Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1908, p. 12

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9 PAGE TWELVE. . : Fo. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, IANUARY 5 1908. i | NEW YORK LETTER wishin: religiiue Yuli, oun CONTENT CHINESE CHILD AL Mos < fe education, etd. are so rapidly » oy - passing away that onjy:a fragmen tary i Sa > : HOLIDAY TRADE GREATER | cor, # vow posiviar Gir govern | PECULIAR "FEATURES OF THAN_EXPECTED. | preserve what relics can' be or 4 | BUILDING IN CHINA. ' and has passed x law for the preser-| The United States War Fleet .on Ya lon St iS dwellings mounds, and | Solid Homes of Burned Brick Are . . olhe ansigu es oO ] ace as can 1 3 ti 3 3 » . ' " ¢ . Parade--Scientists to Meet in| he saved. The astonishing statement | to Be ; Pound i Only in Cities | From Skin Disease from Birth Until riz es Shisago-Bysonis of the lis made thut, from ooran to ocoms 88 Lasge. Village, : » Six: Years 01d -- Father Spent da merican borigines, ang 1rof ® gu 0 the Arctic o®ar he mam butlding in China is E is . . : : York D ° a" = there are some 300 tribes Speakin '} very ifiteresting, sa eport from Fortune on Her Without Benefit Fo . ors, ee. =3.--Une he | Lema: nearly that many languag [singtau. 'The Chine t along with 0id D u sted i . ; ; al me arly. that many languages singtau. The Ch ng -_ octor Suggested Cuti- to the 128 persons composing the best R hing things during these] How true it is that education brings | very little and have few desires, es geastec Lut = + =3 Chinist olidays was the active biiv=] i cura, which Cured He: T aot Hines for the y ine 3 ga) men and nations nearer together; ev. | pec tally when it comes to a he to ' A r in wo \J/ : ng : going oa in a dire¢- ferything in art, science, in all in-|live in. The dwellings are generally Months Leaving . On 1 reparg OF » } § : » Mr preparation ior = the joyous | ventions, {except those applied tor the | primitive and not durable. 'the Ch- ' ° wl fay, whic 5 cele ed saat 1 day, which is celebrated with equal | ernment of nations), leads the way. |uese do not understand the building of SLIPPERS, St. Ge rge's ' Suse bY Hie i an well as 32 She When, ob; Whep will govenimemis = | ar 4 The most: Hey stomps i. 8 SKIN SOFT AS A BABY'S : SLIPPERS, : a a # YR he | pe » money for education than [simple arch in bridges or doors, bu the mom maton hing he ou for battleships and other armaments? | even heve it is Recessary for them first . AND WITHOUT A SCAR SLIPPERS. | { | to erect 'a mud brick support for the All the slipper s that are Bakin Powder . Sand the panic that oceasioned the A RHEUMATIC WRECK. I a ailure of so many important and { when the latter is completed. * 1 have 8 cousin in R kingh um Co le ft over, from. the Christ- very wedlthy firms, as well as obliged 3 Limerick banks and. trust Pai i Atter Hospital | Treatment Failed | a The great Hiistake Jade in walle js Yio ene v hud a ski in he mas trade we © will sell at RH 1 per . Ee we noor hinding between we outside nr ¥ sin as = ¢ 2 ' 1 WT . 2 Eo poi Would jue many from Him ams' Fisk Pills Cured | lg ayers, there often being hollow spaces Her father had spent a fortune on her COST PRICE for one week, doing: quite e usu y . : st her eu ) ( a : Fa ir . Na 0 mount of "] sufieréd the greatest agony f |in~the middle which are only filled to get ke r cured and rv the ut $200.00 will be given to the pe¥son sending in the best line, as shopping. n the con greatest agony fromi ip jose dirt or erushed rock if | mentsdid heranyg id Dr. G- i " i trar the enor s deps , . rheumatism, sading sician p- v 8 a ievthe at 50.00 to the person sending ln the 2ud best. v, the enormous department stor h Leading physicians pre | they are filled at all. When it rains suggested that he try the Cuticu "oe " of Greater New York pare s scribed man cines,' i hs th he did hen 39.09 3rd. ; ' wk prepared very ' any medicines," but with un-| 40 nferior filling gets wet, it settles edies which he did. When meneed to use it the child w 5.00 each to the next twenty five be st. elaborately for tagir holiday trade, satisfactory results. | was compelled | § the wall iged 4 } I . 