eR SA. Va aE PRR Se RY APR SE he 5 I Al WE AY Ben ete aod ATR RO 1.3. BR. Re 4 YeeN . ; v ' . x bs eat : Se i . 3 ? hal is sR SOS TA TET TA s on » REET Y AT EY EE ee i " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JANUARY 4, 1908. -- me Finite g - - - ; . - a a vad ton jet its devotees onjearly in the week, for the north cotin- r "Jack" Hannaf sill spend th touch Fgh sport as ould be bald boos 20800080 0060004 Te hl . owes : ne i toss ath geld | HE SPORT REVIE io them up for faster company inte : : 3 . » - . 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henderson, : : : fon. : 3 { . ye Aven at eet, + off i . ' i. Grout. Brock stréet a v . > 'The New Year's eve din ner given at Bagot street, will be offi, on Monday s 0 in the barracks, by the battery officers, [for a three mouths' trip to the moth ve one of the little teas FRONTENACS cs TO LOSE The Ice Yachtsmen "Por over nine years I suffered vith chron : was as bright as these afiairs always erland, the envied of all their friends e s so pleasant. He The local = ice yachtsmen woul dB pasion aud du during this time 1 a AR ry . tdid for twen-| Mr. < Samuel Higgins, -who- spent | niece, 5 v Carre, of Belleville Goop PLAYERS. greatly ple ased if they 'would hind Flee ERE Sora 3 avs By be fase ey. ) . . There were covers 2 s ' wilig t ¢ the officers' guests = were the holidays vith Mrs. A- H: Oliver, ad the aie os d'etre Mee Bernard | the lake frozen solid when they "Wi x 3 ois. and vo 3 bh! Co I and Mrs. James Massie, Cap (Gore street, has returned to Torosto rowne made the tea, and t guests ip Some morning: Mans of the sntold misery With laser f 1 pel al Ty a Nearly Every Public School Has a |W a * : 0 york am free from all . f tain and Miss Lenore Haniilton, Dr Miss - Macpherson and Miss. Edith included Miss Louise Kirkpatrick Miss 0 ¥ : A |members have their boats all ready Bee a Teka be Sei Teri SE - SFI SIIIPRIIIIIIIN and Mrs. BR. K. .Biborn, Mr and Mrs. | Macpherson; Brock street, came homie, Mildred Macmorine, the Misses Meyer ockey Team--Y, M. C. Wet on the ice, but. from preset an Bering he. 111. John! Bell Carruthers, Miss Marie Car- | yesterday, from Ottawa. and Miss Marjorie Pense. Basketball "Team to. Plav igo ws they might as. well 'have lo 5 Hough Osler,| Wiss Isobel Allan, Smith's Falls, 2 ) "iho Queen's. left them where they were all. sim Best for itle party, on 'bhursday night, for | Mr. Aogus and.) 2 Macdonell, who hag been with her aunt, Mrs. G Mrs: Bertram Blackhall, #ho © has The . sunior Prontenne a tet timely " a The Dowels Slaughter. Miss Asdeliv Elder, Ally Peessie Giordon, gh Mabel Gil-[A. Macdonald, Broek street, left for been spencing ae holidays at her for Georges will both have pracoes ear i wer floes or Pls A¥oumote i deesind Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss {home to-day. mer home i} Tatonk , has Xesur yd Iv in the week at the Kingston ska To Arrange Game. wi fengront with fir and other . : s Fergus a . 1 acc 1b by her 'sister-in-law 1=8 1 e e ® o h iY B i ie Mr. George Ferguson has returned accompanied b 0 1 rink, and they certainiy need them The: ¥.M.C.A: hasty honsn will Frances Sullivan, Miss Irene i jit decorations, and looked bevy v ; od | ackhall, who will visit with her for : and 'Mr. "W. Barly. tp Owen Sound "after. bis Christmas Blatieta ho We . Neither team has had a practice yet endeavor $0 arrangé © game with LR An [Tis Rion 1s Y WORK per Progressive euchre was playe od - . - . Wo! 3 t or a oliday at home. a ume. , i , higen"s SO first part of the evouing, and af-| +e. D. R.. Bemming, ' Martello . . ie Mr. F.C.T, © 'Hara, acting de and they will feel ythe want of ithe tea Queen ger Mré 2. ning, artello | \ ' & a should supper the daughter of the house iy, 0 wae hostess at a ladies'| Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick, | PUY