THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 6, MILK AT NIGHT For three hours or 'tion) it puts a' severe tax on IS BAD FOR YOU so (during its diges- your digestive organs--disturbs sleep and impairs your night 's rest. Before retiring--nothing is so rest-giv- : ing, nutritious and --in the form of bouillon. Try and tasty as "BOV RIL" sand wiches--or as note the difference. i PIMPLES ALTHOUGH, NOT A DANGER- OUS DISEASE, ARE A VERY TROUBLESOME AND UN- SIGHTLY AFFLICTION . "ia nag any Gadi by Wl poveity or bn purity of the bicod aad require the prompt wee of i food Blood medidine such as Bur- dock Blood Bitters, for their eradication, which it speedily accomplishes, at the same | time sitengthening the entire system. | Taio a ss in trim dvgopde and coustipation, and in these eases Bor- * dook Plood Bitters has the double effect of removitig thie Piinples together with their | Mr. D. P. Sammon, Ososcls, Ont., writes: "1 was troubled with pimples all over my feos snd hands. I paid out money to dootors But they could do meno good. A friend sunvinced me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after wsing two bottles the pimples vanished, and I have not been troubled with them since." Burdock Blood Bitters may be procured 'a oll Druggists and Dealers, A AT-THIS TIME 8 OF THE YEAR 4 --- Everyone needs create and maintain strength for something to the daily round of duties. There is nothing better - than an Ale or Porter, the purity and . merit of which has been attested | by chemists, physicians and ex- perts at the great exhibitions. a ASK FOR te of ah n nt i 8 he » ystem, in the thet? mes, UCC Das shown in ousing Opest from 10.30 nm. to 8 wm, the hat gins a Ns an SH round 2undh he diy, Mthls of all kinds on shortest Chinese dishes © Margaret wh |€: Thomas, pn while desponden red | premium gy ad | BLEMENTS NOT IMMUTABLE. Accerted Theory Nature of the Atom, { Phiengo, ML, Jan, ~That 1' { changing of elemental Ae into one {another is now pessible was the start { lingeclaim made by Prof. Herbert Me- i Coy, of the University: of Chicago, at the final meeting of the American As- {| sociation for the Advancement of Sci. The ancient dream of the taration of the 'elethents which ante- dates the whole suience. of chemistry is being fulfilled hy the processed o) nature and the efedt of radium semana tion, it ix. alleged by the chemist who read a paper on 'the inter-relatioris of the élemeiits."" The new theory is { baged on original investigation into | the matare of the atom and experi { ments belies ed to shatter many fam- ous scientific hypotheses, {| In support of his statement that the { elements may no longer be considered { immutable and that matter is but one primitive sort, sohject to changes fF Prof. McCoy told of the production of | different metals from elements in his own, laboratory. The presence of ra dio-active conditions in the atoms held responsible for the chp. ide Apes The chemists the then wrong only in attempting to dixintegrate the metals by chemi eal proveszes, such as were then known, according tq Dr. MeCoy. The discovery of radium is an portant link in. the theory and jradio-active changes in . nature give | the best examples, of Separation of elements, The study of radium is like- Iv to prove ? a complete solution of the problem. of transmutation now all ng declares, Upsets Into i ence "sep- in of were im the cleared, be | WALL STREET RECOVERING. Market Soon Working Under National: Influences. New York, Jan. 4. <The year with leading: msiness men in a sober frame, antidipating some trade reac: tion. While nobody expects such a se- vere resection ian' hs taken place in Wall street, the mercantile credit situ. ation is badly strained. and a lower level Toy tofmtoditied "mitist be atthin- ed before general business can show substantial tendency toward meovery, The financial panie" ended Vofore. gen- eral business felt its effect; the ity markets, therefore, are fairly titled to while the storm spending its remdining force elsewhere, Dyring the padt 'month prices have hee ¢ yedovering, not through speculative buymg, bu y na tural tendency 'to-attuin a level con- sonant with = the changed conditions; and this after making [ull allowance for the prospeats of diminished pro fits and lower dividénds, The currency has. practically disappeared. Our bank ieserves are rising and soon the money market will be working un- {der natural influences: The stringency | usually experienced in preparing for January disbursements did not ma terialize this vear. Our supply of gold has been much augmented by impor- tations." The Bank of England is in strong condition, as emphasized by re duction of its rate from seven to six per cént., and London was very slight. lv hurt hy panic. Germany better condition, and likely a crisis. France appears totally undis- turbed. ? opens secur. on- POCOVery is our is in to escape PUT UP DESPERATE FIGHT. Killed and 'Eaten By Pack cf "Wolves. Saddle Lake, Alta, Jan. 6.