A £ lrgrom, "in Choae of ¢ 779) not, whet vou answer and there is no one there, complain that your bell is ringing and no one on line. 16--Always be abrupt, always speak to everyone as if they owed vou mon- ey and had refused to pay it to vou. What's the use of being pleasant ? 16-When an employee of the tele- phone company calls to interview you in reference to your complaints, ai- ways tell him about the connection vou had trouble over six months be- fore. They are ever secking informa- tion as to ancient history, and contribution to the most welcome, 17---Don't bother about trying to be correct, vou are not required to be SO, Nothing helps like a little exaggera tion. 18--Complain bout anything and'ev- ervthing, no matter who is at fault You will then be a full-fledged Kicker. Magnificent California frains. Via the Chicago, Union Pacifid North-Western Line. The "Los es Limited" to Southern California and the "Overland Limited" to San Francisco are considered by travellers the finest trains leaving Chicago. Fhree days to California. Drawing- oom and Compartment sleepers, buf- gt, observation and dining cars. rains electric lighted throughout. The 'China and Japan" Fast Mail carries Pullman Standard and Tourist sleep- rs to all California Coast, points. 11- ustrated California literature, folders nd rates to be had on application to 3. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East Ling street, Toronto. your annals will be and Ange- A Point Of Interest. farper"s Weekly. In a certain county of Arkansas a wan named Walters was put on trial or stealing a 'watch. The evidence ad been very conflicting, and as the ary retired the judge remarked, navely, that 'if he could afford any ssistance in the way of smoothing ut possible difficulties he should be cst happy to do so. Eleven of the jurors had filed out f the box, but the twelith remained, ere was on his countenance an ion indicating great perplexity. "Is there any question you d like to sk me before you retire *' asked his onor, observing the juror's hesitancy, The man's face brightened "Yes, he replied, eager "rd your honor, whether the stole the watch," | As We All Know, iterary Digest; Hawk J weain at a dinner at New ork iked about the troubles of wisekeepers at the said : If you are a housckeeper 1 don"t d to tell you that when a painter taken up the parlor carpet, re oved the furniture from the dining om, leaned two ladders against the ll mantel and stacked a half dozen wriegated cans of paint on the side- dard it means he is now ready to int the outside shutters and the ick fence, our honor," ke to know, risoner really painting season. Economical Relief. You get a large bottle of hite Liniment for 23c. It lasts a ng time and does a lot of curing. relieves any pain, cures any bruise strain, expels rhewmatism or neu- Smith's Igia and subdues any inflammation congestion It should be in every me all the time. At Wade's Drug ore, Emperor Bill's Prowess. t is reported That the Emperor Wil- m brought down 2.603 pheasaats in three-days' battle. Of course, this es not include the many poor hirds ich fell down dead from sheer awe the mere sight of him. ADVICE ROUGHT BACK HEAL HEART CURE Aj AND DEFY DISEASE AND MISSION OF HEALING daughter that if any use can be made - Geo:ge Weels, of Elara, Ont., says in 'qualities of Dr. Aguew's Care for the er from heart disease and nervousness. down in health and her had proved its worth, she Dr. ttle had been taken was able to lie in had been taken, an absolute cure was » for all ailments of the heart, stomach y it has snatched thousands from death's htest evidence of heart disorders, such s 3 _Teqedy will relieve such troubles dation 1 Consider it my duly to tell of Pa, says this after ha cured tw's Catarrhdl Powders, e said and can say of a Hs y of it. Doa't ses Che Daily B YER 74--No. 304 1 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1907. JUST LIKE A MOTHER! A Woman Starves for for Her Children i n New