Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1908, p. 4

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L PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908. ® EE EERE Lew v yy SAVE FUEL By sifting your ashes, This one for 15c. . Others at 10¢., 50c., $1.75 ; 250, 3.00 and 6,00, [assortment at Corbett's i y | Best | written directions should he placed on THE WHIG, 74th YEA DALLY BRITISE WHIG, PUB- lished every. evening King street, Kmgston, Onpt., at x doi- | Himcy per year, payable in advance. Advertisements, , Dee Jive, mix over ingertion, . ; each quent Rechte insertion, 8c: Measurements by & solid scale, twelve ' "lines to the inch. , Uirths, Marriages or Deaths, one lor sertion, JUc. ; two insertions, 6c. Wants, Lost and Found, Personals, Articles For Sele, ete., lc. per word in| {da ly issue , minimum charge, 25¢. ; Wires | insertions, 50c. > Notice in reading columns are subject Lo special charges. { iI charges for advertisements. and | subscriptions are due aud payable if ad- | | vance. | Officers of umincorporated associations | or societies will be held personally re- i sponsible for orders they give. ! | Contraits for a epecial space are made for long terme for mercantile an nounceisents, but notice of "heip wanted, fur sale, to-iot, partnerships, tenders or any thin beyond actual announcewent ofl goods or manufactures for. sale are excluded from these contracts. { 1 In case 'of errors or omissions in legal or any other advertisements the pub- lishiers do not hold themselves liable for Jama, further than the amount = re- ceived By them for such advertisement. | In case an sdvertiser becomes insol ! vent 'before expiry of a contract the ad- vertising shall cease and that performed | become. due frumediately at rate charged per line for casual vertise ments. I'he publishers will not be responsible | for misunderstanding of verbal orders. | copy for insertion. Al advertise | {all ta the approval of | menls are subject the publisher. THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, 112 columns, is published in two editions, one on Monday and ome on {Thursday morning, at $1 a year, if paid in advance ;. otherwise, $1.50 per To United States, $1.50 per year, | no credit. | F. W. BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York. STOCKS and BONDS Bought and Sold for Cash or on Margio. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TONY W. HECTOR H. HUME, MGR. Clarence Chambers. .Phone, 8388. one of the rapid, sty- improved | I" Attached to the paper fis {beat Job offices in Canada ; {lish and cheap work; nine (printing presses. i |" British Whig Publishing Co., Limited. | EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. "Daily Wibia. { TAXING: THE MORTGAGES, The neighboring state collected 82, | 442. 21993 in taxes on mortgages last | | year. As a revenue raiser the law | | that assessed these mortgages has been | la success. The attempt to make the | their | state has 'not suc- | { lenders of money some of to the pay | earnings Something You Don't Get Every Day is Good, Dry Kindling Wood. We have it under cover al- ready sawn into stove 1H | ceeded in Canada 'Whey are not ecas- | Lily got at, people say. Their securitios | tare so exclusive ! In some places, un- | ly.!The An)- erican tax collector appears to be 4 | | der some circumstances, on ' i | man of action, and as a detective hed ix wonderfully cute and enterprising. | re | } JUST SLIPPED A COG. The Oftawa Journal does not re-| : : | { member any bye-election lately which, | apart from those where. the members | lengths and ready for im- mediate use. Also good Wood. quality Hard Orders promptly delivered. S. ANGLIN & G0. Bay & Wallington Sts. : "Phone 16. of .. ihe great Uterine Tonle, am Monthly r Bol by all dru ata oF non! J repaid . on pt of price. veo pamphlet, Address: Til vook Meororen Bo. Toronto, ONT. dormeriy Windaor) primp of 10 degrees stronger, 3 for special "Srey rooe! It never gets dip or lumpy. Each crystal dry, full of salt-life. That's why particular people use WINDSOR SALT. Real Estate Headquarters If you want to buy or sell City man who: Property, go to a makes a specialty of same. GEO, CLIFF, . "95 Clarence St. Office. 'Phone, 225. 