Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1907, p. 7

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smach. They are a safe and stinate 'Constipation, Bilious ers arising from a weak 'Dis wels. Beecham's Pills | tk Relief the cure of these prevalent cir use--a ity. For your Is. They do more for your n and used by hundreds of Helens, Bagland, America. In boxes 28 cents, ve get down to is always a big rom the first to . You will be Zz you want and ney. Read the Nickel Plated, 99 EACH 240 EACH § 1.20 EACH t, best assorted »d Ware in Can- district. knows this big assort- scount Cent. 1 Stock and see tles, ete, you int. ssors, Clothes nes, and many ols come under I BIRCH, Kingston. = p---- ~STIONS. arge Stock. iety the Best rs, in mahogany, $25 $35, up. wap lines at $6 and $7. Bed would make a suitable irs range from £15 to $65. leds at $3 and $4. so have a large 'selection of nd China Cabinets, which are at a reduction of 15 per cent. wre special. ding Undertaker. HE HEEEEEIE ATS e Pineapples, maloes, a Grape Fruit. «sss. '$ 32,000,000.00. «=«~s- $115,000,000.06. 8,000,000.00. the best." pany as Agent call in the tisfactory arrangements J. 0. HUTTON, ger, Kingston District. + MAYORALTY.- 1908. TO THE ELECTORS; At the request of large numbers of citizens, I offer myself as a can- didate for the Mayoralty. If you deem my ten years of well-meant service as an Alderman to have been of vais tu the people, 1 can confi- dently appeal for your support for a position in which experience and intimate knowledge of city affairs can be most effective for the gen- eral goad. R. H. TOYE. MAYORALTY, 1908 OITY OF KINGSTON. In answer to over five hundred qual ified electors, who have, by petition, requested we to offer mysell as a can- didate for the Mayoralty, I beg leave to state that Il have consonted to do so, I, therefore, rejuest the vote and influence of all favorable vo my elec tion as Mayor for_ 1908. A. E. ROSS, M.D. Nov. 26, 1907. CATARAQUI WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : I most respectfully solicit your votes and influence ta elect me as one of your Aldermen at the Qity Council Board, for 1908-9-10, J. M. HUGHES. CATARAQUI WARD. Acoding to the request of a number of Public Schoodk supporters, I have de cided to become a candidate for Trustee If 1 way not have the privilege of seeing you personally, please accept (his notice as a reguest to favor me with your vote sod influence. F. R. ANGLIN. RIDEAU WARD. Having been Muuestid bY a great many of the electors, have decided to offer myself ma an AMermanic Candidate for NEY. PERFECTION + GEN: The al charm of freshness and crispness --of daintiness and deli- clousness -- is in every box of h wd vr Lili ATE FETE TY Mooney"s Perfection Cream Sodas ~---held captive by the air-tight, moisturs-proof There is a in everything. In Biscuits, it's Moonzy's. Dr. Woo Noaway Pine Svaup ia rich in the lung-healing virtnes of the Norway Pine Tree, skilfully combined with Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. It is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine for Cough and Colds, Sore Throat, Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy and all troubles of the Throat and A single dose will convince you that i will stop the ough, soothe the throat, and start you en the road to recovery. Be sure and do not accept a substitute for Dr. Woed's Norway Pine Syrup. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, and the price 25 cents. Miss C. M. Woodoook, Kinmouns, Ont. writes: "For some time I suffered from a lingering cough. I. was afraid it would turn to consumption, and, as I had tried many remedies and found ne cure I asked my father to get me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. When I had taken that bottle I was se much better I got . " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1907. . : - ri {Hughes and William Bishop are spend: NEWS OF NEIGHBORS = their holidays at their homes here jafter i summer on the T. S------ Thomas Myers & N, i 3 Occurrences In The City And one after wpading Yn ast sttson Vicinity---Other Brief Items of are home off the railroad for the wi Interest Easily Read And Re-|ter. Mr.and Mrs. Robert Francis and | merabered N here attended the concert in McPher- y Frosen Wheat ; \ Happy Fa s. [Son's barley malt is Bicknell's Corvers, Dec, 30.