dp § tp ii b Cream Crackers, per pound, 30c. Veda Oatmeal, per pound, 30¢ Wholemeal Wafer, per pound, | Treasure, per pound, 30e. Milk Chocolate, per pound, 40c. r Wafer, per pound, 40c. Mixed Macaroons per pound, 50e. Rosebud, per pound, 50c. Cinderella Wafer, per pound, 50e, Palace Wafer, per round, 50c. Parlor Chocolaté, per pound, Chocolate Gem, per pound, 50c. i} amas Drop, per pound, 60c. 1 Dess Ch te, per pound, [7 W. D. Morris fost his deposit in the Hliament or elsewhere, 1 am ready to i bad i iz i 1 i i fifi dist 7 A ly A i : RE ; i iz | 2 ¥ i ge ught in the the area usually planted in wheat has been reduced from nine hy lightning, destroyed two large shi mills at Charlo, N.B., owned by the Currie Lumber company. Murray Stevens, the Wabash eugi- neer, eld ble for the diamond crossing wi near St. Thomas, has or Tinod from jail by order of the government. | Hon. Mr. Pugsley says: "Whenever Mr. Borden is ready to discuss the bribery matter with me, either in par 'meet Kim in debate." ca am an a sent to Ye Cee il: prison for eighteen months, from Brantford, for bigamy and theft. He stole his second wife's dresses when he deserted her. I Sister Theresa, a nurse in St. Mary's hospital, Milwaukee, was shot and killed by an insane man, who jmag- jned the hospital officials were Lrying to poison him, § The court of appeal at Montreal has rendired judgment in the libel suit of Swellow against the Gasette, the point of which is that legal papers are not privileged lor msblication. The Ficld Museum of Chicago is sending out an expedition 16 visit Thibet and several other } known quarters of the globe. Har vard is preparing an expedition to Central Alrica and excavations are shortly to begin on the site of Her: culaneum, The governor of Alaska estimates the population of that country at 31,000, exclusive of 6,000 people of mixed nationalities employed in mines, canneries and railroad construction during the summer. He reports exten- sive prospecting in the various mining districts, and says that loose me- thoas followed in staking claims and maintaining titles to placer grounds have caused much litigation. The whiskey peddier is, he says, the worst cnemy of the native, but the earning capacity and desire of the coast to live as the whites do are increasing. Personal. Physical Director G. A. Palmer savs our internal organs are conducted and regulated by muscular action. The failure. or weakness of any part of our internal muscular and nervous system in the chief cause for indigestion, con- stipation, weak lungs, flat chest, round shoulders, spinal curvature, ete. I treat any age of either sex with my Remain} system by sotresfondence. rite for particulars and state your case in confidence, 67 Alfred street, Kingston. Miss Bella Meredith Dead. London, Dee. 20.<Miss Isabella Meredith died, on Tuesday, of heart trouble. She was a sister of Chief Justice Sir William Meredith and Jus- tice Meredith, of Toronto. She is also survived by six other brothers. Try Nature's Care for Bronchitis. How can anything taken into the stomach ever hope to cure the bron- chial tubes ? Rank wonsense, says the physician to use cough mixtures, tablets or ato- migers, Better send boaling medication into the tiny wir colls of the breachial tubes. > How can it be done! By Catarrhozone, an antiseptic va- por that goes everywhere the air you breathe + treats the bronchial tubes with Balsams and Essences = so i so soothing and demuleent away. So health-laden and powerful heal ing is Catarrhozone that cure is guar anteed for every type of catarrh, throat trouble and bronchitis, Better that all soreness and cough fade right | peace pipe, a flint apd steel, a pen made from the quill of n Canadian wild a gopher's tail, mounted; a li sack of pemmicsn, and a sack of Hard Manitoba wheat. Fort Ver million is 700 miles north of the Unit. ed States boundary and 650 miles west from Hudson's Bay. The flour in the souvenirs, on its way from the mill travelled 308 miles down the Peace river, across Lake Athabasca, then 400 miles down the Athabasca river in a York boat. A pack train brought it fully an hundred miles to Fdmon- ton, thente by railwmy. The fort is 3.200 miles from Kingston. This graceful princess dress is devel oped in black velvet. The waist is made plain and is attached to a circu- lar: skirt forming a one-piece gown. Over the waist is worn a bertha of lace outlining a deep shaped neck fill- ed in with black chiffon finely tucked. Three flat ermine tails form shoulder- pieces over the lace. Ermine stole, with tails and lace ends, is worn with this costume, NEWS FROM GANANOQUE. -| Quite a Lot of Scarlet Fever in the Town. Gananoque, Dec. 25.