. 5% . ESCAPES FROM ASYLUM BY PLUCKY WIFE'S AID. ~ Germ Count Held Captive Be- cause He Married Peasant ta TISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY { trinklets is now without a good luck ONLY WO DIDATES charm on: her watch chain or necklace. IN MAYORALTY FIGHT. One woman who has a collection" of] « . " charm pendants; strung 'at intervals| The Present Mayor Opposes Ex- i along her, watch * ¢ chain, told about Mayor Sheppard--Erof. Good: Gives Captors Slip. - "Now York i=full of swastika cross- win of Queen's Will Address Berlin, Dec. 31.--Count Erasmus Er- {es she said, as she showed a square The Young Ladies' Literary 3, bach, a member--of one of the most | silver cross, Mine came from Mex- cho. : Sore--Work Often Impossible. famous German families and until re- [ico : ' Gananoque, Jang 1.~Municipal mat : ie : cently heir to estates worth $1,250,000 | "This is ltaliap; # charm against the Lory a ia Liomint iE amy. TRIES CUTICURA a yor, has just made a dramatic es- | evil eye." She twisted her chain 10 | gradually dwindled ti i RIE U 9 wn cape from an asylum at Ahlweilf, the next pendant, a little coral hand. bl fight 'will be for a uni It 4 WELL IN SEVEN DAYS [nud has disappesres y ts thumb, third aud fourth fiogers (il (EHS [ory con last your's ma: Says The count was seized at Frankfort- | were folded down over the palm. Thej jo... A. Me oa hr or Ta " ora: Remedies: b tiraly on-Main on November 20th, and for" {index and little fingers were extended. | "¥ Robert" S yr at Ce a Dae hal. cibly carried off to the asylusi, where | "Italians believe that these little |te oom pt rt. Sheppard, in whick Ee ds or TE 1 had [he was placed under close guard. hands keep off the evil eve." it i= difficult to pick the winner. 4 tried many othcr remedies and several His arrest was made on the applici- | "You can get hands in any shop E: Britton will hold the reeveship doctors, and. spent about three hundred, tion of his father and relatives, who | that makes a spegialty of Italian J, B, McMurchy will "be deputy reeve doflam, without any sticees), bus, sid declared that he wos inspne. 'The | jewelry. I know a woman who hasa John Mundpn, W. Y. Boyd, James is to-day the seventh day that proof of his insanity lay in his ro- necklace chain hung with 'a row ol Donevan, W. N. Rogers, W. J. Gib mantic marriage with 'Dora Fischer, ¥ . son aud N. McParland will be coun ¢illors, and Messrs. Freeman Britton, A, I". Russell end T. D. O'Connor been using the Cuticura Remedies (cost- ing a liar and a half), which have them. the prety daughter of a washerwo- | "Here's a lucky charm from our man: When the count refused to give 1 public school trustees, all by acclama- tion. cured me completely, so that 1 can . ' . " ' | own south, a hare's foot. mounted in up. his wife, a special tribunal was 4n the town hall at Lansdowne vil again attend to my business. I went to work again to-sight. My teoubly silver : appealed to, and the marriage was de- "China issall for the elephant as a elared pull and 'void. » ' lage on Monday last the nominations were held for that municipality, Front was as follows: Upon the limbs and between the toes my skin was roug : y . lucky charm. In the Oriental shops There was a further development in | {here is no end te the arrey of pend- the romance later on when the count 4 of Leeds and Lansdowne. The hat fot for the township vote will con and sore, and also sore under the arms. Xam achef for a late cate oF ee times #nd 1 had 1o stay. di BOO , . ant elephant charms. ce Of cn. ag hag vee whs formally dispossessed of all rights ora of them come in jvory, but been -eured by the Cuticura Remedies of succession, and' 'his uncle, Count | there are also many in coral, erystal, Arthur, was elected in his place. amethyst, jade and ehrysoprase. In tain the lollowing names : For reeve, Count Erasmue'..escape from © the many of the/ charms the eyes of the|Noah Peck and W. Nelson Webster asylum was planned and executed by elephant are [set with tiny sparkling [and William H. Bowen: for. council- the washerwoman's daughter, The | is J . Alors, "Holland Connor, Joseph . De Wolfe, D. ¥. Warre Oscar W. Lan don, David Dempitg William Burns, within a week, 1am much indebted to plucky gitl-wife acted with great gems. WW. R. McCalpin © arc liam Webb GOOD LUCK CHARMS. ie Trinkets Women Display Chains and Necklace. Hardly a woman who loves pretty on SNSIRE TENS CURD NAWEEK Spent $300 on Doctors and Rem- ediés Which Gave No Relief--Skin- on Limbs and Feet Rough and opsis of Canadian North est HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, even ° section of Domine numbered in Manitoba pr-the North-West excepting 8 and 2 not rec au - te : may Of course, there's a lot COFFEE in making coffee right. But" do your part right, and you need have no fear of the results ?as long as you use Chase. & Sanborn's Coffee. for homestead entry, must applicant at gency or Sub-agency. "by proxy may, however, be mad i certain on tions 2 mother, won, daugh r, bro v intending bomesteader. for entry or cancels i Ter y any sub-agent's wey wired to the Agent by the ot the expenses of the appli A the jand appited for 14 Vacent pt of thie. telegram such applica 40 have priority and the land will until the mecessary papers to the transection are received by tion" or fraud the t all priority of claim granted it will be , HEIN. AAR AAraassa ss RSet nasa SEE SE SAS SNR AR aA, St Useful Articles for New : Year Gifts: - Carpet Sweepers from $2.75 to 5.00. Carving Sets, 90c. to $10.00, Silver Knives and Forks. Silver Spoons. Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, application for cancellation must be | A The applicant must be Po homestead sorry, and only one om for cancellation will be re- 3 ttl that ap- Jed 'subsequent i proceedings, for Sencenation will be en- or right entry. ve cancellation. must state in the homestesder is In i. Tote entry 18 not the cancellation proceedings me. : o* the af gavel of Depart- . relinquish it in favor of father, son, daughter, brothes or sister bat ho one else, on filing of abandonment. A settler is required tg per forrs the duties under one of tbe follow: I tivation of the ir ) A , perform by living J PEPE 4 +. mend it to all my friends and colleagues in the kitchen. Fritz Hirschlaff, 24 Columbus Ave,, New York, N. - March 29 and April 6, 1906." 4 ------ HAIR FALLING-OUT Very Bad Dandruff on Scalp, Pimples .Cover Face, Cuticura Cures. "1 used the Cuticura Remedies with great success, My face was a m of' pimples and the dandruff was so on my scalp that my hair all began to fall out, and a friend of mine tol i me of Cutioura and I began to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment, Before a month 1 saw a great change for the better, and now I am entirely cured. 1 Had no physician, in charge, My little girl is now four. vears of age, and knows the use of no other than Cuticura Soap. Her skin is perfect and her hair remark- able for her age. Mrs. W. C. Howard, 132 N. Tenn. Ave., Atlantic City, N. Ju Jan. 22, 1906." Complete External and Internal Trestment for Fvery jiumor f Infants, Children, and Adults cop sists of Cuticura Baan to Cleanse the Skin Cyfi- ura Ointment to Heal the Skin, and Cutigira Roenivent (or in the form of Chocolate Coated Lh Us, in vials of sixty) to Purify the Blood Bold throvih= ut the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. Sole rons. Boston, Mass. + H wr Mailed Frags Cuticura Book on tha Skin. a A SEEEHE EELS Cuticura, and shall certainly recom-, : : i "Jt is hard to know where to stop énergy and determibagiod from the mo- : ment ¢f "her husband's arrest. She first bribed ah attendant of the asv- lum and persuadéd him to help the count to obtain means to escape from the building. : Then she worked out detailed ar- rangements for his flight outside and through the attendant communicated her instructions to Count Erasmus. The attendant supplied the count with a Xtout rope, and early one morning the count made use of the rope to dower himself from the win< dow to the ground. The descent was extremely perilous, owing to the great height of the window, and the least slipr would have caused the count to drop to certdin death. Fortunately, no mishap occurred, and Count Eras- mus got away without molestation to a spot where his wife was waiting with a powerful motor car. : The fugitives dashed off at express speed; Their destination® was the Swiss frontier, a distance of a little more. than 200) miles, which they must have covered by this time. They in- tend to Be married again in Switzer land,' and thus defy the count's pa- rents. The asylum attendant has also fled for fear of punishment for the aid he rendered to the fugitives. when one tries to choose a charm from among the many fascinating ones made of jade--the' Chinese' lucky stone. As it is the stone itself that btings good luck great scope in design opens] for the chatu maker. I chose. 