--P. Mac- | Daniel Hughes Douell is moving out on his now farm, Barbara and Eva, have returned after Mrs. James Kirkpatrick and Roy | Petiding a short visit spent Christmas at her sister's, Mrs. Burke bas left his A. Emberley. The school concert on | Ville after sponding a few weeks Friday, was a grand success. The pils and teacher deserve much credit Many Entertainments. ~ the well-rendered . Sev-| Plevna, Dec. 30.--The eral carloads of frozen w of rived and make the farmers look very | church gave happy. Those on the sick list are im-|tree an' entertainment in the town proving nicely, School meeting pass- | hall Christmas eve. Every scholar did od off quiotly. Mr. and Mes. Milo his part Huffman visited at her daughter's, | credit is Mrs. J. Judge. realized. Rev. J. Lyons had a Christ. Cushendall Tidings. mas tree erected in the Anglican - Cushendal,, Dec, 30.--The concert |sonage for the Sunday school Ave and Christmas tree in Zion church [ars on Christmas night. Candies, nuts was a success. The many friends of [and presents were handed to the smil- rw. J, Clark are pleased to hear of [ing youngsters. The scholars' parentd hee recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllroy, [Were also present. The proceedings of Seeley's Bay, have returned home | Were brought to a close about half- from visiting at 8. Woods', Nr. and past ten, after a most enjoyable even Mrs. Simpson were Christmas visitors | ing. A goodly number fromm heré at- at James Martin's; Mf. and Mrs. [tended the dance, Friday night, at Henderson and little daughter, Col- | Mr. Watkins', Avdoch. A good time is lins Bay, at Mrs. Ward's; Mr. and | reported. Joseph Adams, Kingston, | Mrs. Il. Ansley, Kingston, are at C. | and lona Ostler, Ottawa, are spending Trotter's; a little girl visitor has | their holidays with their parents. come to stay at the home of R. Hen- | Charles Wood and J. W. King made a derson, ' {fiving trip to Matawatchan last week . {| Wilham McCrimmon and Otto Gow Carrying Place Notes, | arrived home from New York state. Carrying Place, Dec. 30.---St, John's! The stages going to Lavant and Den- church was very prettily decorated | bigh, bad a hard time making their this Christmas with evergreens. The | trip last Saturday, owing to the soft Methodist Christma tree mn Flindall's | condition of the roads. hall on the 29th, proved a great suc! -- wess: The Plymouth, Brethren are hold- Doings At Sydenham. ing a conference in their gospel hall,! Sydenham, Dec. 30.--The Christmas Gardenville, on Monday and Sunday entertainment on Christmas night of this week. John Heindricks was | proved a great success. The pro: elected school trustee at the. annual | gramme was very attractive. The or- meeting on the 26th. He supersed:s E. | chestra in connection' with the Sunday Rowe. Miss Murray of Raslin, was school rendered splendid music. About he guest of Mrs. M. Fitagerald on |*eventy dollars was realized. Among a Christmas day. Rev. J. de P. and|large number of the Christmas vis- Mrs. Wright spent the latter part of [itors are: Dre. A, McMillan and moth- last week in Tamworth, the guests of 'er, George Laycock, Mrs. Anderson the Misses Lock. and children, of Vancouver; Mrs. A. A. Asselstine and children, of Moscow: Dr. and Mrs. McVeaty, of Toledo. Vennachar, Dec. 30. Rev. 8. E.