Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1908, p. 7

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EE -------- TTY PemMBRrokE RAILWAY COANECTION WITH Canadian Pacific: Rallway -- TRAINS LEAVE' KINGSTON : 12.10 p.m.~Express--For Ottawa, Moo. treal," Quebee, St. John, N. B., Halilax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sanit Ste, Mano, Duh, St. Paul, Winnipeg, / aficouver, Seatlle, Portland, and San Francisco 5400 p.m.--~Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.H., East and West 745 a.m., Mized---For Heulrew and in termediate poiuts Passengers leaving cpm. arrive in Ottawa Peirrtorn $48 p.m. Pan. § Molivicul, 5.50 pam, ; a.m. ; St. Jotm 11.20 a.m. KINGSTON--OTTAWA. o Leave Kingwton, 12.10 p.m., arrive Ottawa, in m. Leave Ottawa, 10.45 a.m. arrive Kingaton, 3.45 pom. Direct comnections at Renfrew with CP.R. No. I, leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for Pem- broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Pacy- Coast points i. * CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points. rains leave City Hall at 4pm. R. W. DICKSON, Agent ingstom TREE } Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City 5 mall 12.80 a.m; 1.02 a.m, 2.88 amy 8.03 a.m. . 9.15 am. ¥47 am " 1 Inter, Ltd, .. 13.26 noon 12.54 pam. "Toll wee 8.19 pom. 8.51 p.my "15 10c8l wee 7.08 p.m. 7.38 p GOING EAST. Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 afl = -- 148 am; 2:12 am; 4 fast express 2.88 a.m. 8.02 am, "34. lo ae 8.18 a.m. 8.50 a.m "8 mall er come 1.00 pn. 1.29 p.m ' 4 fast express .. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m '12 local wes ee 7.08 p.m. 7.88 p.m Nos. 1,2,8,4,5,6,7a0d 8, run daily ©" All- other trains daily except Sunday, For Nil particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, corned Jphw son and Ontario streets: ROYAL MAIL TRAINS -VIA Leaving Montreal 12.00 noon, carries the European Mall i i Kingston at 12.10! at 4.45 pm. ' Toronto, 7.05 Depot Q.Ry., ers side, Halifax, avoiding transfer, the following Saturday, » INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Canada's Famous Train | " pa - THE MARITIME ~ wr 3 cn EXPRESS When mward mail steamers at Halilax do mot connect with the regular trains, the Maritime Express--west bound special train with through sleeping and dining oars attached, for passengers, baggage aod mail, will leave Halifax for Quebec and Montreal, connecting with trains for Ottawa, Toronto and -ali-polts-westy For further particulars, apply to Mont. real City Office, 141.5t, James street. Ca Time Table, Beginning Oct. 13th. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- Monday, 7.830--9.15 a.m. 1.00.00 p.m. Fuesday, 7.30-0.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p. Wedaesday, 7.30--v.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p. Thursdays, Breakey's Bay 6.300. Friday, 7.80915 a.m. Saturday, unday 8.009.156 a.m. 1. ! meme 9.15 a.m. 12.308. Leave Kingston. 8.8011.50 a.m. 3.004. 004.80 p.m. 8.50--11.80 a.m. 2.004.830 p.m. sm wee 945 am. 1.153.850 p.m. 3 o'clock trip from Kingston to Wolfe Island, Spoor's Dock and Simcoe Island. Time Table subject to change without Rotice, Boat calls at Garden Isiaid going to and from Figen. a «BB. ICELAND, Manager. QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 15 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship * Hor Ean,2 5,500 tons. Sailings every ten a sermuda to Nassau, Bahamds 8.8, "Trinidad" for tly in BF a4 toightly 'ebruary West India Cruises from New York New Sieamer "Guians," 8,700 tons, with all up-to-date impfovements and first-class steamers sail from New York every 10 days. For beauty of scenery and perfection of mate these are : Boston, 7.30] "seven years ago. Fridays , one so and 'lands 'opium reform. Educational reform here passengers, bageage, etc, at the Steam. 1 any extra! urd--a school of LETTER FROM CHINA EDUCATION 1S GROWING LIKE JONAH'S GOURD. Christmas in China, Much What it Was in Many Ways 1.000 Years Ago--Chinese Make . Good Athletés. Chang Li Hsien, North China, Nov, 20.--(To the Editor): Christmas greetings, in the precious name of Jesus, who came that He might show, and taught that we might know, and gave that we might give, and died that we might live. To Him, our love, our joy, our thanks, our praise, our prayer ! . « How we long to be with you, en- joying the sights, hearing your songs and-fermons, tasting your turkey, and sharing he joy of giving and receiv. ing the litthe tokens of the Christmas- tide. But it was the Christ of Christ- mas. 