tis twenty years ago since the city dtu FRY water works and Thomas Hewitt Tamper tendent. On January Ist, Ir. Hewitt became an employee of the & He has continued as such ever | ¢ since, so that to-morrow he celebrates | Four im Scnior--Enquiries | About Formation Local Dis. | triet , A ing of the City Hock League Tor - 5 in the Fronts i : YL . when the first game could be galled off, $40 reg. Sale price $30.00 During the pan Tow diye Rr cl. . a= =n ida s received communications from 5 " " 37.50] Gent outside towns asking for rn " " " 9= gamed, and also asking about the 0% 11.25 of local district -- to " " " 5 wclade, nekville, Gananugue, King- 60 15.00 *ton, Napanes, Ieseronto and Belle 70 « " " 02.50! ville. The matter was fully discussed at the mating last evening, and it was decided to try and arrange the | We make the best Coon! matter Delegntos "from the different | LADIES' CLOTH COATS | | At Exactly Half Price. : large stock to choose from Jtima will be mie ad She guatter | THOMAS HEWITT, { Of All Our Large Assortment Vv dave wily arranged. T. N. St : MAS i i Your inspection invited. |. J Neb an appuinted lol RT PET RY delegates with full power "to act in his apprenticeship vig Plumber, and | Only a Few Left. the matter. The league will likely be '0C0Me pro it Mhen quite a you ae 1 : vided" i . A man. In July, 1570, he came to Can- . John M K divide to in a hy he in and setbied in Kingeton, Skort- | To tell the truth we feel proud of our sales. You will probably remem- + " {ly after his arriva 0odrpea con. . » C ay Sills un pr this made will {nected with the lochmotive works as | ber the great big stock we had a the Weling ol he Stasi, as t > iehad | plumber, i remained as such with | > 2 3 it ' ne. Isn that eloquen y ? 149-155 Brock St. make another district and the threo (F1 abot, tae Samal 4s Sih with you ? Well, think of it, nearly all go juent wns, Napanee, Degeronto (yo city came into possession whea he Even convincing proof that Laidlaw's Coats are more than usually and Belloville 'will club together for became 2? ES : Tabada : came superintendent. good ? ; Be Shird distries. The teams will play | Every mayor and alderman who has I ¢ \ { ne ome games, and the win- | 4 in the city council for the past | ; " * a » yr wo an Jay of. if pre twenty yoars can testify to the splen ema « s ue, > perly handled, will 1 the Bt did work done by Mr. Hewitt in the | ) ; he one ¢ 2 interests of the ter ks. He has things that could happen for junior mtere of the water wor © ha : y COMMENCING TO-MORROW MORNING at 9 o'clock we are going : End Ww : hockey in this district. It will just be een, diligeny te Jnithiful a a | to mark the final clearing price. Every Cloth Coat for ladies at exactly i 3 e ) . s he worked fc he - ¢ h - § ih =of=the- eek Prices another school of training for the has been in poor health for some | half price, and remember every Coat is new this fall and is stylish and of {boys before they are ready to enter ume past and the city council has | good material. Prices running from $7.75, 8.75, 10.00, 11.795, 12.75, . That will bring you down town again in~UNIVERSAL FOOD 0. A, A. ranks The local men at the oranted him three months' leave of ab- | Q m= » LY HAI F PRICE 0! r $1.49. | SEE - c | back of the enterprise should receive gence to recuperate. He expects to 13.75, at EXACT AL JR ro, 49, RAISIN DERS, $1.43. VEGETABLE CUT. jovery support possible from the eiti loave during the second week of Janu a : yr ; 19%. MARMALADE CUTTERS, $1.69. . jens, who Should try and make it a jary for England to visit the scenes of | If not ready to buy choose your Coat | Success. Some fine jimior games « ould This childhood. i eo 3 3 Cork Knives, Oyster Xnives, Kitchen Knives, Mincing Knives, {bo pulled off Nore this winter if ihe] Darah ot Post Yaruty yours, the | and have it placed aside. dle and Pocket Cutlery of all kinds, at prices the lowest and | thing goes through. {number of water works consumers has | ! assortment to pick from. . | : i -------- quadrupled, and the people are paying | -- | Frontenac Senior Hockey Team. Shi a hardly a third as much as was paid [ ~ 3 : . | It being understood that the Mth twenty years ago for water supply. [9 1 . 