4 ~ Opposite Post died, excepting Nicolet, were vacated | {for proper cause. What about La- | belle ? Was its desertion by Mr. Pou: | rassa justifiable ? Ho 'was not obliged {to abandon it. The defeat' of the Gouin government did not depend up- on him. He thought it did. Me undor took to purify Quebec through the ag- | lency of the Nationalist varty, with which the-conservative party was al lied for tne time being. He made an exhibition of himself in Billachasse" To run in it, as a bluff, he had to re- sign Labelle; and a new elation fol makes no mone lowed. The Journal tion of this. Why? EE -- BREAKING INTO FAVOUR. Mr. 'Taft, a candidate for the presi- dency of the United States, has not the happiest owtissk--hetore hime--He i« a man of ability. In all the offices he has held, in the law courts, on the wench and in the goverment, lie has He has had the training which fite men heen a CONSPICUOUS SUCCRSS, for the larger responsibilities: of life. He has been advertising himself consider- ably during the last year, and to his The masses regard him of - the "butting-in"' type Like a certain man who fell in To- felt us if the bigghst build- upon disadvantage as a. man ronto, and place Lad collapsed said to be too aggressive. may essay to break their do ing in the him, he is Some men way 'nto public favour, but they not succeed. BAD FOR LOANS. has embarrassments. its" paving scheme financial The project, as originally launched, in- volved the of $115,000, but the outlay was later limited to Brantford and expenditure £40,000. Even then-the-financines halt: od when the city treasurer pointed out that this was not the time in which to efiect a loan on any account. "It is advisable," said the Expositor, "that the paving operations be prose- éuted_at the earlicst possible moment, but it is also the part of wisdom to defor a heavy issue of debentures un- til" financial conditions are more fa- vourable."" lias the city treaswrer of Kingston been consulted with regard give i 306-308-810 | | ment {fice because { doumas ? | czar and his cotineil any' better, and ~the school of pedagogy. \ | Few people, outside of college vir cled, appreciate just what its success | would be saved. Elopements would be JOHN mé: ns, but all who do' realize this! question must disapprove of 'the mig: | gestion that tle agreement' hotween lagogy . gnd the school the "school of board should end. {pec The. present temporary disarrange- | of 'the staff will be followed; iti] is expected by that efficiencys for which we can wait with some degree of patience . LEGISLATORS GO TO JAIL. The members of the hundred and first Russian douma, one sixty-seven of them, will languish in prison for to them three months, as a lesson not to - protest against high- of the These unfortunates, dismissed from oi they f unto the imperial vision, objected to every act which had not their author ty, any handed measure government. were pot: phedient One critic says the sentence mav check the revolutionary movement." IE may. and it may not. Public sentiment in It the Smith says it cannot be better while Russia changes very slowly, i$ more or less re- beliious all while, and Goldwin the masses are gs ignorant and bar- b 5 . i MMrous. as Mr. Smith ex- explosion some dav, one wrecking the empire, apd it will do He does not deside this to be preceded hy an avarchical conflagra- tion which the first sug- at. present, pects an J good. douma * second and third They have not suited the the last assembly is no more in sym- pathy with the government than its The of the peasantry can only be imagined when predecessors. condition so many of their representatives are out of harmony with the powers-that- be: The 'government has for a decade been trying what repression and sup- avail. It its experi- pression can do without ought to be satisfied with ence, and it is not. -------------- ISSUES BEFORE THE PEOPLE. There are three issues that loom up largely on the municipal horizon and that must be dealt with by the _coun- cil of this year. These are (1) street lighting, (2) garbage, and (3) . street railway contract. The first two are purely public and must be worked out with a consideration for public inter- este merely. The city is not as well it should be. considering lighted as ity runs its own plant, and that the ¢ that the conditions ought 'to make for lowered cost of power production. The fact that the city is in the light- ing business is not the only point to be remembered. The