BE ---------------------------------------------------- 10000000 goonr0000scsce SEASON Montreal po] y it Monday. The bthograph Cushion Tops tiful designs, also some | Stamped Cushion Tops. a few Cushion Holders y one in the lot is worth Some are worth 50c and n Monday and 1 9 Cc Boy way" Reefers, made of rings of brass 2.00 and 2.50. 98c¢ for Men? Our finest rcoats, equal to the best 0 hand tailored Suits & it and workmanship Regular prices are $15, day and - $8.98 aR INES Ladies' Dainty Swiss Bmbroidered Wd Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs at ¢,, worth 25c. and 35c. Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, hem itched borders, at 10c. each, worth c. and We. Elie sn 18 Men's Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs 2Bc., SOc. and T5c., worth much ore. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs at 19¢., rth 35¢. Boys' and Girls' School Handker- iefs, fancy borders and plain white, 3c. each, 2 for 5¢., worth 5c. and . each. ° gone to-day. And * ° arly. Store Open : * * ° ncess St. 180 : | ' . ledden's and Crawford's : Groceries. : PRERERRERBROO LONI RRY estWe Forget Table Raisins, Table Figs, in glass, Table Figs, in boxes, Table Figs, by the pound, Table Prunes, in glass, Bishop's Stuffed Prunes, Qlives, all sizes, Olives Stuffed with Pimolas, Olives Stuffed 'with Celery, Olives Stuffed with Anchovie, Anchovies, in Oil, Russian Caviar, Pate-De-Foie Gras, Tamarinds, Crystalized Fruits, Crystalized Cherries, Cream Cheese, Rouquefont Cheese, Tilsiter Cheese, Bare-le-Due Jams, Crosse and Blackwell's Jams, Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles, Crosse snd Blackwell's Sauces, Cairn's Marmalades, '"Queen Bee" Tea, Our Own Blend Coffee. as. Redden & Co. PORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. al Estate Agent, 150 Welling- Kingston t. ton St. RAND UNION HOTEL -. -- Ra apna, Rooms $1.00 eR -- SLT um ar Rew Se ov THE DAILY BRITISH whe. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1907. ¢ big Christmas tree for her friends, and young, lelightiul feature of the season for so ny years. s . th Mrs. UV. Anglin, Queen] Miss Ardelle Elder is home fic j here for the Christ mas party at the, 4 % B ; i, Ottawa Ladies' College, for the holi- | Hon. William Harty =, Bagot steeel. ¢ ld 3 rederick McParland, Fmily | days, which she will spend with her | *udye and Mrs. O Reilly and their : 0 in @|. reet, leit fast njeht, for Halifax, te mother, Mrs. James Elder, "Avon boys wiil be here from Cornwall, Maj: & * ad hfistmas ~ with™ Colonel and | more, or and Mrs. Henri Panet, from Otta- / re o » ge @ Vr. Edward Kenny . Mr. and Mrs. H Ww. Going and little | wa, and with Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Bar . Gwili t * i ¥ Miss Shirley Gong, of Brooswiite, will tv, and possibly others members ® * Miss Minnie Simpson returned to {be here to spend « hristmas with Mrs, the Bermingham family, the Christ. : : Ngkreat; ip rday. { Shir rley Going, Ulergy street, and Mr, | mas dinuer promises to be meny in: - FTPEP SUIS III iss. Helen tambell is home from | 4. S. Going will also be here from deed. © ¥ TI school in Toronto, to spend Christmas | Montreal Miss Vera Carson. DRrock street, is o dance at the RM.C. last night, with Mrs. J. NM. Campiwell Sydeskiam Mrs. John Mowat. and Miss Lillian home from school. in , Torente. wos as gay as if the girls present had | Street and Miss othelwyn Mowat have gone t | heen losing their beauty sleep Master Walter Macnee is a St. An-|down to Brockville, where they will| Mrs. R. Maitland Hannaford was or a al two nights previously. | drew's schoolboy who i do wn, from |take Christmas dinner with Judge | expected w from Montreal, to-day, to Wee, Fu T. Taylor, Mrs. John Coch- Toronto, for the holidays, with Mr.!and Mrs. Herbert Stone McDonald, stay with Mr. and Mrs. ( larke Famil- ' Be "fva