1.00 " " one hundred best. and they did not seem to wave] to go to an hospital, but even the! ah ie Wall-i¥ weugurl apart at ihe solid seab. He used y ) g I , i bottom. It thus often happens that " olf One year ago, St. George's Baking Powder was introduced to the 'counted their chickens before. they | treatment there failed. Then 1 took the ater w Hs : i n rp. 1 v Routh on 4 Ihe hid y Can . were hatched," as the "chicks" de- | Ur. Wiliams' Pink Fills and fo A Eco 'ier When they commenced tose your adian people. a » a es ye g ae Bills and" to-day | while the inner ones, which have not |" Cuticura Remedi Tatoved i Now, thousands of housewives use it for Cakes, Pies, Rolls veloped into a substantial increase of |1 am -a well man. ! | been wet t * i and Biscuits. Bui there are still many more who do not ; business, just as is usually the case at These words were spoken by Clif- | "i b wie, Summ y ending: faul ow hen ro pr o Joma we want them to try just one can of St. George's -- this season of the year. It seemed as | ford L. Forbes when interviewed at}, ® he pi mar I i. slo ee fau® . po ten a : ] because 'we know that one can will make them firm friends if all the city was turned out of doors | his home in Port Maitland, N.S. Mr Fr ES amo k d I wer igs Iw ot a ro ih ha Jou aly ay: Wo have an experienced of this absolutely pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder to yo and huni for something to | Fo i : we | 2i5le of Imely 8 akes ime, wily no ent home 1 enti rd Ye alo A B. 5 u Y ors rbes 1s a fishel s : : : stenographer and typist an i sig. oe isherman and had alway addition whatever of quartz sand, but was the san 1e child gra] ¥ : That is why we are taking this means of getting YOU ' ive to Joh i w if J ' x ar 5 J give Johnnie and Amelia, as well | been very he , . als i! 3 ' 5 ald 1 very healthy, until some three for economy the lime is often adulter eoft as a bab v's without a ses ni we are prepared to do strictly to see how good it is--by giving you a chance . if pF y p £] w [ Ww first class copying of a nds 8 y as "grandfather and grandmother, and | year AC fis < i sw + 3 ¢ 3 i f kind x : 1 B ? hile Rshing off Newfound {ated with very fine river sand. ba i " Bp : 5 8 co Rk all kind: ANC » was seized w very severe | 1 sg ave he: anc > ft . Jan ne 2a 1 a very sever The mason tests the Bommdess Of TBYR amg ¥ alk _ ! 3 to Share tu he $500. 00 prize S oh > i all the sisters and the cousins and on lay compete--those who are now the aunt and other : 2 8, @ or wople's too. | attack 8 1 | 1 friends of St. George's as well as those who have Certainly the Christmas ar of attack he ig pn go 4 gi avery Eick Ly bituag iv wilh. bis % Hl) ! words he says: "l was fishing on the 3 never used it, 1907-8 will return to circulation som [Grand Banks in the spring i 1903 cura pe this 1 pring 'o "Ud toriental tradesman, works slowly. vice to you the . pg k Conditions: of the 'money that for a while back | when | was stricken with. rheumat } here has been tied up in old stockings and 1 heard fr¢ : } where 1 knife-shaped trowel, and, like every Te De Headquarters for Typewrit ers, Repairs and Supplies. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., 171 Wellington street. stones are used they are al Ingle, : A . rable: Bn and . y & le, Burlir N wie 16 "" ism. 1 could not work or sleep, and| qs fitted into proper place on the E ¢ J tie 16, 1905 1st. Your line with your name and address , away mn grandmother s antique the must be plainly written on the coupon below. hid ail 3 arable. po pain was almost unbearable. + My outside and are brought to rest in the 2nd. Carefully remove the trad f hair-trunk for safety, and thus Santa |... . . : : ati! aseluily s tage € e trade mark fom eh a ga i A | case became so serious that I had to] oa per | Jace by having Tittle ston ' the label with a cloth dampened in hot water go 0 = Ibe landed and for weeks I lay in af, underneath "them. Only the out- (ENT (note--be careful not\to get the powder in the Joyous ' and Merry: Christmas" but | dre i a crip- | {fuote-Te careful notyo got the Powder in the prosperity to our - beloved country. Cape Breton hospital helpless. a erip- | side edges are filled with mortar, and Is Cutic Oi i corner of the coupon in the space provided. which has been suffering for ready ple. Hospital doctors prescribed dif- {the danger of collapsing in time is uticura Ointment. 3rd. Competitors may send in as many lines as 5 h they like providing each is accompanied by a trade . 