Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1908, p. 10

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A ya At PAGE TEN ( on nd aa mses THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908. T WARRIORS AROUSED BY THE CALL OF THE SLOGAN. JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ifs may be made or withdmwn by either of the two members of a household This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. . In'case of death, the money be withdraws by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for further particulars. Interest added four times a year ia Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. a » RINGSTON BRANCH J. §. Turner, Malager, COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS i oS } SN ¥3 Y 1 TER FREE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER. é 1G FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. Tama wony a. . 1 Loow woman's sufferings, \ I have found Le cure. I will mail, free of any charge, my home treat meat with {:]l instructions to any suflerer from women's ailments, I want to tell all women about this cure -- you, my reader, for yourself, yout daughter, your mother, or your sister, 1 want 3 tell you how to cure yourselves at home without 4 be | : 3 the Lielp of 2 doctor, Men not understand wome "in" Zululand, which "a , ™ 3 : ; p en's sullerings What we men hoow from ex a ld. TE : 28 : 4 : ¢ ence, wt know better than any doctor. | know y ule \ : 1 ; 3 : t my home treatment isa sale'and sire cure for administrati 3 i ¥ E ; ; d x : : Se est, amar i ike Zouk wh ; : : : 3 3 t : 3 " 3 placement of the Womb, Scanty erine or Ovarian Tumors or Fest among 1h i x ve : = i aN L a > " : - : 4 | ¢ he --t] . Mig an have oul peacelul fon uit i ure 1 a . 1 fo cattle rearmg. Tos ation A . > ; ; . 3 . 4 3 by a ers of ag ans' ; : Eb 4 L . E i i Tt to send you 8 complete 10,days* treat by a \ { Africa fc Ans a . ¥ Ro $ Roa " entirely free prove to you that you can cure iil } 18 vepurtecs. ae ; ; a 1 a wn self at hoe, easily, quick! od & ret, eli, as repo a [> ; H ; A - er ember, that it will cost you nothing togive the preached "Lo them by emissaries Ir v : 3 treatment 8 complete trial f you should wih to continue, it will cost you ouly about 1a. fa society starte ng the negro $5 : 4 } ; : cents a week, or less thaa two ce : will rot iaterfere with your work or occupation. Ns 54 } t i E HE 3 3 > : 5 Just send me your name and adire. 1m " 1 suffer, if you wish, and I will send youthie i Joyal chitin ; 2 : a ] : A treatment for your case, eniirely free, in plain wranocr, by return mail, Iv iil also gend y a fi Jo dire ; lle he on eh : : cota backs WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory ustrations she fqund munerad in. h " ad : hy \ ¥ ' > ing wiiy women suffer, and how they can easily tyre themselyes at kh Every woman sho " ul - , ave it, aud learn to think for herself. Then wiicn the doctor says--*" You must have an ope Ro Dia or od | i " ton," you can decide for yourself, Thousandsof women have cured themselves with my hom In, en he et . remedy, It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple ne me fathe } 4 ; : » : ES 4 $ treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorriiea, Green Sickness and FPaiufu or ponte cob \ ! a : ) bd " 1 Irregilar Menstruation in Young Ladies, Plummucss and health always result from its use . ad He : . wh ; - 5 W hcrever youlive,I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know ard will gladly tell any suflerer that this Home Treatment rcally Cures all woman's diseases and rakes women : } 5 well, strong, piusp and robust Just send me your address, and the free ten days treatment is Lid gh : u id ours, alo the bork, Write today as vou may not see Lis offer again, Address: / or Novomhor overs |. Aoxim ; / Ts i SOMMERS. Box TT; me) uot ree tis ler F*EWINDSOR. wnt. and on November YO g of Natal. issued a in ) : : a | ------ . - - " " ee Er tion ol Pietermaritzburg