'who first preached and practised, { "that it is more blessed to give than receive," and more blessed to go than stay when God calls. Constrained by such 'love, going or staying is an equal pleasure ; = | Christmas im China is just about {what it was 1907 years ago in Bethe {lehem. Here are the Orientals, dress led in their long garments, here, too, ithe little dirty inns, the Chang-Li (hills, with flocks and shepherds, the country villages, a sinful, needy, ex- ipectant people, a few native believers, a few prophet® seers, healers from afar, and among them a Joseph. The church of Christ in China growing. Just as it did in Cansan, {line upon linc--here a little and there a little," Wherever you find the love of Christ and truth re-incarnate, in life and practice, there you wili find {followers of the cross, who wuuid rather die than lie, as was abundant: lly proven by over 10,000 martyrs only So that China, like levery other country, has been. dedica- ited to Christ by the "Blood of the martyr." The progress has not been {by leaps and bounds as in Judea, but the growth is steady and will be more permanent than the "Great West." Our native preacher spent a month in ithe hills last summer, and seeing there a great rock weighing many tons, which had been split from its boulder by a growing oak, said in a sermon on: his return, that the gos | pel" ded "of love and hope, and prayer land truth, is now breaking the stva; {hearts of China and separating them {from their heathen idols and ancient did 1s imoorings, just as that oak tree {with the rock . Changes in China during the vear have beén . $0 numerous and rapid {that only newspaper men and globe {trotters have had time to write them {up--changes such as opening mines, building railroad, public works, but marked as educational and has grown like Jonau's telegraphy with about filty students; a high school for { Boys, about ox a normal school i trufning ° oldashioned Chinese Wwachers into modern, about fifty: '§ { public school, and not less important {a large hall has been opeiied on the mam street, with reading rooms and free lectures. In the city and vicinity (are upwards of forty day schools for {boys and girls. - Most of these schoois lare in large temples: the idols {eitifer burned for kindling wood or [cast into the river to sink or swim {Hn all the jarger schools they have a Sunday, though they don't know what itis for. Many of the boys come to our: Sunday school and church ser- j vices, which opens to us a door .of {large possibilities. We are also work- i in field sports, jand find the Chinese boy makes a traod athlete. Of course, many of { these schools have teachers that at {first have to be taught themselves; in in this city were Tone of the schools they had some phy sical science charts upside down. Im- agine the teacher waxing eloquent on {. a. hydeaylic, } {the power and utility TPresy Wider such conditions |! Praise the Lord; China is eoming in- {to the light, though' the methods be {not 'the - most modern or approved, {We have here a woman in the W.IrN | N~Bible school, who said in a testi mony meeting : "I do thank God 1 igot here, bat I had to lie to get {away from my mother-in-law. I told her | was going home, which 1 did, {then came here," Poor old creature ! Recent statistics show that China has probably 140,000,000 people, liv- tng on about 1,000 000 square miles, not all of which is by any means fer- tile or tiilable. This makes in reckoning 40 per square mile doubt the fertile west, if farmed garden lots as here, would support 100 people per section. But your hope 18 In your export. Take away from Canada her mines; her manufactures, her railways, fishing, lumbering and other industries, export nothing, im- port everything, increase her popula- tion to 1,200,000,000, and you will be just where China now is. But com- pare the British "Islands, with less than 350.000 fertile square miles, sup- porting a population of upwards of 50,000,000, or about 1,000 per square mile. De you ask, how do they live ? } will answer, not from the soil, no, not one-half of them. They sell their nanufactured goods and buy food and clothes. This is China's ouly hope, and a hope which is rapidly becoming a reality. Find on your map Tang- Shan, where are coal mines engaging upwards of 100,000 men and turping out) about 6,000 tons per day. Ome lurge electrical plant (largest mining plant in the world) is in full opera- tion. Another is being installed and will turn eut 10,000 tons a day, the Inrgest eval produc easy No mn China. Hospitals and schools are the two large open doors to