Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1907, p. 8

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al Caps. ~ $15.00 to $25.00. er Caps, - 15.00 to 25.00 Lamb Collars 7.00 to 15.00 Collars, - 12.00 to 15.00 Muskrat Lining, - » RAN 50.00 - : Coats, Muskrat Lining, Otter Collar, = 60.00 - " " B " " it, 75.00 % Natural Black Rat Lining, Otter Boley © Collar, - - $85.00-125.00 "Natural Black Rat Lining, : : Persian Collar, - $85.00-$125.00 ~~ For Ladies Mink Ties and Stoles, $15.00 to $100.00 ~ Mink Mufs, - - 2000t0 75.00 Our assortment of Fur and Fur-Lined Coats for Ready-to-wear, at prices that will interest you. ur inspection invited. No obligation to buy. phn McKay Fur House Bans 1 9-185 Brock St. tare Skates for Christmas 27 different patterns from the GENUINE Skates to the * Velox Hockey and Tube Racers Made in variety of styles from in metal to highly polished , ranging from 50c. to $5. Also the Double Runner for the little one, the nicest thing you I. A. Mitchell's Hardware 35.00 to 80.00 ' ACME self fastening SBE =a Useful Articles for Xmas 3 ¥ = &% Gifts a % Carpet Sweepers from $2.75 to 5.00. Carving Sets, 90c. to $10.00. Silver Knives and Forks. Silver Spoons. : Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. ) t Bros.," Pringess SbonnAras esses +4 ummon 'liquor, Samuel Rock, a young Italian, was arraigned on a of assaulting **1.was missing things from my store and decided to let Rock go," said Green. "He got mad at me, and drew a knife and said that if 1 did not pay him three dollars 5 day he would kill me, He togk hold of me, put did not strike me." The prisoner denied the charge, stat- ing that he did not draw a knife, and that he made no attempt to strike reen, David Gulign, employed in Green's , was called. He was in the shop when the row ocourred, "but did not say he heard Rock make any threats towurds Green, or see him draw a knife on plaintiff. The istrate said that under the circumstances, he could not find the accused guilty, and dismissed the charge. Green accused Rock of stealing goodd from the shop, but the magis- proceed along these lines, he would bave 10 make amother charge against Rock. He afterwards made a charge of theft against Rock, and the case was set for Monday morning. The ice took possession of some procca om Wwe wth wXpositos uLsLTIplon Of 4 fale oll voll owueu uy ars. Kovert wwn. It was vated 1,51. Ike arto abo meguoned Nobert Graham, oi brockville, as beng we possessor or a simular com dated 1990. but it re- mains lor a ningstonan to go these enthusiastic com savers one better at helt own game Frank M. bird, agent for the Metropolitan lafe In- surance company, showed the Whig the same cowl, but bearing the date of 17334 w plan figures. Un one side appears the bust and tithe of Carolus dia with the words "Mei Gratis, 1770" Un (he reverse side is the nkeness of a siueld, with a wreathed column at each side. Around the margin are the words, "lispan et lad Re," and some letters, which resemble "MM, Ek. 2 R MN" Mr. Bird's coin, notwithstanding its great age, is re- markably well presérved. lle would be tory of this mint, S; For one day only, Monday, Decem- ber 2rd, we will place on sale the two popular songs, "love Me and the World Is Mine," by Samuel A. White, lar folios, classic folios, and leather music holders. McDermott Bros., 260 Prificess street. Prayer-books, Bibles, hymn-books and sacred songs and folios, at Me Dermott Bros', There's Everything in Being First. The first train in Canada was oper ated on what is now a part of the Grand Trunk railway and this great system has ever been on the alert to stay in - the first rank. In keeping with this general policy the "luterna- tion! Limited," the premier train of the Grand Trunk system, is also the finest and fastest train in Canada, and one of the fastest long distance trains in the world. Leaves Montreal every day at 9 a.m; Kingston, 12:35 pm; Toronto, 4:40 p.m., arriving De- troit at 10 pam., and Chicago at 7:40 a.m. Christmas Market. Saturday was recognized as the Christmas market, and there was =a great display of turkeys, the price ranging all the way from lle. to 13¢. per