York. Toye Has a Good Record and Bx Mayor J. A Mimaes in nominat- Deserves Promotion. ing A ots anid Ie precented 4 eg ) of high integrity, clean life and mark: Sacrifices Her Own L Life That Four Little Ones. took ot phe wd ability, H sketch of AM. o'clock | His worship concluded" by thanking | | the electors for placing him at the] 'THE MAYORALTY CAND}. then ob the eoention fur tee years: | DATES ARE NOMINATED. ES season. It was agreed that Ald, Ross should . have half an hour to. speak: Ald. And tie Race For the Chair Willi Taye forts minutes, and Ald. Ross | Be Ended a Week Hence--Ald. | ten minutes to reply | mavyoralty , this morn Ross' life, from time he left his yin eg r at ten ock, at which [father's farm in Renfrew, Dr. Ross, he May Have Sufficient Food to Keep hor ar Oity Cl Sands announced that | said, was a graduate in arts aml me he was to receive papery of no- [dicine at Ques and was one of the Life in Them. ny v large number of | university's foremost athletes. After citi ed in the hall to hear settling in practice. he responded to! r the addresses the call to arms to serve in South Alderman R. H. Tove was pominat-! Africa, where | served i coun New York, Pec. 30.--Starving her dvi ed by Mayor Mowat, with J. J. Be try. Returning to Kingston, he re seli that her four children might have Jar © han as secouder. sumed his pra For the past three : lames A. Minnes proposed. Alderman | years he had ser as an alderman, sufficient food to sustain life, Mrs | Ol 1A. E. Ross, and Capt. Charies ~Mar- | Yépresenting. Fronten ward, whose Phoebe Prince, who was taken to , ' a a § tig na ard hose E un Disteiet } aE { [tin seconded the nomination interests he ha erved well. His ve astern Ihstriet hospital from : Fhe v clerk was invited to ord was eb I courageous in the ren room in Williamsburgh few hourss as a result of t ab tu i } sauna, hi i pest uf ¥ hoitel Gis ure it » improved by the war rf pipd the duty many electors he offered himself tio she had undergone I provided for them . Ma Mowat was the t to speak the | mavoralt Mr. Minnes recom- otwithutanding the mother's sacl Al four an rt' nov in re i to the city's ances. . He | mended Ald. Ross as a man who fice, neighbors who learned « the land comfortable. thei sa it owing to the ot of one | would fittingly Gill the chair of chief, ditions found that the children had {vouthiulness, and vitality ha of the a departments, wn furnishing | magistrate, had nothing to eat since v led them through w the . nee Feturns, he was unable to fumish ex Ulristiias Ieuruing lof the mother's devotion hey | 2° figures. However, the city treasur Ald. Toye Nominated. we physicians who attended | i : er informe r | acrifice having proved effective er mformed him that there would Ie Mayor in presenting the - it of somewhat under $100. | name of ¢ said it gave him During the year n there had been over | sincere pl to nominate that MADE MANY ARRESTS. CANADIAN WILL OFFICIATE. SU extra expenditures, but not | gentleman whom he had known for ---- >" thstanding this, t leficit was very tmany years. It was beeause of what But Newspaper Men Soon Proved Selected For ny , small. The mayor congratulated the knew of him personally and what Their Innocence. sy, ing or nauguration of heads of the vario ment tee for knew of 'his record. that he felt St. Petersburg, Dec. 30 Boston's Mayor-Elect the good work t had pleasure in prog him. If the may on Saturday, rounded the : De 0.