JH ss PAGE TWO. Shiloh's!; Cure Cures _ Coughs - and Colds QUICKLY Shiloh's Cure he wor Rarpest coug! try it on a guare antee your + { cod of mone p doesn CURE than any ever tried take, --~not it to hurt even x baby. 34 years of uccess commend Shiloh's Cures 25¢c.. 8c. $1. ns t actual aq Lis th MID-WINTE 8 hy the hing goes, money saved nas the looks ahead and Bveryt Wise buyer wi woney to invest regular price, Hacks, Sale regular price Hacks, Sale regular price Hacks, Sale Seals Sule regular ' 0 price Seats regular Sule price $9.50 Chairs, Sale regular price, All sizes and qualities, 15 per cent. off. Carpets Wiltons, Axminsters, Brussels, 15 per 1 of LINOLEUNMS, Sule Yer vouss. TF, HARRISON CO all widths, 20 per cent. me STRIUTLY CASH. Onur Wire Mat impor- Et tatron from Germany j ® las arrived. The Mats § 8 are suitable for inside § Y or outside of your porch § g nd cannot rust in any § veather, e Have All Sizes : from 60c. x | nx oman-- R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. WHAT YOUR -AGE , Or octcuration may be---you néed an ACCIDENT POLICY ! As some occupations are - hazardous than others, the miwm paid is LESS ! less pre- Come bere to-day and find out what Accident Insurance costs for your occupation, and what it will do in case of Accident fatal or otherwise. Start 1908 right with. a good Ascident Policy : "THE BARS WUST 60. |MUST BE PUT IN FORE FRONT OF PLATFORM. Dean Farthing Gives An Outline of a Temperance Policy--The Beginning of a Great Struggle. 7.~(To the. Editar) been : Moral of Canada, sral and Sac mcludes repreden , Method: s Day A wil will seek formulate a de in. reference to the Temper If it can succeed in up sodies representéd, we may ro very excellem résaigs for the possible, event if t all we might desire May | your columns in outline of policy in reference to * The wholé question 1s and we are at the struggle with the moral forces must and Social * which will | al questions tives of the | Anglicans, Doubtless Toronto y of Refors n ( wil 50 far "nt Presbyteri a it use 1m rem perance country, g t before th beginning of hquor interest 1e 1 and rk are to win that unite Ww it ems mony me it okt bars must man an doubt we must put in rm this plank, | No who has studied the question that thé bars are a curse to country. They are a source of great temptation to our 'youth, and to those have acquired the taste and craving | But the greatest evi with them 1s that they | treating system. This is the greatest evil of the customs of | e day. It 1s a is rninous to thousands of our men the wih nroxicants 1 connection foster the social man could defend, it from a moral stand- | evil root of the must remove pont. To strike at the of this treating system we the bars. +That seems to me to be the essity of our times. We can never Progre until these blots on our 1 have been removed a grand thing and as) to work admirably in rural} ilages of under hiousand in population. In larger places, shows, that under un st ances it cannot he en argef place the greater in enforcing the law ardent a temperance re he, relishes the work of an rmer Consequently in Birger towns and cities local option has increased the number of places where liguor i3 sold instead of decreasing-them I have tried to go impartially into this | and 1 am convinced that local ( pion is excellent thing for sparsely settled tricts, where can be en forced, but it is a failure in larger com munities. | have. often advised "my brother clergy to advocate local option | in country districts, but I am opposed to it in Kingston, because | fegl 1t would rease the number of drinking places Prohibition absolutely 'would be even harder to enforce. The majority of men do not regard the taking of a' glass of alcoholic liquor as a sin, ind therefore resent the curtailing of their liberty in this respect. Prohibition, under present conditions, would mean unrestricted sale of liquor. Nothing could be more in-] jurions It seems to me that.a way for ad for men to obtain alcoholic liquors, and to obtain them legally, not by stealth. To force men to get by stealth what they feel they have a moral right | to haye. is to train them in deceit, and | to foster a comtenipt for law. When a| man breaks one law, Hie may Soolv grow! to lose his respect for law generally. | This would be most detrimental, not | only to the man himself, but to the | higher interests of the country What | would propose is the dispen- | sary system, modified to meet our condi- | tions mn Canada." 