calling attention the disturbancds in Zululand and : A peeessity for their cessation Ihe a shied ow dhder oo . ¢ ithe : A f § the 28 a reak | vear. and to Pibtermaritzburg. It ts believed rest of Diniruly was effected withe NORgoma nize shows: v ' i am ' i x n becom irbule that the Zulus, as a nation, do not the firing of a shot. The chiel,-fie- | that the ¢ strain ha y or 4 t ud murders e bw degire war wita the colonial forces - Members of "2 King Street Wes: - ! oa shot. The i : ! : | ant that when the king is out of the] Toronto T O ONTO ompanied by 7 if ollows ren physics r he Zulus a err ) : 3 de. rand Tha, when Lh ¥ rr] Stock EXChange Phones, Main 6733-34 dered unconditionally at eleven o'clock [the most magnificent or eof Hore The to by Dinien y pri way order will be restored : -- reed EE rm F. H. Deacon & Co DONGS IN STAGELAND 575 i i i] werner] SG ws Ob ons | 5 | ight soins Americar m howe] * Sor Year, INVESTMENT SECURITIES ABOUT PLAYS, PLAYERS t i . i . x tri . " Aous Swe ] be an 1 coup'es w in atler 3 nooo: D : i : I ' Bu ght auto ride or er pi su alt in n All Exch | AND PLAYHOUSES. - |dramatisation of Ii pon + watist, will hate au elaborate | 4Guly 'decide to wake up a parson and | ¢ v ixchanges i Bond I i Murty-ve frac nol ohe of usy Mi NEW | get married, leaving the homefolks to | Esta)lished Correspondence . : Cars Aco. ic. Trowh ¢ v Y Ot X season. Fhe play % Ba ; a of >} 1897 1 if» Gr read the news on the first page of the nv ced s Father's ok net t wep haeed ds fa Per's - H. B. Irving Playing Ais Father ves 1. : : ted lueod 48 Lucky } newspapers next morning, c&nnot be . Repertoire--A Swedish Play to Maud he > . ' ira y HDG IS. NOR De, pongo accommodated in New York after Be Produced in New York |! ' : . Cn (rs £0 4 . ! to fv the » author's personal Next Season. i e } 'y # ization foe sapetion for. the January Ist. Under the new law every couple | married alter the beginning of the | new year must be equipped with a Julia Mariows pened in Gloria' | t} : } yin se and p ' (HOT hi b £ According to, . 7 t the Adelphi, . Philadelphia, Christ en aed ow yond » t pl : \ i Lorimer will : ) ' . . lh al {formal license, issued by the City | Day. i } to: the | « iM YOU ck Iravels next Ie lerk Scully, after both parties have ' Viola Alien opened in her'. ngw play | Sully Hy : . {been put through an examination in | | "irene Wycherly t Baltimore, on rrangemen hve ' : 1 eriorma of "Daniel | (hich they are required to give every December 30th 4 3 : of Bla 3 at Boe m1 a ast week, Blact of consequence concerning them Several friend I 1 Witham Gillette will open at Bovd's » te 3 kK, 1 e. newsplay | Jurg fieh «to give | uives from birth up to the altar. ! Several lrien » I { 3 > x { 3 3} aske % nelude ou while Jelly al § hey are neluded i Philadelphia, on January '6th in "The | oh Gicheiin a Hm un, | realisn " Traian ol It is the first time in the memory. of | askod us to include our Table J Tablet ! ! iad» LLittle Affgir. ! 41 rma ! the ore poet ayed ihe part lane New Yorker that licenses have 1 i - 1 iQ pr $+ i 4 : | FKithan Russell is planning to go to| Sarah B t i Med n ani stréseuing iheen required preliminary to a mar Themen | i, the spring h fae * t for--htve---pia- title, went rom pn den-of wolveerbeinge The "Taw provides that u Tee | play, "Wildfire nged to nung or the | whe vil postion started 'in of $1 ghall be paid for each license By the will of Clara Bloodgood, al o¥ adn . . o « f dough- 'and at last veaws matrimonial rate who doe not drink very much Tea or Coffee have this competition i i , . { < 'e) Taw y i } + 1 "1 {het property, value abou h and eetheart, tog. in this city, the local treasury | lis given to. her husband ome . i YHig oI he Jowat : TO 128 WINNERS | May Yohe is now with the (ham- € hey he Ar a nel i ATR ihiy to be ' It is necessary for both the bride FIRST PRIZE 950) CASH | res e i 1 , VILE, AV | pagne Girls' Burlesque. Formerly she EMO aan, Lenn . d m r oOxds t rT and bridegroom to appear when a det twas Lady Francis SE The on prance i Ce t resepe ar ked w 4 lheense 1s issued, and each is required 2nd . 