--Rev. Daniel Roy Spen ung on "y oh of roar valty rested wu) n man's record, offices of the Sover n, a Unitarian minister, born' improvement £ worship said he had there would be no election at all. as Segodyna, and arn teated in Unt » married | Fecommended to the mncil a year | Ald. Toye would entitled to the members of the respec Minnie Coons f Wilkesharr go a comprehensive road improve | position without osition. Hl time police previously had witiful and lished t me ving expendi nd service count for afiythingi Ald documents showing th R Nj « th a 30.000. However, the board | Tay vied be ted. During all his afoot to bomb the ® Society of Dorchester rhe had dete nat la go tht the city council, the press council of the emperor : N he th = : ¢ 3 s nl ie truthiul trlitato, $0 the comspirators was to obtain entry H LL ¥ . \ Goon ' A i ; y r f rect nuke The man who would make the to the building as newspaper reporters | sii os on | 3 ' would | by " Me r is survly the man who and ¢ylitors A majority of arrest nuary Jt i r he taxes. [the best recor Comparing the ro newsylaper men convi i wide of the two n, there is not he ghost of a we for AM. Ross ties of their innocence rters of the latter had re. whisperings, that were up- SUIT AGAINST ESTATE iii i i " sperings, for was too hon were released. Brussels Bank Swindled Dee, 30. By a bank here has just beer Brussels| "en a ties "Al Tove mdulge in such tac seemed had the 300. Ti we elvis Action Will be Directed Against Threelsins Jo le 2 buker, the mayor named Exbeint w Ie wo gett rich and it must therefore | ed that the bakers are nat g too much for bread. The vid that the gium, and directed to credit for him. A few days age Trustees. ce vperson entered th -- - doctors are get Beucsls bank and satisfied tl w<h Rost \ De 0 Th sta 1 x Mair ' My i h Tory money out<of the w his signature, which agreed with : ' in the bakers I : 2 f N \ v Bal Id i t ner or n i) pr . the specimen forwanded by the New in Lar ! founder 1 a" whoring. - onl: the x owal pointed out that Ald. York bar®., that .he was Mr. Er | the Christian Science church, is to Ie th rom and rhuts call 1900, swsonded a resolution | beindt, and he was allowed to raw [again atta nthe urt. Ti Belely's. ve N inouncement of (7 the city, council to increase the | $000. } tion is to he start by Mrs. Eddy r pl te 1 £1,000, 000 % COrporation laborers from When New York was advise George W. Gl f Lead Cit i t to found a titution SLES a day, and make the hours transaction the reply came SD 1 other heirs. It will bs whore worthy tmor misht } heck I labor loss, viz. : nine hours instead nothing wes known of "My ted against! the three trustees Sed Lon they ha Mavor Mowat said he didn't p--e------ o : kK anyone would say that Mr - whom, under the terms of her famous | est R | ny. Better re i I Found Kidnapped Child ¢ ¥ a o feos in X ud city ~ . -- - m---- - a. t « ing ane ony Brockville, Dec. 30.--J. B. Marion vhom he himseli had defeated. The Lindsay, located in Ogdensburg LAST OF FAMOUS CORPS. Company To Liguidate nav or that if the prople had little adopted daughter, Lill : Hamburg I» M0 } \ hose over Alds. King and Hoag, napped from his home by Mis ir- | Survivors of Napoleon's Guard j,i Fix 1 ' the should elect AN. Tove ion, of Montreal, or November 21st Have Reunion. ted: to hguidate « whase record. he said, had been longer The child refuses to a \ NM: Dec. 30--A. patheti most | fact that more thar and better than his own Ald. Toye Marion to !} home ) i N I was los he 8 { had seryed the people faithiully for -------------------------------------- ol - ~ ta . } nd ear a and the people should take : - t rtunity Mf recogniaing his DAILY MEMORANDA. rs of th = i « nizi i - City Hockey League. 8 . tlun- | BARRERA J. Rehan. in seconding Banquet, Kuights of tha Grip, 53 Whos | & n " nomination 1 that po p.m. number was t their | EVERY HOME AFT} he he Wonderland Theatre, afters and name impli - | -- qu Airs ; tw evening. body guar i th wn | Pitts} De with mey Partello Stock Company, Grand Opera | 111: Every man am to | s st bitterness House, 8 n Be a he | away. This Kingsto No. 6 Ass New . : ; \ ih thing } hoped Year's Ni Wi He » \ wople woald continue to holders o- tt : 18 ! rs eer ¢ s and to work in the ante the w t Od ! 