1 would have-all alco- holic liquors sold only in larger centres of population: . This sale should be ab sohitely under~the control of the Pro-| vincial Governfent. "It 'should be sold | in packages, and not allowed to bel consumed on the premises. | admit there would be possible evils in connection | with the system. Men might buy a bot: | tle and gp off and drink it: But .every systemi-is open to-abuse. Men now often | buy in quantities. Indeed, the spending | af a night in one of our modern sa- | loons, would cause a man to drink more in one night than he would do if he bought a package and took it off to some | private room and drank } I am not hlind to the possible evils, | but what we' want is get a system | which Ad minimize those evils. | feel convinced that the dispensary, un der government control, would do this. 1. It would give thorough contrdl over the sale of liquor, and would enable the | regulation of hours, etc 2. It would do away with the evils of the bar as a place of temptation 3. It would destroy the treating tem 4 wonld preserve the liberty those who desire to obtain liquor, giving them a legal way of getting it. It would not lessen the revenie trom the trade which the country now obtains, a« all the profits could be given to on ver the government might di- rect. Much might be said about it, but I have trespassed too much upon your space already. Most carnestly 'would 1 ask the 'fair minded men, who are not what would be called "temperance men" --though I hope they are temperate--to give their serious thought to this ques- tion, Moderate drinkers will readily admit the evils of the bar, and especially of the treating "system; ahd [ feel sure will gladly support' a scheme which woul remove those evils and yet pre- serve the liberty of the citizen to legally obtain it, if he so desire. I am Yours truly, J. C. FARTHING. : 1 proved istricts and in one HOWEVEr, experience existing « forced. Tl the difficulty man, however former he may being fe I¢ 1€ he matter, it mn must be to sys. of by It The company that presented "The Three of Us," at the Grand last even- ing, left for the west at nine o'clock this morning. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Jes. Lucas County ak J. Cheney makes onth Jat 1s senior forsned mm the | Wel suggest now | m thorough har-| senseless custom and | No| | | | town, {visiting in Kingston and Trenton. iA | dog pipe. | cure. _THE DAILY BRITISH HIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1908. - - INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. epee Newsy. Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. { Waggoner's sale of suits, ¥18. returned COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN 'WHAT ALDERMEN WILL BE CHOSEN? {' Basil George to Queen 5, to-day Fleece: lined ment. Jenkins' sale, Allan Deny Renfrew parents, Barrie street. William Swaine, piano tuner. Ordera | | received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Everything io ready-to-wear depart ment one-fourth off price Livingston' s Giregy Renfrew, a back at { Queen 8, spending the holidays | jat home: Fan ; be. There no doubt-but what Ald { BH. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21, 8, iii again be chairman of the | King'street, and McAuley's bookstore. |, 4 of works. He is 'a 1 'Mrs. W. H. Des hamps left, to-dav, | of jeisure, and devoted a great for Toronto visit her Mrs. lof his: tine {K. Lynes : J {No doubt he {| Miss Greta Shields returned to Gan- | in his present |anoque, to-day, alter visiting friends [road rebuilding {in, the city ivanced. For chairman of the light, Cardigan jackets at wholesale prices, (poo. and power committee Ald. Jenkins sale. Givens is mentioned. It is well-known "Ozone, 23e. that he scheduled for the chair- jgain counter at manship 'year, but the last | drog store. moment a change was made, and Ald Clearing Foye the head of that suitmgs mittee account of Ins intimate knowledge of the light.plant extension Iworkidgs, then mudway gar- . . E | Ald. Gaskin For Board of Works visiting his | and Ald. Givens For Light { and Power--Some Other sible and Impossible Appoint- ments. Who will be underwear, 39¢, a ™ this de chairmen of IVER §_GiYic |. committees * Much | pends pon them . whoever they may the George: after deal year to street work, to continue until the scheme well ad- to sister, lant. anxious position ix on is Lat a bottle, on the bar Gibson's Red : Was Crass ast at of fall Waggoner's winter month and this sale placed at com at on { only. ! | Miss Veronica to Gananogue, on | visiting in the city | All 15¢. collars | sale. Hots of | Wouldn't it he great if/there were {should {an election every week and people nev- | parks, a= he er had to pay taxes? Ald Scotch tweed suits, | placed It quite {man's taste by tne | wears after Christmas. For first-class storage on carriages, | furniture; etc., - go to James Latur- | yey's Carriage Works, 390 Princess St. Thomas Hale, Earl street, returned |trom Pembroke, to-day, after spend- {ng the holidays with relatives. 