| The Missos Griffith are home with their Eard' and William Trumble of Guy. | Parents James Godirey is very sick. er are to hold special services in the | Vohn Hohan is also confined to his Free Methodist church here, commenc. |7°0om. The annual bachelor's ball ing January 5th. At the annual school {passed off very pleasantly. meeting on Decomber 26th, Simon |Towd was present. : Ball was elected trustee. Austin |2™ out for a | evening at the Sweetnam, who has been ailing for | home of Mr. and rs. John Clow, on the past year, is no hetter. Visitors : | |huesday evening, January 2nd. John Carmdh Ashley, Verona, at his uncle's { McRory and family will nove: io : John Balls. -E:" C. Bebwo and Miss | Kingston this week. Mise Seeber, mil- Maud Lane, Denbigh, at 8. Beben's; | iver. left for her bome at Walkerton, Ronald McPherson, Muir's Siding, at |™ Friday last. Miss I, Palmer will G. M. Bebee's; Robert. and James Con. leave fos het, home, near Westport, at ner at John Gilmour's; John Cowan | the na te ot due Messrs. Huyek and About forty dollars were It is the purity. and malt mad t way. os Vennachar Jottings. A nice Invitations are 4 Rideau Wand. Your vote and influence are respectfully requested. three more, and I am now completely J. F. KNAPP. |ewred® = EDUCATIONAL. SAVANNA 3 IMPROVE YOURIEDUCA ¥ and y 4 INCREASE YOUR EARNING 3 POWER 3 Day ead Evening Classes at the 4 Frontenac Business + College, v Barrie and Clergy Sta, » rT rTVTT ab blid : 3 T. N, STOCKDALE, 3 Phime, Principal. S * * ° * o ® * ° » o * » # * * o » o Kingston Business Limited, head of Queen street. CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE bse ond TR " subjects thoroughly tought by Day and might classes. Banter at aay time. very moderate. Phone, 440. B. PF. METCALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. : Are you looking' for § § something that will give § is ablendot . / uae ot (f { It is equally good for Bread and Pastry -- and best for both. ' It's the choicest flour N that Canada's choicest § wheats can yield. Try Beaver Flour and see how much it Inpioves everything you bake. 2 both pleasure and com- § fort? She will appre- § 2 ciate a load of SLIPPERS. All the slippers that are left over from the Ohrist- mas trade we will sell at ST PRICE for one week. Place to get an all round 'Lunch ia Co H. "Ibert Bourk at Cobden huge At all dealers, cafés and hotels, ' India Pale Ales good for you. The choice a nourishing, wholesome food. It strengthens the system--and makes firm flesh and good, red blood. The choice hops have a sedative effect--bringing sound refreshing sleep. If the system is randown--if you don't feel up to the mark --test the splendid tonic qualities of - India Pale Ale best beverage for home use because of its absolute Ale is brewed of a blend of choice hops, e by Labatt himself from selected Canadian barley. It is stored in the brewery vaults and matured in the natural That is why 30 healthgiving and Laid olor ples ppt : Delicious tnsist on AUD and family at James Breen's, Wensley; |: b f T f & S. Ball and family at R. W. Conners: | Mise Eva Ca wali initing two ye 8 - Miss Dora Gregg, Snake Creek, s Sonlr dle a nds. In chee Ee he Ten Toronts: Cilon Kang bas moved | NEW SCIENTIFIO PROCESS. thers and sisters here. Henry Bartsch | "© his new 'house, , nd family have moved into Asa Con-! A Fine Christ s Tree. Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ ners house. Parham, Dec. 98.-0On Christmas ev- For some time it has been known i oni . 3 uo) hat dandrufi is caused by a ™m Good C . ening the Mothodist Sunday school |t ) ol the A Preparation Discovered That Sunday school Christmas tree and en- | the church and wi ng of the most | White Hasan, Jo by sapping tae vi tertainment was a grand success, and | Successful held mn hisSary of the | tality. of the hair " Wee rau, cies the Presbyterian Christmas tree go Sunday school. The programme was a | falling Bair. and, .of course, finally great treat. Our merchants all re-| )®Y excellent one and was given be- baldness. - For years there have been gi , 3 {fore a crowded audience. Interestin all kinds of hair stimulants and scalp port a good Christmas trade. Walter | : a @ W don the ket, but there & Coxall, Kingston, sperit Christmas at|®0d inspiring addresses sere given by | tonics on the marke . ~ re _g home. Among the visitors for Christ. | Dexter Cronk of Long Luke, apd the | been no pecagent Sure oF Wau aw mas were Miss Maggie Way, Miss| Pastor, Rev. George 0. Fredinneck. | uwitil the discovery of a preparation Meta Carscallen, Thomas Harkness | After the programme Santa Claus | called Newbro's Herpicide, which des Stewart Woods, Miss Scott, Arden;|Mmade his visit and was kept hustl- | troys the dauvdraff germ. Destroy the Archie Wells, Charles Snider and wife, | ing distributing the presents. Quite a] cause, the effect Will conse to ext Napanee, and John Weighill. Dr | sum of money was raised 'for the Sun- | Kill the dandruff germ and you'll have Houston spent Christmas in Tweed. [day school. Service was held in the | no dandruff, no itching scalp, no fall William Dawson, Marlbank, spent English church on Christmas night. | ing hair. Sold by leading druggists Christmas in town. Maggie Henry is|/Rev. G. W Melntosh, Victorig Col- | Send 10c. in stamps for home for the holidays. James Wheeler | lege, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. A. | The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. |C. Wagar. Miss Grace Dertrim spent | sizes, 50¢. and $1. - G. W. Mahood, Amey, Moscow. Mrs. Reuben Wood. | ber vacation with her mother and has | special agent. cock died, very suddenly, at? her home | since left for Toronto. Frederick Al on Saturday. She went to bed quite [ton is home from Kingston spending An Appreciation. well, and died in a fow minutes Sev. !a short time here. Mr. and Mrs. Ber Rev. J. del". Wright, M.A eral families had Christmas trees, Miss| trim, Harrowsmith, at W. Bertrim"s; Jennie Irvine, Whitewater, Man., is] Miss Lillian Killins is howe from Syd- | the recipient of a purse of money from | visiting her parents. enham ; Earl Bertrim spending his | his parishioners to purchase a coal ---- holidays with his parents; Thomas | stove E. Terry, church warden of | News From Clarendon. Goodfellow is home from Queen's Uni- | Hillier, in making the presentation, | Clarendon, Dec. 30.--The Christmas | versity. Quite a number from here | stated the people wished to show some entertainment was: a decided success, | took in the Christmas tree at lich: | token of affection to their rector and An A | programme was given to a [borne last week. Miss Hettie Goodber- | Mrs. Wright, and also an appreciation full house and the door receipts were [ry spent Christmas in Kingston. Miss | of his services since coming to the par £26.50. Misses M. Huut, of Alma Col- | Mina Smith is visiting friends at | ish, for which purpose the purse had lege, and Martha Leishman of King: | Westbrook. been. donated. The rector, in acoept ston, also Messrs. A. Boles and W. | ing the gift, said he prised it mot wo Crawford; of Haileybury; Archibald much for its intrinsic value, but for Campbell, of Kingston, and Master Long Lake, Dec. 23.--A very enjoy- the spirit in which it had been given James Campbell, of Ardoch, spent | ple time was spent at the home of His parish was an extensive one and their Christmas holidays at their | Nr and Mrs. Henry Drew. on the even. | it Was most cheering to find his of homes. On Christmas day, Miss Eliza ling of December 20th, the occasion of forts so well appreciated. The coal Uysick and Mr. Stwaflord were united | theiy twenty-fifth wedding aoniver- | $0V¢ would ever remind him and Mrs in marriage and visited Renfrew on sary. Misses Helena* and Myrtle Wright of their Pacishioners in their honeymoon. Visitors: Mrs, Drew, eldest daughters of Mr... and Ameliashurg and Hilliev, whose warm Joseph Burke at A. Robinson's; Miss { Mrs. Drew, assisted their mother in hearts had prompted so generous a Lormer, of Lodose, and Miss Blakley, [receiving the guests, who began to gift. of Camden East, at R. Leishman's; {arrive at six o'clock, and when sup- Joseph Baar and wife at William | por was announced, an hour later, Burr's; Miss Myrtle Leishman at {eighty-four guests had assembled. The Samuel Breen's, Camden East; Cul | (alles were prettily decorated with ' A carload of natural flowers, Christmas bells and gold ore was shipped from here to festoons in red, white and blue, and Marmora for treatment in a smelter tall were generously supplied with the there. Mrs. M. J. Hunt is home from | ust of all the good things of the Drayton, N.D. | season, characteristic of the host and : hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Drew have At Oso Station. {spent all of their married life at their Cushendall, Dec. 30.