n Are Susceptible to Many Intelligent Women Prepare e Their Experiences. on until the critical period had 1 Os Four Tera Compound, and . they will not be blo up pointed." --Mrs. E. Powless, Deseronto, Ou. Another Woman's Case. m- | Dear Mrs. Pinkham :~ *., |E. Pinkham's V rience with it. children grown to womanhood, and woman's friend, table Compound. I uw rs. | children were born, and it greatl nature and saved me much pain change of life. od, | Mrs. James * | Toronto, Canada. of] What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl i Compound did for Mrs. iy and €, | Mrs. Mang, it will do for other women at this time of life. rot | It has conquered pain, restored health, nd [and prolonged life in cases that utterly d. | baffled physicians. mpound Succeeds Where Others Fail. I took it for five months and then off an. to] "Ag owe my splendid health to Lydia stable Compound, I am very pleased to write and tell you my expe- I am the mother of three hav se, | safely passed the change of life, and feel ie | Young and as strong as I did twenty years ago, and I know that this is all due to your Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege it before my assisted uring th I took it, off and os - ine | four years, and had but little trouble and ith | sickness that most women have to endure." Mann, 806 Bathurst St, HANDSOME LACK SUITS nents ready for you to to your order in two 0 put ourttime against . what the new season utiny nor comparisc. 0, 15, 18 & 20. Dress Suits, Silk lined, ND $25. EE ------ BIBBY GO. LE CLOTHIERS. SECT CHE Ss R CABINETS in a fine ma- ale prices, *Phone 147, "10 the woman who was foun Christmas trade we intend Wil 5 10 ' Journalist. END OF THE WORLD IN| Hamilton, Out. Dec 30 Joh COMING YEAR. Cameron, oitor of the Hamilton _FOUND DEAD IN BED. John R. Cameron Was a ropular!| & } Siectator, and one of the best known | BY ur, 1 6 iw Black and Stare to igutaalists mn t anada, died, very sud-| Turn Y during the night, at Fall-Many Evils Are Predict. |in E his h ict | in East Flamix ro. Mt ma ome | ed 908 / Le hi je. y be said For : [, him that he died in ha fe a] { York, Pa., Dec. 30.--Lee .J. Spang- | he nd fot been in the best of henith {for some time he _ was in his office | Jer, who has been prophesying for the! ,: h pat fon years And Who Lor Hh os = : bp 0 noon on Saturday. Onl eleven 'years has heen issuin Satuitiny. _sfternoo Mr. * Ca \ & annual > \ : n, r. " Cameron bulletins, has announced his prophecies | consulted his doctor who advised him for 1908. | to take a few holidays, as he appear- ed to be run down, but even then it When Spangler first began to 'pro- phesy his statements were discredited | 0 Bot thought that his condition and rather inclined to be scoff was Serious. He 1 ; ' : : scofied at hy e was able to be about [2PPly for a recount. The returni Pp i Gibson: M.W., W. G. Beaubi { ' the inaredulous 5 OV | yesterday « ; ven | or + The returning {of 10,000 acres of C.P.R, land in Al) [thbson; ALB. W. G. ubien; fore- J DNS TNT " 0 OR vears the lous, ut Jue the past few | about ny a Just rang retired | officer has not made his official de- |berta, to grow sigar beets. man, D. H. Smith; overseer, D Fin: WOMEN'S WINTER COATS SWEEP THE BALANCE OF OUR LADIES a Ss Mu of ; ings ssual hour i | i he : i 3 2 y " . BE The SPY ih + which he seemingly ort oy things | he wae found deat a oa morning ation, but after the poll Dr. P.