minister of trade and commerce, HORE. [her heat Some comes in a {next Re uch i Same ' } ace, ats 3 : _ : ¥ si ' week or so an e boys want to J riwing éard diy ht A a goo ol delightfully, Her tousg is soft fridge, on 'Tuesday, = hen there were | Frontenac stree t, came home ye ster was notified that his ticket bac & won g Pleasant. Pula ans Foteny, Tanke Oo Good Da Good, clean and the notes fall from her tl hand cok ] i |get toge ther aud do séme good hard 3 po o ", w ¢ . he andsome MOrOECe-HOUDL et oO od is ba The genuine tablet #4 Q four tables in play The prize one | day, after pi aying a visit to Mr. A work, From present appearances Fron Sporting Notes. Sane balk The egret --_---- pomped ee. He with o Bicyubd . aging VErY Hor each table, we re won hy Mrs. John Worrell in Toronto. It is obi le | the Century dictionary donated by 18 tenacs will lose -somé-- of their best " Hendry he well-know ¥ Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. nt to the ear. The prizes 8Uip 0 nghers, Mrs. James Gilder (at. Mrs. 'Kirkpatrick will have with Miss Fitzpatrick, who presided at thelr and it is certainly hard ack endry. the well-known *A- ANNUAL SALE, TEN TEN MILLIO 80 o* were won by Miss Fithel Slater} boo, sre, Jeremy Taylor and Miss |her her sisters, Miss Grace and Miss | C2 afe Chantant during the Streets of playe " a on amily, a crosse player, is dead of typhoid fever N a Mr. Walter Willard. | Rleeve, - AFF. ¥ "| Paris bazaar. The drawing took | luck. + Crawlare will play semor, Haz .e Montreal. _-- Hora. The other p Javers were Mrs Charlie Worrell, for a visit in the lett intermediate and Ainshic will 3 Lek will i ot : fra Martin, Mrs. James Cappon. My«, | spring and early sumer. place at Government House. Notly play on the Intter tears Wil Marty' Wa i » ill ye ta a's FOOD ODO OL: rs, Alexander Laird gave a br ight Arthur Flower March, Mrs. Francis Mrs. E. W. Day, of Davsiand, Alta, (Continued on page 5.) \ v B i Ith {spare man in the game with Quebee; lo tea, on Tuesday, dor Miss Ethel M wenee, Mrs, Walter Maeno Mrs, |arrived in the city, on Monday, ac -- -- iy , ge lr A ey Satarday night. : Are you looking for f » Sin oe : » : oe y sakened t px 1 seting of the ; i, of Quebec, The tea table Was Joh Macenanghtor Mre. Herbert companied by her two sons, Master «<The Three Of Us. ' ve badly wea ent and. 'ue pest The annual meeting RA ans | | ille x John . aena ' . thing that can be done 'is for St. {dian Rugby Union will be held on somet ing that will g ive s. James Elder vi ns x ames gave a plea ant | thers, Mr. and Mrs. festive and Christmassy, with 5 a ; U . g ay Jers, Mrs. F. Cartwrig hi, Mrs. F. | George, of Upper Canada College. and | The New York and eastern yewspa- |e ' 1 Frontenac 10 3% : ' hat" ny fir trees planted upon it. Mrs. Saunas 'tla pL a J jeorge's an rontenacs to com: |Saturday, January llth, at [ovtnto - Ty i i } ! Strange, Mrs. Camphbel] Strange. Mrs. |little Teddy. White -here they will be | pers and magazines last seakon fair- bine and put one good junior team | Toronio World a Richardson, both pleasure and com and Miss Isabel Ross were its | y NOS y +'s mothe bre © 0 120: | 4 5 F. Brownfield, Miss F. Maoidonell and | the gnests of Mr. Day's mother, Brock ly raged over Carlotta Nilson, in| {on the ice. This would be a - good {who played pomt for the Kiggston fort? She will appre- 4 iding goniuses, Miss Annie Fowler : . . pe n Us." nr outting ices. Among their helpers Miss Lily Norton- Taviow. The daugh street, Tre "The Thee o 5 Sho. wil ons % srrangement dnd a team could be se- | team last year, avas olt ta pra Abe. . : sere Miss Hilda, the daughter of the , Hem- at the, Sean op Neeley Joauat red that wold "mot ast night, with the new St. Gorges ciate a load of Miss D re roi Mis rewing, Mise Nora Gordon, Mise Elsie ! ea - he Sth pis "play