80 Princess | Hockey Club has abandoned its iden | | SPECIAL-- 10 ON Y. ° 9 St jof having a hockey team this winter, | : . YOUNG LADY INSULTED. {8 movement is on foot to re-organice -- ar )K CLOTH CAPES, made from good === ames [he senior Frontences. Tho sporting | Held Up By Rowdies on King A Sample lot of LADIES" BLAC K \ LO tin t hie 1. worth $3.75 [raternity of the old Limestone Ojty | 'Street West. quality English Beaver, some plain, others 'satin trimmed, worth 19, {Will be pleased to welcome back Wl Ante young lady was held up on} 4.75, 5.95. {Senior company a team representing | ning Stee west, ast awioat, avout | {the famous old Frontenacs. It is Bke . Re Sunsie 914 Prout ae. [Wine © clock, whew on hes" way mo | Your Choice To-morrow, $2.90. y¥ a 0 ng iol Pr purpose of or f tne iy iat n ke alae " Cae Wad passing the corn Eanization will take place on Thurs : Ladies' & Children's i af hing amd centre sifvels, whon Stops | - 4 day evening. {8 uy two men, who used very 4, 0 rstocki A) Revi sod dng Language. Soe toed to make | < : in Services. het Way on fate town, and they sen | On Sunday t Holiness Movesnent folowing hey, ding to kee e 5 o ae ay ul. 8 he, Ying to keep wer i reliable élastic makes, in blacks and church, Division street, was crowded | as & he 4 At Lue veal corner they agwn | to hear Rev, R. C. Homer, conduct [stopped hee ana she screamed tor wep. | pe special revival services fog some | Hee cies were heard by two men na weeks. At 10.30 o'clock he preached (1i;, who wee Wing towards Ports. | ne 1 from Aets ii, 2, on the Pentecostal | mouta. Twey drove wp tw her andl outpouring, and how it came. Those when vue of thew Jamped out the two who received it now receive it in the [rownice made theiset os scarce run- " Same manner. At 230 pm. Acts i, fuing up bevedy stool. The young | 17, was flowert "expounded. At Ti lay. Was tiiven To pe home by her | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ! THE FLOWHG TIDE. EERE ERE -t.. another able discourse was given | rescuers and vatside of a bad wright | . ER RE AR RRS! om Zachariah "xii, 10, Nany are | was none we worse for hee expericnce, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Ldderal in Nicolet By An Increased seeking after God. Mr. Horner will { Jt appears that the severe touncing | Reporters On Their Rounds. : Majority. : conduct 5 watchnight service. to- given T™ ome of this gang by a com-{ Just five more days and it wil! be Montreal, Dec. 31.--Dr. Turcotte, lib- night, beginning at 9 pm, and will me,cial wan, a few nights ago, did all ever, feral, was elected to the federal house preach cach night for the rest of the | ot have any tendency to check their] How do you like the Jooks of the vesterday, in Nicolet county by over weak except. Saturday, and on the | work, if a squad-of 'the police would | contestants. {990 majority, defeating J. C. Heron, three services Sunday, 0.30 am © reds, 25c, 35, 40¢, 45¢, 50c pair, 0 | Wool Clouds In white and in black; 25e, 40c, 50c, 75¢, $1. Half Price Ee ~ apd a = & -- =) 7] RRR march out there some night and | Well, the candidates are off. Lan | conservative In the last election Hon. Our long experiemce in the 2 230 and 7 pm, round up a fow of these fellows and you pick the winners, 1C, R. Devlin was elected by only 393 market assures the best B ---- sive them a taste of prison life, it Buy cough syrups at Gibson's Red majority, quality. B® Dainty Little Betty Burgess. {would be the best thing for them, as! Cross drug store. Fresh there. rr -------- At the Princess, last night, was de- {persons of this stamp are certainly of | Covered rink, band to-morrow after cidodly a pleasant surprise to the