Martin, Mrs. A. Laird, | and Mrs. Walter Macnee Union street, | "Woodlawn, ton, at the custom house. Mr, Han As Kenneth Blair and the staff ad-| Miss Jean Gaskin is back fram St. | . - vaford may be jap, later. Naik tant's wife, popular Mrs. F. D. Lai- Agnes' s 1, Relleville, § Miss Macpherson and Miss. Edith Mr. and Mrs. J I hur % ain ry erty, did their best to make it go off | "ation, with Mrs. John . On: | Macpherson, Brock street, left, to- oy om New Noe. Rov lay, and Ao + cadets and their Ko of | rie street, day, for Ottawa. .. Hanley wi also be here ved every moment. Being of lesser! Miss L. Cordingly has gone home] Miss Minnie Moore, who is now with } Gotham, jor the Christmas dinper at srtance than the big June func- to Brockville. Mr. Robert Moore, in Toronto, will | the old home, on trl street. : , .' . | tion, it ended earlier, and one o'clock jgo up, after the holiday, to pay a x it all over. Before leaving every- Miss Grace Loucks is home from | \isit in Stratford. Nr. and Mrs. Sturt Cettat have wished evervhody else a Merry | Uttaws or her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Phillipe will j arrived from their aoneyGn an . hristmas : ; Prof ward J. Williamson, of Ho-|{be here, from Toronto, to spend | NES: 23nd nts Nish Ly ui . , - 1 bart College, Geneva, N.Y., arrived | Uhristmas wit iss Spangenberg, | ter, Allred street. . - ' leg neva. y T i ri t As wi h Miss M pang s = roche and Mr. Ramsay ale." n 1 to-day to spend the holidavs at his] Johnson street. : \hpendale, will be thrown wide] ld home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chown, of Brooke are staying with Mrs, H. A « (hiristmas eve, as usual. and Mrs. | Nr. 8. 3 hown, fonn Bell Carruthers will a it Mr. Stanley Waldron is expected | Renirew, will spond their Christmas Betts, Earl street. | a un ere ! Wave there home today or to-morro | with Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Goodwin Miss Jennie B. Stewart has returnec Driftwood River, two hundre {north of North Bay, and will of the family party round Mrs iron's hospitable hoard on Christmas which has been such a he one | Wal | | | to her home in Toronto, after spend: Alice street. 4 Ee. ing a month with her aunts, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Botterell will| Day and Miss Swsart, Harrowunith be here irom Montreal, on Monday, Major and Mrs. E. Burstall, Bar left, Hn night for Quebec, TWO QUEENS .PLAYING GAME OF BILLIARDS. This photograph gives an interesting glimpse of the home life. of Queen Alexandra, of Eegiand, A inni ; inci | Dav 3 Arthur Pace.' {and will spend Christmas with Mr rie street, Wiss Minnie Davis, principal of Syd a Phos Brannigan, Prock [and Mrs a Cappon. Barrie | where they will be for a week and her sister, the dowager czarina, at their beautiful Danish home near Copenhagen. am school, gave a tea, vesterday Be ie will'vo 'down to Ottawa. for | street. Mr. Clande Kent is expected Nome Hoidore was recently purchased for the royal sisters, and they have fost concluded their ne visit | i" I hs anor St Miss Na Fo | New Year's | Colonel Sydenham McGill, "The from Chatham fgr Christmas holidavt}¢ g¢. Fithian ib tal Ed { Ty zg Eto Oe { . - . - Avonmore," has gone up to Toronto 1. The teachers * el : : > y treet, 4 Phe He » hers, who were th | Miss PB mnie Mitchell will return to] to-day, and with Mrs. Mee will Mrs Value Hacuee, an. NEWS A s -" 4 Joost » eas ant hour vr, to spend the heist yspend Christmas with Mr and Mrs Me takes Jn bod wi abe die] Miss Gladys Ruttan. vias trent, ! PITH OF THE . ~ A si A Lan. : then ended Liv wishing their po- with her parents. Mr. E. H. Riokford. ent in having the Ing fret od from Bishop Strachan schoo -- y Agnes Mande a} 1 somrade i 1 t " . " "his si w comrade all sorte of holiday W. Mitchell, Lewis| Wiss Alice Kane, of Montreal, who |ner party end u ee of the | Toronto, dn erick _ will be home| TT Voy Latest Culled From: All (Thi: RE ne Bit growing FRA i < s bee rs. F Bertyv's cuest lowing, is to be he hostess of « 1 PTT will be home | - . ra jee x A oh a Wp oly hos yy a= ( h x} afeety or r | fons this year. It is always one of ax Belleville -~ Tuesday, for , the | Mr. 1 TE A Ja There bre) gut hath to Sgntitianl f ir. a red ] vrathe x iss Mitel to AWA, , 2 he al ¢ Christ y { r. Lemieux is likely to vel An unseen trad. : ¥ and Mrs, Ie ha Bel) ¢ arruth and her guest during the holi-| home to-morrow the real, iafashion ' Xing ol. et holiday. [pan for home in a few days. - angele ertaived at a little digner on Tues. {4, | "Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Adams will be | mas revels, whers old aml, YRSENT | Misa Ethel Reynokds, Nelson street. P23 LF SiG i" resident 3 'the Upi | To ait who wrive for good--the crow Re \ - a i re T Bur no Miss Verna Smith, who has been| here from Ottawa, to spend Christ-| On a evel . ol iy anc. 8 javrived home, yeporday, a. 3 ted Mine Workers of America, is seri 2 and endure, Major ant re burstall. The | Co. and Mre. Adam Shortt, mas with Mr, and Mrs. James Craig, | . : ; Petre | AY where she has been attending How a. To thes Bear them' the hosts --- , ther guests were Dro and Mrs. Ro Wood 0 (07 poo returned to her west- | Princess street. Mrs. Adams will re | Miss Jean Duff was the raison d'etre { 4.0) to spend Ihe holidays . ; - A Bos. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. J s Cap | ne - . : {| main in t wn for a fortnight. Mr {of a charming informal tea, on Thurs. Ontario fire Iranes compan Shel make the victory sure! FRIVOR md Mr. J. Forsythe {ern home. n |. wih day, in Ottawa, at which Mrs. Law- | yoo H. W. Richardson, Stuart (have agreed to act together in lives aow i ss ei. *. ...» > {and Mrs. J. D. Craig came up from . I. Miss Kate F : lay. |tigating doubtful claims. What though the prophet hath his yg 2 te Idand.| Ottawa, yesterday, to Mrs. W G. {rence Lambe anc iss Ro Taser boqreet, gave a small tea, yesterday, a Nr A hy i a things ! . x ie 1 - iss Etta Cal Garden Island, | a, yesterday, W s 1 the b f the table. > He S. obn rong, an inmate ol one Ure. W. St. Pierre Hughes. King Etta Callaghan, | Crai o dii the honors olf th for Miss Marguerite © arr-Harri + And suffer for Swhile ? treet, has asked heat a ote alis home lrem a very deliginiul trip Cig Vest. Tehet al Xr. Hugo Miss Marjory Hopkirk, Princess | . . . Jon asylum, Soumitted suicide "by {aod host is there, and His eternal mor ™ Timp se hea to the coast. a, ¢ e Ring = tamaly, 181 ree rom boarding school, | - dtgwaing himself in the reservoir, row Master ig 8 iriends to 2 Nittle] Nise Jeo ho and Miss Agnes C ampbell | expected from the west for { hrist Toronto. hothe Jom boarding. schoa', I= Mis Marguerive 2 re aris and hee The Grand Trunk will appeal to Is lighted with His smile. 8 rty to-night. hig » {1c . ry | hrother r thol Carr-Harms ave | : het ol } : - - «Te {who have been at "The Avonmore,' |Mmas. « 8 & » Mrs. James Rollins, of London, will dt : oO parliament to have the clause n their Then lot us hope and pray, and love, re i » tlaws. hk ' xa 3 : some weeks, have lef t ene > ten days {left for OU a charter providing for a primal 4 rate and labor, A half dozen or so of Miss Madelon | i" had 3 . sghae loft ), Spey | Wajor and Mrs F. D. Lafierty, of} oe here, 2 Tuesday, yi on h: yy | | Mr. Willis O'Connor has gone on repealed, Cheered hy that promise bright. ia . po 1 t Ha | n . ¢ ona. bu . . | A . oF, mn, rter's friends dropped in to her Els ie T 'lor came home ves: | the stafl adjutant s residence, Roval | oy > : { down ta Ottawa. MN IM. Platt! A new ship canal joining: Lakes Trusting though darkness, working for... ther's hcuic on West street, vester ee arcamts. Toronto, | Military College, will leave to-morrow |" Mil yeeie Macarrow is coming to |. 