ran wroughan € | jown from anybody. I" Officers 6f<-.the Montreal Bo akey- jas Dovothy Macgilliveay, Miss {5 "00 4 aise Phyllis Short helped Mys. Francis Phillips is expected {season at the Madison Square theatre : hen 5 Jean "Duff and Miss Marion Hague. Jown from Toronto either to-day or |to thronged and delighted houses, and Club were at danizew ooking overt ( > O A L. The guests included Miss Marion Cal- early in the week, greatly added to Manager Walter N Royal And Zion Rinks. | Victoria and Kenfrew teams with a, vin, Miss Katie Gordon, Miss Minnie . . oo. | Mr. George Dickson, who is spend- | Lawrence's famé 'and fortune, and de- The Royal- rink = was open last] ter of the house, Mise Grace « » . la with tea, which followed the plajd view to signing two or thee of them FROM Gordon, Miss Elsie Taylor; Miss Katie | Mrs. Sydenbam MeGill, "Phe Avon- ling hig holidays. with his mother, | servedly, for the play is one of excep- evening and a large number of skat-| for the Moatreal septet : Fowler, Miss Sarah Gibson, Miss "M.|more," has returned from 'Toronto Mrs. C. W. Dickson, . Alfred street, | tional novelty and" merij. ers were preserit. This rink has Leen ihe crack Hamilton YMCA, baz p. WALSH'S YARD, 'A. Meyer, Miss May Rows, Miss Hilda | Miss Grace Loucks returned to Ot went down the carly part of the week | The play was written by - Rachel entirely fixed over by the boys ib ketball five, winch in Ramilton on Jordan, Miss Anna and Miss Marga: (tawa to-da. to Montreal. Crothers and tells a story of en elder charge, and the is larger A i Seiegted o Rothes Barrack Street. yet Fairlie, Miss Ethel and Miss Lor | Canon Muckleston has gone back | Miss Alice Scott, superintendent of |sister and two younger brothers who [than it was last season, "and is about] ¥F. 2 n team NT paint rine Miones, Mise Agnes and Miss | to Perth after his short visit to his | he training school at the hospital, | were orphaned and left to fuce the jas large as any in the city. Targa. won sy ak hay a- BCOGOOOONORNOO0NGO0TT Kathleen Richardson, Mis Winnifred | sicters, the Misses Muckleston, William has been paving a New Year's visit |watld. The self-sacrifice of 'the girl in Zion rink was 'also open on Friday . Cn Pet Ro 5 ae ty ew Jophs dl Land Miss Alice Hague, Mise Monn Larreet. to Toronto. » her struggle to keep the little home levening and had a large number of 4 . o> od ea a » . Knight, Miss' Marjorie Pense, Mise'| Migs #4. R. Drummond came home Mr.' Sidney McCann, Queen street, | and family together furnish a "touéh- [skaters out. The ice was like erystal a ar In Javon of oe Eleanor Macdonnell, Miss Florence {1aet night. from Toronto, and is lcame home, to-day, from Carleton | ing and charming story "dnd it has-]and a fine time was put in by the hans, je 'Allen I i Jar visit to the hospital on Friday Richmond and Miss Phyllis Short. again at 'Avonmore.' ' lace. , a thrilled thousands. Mr. Lawgence has | skaters. This rink is also under the} eof ae op Yd ternoon. Flowers, fruit and ly . . The Rev. Walter Loucks and his - > . ia given * the play an adequate setting control of a number St boys who de Throrito to wet ork Tete rood things were taken to the CW i small son, Arthur, came up from Ot The 3 Shaw and an admirable cast and a huge | serve great credit for the success oil; to join "Tom" Flarnagan's = Trist tients, who wore greatly pleased Me . W. Dickson, Allred street, (ayn to spend New Year's with Can The Misses Shaw, 'Johnston street, |} jeqmatic: treat is in store for our |the undertaking. Canadian team. Alle 'hag a i {ihe kindness shown them, The gave a very jolly old-time party OBt,, apd Mrs. Loucks, Barrie street ate home from their visit "to Apple: theatre-goers " . ; apa jan tea . on hag a veoordiof Lie, Kinaneas ICE programm New Year's eve, when charades form Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osler had a vers ton. a : . twelve feet three inches, and 1s 2 ome of those oid th od the chief feature of the evening. iy oo number of friends at the ota Mrs. Leonard Stiles, of Cornwall, : = A Wrestling Challenge. marvellous vault or. Allen" ix comin | HEE SE 0 Some of the acting was Very cleveg [ion 10 'see them - off for Winnineg. | Who has buen visiting Mrs. W. St. B.A. Hotel A rivals Watertown, N.Yi, Jan. 3.