| The Transvaal government is enforc- | nigan; recording secretary, Ww. H OUT AT HALF PRICE--The Coats! FANCY COLLARS Chiffon, silk, his statesgents to be looked f Tausec | John Kobson: Camer . +. Iiston ol an was, announced as having [ing the law demanding the pegistra Moutray; treasurer, Harris Beaubien ;| are black imported beavers, heather | 0 4 embroidered' effects-- wien, aa Jos ec Joi vad to {1 anark peo ig was born in a n el ected by a majority of twenty- {tion of all Asiaties in the colony. guide, George Cork; inside watch F. and novelty tweeds--a big variety res tad A [RV] 5 = i > , . in i cs 3 . > . . xc he $ » AS --- ' a i Silen fins Peciiond un anxiety {10 ed his nts April 19th, 1815 He I! iret Nr. ¢ arstairs said there was | SS. Sardinian srrived at Havre; SS. | Steer; outside watch, Henry Tilson ; of the newest styles, trimmings of | 25. line, 19 er \ ted many horro 8, | forth {uf u as a printer in Sea- [NO suggestion of any corfupt prac- |Tupisian, ~ inward at Halifax; SS. | medical examiner, Dr. H. 8. North- strapping, fancy buttons and braid. Tuesday L s ---- win i. the Baltimore fire and | pot al a torwars moved to Sarnia tees in the lection Cn" roportnl sixty miles off Liv- | more: representative to ral Regular price, $10, $12, $15, $18 and| VW eins sniiemenn sass hat Itisco carthquake and | £ be worked on the Canadian, | arry Rushbrook was tried by | : : 1 y ithe ] a vy , | Pe : , : ed by the | erpool = W. M. Moutray; alternate, C. A. Gib-| $20. > last year he predicted great money | pu Peeucntly going lo Detroit, where | Magistrate, this morning, on the : By a fire in the new warehouse of | son. . ny; Wier SO Tuesday Clearing at own cme 3c. live, en x 1 rt tor the Free Press. When | charge of shooting with intent at Miss George H. Hees, Son & Co., 532 Bay ---- 3 "Tuesday asensaan semaine ware 8 The recent outgoing of the American | po Ri came for volunteers for' the | g1es Davis. He did not deny the| street, about $125.000 damage was Burrid HALF PRICE. | fleet irom Hampton Roads has spur- | © } sliver expedition Mr: Cameron | shooting, dat daimed he intended the ldone. Buri ge Breezes. : : 35c." line 25 ey hi toalletin for| was bie of the first to offer and was | shot for himself, as he wished to die| At Port of Spain, Trinkind, the Am. | Burridge, Dec. 30.--Mr. Weight, FI | 57" poz7EN LADIES' CASHMERE! Tuesday woo oon ag o b fall the i Predicts greater evils yy, Went OL a of his regiment, {In the presence of his sweetheart, who |erican battleship fleet weighed anchor, gi: Passed Fr oh Juke, i runte for STOCKINGS--Plain and ribbed su- to bela nations of the earth, Wolsele ough the expedition under refused to ¢ anything to do with | Sunday afternoon, and steamed] for Rio Ww Jorpe. iy artman has moved bid porior quality eashmere, full fash} i Among them will be : Pog y and afterwards settled in | M™. He promised to take the pledge! Janeiro. . . Reynolds' house at Bob's Lake joned Regular Be and. He 25¢. line, . 1 he destruction of the world. which | the Pros Where he was foreman op | for five years if allowed to go and! John R. Cameron, editor of the Mr. Chamberlain, Kingston, has a pair Tuesday oes sinniinins sions ~ will "occur during the latter part of | ger ee Press : He BEF ed as an al { was remanded for sentence. Hamilton Spectator, died suddenly, number of men working at Thomas To Clear on Tuesday 23 December, 1908 The exact time helSt™BR in Winnipeg for a couple of | Sunday night, at his home near Burn's mica mine. The young people only, per pair . ---------------------------- Joes not Stipulate. {Years and afterward went s and | FEHR | Wate : : spent a pleasant eveni he , sins os ® at Stipmlate~ mn . worked on - SE Rone gouth and J a HACRASIISISIIISG Waterdown thes us J aga! a ning in sapcing ce -- HUCK TOWELS--Pure linen, hemmed, nations Rees! roubles with He papers. When he returned to WeTiunt |X | F. X. Beloges, Ottawa, his little son, | Lo. music was furnished by u "120 DOZEN LADIES' RIBBED VESTS| red borders, 30x18. Regular, | or in 2 Us he worked | et to Canada Foi FOR ESQUIMALT. #| Mrs. Hartrick, Hespeler, ami Mrs, Yeo. Burridge rches Chri he TO CLEAR-Heavy and fine ribbed Ae. and 0c. pair. . were will be many famines and y tor 'a time on Stratford | -- # | mans, Napinks, Man., lost their lives noge orehestr,, hristmas visi . ad : Cm . earthquakes and Guelph papers and twenty-seven | Victoria, B.C., Dec. 30 #iin fi v - 1 by accident tors : Archibald McNeil, Toronto, and white and merino On Sale Twewdny ooo. sient ius will or vears ago he came yu yagven | , B.C., Dec. 30.