-The Maple Grove Sabbath school held their en- tertainment and Christmas tree at the Maple Grove church Tuesday even- ing. Rev. J, C. Cornell, pastor of Gananoque East circuit, was the re- wipient of a handsome Christmas stocking containing a liberal sum of money. Quite a number of children in town are suffering with scarlet fever. Chief Kysa states that so far he has pla- carded tem houses, by order of the medical health officer. 'The disease, however, is of a very mild type. So far only one death has been reported. James Beattie, of Philadelphia, Pa., i= in town to spend the balance of the winter with friends and relatives. Miss Luella Salter, James street, left, on Tuesday, for Toronto, where she met her cousins, Miss Gladys Sinclair, of Brampton, and Miss Fan- nie Stewart, of Muskoka, whence they proceed together to Detroit, Mich. to spend a few weeks with their cou- sine, the Misses Edua and Alnie Ster- rett. Gordon McCammon, of Queen's, is holidaying here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Dr) James MeCam- mon, Stone street. Miss Essie De Long, Stone street, left, Tuesday, to spend a short holiday season with friends in Smith's Falls. "Jack" Carroll, of McGill College, Moutreal, is in town for vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B street, left, to-day, ta spend the holi- is in town for the holidays with his { 3 ston, River street. y Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Halifax, are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Toner, Tamner street. Sangster, Dec. 24. --School closed on Friday for the Christmas holidays, and the teacher, Miss O'Connor, has gone to her home at Cole Lake. Pat- rick Corcoran has returned home from Cobalt. Stephen and Edward 0'Con- nor returned from Bob's Lake mine, looking hele 'and hearty. Visitors: John Madden, Burridge, at P. Cor coran's; Michael O'Connor and sister, | Anastasim; at T. Young's; M. and K. {Daley at PP. Connor's; Charles J. | Fitzgerald and Frank Bowker at. T. Barrett's; Thomas Golden at James O'Connor's; P. Daly at J. Dalev's; ward O'Connor at T. Dyrmes' Bur. ridge. 'All Clean Again. clean bills of health to vessels de parting irom that port. Assamption does nol: always turn out to be fact. IS x PARTING ADVICE TO HIS SONS ABOUT LA PATRIE. J "Remain French and Catholic and Be Loyal to the Queen and Empine"--Written Four Years Ago, on His Departure For Paris, Montreal, Dec. 24.--When the late Hon, Mr, Tarte went to Paris four years to have a surgical operas tion ormed, he wrote a part of his last, testament, addressed to his sons. It is now made public, and is rather pathetic in its portrayal of the char- acter of the dead statesman. It shows him in the dual character of a French- Canadian and British subject, loyal to both traditions, In substance the little document reads : "You have a paper. See that 1it wounds no one's feelings and black- ens np one's reputation. Do not quar- rel with the clergy. Remain French and Catholic, and loyal to queen and empire. Discharge your duties as good citizens," Forget The Itching. Salt Rheum and many other skin al- fections cause more annoyance and suf- fering than many more serious ail- ments. Wade's Ointment gives almost immediate relief and will thoroughly eradicate these affections. Igvaluable also as a general healing application, Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Cold Sores, Erysipelas, Piles, ete. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Guard Druce Grave. London, Dec. 26.--Extraordinary pre- cantions are being taken to prevent tampering with the grave of T, C. Druce, which will be opened in the course of the next few days, to prove whether or not it contained the body of Druce or a roll of lead. A large force of police was sent to Highgate cemetery this morning, and took up positions on all the approaches to the grave. A special cordon was drawn up around the vault, which is being rap- idly shut in with a high board fence. The structure will be roofed over, so that unauthorized persons will have no chance of witnessing the exhumation. Only officials and those directly con- cerned = will be permitted to see the opening of the coffin. Economical Relief. You get a large bottle of Smith's White Liniment for 25c. It lasts a long time and does a lot of curing. It relieves any pain, cures any bruise) or strajn, expels rheumatism or neu-| ralgia and subdues any inflammation or congestion. It should be in. every home all the time. At Wade's Drug Store. Wanted To Be Jailed. Peterboro, Dec. 26.