-The concert [present home at Long Lake. They held in the 'Prentice Boys' hall, in [have an interesting and intelligent fam. rector of | Silver Wedding Anniversary. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on quest, by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. 'Inhese tests are proving to the people--without a penny's cost--the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Ca tarrh Remedy. Sold by all druggists Every locality has its "meanest man," but the man who refuses to support his poor old mother is on hy to the championship. aid of the Methodist church organ lily of sven--four boys and three , Iron and Wine, "Our Own fund, on December 23rd, was a suc | givle--MMvilie, Willie, Helena, Myrtle, make. Pint bottlesi 50c., at Wade's drug stare. You can make almost any man ner vous by telling him that a policeman was asking about him. Ou Coughs Keep in close touch with your No medicine was ever could fake his ploce. Trust him of sll Somes. Old coughs, coughs, rasp- ing coughs, extremely perilous coughs, coughs that shake the whole body. Ittakes a strong medi. cine, a doctor's medicine, to mas- ter such coughs. A great many cess. John A. Bourk und family and [Clarence, Boyce and Beatrice, who Mrs. Robert Bourk have returned to [share with their parents, the respects their home in Charleston. Jobnston and popularity of the whole commun- Chambers, John Hughes, Daniel lity. The confidence the ple have i i peoy in { Mr. Drew has been made manifest by | the many public oflices he has so ably {filled. Mrs. Drew has shown her many {good qualitics in the model way in {which she hax reared her family and MARK x : iat all times she is the embodiment of TABLETS am Neuralgia, Rheumatism, | foviality and good-will. Mrs. Drew coldoess of hands and fect, shortness of breath, ine? hocamingly oltised in" seal brown servos. | Sicilian with silk braid trimming, and I night, wh dpe. : looked very like the bride of twenty - blood, impaired ger ¥ § ago . arving from excesses and indiscretions. Used in connection with Mira Blood Tasic | Rear-Admiral Coghlan, "the most snd Mion Olstment, Uiey care the most subbom | POPUlAr man in the United States 50c. bos . a Juavy." adds much to the naval - casen of Ecrema and ocher skin diseases. heaval caused by the MoClure article JENNINGS, KING ST sample ~ | | i Ameliasburg and Hillier, was recently {Successors to D. J. McDermott, LEGGINGS, OVERGAITERS, SPATS. .° | In Spats we have all colors, dark brown, light brown, fawn, rey, green and red, $1.00, SLACK SPATS, 50c. In Leggin (For Women | - and 7oc. For Children In Spats we have Black a For Men ".iisic. Reid & Charles, strap, 75c. 3 Strap, $1.00. P.S. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. we have BLACK. $1, i In Overgaiters we have Black, 50c. We have Black Leggings with 1 x Corduroy, light and dark, 3 strap, $1 * 111 Princess Stre ¢t pearl i nd all © 13 : ! i 'Members of ! Toronto = I F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges Invirze Useful Articles for New Year Gifts: Carpet Sweepers from $2.75 to 5.00. Carving Sets, 90c. to $10.00. Silver Knives and Forks. 3 Silver Spoons. 3 Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. fo 0 Phones, Main 6733-34 --6 fer 8230. Diagn or The Chemin Co. | 1a oh by the Me people rely on Ayer's Cherry of Canad, Limited, Homiloo--Tomutn. 0 | 1 ot » damn," : hoats are . "hahah SS EL . : Elliott Bros. "rises;

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