'this gly flounder fish curled into a Pitele, and 1 couldn't resist this lit- tle squat idol, or this group of the three mystic monkeys--see no evil, heat no evil, speak no evil. - @ne mon- key is blind-folded, the other clasps his ears, the third has his finger to hig lip. : *Pour-leafed clovers enclosed crystal make popular charms; You can have the four-leafed clover you are lucky enough to'find yourself, mounted in this way. The crystal may be rim- med with 'silver or gold." HEE jr- The Gananoque Canoé Club held a |New Year's ball on Tuesday evening, in Turner's asseinbly.room. The elite of the town were present and it was, without doubt, one of the greatest events of the season. The Rees or: chestra furnished music. Some 400 invitations were issued. Watehnight services were held - from eleven to twelve o'clock Tuesday even ing at Christ Church, Fee Methodist chhreh and Salvation Army barracks, | each of which drew out quite a good ly number. The incoming vear was greeted by the danging of. church hells, the tootipg of stean whistles and fhe ringing of fire alarms everal boxes, The Young Ladies' Literary Athlet' Club has secured the Services of Prof Goodwin, of Queen's Udiversity, Kings ton, for a lecture "The Earth's History," in its rooms, this evening The lecture will be illustrated lantern views. W. XY. Boyd, King street? beh 'ill for some weeks past, is so far recovered as to be out on the streets once more. Isaac Cole, King street, who has been confined to his home for some woeks.past, is still in a most} critical condition, : Mrs. - Frederick J. Miller, of Brock- ville, is here for a short visit with her parentd, Mr. and Mrs. E: H. Hurd, Chasles street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ar thur Jackson, Stone street, who have been spending epme time with rela tives and friends in Carleton Place and Perth, have returned home. i than eighty (80) not less eighty | i ped in the wicinity of bd » hie t pwaeship ia d- will oat requirement. $8) 52 the father (or mother, if the is deceased) of a Womesteader has on farming land solely bY him, not less than <5) acres in extent, in the vicini- > bomestesd, or upon @ home entered for by him in the vicinity, housesteader may perform his own ¢ duties by living with the fath- " of motier.} ' £4) The ter "wisinity" in the two raphs is dafined as mean- Ot more nine miles in a direc exclusive of the width of road al lowanee crossed in' the measurement. AB) A homesteader intending to perform dence duties in accordance with plore while living with ts or ming land owoped bY hb meelf must the Agent for the gistrict of sch making application for patent Wwust give six months' notice to the Commissioner of . Do- Ls yr a Thoda at Ottawa, of his. imtens a iin SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- / " La | WEST MINING REGULATIONS, 4 OF CANAD al anual refital of tual oad to a ~-The Company of the Q canta pur ton 'shail be Policy-Holders min 2 person eighteen yéars of Ving discovered mineral in When you take out insurance 'may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 5 in The Mutual Life, you become * ho:toe for recording & claim 1s 35. ||| one of the owners of the Joust, $100 must be expended on the Omp * ear or paid i the mining o apy. x eu thereof. 00 has You h : : a pended or paid, the ipeator mey Op have o vote | i mapping wsurvey made, end upon out the policy e company with other requirements, pur: --a vote for the directors who For councillor--William McCausland, a int the. off and you William H. Head, Robert M, Head, the land at $1 per acre. A Provide for the payment Ph salir . Thomas 'Thompson, George Connors oh equitably im all the profi John Gray, Edward Morgan, Hiram cent om the sales. ng "There are no stock-holders-- Venness, g cl gemerally are 100 unre ; entry fee $5, renewable year. po enormous salaried positions . i T --no expensive branch office ownship Of Olden. buildings. For reeve--Henry Drew, by. 'acclama- . tion. It is a MUTUAL Company-- Elliogt Bros," rt: FEEEFPEPEEPS EAE ER ER FEI Rtn bbb brett in HHP EEE EP BEPLEELIELPL0 2090000000404 ssi from | Semm-------- S------------------ -- oe LEGGINGS, OVERGAITERS, SPATS. 