--(To the of hin own pcan He is out of work band of young people pay and the Lostumes most ingenious: and Though all wishéd them" well there Pierre Hughes, left, yesterday, for Wel- J. V. Look, Toronto; J. M. Jerome, Editor) [ hereby challenge Mr, ot Olean, X a V visits to. the E 4 Rept amusing. "The guests were chiefly Mr. wal anidast reluctance to speed the land, where she will spend the win- | New York; Js 8. Bonar and wife, | Westbrook, formerly: of Colebrooke Chests, father of the spit bhadl, has i er gen ol a) a George Dickson's "old" friends, and . the ti Onps : ter. Mr. Percy Sfiles,. who has Js | Montreal; G OC. Punsford, Ottawa; J. | Ont., to wrestle'a match known as deci ed to frive up. entirely the 'freaks ee Fi 0 reunion with him was very enjoyable. paring One . 3 been Mrs. Hughes' guest, gince com. |G. Pringle, Cornwall; Joseph H. Ham, | catch as-catch-ecan style. |] am willing delivery that made him great and 17 Flo v ¥ ro Ye The party watched the old. year out * i itig._down from Vancouver, where Ie Brantford; N. T. Webster, Quebec; J. to wrestle Mr Westbrook on or be- fameus sro will be back with . a a Ben day. and the new. year in, 'and broke up, Major and Mes. H. ¥. Burstall, Bar- |}. Yen lately, will leave, early in Merrick, - Chapleady S. R. McDonald, {fore January 95th. 1008, for a purse the Yankees next' spring, and he ex vs otts got \ after ' wishing every one much happi- | '® street, have come back from Que- {ine week, for New York erth: P. I. Murray, Brantford; S. lof £25 or upward, for the best two in pects to have a very I -ear with: Jem ne whith a ness in the next twelve months. hee. Me. and Mrs. William Sullivan, who A. Hyman, New York: J. H. Mur-| three falls, bafring no holds Referee | 0Ut the aid of the wet curve. He be herself, Miss 11 rel Massio Miss Grace Rogers came home, yes: yuo heen visiting Senator and~ Mrd, tog; Tes Angelos, Cal; D. i. Mur- fto be chosen at rinkside. I am wait lieves that the «pit balkhas ruined his rice Landy, Miss ( x shrowing arm and says that no pitch May Hinckley, and Mi er can use Gt successfully for wore bett. Migs Susie Bawde Brean. 8 terday; from Lachine. The event igullivan, - King strect. jor the holi- [doff, Goderich: J. M. Anson, Dublin, ling for reply from Mi Westbrook as than two or three vears Ada Clown recited ice surface General Hospital Flower Missi on The Flower Mission paid their régu was n-rare treat The not-outs had a New Year's eve which brought her back has "sadden- | 4 os shave left for St. Catharines Ire.: P. R. Daly, Boston; C D. to whether he intends-to de husiness surprise party, and chose Mrs. W. D. ed many homes in the «ity, where Miss Mary Edwards has arrived in Jones, Yancouver, B.( 2 R. J. Murphy, | or not 1 will .agree to wrestle at 155 Gordon's, King street, as the object the mother, who has gone to Test, it ,w, from Carleton Place and will [§. R. Jaemes, P. G. Horsey, Des | pounds at ringside. Hoping to hear ive point. The girls 'and boys spent and her family, are much beloved. spend ' the winter with her grand | Moines; S. R. Adams, Newcastle, from *Mr. Westbrook by return, PET Vesuvius Active. Late Easter This Year a very jolly Sovening. Mrs. S. A. Spange nherg and Mr. lo ther, Rev. Sterne Tighe, Johnson et tp TER SEGARINS, S34. Huntington | Naples, Jan. J Mount Vesuvius, af Easter Sunday, the chu Karl Spangenberg, of Be