gas and electric plants were acquired with the assur- ance that the consumers of gas and electricity would be served efficiently, | and at a reduced cost. The consumers must have first thought from the al- dermen as they aré contributing the larger amount of the- revenues of the department. The manner of disposing of . the gar- bag. has heen deferred from year to year bécause the question did not | seem-40-he pressing. for attention. As the city grows there is felt the -grealéc need of some definite plan for collect- ig tha garbage. and conveying it out: side of the city Fmits. Something must be done with it. Left within the | congested district it becomes an of- | fence that eannot be endured. Regard f8r sanitation is regard for health, and the man devise | some method of ridding the city of re-] fuse regularly and cheaply will be a | public This same must be found in the council. There | the proposition must take form and | offect. + | Greater than all other subjects is | the agreement with the street It must be renewed who can fairly ! henpfactor. man | rail- way company. this year. When it things operated in its favour--the de- sire to find the large market for the product of the plant, and the desire to be reasonable with the new com- was made two pany in ils aim te give the people a better street car service. The situation has been very much changed singe then, and the present agreement cannot be continued because in some respects it is unworkable. : Under all these circumstances it is of the greatest importance who shall comipose the council of-1908 and es- pecially who shall direct its delibera- tions. One of the candidates for 'the mayoralty is thé present chairman of the light, heat and power company, standing to its newest addition | { yet they admirt and extol him {Toronto Star. try," {a number attended : a A : in requiring publicity and' a certain period of acquaintance before a' lot of mar riage, domestic' infelicity at an end, and probably divorces. Hughes, governor of New York, has no use for political He repeatedly, bosses. has turned them down and tue has its own reward. -- Mr. Roosevelt extended the glad hand to many people Year's that it is a question if he has yet gecovered the use of it. Its size'is also for the while above the normal. s0 on -- Legal expenses, in the winding up of estates and: business, is the bane of New York, and in the opinion of the governor, 'a grave scandal." Ontario is not alone, then, in calling for form. . re- A . It all depends' on what party a man or leader belongs t¢ whether the posure of his tolerable. Anan iQ. is going to rip up characters. Mean while his own has been ripped, and it is very ragged indeed, ex- SPAT OF THE PRESS . No Revival There. Ottawa Free Press. : Who said Nicolet was going back on the liberals ? If the conservative re action progresses in Quebec at the present rate the tories will never get back to power. * 'A Great Opportunity. 'Toronto News, A woman in New York state gave a Christmas party in honor of her two cats. She should make a resolution for the New Year--not to meke a fool of herself again. . Chance For The Girls. Montreal Herald. Nineteen Hundred and Eight is leap | year. And with dood house-broken husbands as the prize, it is not un- likely that the records for high jump, broad jump, hop-skip-and-fump, and vaulting' with the pole will be hroken, Expensive Education. ~ I'ravelling expenses of the aldermen and oflicials cost the city $2,500 this year. But travel is a great educator, and if twenty-loup aldermen can have their minds broadened at an aggre gate cost of seven dollars a day there can be no ground for objection. Back At Work. Oswege Times: Lhe good news tomes from Pitts- burg that 40,000 men temporarily Inid off by the iron and steel mills in that vicinity, will return to work, January 6th. As the iron trade is re- garded as a most reliable industrial barometer, the announéément may, be taken to mean that the depression in the business world is about over. --- Gurney's Cinch. Weekly San. Edward Gurney, stove manuflxlurer, sneers at this as "a farmers' coun- and pictures the farmer as a man haggling over a few cents on the price of clothing. The sneer comes from a singularly appropriate. source "from a' manufacturer who is en abled by law to charge twenty-five per cent. more than the fair value of his goods in selling to men who are {forced to dispose. of their products at a price fixed, by world-wide competi tion. Crow Lake Notes. Crow Lake, Jan. 3.