Gouin and several of his cabinet were also present. There were delega- [tions from all the principal commer- cial and professional bodies. After the service the remmnins were interred in Cote des Neiges cemetery. True Blues Meet. I'he following officers were elected for the year 1908, at a megting of Boyne. Lodge, No. 16, @vue Blues, held on Friday night: W. M., BE. Watts; D.M., Miss E. Dixon; recording secretary, James Gowan; financial sec- retary, Joseph Campbell; treasurer, C. Phillips; chaplain, Mrs. Hamilton: D. f C., B. Skeggs;, conductor, Mrs. Brown; F. of C., Joseph Phillips; com- mittee, Mrs. C, Phillips, Mrs. Camp- bell, Mr. Dixon and 1: Pollitt; J.T. Mrs. Pollitt; 0.T., S. Dixon; auditors, cared for by the. officials at Living | Henry Graham, and B, Skeggs: sick | stone Hall House for Girls, who have communicated with her relatives in Scotland and Canada. : IMMIGRATION RETURNS. Great Increase In Arrivals From the British Isles. For the first ten months of the pres | ent calendar year ending Oct. 31, the total immigration to Canada was | imorigration from Great Britain, w | is over forty per cent. larger thap | | last year. Immigration from! the | Aliwal North, Cape Colony, who sery- { United States, on the other hand, | | shows a decrease of about eight per | | cent. For the first seven months of | | the present fiscal year the total im-! | migzation was 211,859, an increase of | | 50,297, or thirty-one per cent. over | { last year. The increase via ocean | | porte was forty-five per cent. while | immigration from the United States | decreased eight per cent. During October the total immigra- | tion was 21,234. Via ocean ports the | number was 17,083, as compared with | 13,697 for October, 1906. The number | of immigrants arriving from the Unit | ed States last month was 4,171, as | compared with 5,022 during October | i i Mrs. Benham--I believe you are in | your second childhood, Benbam--It's my third; I was in my second when I warried you. ---- Pajamas fancy patterns, $1.50, $1.75 | ito $3.50, at Jenkins'. See Bibby s clegant neckwear, Sic. New figs. Edwards & Jensin Perfumes cheap at Chown's. | | Gymnasiom outfits at Jenkins', i { 254,077, an increase of 59,103, or near. | . Is i ¥ thirty per cent, as compared with | to him the probability that these e first ten months of last year. The | | increase had been made up largely in| i and perched on a hay-rick neat at hand, of large supplies of liqud fuel at! various ports round the coast for the, use of 'torpedo flotiflas. | committee, Miss E. Dixon, Miss Ni | Hamilton, Mrs. D. Brown, B. Skeggs, | J. Phillips, Mrs. Morrison, J. Camp- bell. Bantus And Ancient Egypt. Cape Town, Dec. 2l.--In a paper read before the members of the Rhodesia Scientific Society the Rev. J Torrend stated that the folk-lore of the Tonga-speaking tribes of Africa includes versions of the Biblical story of Moses, and that this fact suggest- people originally came from Egypt. Father Of 31 Children. Cape "Town, Dec. 21.--Mr. Best, of ed in the Crimea, the Indian mutiny and the Boer war, has just been pre- sented with his thirty-first child by his second wife. -- Blind Football Enthusiast. Plymouth, Dec. 21.--Although blind, Edwin Luxton, who has just died at Plymouth, often attended football matches, He took as much interest in the game as if he could see every movement of the players Owl Carries Fire. London, Dee. 21.--At Coverack, Cornwall, an owl flew out of a burn- ing chimney with its feathers on fire the result being that the rick was completely destroyed. Oil Fuel For The Navy. Portsmouth, Dec. 21. Instructions have been issued for the maintenance | Old Saying Still Holds fue. That in the line of {raise vegetables and the best oysters vou can't get' what vou wygnt af Carnovsky's, you sone it need not look for it ssywhete else | See DibLy's 30c, fancy hosiery, CONDEN act necessary. Indianapolis, HELP WANTED----MALE. ETECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE » man for profitable jpecrat sorvice, te Write Hi CO, Webster, , Andy SED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED---FEMALE. ™ William street. 8. BH. Simpson, 33 WANTED--GENERAL. Treasurer. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY, 129 GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing. A from 3 to 3 p.m ar QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR NO 1 Separate School Section, Howe Island. Apply James Lavis, Secy.- FOR SALE. esteem te tb GENERAL STORE AND STOCK OF John Sears, Inverary. Apply to J. 8.-R, McCann, 51 Brock street. VA UABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- property of the late J p Be od 3 weed and @ son, now aa GRRbars Shel APP to": Messrs: TO-LET. LL SUITS AND FALLS also old BOOKKEEPERS---13 system, DETECTIVES locality, Goed sal UuneCessary. Reforences cash deposit rey National Detective Building, Fifth OUR POLICIES COV bulldiog and MONEY AND BUSINESS. MORE OF company them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- ot Square. offers. BE OVERCOATS TO ones Lo and clean, pressing and repair work done Toe' Tailor, 181 Brook St., Bibby's Liverv. Galloway, to for ces. 97 WANTED EVERY aries. on, Bristol| tea Cor, Avenue, New Y ER or other Columbus 153. 