--A man was killed and eaten by wolves at a point forty miles south of Lou St. Vin- cent.' Only the man's gun and a few "irs were found, while nearby , were the remains of seven timber wolves, which he hadeshot bploge the remain- der of the pack pulled him down. It ia though He Wm "dither an English: man orf American np 4 ' Forced I arn JEnglish. Berlin 2 ision that should pale) Mf off in the number fof yaung Geom, clexks who flock to Lindon and other British cen- tres ta! leirn the English language has just been taken by the erlin municiphl a They have o 'dered tHat the ou English be compulspry in public schools. Hitherto young wn who' have had a belie sehool) edura- tion, class from which most young er who enter commercial life have 'had 'French as a ecompul- sry 'and English as un optional sub- A ah , Will now he made com- t three years of the hy and Frefich op- that the kaiser is strongly Ji favor of "the change, which is regarded as the precursor to the introduction of English as an ob- ligation {study Regn the Ger man ro Se J Cantor's Fortilely Dance Notice othe dances interfer. our dates we have A---------- TOE BANGS WOES|[ TQ LADY YARMOUTH, SIS- " TER OF HARRY K. THAW. By a Earl's of the Her Life Made Miserable Useless Husbend--The Family the Proudest English Nobility, London, Jan. 4. ~The failure of an. other, alliance of the English nobility with American ~ woman of wealth became public, this afternoon, When the Countess of Yarmouth, who was Miss Alice Thaw, of Pittsburg, a daughter of Mrs. William Thaw, and sister of Harry Thaw, whose second triah for the murder of Stanford itd will begin Monday, in New York. city, applied to the divores court for an aonulment of her mare riage to the Earl of Yarmouth The court has ordered that the pro- ceedings held in camera and the papers are being ke pt secret. The only inkling obtainable of the charges pre- ferred in a statement to the efiect that the nature of the medical evidence to be given makes a public heaging inad- visable The Countess of Yarmouth is stay- ing at Park 'Hall, near Evesham, Worcestershire, a magnificent country seat she hasMeased, decorated and re- furnished with lavish expenditure, She declines to comment on the case, The Earl of Yarmouth\could not be found in his usual London haunts, to-night, and it is supposed he is on the con- tinent, where he spends much ol his time, It has been well known vears that the domestic afiairs of the Yarmouths were most nippy. The earl's companions and his maoner of Jiving were. such that he could not give his wife the position in society she had a right to expect. She sup+ plied immense sums to defray ber hus- band's estravagances, and her friends say has conducted herseli with dignity thronghout the troubles re- sulting from the unhappy marriage and her brother's difliculties The Hertford family, the head which is the Earl of Yarmouth fath- er, and to the head of which the cafl is heir, he being the eldest son of the sixth Marquis of Hertiord, of the oldest and proudest of the British pobility. The notoriety brought upon the family through its indirect con with the Thaw murder case was galling, apd this climax to the eldest marriage to Alice Thaw is a bitter pill. - The Marchioness of Hertford, who bas stood by her daugh- ter-in-law throughout her troubles and has exerted herself to . reconcile ~ the couple, is prostrated with grief. The countess herseli has suffered from the strain of the past vear. Her friends say she has grown thin rapid- ly and has a worried look They have advised her to remain in Eng land until after the divorce proceed- ings; but the countess desires to re. turn to the United States for her brother's second trial, and is undecid- ed which course she will pursue ; Lawt summer, on the advice of and 'Mrs. George Lauder Carnegie, brother-in-law and sister, who with her two months, the countess de cided to seek the aid of the divorce courts. - It was intended to defer this action until the second Thaw trial in New York, but the delay in bringing the case to a trial led to. a change of plans; Xlice Cornelia