2 "Social Five." New Y s : © city Bot} mavoralty Eve. Crosby Orchestra were men of clear Me v ait tw p-eiy \ he supported - I. Tow fir b sat in the city cow n | nae g m lor ewht vears, and of pr a f t + nd fai al i t ' At 'The Princess--"An Indian's } ol- | or -- hia ! i i 3 Hanunond Sings Good | O18 ! kd Fove sho Nigh { sa -- ' this time hy 0 Le \ re : be people, Mr. Behan askes HORSE IN A BALLROOM hel 3 Mr shan asked o think of the great sacri ra oo : Idermen - make in order to WHIG TELEPHONES. Leaps Down Tel Stairs--Had 7 ' The on a wn ol 1 243--Business Office. Be Shot thing br t 229--Edilorial Rooms. a ' ing, and unfair critic 203--J obbing Department. Geneva, Dec. 30.1 be left out. 1 Joust 10 Legal Forms, ail kinds, at Whig. t the hotel nu ald be tr to Ald The Daily Whig ia always on sale at, Appenzell stay ¥ eleven vears' service was Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square--| had t " t= @ i I t rob tixtord u er- this election as mayor To HI the till late each evening. . lL : the tel and ti ach +t t £ to ! il toimayor"s chair satisfactorily, a man - POOR 1 z i © 1 t the van Zi must bave experience in the council Ww . entat _" Irelang Aus Ald. Tove had served on every com t 1 t t Lom mal mittee faithfully and iste] satlyv. Deo -- the people recognize the ¢ t amount . ur of time Ald. Tove had given the 'vitiz rR \ f Alana | ens in connection with the Lighting R tte, arrested in Chicago, on toi plant," which was now e of the best . t of M I i rele wed in the county * Was his ser we R Montreal to wer tiviee to go unrewarded * Mr. Beh ------------ Beit rg arht i tion with the | soncluded by saving that Ald. To : Rochett first ile, who! had a splendid record. His record Tois is a RARE SNAP. A 8 ' in Quebec on November 17t been clean, and he defied any man to hud it GOLD LINE » i ' Ald. Ross Speaks PA Ross said he was god to $10.3 in - - = ia Mowat and Ex Behan for This set would cost you any other store. O for this week only. $6.25. Robertson Bros. eee een. their words as to his record. He stat AT BAI | od that their only plea for Ald. Tose was his ten VEARYs service He wis that Mayor Mowat shou i Toye's right himsel have show EE ASMIp | BUTTERFLIES Five Hundred Turned Loose at a Philadelphia: i isin place las r reels ity on the part of Mayor Mowat, . Ald. Ross said, to have stepped aside Affair. 34. Roes said, to have spot avid r sald he did not think it required hy ten years service to que t A BARGAIN IN ball whi ho {mayor's chair.. There we i P Philadelphia, Ik ' to } leder swghter, Mrs. Paul qualify in half that time LAMPS Leautsiu Dencia Mills, four years ago. Dr. Ros said he was sorry ti ---- reat , : the f A bread question came up H int 50 Fancy Lamps. Just got them in & ed loc ht was S35 000, one of th intended to mention it. That \ job lot. Come and get one for, Tor, Chriss | many w ! Wi h ANZ A DEW ¥ a cro matter between Ald his fellow a x he ba. mo v bakers ar e eo maa, as d Seco Hand Store, 308 '1 i his Be and a which bakers and the pe At TURK' - © 705. to mark t " ne ve He pied th Princess St. 'Phowue, -- Mar Astor I ! ! said to fw "Phone 30" for drug store wants' wanes : upiof 2 utterilios,. had oved his worl on wet days. Gibson's Lrass drug od auout rched y t man. The fact that he was store has prompt delivery service i the LY toll, | Secor the eres rors for: the 'exsvotattv tal person is about third on at hic own request He ne be » A: sentiy into the pla that be had served Frontenae sible i co removed to a sensu 1 ers : Susi twice Sof This , tar N . . ko 'ti to ha as well and fauhinlly as be Filteen oranges for 0c, all this a " : a | (Continued on pe J ag . {member of ¥ i 3 week at Carpovsky 8, i 1 [The mayor said he hoped the people | would vote In fava of the by-law. | 'Bavarian Prince Resigns as Protest Against Berlin Dee taken in the pert, eldest grandson of the regent of Bavaria, ey of th man N against e Ray avy the agitation for from the 20,000 FOLLOW S Split May Brick . G . German e. ns, Unlimited Expansion of Fleet 30. Great interest is resignation of Prince Ru honorary presiden avian branch of the Ger league as a protest the unlimit ed expansion of the German fleet It is considered