Hoville, spent { 4p gf, > The Trusts' & Guarantee company siroet, Watertown. N.Y. ter a month or more' comparative ranking next to Christa There was thot driving = party | New Year's with Mr. F. W. Spangen "iv =» wm limited, Toronto, have been appoint quiet, has again resumed activity. A | this year, falling on Apri for the not-outs, last might, when the | bere, Johnston street 3 at Miss Daisy Carre, who eame down od administrator, with will annexed ' huge colutmi of flame and smoke is jyear it came on March young people enjoyed themselves very Pliss Jennie Phillips, shnaton street, |. oh Belleville, to spend New Year's of {he estate of the late Rowland A School Hockey League. arising from a number of large fis- Jient began on Feb, 13th much indeed. Miss Kathleen Kirkpat-|was ut, in Toronto. for New Yours with Canon and Mrs, Grout, Brock | Ryder, of the - township of Burford, Nearly every public hool has a |sures at the summiy, of the crater. Lent | ns on March 4th rick and Miss Muriel King chaperoned Mr. W. Waldron, Darrie street, loft street, will leave town on Monday ("onnty of Brant, Ontario hockey team, andthe Collegiate has -------- lay is equivalent to the [Je the affair. As it was a leap year on Thursday' for the old country He Miss Be®ie Gordon, King street, French, Latin and German, taught two , or three. Why doesn't some Their gentle action and good effect of the Passover and is depemder venture the 'boys brought the supper | ® going by way of Naples. left, vesterday, for Montreal, to visit |at the Kingston Business College, [person inte rested © in sport form "al on the system really make them ait. The Feast i t and the girls paid for the van, and - - ww .e Mrs, Markey. head of Queen street, by an honor | school bove' league, the same as 1s perfect little pill. They please those |with the changes i tha arrangement worked out heauti- Mr. Stanley Waldron, . who spent Mr, and<Mrs. R Maitland Hanna graduate of Queen's University. enjoyed by the boys of other cities. | who use them. Carter's Little lg & pd lings different each a his - Christmas at 'Arthur Place, left, | ford have returned to Montreal. Mas- Vote for Toye for mayor | Phis would always keep the boys in | Pills may well be te raed "Perfection." year" it-witl fall on April 17th o ms - A ais rrr TTT Tor oP ep eid eee EE a -- rr er - seespasssssssseresrersasstestess eeetatetsesttstetetssnsstets tes IreesererserseseatbeN SSSA SSSR Ret SS eS e400 SIE IIIIIIIE SIRI IIE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs IPIPII PIII TOIF III III III II ION SAL E HAVE let the contract for extensive alterations in our premises; and, in order to make room for the contractors, are making sweeping reductions in the various departments. "Five Thousand Dollars Worth | The Largest Stocks of Pure A Ta Iri h Li . ads IIS 1nens White Muslin | Richardson's and Brown's Celebrated Makes to be offered at SPECIAL Underwear, RE Gowns, Drawers, Table Linens Over 800 Eula? to 4) yards long. Skirts,CorsetCovers Odd Napkins Ove r 3,000 in lot of 2 to 8 of a de sign. All at 20% Discount. Roller and Glass Linens Leisthe2to7 yanis i ee Ee a a CELLLELERELLRILLLIRLEROALY CIPI FIIIISVeR rare" Particular attention is drawn to the superior workmanship, The quality of . A féw of these are slightly soiled, but we guarantee everything to be perfect "materials and the fullness of every garment. re : in quality. : a PIPPI SIP EEI IVE FSI A FEW PAIRS |. All Tweeds @ Fancy Suitings ool White Ca fai AT GREATLY REDECED Oy 5 "Superior Values i in English zn we ~ Men' s, Ladies' @ Children's and Pillow Cottons __ Seotch' and Doinestic: makes at : Wool Underwear AT hth PRICES. 20 Per Cent. Off. ~ | + Rr SPECIAL PRICES. DRON, Brock and Wellington Sts. SLL LEER LALRLLRLAA0S ALORA ONNOAMESANLLSNNSRAN GIES P UII ER IEE ar end ¥ CRP LIGRELIPLNRLLReRNS Kem