4 mark cut from a tin of 8t. George's Baking Powder, crops and all financial and manufac 4th. The Bditor of the Montreal Star has kindly turing interests were at flood tide--a consented to act as judge and all answers must be addressed to the Hditor, St. George's Baking Powder A Limerick, Star Office, Montreal. : rence. Everywhere the city was up to Ty Patronize Home Industry. B® uaa TRADE & res MARK oad Dg) " ferent remedies v he ure | alw reser f itchi money when there was plenty and : . I th S ? a Sat h w, on - aiays present, Solid houses of pummt iy Bs ee pg: me. hen leit the hospital and was | brick are not found in the country tions, . scalings and chappings, for red, taken home with rheumatism apparent: | hut in the cities and larger market rough, and graasy cer Aplexions, for so tv completely fastened upon me. Day |villages. because only the wealthy can itching, burning hand® Ti % i fees; for | and night 1 suffered. Nothing I did | ford. them. > : ¥ashes, itchings and of for the trouble seemed to help . me I'he great masses are content in the. purposes of thé nursery, Cuticura Oi by Cuticura Soap is inva A External and Interna) nts, Childres 4 most remarfkable and strange occur " Ju All answers must be posted not later than high-tide for Christmastide; stores ein i leit 4 8 eh, 28th, 1908. The names of the prize winners will be on : : a i X and ecame desponden and dowy stable-looking dwellings, whose y published in this paper as soa dter that date as wert bright with beautiful colors n hearted. T} friend {vised n . Po > Inge, 1 08g, floor ' possible. every shape and fabric; electric lights rearted. en a Inend advise me {is the earth, whose walls are mud, . 1 Li > x r shone upon gold, silver, cut-glass and to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 was land whose roofs are straw. The usual jewels; every natural product and ov- skeptical, but my friend praised * the | house is divided into three equal part : ; : ag I ery manufactured one was shown at pills so highly that I determined toby two beams crossing it horizontal } Enos its best. in a seductive attractiveness | ¥r¥ them, with thé ¥éult "you see to- [ly on top of the masonry walls. In > bh ter Dr g & (ho that drew the ducats from the pockets day. I am fully ecuréd and have not the case of houses with straw roofs, a . . ' of those who only meant '""to go . in | Since had even a twinge of that dread: | light framéwork is placed . on thes 5 5 S -- t i »» + i ; : & For Cakes, just as light as a feather Fase OF Pinnthe trade and look" "into the money-drawers of | od afflic tion. I cannot ~say to much beams. To protect the roof from wind: And Biscuits and Pies, the best ever-- | mark from the label of a may cashiers, who do. nothing else |in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillslit is often weighted down with large | ' Imperial Crown Brand Men's Underwear ASK FOR 200 LINE it's a winner, al the price, All-Wool, Guaran~ teed Unshrinkable. Made only by THE KINGS ION HOSIERY CO. LTD. Kingston, Can. Ask your dealer for it FHFVSILIFIIIIINIIIN No trademark cot from oer sample package will be accepted. SLLLLLLRLLLLLLRE ND | You can easily bake them Kis of St. Géorge's Dating all day long but rake in the "root of | and I urge all rheumatic sufferers to!stones St. George's will make them ! all evil." try them." in the great plains the farmhouses As I am writing this lettér I have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. jare made entirely of mud with flat the | Forbes because they struck straight at roofs. Because the rains are very dis a-------- i oT he Rd : received a communication from li cis ol : : A i 4 yp! strous 8 are fte ater aise to abide by the understanding itor of Montreal Star as final, and country in which 'I am informed that the root and cause of his cripp ing astrous to the walls, they are often . Greater New York was not alone in | rheumatism. They don't act on the strengthened with a layer of tiles on : we symptoms like ordinary medi- fihe outside. ~The diflicutty with this TO nS _MAJES ESTY THE KINO 5, sales, 1 am told th enjoying: unusualiy lively Christmas | mere omg : Jk Sars 0 : i we smaller | cine. They don't ac on he yowels, | construction 1s wt the nner mud a 12% ee ---- tens - -- cities and towns hee in ue go vo They do only one .thing, but they do part gives way and collapses when it NL Power & 8 on Ltd. - was so large that the employees had it well--they actually make new blood. | gets wet, leaving only the thi ute ESTABLISHED AD 1791 eoesnetmmuetrts sen Mocsmmmmmmmenmen c-- difficulty to got away from customers | In that way they Foot out all com- | tile part standing. This uswally re Address this coupon with our trade mark attached, and your line and signature long enough to swatch a meagre | mon blood diseases like anaemia. head- [sults in throwing the entire weight of | plainly written, to s 52 lunch. 