cessful with it than Mr. Foy with his law reform, The Toronto jail being full to over flowing 'Mr. was asked what he was going to do about it: The ides Li tions of the hour. will be the moved from the city to the county, and later several comities will be grouped: antl their prisoners _goncen- one in place. It may mean nomy of management - and mginten- ance. There are times, says Mr. Honna, when the county jails as now consti- tuted are The farm would of- ter of discipline, and {they would have to earn their living, not as now be an imposition upon the t and the thrifty! who are taxed prison purposes. THE DOCTORS AS PATRIOTS. The doctors of Toronto have decid- ed to do a little campaigning on their own account. They are, perhaps, con- trary to the opinion of some, public spirited men, and when occasion re yuires it, speak out in po uncertain way. The moving consideration at the present time is the purity of the water supply. It seems that in several tests the colon bacill found, and its presence suggestedl, in the words of a porary, "a sufficiently disgust- ing state of affairs to turn the sto- mach of the average citizen." The people are not drinking much water, 'and some' 'of them may not ohisat to the excuse they have for drinking something else. But the fact that the water is so impure fires he medical men with a new-born zeal, and they declare that ouly the guar antes of pure water will save the city from a scourge of typhoid. : The cities have the faculty some. £ : LH i ii £3 of the throughgnt the [state tested 364 herds 'and found that per cent. of them had tuberculos- From his own data Dr. Moore Can the milk of the tubegculous cows be really safely used ? Can their flesh (when killed) be safely eaten? There is so much to be studied and I i on this subject in the intgrest of the public health. EDITORIAL NOTES. The late county conservative con- vention was not exactly a love feast. Mr. Gallagher was not as easily dis- posed of as Mr. Avery. The letter carriers are undergoing the 8% | was that the government should eith- [annual slavery of a Christmas deliv- [all the fuss. As usual, it wants the | With an address and a handsome gold i enlarge ccommodation or give |[¢ry: Why should any .- the a eit Td [work ite. letter sarriom like horses government St. Catharines has street lights at $39.50 cach per year; What city need be dark at this rate? Toronto has its' institute troubles The Montreal Herald prints the pic- tures of the conservative candidates in the county for the local and federal thouses, but their friends would have some difficulty in recoguizing them, The Toronto News does not think women ¢an do the same work as the men and are, therefore, not entitled to the same pay. Our contemporary is treading on very delicate ground. and the government has been asked to solve them with the aid of its inspeo- tors. It is to be hoped the result will be more satisfactory than the re- sult with government aid in King- ston. Another slive of Canadian territory has been purchased by America for the sake of its pulpwood--350,000 acres in New Brunswick. If the paper were only made in Canada there would be some compensation. Paying the government officials by salaries ! The officials would not object provided that-the salaries were made. to befit the cares and responsibilities of office. All registry and shrievalty offices are not like those of Toronto. Mr. Foster has invited sharp coriti- cism and is getting it. Mr. Miller, M.P., refers to him as "a discarded wanderer, whose leader, acting upon advice of certain newspaper organs, thought it at home when he went up- on his western trip." Local option contests are on in nipely-six municipalities in Ontario, mostly rural. Of the fity-four muni- cipalities in which the option law has been in force three years there are notices of repeal in only six, What does this portend ? | Mr. Gallagher is authority for the {statement that the damage done to the conservative party by the conser vative convention which turned Mr, Afery down, is greater than can be rent must be pretty hard. The conservatives of Frontenac al- not injurious. Scientists differed as to whether tuberculosis could be com- municated from animal to the man through the milk. The agitation con- tinued for a time in a lifeless way, and then it died out. "There is a revival of interest in the | by the enquiry which Dr. hasters reprised in the next ten years, The Wogey oh 0 5 See Dibby's $2 i g Senpdian Fresh made Rideau . Med- Ss. . eS sigeiive per ceut. off all shaving sets at Hests'. Fur lived gloves in fancy boxes, $2.