1 ARCHITECTS. Insuiwhcs : Sonich he "policy perty & Strange, an office, at Y.M.C.A. LIVERPOOL, LONDON A Com) 5 MEDICAL. STANLBY J. KEYES, LATE Chief Resident Bean) in the New Ph clinic Hospital. has York Poly Ns? Barrie St., Opposite 'Phone, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRIUVK, ISSUER OF On Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. ND GLOBE pany v1 RE odimited liabil security the undim I , Farm and the stockholders, Farm ai ce, second floor over store, . corner P streets. _ Fntrance Bagot bret on Axadisvie "Phone, 008. of all ly pro-| BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Tates: Before renewing ol w business get rates from St he Agents. or giving "Phone, 568, 8. Two-cont advance St., New York, ARTICLES WANTED. to 833 Princess street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF or_cel Lytle, General a Man st, CARRIAGIN, WAGUONS, FURNIL Planos, or ticle SAFEGUARD age, the month, year, or any Way making export accountants of ormati Bookkeepers correct orn "alan Account JO, Avenue, Ye . ARTRUR ELLYS, ARCHITECT, OR Queen and Bagot -------------------------- HENRY P. SMITH, ARCRITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITEOTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, comer Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. mm. NEBWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OM and Bah LARGE PROFITS CAN BE MADE in_Pute and Calls on Wheat. $e buys Put or Call on tem thous: om and Call or same decline fram Put price makes profit $200. Full partfoulars -- free. The Mutual Grain Co., 50. Wall EE -------------------------- JOHN THOMPSON HAS dood k wod Heaters Thought to well at low prices, and persons haviog Furniture or Stoves to dispose of, before selling drop a card STORES, OFFICES, DWELLINGS, Storage, ete. McCann's, 51 Brock street. ONE LARGE FURNISHED - ROOM, with board, at "Avonmore," William . STEAM HEATED ROOMS, COR. KING Brock | St, Apply to McCann, 51 = © ry - TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, IN. x . choide location, wi ; \ Well £2 heated and lighted, at No. © 66 Barrie street. ? x NEW HOUSE, HAVING FURNACE, bath and closet, concrete © cellar, (electric lighting if required), £4 per month. Possession, January 1st, 1908. R. Chas. Bell, Agwat, 171% Wellington street, Kingston. IT . _ BOARD AND ROOMS. orden WANTED---UNFURNIS HED ROOMS heated, in the vicinity of the Univer- sity. Apply Box "M.." Whig office. WANTED BY TWO LADIES, A ROOM, o in central locality, with or without hoa , Apply to Box N. B..)"" Whig = office, 5 LOST. rn A GOLD LOCKETT, INITIALS "F IL M.." two photographs inside. Finder will be rewurdeg hy returning te 253 King street BROWN SATCHEL CONTAINING $5.60, om Princesy sireet, between Montreal and Bagot streets. Finder kindly return to Whig office and res ceive reward. good vacuum, gave Parham, the topic of the will be called to vote Mrs. A. KE. Wager, who has been sick for some time, is slowly recovering Mrs, Don. Wager and Mrs. still seriously ill. Mrs. tram and part of the been sick for the past r. Lake and daughter the sick list, Oliver Clow, who with a slight accident last roving. he marriage of A. R Miss Thompson, of Mountain took place last Wednesday home of the bride. The was performed by Visitors : Mrs. Fraser, xigiting at her sister's, Mrs. Mrs. Peters, Wagerville, and Miss Goodfellow spent Sunday her daughter, iting at Mrs. Killing'; Rev. of Perth Road, passed ham last week, returned home and Frank Campbell have returne the States to pend the more pleasant. free from pernicious drugs. You simply inhale Cagtarrhiozone--its medicated yapor does the rest Won't you use Catarrhozone epd be cured ? atment $1.00. Sample 25¢c., all dealers, or N. won & Co, U.S.A, and Kingston, Ont. Catarrhozone A Guarantesd Cure. FLEAS IAEA, FEEL E E4440 4240400444000 0 4 4440044 Het 4444444 ' PIAMONDS IN THE DARK. Gems Shine When Placed in Dark Room. It is said that some diamonds will shine by their own light when placed in a dark room. Those who are fortu- nate to own one might make the ex- periment by exposing it to the sun- light for a minute or two and then taking it into the dark, Crookes, of London, says that when diamonds are placed in a vacuum and exposed to a carrent of electricity, they shine with 'different colored lights. He has seen them emit bright if, that twenty centuries after we blue, pale blue, apricot, red, yellow- ish-green, pale green and orange rays. Budget From Parham. Dee. 20.