7] R tGrs is any class of city | a hes and hackaches, rheumiism, &ci- | the heavy roof on the light tile con The Rditor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal, Que, ' fo that 1 feel: MOTO. sorry for than atiea, neuralgia = and the seeret ail- Lstruction and the whole nouse «| BY FARMS. WANTED ; 4 another GH is_the poor shop-girl. As [ments of girls and women who suffer Hapses, Many of these flat "oolod mod IRISH WHISKEY houses are destroyed during every rain - » a class they are poorly paid.--At is unspeakably when the Jichiess i : : 1 p XO len 1 | regularity of their blooc becomes dis: {and whenever the rivers overflow the only in cases of exceptional sale t al turbed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are| valleys practivally every. house. is Famous for over a good judgment in valies have gaiied f adaptability that there is any hope for . - 4 Haine : ul. There i Yulldinz. Ji nt for its delicac us an enviable reputation in the eal advancement to a poinit when a life [sold by all dealers in medicine, or FR IBGE are BI RO mg laws or century To y fistate Busloess and put us in touch with ro - i six [police regulations Chi tending t¢ = br aabeativ . of ordinary comfort ean be tinned, | sent by mail x n nx he Dr Pe iy lon hea epang Lo of flavor, a lon Vat ot oapective buyers, Mt ¥ - ? : ; Ww g e er the ( s of houses now co i o place h t « and where they have A eettlod parents hoxes "for $2.50, yw writing V n of highest standard of Wish 10, Dinos aby, esl Ptats on th oy: » 3 v crack v1 acted) anc hus » Batinir ir m . I KOHR'S RESTORINE remedy oF sickness of any one dependent --on | Wiliams Nedicine Co., Brockville, tut, _stewel To. thus make lining in them : Purit age to communicate with us. We wast : die i i yrind all d in the S-- more sale, vy: t present a choice farm of 75 to 160 y+ grind aif doy r Kingston, also a large dairy New Century, the mnst wonderful Médicine x them it is grind, } : ACTOS, Doar covered. It is astounding the wedical world. 10,000 store and worry, hurry and pine hing . > = it is especially farm with good ¥ lice im good cases cured in one month iu Paris. The National joverty at home. Their lot-has been Extravagant Daughter. | Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Davs recommended by the locality Medical Board has recommended this Remedy for use i Princess Eitel Frederick, the wife of | Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to A oy in the Iusane Asviums where, as is well known, a gre atly relieved hy the abrogation of y 4 4 majority of the male inmates are victims of lost Vitali the brutal and altogether unnécessary the second son of "the Ger bd em- {cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed Medical Profession or in its most terrible form. In Europe the remedy : x Yr , . 2 retty and charming (ing or Protruding Piles in. 6 to 14 - it Liar ev.dorsed by all governments and is now used as a rulé "that required them to stand, al- | peror, 1 a ib hae bo fo: I in Sn account of its peculia Epecific in (he great standing armies of both France « even when not waiting on cus- J young woman, but rumor ha i ys or uw ey wd ole. "= NE QQ» . B ways, even wh ] YRYNESS 15¢ rs aany: wStous estes iy leon seven 19 ten Say tomers... There is. much, very much, l1her extravagance I$ 7 i +t duh 2 } o - de cS Real Estate Agent, 159 Welling > . > i z I y Ti ather AV i ir a --_ after a few day's treatment. The skin becomes clean, more that can be changed without the | anxiety to her imperial 1a rin R W Worth On Ti ght Lacing _Na---- --- HE Rn - ton St; King ston, Ont iis spesh Cah ch onfilence returns, step elastic, bowels slightest detriment to the eoncerns F'his dost not shtogether peo be Von! In is great series of article on - ha ---- " Ae - : Te : a : » jany » else is worried abo y 0 «dividual APES. RO "a mory, the mind lames bright and attive. A Food that employ them. Sometimes one (8n Sa e's 3 vo 4 al car Individuality In Dre £8, NOW aring You cannot possibly have e t wi & | 0 Works the kaiser 1s rather holo ' in Harper's Bazaar, Worth, ¢ a better Cocoa than rescen re ro