- 50, at Jenkins', Why not a fancy vest? One-quarter off regular price. Livigrston's. See vi, h See our own meke of commercial SUI" | mixed candy, 10¢. per pound, warraat- * led pure, at McLaughlin's. Yes! Clauss scissors are still sold at Strachan's hardware. . Full lines of imported and domestic liquors, Uhristmas wines, cigars, ci- gavettes, etc., at McParland's. All. Routley, 354 King street, carries fine assortment of walking sticks, minster ought at Jogat, 0 pipes, tobacco, cigars, fountain pens, ar 1 he 8, het .. Rt ete, for Christmas. such victories a make successful bat- Il you see a man with a dainty heliotrope badge on his vest or coat /t ask him to come in and have 3p i something with you, or expect him to ate "a en ond COURtY: liuy you something, for he won't. His Hidden at bed. The - ia badge is his certificate of membership pulls old and has bets harrviog her IP the Anti-Treating League, an or- 0 : 3 ureying her | anization founded in Prescott last week, expected to reach from ocean to . {ocean just as the "Are you a Buffalo" an awful example of the crim- | 34 Bug this Prescott league expects greater things--it is to leave its. im- sion on the morals of this great and and revolutionize our social sys- anenal Stan a tem. The object is just what it in- hats, S16 Sue hinge ahout He dicates--to overcome the treating Pacific that 'make-the cruise look lik habit. Every member swears that he ing but 'a' froli For exa is will not buy a drink for any resident anything a ip as a of Prescott or Ogdensburg, * under the. Ay yetde do a wf Wi I penalty of one dollar fine for each in- of e " deed - "Ei vr ant fraction of the rule. Anyone who fails anh . Right _--_--he to report an infring a ent will be ex- -- A inten; have aleady ; pelled from the leafe. On February "Irolic™ fon tk a pretty Serious |g a meeting will be held to discuss - the merits of the experiment. The start i six ¢ - Toe Some ot Kier. [1267100 316 rie men Hamilton Times. -- Speaking of. the umemployed, the Montreal Gazetie says ' Teacher Given Ring. Cushendall, Dee. 21.--Our school ceives most attention. It should be |closed for Christmas holidays, on Fri- that it is neifher as dark |98Y- A concert was given and an ex- as it might be or as it has been in the | client programme by the pupils. The a to: Seems to be making teacher, Miss Jackson, was presented ide the work which ring, set with pearls, by the children. it should pro itself. Miss Jackson appreciated the gift very --- much, together with the good wishes of all. Herbert Peck has returned huttal home from sailing all 'summer. John To-day 'Canada alone produces over Burns is busy training a tegm of $3,000,000 worth « of furs every year .| young colts, recently purchased. W. and to this Alaska wow adds $750,000 | Miller and son, Napanee, are renewing of raw pelts, and Labrador probably | 2cqnaintances in This locality. © Ken- balf this amount. Until a Jods oF 80 neth Wier has gone to visit friends in ago the Prybiloffs and other seal is-| Belleville and Tweed. Richard. Hamil- sent out $2,500,000 worth of| to" who has spent the past three kins annually: 'and then of course we | months in St. Louis, has returned. As have the enormous quantities dressed | the Christmas season is néar at hand and menufactured for the home mar. |®"d many home-comings and visitors, kets. pd may every good wish be extended to --- all for merry Christmas and happy New Year, including the ' courteous irapttont ane Jen: Vote, British Whig staff. The question of compulsory yoting i up again, Claude' Macdonnell ng Canadian Mink. : ing introduced a bill compelling ev-| Scarfs; $12 up; - Japanese mink, $5 ly 'to votes, who is entitled toi up, at Campbell Bros.' the store that's vole, on pain of -disfranchisement for [greatest in value giving. a time. 