'In Spats we have all colors, dark brown, light brown, fawn, pearl grey, green and red, $1.00, BLACK SPATS, d0¢. { In Léggings we have BLACKS, In Overgaiters. we have Black, J0€, and THe: fy The Tonic You Need. When you are constantly tired, when none of your organs seem to work properly, when food does not stieng- then or sleep refresh you, you need a reconstructive tonic of positive value. "There is no other that wul build' you up sa promptly and thoroughly as Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). I'hey are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 2e., at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory. an ¥ by . who has For Women COAL~Counl win rights may be : fonsed for a period twenty-one years a VaTeahls Bhi Shawl. pe Atlanta Constitution. a A buyer for a large Southern cot ton house invariably paid but Ralf for his, goods and gave his note for the other half. This 'note he rarely met. As the buyer was a sterling fellow in every other respect, his friends all agreed simply to charge him double, and then, of course, destroy the worthless note. One day, after effecting a fifteen: hunilred dollar purchase, for which, as usual, he was charged -three' thousand dollars, he gave, after the customary arumbting over the high prices asked fifteen hundred 'dollars in cash, and his note for another fiteen hundred. "Now," said he, "where's my little present eoming in 2" "Fhe merchant thought for a moment thén took down a box from a shell, and unwrapped a beautiful shawl. "That shawls sir | And on a three MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. | fr nt-- - N We have Black Leggings with 1 strap, 75c. : 3 Strap, $1.00. Corduroy, light and dark, 3 strap, $1 - Palmerston. And Canontos. Reeve--Delbert Wood. Councillors--W, J. Donaldson, James Hannah, James Moore, Hugh McKin- non, James McKinnon," James Me- Dougall, Samuel Shanks, John Watt, For Children In Spats we have Black and all : For Men : colors, £1.00, Reid & Charles, Successors to D. J. Mecboermott, 111 Princess Street P.S. STORE OPEN. EVENINGS. Township Of Barrie. For reeve--Charles - McGregor; Wil. liam C. Salmond. ; A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cars. - And it is so thoroughly harm- less and safe that Dr. Shoop tells mbthers, everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and ten- der stems of a lung healing mountain on aus shrub, Turnish the curative pro- perties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchigl membranes. Xo opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a An applicant may obtain two leases to tredgo sor gold of ve miles each for a of twepty years, remewable at the of the Minster of the In- "lessee shall have a dredge in 'oper within ome season from the lease for each five miles. -- For councillors--John 'A. 'Coulter, D, W. Cronk, Robert Flynn, W. J. John- to yalty at the lected om the output after it ex- . W, W, CORY, Raputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. RB --Unauthorized publication ef this ndvertisement will not be paid for, FARMS WANTED Hxperfenca, Absolute . Helability end in values have for an enviable reputation in e eal te Business and put us {n touch with al Hest of prospective buyers. It you place any Real Estate on the macket, you will find it to your advant~ to communicate with us. We wamt a am . Shiicy itn of 75 to 100 noar ngston, also a large dairy farm. with good buildings locality. -T. J. Lockhart Real Estate Agent, 159 Welling- ton St., Kingston, Ont. RITING i* We have an experienced stenographer and typist and we are prepared to do strictly] fir 3t class copying of all kinds, Headquarters for Typewrit-} 3 ors, Repairs and Supplies. ohh owned and controlled by the policy-holders. z Write to the Company Head Office, Waterloo, Ont, for report showing the wonderful |! growth of this popular company, 5 orcall on es S. ROUGHTON - District Agent ! Kingston; Makes Life Miserable. . . Ts talkies o person that has had and is sub- joot te headeshes to describe the suffering which attends them. : The majosity of casts are caused by com stipation and dyspepsia. The dull threb- binge, the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes in snother, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by cates that theve is something the matter with the stomach or bowels. To the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters reaches every part of the system is dus its success in re- lieving and. headache, It has proven a specific for" the malady in all ita forma. Mr. Wan. B. Gilohrist, New Mills, N.B.,: writes: "1 was troubled for years with ; and headaches, but after viking four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I sm cured." ston, William Johnston, James Park- pr, Jr. James Presto; David $i Abbott Thompson, EB. J. Warren. 