--8chool meeting is aver. No changes were made. Quite the entertainment of the 0.Y.I. at Sharbot Lake, nesday evening. The party and reonp tion of 'Mg. and Mrs. William Stafiord on' Wednesday night was excellent William Jones has just returned from visiting his brother Falls. "Mr in Smith's and Mrs S William Kennedy, at the foot of lake. Miss Alma Knapp and Ethel Reynolds are visiting at bot Lake. John Knapp and Fre Knight attended the Thursday evening, at Tichborne Messrs. Kennedy and Steel are doing a rushing business with their gasoline engine and sawing machine. James Hally got his hand badly hurt while sawing wood at his place. er the Shar erick Orange lodge, Maple Lawn Tidings. Maple Lawn, Jan. 3.--A number from here attended Sydenham hall. school meeting passed off very quiet- lv, W. Keenan being elected as the new trustee. . .'W. Dowling and sister Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. McAdoo and Miss Bella were visiting at Hysop's, Gananoque, for New Year's. The assembly, at Barriefield, was largely attended, and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs, W. Keenan and family were at Cata- raqui for Christmas. Visitors : Mr. and Misses Norris, E.- Smith; Mr! and Mrs. J. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs, Wylie, Yir- | 'New| indiscretions is to be| Toronto | © | parents, Wei- | and other, friends Miss | Misses M. and A. Draper are home for | their Christmas vacation. The annualf| spent Christmas at their old home in | VERT BADLY IMURED LEE FELL DOWN STAIRS BACKWARDS. | Ear Nearly Cut Off and His Wrist Broken--A Young lady Iniur- ed Her Ankle--Gananoque Schools Closed For Fumira- tion. - { Lee severe » t.--John with a very Gananodue, Jan i Brock street, met taccident at his home, fnaen ing. In going up stairs with a lighted {lamp in his hand, he fell backward, striking his head on a stove near the foot of the stairs, one ear being al most entirely eut off, and one his wrists broken, his also hurt The unfortunate man a most critical condition. Thursday afternoon, as Miss Edith McCammon, sister of Mayor J. A Me- Cammon, and only daughter of Town Clerk and Mrs. Samuel McCammon, was crossing King street, the {crossing Between the Merchants' bank and. Siné's drug store, she slipped and fell, injuring her ankle to guoly an ex tent that she had to be taken into the driigstore, Where she fainted away Restoratives were -administered and a hack sent for to remove her to her home. She is now progr sing nicely The semi-annual installation of offi cers for Gananoque council, No. 284, RT. of T., was held in its council chambersy Thursday evening The ceremony We conducted hy Senior Past Councillor Sister C. H. Hurd, | acting as grand councillor, and. Senior vesterday of Jeg mn and is on | Past Councillor Thomas Mallory, act-| ling as grand herald. | W. B. Cronk, who has heen spend ling the holidays at his home in { Guelph, has returned to towp. Mrs | (Rev.) William = Timberlake: was re «ummoned to Ottawa, on her daughter, Miss Fanny Balfour Timberlake, who has been in the | pital there for some weeks past, hav ing taken a turn for the worse On { Thursday morning, Mi l'imberlake re | caived a telegram sunmgnoning him | there also, . George Cumpson, an old Gananoque boy, who hag been lochted, for the | past four vears, in Cleveland, is spend ing a short time with his phrents Mr. and Mrs. William Cumpson, Charles street. W. R. Scott, Toronto is spending some time Mr. and Mrs Tuesday, hos here with his Wiliam Seott, Brock street. ~Mrs. E. Taylor is spend ing time with Triends in Mont- real and Ottawa. Miss Ruben Byers, spending several with tives in Rochester, N.Y., has returned home. The public not opened yesterday, opening day being postponed Monday, January 13th, it being sidered necessary by the Board of Edu rooms fumigat | some month rela- schools of the town were as intended, the until con cation to have all the ed. Whooping "cough has by prevalent' among the younger fever also en quite schol has hecome several ars, and scarlet almost an epidemic, being reported during the Announcement is made of gagement of Miss Marjorie Cochrane, daughter of Mi R. Cochupne, of Toronto, to Jones, ol Gananogue. new caves past week the en Stewart and Mrs D. Ford ---- FASHION'S FORM. Hat Trimmed With Plume and Fur. i Kennedy are visiting at. his brother's, | The hat shown { charming {accompaDy model for n cloth or t gown Various used, the original being with shaded I'he about with lace with mink tail itseli~ was on lwith furs colors or combina tions could be pale copper-color tinted the ends satin, {in a cream white - plumes ito a light copper at twisted or crown was land almost covered {and paws. 