'Mr, 9) means well, but we have a suspicion that his mea- Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. sure is of the utopian character. You| J. B. Fraser, Gordon A, McGuire, may bring men to the polling booth, |. W. Ross, jr., G. W. Matheson, W. Fe you _cammot prevent malingering to|J. B. Price, Brockville; J. B. Willer, stick to the ills~we know. 3 Se 5 Cost Of Christmas Trees. Syracuse: Post-Standard. People alarmed about the effect of Christmas-tree cutting because they son, Ottawa; H. V. Patton, Bufialo; T, C. Bell, Toronto. Will Distribute Bread. George A. McGowan into the city. I they could see the|will make his annual distribution 'of hole that is' made in the woods every [bread to all people who need it. year by the removal of 35§00,000 ---------- hoard of lumber, 100,900,000 Campbell Bros'. Fur Store. cords of fire wood, 3,000,000 cords of The store where quality is unques- pulp wood, 70,000,000 cross ties, and tioned. the rest that goes to make up the an- -- nual output of $1,006,000,000 of forest Bibby's for choice gloves. Products, they would cease to feel alarm over the culting of Christmas : years, commanded one of the Rath- Tees, bun company's steamers on the Os A - Check On Extravagances. Star Co tatil mo becomes easier towns and cities will call a halt in necessary but costly civic improvements. The Barnhurdt, and will sail her next sea- son. Bibby's for Dent's kid gloves. W. L. Maley, Kemptville, died on Semi-Ready Suits and Ready for-you-to-try-on, finished to your order in'two hours. We think we have the finest dis- play of Windsor Overcoats to he Bi seen anywhere. Live Overcoats 'OUR STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Lot of Blue and Black Suits. They are Beauties The best desigmers and cutters--the most skillful tailors have all done their very best for you. Come in and let Our : New Suits talk to you for a few moments. They have a great | story to tell of their ex- cellence, $10 10'20 but you cannot make them vote, and|E. Molaskey, Montreal; C. E. Smith, | THE H."D. BIBBY GO. SEMI-READY TAILORING. Santa Claus Will Be Here To-Morrow Night. Don't forget this. All day to-morrow to finish up ; Ee "| your shopping. Come early as possible, and if not come evade the law. It t Colborne; W. H. Boyd, Ottawa; A. T. |) 3 BX I 1 ! i he 8 us an wll 10 Ortton, Guelph; C. Andies,. H. Mathe any time. You will be sure to find just what you want here. Perhaps the following will remind you of some- «. | thing you intended to get : : Ladies' Fancy Collars, prettiest collection in town, > To-morrow, at his cigar factory on 25¢, 50¢. 60c 75¢, 81 to 2.50. f see the trees themselves being brought | Rideau street, ' Fritling in oy ob ihe vard: yard 10c. Gloves--Kid, long or short, Cashmere or Knit- ted, for men, women or children, 25¢ to $2.75. Ladies' Golf Jackets, a present that would be appre- ciated, all sizes and colors, $1.75, 2.00, 2.25. Christmas Bells, large sizes, Capt. John Gowan, who, for many | men and women, $1, 1.50 to 4.00. Fancy and Plain Linens, lovely designs in Tray wego route, has purchased the schoon-| Cloths, Centre Pieces, Doilies, Scarfs, 60c, Toc, 90c, $1.00 er Theo Voges "from Captain Frank to 5.00. . Boxes 25¢, by the oc. Umbrellas, for amount spent in this way in Saskat- chewan this year has been large. While has spent nearly a million, other cities have been doi their we. and Friday, in. St. Francis Hospital, in Smith's Falls, after an illness lasting over sixteen weeks. sah . Box candy. "The Red Star." share. For instance, 'waterw Lev. Southworth has taken a lease Weyburn, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, | N. ¥ ian s : Twenty-five per cent. off perfumos in Jaw, while other places have had boxes at Bests'. See Bibby's swell umbrellas. Goldwin Smith Condemns Local Option WRITING to the Toronto Globe, Professor Goldwin Smith thus "1 do not think it possible to enforce total abstinence. The taste for fermented liquors is common to all races of man- kind, and it antedates the be- ginning of history. This taste thé extreme prohibitionist hopes