for brain and Blood A permanent cure no matter finds a disagrees able girl at the coun: . . " da ur nam y i Ou he expenditures' of his {world's greate Sroka ke bow Shit aie laity, a evs treatment ter, but hesitates to report, sw h con jul . ry He ia Xpand to ee arict fe world greatest ires key ys Wire Railings. Flower and ' Kestorine will be sent FREE lu plain sealed packs duct, knowing how hard is their lat $RROUSENO eng - {some prog) ant things about tig Juards, Ash ers, Buiklors' and Or ' Do not hesitate a moment We will treat you ig fact. 1 4 k it is remarkable mipine virtues within the category of |lacing. . Here is coe of them or wroens apd Wire Work 'of A « gt G ' act, nk 8 : " 1 i : 9 fact une 3 with success and with honest confidence. i Eo i ing! does not result in his "'three ¢ church, children and In no ease Jo 1 recommend tight red by that "tired nat: cooking--but he is not willing t6 al- lacing, 'whether for the short ths Partridg & Sons, ! ing . more ill-n » r them. Eaasl Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P.o. DRAWER L,'2341. MONTREAL. ] more ill-nature among them low an. occasional feminine fault in lean; the young or the old. Ii is A delicious drink arid a sustaining Why do the nations rage and cry the - nature I some small extrav bomination; ¢ I ! ¢ 1 ® ol 80 * i vv abomination; and to the Americans iti : ence, peace . wnnce. The emperor has always made [who so. sensibly ancouraged: t > food. Fragrant, nutritions and > : Fivilised nation upon the face of the Nimseif the ann oT his wile's ig of the ; i Ta ™ ree economical. This excellent Cocoa sessessesssnsssasiars -------------- wo EY y earth is expending vast sums in pro- fo gohe In fact, Madame Waldeck- [which is to.day the most univers maintains the system in robust RIF. BIrock ! Iie ares lar wl heavier armaments, | 5 : \ y P Female Periodical Pills » ducing 'arger ant B : Rousseau, wife of a former French Ipopular of stays, 1 offer sincere co health, and enables it to resist | ® "vest monthly medicine for ladie defensive, each en pT : eseesesnceeesee 4 Experience Absolute ReliabMity and r * and vet every so-called : both ofiensiva and premier, declares that the emperor teratulation winter's extreme cold. Ror DIU S10 their implements HER $) deavoring to make once asked her if her husband, ever | "Years ago, when the ty Ie f . 1 ' ; R Madled a it , 0000000000000000000000¢ SEE S800SEESEE SETS EITE of war more enormous and more Pow Lo ned her t oF Yo Some. as | 3S Bfi0, Faen Nae 1ype Br som visser. Shale on ® | erful than the other All are experi- tshment el lies \ e Neve } EA ¥ y a Bia out to be the J LorSment she rept 1 that he 1 " shio Soesvvsdsssssssvessse ; u o menting #ned watching ou did. **Ah, said the kaiser, compla- [ing the figure b it to. TE ) possessor of the next great discovery conitly. 1 avs . nthe state [trade ic the 3 ae pe 1 y : : an be so wd ds to the ' ' TR S ecials For that can I appli an ta la robes of the empres But as the ling the .wearer most uncomiortable Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers fortunate Antion om a French do not like the Germans, and |sensations, I went to a famous cor in }-1b. aod 4-1b Tins. 1 ¥ the balance of power oter all Sher fue the knisrin in 'notoriously bly [setiere here in ven the United Sie sin oh toa dressed, this story m have i «ky she did not Great ele aring of all Slippers in Colored Felt and Fancy Leathers. All Slippers must go. We have not got all sizes, but can give good bargains to those wearing the sizes we have, ed upon as the w little patriotic revenge « 5 art of py i sustaining na standing army bepe go. 4 woman. EE and advgeating ssit¥iration in all Jy Sun usin nnttors of disagreement amd ng na : aR » ane tipns, has just sent Admiral Fight No More Cold Feet. BEE on thes. Aeiiay a ing Bob" Evans around the Horn to] Get ene of our new two-quart hot own Br ty hi etermine hat Jo display on the Pactlic coast a fleet of Neater bottles at Hie. wp and sleep. in er le} heh ie Fire ould y . : be modern 'ironclad battleships that can | restful comfort alt winter. valid! jiosardived. while Senit, snd somfort enforce its advovation of the brother- Cushions Bulb and Fountain Syringes, 4 child, T m wlelled Pg -- 1 an hood of man. I "in time of peacq" | and everythink else in rubber goods, myself, and made them stra to "prepare for war 1s the best way 1.4 Wade's drug store. i. Tage them teal h ta avoid war, then peace is assured a Ha &, on and The Hague ciniventions have, lost Self conceit c we Vent [enlightenment of a Ernie their job." 