20c. Austrian coll#rs, 15c., at { king' sale George N.Y., returned {a visit with | One-fourth | Livingston's, Messrs. W | Fitzgerald, i Watertown, Altenburg, returned Wednesday, after Jenkins' the extensions "in the For being tabout progress two most the others there material. Ald retained as chairman good work last no doubt, again head of the industries' Ald. Rigney might get fire As vet he has a committee, get in hose committee are important 10¢., at is Kent of ear available bye diel will, Craig be ox, Waggoner's, the: to judge a of necktie he at commi (tee and hight chairman of particular desire to those who reall aspire and thirst for that honor. Ald. Elliott mention led for city property, a committee that has lots work before it for several vears, in the way of restoring the in- terior of city buildings to a state 3 Jbhefitting their outside gnaenificence Tully, | Ald Nickle might succeed Ald. ( from [as water chairman, and {a further reduction in water {not he made... There men in the council, chairmanships to Alds Nickle, have { been proposed for the chairmanship of , at | light, heat and power, Ald. Car- ison as head of the of works Ht likely," however that Ald {Gaskin would his rived to sap. plant him A such an important {tion both of them {belong church fair color i8 not never heen having: neo the way of is of Jen- the arson if rates can other capable uh wife, of home, yesterday, friends at Verona off fur-lined overcoats Tuttle and works "on are but go arownd for not ¢ Dowling and Thomas of Enterprise, went to N.Y. on Wednesday. 25¢. Scotch heather sox for 18e Jenkins' nD. J. N.Y. Chown and instance, and sale. hoard Whaley returned 15 not of Water- after and wife, ; vesterday, sufier posi do N even though to the same rheumatism a bottle on Red | blood pyfifier and cure,"' Wa-Hoo Tonic, 25e. the bargain counter at Cross drug store. If it really true that ('hown holds the balance let hope that he will not | balance. One-fourth off boys' ingston's advt. Henry Nicholson, the Brownvjlle, N.Y. returned from a visit er in this city. Suspenders; 15e., 18¢., and 38¢., at Jenkins' sale. H. Salsbury and wife, who have been visiting in the city, returned home to Fulton, N.Y., vesterday. having received word of the serious illness of Mr. Salsbury's father. One-fourth off Progress Brand suits. Livingston's. "Saline Laxative" cools the {and is a gentle laxative. 25¢. .a bottle, two for 25 (bargain counter at G Cross drug store: All 812, 813.50 and $15 0.45, at Jenkins' sale. The most easy-going that of the fellow gars and takes Gibson's -Great Clearing Sale. Alderman | Prevost, Brock street, has made of power, | 18 us lose his and. ready'made clothing department, also in the gent's furnishings. The stock is well assorted with new goods. ning. suits. See Liv chief engineer, at paper mills, his with his moth-| The light fall snow on Wednes day put the walks in a very slippery condition. A few people on their way home from the opera house, last even. ing, fell on the ier, but no serious in- juries, were reported. To check a cold quickly get from your druggist some hte Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly agrtain and prompt. Pre ventics contain® no quinine, no laxa- tive, notuming harsh nor sickening, Taken at the "sneezé stige" Preven- tics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronehit- is, La Grippe, ete. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish child- ren. 48 PUreventics 25¢. Trial boxes, {5¢. Sold by all druggists, of blood Regular i, on the son's Red overcoats self-sacrifice is off cir bull- who swears to a two-inch Do not despair of curing - your. sick headache when you can so easily ob { tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They [will effect a prompt and pernianent Their raction is mild and na tural, All 50c. ties 32¢., at Jenkins' sale. Master Phelan Hughes, Centre street, und a purse on Sunday morning, | {and returned it and its contents to {the owner. Phelan, an honest boy {liked bv everyone One-fourth off boys' | Livingston's advt. Oni January, Hth, 1876, the levi Ellsworth madé™® record from Port Dalhousie to Cape Vin- | cent, N.Y., being gwo days on the | lake. The.same thing might be done | this year. i i 5c. ties Bie | fo Our Odds and Ends Sale Continues. overcoats. See schooner | a trip To-day we t alk Ladies' Fur Jackets, and if you are at all interest-- ed "read below the list of good Coats and lit- tle prices. N 1 oaly plain A! Persian Lamb Coat. made™oT fine, glossy, even curl skins, 24 inches long, 34 bust, long rever style, girdle at waist, for $81.25. 