possible that South | Germany may become so influrnced by | the incident as seriously to affect the passage of the greatly increased vote now before the reichstag In resigning, the prince declares Things cannot go on this way any The men who direct the league n misconstrue the sentiments of the people." further in Berl The resignation of Prince Rupert has been promptly followed by the re signation of entire board of officers of the Bay the Wurtembery the threshhold of similar ac League will meet | to be on arian tion. The Ba on December 20th, to consider the ques. | separate League, The leaders of League are reported vanan tion of formal secession from the na- tional organization The dispute is developing bitter feel: ing between the emmre T the . north and south of he passions of the South | | Germans--never too calm when dealing |a great fleet, . with the Prossians--have been further aggravated hy the reichstag deputy, Herr Stresemann--one of the condju- tors of General Keim, the Chauvinist head of the league -who has referred to Prince Rapert contemptuocusly at a public meeting in Rerlin as body down there in Munich." From the 700 Bavarian branches of the league 200000 members have already resigned. General Keim issues a defiant manifesto, | becomes a Prussian general, mtention of retinmg will fall at his post." The best authorities assert that the | Kaiser, who is scrupulously sol tous | of the sensibilities of Prussia's weak- | er partners in the empire, will not | hesitate long between the alternatives of sacrificing General Keim or offend ing Bavaria, General Keim's aggres sive methods have, however, rosa'ted | in the Navy League attaining a mem- | bership of over 1.000000, with 5.000 organisations, and the, fact | that not a member of the reischstag | except the social democrats is oppos od to the gigantic now due largely to the enihusinsn which the league has evoked in the caus of | "some under five, but MADE A. D. C. TO THE KING 'A Canadian, Captain Stundee, Has Been So Honored (Mtaws tof Toros ADC, intelliges Doveton a, Dec. 30 Not lage Capt. (mow admiral) i, a brother of Col. G. T. ito, was to the King. woe was { Canadian, ( Sturdee, to a similar fas we le am from Dr twany wonths John Dem Denison, app sinted a paval Last week the received of another Chagles i SAME servioe apt. Frederich of the Capt. Morgan, dignity, Sturdes, odhitor f of "Canadian Men and Women of the Time," bears a tion of ada, Ju » most a naval officer from St John, NB. and distinguished record as Entering the service as' a naval eadet, on th wnmenda the governor of Car ly 5th, 1871, wax on all s dane honor both to Kis pa oecnsion won aid to his country, Attaining mptain's rank in June, 1590, after acquitting himself with signal dis tinction during the Egyptian war, and later in Samoa, where he was in com: mand of the British force, he became chief of stall to Admiral Lord Beres ford, and, on two occasions, the gold medal of the Royal Service Institution. In January, 1008, he will assume command of HMS New Zealand, of the Uhanmel fleet, a vessel of wits than 16,000 tons, and a sister ship to the King Edward VII. Cam, ted with a companionship of the Or} der of St. Michael and St. George, ! and of the Royal Victorian Order, United TO EXAMINE COFFIN Workmen Busy Getting the Grave \ of ne A tan men on present thes the ot Ring SUF eVor b man at Mr. Bra¢ friey # the oll ted » te Besi Kingston Mills Briefs. nm Maks heli lider IPm « pS &¥ h had Ready. 0. Prepa thy Ia Coy ' YEO to ha ovr f Po r vorkmen removed t a ry over i} 1 I the place nd the pre ong for of police was pn okder. The. publi tied to th ometery half a doren work persons will be nierment Two of pet reporters and Pee. 38 © returned The TLR. from their ioe was held church on Christmas da Hamilton, is visiting hus " a Mills.' EF. Clark friends in Soar wi in Washington hy cable that taken in pasiamont the rt the onstitation coves. Stratford, one of jcted of wholesale = bur fenced to two years in in the Ro- | \ | w PROGRESSIVE CHINA. % ig Amoy, China Dec. 30.