'n 00 specialists in |1hIng if kept for the exclusive use of anatomy. to aid the modeller, that 1 Phere will ve posta ! | emergency. and necessity. attribute so much of the grace and Chicago soon, at the meeting of the The incubator relieves the hen from suppleness of the middle-nred Women American Society for the Advancement brooding over her troubles. .. (of the present day." of Science May the " spirit of Lord . ) Kelvin, which has just been freed, guidingly preside. To these tireless searchers after truth the world owes much, but most to such grand char- acters as Lord Kelvin, His was a ¥ § brain so large that time could pot | * : 2 J H Ith narrow it, a mind so discerning that | | Tr ea the infatuation of theory could not » . blind it, and a spirit so pure that the | temptations to sensational succes | Hg at fi Iv. could not overcome it. Such are the g- : ea is are u soils that lead mankind, as ' the ¥ Nazarene . leads them, to the hicher The proposition is just this--yon are bn vou need medicine, hat what life. is the pfopec remedy for your particu lar case? This question is best an " q%e Smithsonian Institate in pre- | swered by Ferrozone, an uplifting tonic that instastly imparts new hile to ia + EEE EEII TIES BE serving what is yet possible of the re- | » ron- down system. Ferrozone has the power of sharpening ¢he appetite, of Jeitea tees * g cords of the American aborgines is do- | forming rich, nutritious blood, and thereby contributing that sense of bu m-- ng work, fhe valoe of which il he aney ro vigor, that adds so enormously to one's plemsure and usefulness in "The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining to Ltd time than it is now. Life on the Am- There is no doubt about the strengthening influence of Ferrozone Notk- arican continent .is now so hurried | ing can 2y simpler in the wav of cure than to excite gppetite, and impart and strepuons that only the scientist, the power of digesting food. This is 'exactly what Ferrozone does. Well 'di M O IN TR E A L historian or student stops to think | gested food means an abundant supply of blood, and blood of the right igh ad s choices of sither the past or the future; These | sori ie just what folks in ill-health need most Manufacturers of the choicest - : : J § : Indian tribes are all that emain of Simple, isn't it, the way Ferrozone does so much good ? For all forms : - y 9 one of the four orveat races "of men | of debility, sleeplessness, nerve and blood disorders, tiredness and exhaus- REFINED SUGARS r erne J y Fd there is B® mors potent or vitalizing medicine made than Ferrozone. AEPAAAEIRITERRRA IEEE IE RLELE ELAR 40 @alFTS! Useful Articles for New Year Gifts: 'arpet Sweepers from--sa.in to 5.00, Carving Sets, 90c. to $10.00, Silver Knives and Forks. Silver Spooiis. Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. leave me mind Peers $4444 4404000440000 400 Ltt PE b es Men's 82 Slippers only $1.30. | . Men's $1.50 Slippers, "to-night peci " 25 Shippers; to-night - . + ==FOR--, Men's 8 Klippers, to-night She : Men's Thc, Slippers, to-night oe. : o-Nigl 'to Momen's Rlippers, in fancy col ors and plaid felt ? Regular $1.50 Slippers, to-night | We have Hid on sale for to- $1.00. night only-- Regular $1.25 Slippers, to-night {Elliott Bros., "se One lot' of about 50 puirs Wo- men's High Shoes, regular S3¢ £2.50, $3 and a few pairs of Regular Te. Slippers, to-night $3.50 shoes. Tonight only, 80. - Ws have only a few Children's $1 98 Slippers leit, and are selling them for tonight at Be. | One lot: of men's $3.50 and $4 2c. and 43c. Most oll sizes. for to-night only, ¥ you want a Slipper of any Kind don't fail to see them $2.98 . i our window. 3c. 2 ¥ Regular $1.00 Slippers, to-night Jen oy PEEL LEE PEIIIELIILI I cre wees S8888s88etanasaruanertesiesessatateseseatssesennress " { {Cnueasiza Nagto. Mongolian apd Am- § tion, }). Ther were the former owners Been one box demonstrates its certainty And rapidity of action. Prepared = . of of the American © continent, and the | in the --- of 2 dhe choeolate-conted tablet. in 30. choses, ar six for Granulated and Yellows. . Made entirel y from cane | 0.50. drown &. €. Polos & Co., Heitor, Coun, ¥ | Sugar. Be sure ye g ask for *St. Lawrence. ".

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