--Because he want- ed to go to jail for a month, Joseph Blake, a recent arrival from England, | threw a brick through the large plate | lass window at the Singer Sewing Siachine company's office, on George street. The street was crowded with Christmas shoppers at the time, and the affair caused considerable excite- ment. Blake was arrested. He has been in Peterboro three days, arriv- ing here from Toronto without a cent. A tickling cough, from any cause, 1s quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm- less and safe that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to vesy young babes. The wholesome green leaves and ten- der stems of a lung healing mountain- ous shrub, furnish the curative pro- perties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opiumg no chloroform, nothing harsh gh injure or suppress. Simply a resinois plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no ther. Sold by all ists. With liabilities ranging from $50,000 to $55,000, Alexander W. Grant, Mon- treal, produce commission merchant and cheese exporter, has consented to make a judicial abandonment of his property for the benefit of his credi- tors. Constipation and bad blood are twins, kill' people inch by inch; sap life away. Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea relieves constipation and bad blood. 33c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's drug store. Gen. Skallon, governor-general of Warsaw, who recently closed 1,600 Polish schools and disbanded a num- ber of labor unions, has ordered all nu J , : {the Jewish clubs in Poland to close. Carroll. Melvin Carruthers, Charles! Aj} disorders caused by a bilions state of the system can be cured by day season with his mother at Marl using Carter's Little Liver Pills. N . TH 4 . NO bank, Clifford Johnston, of Toronto, | pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them. ts, Mr. and Mrs, George John-| Giannino Travers, Turin, the pro- minent novelist and dramatist, ~ has been sentenced Ho fifteen months' im- prisonment, and to pay a fine of $500 stars snags. un wor 'or first storage on carriages, furniture, ete, go to James Latur ney's Carriage Works, 390 Princess St. Although the man who doesn't pay his debts may be gone, he isn't for- gotten. John Murphy at William Ryan's; Ed- | TUX grocery store in : Chase & Sanbom's SEAL BRAND -- that perfect blend of Hockey Boots The season of: skating <hias only started. Better get in the rush and enjoy the fun. b0000000000000000000000 { Men's Hockey Boots, $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 to 3.50. Ladies' Hockey Boots, $2.00 and 2.50, « ~. Skating Beots, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. " Boys' Hockey Boots, sizes 11, 12 and 13, $1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. Boys' Hockey Boots, sizes 1 to 5, $1.50, 2.00 and 2.50, Canvas Skate Straps are newest and test. Only 15¢ and 20c pair. Ankle Supports, made of good leather, all sizes, only 25¢. Abernethy's 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9 000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000008000000 FEAF EEE PERE HR | ' 4+ FOR XMAS! : ¥ i - : Useful Articles for New 3 Year Gifts: 3 3 tt « FEEEEEP EHP I Et Ebb 44H E444 Carpet Sweepers from $2.75 to 5.00. Carving Sets, 90e. to $10.00. Silver Knives and Forks. Silver Spoons. Fancy Tea and Cofiee Pots. ++ i Elliott Bros., scree. Hg FAH PEARL PEAR HEE bd + a eee Surgical Aids Aq h & C Established 1860 to the Afflicted uthors (© OX Toronts, Canada Artificial Whether you have had the . Limbs misfortune to lose one or both legs--either above or below the knees -- our Artificial Limbs will prove perfect substitutes. We can create artificial limbs to suit the require- ments of each individual case. So parfect is the fit, and so exact is out' knowledge of what these helps should ed inany way, write us fully be, that hundreds of peoplestand upright, about your case, aud we walk and run with the help of our Artifi- will it you with the proper cial Limbs, ren] 0p innces. . For 48 years, we have applied brains, ingenpity, and a natural talent toper- fecting helps for theafflicted. We male not only Artifi- cial Limbs--but also Spinal Supports, Trusses, Abdomi. nal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, etc. If youaredeform- . Canada Life Assurance Company SIXTY YEARS OLD Assets (over) ----- ceesasmnsm mes anaaians- § 32,000,000.00. Insurance jn force (over) =-sve- wecca -o -- $115,000,000.00. Profits paid policyholders (over) -=---- -----<- § 8,000,000.00. 