-- ¥ Active ¢onstruction work & has been begun on the ¥ telephone lines which are to connect Amoy with the two other cities of this prefec- ture, Tseunchoufu, fifty miles to the North, and Changchoufu, thirty miles ¥ to the west Ww The construction and % operation of these lines is entirely under of the Chinese Government, - FEE Tarred And Feathered. South Bend, Ind. Dee. 30 Charged with attacking Dora Fetters, a girl of ! thirteen years, Charles P. Calven, aged | BH E SEES S54 FEFPEEIER stating that "as | he has no | naval ball is | reovived | 8 Sturdee has been decora- {8 * * * * * = * 3 i * : $ ® "i the control Me e § i Don't Forget in | Steacy's @ 8 {Clearing | Sale oF Coats AND furs TO-MORROW and THURSDAY. You cannot make a mise take in buying Coats or Furs at the extremely low prices we are offering them at, and right at the time when they are most needed. Ranember there is no Job Lots, Culls or Misfits, All | Up-to-Date Stylish Goods. CALL AND SEE THEM AT | STEACY'S NMostreal, Que, Dee, eng Moa. CA Me NAUGHTON. «in Bydenbiun, on Pee, STth, 1907, to Mr Mem Go We sughton, a dunhine. PORTROU SN ~AL 27th, 1OT, te Dr. Porteous, a son DIED. St GHRU Eoo-ln Ringeton, Dec: 87th, 1907, Catharine Welch, widow of the apt. John Sughoue, aged oghty~ eight years Funers! took plete from the Howse of Provides Satutling orm. MACKENZIE. --In Rochester, Dec. 27th, Mary MacKunaie, aed AROT, Twenty | fifty, was taken from the office of five years, eldest daughter of Allan Justio Markham at Wyatt, led to af MacKenzie, 46 Division street, King aN Spo ¢ Fe 0 v ins | ston secluded spot and given a horse whip. |. ston. asanca. . ot 200 ning and a cout of tar amd feathers. | o'clock RE 20s at 2 oclork. Prices Calven was arrested hy the posse of citizens, organised by the father of the girl, and taken to the office of the | justice to be arraigned: He refused to plead to the charge, and this so an gered his captors that the horse whip { ping follgwed At the last session of the Russian parliament before the beginning of the Christmas holidays, a famine appro rile of §7.,000000 was passed A COMMON LAW WIFE was at Adrian, he ws that his that he i ------------ A Case That Will Interest a Great Many Kingstonians. -- h Dn 10. The wu of tha tate has reversed of the sail © SITET, a Detroit and ration from his wife. Miss Senrs then nted to a common law martiage | Alter obtaining the divorce, Wegner married anther woman. 4 Sears brought 'sqit against bim, ciuming £50,000 damages. Judge Hosmer threw the suit out of court, Mass Ons promoter, of declaring Ont. The alleged facts of | Sears was fully aware of the positic are that a few vears ago | she assumed in becoming Wegner's m love to Miss Sears, who [common law wife, and that it was that time teaching school at against public policy to grant her le Mich. To. her obprction that | gral redress The. supreme court re- already married he replied | versed this ruling and orders a trial | first marriage was void, and {of the case. Mr. Wegner ix said to be was then seeuring legal sepa- | now living in Brockville, and woquatstentes ruspectially Juxied to attend, ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. | "Phone, S577. Redd Princess street. OLIVES! | Are no longer a luxury but a necessity. We have them in all | sized bottles, plain and stuffed. Olives, at 10c. per bottle. Olives, at 20c. per bottle. Olives, at 25¢c. per bottle. Olives, at 30c, per bottle. Olives, at 35¢. per bottle. Olives, at 40c. per bottle. Olives, at 50c. per bottle, Olives, at 7Sc. per bottle. : Olives, at Cy per bottle, | Olives, at $3 per bottle. Jas. Redden & Co, { Importers of Fine Growmries. FOR SALE i Brick street | aShaie Brick Restdenep:, Hefti st Double Stone Dwelling, Bard street, i bath, gas, etc. shed, SWIFT'S Real a. aad Taaurases Agency. ! Don't la man being J jas the ay is long; wait until you© Jeet him at night, ° .