-- Mlin fires caused cident. Stanle Water Jame 2ic- Mountains will crumble JR azo + ju to Hamilton ax H.M.S. Algerine has been ¥| A dispatch from Truxton, N.Y | says auley of atertows; at James Me Me. and dlc. line ) of the Spectator. Later he | ordered to Esquimalt from Mi! that eracksmen blew the safe of SLi hn rs ygrove and Tuesday : : . Islands will sink, and many cities on the Atlantic slope will be destroved He . predicts the destruction 'of Bos ton and the burning of New York There will be a great falling off in crops and the once boasted prosperity of the farmer bet ame managing editor and for past fourteen had chief editor. Mr. Cameron was known in newspaper circles as one of the bright- jest paragraphers. in Canada and was : {highly esteemed | will come to an end A Hy esteemed by all who knew him the years been FEFEFEERF RF EEEFS He lleges that the money strin- widow and four ughters survive geney will be greater than ever, and that the treasury of the United States A BODY IN IT. will go broke, 'and that Pre y S------ | Roosevelt wil have ix pile taken | TE¢ Coffin Held Human Remains | away with the skill of a magician. | Not Lead. The lack of confidence, he savs, will London, Dec. 30.--The body of cause the people to establish pocket} I'hamas Charles Druee, in Highgate cemetery banks and carry their money around was exhumed, this morning with them. This will provide robber- | Just forty-three vears to a day after jes and great enmity among the peo. [18 burial. The coffin was found to ple jeontain the remains of a body this He predicts the visitation of the exploding the romantic tales told bv plagues mentioned in the Bible, and | Robert C. Caldwell and others, who | that the sting of the locust will mean [swore, during the recent hearing of death. Towards the last of the vear | the Druce perjury ca that it con cad out by he says, the sun will turn black, the tained a roll of moon will throw out appear The official | statements represey x bloody given ance, the heavens will be shaken and tives of the home office, seems effec- the stars will drop. Then will be the {tively to confirm that the body, bur end. and that the God of the nations! ied in 1361, was that actually of 1 will select his own to be with him in |! Druce. Phe authorized statement the air. follows | mb The coffin was opened and found to | AMIENS MUSEUM LOOTED. contain the body of an aged bearded man. The plate on coffin hore the name Thomas Charles Druce." | Ihe Druce vault has thus given upd Dee. 30.--Breaking into the | 118 secret alter ten years of legal pro-| museum at Amiens by climbing on to SH "ES. which cost, all told, a | the roof and lowering themselves siderable fortune. A large part of this| through a skylight, burglars, on Tio WAS from servant | day might, stole a number of valuable girls ani other workers, who were in x ue OH Many Pictures and Coins Are Stolen. Paris, con- money obtained buy shares in a company pictures and over 100 antique gold! \ a coins. The loss to the museum in es-| Or" d to prosecute the claims Geo Hollamby Druce, against th timated at #60000, Among the stolen pictures loo's "Hercule et Omphale ard's "Jeune femme mettant sa jarret- jore," two canvases by Fragonard fils, | and two by Boucher. Only four days ago the Rouen Mu 5 YO Eel Other smaller thefts | CODING have occurred, the exposure of | estate of the Duke of Portlaml. The { srjury against Herbert | { vely disposed of are Van > charge of Fragon- { Pouce is ef TO AMEND ELECTION ACT. | Considering Hon, Mr. | Aylesworth Bill, Ottawa, Dec. 30.