the church: ti 'these we may enter. saving the body, mind and soul. The sad ness of it all is our lack of men and means, for the extreme poverty of the people makes selisupport or the local ping of hospitals with supplies a i ibili Magy cannot' » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, days, the 'arm presenting had been of they IMAGINATION KILLED, insli MEF EFF FERRE RFE FFE FREER EEF RER shoe and Lae sores, stoves, 3 Boxes $1 n Lars merce, Your Blood Needs Iron pulled off at the shoulder by <= CAREER 1]: HANI AN -- almost two hours, we succeeded. CANADA EVER HAD. friends coyld see this need, how glgd- are moking' this our pray Eowed For Twenty-Four Years west will please send their wntribue Toronto, July 12th, 1855, and first J a] i WV i « 3 : both well, and happy, apd hopeful year he won a couple of skiff races. i ohately JOSEPH AND ELMA | - 0 tionately yours, ! b In 1874 and 1575 he won severgl races regatta at Philadelphia, beating Har- : . igi . y Ei ' - New York, Jan. 7 gins, (London, England), Evan Mor . k & rp | the record at tha p re o> of - pure imagination, . the e record at that time for three nites : invincible only bei pg : . hydrophobia for four years, { : Pe R beaten i a re = | when he boat. pired just as those do who | among others" Wallace Ross (twice), did not have rabies at all, wi Hawdon (Tynal Elliott, champion of the most remarkable on * kett (twice, Thames, for the world's a pr f s cock, Boyd, .Teemer, Lee r rm x col'apse and a queer lornm again in 1885, 4 ' 'former occasion being his first defeat rabid animal four g : ;i8econd race Hanlan defeated Clifford hydrophobia. championship from him at Troy, in towed the latter for it. 'On the first ' v B am-Buk Woman's Toe Saved By Z Bu torious, both races being rowed at Myrtle street, St. Thomas, Ont., would time, won the championship from Han- istence of Zam-Buk. For about nine meet Beach, who had prenvivusly de my little toe, for with its removal a| On the Nepean, Hanlan lost his unable to wear a as the feated the Canadian representative doctor thought it" necessary to ampu- | the fourth time. Exhibition rates en using it on my toe. The first ap |The ex-champion came prominently be- Zam-Buk a thorough trial. Two months 'went to the Pacific coast nd was a a had grown in very firmly and ait sore- {tor had 500 yards start. Op Septem when all other remedies failed. We find minster. On October 31st, he defeated Zam-Buk heals cuts, bruises, old! Prior to his trip to the Pacific coast piles, chapped hands, burns. scalds, | Kay in.a rate for the double scull Co.. Toronto. Gaudaur and Hosmer in a double dan. 6:=1t is officially an: Hosmer aid Ross. and in a single assume the portfolio of minister of Stephenson for the second time in To- quish the duties of minister of public; fn and O'Connor's double sewll colors commerce, has been transferred to the | Ching, on October 15th, Gandaur and (of the Countess de Castellane in her | he same year Ned Hanlan was beat- with some of the best oarsmen in Am- The iron in your bicod takes the | 1. re Gand her oxygen from your lungs and with jt |, 3 TO% SSagcaur either, in Tng . {Columbia fo se blood lacks iron some of these | Columbia for a season penne dirty old woman. The mother was al- most dead, but after an operation of | The womna will probably recover. We; THE . GREATEST ROWER said on our way home, "Hl only our & : Li 0) yale ve money t build : . 2ite ly would give mone dren's | A Record" of His Victories--ide and equip a maternity and children's a this vear, and ask vou to --Defeated English Champions. join ue. Friends in Manitoba and the! The late Edward Hunlai was born abe , : 4 tions bo. John bere Fourth iro wed a race as member of the fish- street, Brancon, Man 1% (Ones USlermen's crew, 1571. In the following 3 1 # - ¥ - » Wishing you ro a_heppy and Joly tin 1573 he rowed his first race in . elieve us, as ever. affec o New lear, behe shells, beating Williams and McKen phil KEELER, never -being beaten. In August, 1576, hala WA oy ceca: | P® won the singles at the Centennial * . ] | TY Coulter and H. Thomas (London, '| England), Pat Luther an! John Pag . : oi ris, Fred: Plaisted and Alec Brayiey Christian Henry is dead at # 1 he time of the Land Ree Brayiey: the King's County Hospital al was ¢ with a turn doctors say. Henry had ¥ ¥ .p - ; : - rom 1876 to R d Wa . been expecting to have om 1876. to 1884 he wassnli bot Hot oh esi : i : wu Gdtta at Providence, finally worrie:l himself into $ retired a Hy ge > stake . "toms - all the syn. "t and ex ¥ | having Some days before wrenched his : : vg | Side, During tiese years he defeated really have the disease. § Se Years he defeated, The autopsy showed he ¥ Plaisted, Morris {for the champion- rid wi ship of America in 1875 : . however. The physivians & po 8), Courtney, « 5 - v oT pronounce hi. case one of | England in 1869, (Tyne), Riley, Trie- record. They attribute - Me ichampionship in 1580 and 1582) Lay death to comylete nervous ¥ ' Hq and Gau- i. " ' Fidaur. In 1884 and of brain disease. Henry's > Beach (Australia), defeated him, the pet dog was bitten by a years *!in a match race, but previous to the ago. There were no rndica- : tions that the dog had * Hanlan haviug retuned from Au- i > stralia, Teemer won the American AAAAANAAAAAAAAAAANAN | October, 1885. Teemer long the title EE acer to Gaudaur, and in 18837, Hanlan twice DOCTOR WANTED TO AMPUTATE bo ) ------ occasion in May, Gaudaur won. On the second, in July, Hanjan was vie- But for the timely arrival of a box Pullman, HL" On August 13th. in the of |Zam-Buk Mrs, E. F. Fonger, 34 sume year, Teewer, for the 'second have lost her toe. She says : lan, the course being. on Toronto bay am most thankiyl I discovered the ex- Hanlan visited Australia again to months I suffered cruelly from the clined to row in England, although efigets of having a corn removed trom the former went there to meet him. hole remained and my toe was in althird race to Beach, who resigned in térrible state, For months I was |favor of Kemp, who later on also de- toe showed no signs ° of healing 'and | Hanlan next heat Trickett and Kemp was in such a shocking condition the! again beat him, as did also Beach for tate it. About this time I received |gaged Hanlan's attention in 1889 and a sample box of Zam-Buk and began! 1800, and these were two quiet years plication gave me the greatest ease fore the public again in 15891, but was from pain and éncouraged me to give unable to vet on many matches. He alter commencing with Zam-Buk there [beaten on September 21st, by A. Mac was no sign of a hole for flesh lean at New Westminster, but the vie ness and pains were entirely banished, ber 24th he was second to William O'- Zam-Buk brought about this healing | Connor in a regattas at New West Zam-Buk so valuable that we would | Charles Stepheysen on Shawinigan not be without a box in the house." Lake, B.C. wounds, running sores, eczema, uleérs, on, August Sth, at Hamilton, Hanlan hoils, eruptions, scalp itch, land O'Connor beat: Gaudaur and Me and all skin diseases. He x ali ehimpionship of America. In M2, druggists and or: Zam-Buk Hanlan and. O'Connor, at Erie, beat aE Lscull race on June 28rd. At Washing Changes In French Cabinet. ton, a month later; the pair beat nounced that M. Briand, minister of| atch race Hanlan defeated his old public instruction and worship, will;rival, Wallace Ross. He defeated justice, made vacant bv the death of ronto bay in August, 1503 On Sep- M. Guyot-Dessaigne, He 'will relin- [tember 5th, at Ontario Beach, Han instructioni but retain the winistry of Were lowered by Gaudaur and Hosmer worship M. Doumergue, minister of (8nd in a mateh race at Like Couchi ministry of public instruction, and | Hosmer captured the double seull Maitre Cruppi, who pleaded the case |thampionship from the Toronto pair. divorce suit, becomes minister of com- '0 by Jake Gaudaur at Orilla Sub {¥dquently, in 1895 and 1506, he raced {merica, winning in many eases. In January, 1897, he issued a chal : a pF ori fo . 's 8 destroys harmful waste matter that fand hi Amar " - the world's cham otherwise will poison you, If your y Pronshiy inte then Haolan coached pol sons remain in the system to cause disease. Escape disease and be strong | Burn Safe Door. and well, enriching your blood with | Marseilles, Jan. 6.~Burglars broke iron. Use Wade's Iron Tonic Pills | into the premises of Mm. Martin and tLaxative), * They are a great nerve | Baume, Colonial traders, at Marseilles strengthener and blood maker. © In {on Thursday night and stole money boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. {and goods to the value of $20,000, Money back if not satisfactory. | Most of their booty they took from a - {safe, the door of which they burned A Milwank ; I " i ei = Sphammbee ging an 4 oe eweller, who carnmed lene 'flame of suflicient 0 burglar insurance only his safe, | the ictal : t_heat, 4 : Walidere why the fracksmuen failed to} The case recalls ons at Antwerp re make a goo J ob ip tis place. The cently, when the thieves melted a safe store was "cleaned out," the safe re- with a combined oxygen and acety- fused to be opened, and now the lene : flame. . jeweller cannot collect on his policy H The police here Believe It goes 'to the root of disease, Marseilles burglars are . strengthens and invigorates. Its lof gars past asters id SD hin. {of the art and that probably not giving qualities are not contained inl 2 " tad , fore than a dozen possess such a gas any other remedy. Hollister's Rocky . sudBh v - {apparatus for melting safes. One or Mountain Tea has stood the severest wore of the. burglars bably test--time, For thirty years ' the sar- h ? glars may probably haa ave been employed at a motor fac est remedy. 