1 only, Muskrat Box" Coat. continuous stripes. 30 gnches long, 36 byst, best sa~ tin lining. for $46 35. only, Russian Lamb Eton Coat, 22 inches slong, 34 bust, best quality even curl eA. brocade tm- ing. for Seal Blouse" 1 only, Near Coat, Sable Marmot collar, revers, cuffs and fronts, a very stylish and serviceable It goes to the root of disease, strengthens and invigorates. Its life-| giving. qualities are not contained in| any other remedy. Hollister's Rocky | Mountain Tea has stood the severest test--time, For thirty years) the sur est remedy. 35c., Tea or Tablets. Ma- hood's drag store. One-fourth offi all overcoats ston's. David Whitehead, Toronto, a former Kingstonian, has been spending a few days in the city. renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Whitehead is tra- velling for a Toronto house, his field | of 'work being between Winhipeg and | the coast. He is very rich impress. ed with the west, i When the stomach, lwart or Kidney norves yet wihak, then these organs al- ways fail. ' Don't drug the stomach nor stimulate the heart or kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get. a prescription. known to druggists avery where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Restorative is prepared expressly for ¥hese weak inside newves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid --and see how quickly "help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your bealth is surely worth this simple test. Sold by all druggists, Living- re mini. Ellenson's Trial Resumed. Moses Ellenson, a' Kingston junk =) ler, whose trial, begun last De cember, was adjourned to procure a witness, was placed on his defence again, yesterclay. Julius Olshinetaky, garment, 24 inahes long, 3H bust, for $32 50, I only Astrachan Jacket. a junk dealer, Toronto, is the ocem- t. He Ell drew on ples for a dratt 2 aan for a com- iment jun he never re- onived and which he alleges never ex- isted. Olshinetsky was tried at the Styne of the sessions on a and good glossy skies, 30 inches long. 40 bust, for $19.75. Pos- | " their work gentleman | al {great reduction in price in the order | Pre- | THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S maces somee GND OPER HOUSE | y Feet. re-opened tec CARLOTTA NILLSON Tuesday oy the | " » fact that the spring "'exams." are al "THE THREE OF Us. ready in view was attested by the ex Se Sn cellent attendance at the opening lec-| One of the Best Plays are Here This Season--A Strong Company Supported the Star tures, Ma of the residents who wont To take tio thought for the mor --Large Audience Present Local and be merry during the sutwnn are now applying themselves to treat Nillson for the morning, IN College term on A white Indian is a sick In- dian. When the Indians first saw a white man they were sure he was. sick, White skin--sick man was their argument. "Pale face" is the name they gave us Pale faces can be cured. When blood is properly fed the face glows with health. Scott's Emulsion is a rich blood food. H gives new power to the bone marrow from which the red blood springs. : « » -------------- All Druggists ; 50c. and $1.00. e A Presented ny row, term, with an earnestness which if maintdived, will be rewarded a inice Spring morning next April. theatre-goers were givey when Car The Three Uhe Three of the on great last ta Cat Us." pea with camp in Ne any g hair-rais ly found in » west of to a large audiences Phigical Director Palmer has edited anil published a booklet on the sub ject of physical training.' In the fittle publication theré have been left blanks for the filling in of special exervises for the individual members of the gvmnasium classes, based upon the physical and medical examination which all have undergone. This system of specially adapted home training, sipplement the general exereis the gymnasium. has already proved its Jlent worth. - act Crothers an'a Ne ail tgid perf boys, 1% of a play.an four Rachael the life I'he s, irbm and i vada mini play but cow is inthe wes da, play climaxes that are general productions that are laid The play deals with the to sale of a mining property st in syndicate, and the position ope girl is placed in by being the gonfidant of both parties is of clear any of the to an ed Ss ern ] The White Indian Macchesne herself an is nto was built In the title role of Rhy Miss Nillsan clearly proved wares ok rare abilities alive part i Fram Nillson The Indian which stood in state in | the physics building during the holi day season was returned to W. | laker's cigar store on: Tuesday. The proprietor's patience was tried in th | balances and was not found wanting. and | it first the as around hey Miss i m ' and seemed to control them that is she had them through ® her part appear he he pit, ance RSE Fence I hor au held them in aman very few going they roof to A practice - basket-ball match --be- tween the senior teams of Queen's and the city Y.M.