50 a Sa t Mary Shaw has" Tvgus a Ton 1 wt Bary ny he 3 y hi We to answer a great number of ques- | 3rd " Or " biscuits, { "Canadid," "Ghosts" and ' ar- | nis arlene ie tions. Here are some which the pros- | are <2) Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open--you will fisd a new delight in these dainty When you want to surprise yourself, jren's Profession," in her repert Wo 1 hs elas i Sd Restless Babies pective bridegroom with have to an 50 Prizes of $5 Each give your appetite a treat with | "Funabashi, NEW Comic - oper 108 Oe I the one estless 'and (swer : : : 75 Prizes of 83 Each opens im Ne ork, January 6th. It i 1 : Y s more thar ely the trom Fall name, color, place of residence, ia take-off of tary 'Fait's tour o LB el n £ thle jue to some derangement of the [a occupation, place of birth, name : . Mooney's "" {the world = JETIFE Ae eet pal) von 1 . v howels <i Baby's Own of father ™ country of birth, maiden | CONDITIONS "Fhe Gay White Wav hich is HOWE 1am : blet ai ' i will spom be name of mother, country of birth, Perfection Cream Sodas more or less of a musical goihedy, | ie N i i. . { hri f nd when the mo- number of marriage. Ii the candidate Th hditivns of is Lir o 4 k are - perf wi h Rai) A ; All Paves New York, January 6th for iu : it the ves h i medicine she for matrimony. has ever been married } hay } My asl Ane ; I Rh: : x fF round tour. | fanie. Tt is said tt erform- 4 rantee of the govermment before he must give the full history | below, and the I it, 'mccompanied | in (with label "Rosemersholn was presented by | and 3 Pa i a 2d ol ar st that § ) of that ceremony, and ' if divorced he Mrs. Fiske in. New Haven on Christ. |" ro ¥ WK hea SA Boi nods d Ay 3 ney, must tell when and why. The sanie itl | entitled 37 Y ' R d mas. The Ibsen play goes to New [0% ANd a rnd ha Bhs Hunt hit «1 Baby's questions must also' be answered by " pa Il h :, &ny ' Vhich ears ecor York on Monda . a . : en Tal netination and oth. ithe bride. If either of the touple an- | ' to = i na ' it ma I It is reported that M Edith | i. n ay ,, ; of childrer } have found SWers the questions untruthfully they as y I o 'tong a ' ¢ hr lv Tablet wrapper As "results speak louder than Wyrine Matthison will appear in New | 1H: ood Tree," by Fx | hen more sntisiactory. than apy oth-18re subject to prosecution for per- | words" so also a Company that York under the. direction of Henry | MON: R bagre Sines oO: l er form. of medic fold. by: med. JOTY- : : : . can point to a "successful record Miller in two plays by her husband ony pou Te ee . Ep ht ' r ail 4 e 8 One of the striking features of the.! tached) of a package of --Fipto: ¢ ) pink re or pint wraj 2 . 16 v S$ 1 hi i . ofl 37 years" is sure to receive As. usual, apcient American new law is that which places legal are the features of the London p mime. "Bill Simmons.' the patronage of the Canadian baie in he way the mnrringé of public which is quick to discern i* a hit-of "Rohinson Urns . : : sound and: progressive manage- Anna Held, i he Parising | ; ; license without the written consent of ment in the interests of policy- del," vided 17 h . | both parties or guardian ¢ the aron LAr } 5 | the goad pote of tha tv § . must he present in p holders. he goad peo at fe i ; R P --sufliciontly naughty to i sg t document. To insure y marriage ceremony for which a license NO PACKAGE GENUINE he 7 fire" company, Litlian Russell found a " H midi igen Bi h : ne OT" DISCS . Este : | { me not been properly Ke is 8% 7 gat ng in ey. hi if Pd yd BoA 3 3 od A ject to indictment for na : WITHOUT /] HL if SL %, Jun! means she shalt] | 5 price fl THIS SIGNATURE or girl under eighteen can obtain a 7) at all. peviprmances. ™ jearryving out of the law, anv cler At a Christmas dinner of the "Wild man or other person performing a | marry, within a yom 0 F Cc .