Te ori. Toi PAGE TWO. 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1908. | SHILOTS I BYUN PRS, =. THE SPORT REVIEW =.==2= == THEY 601 MARRIED "Baby Laugh oie Recut mS---- | date For thc Commons. i 5 2 Game Of Basketball. { rtm i | Dick case for the wore oud save | THE PEOPLE STRONGLY IN| Dr. J. W. Edwards, of Cataraqui, HOCKEY) TEAMS AT PRAC.| Tha first kague eet bl seme|BUT TOO LATE TO GO ; a p Ro | aac servativi i Th o year w yed 3 | : ; . FAVOR OF IT. |he: Prontense -consersutive, snudidats} TICE LAST EVENING. { Y.M.C.A. to-night, between Waldron's | BACK ON STEAMER. } It belongs to health for 10 take, even for a child , | for the commons, was born in Stor- | Tho Shiloh's C Cures i 4 x . W ut That is Shiloh's Cure His father] land St. James' clubs. The games| a baby to eat and sleep, Sold under 2 arantee . | ripgton township, in 1565 ey 1 a - ! » if under a guaranics Coughs A Free Collegiate First Form Was |came irom England in 1527, and his The 14th Had a Fine T¥rnout-- | are for the McFedridge cup and have| Came Over to Canada to Saw roe laugh and grow fat quicker than any other & Colds Favored, But a Wholly Free | mother was of United Empire Lovalist | Constantine Was on the Tee-- jaroused consicerable interest i B Sake Publicity, But Found They . . mediciné--or your money back. 34 years Collegiate Did Not Meet With | stock. After completing bis studies at | Perrin, of the Junior Front. | * of new teams Babe Joel a] Had It to a Fuller Extent. But fat comes first; 3 g 8 M nd some good © PELs gue his yeas 8 : : | Much amusement was caused at the | don't ask a scrawny of success commend Shilob's Cure. 25¢ ydenham high school, Dr. Edwards | enacs, Had His Finger Badly {will likely follow. i { M ¢ ] The road hmprovement and the | tena for ten years. He passed through | Cut. . { . ates what on Randay, ol the wrivel baby to laugh; wh . of the. (ape incent, , 'boa 4 even his smile is pitifu ! Hoc, $1 ne Popular Favor. ; | taught in. various schools in From-| i ya i -- . Queen street sewer extension by-laws {Queen's University, and secured the | Four teams held practices at the Sporting Notes. : > es ay orn { as a . y x . couple came 'over to get married, and 0 U | CK L y 1 passed with good majorities. The | degrees of bachelor of arts and doetor Kingston skating. rink of Monday | Winnipeg 1s talking of sending a | i publicity in New York * ate Fat comes first. . 5 ity { 101 i ¢ d a ie % . y a o p: people gave a majority vote on the | of medicine in 1900. -For séveral years | night and everyone showed up well. loricket team to tour Eastern Canada | aroom-to-be was very much sur The wa yuestion, making the first form of the | past he hay practised his profession | fhe '14th seniors and intermediates next summer. prised when informed that ne would rs be fat is the 13th Mid-Winter Furni- Collegiate . Institute absolutely free, lat Catarequi. He was appointed coun; | were the first to make their appear- | Tha Ontarios, of Port Hope, defeat- |} Co to be married by a minister and way to healthy. : but said no to a wholly free colle- | ; : - lance. The following - players turned 'ed the Belleville O.H.A. juniors in the luot a justice of the peace, bat his : ture, Carpet and giate The former decision will mean | PTT ; ; tout Hisgock, "Jim" Richardson, first game of the season By 6-5. | surprise was still greater "when is) ' : g : that $1,000 extra 'will have 10 be | : { Steacy, Constantine, Bernier, George The game in Pembroke, Friday liormed that he--would have to pav $2 00 S mu Sion Curtain Sale. raised in fakes, if the board of ely. i 5 : | Richardson, VanHoroe, Kennedy, might, the first of the vaya A > a roe Tieense. nnd ae ch \ . cation deciles to recognize ie vate | / { : 3 J tO 4 8 1 rh pr by 2 Bigger reduction is this Sale than in thé pec he Ris id that many | y ia { Laird, Davidson, Davy, Metcalfe, [su ted na win for Per Dea at: nore to the minister who tied the is the roper food ply provious ones of ely" knew what thi a 5 «| Derry and Lemon, The last: year's "00 of 7 to 2 against the AMprior igor, When he finally understood all prope OC J in electors scarcely' knew what they were go: 1 "liavers are showi fine form, and septette. dks . ] but only a little at first. : voting upon, but they voted, and the ? play ng It is hardly probab this he and his blushini. bride got in A result is clearly in favor of a dree | 5 ; | will play. just us steady a game .a3| . sket I I be sent to the {a corner and talked. the matter over All Druggists: 50c. and $1.00. irst for The figures the d | i before. The forward line worked well dian cricket team wi 3 sent lo {Would they be married here or go Hew} ig ee i aon 2 road: | z | and the defence was always there with Olympic games mn London next sum- {back to the Cape ? All the time it | by-law and the vollegiate questions {the goods when called upon 'mer, even though invited by the Eng- I drawing nearer two o'clock." and | re: { : y 2 1 A a ad z i char Sota ti i ving ne o o clock. and | are i ae i Kennedy isa Bow man, who hasty Fish © ricke! Amga rv hookev the boat would leave at 'that hour J & 4 | from Moncton, N.B., and appears to| : > : At last the man in--the. case put hi rovement By-Law. | : | * clude , Bost 0. case put Jus Road Improvement By-La Ibe a good steady player. He warked | team includes three games in Boston [foot down and said he was going 'to Subdivision. FOR AGAINST | | = 1 ; : {with the Canadian College teams--Bis- | . " . : EF | out at left wing last night and put bop's College, Yennoaville,. Que... on j be married no matter how much it Sydenham | 7 pe | ' { up a good exhibition, He skates well, | - " an \ f « + pV o : 22 ~ January 25th, No. lL. wins since BA 19 ¢ g stick handles well and is a good January 2 nd, McGill, January 2 No. 2 rein ee 64 » 17 | . : land Toronto on February lst tea . Ontari | shot. Constantine also worked out May Sutton, holder of the TL minister, and to trv and get back on-| ntario y i : : Aa | May ' ) he sz i The . o i " i on the forward line and clearly show- |. : : ithe same boat he boat left at 2:30 f ar $22 3 ¢ : linternational tennis championship, bas | "> } All Brass Bods, Jarge size, regular $22 No. 3 ty arene 9 6 ! . ed that that he can stand the pace | ernational tennis champi ¥ : p.m. and had hardly got away from | Sale price, $17.50 \ w No. 4. rn oh 12 } I he del H announced her readiness to compete in. | "hg (hen down i haar ! Al ae Bu latge size, Tegvar | St. Lawrente-. he > Zor or ee or calls | he Oi ymuian Jame ie ve ul 1 ity Pi cpuple, but 4 H 2 n pg No. 5 A ! . .ondon this year, when women play- | Viandsouw Iron and Brass Beds, regi 0. 5 {hits the bull's eye. Richardson an L oTs froin many countries will compete {groom's happ: comftenance "soon |» Bernier are both playing their own |i, tennis. y . | hanged when inf he would have | {to stay in the city till Tuesday after far $21. Sale price, $17.50 No. 6... Jandsome Iron aud Brass Beds, regi | ear -- ataragm | i ia? i u old game, as steady and fast .as ever.| Hooper, it is said, is anxiohs tof - a inoon. The way that Canada . and lar $12. Sale price $9.75 3 nd atticese war]. Ne Toi weir vue 28 ¢ | A302. tr PRE Fine ton Filled Matticeses, regula 'Ne. 8 . 