( will pleved in the latter's gymnasium to-day. "The laughed with "and {fact that Qu ill endegvor tolMiss Nillson land the interedfleginte championship gellent carriage and | this season re nders this game in- entirely her teresting one, by ney possible .to a every one he with het her crindd with her has a beautifal ex the voice a manner on + was ably mpany an stage supported own a good tpart being well tilled In the of Stephen Frederick Trpesdale was all be de¥ired. his work, third and fourth Louis Beresford, the things up a little, by Clinton Llovd ficult mn av Rhy's 'Ront every --- Townley that especialy An important meeting of the Queen's role missionary association will be that of Saty r % ; rof {next Saturday morning, when Pro i+). L. Morrison will speak on the sub- ject, "The Place of Christianity in the Future of Africa." could the tine xX poriraved who handle litable brother ( BIG REDUCTIONS In High Class Furs. All Man tactursd FURS TO BE SOLD We would~advise those buying to see what have, in acts, being han was "ahi who mm intend i has dil a bargains the na- The next monthly meeting of.' vear '07 arts will be of a 'social ture and preparations are already be ing made for its success, part n mann lem by | Thomas two and ? re taken and Master WHS a § i oF ie we Winant The which orre Koll i Exclusive Furrier, ormer - aractey -- Silver For the Table. itself wou teact only From several points of view the col in lege, YM.C.A. is the most significant of the boy who of all student societies at At | plunged radlong all events the werk in connection with | straining hand of the association has increased "so rap-!ter who a few hours afterwards he | idly that it is no longer deemed just 'V» ficht for, to protect { to ask the officials to undertake the Mr. Winant had full responsibility of the many duties one that gave A« show his ability con- | gi,' servant to in the a hearty Box, the who owned a mine handled herself and Queen's for the his sister; the as her wl' name one of the best parts chance to part of Mag Macchess: Vincent, asd Eng wa him every Fhe the Eva she ol {which now devolve upon them cordingly, the executive sidering the advisability appoint ing a general secretary will ceive a salary and will devote hig'en {tire time to the work He will have charge of the book exchange which it open néxt autumn, be responsible for the | publication of the Y.M.C.A. hand hook, and for the management of the best association's affairs in general here, some time, a play in which all | . --- seeaned to he utterly up ir of the "week of pray- their parts, a company the bulletin boards [member was picked buildings this week, in the meetings | many of the is of who now hands of laugh wife was many F'weed re- an and hy 3 Almost every table service requires replenishing at times We would advise vour seeing the '1835 Wal lace" line of Knives, Spoons and Forks, of which a complete range newest designs man, to sell West, who the trust Faken plays was | 1s, proposed to proved capable and will also a whele, it one of. the that has as was wen pres we have mn in all wrapped Announcement of which every er made lof the various | and an active interest {is being manifested by | students was on "The Walls Of Jericho." Laura Burt. and Henry Stanford who were with Sir Irving, his two American tours who of. the great the time of their Walls of of Ernest appear at Hn on Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Kihg Phone, ahd Jewellers, vetor ath" Americ Jeriche --- last A rumor has been current college to the effect that the of | students' season rink tickets had heen increased from £2 to 83. Many will pleased to learn that thie report {i= without foundation, members at about the | were cost company his de ond making I'he are tour in der the direction I'he play will ur a ARR Shipman 350 St 660 Grand | be the SMITH BROS., ul we W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Opera House on Wednesday, January --- Miss Burt Heorw made a fine ord 15th. with {The debate. committee. is meeting fre re auently in anticipation of the final {intercollegiate debate . with Ottawa College. here on January 21st. Queen's will defend the negative of the iiect, "Resolved, that the Canadian Government Shonld, Establish a Hem of Old Age Pensions.' Sar my s Ompany Opposite Grand Comtral Station 9 NEW YORK CITY Brery ssuveniesce st moderaty SRpemes, Rooms $1.00 s day and upward SPORTING NOTES anh K.C.I. Should Do Well in