'When insuring your life why not have the best." If you would like to represent this Company as Agent call in the office--18 Market street, Kingston, and satisfactory arrangements ican be made, { J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston District. Er ms beAaRasossascadss SSX TNT ICOOVEEOUROUCUUSUC SY cents jy DEMAND THE BRAND MAKERS & ' BERLIN Hh * : Ripe Bananas, Ripe Pineapples, 3 3 : Ripe Hot House Tomatoes, | : Florida Tangerines, Florida Grape Fruit. i A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street ~~ © R FELL ELIL L004 0H PAECAITII 4024S E40 PEPE fasta : dna Say si Sale of Prager th eCity of Kingstor uant to an order of the urs of Justice made in the acti 1 i. 5. McRae 'vs. W. DV. McRae Are will be Sk for sale wi probation of the Lgcal Master at D, oe Auction Rooms, /on Brock stn we Lity of Kingston, on FRIDA' gith day of December neXt, at the u eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Qiiowing parcels of I : Pageel No. 1.--~1he snop on the of Wellington and Brock streets, he Golden Lion Grocery Store, 88 keel No. 3.--The stores on W ton Street being Nos. 150 to 156, cupied respectively by The Ce Mutual Benevolent Association, wior and James Craig, together nancies up-stairs, and being part y Willisin Mufray, Auctione iw 0 ase dbuihg UY arcel No. 8.--~The old stone res Clarence street immediately i fear of parcels Nos. 1 and 2. parcels No. 4.~Those parts of Golden Lion Block bounded by W ton, Brock amd Clarence streets nc ded in parcels Nos. 1, 2 and 3. The above parcels will be offerec en block, but if not so sold v ¥ els as above. 0. 5.--The stores being 170 end 173 Princess street, occup Messrs Lnddlaw & Son. \ sel No. 6.=-The store being N Princess street, occupied by T Co. Mills &1 No. 7.--No. 277 Princess | y whioll is a frame dwelling. Poarcel No. 8,--The premises bein 981 Princess street, occupied by Corbett as en Undertaking Est ment: el No. 9.--Lot No. 6, on the side of Collingwood street. On parcel is situated an old frame dv ho property will be offered for a reserve bid. The pur b ject ry ten per cent of his pu Taoney at the time of sale to the or their Solicitor, and the l in thirty days thereafter into Con the credit of tirvis action, without ha 7 Vendors will only be requir furnish & Regustrar's Abstract of and to produce such deeds, copies a jences of title as are in In all other respects conditions of sale will stor ditions of his Dour, p or particulars may be he A ' sR bon Solicitor, King of, or evi POSSESSION: topms and wing come J. B. WALKEM Local Ma Dated the 21st day of November, EDUCATIONAL. A AAA AAAS ASA ili dhe IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATI( A and {INCREASE YOUR EARNI 4 POWER Day end Evening Classes at 1 Frontenac Busines: College, Barrie and Clergy Sts. I. N. STOCKDALE, Princip: i g 1 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 h Ol PIII 040000000000000000¢ ® 11 you wish to be successful tend Kingston Busines College Limited, head of Queem str CANADA'S HIGHEST GRA business scnool, Bookkeep! shorthand, typewriting, * gravhy, al jeots thoroughly taught i LA teach Day and plight clasees. Enter any time. tes very moder: Phone, 440. A. F. METCALFE, President. J. B. CUNRINGHAY, Secrets 00000000000000000¢ The sudden changes in Won! "A. ought to suggest the, wisdow utti in some goot . BY Ball geod Coal. It's the kind Yi sends out the most heat. makes the home comfortabla; i the best 'money can buy i! there is none better mined. Bh We deliver it to you clean % without slate, at the very bot Wo prices. 4 Booth & Co. A' Phone 138. Foot'of West AA AAAALAAAAAA wad Ad A Sees ESE a ---------------------- hell . Qut our Mo You can't take it with Just leave a little at McAUI BOOK STORE. : We have the best Fountair that was ever made, from $ wards, (guaranteed.) Large Print Bibles for the Folks. Books for Boys and Catholic Prayer Books. Books. Presbyterian Bool Praise. Come and see us. T. McAulc YPEWRITIN We have an experi stenographer and typist we are prepared to do st first class copying of all b Headquarters for Type ers, Repairs and Supplies d. R. C. Dobbs & 171 Wellington streot Quadruplets His Presen! Richmond, Va., Dec. 26. ~The ( mas present of Mrs. Willi nn Lu Roanoke, 10 her husband, says cial to the News-Leader, bove and: two givis at a firth doing well. Give the average youth plen! cold cash and he will have a time. k The chronic skeptic is not a fit panion for children.