28 wi "Eddie" Hiscock stood guard over the igi, Montreal Wanderers, jugt as |. : : { lg : note and was riever far - way when | anxious as the club is to hav him, {Canadian laws," especially those con- | NN | RAS le that a Cana- cost him, and securing a cab they drove away to get the license and a | 8 containing the happy couple, but the | 29 tie . "extra good, regular yi. No. 4... oo A learra : 8 Hale price. 35 2B. ress and Spring, 436 No. 10...... i DR. J. W. EDWARDS, jrosed. " dni tol {4 it he has a Hasiness to look after<in Fo TE. ere haudled was | apd on Wy 5 > - | . e Irontemac ntors followed he O e & Ci 1 8 » | y ide regular $10, Bpecial re "and i" Frostemen. . ty clerk in 1899, and still holds that | above teams on the ice, and a 200d lone a Sad nd he. on, Sud Hote | a ASC} 4 BIG REDUCTIONS now afiered o Half hd repular #4 No 32. position, as well as that of jail phys-ihuueh turned out: ingluding Williams, (he cannot join the champions. ~ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. In High Class Furs. All Manu- Png 3 large arc wont . hg $3 and No. 18. jeian, this latter appointment being | Hazlett, Perrin, Metcalfe, Ainsley, La-! Victorias, of Ottawa, intend : factured FURS TO BE SOLD. 55.50 only : No. 14 { made a year ago. Dr. Edwards is a[londe, Cooke, Sowards, Dowsley and | strengthening for the Wanderer games, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By| ou 0 14 advise those intending Mithodist in religion, is grand auditor | Hunter. Lalonde, Hunter and Perrin realizing that their present team, al- Reporters On Their Rounds. | buying to see what bare ains ~ Glorious weather, eh ! aya E : AE BERS : { No. 13 sees Ea f the Canad Order of Chosen | ; » : Rideau-- al he anadian (S John! | are all new men and all made good | though a very promising one, is 100 | No. 16 Friends, and a on IF 0 x ws W# impressions, The first named is a inexperienced for the Stanley cup con- | Are we to have any winter ? | Xo. 17 Masonic lodge. | inghton ., as find and will add greatly to the "line tests They have decided to try and ! Bananas. Fdwards and Jenkin | W. F. Gourdier, Brock St No. 18 sided all his life m Supionas li with up. Hunter is also a good mdn and {get more players, and Harry Smith | See Waldron's sale of coats, $3.98 Exclusive Furrier . No. 19 oe | the exception ol " ernie iol years | if his work-out last. evening counts and Hall will be communicated with Well, it's all over. Let us be happy. | - i -------- Curtains No. 20 ci 23 | which he spent te Aan \ ou 'eo a {gr anything, plays a good game. | Toronto World : With Hanlan., in Clearing sale ol coats ay Waldron's, | = * X No. 26 {tor 1s a gl mac . man, fa ne BaEnee | "Monty" Ainslie, of last vear's Wan- his prime, sculling was the universal |83.98 ta Nik. Ti No. 99. 18 | every dollar neces ary ; or hi Wy | dérers,.is one of the best forwards in sport, and Toronto the headquarters. | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders © . tion and for his advancement to hs |g. janior series. He is a worker |Pages were written of every race, | received at McAuley's. Phone 778 { «try a : : | ® * he wtoria-- } Re itd p » past twenty | . 8 i 4 i 3 Lace, rd A No. 23 . 