35¢., Tea or Tablets, Ma- . : : : tood's drug store tory, where acetylene lamps are in fre Chicago . orts 'the hin iah ey" v= Any thse, mot even the Ot _-- rp ivy. | finest lock or the best. steel safe can ROO. D8 PUNE [regist, cay the police, if burglars take lege of fishing Lake Michigan for tg . $90. Must have Thoen to using oxygen and aeciylene lamps Yb "i with blowpipes.. Safe manufacturers have a new problem to solve, ' i No Fourth Quarter, Filindelptuia Public Ledger Don't look for trouble, unless vou | Suburban . family has a servant know what to do with it. whe rou | Who is an excellent cok but insists find it . ® YOU 'upon making all - her dishes strictly ' {according to her own recipes. Her mistress gave ber full swing not only as tu cooking, bet as to the purchas- ing of supplies. The other day the i mistress. said : = t "Nora, the coffe: you are giving us lis very good.» What kind is it *" { "It's no kind at all, mam," replied $ arety melt on that the Beef, Iron and Wine, make. Pint bottlesi 50¢., drug store. 3¢ "Onur ithe eck. "It's a mixer.' i "How do you mix it? i "1 make one-quarter mocha j one-quarter java and one-quarter rio." | "But that's only A uarters. What do you pat in for the other 1 oe quarter at all "1 put in. mo a , am, That's where so many spiles the cof fee, mum, by putting ia a fourth x Aon" g and TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1908. | perties a At dealers ®. 3S Hartiord, _-- a ---------- ---- A "VANDYCK" STOLE Thieves Carry Of Picture Valued at £40,000. . London, Dec. 31.--Thieves have car ried. off under remarkable circum stances the famous picture by Van | dyck, "The Raising 0% The Cross," which was the treasitre of the Churéh of Notre Pame at Courtrai, Belgium I'he theft took place on Friday 6th inst, and since then nothine been heard of the painting, valued at £40,000 I'he Church of Notre Dame, the paigting was hanging, is now be- 4 ing repaired; and of the outer walls 'is being pulled down. At night a ¥Wgoden palisade -is set up in the place' of the wall, and the thieves, who had obviously been planning their action for some time, bad difficulty in getting over the fence When the work began, three months ago, the other art treasures the church were takin away, and only the Vandyck remained Facts go to show that the robbery was very carefully pianned strangers recently visited an quary living near the church and bought a few curios, for which they did not paw His which barked at noises in the night, was afterwards found poisoned. The sacriftan of the church, pamed Hansens, told the po | lice' that a few days before the theft | a man speaking English asked him to point out. Vandyck's . picture, and | stood examining it a_ long time. He came back the same aflernoon, and | watched carefully the restoration works being 'carried on at the church It is also stated that the sionature of a man, described as an English | commercial traveller, who stayed at a | Courtrai hotel last week, corresponds | exactly to that of the visitor at the | church. The lLehei is" that the rob- bery is the work of an international gang, and the police are busy trac ing the supposed Englishman The picture was evidently removed | midnight, as the police-avatch found every thing in ord r o'clock, but next round the hds which 1s where | one no of Two | anty- 4 dog, about at eleven i they made their | at o'clock in morning the canvas had disappeared, cut clean out of the frame ( Roger Brave ordered the Pa when one the anon ting for the church, and paid Vandvek £100 for it in 1631 Little Girl's Dress. A sensible and vet! pretty dress for a little girl is It was developed. of white pique The| square yoke is made! of . evelet em broidery, and the faney bertha is alse made of hand-embroidery edited with a | frill of -vatenciennes 'lace The skirt is! made of straight widths of the ma-| terial gathered and joincd to the voke | the bertha A ruffle of Swiss embroidery is attached to the bottom | of the