Thaw, the late William Thaw was married to George ander Seymour, Earl of Yarmouth, in Calvary church, Pittshnirg, on April 27th, 1903. The marriage followed a rather brief courtship and put a stop to the earl's stage career, which had begun in private society theatricals} at Newport, and had been later more less successful . in a professional way, Yarmouth was starretl in light comedies by "a well-known New York manager, his title being thinly veiled m the programmes and amoupee- ments. Lady Yarmouth has always béen the favorite of the family with her bro er, Harry Kendall Thaw. She geturn- ed from England, where she hay made the titled niarriage, her home since vd was present during the. entire three months of the first trial of her brother. It kas been given ant that Lady Yarmouth would not be present at the second (rial, out of deference to the wishes of her husband and oth- er members of the family. It was said that the earl strongly objected to the notoriety and prominence of the Yar- mouth name in connection with the first proceedings. The news from London of the begin- ning of a suit for nullification of the marriage puts a new aspect upon the countess' absence. The news was entirely u~expected, for rumors of the proceedings now - undertaken have been rife for some time. The former Miss Thaw has always been very popular among her associ ates both in Pittsburg and New York, and her marriage life has heen fol. lowed with a great deal of interest. During the trial of her 'brother she attracted . a great deal of sympathy, Land the &mplete sadness written up- on her features was ~ttributed to grief over the plight of her kinsman. When she returned to. England it. was generally reported that her health %hd been wrecBed. Later it was soid thet she had gone fo Italy with ber hus- band, to seek rest and thé restoration of her shatters! nerves, It fell to the lot of Tady Yarmouth to inform her mother: of her brother's rash Shad, At the tape ¢ of 'the, sepsa tional shoolh Madison Roof Bana ire William Sars on 'a Steamer bound for England to visit hd daughter. Lady Yarmouth She vas met by and taken to. the latter's house in London, where as gently as possible the pews was broken. Mrs. Thaw re- turned at once to America and took a prominent part in arr for the defence of her, son. Syn lor ed followed her in time for the trial There was some surprise expressed af the time that her hushand shobhd not have socompanied her. The wedding of Lord Yarmouth and Miss Thaw was an event .in Pittshurg society. It was planned that her eld- | est brother, Marry. should Five her | an be for two she of 1% one nection Son § her wer daughter of of Pittsburg, Francis Alex or Me. later " Hmusemen¥s. Grand Opera House: WEDNESDAY, - TAN; 8th. The Theatrical Event of last seasov, in | New York. Eight months. at the Madison | Squares Theitre to thronged enthusastic houses WALTER N. LAWRENCE Presents CARLOTTA NILLSO Apd "the Madison Square Company in "THE THREE OF us" Which received the upaminous aud qualified endorsement of the Press of New York, Philadelphia, Boston end Chicago. Prices--25¢, Sc, 75¢., §1, $1.50 Seats now aon sale Jan, 11t h --' For AT THE PRINCESS NEW VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, Her KINGSTON'S Mysical Comedy CORDON CHAMEIUGN MER 'AND M1 Cl lately with pOUG CLOWN BOB.' TRICK DRL M IAD LAS BROOKS of Irslafkd mis TOMEDIAN, WISE a dog full of tricks, A B1G HOUR'S SHOW FOR 0c. Two Rolis of Moving Pletares, THE BRIGAND'S PAUGCHTER" in one roll, 3 HALF CASTE'S RE- roll, and Songs by GRO, HARMOND, Sc. Matinees will be rum every noog for 5c. to everybody, BIJOU 1.830 to 5.80 and 7 in one Ulildren Opeti A few months whole world: Nn ago vas startled Ne w York. Kidnapping in spité of the vigilance of | the famous police. . MONDAY amd TUESDAY Sensational Drama ""A Stolen Child's Career" The Hose We present the of the Child--The Mihiatire Portrait--Lea ving the. Child in Chas of, Nurse-- Kidnapped hy Gypsies--1 oth er's Return--Where is My Child He Becomes Rober he Plot Shot and Captured--The Recogpition Reunion. of Mether and Son. We Comedy also the Laugbmhle *'The- Unlucky Trousers' MME. LOUISE HOMER. Famed Contralto, will sing ARIOSO GIOCONDA through Concert Gramophone, at every performance this week except Letween the hours of 7.05 and 10 pasa. - present Worked the Wonder! and THE FIRST, THE: BEST, LARGEST. MONDAY THE and TUESDAY "REFORMAT HON" Tis parents tations , of Programme picture should be losing "sons; Showtiy 'OUR BOYS." sien hy the téw Pathetic and ¥ "An Unlucky Interference" A scream from start to éindsh, \ will Wir Song. Sine Barney Carney, MISS EMILY SELWYN the famous Irish Testinn'™ © Arrah-Wanna Married New management, J. W. © SPARKS, Mgr UNITED MEETINGS TONIGHT | Kt First Baptist Ch 8 O'tlock - Speaker: 'HBV. ONO. Kk. MALE KENZIE. A CORDIAL invITATION TO ALL COUNTESS ZARA Clairvoyant and. Pajntist, Who redd the 'late 'P t Hand. e tells your name. street, Postively lust two w in an appearance. Josiah; Caiigv another brother, acted "in It was also reported that in ceremony was due to gotiations with tegard 16 the mar riage settlement from the Thaw fomi- ly. The ear] is. decinred to hove sisted gn an' increase anfl the papers had to be drawn "w beford 'the mar riage procesd, rs. George was a Jamiliar group at the first matron of honor of her sister. Lord Edward Seymout, brother of the groom, was best mai A sumber of the Sits relate epme over for the Later Carnbgie, Agu in the family Was the life Lady Yarmouth was compelled to deny rumors of a dj her husband. She te "to ak. quietly ax posible, and any enter- taingg that! wns done was on g fom: parativdly. nal scare. Yarmouth win § Will Defend, London, Jan. the Earl of Yarmouth have given no tire that they propose to defeiti the action. The ease probably will wot be "on for several weeks. sanity vidas to macriage, now dan of the. J Father's Sake." | Programme ~~ DAVE Hiustrated after to I'p.w. | the by the rion crimes in | was carried on successfully |: Metropolitan| © [A GREEN {A 20 Years | and | d Lday, as teehee 3 his { Beacon ; COFFEE! IB WEEK OF PRAYER A SUMMONS TO PRAYER" E ston. ! Jo ; bif pince if delay] fgrther ne! in-+4 who | Within the 'fret yegr of her married LH t with} five | rw rrsrreesrrrs reve rrvyrery BAAR AA BABAR EEA EEE { * 1908. PAGE THREE 'CONDENSED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED FEMALE. RATES : insertion lc. a ward. Each | gir rob insertion thereafter half cent | & wordy Migimum charge for gne in sertion, 25e. ' 1A HO rk SERVANT GENERAL ) evening at fog. Apply dence of J, ) ARTICLES WANTED. JOHN - THOMPSON HAS GOOD Happy Thought Ranges and Heaters | | to seil at low prices, and persons Yo or baving good Furniture or Stoves to Drake, Portswo dispose of, before selling drop a card e, Grocer. to 338 Princess street. RESPECTABLE SIAN sew ork Ww GENERAL High Pri A COME ra + SITUATIONS VACANT. No washing MEN Mrs. Gordon ANT barber Queen's College, ales earn w GENERAL. wepk!y > Be oi AN TED art logite EXPERIENCED | Queen and: Spadina, Tore A Boxed, SEE VALUABLE wages ipal WOMEN" TO 1 weeks | FARN gradu ehleen fons SIT ATION, PRUYERTY Double house, on A Jon CLEANING ASHES OUT Or Property: of the late Joseph J Son, now used as a dwelling yards or cellars, or other AEE flamber s shop, Apply to gage | carted. Prices right. "Apely to S.4° Lytle, General Carter, 33 Main St. | i alkem & Walkem, THEIR: oi ASOLING LAT FOR SALB--- Johnson street PERSONAL. |CapILLT FORMA--BEST hair restorer Froduces luxuriant growth measuring one jock per' wonth, Excellent Nerve Tome, eures| Hea 'ache, Neuralgia, Dandruff aad | Ee.oma Demonstration treatment | free. Shampoo fifty' cents. Manulae- tured by Mme. Eider, Dressmaking | Parior's, 253 Pri os St. Evening Costumes a specialty, Opera Cloaks, etc MONEY AND BUSINESS. 'our POLICIES COVER MORE OF Juliding and contents than any other ompany offers. Ixamive them at Godwin's lnsurance Emporium, Mark. {et Square, - . MEDICAL. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND cLobe urance Company, Available A. yr 187,215, in eddition to which the policyholders * bave for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and. city pro- perty insured at lowest. possible rates: Beldre renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone, 868. ¥ - % KNOWN and a BRING pressed and+l velvet collar new. Prices | for Taller 131} : by's Livery GENTLEMEN ro Drei couts and have tne also pet A new makes them like Gall oway, The next to BH CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNL ture, Pianos, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any Way required. For further fnformation, apply to Laturmey's Uarriage Works, 800 and 893 Princess St. 