9 | present position. For She Pa Ae hi |from start to finish, a good skater and | space being given over then to details Good men will hesitate accepting of- |} @ » 2 x . u > > since he 8 B, { rere CAD y p : t per cent. No. 21 14 jel I OR Fromenae Lennox | deadly shot. Williams showed up well that now 1s occupied hy reports of | fice. as honest work is not appreciat-|}} . { has been stumping ' | at goal, and for a young one plays a baseball, bowling, the races, or curl- | ed. . They hurrah man is the winner b No. 25... ... we BB 15 : i . conservative in- | ; a Lae {and Addington in the conservative it | cool, steady game. He connected with | ing-and hockey. Everyone locally was | generally 1,063 453 | tarcsts ma | some good hot ones during the work- interested in the champion, and stead | Chocolates. "The Red Star!" | F hi T bl Majority for 600. SII lout and got away with them nicely. fastly did he maintain the confidence | The tug Frontenac carried a load of | { or t € a €. ] ; | HAHHCIIIIAIOK AANA AIS take Of the public. { withs from the Kingston and Pem ! | The Cadets were the last to | the ice and for' an hour made things 249 = BR { 1 | 3 Naively the Boston American closes | broke railroad wharf to Garden Is-| its story of ' runner - Alfred Shrubb's {land to-day { victory ina - ten-mile race with a | The 14th Club of Kingston has!}]| Almost every table service couple of local men in this fashion : | changed its name "to the Frontenac | réquires replenishing at Queen's practiced from five to six] Tt was the greatest exhibition of in- | Club, and has increased its capital to | times. We would advise | | or cloek and had a fine workout, | | | HUGS An immense' range, IY per 'Free Collegiate First Form. . LOCAL OPTION. sont. off 5 / Subdivisipn-- FOR AGAINST " LINOLIUMS--ANl widths, qualities | Sydenham 5 Pittsburgh Township car- 3 sth The soldiers have some good | material 'and will" he able to put iwo | .| good 'sevens ~on the ice. % and patiurns. owt 30 Por Seat. 5 Ra Yooeieis cove 2iovit 43 4F w® ried local option by six ; or ent. loss' during a Penrs A 2 . 15 49 ; Hinchinbrooke township des R Ajj door running ever seen in The Hub, |$50.000, issuing 2,400 new shares of |}! your seeing the "1835 Wal £ Or 9g 3 : 3 / i T 15 " | an { » ; ' : Udile Prices Are Strictly Cash No 3 19 3 R feated it Dy five "a ® | the players are not back yet, but will and Shrubb's time of 51.15 was won- | §50 each. i {]| lace' line of Knives, Spoons Sa ric o § y Cash, 3 ' 3 ween Saanik wirase 3 x ¥ Loughboro township e- B11." out for Wednesday's workout. The derful, but the shortness of the track | You'll be healthy and happy if your!]| and Forks. of which we have YOURS : o Massane stems pesms a. ¥ feated it by 25. 2 {probably helped him. Indeed, the | liver and bowels work naturally Hol | a complete range, in all X 1. F. HARRISON co St. Sate. maa shortness of the track would help any- |lister's - Rocky Mountain Ten Kedps | newest desighs NO, Buocvri sia pmenp 27 WH CHSKASIIIG ) k Ibody. In this case it was just one |these organs working right, brings No. 6... . 3 2 ' » mile 3 | Pos i | 2 bg nace. had a bad aecident at practice. lap short tg the mile, so that Shrubb {robust healsh to all. Try it vow. ||| Catutagi) . 27 "TWAS A FALSE ALARM. [ last evening,. Shortly after. the ory iy feu laf Jase-.thi jen wiles. |35c, Tea or Tablets. Mahood's = drug No. 7...... 2 ; Ho gout started he fell * gnd-one of the omory f us kn ius ive to. the \gtore, SMITH BROS ' x . Firemen Called to ome Of | hore skatod overt his right Yang. } eTROTY -O anlan, paying a tribute | Grape fruit. Edwards and Jenkin. | ey | | EEE * boys will be in fairly googl . condition {for Fridav's game with Ottawa. Henry Perrin, of the Junior Fronte- 40 to his ° i py! ie} . T : : 3 | powers in warm, sympathetic . ; R Mayor-Elect The third finger wah ut in to theifachion The Morning ap The students are arriving back to 35 About 7.30 o'clock Monday , night, hone, the cot being clear across the Pi i ) . Jewellers, Opticians: 11 some person set five 10a barrel, plac- | finger. He had the Jnjury dressed . atiable, and STI jo fact res ew wi iidiay n re Issuers of Marriage 2 od on the roadway, in front of May- | the hospital. - It will be some time Biya in The Telegraph" savs: * jos apenas, Soi HOrsngs a + «1 Licenses 2 or-elect Ross', ydenham street, and | hefore _he will have the use ol his} rad. alone omone: profeasionsl seul ] aolltios, wl avery slate was welbat y - 10 , | then someone se, or probably the | finger again ns the cut is in a bad | Jers, upon a height wherefrom no de | seinen ox to St dae wide | 350 King.St. 'Phone. 666 61 same person sent = sn slau; to the lace and will take some timé {0feat could ever remove him. Probably Laan erat an BiG IY et ok FR. firemen, he fire-fighters made a re-| heal. {no sculling bo ve ar} A So iE Bo E---------- -- ~No. 16... . i 60 "[eord run. arriving on the scene, only | "Senator" Powell Will nat. play hoc: | than. his. Rha prinvipls a jaye ba So dry he omach ; No. 17. oe seis DO 47 to find thatthe fire had been started ikey. with the senior 0.FL.A, team this ling, which he first exemplified are The yn N nakoshift. Get y y No WB... 58 by way of a celebration and that their | year. "Jack" sav? that he will not principles which must underlie all | iat 8. Simp 8 " na po in OVOFY: GRAND UNION HOTEL A a 32 services would not be required. The | turn out at all with any team as he first-rate watermanship to-day." Drescrip i n sR i. tive. The Nao. Mf... A 50 | firemen returned to their quartersand | kas had enough hockey for this year | ---------------------- : where. as . ir Baga 4 ap orn a = for | No. 21 on er ' {the barrel was allowed to fall a prey [ anyway. Powell's absence will be COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Hestans ave Js Prepares Ry yo ther oe - Bl | Victoria-- |to the flames. A large crowd was at- | keenly felt on the 11th line up as het ---- Bi oa: ib rng hes | Our Wire Mat impor- § No 9%. : tracted to She goene, pr a . good "What {s Going on in the Business Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid | ati 0 % pay MN No. 93... «vd a | many were isappointed upon finding | i World--The Markets. leeand oo how quickly help will tome. tation from Germany c No. 94 ;..: : a [that the firemen had been called out | : | The Metropolitan bank this vear | Free sample ple sent et by | the city in large numbers, to-day. nnd | » } has arrived. The Mats No. 2B... in: : a5 |on a "lake. {earned nearly fifteen per cent. on the|Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health : | " aTibal . Ines . ----r-- y ai | v paid-up capital, is surely worth this simple test. Sold are suitable for inside wy dn | Dish Washing Makes Rush Hands. he Capital Construction company. | by' all- druggist. il or outside of your rch B Majority for 130. { oo much. soa ) an hot water in- | ; limited, is incorporated with a capital ---------- J po ------ {variably cracks, roughens and des KT | stock of $95,000 and "head office in Ot- | The All-Right Pen i and cannot rust in any A Wholly Free Colleginte. > [troys the beauty of the hands. Gly- | tawa J When youwswant a fountain pen why | > Subdivision. FOR AGAINST | cerine, vaseline and similar prepara-| rare The Bank of Ottawa is asking auth- take chances Everybody admits that | s O08 pr 141 y . i = . w cathe r. B= | Sydenham- {tiong can't penetrate deeply enough | | ority to increase its capital, as an- [Waterman's ' Modern" and "Self-Fill- | No. Lo... oni 8. to do good. But' Dr. Hamilton's ~ - x { nounced some time ago. from $3,000,-1{,2"" pens are