7 warden and Mrs. J. NM. Platt fo ll C0 Michigan ie prodseted in |" por God and for the right 1 8 Ue wv from h » to their old home in and had a cup of tea with her Mr. Archibald Tavlor is coming | for Quebec, where they will spend aloo" "(0 "Christmas eve, and Miss 'Dave gone . uj 1 a bill now before the United States on gt mn A in Montreal, and hoth will fortnight at the Chatean Frontenac. iy, oq Macarrow will be here at New Picton for the 'holidays. \ congress, : Campbell Bros'. Fine Furs. : 4 will be a gathering of the from h Dduvs with Colonel and! Miss Camille Pacaud will go with yore to stay with Mrs. Kenneth | Miss Pauline Sparling is at h An explosion in a theatre in Gros | * Make the most acceptable Christmas' a wn of Craig at the te of the Res or, avlor at the comman- | them. Ireland, William street. | Sueen. tos Rethodint aa ---- senhain, near Dresden, destroyed the {gifts oF = R. J. Craig and Mrs. Craig, King + ce. RM.C Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, John-| ype R. W. Brigstocke is expected | { her perme. os the Brisas Sac theatre acd injured many of the ae ---------- is treet, on Christmas night : . . son street. will be among the happy | (he first of the week from Cobalt. to Jon . is taking a musica rar. several of them fatally. : Lowney's chocolates. Edwards 3 * vy .. o5 0 | parents who will have a family re !cnond the winter with Mrs. William EH, 2 Me Ridd will be Prof. Ernst von Léyden is appealing | Jenkin. : Mrs. F. Rt Njoolle, of Toronto, who | Miss. Dora Herchmer, of Ki ,. at Christmas time, for Dr. esslie, George street hy Dr. oe a A Ho has ad «it 'enrnestly to the Stttant goyttament See Ribby's $1 kid gloves, " isiting Mrs. John Nicolle. Union | is been attending eo ollepe rge Dalton will be home from New | My Courtland Strange will be here here rom nwa, LOCaY, and to private individuals for funds! Sir John Strachey, one the most" eet, will receive, with her hostess, | Guelph. will be Mrs. J. G. Rose's York to join the family dinner party. from Montreal and Mr. Ernest {TOAIN over the holidays with Mr. 0 devote to the study of gancer. eminent of Indian pro-consuley is d iM W. GG. Kidd, Barrie strect " 3 i Monday, December 23rd, No cards | guest, at Ottawa, for the Christmas Master James O'Reilly, of Upper Strange, from Ottawa, to keep their an wii zl ch wid, 1 Chicago. » The bill framed by the state legisla-4in London in his eighty-fifth year. invitation have been issued holidays. Mrs. Rose entertained at a' Canada College, came down. vester- Christmas, at the old home, on King r 3 illiam k - am, ot ha a tor | Lure authorizing eightyv-cent gas for | Burnt wood handkerchief and glove wy we {luncheon on Thursday in honor of day, to spend Christmas with the street gram privy wi la me Aah i hv New York City hat been declared vn: | boxes. Fdwards & Jenkin, Mrs. Russell Wilson and her little | Mrs. R. W. Rutherford. Hon. William Harty, Bdgot street Mrs. John MeKay, Sr... Svdenham {his holi ays Wit A r ant 5). 4 constitutional by Judge Hough, in the | See Ribbw's $1.50 cardigans. laughter, Margaret. came up from| Miss Mildred Macpherson, Ottawa . . vv street, came home, on Wednesday, | {Continued on pag Unite) Rite fistriet rink . i Are you hetter or worse to-day Sond y . d & . nth how SoM< . - esteiambmiuproel i tion of po- were yesterday ? ¢ Montreal, to-day, to spend Christmas t ttend the marriage of her cou Mrs. J. Russell Stuart, Stuart from Montre al. - . s a result of an allega you ¥ y ! ind th Mes. Samuel A Barrack 1% ic Beatrice Reiffienstein, at street, will not go to Stratford. as * sr Wood Designed Fer Burning. litical dishomesty wade against him Poon the ask rake has its uses as: doit street. Mr. Wilson will be here on Montreal, on' December 20th, { she intended, but will spend the holi Mrs. E. J. McLeiland will be here Arrived to-day, Edwards & Jen: [the