Inter collegiate League The K.C.1 Svs hockey tegqun had a good GRAND UNION HOTEL Seent stamp for New Need aru - kating rink the King urteen at ton practice last evening. Fe the ice and {gam the junior H. P. May the English legiate Institute, K., anppl fpr ford Col NM 12 ng master at for a men were on This | pd all showed well few davs Colds Fasily Avoided - Keep Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Laxative) at hand and vou can es cape Colds, La Grippe, Headache and Constipation. The remedy harmless and acts promptly. and surely. ordinary- colds over night. Try remedy, learn its value and then pend upon it. In boxes, 25 only at Wade's drug Money back if not should make how o o Of League. the Meeting meeting © of Our Inven- | tory Sale. Hockes 0 pom City \ ; ague will be held ~ 4 Frontenac Business tos oe reg rey of Cures ery this two ters ring to ¢ entatives ent Ax mat importance will discussed Gibson, de Iw nator the store Y Yikod y cap, will likely address the meeting satiztactory LongshoremendMeot meeting To Curl With Brockville match with Brockville I ese The curling postponed from on ac of the bad ice « played this over , 4 1 afternoon nk tend nace sheets of joe wil ely read for made In the i the game i « » Ie member b SECs that the they had been | Everything men The of longshoremen, held on Wednesday night, was attended hy a very large number, there two hundred members There were changes schedule formed Whig, would the same for the past five years most satisfactory to the Taking Of Religious Census. At the meeting in street | Methodist church last might Res J. game ag Wanderers {Charles Villiers referred to the taking | Tylor wii he at covet of the religious in the city, and announced another meeting Lindsay Post would be held at the Y M.C.A on [of Orangeviile Tuesday evening next when further ar at the jrangements would be. completed for! signed to play this undertaking It is desired that lindsay ithere should be a large attendance at man {this meeting. At Joe Walcott, of Be ton. was easily defeated A tickling cough, from any cause, is | Gardner, of Lowell {quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough bout hefore the Care. And it is so thoroughly Barm-! Armory Athletic {less vand safe -that Dr. Shoop _telisinight. Both {mothers everywhere to give it without pounds {hesitation even to very young babes.| Belleville Intelligen {The wholesome green leaves and ten: jwing made to enter Ider stems of a lung healing mountain: | yeam in the OH A, ious ghrub, furnish the curative pro tertained that it now {perties = to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. ! igood team, we are told, can {It calms the cough and heals the Sore! cared if the O.H A. authorities {and sensitive bronchial membranes. No low our feam to enter {opium, wo chloroform, nothing harsh! It js anvounced that the {used to injure or suppress, Smply a Hockey Club has signed Leader, | resinous plant extract, that helps 'to ex-Quebre and Brandon player. {heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call has ben starring {this shrub which the doctor uses, Pittsbu vr League. It also stated | {"The. Sacred Herb." Demand {that lorpe Campbell, the ex-Mont- {Shoop's. Take no other. Soid by all irealer, who, after playing hockey 'druggists. the International League, has recently | Farmers in from the Perth Road, been with. the Maple Leafs, of Winni to-day, report the sleighing to be (peg, is now on his way to Montreal, (very mood in that section. and will sign a confrart to play with Raincoats, ¥10 coats for $6.50, $15 (jh, winged-wheel seven. The club will {coats for $10.50, = coats for $14.75. place a strong seven on the ioe for Jenkins sale. [the Wandergr match Wednesday wight "Ouly about 3200 of last year's taxes | | Russell, who Bas heen elected enplain, } will be tut at centre. i Big suit sele at Waggooer's, mnt Is Proving ° hatigre bene I'hy SUCCeSS, mn no mh many de- of and the be wages Aa in wages artments, as Sporting Notes Longboat has again bee in in New York, but Wool Underwear, Wool Blankets, Wool Dress Goods, Ladies' Skirts, Flannelette Under-~ wear, etc, All at Cut Prices. f compete likely accept It is almost be dropped by Ottawa for NM. Saturday "rigin that OTe oe Queen and Walsl nnil census that centre but ne Institut line-up be a Collegiate the will ter on team. He Boston, by "Jimmy ' in a twelve-round of the "New n, Tuesday in at. 142 members A men "Oe ti weighed You-can buy a nobby COAT, Marked $12.50. For $5.00. Nery style. An mlermediate | ot efort an but fears A inte be will a 1 teva Montreal the i so | who | at point im the } is Parisian a few left, latest Only in i 000TEO000000000000000 | | | B | i L