~Loeal option day and the people A. E. Wager: Mrs See Bibby 's $1.50 mocka gloves. Nice oranges, three dozen wards & Jenkin. The Ontario haz paid out £3 schools See Bibby's $2 furlined gloves. Oysters. Edwards & Jenkin. I ------ PEEP P 44440044444 Just Breathe It! No treatment is Professor almost ag much Meoks are the Rev. from Calgary, are vis William from Cobalt, MeCumber d government 8,175 to the ¥ A THEE r 4444, F444 No remedy +4444 Two months' Hurtford, S644 444 Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. The Birthday Of Jesus. WHERE TO BUY Offer Customers. Semi-Ready suits at Bibby's. perfumes at Chown's. see our stock. Medloy's. Chown's. match holdérs, pin trays, ete; eac piece, 25 Medley 's. : . SRemi-Ready overcoats, Bibby's, Anglin, with an address and a gift as token of their esteem : Perfumes cheap at Chown s. lamps. No reserve. Medley's. Semi-Ready suits at Bibby's, was united in marriage to George Al fred Patterson, Elgin, Ont Ree Bibby's #82 furlined gloves. Perfumes, all prices. Medley's. Solid ebony brush and comb sets at Twenty-five per cent. discount, at Chown's. See Bibhy's elegant 50c. carvats. The Smith's Falls ministerial asso ciation has asked undertakers in ar- ranging funerals to apnounce the time for the service and the time for leav- ing the house, so that many wilde {he kept waiting unduly. ! Bibhy's for Semi-Ready elothing. Perfumes in fancy baskets, 20c. Medley's, Sweeping reductions in fancy goods and perfumes at Chown's- See Bibby's dainty 31 shirts. | high school and the building was in | great dangs through the ignition Inf a quantity of gas prepared for a chemical experiment. Fortunately the ! students were able to confine the dam- {age to that room, To Prevent The Grip. Laxative-Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the genuine call for full name and look for signature of E. W, Grove. 25c. . Campbell Bros'. ' For men's Bulgarian lamb gauntlets, 4 831.50: Persiay Lamb gauntlets, $10 up« The ¢ity treasury department is now 4 | liguring 'as to whether the vear's work 4+ wil permit of a cash surplus. How would a good hot water bottle do? Special value in guaranteed bottles, at Chown's. When a man calls his wife an angel the chances are that "he has been dripking agaip ! | See Bibhy's $1.50 Dent's gloves, _ ha bis THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT The birthday of Jesus can only be of significance to us insofar as it com- memorates the entry into the world of a human babe. As God such a birth meant nothing, but a sham and a make-believe. As man it was the ad vent of a great human soul, which, possessing only what we all hold in common, lived so large and glorious a still cherish its memory. Takg away this humanness, and there is nothing beautiful green, dimmond in his| fy of Christmas, but Santa Claus possession, when phosphorescing in a and the dinner. But believing it, we thank God once again for the gift of light as a candle, The light was pale|guch 4 splendid and undying life. green. . Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass, for free is | literature. Things the Merchants Have to Twenty-five per cent. off "Christmas Don't buy your perfumes till you Twenty-five per cent, discount on all fancy goods and boxed perfumes at Egyptian art-pottery--trinket boxes, > The pupils. of Desert Lake school presented their teacher, Miss Alice Clearing off our stock of [ancy A quiet wedding took place, on Wednesday, at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Bamford, Athens, when their eldest daughter, Anna Verna, A fire broke out in the Kemptville good satisfaction. ers will be very welcome. Kingston Covered Rink : : Season Tioket Rates, 1907-1908. . Ladies' Ticket .......... inne 3.00 Gentleman's Ticket . . 400 » Children under 13 years 1.00 - Students' Ticket 2.00 re Family of twe 0.00 Family of three . 7.09 5 Family of four to Five . 8.00 . Family of six to eight ..... 10.00 * The Ticket Office opened for sale L of Tickets and Lockers, on Iwe. 16th, fo) Rink opened for skating on Dec. 17th, with Band from 8 to 10 p.m 5 Band Tuenday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. No childron allowed in on Tuesday evewings. Weather and jce pers witting. ; . N. E. BONTER, Manager. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- rties. Municipal and County Debens res, . Mort, purchased. Deposits . received and interést allowed, d= 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. -------------------------------------- C. H. Powell Carpenter and Jobber 103 Raglan St. NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an all round bolts. Houta" ol Dishes & Keeps out the Cold, Costs Lit! and Saves Much, Good Variety at © STRACHANS, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. 3 Sale of Horses every Saturday. «+ Oma daly wivla wlan Attention, Furnaces! If your furnace needs airing, if you want work done Ay way of fot ng, or Plumbing, give me & call, you will get prompt attention and Phone 335 DAVID HALL, 2 5 INVITATION. THE ART ROOM OF MRS, COMP. ton, Barrie street. will be open every afternoon until the New Year, and cali~ arith RIERA]: Cures ALL COUGHS ALWAYS AND CQS