--The cabinet was in and the erime. syndicate in. the Thomas) 1 ; case appears to have had no effect | S€ss10N nearly all day Saturday cone | in checking the operations of. art sidering the details of a number of | government measures to be submitted to the house next month. The princi- | | pan measure under discussion was the Hon. Mr. Aylesworth's bill to amend _ {the election act. There will be no ra Girl | dical changes in the present law gov-| thieves in many parts of France MUST GIVE HER UP. Lover, Spurned, Kills Young and Self. erning elections, but a number of Abington, Mass., Dec. 30.--Edith M. | amendments will be proposed looking Ashley, the eighteen-year-old daughter [to the more adequate enforcement of of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G Ashley. | the present provisions regarding bri Brockton hos- | bery: and other forms of electoral | { inflicted by | crookedness? It is intended to stiffen | twenty- | the penalty clauses all around, anfl to four vears old, of Rockland, who | requif®: a fhicter accounting for elec killed himself immediately after shoot- | tion expenses, etc The question of ing her. She made no stateme nt at | making better provision for prosecut the hospital, but after the shooting whether by means of died. on Sunday, at th pital, from a bullet wou her lover, Samuel H. Stetson ing all offenders, she said that she had told her lover | appointing a' public prosecutor or oth that he must give her up. av 1 that |erwise, is still under discussion. "Sam" had then shot her ---- May Be Agnes O'Keefe. | Newark, N.J.. Dec. 30 Stunned by blows on the head and then thrust head foremost into a pool of water, was the manner in which death came Murder And Burglary. Wheeling. W. Va., bec. 30.--Blood- hounds"have been' placed on the track of robbers who raided the Baltimore & Ohio railway station, at Clarington, 1 on the | tventy-hv miles south of Wheeling N {early this morning, and after bur * | olarizing the safe, murdered the oper ator, Edward Hutchinson, twenty years 'old. Hackensack Meadows at Harrison, J.. last Thursday. This gruesome story was teld at the autopsy. The body is believed to be that of Agnes 1)' Keefe, a domestic who had been em nloyed by several families in Orange # Death Of A Lad. Th identification, however, cannot he Ric o Savage, aged nine vears, ear be positively established. Miss [second son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard O0'Ke bore a good character, = ac- | Savage, Quebec street, passed away at cording to families who had employed | the general hospital, to-day The de her. ceased. had been suffering for some ee time from scarlet fever, and was near Seeking An Injunction. Jv over the sickness wien he suffered a Toronto, Dee. 30.--A second suit for | ibel bas been issued against the To-| : wid MGlobe by Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, | Engaged To Alaska's Governor. the mavoralty candidates, for state-| Utica N.Y., Due. 30.--Mr. and' Mrs ments made which Dr. Nesbitt claims [Edward lames Millard, of Utica, an reflects on; his character A engagement of their daugh- was also served on the Globe, stating that an' injunction would be applied for t vestrain * the paper from pub- | lishing any further articles of a like character. : rt eee "A sweet New Year's gift," a box of McConkey's ov Huyler's highdlass relapse iim ein notice {nounce the ter, Clarissa Hoggatt, Eames, to Wilirid Bacon vernor of Alaska eee Not Improving. Thomas Murphy. the young man who { took carl ®ic acid a few mghts ago, is just about the same. His capdition is not improving as fast as his friends candy from Gibson's Red Cross drug| would like to see it. store. : tt ees ndon. | The weodig of Dr. Richard Bonny Rev. Charles Smith died at Le i : -- castle, Campheliford, to Miss Evelyn Does Your Side Ache ? FCarlaw, Bleville, took place at the residence. of 'the bride's uncle, E. When the first symptoms appear, jo ; rub with Nerviline--rub it in deeply. West; Campbellford, on Christmas It penetrates to. the muscles and | day. ward Jenki chords that are sore--takes away &tiff- | t iigarz. Fiver x Sumkin. Year PSS os i inflamma- Jus s acceplalle Ne ar's ness--removes all strain and inflamma Conksy's anil 'Huy. condition is chronic, put {28 Christmas. ° a Nerviline Porous Plaster on the af- | let's high-class candy from fected spot. This draws out any virus | Red Cross drug store. or nearalgic irritation, restores the | The rain to-day practica ly put an sighing around town tion. I the Gibson's issue to their wonted healthiness, | end to the permanently cures anv weakness or | Very few sleighs were to be seen on tendency to pain. _Nerviline Plasters | the streets. : ; absoth all the deleterious secretions | 'Andrew Carson, Burritt's Rapids, has or relaxed pores and when | been appointed license inspector h Nerviline itself, every (the Grenville district. ; | Oysters. Edwards & «Jenkin. through the used along wit 4 muscular pein, 'or ache must go. a {do as he THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1907. T0 ASK FOR A RECOUNT... IN THE RECENT BYE-ELECT- ION IN CENTRE YORK. Capt. Tom. Wallace the Defeated | Candidate Will Make the Ap-| plication~No Suggestion of | Corruption. ™ Toronto, Dec, 30.--J, 8. conservative organizer, informed press representatives, this morning, that it is the intention of Capt. Tom Wallace, the defeated conser Vative candidate, in Centre York, to Carstairs, the Hong Kong to augment the fleet maintained here since | the withdrawal of the | Pacific squadron. Advices to ¥| this effect have been re- | ceived at Esquimalt. The ¥ Algerine will be placed in | commission at Hong Kong %| in January, with volun- #¥| teers from the China squad- | ron, and will be ready to | start across the .ocean ¥ about the end of next ¥ 4 month. The comrlement of MN ¥* men to be carried by the ¥ # Algerine will be 150, and %| % it is expected that it will | * be comrleted in one week, | % after which she will be % ¥ provisioned and made ready %¥ to leave. The ordering of 3 the Algerine to Esquimalt ¥ %¥ has again raised the report | % that the British admiralty | % will despatch a squadron ¥ to Esquimalt. during the %* early part of the coming M¥! ¥ year. - ¥) EL 5% | FAIS How To Clean White Furs. | Ermine and white fox that r= | grimy from may he cleaned | with either warm flour or bran. The latter is easier to brush out than the former | either clea sing have | come use Before applying agent warm ups a clean pan pl wed in but do not let it Spread the with" two tan warmed 1ub | then | events the oven, stay long enough to discolor Jars | ment table, and nel cloths that have been the powder over the skin and work it in thoroughly and This done, hang the far in the aw and on a { with a light whip beat until gli ne cleansing stiff is removed. After tas brush the garment with =» whisk | broom. It should then be fresh and | ready for use. { Nominated Or Elected As Mayors. | Brantiord--J. W and 8. | Whitham, | Mattawa--G. L. Lamothe | Ottawa--D Avey Scott | Hamilton--James Stewart | Stratiord--W Mon- | Bowlby Gordon, John ( teith, HH. Pauiis droopy Peterboro--11. Rush, R. F. McWil- | firmly liams, W. Yelland, II. Denne { St. Catharines--W. D Jurgoyvne, S Campbell. Chatham -C Austen, D. T. Thomas Scullard, W. Potter Prescott--J. CC. Carruthers, 1 Daniels Brockville--C 8. Cossitt, W. ll Brouse, G. A. Wright A Death At Perth. Gave No Warning. the voung Kingston- ian, rooming Grafton Herald, when he took his life in Winnipeg, is in the city. Mr. Lawson says that he has no idea what made young Herald did, and that he person any warning that he was go- ing to do it Lewis Lawson, with gave no Found Dead In Office ffalo, N.Y., Dec. 30.-Georg: Wer- ner, sixty-five years old, senior mem- ber of the firm of George Wetnér & Sons; carriage, automobile and har- ness manufacturers, was found dead in his office at the factory, this morning He had taken his own life by taking illuminating gas. llness is said fo have been the cause A New Cure Obtained. York, De 30. <The discovery, Simon, head of the Rockefeller of Medical Research, of .anti- New by br nstitute toxin serum that spinal. meningitis, is announced this morning Was Quite Intense. Washington, Dee. 30.