'The mushroom order, and was faced with a deep shade of the same tone of color {used for the upper brim hat the ---------------- Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, general improvement at the Kingston ness - College, head of Queen Bay and evening classes. "Phone 410 {H. F. Meteali®, principal I 1. 0. F. joint installation, on Mon- {day evening, at the court rooms, Com Iplimentary ~~ éntertainment _ at the { Princess Theatre. . | The enemies of Count Witte, the {or- mer Russian prime minister, are try- ling to place the responsibility Jor the disastrous Russian-Japanese war on this shoulders | telegraphy and courses taught Iusi street | Bibby's i Special No. 0 Wis wn fi [oa [Tee [a a. RR { [IN] = To.Day We Place Our Swell Goon Coats on Sale at From 25 to 40 Per Cent § Less Than Regular Prices. If you are thinking of buying a Coon Skin Coat, don't miss seeing our lot. We have about 12 Beauties left. Not one poor quality Coat inthis let. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. The One Price Clothing Store. eT Toe Te 1 5 {5 ee ee eC £ Pala Va 7 fa RI 4 BRI TEV ey o\ a CERAM COUCHES A few left over from our Christinas trade we intend closing out at a price. ' MUSIC AND PARLOR CABINETS in a fine ma- hogany finish this week at sale prices. JAMES REID. SE nada Life Assurance Company SIXTY YEARS OLD Assets (OVer) ~+-vw-cececsccnn wna $ 32,000,000.00. Insurance in force (ever) - $115,000,000.00 Profits paid policyholders (over) $ 8,000,000.00. "'When insuring your life why not have the best."' If you would like to represent this Company as Agent call in the office--18 Market street, Kingston, ard satisfactory arrangements can be mare. . 'Phone 147 J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston District. paragraphs is dafited as "mean ing more than fine miles ja a dire line, exclusive of the width of 'road al- | lowance crossed in the measurement | (5) A homesteader intending to perform Bis Pesidence duties ia seccordance 'with the aboye while living wilh » is. oF {on farming land owned hy * elif must {motify the Agemt for the district ul such ; | tntention o Any even numbered section of Pomp | Before making spplioation for patent ton Lands in Manitoba or the North-West | the settler mast give six months' n tice Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not re in wribmg to the Commissioner served, mag be homesteaded LY any Per minion lLmads at Ottawa, of bis son the sole bead of a family, or male !ii.n to do so. over 18 years of age, Lo the extemt « . . . one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more SYNOPSIS OF WEST MINING REGULATIONS or "loss. Application for homestend entry must (A[, Coal mining rights may lensed for a period of twenty-one years be made in person by the applicant at Dominion Lands Agency or Bul-agencs i un sonusl rental of $1 per acre Not Entry by. hed may. howevef, be sad mors than 2,500 acres shall be isased 10 at an Agenty on eartain samt 4 fons hd one individuai or company. A royaity at the father, mother, son, daughtar, broth o. 00 of fiye cents per ton =imil be collected om the merchantable cosl mined er or sister of aa \utending Lomesteader An' application for eatry or cancelia- QUAK' 4 a L AT4~A person eighteen years ¢ tion jo personally at any sub-ageal's oor over, having discovered nfinbral im places, may lgcats a claim 1.6001 ,500 precedsng Synopsis of Canadian North vest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. CANADIAN NORTH- be oflige may Le wired to the Agent by Lhe Sub-agent, at the expense of the applic vant, and if the land applied for fs varant on receipt of the telegram such appiice- tion i@ to have priority and the land wil be held until the pecessary papers @ to complete the transactiom are received by mail. : The foe for record a claim is $5 At least $100 must Le sxpendedon