io eradicate by a single stroke of prohibitive legislation. Unless he ¢an eradicate the taste, experience shows he cannot put down the habit. In the attempt radically and suddenly to change the habits of mankind 07 Jaws § have no faith what. ever, | appeal to multiplied and decisive experience as a of the City. The rolls have been found to include vepetitions and un- clio foe additions, which are believ- amount ther to 3 hundreds: of ogy Svea) Christmas Presents! Crumley Bros. systems have been installed in| of » new hotel at Barnhart's Island, : [WTR] ]n]; [a] Few things make a more appropriate than a pair of Fine Slippers. and cosy, comfortable ones for the elders. A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Men's Slippers, 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Ladies' Distinctive Footwear of true femini The new styles and shapes avoid all appearance of clumsi- ness. We have some of the prettiest creations manufactnred. Prices rdnging from $1.25 to $3.50. HOCKEY BOOTS, $1.25 to $3.50. Dainty ones for Young People Christmas present daintiness. The Sawyer ShoeStore | by nora! = GHRISTHAS i™ Gifts & pwid (5 ET 3 TF ET) oo] oo oe i [T [aa I Your Christmas can be made bright ty selecting a present from our holiday stock, = James Reid . "PHONE, 147. HOSPITALS GR MAJORITY OF PATEEN -------- Mrs. Pinkham's Advice § From this Sad and C rience, -- beds and girls who are awaiting ¢ from operations made n neglect. Every one of these patient; of warning in that bearing d pain at the left orright of t} nervous exhaustion, pain in the back, pelvic catarrh, diz lency, displacements or i All of these symptoms are ir aa unhealthy condition of organs, and il not heeded the make headway until the 1 to be paid by a dangerous o a lifetime of impaired Mo while in many cases the resu The following letter should to suffering women. Mrs. Re of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont Dear Mrs. Pinkbam: "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetah! is =o well and widely known th: need my recommendation, but to add it to the raany which yo favor. Isuffered untold agonies female troubles for nearly thre the doctors told me that Er operation, but as I was unwillin 1 tried your V, ble Compour only too pleased that I did so, fi ne to perfect health, saving me an operation and theimmense bi the same. Pray accept my he and best wishes." Just as surely as Mrs. Glem of the troubles enumerated ir i= so surely will Lydia E. 'egetable Compound "cure ot who suffer from female trout mation, kidney tronbles, ner bility and nervous prostration Mrs. Pinkham invites all + are ill to write her for f She is a daughter-in-law © Pinkham and for twenty-fiv been adviging sick women fre Address, Lynn, Mass. Arrested In New Yi New York, "Dee. 23.-- Robe well, the American, who fig now famous Druce case | was arrested upon the arn steamer Kaiserin, Auguste here. on Saturday, on a che jury. Bail was furnished a man was taken to his home Island. George Northedge, an ol estate man, and hermit of Wis., has become heir to ss, one in. Montreal, ti Weatherproc Cartridges | Dominion Am munition stands the severest ex tremes of weather without change "Sovereign" Shells-- (smokeless) or "Crown" / Shells (snap Shot Black Powder) are not. only ww t action -- their accuracy and great stopping power \\: Made in Canada and gwarantecd by the Dominion Cartridge Co. Ltd, MONTREAL. Diamond Ring For Xmas > A GIFT SURE TO PL We buy all our Dia direct from the c¢ This enables us to sa all middleman's profit to give you the finest ¢ stones at the most mc prices. Our 'Xmas displ Diamond Rings is n ously beautiful. We never before had such guisite showing as 3? holiday season. Whether you are th of giving a Diamond as a 'Xmas present ¢ We would like you t in just the same and : great variety. We d charge exorbitant pric we do give you values in every pw Furthermore we gua every. stone we sell when purchased have ¥ assuréd of standard a: We. especially advert beautiful Diamond Ri $25. KINNEAR & d'EST . Diamond Mercha Princess & Wellingtor OPEN BYENING MeN AND Use Big 6! ajo { i. Hail. [We VARS Cis t oF pois : i old Byk