---A earthquake "of ied by bureau, tc distant « considerable intensity the seismographs at was re the wea or every Line aman steops © to sym- Ipathize with a child. % died at Montreal. % lastronomer, unhappy. | growled." will eure cerebro | i i { | | The gates of heaven come 4 bit = The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. : The mother of Archbishop Bruchesi Writs for the bye-elections in South Huron and Stanstead will be issued thix week. Very destructive North Battleford, rd's Landing, Ont Premier Whitney, in a statement, calls movers ii anti-power campaign a "hunch of stoek-jobbers." . It is rumored about the vatiean that a Canadian cardinal will probably be created within the next year Japanese have applied for a block fires occurred at Sask., and Rich: ler & Sons' bank at three o'clock on Monday, and secured $3,000 in cash HEIR HARDIE INJURED. Victin. of Auto Accident in New Zealand. Wellington, N Z., Dec. 30. --Kei Har die, the labor der, and member of parliament, who has been making ¢ tour of the colonies in the interests of injured yesterday, labor, was severcly in an motor accident It is helieved that some of his ribs are brokem, hut the full extent of his injuries has not heen asces tained, RETR He Got His Wish. Enquirer; Edgar Buffalo Prof Larkin, the noted was discussing marrinoe Francisco. Prof is criminal to that San at a dinner in Larkin believes that it continue for life marriages are 'Why condemn," he said, with a grim laugh, "men and women to such | the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Lovst inisery ax afflicts our mutnal friends, | spent Christmas with friengls in Deser the Blanks? have all mutual J onto! Mrs, M. Babcock and 'W friends in the Blanks' position Morrison are in Peterboro, Mrs. H "At the height of their nightly quar 21 the other day Mrs. Blank choked back a sob and said, reproachfully : 1 was reading one of your old letters to-day, James, and you said in it that you would rather live in end torment with me than in bliss by yourself 'Well. 1 got my Blank wish,' Character In The Mouth. large, shapely mouth signifies breadth of wind and toleration of others' peculiarities. No Thin lips denote covetousness, greed, unlesa strongly cone tradicted by some other feature, in tense love of power. he more curved, and flexibie the lips the more vielding the nature. The more 'straight and firm the lips, the more severe the nature. Lips that look as if they had been pressed into i line sell-repression, and obstinacy. A mouth to be perfect should be large and shapely, the corners straight or very slightly inclined to oop: lips neither thick nor thin and selfishness and, a straight show Nervousness, but easily closed { First Aid. | Washington Star. A 'Washington doctor was recently called to his telephone by a golored woman formerly in the service of his wife. In great agitation the darky | advised the physician that her young- est child was in a bad way. "What seems ta be the trouble?" | asked the doctor. super-human cffort, managed to save himself frog going down with his burden. Gdrge regarded his porter with a patronizing air. "1 guess, Uncle Spencer, he re marked, complacently, that. you would have gone down then if yon hadn't had me to hold on to!" | A Well-Pushed Tine. Duluth Tribune | A party of tragelling men in a Chi Iago hotel were boasting of the busi: ness done by their respective | om when one of thédrammers sail: "ho house in the country, 1 am proua io say, has more men and women push- ing its line of goods than mine 34 "What do vou sell 7' he was asked "Baby-carriages !"' shouted the Zrammer, a8 he fled from the rgom. Tanti meeting of Tauti Lodge ? U.W., Stella, Barr's; Stand Swabrick's; William George Barr's Barr at B Vi is spenc Repai Hartington, son has gone winter. E. a have the cont worth bridge, will complete this week, A situation with cheesemaker, on January = Jamieson B. Campsall stein cow Lo a good ficure with Dottie Quade, Mr. a Mildred, King Hazzard's home of Mr, rel, event, when their niece, Miss Mattie Holmes, daughter of the late Rev, John Holmes, was united in marri age to John Trotter, Madoc town ship. The bride, dressed in cream silk and wool taficta, entered the room to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Maggie Wig Rev. H. Thomas. The bride was giv en away. by her cousin, W. F. Farrell After congyatulations, the guests, to the number of fifty, repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous tea was served. The presents were costly and numerous, some coming from Kenora, Peterb Toronto, King- ston and Sault S Marie. "Guests from a distance were Rev Stanley and Miss Hattie Trotter, brother and sister of the groom, Miss Robie Mrs une Dr. and hride - at Kingston, hy T. Thom C. Thomp friends at N Franc tose son's tertown engaged for ler and ber to Mrs. irs and Thompson is Miss Cora VP Francis Hishop and the Christmas from Cloyne wrick spent throat. utuy © tore. Edwards & | ------ 3 ing the engine up from the river 1 at and friend, Chicago, at T, Misses Bradshaw, Creo. Lake, at Morrison's: Mise M. Martin, Dufferin, Mrs. 1. Me and Cammaall; Corners, coming family, of the his daughter's visiting friends at at ber mother's, Mrs. G Wood through here on 1 uesday. F. Grey were guietly mar vied last week guest of "Anti-Kroak Sold et Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered Lodge Officers. * Stella; Dec. 27.--At the last regular No. 184, AO. officers 'were elected for 1908: PMW,, C. A: the following children at James Shillington's; Peter Demarsh, Bedford Mr. and Mrs, Butt ling her ring A Bridge. Dee. 28,--Jd. M. Robert to Kingston for the nd H.. Campsall. who ract "for repairing Pet have succended in rais and repairs to the bridge 0. Abrams leaves for Kingston next week, having secured a the Deering Co ¥r. Ryan, will hold h first cheese meeting in Robertson's hall Sth sworth and N. Whitty are home for Misses J and her Visitors nd Mee. M. Clow ston, with friends Former Kingston Girl Wedded. The Dee. 27 and Mrs, Richard Fa Hazzard's Corner, was, on Christ mas eve, the scene of a very pleasant ging. The ceremony was performed hy Holmes, Kingston, sister of the bride Mrs. Adams and family, Belleville,and Farrell, Tweed The time was a resident of here seven years There occurred at Perth on Decem | "Doe, she done swallbwed a whole ao to take charge of a class in: mu wr 27th, after an illness of * two | bottle of ink r . ; sic. Mr. and Mrs. Trotter will take montlis, the de ath of Jane Morrison, | "I'll be over there in a short while 7 il idence in Madoc town wife of the late Isaac Plunkett, for- | to see her," aid the medico "Inthe pin merly of this city. The funeral took | munntime have vou done anything for ! place from her sofi's home, Perth, on | her ?"' : Monday, to Leeds cemotery, where the | I dene give her threm pieces of Harlowe Happénings {remains wili be laid in the family | hlottin' vaper, Doe," said the pegress Harlowe, Doc. 27.--Miss H. Critchley plot. She ®Meave W. G. and Miss | doubtfully. is home to spend the holidays. Miss Etta, of Perthy Maggie, of Ottawa; | ---- L. Johnson left for Rath to-day AY Samuel." San Francisco, and Mrs. B number of young peopie attended the | Holden. Toit Tomar, Jr., of Red A Strong Support. ovster supper ad hal the Star of wood Besides her family three | Young People. the East, on Monday night Ow brothers und sisters. John Morrison, Three-year-old Géorge was being | Christmas tree and ten meeting, on Kingston: Mrs. W. McMaster, and |earried home ondn icy winter even: | qb 90th. was well attended; $35.50 