\ N A D | Maude Adams gives New York the { { Aa : Wedding Omens. z Best produ tion of "The Jesters" of | jus ied 40 January's hour und rive PACKED ONLY p j : : | Widowed you li te hwiore yo ari son. A has just sich a record far seocessful of oq i me Wi r aptalon Harrion -- = . Wl i ! ~ 1 - which was £0 -- i ried in ruary's sieety weather § ryanag-ment from the establishment of --ictatel" in 2 * | fe you'll tréwd in time together | AIRTIGHT TINS te pay in 1870 up to the ; ars. . i { present day, as the following summary Louis Jawes * has purchased from i ! larried when March - winds shrill and | " wall show : the Richard Mansfield estate. the play | f roar = = ia . Peter Gyut," and'. James will ; 'our home will Le cu a foreign shore 3 LIMERICK {To Devments lor Death : in it next season, giving Shake , | Married t ok ies ¥ Camas, Matured Ea. + 5 B . Marri neath April's changefu! skies, dowanepts, Surn Aorest for a stason of two } [A checkered path before you lies , Te ee Zit ito » $ 7.476,529.26 On Christm i iw Philadelphi ; . aid a lady tit 8 " ha he nhs night, in Phila Iphia J ' | Married when'bees' o'er Mcy blossoms flit, i $10.385.539.64 igs Juba Marlowe appeared in the J [Strangers nround your toard will sit. - Sh Ea the best ninetess title role of "Gloria." This is a new 3 s demnk Liptos 1 . S Bb Wy J sd ip month of roses--J une $17,862,069. 10 somedy. by James. B. Fagan, a. voung vig - Irishman whose Writings are yoknown % [Life wil be one jong obey moon: in America. . : farvied in July, with Bowers abiaze, Hi A ' After more than five hundred 'perfor vyBitteravest mom'ries in after days i be 'the Decision of thé 3 EE : . 2 grow to abide bv mnances in the Ravoy The Man of arvied im Aogust's beat and drowse Fan EE { the Hour bn femves ~ that themthe, Lover ant irend in Your chosen spouse , iin : mnuary Isth. 7 New k . i standing. ay ed vo 4 he Ta York. com | Married in golden Septeinber's glow, HB RE rat op A a ao o the Tremont theatre | Smoot and serene your like will go. ! Nignature on Boston. for a run. i * * . : Maude Ado he bon invited. By | Married when leaves in-October thin, + Address ' the faculty of arts and sciences of Toll aml hardship, for. you begin '. The competition will be decided by the editor of The Mail anid Harvard University. to give two per Married in veils of November mist, Fanpire, Toronto, whose derision must be accepted as final. Forel formances in Saunders' Theatre, next y tortume your wedding-ring bas Kissed, | opes_must be addressed "Lipton's Limerick" and sent $0, The Maal tune. The first play to be given will y Ma i doze of Deoatpbar choot. { and Bmapire Buoilding, Toronto, Mot later than the last' mail on Fri he "The Jesters." ; ii love's star shines b er from yesr | day. January ist, JOR : ie "The Seeret Urfhard', is to he pro. Ee ie Yeu mt CAUTIONS-1. Read all conditions earefully, and tueed in London next Fobruary, with : b AT i 2 ' dy with every one. : Fanny Ward in the principal dole. ge i The night came .on, the good wife Py . 4 ig laid Channing: Pollock will sail for Fag: s : : : : Be sure your name and address are written plamly land in abont two weeks, to complete To herseli as she softly said, 3 Don't sed lid and. answer separately--puat all - under ome cover, reancements for the pre entation, 1 "Thank God, we're happy, healthy seal, and prepay at Jester vate; 2 comnts per ounce, ar fraction -of Mad Ri le Bargy- the welll i : 1 and bright, 3 } ounce. : ; a, : Sheen Parisian ietieas. » hergafter ' - . --_--" ------------ - ---- - We grey Bocky Mountain Yes at, 'Tist of Prize Winners will he announced in The Kingston Whig of Fels he kno as adame Simone. ~ Le} SE i! : x Fon riary 20th, or ax soon Vherpafter as names of winners are known. 2 ding at the Theatre! © . CARIOTTA . : Time flies, but it is a fiy that no , : ; x is hows Frazcuise, fx was di {The Three on one has ever been able to field. Ee 2 5 = i: 3 i competition a «> : 3

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