pound. The farmers have been very busy supplying the stores, and it is stated that the market on Tuesday next will be rather slim. The offering of fowl at Thufsday's market was also very large. Expensive Dogs. The township of Kingston council has voted five farmers 356 for killed by dogs, two-thirds of the loss. At the same meeting fifty cents was voted as indemnity for a dog killed it had destroyed. Thus the pendulum swings Hoth wavs, as pendulums gene- rally do. Two Attractive Windows. Gilbert's two windows, on Barrie street, are attracting a lot of atten- tion, especially with English people. Makes them thisk they are in old London: They were dressed by R. E. James, of Liverpool. See them to-night. Christmas ecards, Christmas post cards, calenders, at Melermott Bros'. trate said that if Green wanted to! autenell, ot wus {Carter has dove glad to learn something of the his- | ancient product of « the | { Union Street Baptist Event. | recial In Music. { and "'School Days," at Sc. a copy. | Do not fail to see our stock of popu-| uth. Rev. Father Halligan will celebrate his first mass in St. Mary's cathedral at 10:30 am., Sunday, and the ser mon will be preached hy his cousin, Rev. Father Conway, of Brooklyn. Rev. Father Meagher will celebrate his first mass at his native home, at Read, Sunday morning also. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. 2 Very Important Items For Monday Morning, FROM 9 TO 11 O'CLOCK. Just in the nick of time for Christmas buying, as both are well suited for GIFTS. An Austrian manufacturer's set of samples of 97 Fancy Bzaded Bags and Fancy Silk Bags Many dainty designs and gaite a namber with. just oae oi a desigo, at $1.49, 2.00, 2.25. 2.50, 2.75, 2.95, A NEW WORK. "Philosphical Basis of Re- ligion." "The Philosophical Basis of Reli- gion," by Professor Watson, of MONDAY MORNING AT 20 PER CENT. OFF.. 360 Fancy Wool Scarfs Mostly pure white, A few black in the lot. These are about 2 yards Queen's University, has just been is- sued from the Glasgow press, and] | promises to be one of the most pro-| minent contributions to the religious] and thoughtful literature of the year. | | It consists of over 500 pages, and is a! fuller discussion of topics oaly indi-| cated in the author's "Christianity, | {and Idealism." It consists of seven- teen lectures, written in a compara- tively simple style, with a verv full table of contents and index. The main object of the lectures, as the title indicates, is to provide a philo-| sophical foundation for religions be lief, but it also includes a cmtical his- tory of religious thought from Philo! to the present day, and discusses cur | rent interpretations of man's life and | destiny. For sale by R. Uglow Co, | Kingston, Price, $2.25 per copy. | ---------------- i | GIFT FOR ESLIE CARTER From the Boys of the Collegiate! Institute. { long Ly 30 inches wide. Very dainty designs. These are worth 75¢c and over. Your Choice Monday Morning, 9 to 11, §9c Each. 275 Dainty Corset Covers And one of the most acceptable gifts a woman of good taste ean choosefor an intimate friend, all different and all new, being copies of the Christmas makes shown in New York carly this month, Some with beautiful em- broderies, others lace trimmed. Just a hint as to prices: $1.49, 2.35, 1.95, 1.20, 75¢, 99¢, 1.3), 1.75, ahd down to 45¢ each. On Friday afternoon, Eslie Carter, | who is retiriiig from the teaching staff | of the Collegiate Institute, was pre | sented with a handsome gold-headed goods found in Rock's room, kt his | cane, suitably engraved by the boys boarding house on Rideau street. The of the school. . goods cousisted of two dozen rubber| completely ly heels, two dozen pairs of shoe laces,| greatly affected by the boys' kind act. | several boxes of shoe rivets and some] The address was read by James Stew- | Mr. Carter was taken | shrprise, and was] Is. art, and the recipient replied in a few! { well chosen words, thanking them for | An Ancient Coin. | their Kindness, and telling them that | Some mwuius ago tee Whig re- | the time he had spent amongst them | a | would be jooked back upon as some | of the happiest days of his life. Nr. | much to help the | circles, sinee he and it was due Loys in their sporti has been on the st which it did. Marine Engineers' Officers. Council No.