Mrs. A. D. Pettigrew, Quebec street, |1BE Suddenly his uncle, who was | Loo realized. Mrs. A. Polamteer had Kingston | carrying bun, shipped, and, by al, wood bee, lust Saturday. Miss P Tavlor left for her home, accompanied Miller and visit Hiller and pson. Mrs. ( 1 have orthlrook J Royal, took dinner gone to Mrs. William Thomp ww Thompson left for Wa lav, where he has been the last vear vear: William Black was appointed trustee in T. Thompson's place Mr and Mrs, J Black spent Christmas Arden Misc M. Butt was a Forbes spent ho from Rainy arkg and Lesh Miss Miss L Mrs. J. Thompson Mise Laura Miller is he Mis, and Mr. D. Christmas at A, Gibson's The second Thaw tril will commence in New York next week, Nice large grape fruit, 4 for dephiv, ERR - OF _ NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US Milis, at Edward ev Patterson at Mrs Thompson at rill and family at James Barr's; Abraham Botting's, Fermoy: la Barr, of Kingston Business ('ol Miss holidays at Our father's, Odessa. sold a thoroughbred Hol M. Parks, Napanee, for Miss Oliver Leonard' J. The school meeting was held in the union school house, to do business for the coming Jacdh Mil Henry Black are d¥awing lum Arden guest of Miss Kennley on Sunday Mr Christmas John Lake e Wood 'at tended the Christmas tree at Flinton McKim made a business trip Kimsley was Hard- Loucks'. throat tablets for sore Ked Cross In r at R on nne THROUGH- : BARGAINS TUESDAY H-: . OUT THE STORE. : * . Positively the greatest bargain day of the year. Ladies' Uonts, @ Skirts, Waists, Underwear, Hosiery, Furs, ete. also Men's and Boys" @ Clothing and Furnishings, at greatly reduced prices. . e Clearing Prices on Everything. : socescscecvsccenee cesscsssssssestene . STORE OPEN TUESDAY EVENING We mention only a few--come and see the rest i-- 80¢. | Tuesd 175 PAIRS BOYS' KNICKERS Made of manufacturers' cloth ends, fore « worst made Regul A O 75¢. line, ders. Tuesday . v ssn Regular, 81 box. 60 $1.95 Ii 5 Fo Clear on Tuesday ...cow ; ve line, - Tuesday . and 26, To Clear The Montreal Stock Co ONLY 50 ROXES HANDEERCHIEFS ine, 39 LEFT--Fancy cardboard boxes, each ay . .: ¥ containe 1 dozen Ladies' Fine Cam- bric Handkerchiofs, hemstitehed hot. 120 PAIRS MEN'S TROUSERS Made of good solid English worsteds, in dark and medium stripe effects, well made and trimmed. Siges, 32 to 40, Regular price, $31 and 83.50 1 89 . pair. On Sale Tuesdry II Our Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, newest tterns, worth Tbe. to clear at Bec. Regular 50c., to clear at 3d Regular 35¢, to chiefs, worth 206e clear at 20c. Regular 2 to clear at 15e, To Clear at, each : 15 adies Fine Swiss Fmbroidered and Lace Trimmed Handker- nly a couple of hundred Children's Protty Figured' Handker 01 . there: of superior quality tweeds and eds, various patterns. Well and finished. Sizes, 23, MH, 25 24 ar price, 70 on Tuesday and Ie chiefs left, To Clear Come Early If You To-morrow, each 180 --rrincess Street--1 Retween Redden's and Crawford's Groceries, 0000000000000 0000O0S 0000000000000000008 o i § 25¢. The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. - Absolute purity and cleanliness in the manufacture tL ELECTRICAL Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, oni Christmas Day is gone, and: we're almost touching New Year's Day. There is still delightful gift-choosing from our splendid stock. You forgot some one, perhaps, who did not forget you. New Year's Day is Your Chance. 'Phone 159. COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Healthful and nutritious. THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO © BATTERY ZINGS "Write for Catalogue. Lowest Prices. o"Condor" Baking Powder °N\ The quality for the best pastry. Incomparable, Economicall 'gg 25 cTs: A LB. , AT ALL FIRST CLASES GRODERS. > ® The £. D. MARCEAU CO., Limited, Whalessio Teas, Coffees, Spices. gay © Vinegars, 281285 ST. PAUL 87. MONTREAL, Canada.