the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in (leu thereof. When $500 has been expended Gr pdid, the locator may Io case of "'personationt' or frawd the $PoT having & Suey add, and upon applicant will forfeit ail priority of claim Isbin iy Tey ad ah ins Dax. beon granted it will be Crp, patent provides for the payment Ac application for cancellation must be {of & royaity of 34 per cent om { aa ons wade in person. Tbe applicant must be | Placer mining claims generally are 100 eligible for homestead sotry, and ouly ome | [0 squares ; entry fes ¥5, renewable yews: application" for cancellation will be re- [7 csived from an 'individual until that ap- 4 plication has been disposed ol. - ~ % Where an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, | applicant may obtain two leases to go cor gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at ihe discretion of the Minster of the Is tar R. CRAWFORD advice of the ss to the street making by-law, and the issue of debentures which it proposes ? If not a serious mistake has been made, Toa : THE"AGREEMENT MUST STAND. The school elections have "em un: usually interesting in a'couple of wards 'by the feeling that has been put into them. Queen's College is not respon- for the untimely agitation that is in progress regarding the sehool of 1 wae college, it is true, is a semi: o institution. It has enjoyed the vippathy and support of the people. vy have again and again demon- stralg their desire to see it succoud. on: two occasions given it monetary assistance. They p. be in harmony with and becatise of his special knowledge, Las expressed by' the resolution of the conwiiltes of 1905, should be glected. -------- EDITORIAL NOTES. In the United States, in 1907, near- ly $120,000,000 went for education and charity. Ij not that something to 'be thankful for. Next week will be given up to res ligious devotions. Mark the number who will assemble in the churches to ereét their Ebenezers. H the. election act is to be amended at all it should be mals so drastic that the pot-house politician will go out' of busines 5 4 a matter of choice. ¢ ------ i IE the provinces of Canada sud the states of the union * followed the ex. \¢ 'that are. being made to Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, New: burgh; Mr. and Miss Taylor, Tam- worth: Mr, and Mrs. Irvin and fam. ily, Kingston Station; Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Barriefield. . Wield Of A Good Beef Steer. Philadeiphin Bulletin. A good steer properly and at the same time tably ont up will yield ~ the following percentages of bers so as to be more easily memor- i Loins, 15 per cent; ribs, ' 10 per cent; flanks, 4° per cent.; shanks, cent.; tallow, 3 per cent. Kidoevs, 025 per cent: sansage meat, 1 per cent.; shank meat, 1.50 per ont; tankage. 2 'per cent; loss in cutting, 0:25 per cent. 3 Er will oblyn er fr illiam Lews , a carpenter from St. Catharives, Ont., who was seri- ample of. New York = Batavia, N.V., i= dressed © weight, given in round num- | 10 ! cont; rounds, 21 per cent.: chucks, | plates, 16 per eent.; | per | If it's your stomach -- your liver--your bowels --or a rundown "that is making you feel so badly, you certainly will feel better after a morning glass of Ea fa? ee ticant for Sancellation will Le eo x FoF - rr rs ta | SHOD sinte In | 0" 0 = in} Henta: --- Tor ULTY Applicant for cancellation m what particulars the homestoeder wiault, lease for owch five miles. $10 per sonum for each rolls river leased. Royalty st ths rate of 24 pw cemt collected om the output after it ex- weds $10,000. », CORY, Peputx of the Minister of the Interior N -- Unauthorized publication of {5 pot be paid for of er whose emtry Is not the ' tion proceedings may approval + of Depart relinquish It ia favor of . mother, son, daughter, brother or sister eligible, but to no ome else, on Bling | a ii isetpent will H = ea ~ At least siz months' residecce Wp | cultivation of the land In ring term of three yi mestender ORY. : i »2 gE ie putting in some weil Coni. It's the kind that semds out the most best. and makes the bome comfortable ; its the best money can there Is none Lotter mined We deliver i to you without siate, ot very prices. Booth & Co. | Phone 133. Foot of West St i PIIITIITe k ¥ § Freee eTIIN E RELEASE PRE Re : 7

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