Vics to Meet Wanderers. Our very moderate profit no use to the city noon, from 3 to 3 pam., weather and Renfrew, Dec. 30. The Victorias of added assures the lowest theatre's many patrons. The audivnees | -- ite permitting. Ottawa will meet the Wanderets in cost to the buyer. were well satisfied and. all went away Miss Carrie and Miss Annie Foley, the forthcoming series for the Stanley carrying the impression that little THEIR WOODEN WEDDING. IN : RIA RR BR RRS RPI AYERS : ecne, are spending New Year's with cup. In Renfrew to night, the Federal HO ANON RINGS, at $10, x a . Betty is a wonder in her proper inter. | i Wall d Wife friends ja Kingston League champions met the local team | 5 » » . La e pretation of her work. She changes | Sergt "Major a Jace i The Partelle Stock Company leit at champions of the Ottawa Valley, . in [8 DIAMOND RINGS, at $50, ® * costume and song every night this Entertained Last Night. midnight, for Peterboro, where they |the final match of the qualifying setios 4 $65, $75, $100. i {week. George Hammond's rendering | Sergt.-Maj. Wallace and wife, yesters will play the remainder of the week. and, though Renfrew wou by three to |® ' fof "Good Night, Beloved, Good (day, celebrated the filth anniversary It is good economy to buy these at they fll short on the round, | DIAMOND RINGS. at $125, 8 INE," was a treat to all music lov- (of their marviage, and last night, at | Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Vics having won bye four to one wm |S $150 $200 and upwards. 8 fers. The pictures were also good. The | the barracks, they catertained a party. | A change ior the better was to-day | Ottawa last Friday night. They thus | 3 . : | : - Red Man's Friendship, a story of the {of friends, numbering thirty, when a {reported in the case of Thomas Mur {win the series by five to four. 1 E Our Mountings excel in 5 i "west, » most enjoyable time was spent. Cards phy. confined at the Hotel Dieu. i 3 ! Quality, style and finish. . 3 ---- {and dancing provided the guests with | "A cough or cold" quickly relieved | "Get Bellevi 114 ills Assign A Nove On." {plenty of amusement,, and at mid- by Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. | eville Rolling Mills We should all begin the New Year night, supper was served. Mrs. Wal | M. O'Brien, separate school inspec- na Ne ille, Dec. 31.--An assignment with a determination to do : J Coats ¥ k B yo A {has been made by the Toronto & well {lace was the recipient of a fine collec: | tor, of Peterboro, is in Kingston, hav- {30 ine Re whatever we takefin hand, and our {tion of presents ing been called here by the death of idle Hie tolling nile, Slee Slant of success will be according to the Ba-| The procecdings were brought to A 'an aunt. | WRICh i= mn this city, vid S. Thom- Every garment guaranteed new. Over 250 ture and the quality of the brain, if [close at an carly hour in the morning, | t nn is 1 x ) i by: i» Capt. Deroche, of Ottawa, govern- |» ol Ae fs alerwtor, A mes ting . : fol creditors is called for January Tth | ment architect, is in the city making in this city. It is believed the ile an inspection of NC a mills we adhere: to that determination. Im. | the guests before departing, extending Prove your education and you will lto the sergeant-major and his wife, to Select from. : TRS ASRS: . . * * . ° o * * * ' o . . * ® . . * . . * ° . o * * o * o » * * o o o ° 'a ® o o . . . Rev. De. M. F. Fallon, formerly of Laidlaw. who in the fifties kept a |DoSs Taliages vient of due Sire, - Ottawa University, but now provin- grocery on the corner of Bagot and | Eins on Thurs ay, _ van, . u Ay cial of the Oblate Order, in the Uni: | Princess streets. The self-same build. [Open 'day and evening. . Phow . ted States god stationed at Buffalo, is ing whence Mahood's drugs emerge to | H. F. Metcalie, principal . Jleaving in a few days for Nebraska, beautily and to cure. \ | The late John Robson Cameron, edi- with a number