-4, National Association of Minine Phrincers eiected the fol- to his untiring efforts that the ty : » ball team reached the high standard dl ® S Children's Dainty White Organdie Dresses Just received yesterday and intended for Christmas Wear Prices very moderate. Sizes for girls 2, 4, 6 years and up to 16 years, $1.25 to 6.00, according to lace trimmings. } lowing officers for the year 1908: Wil liam Spencer, president; Walter Haz- lett, first viee-presidént; T. S. Norris. second vice-president; Jobm Evans, treasurer; James Gillie, secretary: William Hartley, conductor: Edward! and T. (2 Milne, auditors; As E. Ken-| nedy and James Gillie, delegates to] grand council; alternate, T. J. Milne, Hickey, J. F. McEwen, William Dun-| nigan, councillors, | The Union Street Baptist church | | Sunday school held a very successful | Christmas tree entertainment, Friday evening, A fine programme, consist- {ing of wecitations, dialogues, songs, | jee, occupied one hour and a half. The Sunday school orchestra, led by {A. Plain, rendered some choice selec | tions and added considerably to the |eueccess of the entertainment. Kriss) | Kringle, personated by Charles Her | miston, pleased the little ones with dolls and other presents from the Christmas tree. w Memorial Window. One of the spacious windows of St. | George's cathedral has been replaced | a beautiful art grouping in staibed | s, in memory of the late C. F,!| rd nly lohg a wealdus and de. 000. It is fitting that his remem- brance should be preserved im - the ly church since to bis courage and con | fidence the enlargement and vast im. | See Bibby's handsome neckwear, 50c. A few heaters and left which we will sacrifice at cost for cash. Call and see them to-day; the chance won't just arrived. Beautiful designs fabrics. At Livingston's, to-night. {8 twards & Jenkin, Get your resolutions ready for New | Year's day. Edwards & Jen- Is Mocha gloves, $1, at Jenking'. Mg was the 'merchants wv. " harvest Spencer, door-keeper: 0. J. Hickey | FINE AFFAIR AT FRON alternate; J. Evans, J. Gillie, 0. J. | Dancing Indulged in By Guests was the scene day cvening, lege was filled with gpent a most enjoyable time. The ar- rangements were | respect, amd much { committee of management. The prinei- pal, Mr. Stockdale, was present, and | -- extended a warm guests, and the students also gave {the visitors every attention. {fair was voted the best ever held by {the students of the college. One of best place to get an all round Lunch in the spacious rooms was used - dancing, and McAuley's orchestra fur-jootice. English and Chinese dishes a nished a lengthy {music, including a liberal number of extras. *{ waltz, at wi to a happy close. voted parishioner. The cost was $1,- served at midnight, the ladies having provement was in large part due. care pleasant hours in game playing. last long. & So Friday, of William J. Spooner. aged| © "See Bibby's 2 Brlineg gloves. fy years. The deceased had| © Have You Thought of These Shipment of Welch Margetson ties, ailing for only a few weeks been and | Charles Spooner, Colborne Picture frames, match safes, boxes | maine will arrive from Ottawa on Sun- te., stam nd > 'iday morning and the funcgal will be © § ped and ready for burning. I Sg yt Hughes will See Bibby's 50c. silk handkerchiefs. [IB 8t ten o'clock,jto Sunbury, where ge almonds, in. he remains will be laid in the family F. W. BOSGHEN Member Consolidated Stock : "NT HOME" ERE fi J fi ARERR TENAC COLLEGE. Eachange of New You. 8 | Until An Early Hour in Morn- STOCKS and BONDS 8 CHRISTMAS g RIE ing--A Mer Crowd of Bought: and: Sold for Cash or. ob _ Our effort this year has resulted £ y Bought and a fo aphar.s in placing one of of best and Dancers. Margin. most extensive stocks ever shown The Frontenac Business College in Kingston. of a fine event on Fri when an "At Home" the students. The col guests, and all a We have selected everything with the care that comes from long experience. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRETO N.Y as held by We guarantee all goods .we sell and comparison of qualities will show you that we can make your dollar go further everytime. W. HECTOR H. HUME, mcr. complete. in every Clarence Chambers. Phone, 838, credit is due the An Umbrella makes an accept- able gift. We show some choice s of Handles from $4.50 TO $12.00. welcome to the | New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3 a.m,, the The af for the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest REAR IE programme of choice |ecialty. 'Phone, 855. Spangenberg +EWELLER Issuer of Marriage The "Home, Sweet Home™ 1 a.m., brought the affair Luncheon was 0 SB [A RE PRRRRERS prepared a dainty spread in one of Licenses. he upper rooms at the college. The whole building was thrown open to the guests, and those who did . not EERRRIERRTERRRRRERECN to dance spent a 'few very Remains Coming Here. The defth occurred at Ottawa, street, is brother of the deceased. The re Ladies' High Cut Felt Slip- pers, fur trim- me d,. leather soles, 85c. Same kind in better quali- ty, $1. Red, b lue, Black, $1.25. A cheaper grade leather and felt soles, in red, brown ternoon. of the late Kenneth be held, Sunday morn: The funeral The funeral of the late Mrs. Patrick Naylon, will take place, on Sunday morning, to Brewer's Mills cemetery. Solemn requiem mass will be sung in the Roman Catholic church there. Box containing 1 pair suspenders, 1 pair garters, and | pair arm bands to match, #1 and $1.50, at Jenkins'. Children's brooms, dustpans, and snow shovels, switable for Christmas at Lemmon & Sons Our display of fruit cakes is larger this year than ever. No advance in prices. RB. H. Toye, King strest. i fron Beds, 88 $150, $6.50 to 5, | at Robert J. Reid's : Irish linen handkerchiefs, 2c. to Be at Jenkine' Waldvon's sale of coats, half-price. See Bibhy's dainty --_, A and blue, 75e. Still cheaper Slipper, = same style, in black only, at S0c. 16 tables full of Slippers to select from. Gbhe Zoockett Shoe Store. S20e00ctccescctcenena 00000000000 000000000 t é Though 'every nation has its holidays and celebrations, Chr is the one holiday that nearly entire world celebrates. Much » day of rejoicing means to the i up, it is, above all el a chi day. When the glad Christmas ring out millions of little iolk world over rejoice and are happ, Though Germany is supposed the home of the tree and Santa it is in the north countries Si loas first appears. In Norway den, and Denmark the little fol brate his coming for fifteen da) thought of his coming creates ing of good fellowship, resulti much visiting back and forth, d and laughter. The children ke postman busy mailing their for thousands of 'children send to Sunderkloas, telling him jus they 'want. Though = their li often long, they are careful to that if he cannot bring them thing, they would like' certain very much, and their 'parents took after the rest. On Christe the household dre gathered in t! parlor, waiting his coming im} k. In the smallest village the chimes are heard ringing merr side the family forms a circle sing Christmas carols. Anxio make a great noise, the yvoune dren join in with wind instrun A sudden knock tells them there. Some rush up to help | with his fur coat and others him to unload his toys. Ever girl and boy expects a pair of In no other country is skatin and the children skate so mu CO ---------------------------- The movement against abs: Portugal has assumed such d that the country, according 1 telegrams, is on the brink « tion. The Portuguese autho! rigorously censoring all but news has reached Ma many Monarchists have dese Charles, and that the army have been mobilized, in an of a conflict with the rev ole It is even declared that t garrison and the crews of { ships in the harbor ° have The prisons ar filled with suspects, and the governmei izing two transports in 1 and a cruiser as prison shi Meanwhile, the king rema palace, guarded by loyal tr crown prince is exiled at V because he suggested tant should either abolish the or abdicate, and Prince M Rraganza, . the Portuguese who is in Austria, is clos!

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