skirt. The are ished with a rule of the lac Eo . { A telling cough, ftom any cause, 1s | quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough | Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm i less and safe that Dr. Shoop tells | mothers everywhere to give it without | hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and ten-| der stems of a lung healing mountain ous shrub, furnish the cupative to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure It calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No | opium, no user to injure or suppress Smmply a resinous plant extract, that helps ~ heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call | this shrub' which the doctor uses, | "The Secred Herb." Demand Dr. | Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by ali druggists. * illustrated above. under slevves also fin pro- to | Stephen: Weese, a highly respected resident of well-known and Strath his as some ohna, died on December 31st, in seventy -first i vears ago a reeve of the township of | Camden, and a member of the county | council. He leaves a wife and four children Peter Weese, Bath: Stewart Weese, Strathcona; Mrs. Robert Mar tin, Newburgh, and Mrs. George Sex- smith, Empey Hill. Deceased was ao member of the, Methodist church, and a 'staunch coservative Setetststtettttscsnees $ Nose Colds § | SIMPLE CURE HAS BEEN $ DISCOVERED. year. Deceased w . v i Few escape g cold this weather, but | alas !| many cols run into éatardh |' Neglected catarth is the sjraight gatew to convumption. { So look out-ast Low---use "Catar- | rhozone" and be cued ! i Uhtarrhozone is a germ killer--de- | stroys the microbes that cause ca- tarrh. f Then it heals and soothes. This relieves the cough, gives throat | and Jungs a chance, cleanses the nos- | trils, clears out the phlegm. You feel better ui an hoor In a day you're greatly relieved, and Ou till you're well. ! i ir ¥ No treatment so direct. Catarrho- Zone goes right to the spot--acts quickly--cures thoroughly caterrh, bronchitis and all throat sfections. | Complete two months' treatment for) {trial} give, & Co. ! Conn. TSA, and King | i ' ow, Out, chloroform, nothing harsh [' GREAT JANUARY SALE OF FURNITURE. | PAGE SEVEN. LIPTON'S LIMERICKS Several fuiends who do not drink very much Tea or Cofice have asked us to include our Table Jelly Tablets. They are includéd in this competition : $800.00 TO 128 WINNERS FIRST PRIZE, $250 CASH 2nd a 0 " 3rd. 25 50 Prizes of Each 75 Prizes of Each a" " » CONDITIONS of this Limerick simple. Al wi ar of the accompanied by tached) of a package of LIPTON'S TEA label, or LIPTON'S COFFEE (embossed lid only). or thee pint wrap pers of LIPTON'S TABLE JELLY TABLETS, any flavor, the Fhe condition perfectly to fill in the last line vou Limerick hd orange have to dois h is shown below, and then send it, a tin (with label at pink, red or gold which en- reader to send Limerick ke fs wrappers ' accompany each Limerick titled in one You may send in as many Limeri vou like, so long as a tin I'l or three Jelly Tablet LIPTON' ~~ TEA _. NO PACKAGE GENUINE : . 'WITHOUT THIS, SIGNATURE PACKED ONLY IN AIRTIGHTY TINS LIMERICK who's up-to-date the Said a lady "You For if You quite will have best nineteen naught eight wl 4 vou dgink Lipton lea will 'rettlily see I'he Mail 1 1 distinct vied under Editor of thi to abide by the deéision of the wid enter the competition I agree Fanpire as' final standing. Srnature Address the editor of The Mail and Toronto, whose decision must be accepted as final. Envel opes must d ""Lipton's Limerick" to The Mail and Empire Building, Toronto, later than mail Fri day, January 3lst, 1908 The competition will be decided by Empire, sent last and the be address not on under all oun one frac separately 2 cents ANSEWEY put per send and CAUTHIN-Don't hd cover, seal, and prepay at letter rate, ot tion of ounve, -- Skaters' Supplies ? Best Skating and Hockey Boots For Men, Women, Girls and Boys. er & Fleece-Lined Skating Women, only - Boos $2.00 23¢ Patent Fasteners, Ankle Supports, all sizes, only . * * . . . . *® # . . * » . "* ® » * » * ® » * ® # ® -. o . » New Patent Skate Straps, ONLY 5c. AND 20c. PAIR. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE. 00000 0000000000000000000000000000000000800 * . » . * * * * * ® * * * * * . . . > tP00000e o / 1 x i Hominy aa The Choicest Stock of High wind oisg Grade Furniture in the City Now on Sale. ih ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street, Near Opera House. Telephones 775 .

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