unequalled "Modern" We Have All Si : No. 2 ce ne BY - { Ointment takes out the parched, dry . ome : {000 to $5,000,000 . tatyvle at 81#up, selifilling at $2.50 up I zZes iB | Ontario-- { wrinkles, smoothes out the skin, gives . p-- ww | There is some talk of a new issue of | ot" Wade's drug store | f 8 No. $s cg vine IB 2 {it a dainty appearance. ub it in, ur 8 g | Tofonto railway stock The annual | -- HRT 60c a Noid vii aaa lots can't harm. Any druggist can 0 Odd dE d Sal meeting of the shareholders will bel rom . & | St. Lawrence-- supply Dr. Hamilton's Ointment in| an 0 8 | held on February 5th Speke Againgt Loe Option, No. & 29 ) i500. boxes. Alf 4 { The Jenkin Brass Mauufacts ; r. J. G vans returned on Mon ah: baaes Anavnsns { ords you i g ' Mapulaciunng to. "noo o ( shellford 23 » { y . | company, limited, has been incorpor- day alternoon from ampbellford Te. ; ; 'ari i or; ¥ {a capital stock 350,000 | Carlotta Nillson and Walter N portunity to ' la capital stock of ¥35( He ckunty against local option { a-------- a i a " ---------------------- - ' tof = «The Thrae Of Us." a good op- i § imted with head office in Montreal and h i : kl No. 25. I» | ryt [ ® Ro Boise vines + 37 | Lawrence's Madison Square company, e return of traffic earnings of the y i : x McFaul e Scr save aevins 42 tin "The Three of Us" will be seen at procure a fine | Canadian Pacific Railway company, lve Will t Greenwich. to wit J | LJ ® } 28 | the Grand, on Wednesday. January Stole or Mulf , from December 21st to 3lst: 1907] = VIF, HAS, A hy : / \ , 3 2 A re. Hess Use the Eoglish langwage. 1} \ WL wer 1 Jif \ During the past week he has been ad dressing audiences there and in Has v lo a | Sth. "T he Three of Us" tells a story at a greatly | 331%4.00; 1906, $2,005,000; decrease | V0 (Child called an 'encum : < xu i ; . raga : a | . | 894 060. , y e a child -¢ Carpet Wi rehouse it saa aE eis naniat ii of Nevada mining camp life, minus | . . . 1 5 . 2 ' . A ba Blessing hd pe 3 No.. 12. wns en 21 | the usual exaggerated types of cow reduc ed price ] Sa The Grand Trunk railway system's| 80% A child i= a blessing' 10 the | boys, Indians, gamblers, whiskey and Here are a y i | gun-play, ete, tuat am usually lug- few of th {ber 21st to December 31st, were as i . | ged into such plays, and it is said to € Y y | follows : 1907, 81,173,355; 1907, 81.- recand i » ividiv Te ralis- 1 230, 14% oC » 56 263 » ' . ~ Rideau-- Ibe so vividly depicted and so realis snaps that } 30 148; de Tense, 836 53. |: spied, by itis. girlaiwag sh) | Prince Rupert, next spring, will have |) "oo 00 "nd health she did abound | | the largest cold storage plant in the! nu beastly 'anc hoa | one of our { | world. . It. is to be erected by the Ca-| {nadian Fish and Cold Storage com-| Why is it that would rather lose than see some other who know the duties of parentage and | the delight of training childre dr She was the pride of the country! | returns of traffic earnings from Decem No. 3 s | tically appealing that wherever it is . 4 | presented it, quickly becomes the talk can be seen m {of the town, iy . . | f----------_---- show win- i : : : : 2 A '0. & ; co Hh Please Don't Cough. : j pany, just incorporated with a capital | . I ~»P S Nov is ue i A cough is the worst thing for a dows to~day. jof a million and a half. The building [fellow win * SEE THE cas 4 will cost $250,000, i - ' Victoria-- | cough. The Diamond Cough Remedy is ; : Ji : | Municipal Debentures Ne, ARG NE the best thing. 