'Fhons 153. Jeaned, TO-LET,. STORE: OFFICES, DWELLINGS, ete McCann's, 51. Drook i -------------------------------- DR. STANLEY J, KEYES, LATE Chief Resident Surgeon, in lic New York Polyclinic Hospital. hus opened an office, at 327 Barrie St, Op posite Y.M.CA. ' Phoge, 831. KING ann, 51 STEAM HEATED ROOMS, COR end Brock St, Apply to Mel Sock street, 141 KING STREET, Ful unturs k terns NINE ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR FLIAS, ~ ARCHITECT, OW | fice, Cor. Queen snd Bagot streels. a ---------- = ITHRER [HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, LADY'S ste. Anchor Building, Market Square, about (DEH) HOOMS i without board ghted, y at IPOWER & SO ARCHITECTS, MER. | r chant's Bank Building, comer Hirock | and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. imine IN CA A LADY'S Well Saturday te ret street. JETTED PURSE wii Was treet « Kindly return £ 01 ------ wmtisnndipiadt pmb REL NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF PETER PAN PURSE, CON fice, second figar over Mahood's Drug wining key und other ar es or store, corner Princess and Bagot Friday ¥ eturn sa streets. IEatrance om Bagot street. to 188 Barrie 'Phone, 608 sireet SETTING and Market 1907. Find mg at 191 GOLA RING, DIAMOND between Clarence Square, on 2 er willbe re rde y leav Brock street. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. | MARRIAGE LICENSES. : i ISSUER OF S KIRKPATRICK, Clarence St. | Marriage Licenses, 42 DON'T WAIT TILL YOU ARE RICH TO BUY A Victor Talking Machine Drop in and enguire or write us The Living God. In the thought of was not a tradition, tory-something shut God ihe Godmpot of the of the living. He speaks to the past This about our , Easy Payment Plan. DAWSON & STALEY, hut | to 217 Princess St., Kingston. High Grade Pianos, at Living Prices Jesus ins ofa fact of his up LL a 1% dead, men in exper convieti of the the. appr and m religion of Jesus It was waotion 'of the and and sponsive the living mind presence of the living ( a -- Koen now willin to Inspire soul ® When a God in and the Ww. man realizes this way to His of the soul meaning H. Ramsay Rev. C. W. Casson, Boston; Ma he knows ol Wm. Murray, 'Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Cutters, NOTICE.~--1,000 ISLANDS. NOTICH IS HBEREBY/ GIVEN regard tothe lolowing condition in | terns of (46 of the 1,000 Islands in the St. Lawpenck, viz As regards . stall, rocks, reefs or the question of disposing of the | wine to the owners of larger islands "adjoining, will, up application to the department, receive consideration that unless wplicatic us such rocks, | | reefs or shoals Ly owners of larger is {lands argAnade to 'the undersigned witt Powell, months fro dspesiuon| Carpenter and Jobber { thereof will be made to first applic 1 he | md 103 Ra glan St. Jesus .- IN at for fre Address, street, New Carriages, Haruess literature. ete., for sale Sale of Hotses "ghouls, oa every ~ Ae due AA AA es 4 {in three date, "4 Our Own Ble " "4 " niet Five Booher, are Sav de a pound - sold umder guaral : IN TEAS. » Can < I values Our special our special Is. for $1 trol the s Kingst ~ hone, which will rece < tion 2 All © i D. Couper, | 341-3 : THE FRONTE NAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1 President--8ir Richard Car Money pertios | Department of November 26 Warning to the Public. | The Canatia , Amer n $ e Re ring Shop cx 1 January est ort 863 and wright 291 yaned on | nd Municipal and ( tures Mortgages [us " peceived and foterest alle 8. C. McGill, fis wey Managing Dire 76 or send our i= st " NewYorkChinase Restaurant 83 Princess Street. Open from 10.30 am. to 3.00 a m ind kinds Chinese eders Je an all Fe f «il and Princess street The best place to get Lunch in the city. Meals om shortest notice. Fag Dishes a specialty. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. Roll Bacon, 13je. per Ib. For a gwick | finper try our Hamburg Steak or Blood - H. J. MYERS. 6) Brock Mt | <4 sh BEG 4444404442440 00T4 2400440000400 0 000000000 Ripe Bananas, Ripe Pineapples, Ripe Hot House Tomatoes, Florida Tangerines, Florida Grape Fruit. \ A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street' SSiiasbibstatrnabarasiiisasieiiiiedsiiseesy EE EAE D0 Se FS ernaens ene +4244 + Canada Life Assurance Company SIXTY YEARS OLD Assets Cd i hh -aunsese § 32 000,000.00. Insurance in foreé (over) - «~-«« «== $115;000,000 00 Profits paid polic: olders (over) ----- ~~=---- § §,000,000.00. * «When insuring your life why not have the best." If 'you would like to represent this Company as Agent call in the office--18 Market street, Kingston, and satisiactory arrangem erits can be mre. 7 0. HUTTON, es Manager. Kingston District ELECTRICAL BATTERY ZINGS °° L west Prices. Write for Catalugue. (Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Todi Re Ee whos & wins o's] a mpl ws Gein Wiis Blah Wal dw wig! ? is ¥ oF A