sitting: member of parliament, Dr! | well § nd 0 Tuesday. Miss Hazel Cooke, Union street, hav- | davs here from Brockville, with her little daurh- kin. Wekerle, Ans challenged ex-minister of Shine. boxes arrived this morm= 0 Miss Edith Baker came over from !ing spit' "8 very pleasant visit in] Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osler came back ter for Christmas, and will stay with i" " Eamere-- Austive Polonyi to Hight a duel with ling isan & Jenki New York. today. to spend a fort | Be Neville, has returned home. { from Toronto, to-day, and will be Mrs. R. Melelland, "Sunnyside." See Bibby's £2 furldined gloves, {pistols . IS Ree Bibby's $1.50 Rent glove. 2 3 i i - " pm rm -- --r-- ---------- ---- -------------- - -- -------- --- 3 3 GIGI IVIV III IIGO FVIII IIe PRARAAARELEEEELLASLELS BEV EVERREYY eee PIPES FEES UII II III III IFIP PIS SSP IIEIIGIII VIII I99 4 S0004400404600000¢ AI R. WALDRON, Brock Dent's THE RELIABLE QUALITIES, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, FRENCH KID GLOVES, fully gnaranteed, Elacks and $1.25, $1.50. WOOL GLOVES AND MITTS, Children's Silk-Lined Gloves, 40c., 50c., 60c., "5c. Fair. A Present of a Winter Coat is Beyond the Slimest Purse During Our Half Price Sa Everything absolutely new this season. $10 COATS, $15 COATS, for $7.50. $20 COATS, $6.25, $17.50 COATS, for $8.75. $25 COATS, for $1250. Those Shirt Waists at $1.98 Ideal 'Xmas Presents, regular values, $4, $4.50, $5, all sizes, at $1.98 each. Splendid Showing of Kimonas, Eiderdown Wrappers and Sacques In Plain and Fancy Effects. Stockings LADIES' EMBROIDERED STOCKINGS, 50c., 80c., 5c. 1 ADIES' SILK STOCKINGS, %5¢c. to $2.50 pair. MEN'S EMBROIDERED SOX, in Lisle, Cashmere, $1 pair. CHILDREN'S FANCY AND PLAIN HOSIERY, 25¢c., 3 50¢., 60c. pair. ENGLISH UMBRELLAS, for Ladies' and Gentlomen, $ each. Silk OPEN EVERY EVENING Kid Gloves and Mitts for Ladies and Gentlemen Gloves and Mitts. for $10. $12.50 COATS, Prices, $1.50 to $7.50 each. TS PI e II IIIININIIIIIee Hundkerchiefs GENTLEMEN'S HEMSTITCHED LINEN, !, }, 1 inch Linen 121c.. 15¢., 20c., 25¢., 30c., 40c., $2 LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, 3. &, 1 inch Colors. Linen, 10c. to 30c. each FANCY EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 10c. to 81.50 each SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, NECK SQUARES AND MUFFLERS. Hand- Made Lace Handkerchiefs, $1 to 85 each. Extensive Variety in New Chiffon Veils, New Lace Scarfs Not In White, Black and Colors, 50c. to $3 each. NEW CREPE NECK SCARFS, §1, $1.50, $1.85, $2, $2.50 Skirts VOILE SKIRTS, New York Models. $7.50 to $22 each. BROADCLOTH SKIRTS, $6 to $18.50 each. SILK UNDERSKIRTS, $3.75 to $11.50 each. { MOREEN SKIRTS, $2 to $5.50 each. KNITTED WOOL UNDERSKIRTS, warm to $2.50 each. for $5. for + 9 and comfortable, 50¢ $6, $6.50, There is nothing appeals to a person more than comfort. More particularly home comfort. We are offering special discounts on Curtains, Carpet Squares and Blankets You can always rely upon the qualities you i obtain at WALDRON'S. pair, . 38c. to S5c., 40c., 1 to $5 , Wellington Sts. UNTIL CHRISTMAS inc co i Irish Hand Embroidered Linens We show a full range of these fashionable goods, ranging from Doylies in various sizes to Tray Cloths, 5 0'Clock Covers and Dinner Cloths up to the Hand-Embroidered Dresses. Prices, 15¢. to $20. gp-- ------ Exclusive Styles in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods In White, Black and Colors, neatly boxed, in lengths, for "Xmas Presents. Prices, $3 to $15 each. Rugs, Shawls, Clouds and Mufflers TRAVELLING RUGS, $2 to $7.50 each, SHAWLS, 50c. to $5 each. CLOUDS, 25¢c. to $1 each. KNITTED AND SILK MUFFLERS, 40c., 50c., 60c., 5c. $1.25 $1.50. Sale of Fancy Belts 480 Ladies' Fatcy Belts in Silk, Kid and Fancy Effects. Regular values 50c, to $2.50 each. At Exactly Half Price. $1,