'Township-€# Iisanebec:- G. A. Miller, B. ¥. Detlor and drawing. For Joseph Parker, W. I. Hawley, Jame Thompson, Dow son. Curling Feather Boas. The expense, of Keeping either ostrich feather boa or an duces itsell to very little trouble when one knows way. ~ . Lhe straightest curled "without "ads only a little shaking. feathers ripping," may and the method hat or boa is two essentials, treatang either same. An old-fashioned tea long spout is best for water, the heat. A register seldom , sends sufficient vohime. same time. When the should be waved to and froin steam until they have gathered 2 Co. Mr. John T. Kidner, Red Deer, Alta, writes: "I was troubled for several years "| with headache. I tried & number of re- medies but they did me no good. I tried a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and ig sured me completely." 1 I erosity 8 comprehensive sini Ww. Priogle for reeve, the last named with- councilloré-~William MeGregor, Parks, David Hart- wick, Perey Gaylord, George Thomp- an ostrich feather laden bat looking like new re- nothing at all and the Xo" be as the old used 'to say, and boas require Boiling water aid dry heap are the of the kettle with boiling Either a radiator' or the top of a stove. is usually" hest for the dry out In "any 'event both Kinds of heat must be ready at the kettle hoils 'the feathers its a little moisture, not so much, however, as to Be wat. At the time when the last lin ering remnant of curl disap- Benas: thoy are wsinlly sendy lop the Tee Thi WRIA Ae tee close to it as ean be witheut burning be shaken gently thousand-dollaf order, sir | Your gen- Over the face of the merchant there beamed a radiantly beneficent smile "You-are-Sght,..six,. Ll give you something more like."" Taking out his wallet, he smoothed out the fifteen: hundred. note, he had .-just received. "Here, 1 can't do better than this, sir," tendering the note. Surprise, embarrassment, sheepish ness on the part of the other, and then, softly, "I'll take-the shawl!" Fermenting Food. When the stomach is weak a portion of the food does not digest. Tt fer ments, sours and creatés flatulence. Palpitation of the heart or headache je apt to result. Day's Dyspepsia Cure givés prompt religil and restores proper "digestion. This preparation has digestive, tonic 'whd Jaxbtive pro- perties: Bach bottle contping sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store." - - « 8 Oil Wells At Sea. Brooklyn Eagle. : The whale is by no means the. bnly source of marine oil. Though little known to fame, the humble mechaden yields oil 'and fertilizer worth $1,000, 000 a year, giving employment to 1,- 800° fishermen. and 1,600 employees of ity factories. The people who- are so profitably engaged in 700,000,000 of these fishes every year naturally claim that they were created providentially, for the express pur pose, since they are 'wot fit for dood, band 'vet the. supply> Seems haustible. No one knows whiénce they dome or whither. they go. All we Know is that every spring vast schools es, near the surface, utterly incapable of either defence. or escape. All that ix briseded is simply to scoop them up with big seines. st : ; | To check a cold got -- ots Daly Preventics. "rrr -etirub slaughtering | inex. 4 Fof them appear in the Gulf of Mexico, | from Cold resinous plant extract, that helps heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call which the doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Demand "ir. | Shoop's. Take no other. Sold 15%all | druggists. 1 One of the most possible is to be frequently throsn | with a fool who refuses to acknowl edge that he is a fool. * Thoiry gentle action and good effect on the system really a porfoct little pill." They please those who-mse them. Carter's Little Liver) Pills may well Bo termed" Periection.' A reputation for: wisdom guined By keeping your mouth shut thah by attempting to falk wisely De, Campbell has removed (his office. to 180 Clergy street, opbosite Queen Street. chwrch, on December 9th, To make some men sucquad fortune | has to stop . knocking at their doors and break in. : | Never judge the dimensions of womans brain by the size of her hat | annoying things make them is oasier na Get It for To-Morrow's Breakfast "THE BEST OATMEAL MADE." - 66 » -- _--_-- -- ndor" Ceylon Teas : THE FINEST TEAS The Richest in Flavor from the Fairy Island. Always the very best for the price. 20c., 30c., 35¢., 4c, He, 60c. r wy y Te be bad froae all first clase grocers THE £.D. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, 251-285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. + a. whe : Al Canadian 'soLp. out USED (EVERYWHERE in Makes Baking Easy, Dependable and Economical, 2 JM sanadian Dealcrs Nave 11. - REFUSE. TES. EAW,.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Se TORONTO, ONT. ¥ 'a 8 REFLSE SUBSTITUTES. 5 "3 : 1