of priests to establish TE --- [tor ot the Hamilton Shectator. who a mission there. Since going to the | {passed away suddenly on Monday, United States Rev. Father Fallon has | ait A Lacal Boat. {was the father of Goon Cameron, ion 3 : C. Solman,' owner of a steamboat | ending - 's University conducted missions in many states, ferry at Torent : the Gt att ing - Queen's | versity. and bas the reputation of being a TY at Toronto, was in CY. | "A sweet New Year's he station hospital b Cimaatis me 3 Improve your position in life--the world {hei haut wishes fot many more years {at Tote de Pont Barracks. : = ou continue operatians Tevher of Marriage was never in greater need of young of good health and prosperity, {. "For New Year's," McConkey's or! > i a Jdcenses. @ A Pleasure to Show men and women with a thorough busi. | i -- Huyler's high-class candy om Gib- 2 ete Sigmon Bed yr a } . ness training. The Fr@htenac Pusiness Ancient Currency. {son's Red Cross drug store. Phone d gy Gnas ng pla % di SET -- Coliege, Clergy West, is a Supertor | James R Laidias Div Sr. street, | , Jas : Y.y Sead ul Yun - . 9. fun Commercial School. Winter term opens | : aa : s1 W. and EB. Warner. advance agent ur S. {Steps into the arena in the friendly : hs I 3 -. ww Monday, January 6th. Phone 680.) re : ty {for the "Three OF Us." is in the city. days y¥ Mh competition over rare coins, with the | . ee ------------ S-------- 2 v No Stockdale, ncipal. : i The show is here on Wednesday, Janu- eee ED piney daddies of them all, gold coins of are Sb < . 167s i 1987, hich were ht FDU ra : TTT a To Establish A Mission. lire. Scotland' by hie fathers Sues || Winter term at the Kingston Busi 'sjCelebrated: | 3 ? . Waldron Sy ~ Anplin and ribbed styles. '3 pairs for $1.00 ;3 pairs for $1.00. H Prosperous if," a box . yestorday, with Inspector Evans, ofl of MeConkey's or Ruyler's high-ol powerful and eloquent preacher. Toronto, Jooking around for adteamer | oo 3° he Gites Red Crom bm ios 2 -- ~» {to join his Beet until a new boat he! core. ' 2 Raise ¢ The Bu =a cider. {Is having Quilt is ready, next Autumn. s {It is understood he would like to get! 10cal theatrecoers 'will be Pleased Sweet Mexican ora and Happy New Year to All IS THE WISH OF Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. § 000000000 0000000000 80000 ncecesncanaensans Men's Cashmere Socks The best values in' the city. - 4 pairs for $1.00; 3 pairs for 1.10; 3 pairs for 1.25; 3 puissfor 150. : M {one of the Folger boats. jlo Journ that Shree fins oe Lowney's box and basket chocolates. | 4 | tions ave ee bo ~ er th oat yitare in boxes make a nice Now | Admits Steali Coat. {three weeks. On January ear's gift, | Word ved a -- ih Of tan on fanuary 13th. "The TS AR ah ard was received, to-day, to {Walls of Jericho:™ on Januar nd Ganong's, Stnary a honalates: ' |effect that Samuel Cae, the Canam. Lillian Russell. "Wild Fire Grape fomit, 4 for h New ogle man, under arrest in Toronto, | A young lady who graduated from A happy and prosperous New "Wihad admitted stealing the farlined {the shorthand department of the | to all. & Jenkin, jovercoat of Rev, (A 'A. Sykes, which | shorthand department of tne Kingston wis purloined from the vestibule at | Business College. head of Queen street, JD. Traemar, student of Queen's, ihe minister's house recently. He will {jn 1006 Sulinge. Je months study. "ja left at noon to-day to spend his holi be hrought to Kingston. {now deawing o salacy of $1,000 per 3 at - I Miss Phoebe Branigan, teacher at 0 Loa Ss. privale suvetary that Mary's school, lft to-day for Oe | tawa. ® : : | A woman wha .cheapens herseli | Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. B® should remember that anenine are} Paso Olutment in ; dom hight vidued. {ture Tehing, Blind, Bleed. 8, Anglin Went to Smith's Balls, to- ing or Protrading Pilea in 6 to 14 hs ; : OF money refunded, So, dags at St. Joha, NB. Ise e0s suv e860000000000000000000000 rt a