2 stops She fngitation w, poy Long Satin Liswd Je coruings ol she LPR tor shel SHH AHHH i 4 ? i ae 2 = the 1 § ace, uces | pa 3 , as con oO e week. | 4 ures, o soothes inflamed surface, - in in row, $30.00 for | Statoments, show that the gross| VERY SUSCEPTIBLE. » By taking Rocky Mountain Tea. ! the averace man | i o) Sabi Coughs, colds, sore throat i Nevlest of 'evit Li hs 5 . : 25¢. that has just ended amounted JRo | bi » fi. an offinaly Endowment Insurance, : pn ee once. 25c., at 1 only Large and Elegant | $75,254,000, or more than $5, 400 | Sourh or cold is wpe to bum i Majority agaist, 10." | TE leabells Fox Stole, regular p|betier thas any previ secu 101F suscep Lo" bronchial nie: ---------------------- 4 > {1 hi 442) 3 i i Life Annnities, = Wha od . B. A. Hotel Arrivals. i .and good value at | 1903, 854.137 000; in 1904, 845 156. | tions. To break up,a cold quick i : ' t Causes Headache. , | P. J. Summptige, Baltimore: Madisch 00 for $16.50. > || 00; in 1963, $15.503.000, in 1902} ly and cure any cough that is : 3 From October to May, colds are the | Cooper, Watertown, N.Y.; Robert Hart, . | $39 576,000; in 1901, £34,075,000, and |B curable thers is nothing more Real Estate, most frequent cause of hendache. Lax- |Port Hope; A. Larkins, B. Aller 'H- 1 only Sable Squirrel ]|in 1900 they were $30,043,000. {E- eficotive than a mixture of one ative Bromo Quinine removes cause. Howell, Connor Meehan, A. B. Cole, $20 | 14.40 { . J IE. half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine, E. W. Grove on box, 25c. Howell ford. W. A. Deacon, Toran |] Stole. or $14.40. Yo Posts ders: | : and a half pint of good whis § ? with two ounces of glycerine o£ to: J. W. Corbett, Prescott; C. Runk, T only Shore Mink. sstin }; i g eS It is easier to prevent s dog from |F. Whittfield, D. 0. Ofrad, Montreal; ony ~ ink, satin |: Heanlion It : i : ft every 'Ti A ing f . . Fh A . re » + x { When the ts hold the city codueil | key. Take a teaspoonful every &| A. io are Ke . . | biting than it ix from barking. W. F. Kelly. Ol City, Po.D. R lined throw, $6.50 for Jl ee ie, natnted a parka |E. four hours. | Five ous sof hat We are. selling, for Sh : - . Forgie, Pem- . board composed of three liberals and tincture Hindhona compound can x » This is a most favorable time to y . 3 : Go Le € ¥ Pembroke; T. 1 ly till Set of thirve smpored of ¥ The conserva | be used instead of = whiskey i ¥ - NaS. Me: on Beauts u tives got control and dr i all the! with the same resgit. C . « awa: H. Battray, Fgao-|| Russian' Fitch (large Stole ite, So it was with the cemetery! : a] ville: A. Davis, Picton; James Irwin, . rd i The ingredients for this nix Campbellford : R. W. Ross, Wood: and Fige Muff) regular t {de ture are not expensive and can Only a few left. II you y : s . . . v4 be i at duy good drug iar > f top stock: price $60 for $42.50. Appointed Engineer. be su ins ut dup = gud deat want a real snap better . . George Hazlett, Brock strest, leit, ; : see then at 0.ace We will give a listof'some | |1.st week. for Toronto, ta look aiter TO Or atato shy BE * . % b : , : of our Malt Odds add Ends the putting in of 'the chinery in the | mix them at home. Virgin Oil sts : ur y-made department, inthis spacei to-morrow. {wilt the et the Pol pg hein of Pind is prepared ouly in the | NEWMAN & SU Ti . { storation. d cures thoroughly. i + $0 . £5 : : expectoration. an and gy. $22.75. . lincome of the system during the x laboratories of the Leach Che mical Co.., Windsor. Ont., being @ st put up, for dispensing, only in F' = 4 _ balf-ounce vials, each vial se > - w curely sealed in a round wood: ley : S80008000000000000000 4 } lcCann, [57 | a | 1 DEOL fe : : 98 || King'etreet, and Meuley's book bookstore, | ate.