Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1908, p. 5

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3 MANY LIVELY "DOINGS" IN THE LITTLE VILLAGE OF NEWBURGH. The Bachelors' Ball, Literary Events, Travels to Japan, Private Parties--A Melarge of Private Parties--A Melange of joyable. Newburgh, municipal campaign quietly conducted, ed a Lively vote was poll returned ree old council with 'him, Bee Tan, 70; Sutton, 67 kins, 39. 'The counciliors for The funeral of the late Ste phen Weese was held at the Methodist church Thursday, Rev. C, 8, Thompson, Selby, conducted the ser- vice. Rev, Mr Duke, pastor of the church, and a former pastor of the also spoke briefly in appre ciation of tne sterling qualities of Mr. Weene, emphasizing especially his open- hearted hospitality. The remains were vault here, with Ma- largea number of their Jan. B.~Though the had been day des contest and a le Mr. Ryan has been whopposed, and the were returned to serve the vote standing :. Dr, Adams, 77; Fullerton, Aylesworth, 66, Simp- first four named arc 1905 SCTVive poling Very on deceased deposited in the sone ceremonies. -A the brethren turning out to pay last respects. .. KB. Perey, a few this Brantford, was in town week. While here: he negotiated a sale to George Walker of his property on Main street, con- "premises now occupied the feed store- Ryan. Mr. Wak days sisting of the by" the room occupied by Mr ker had intended building in the spring, an/the lot south of the drug store, but this lot has now been taken over by Mr. The schools re opened on Monday with an addition of about a desén to the high school and with Miss Elsie Moore in of the junior department Ww school. Form 111 of ff the numbers fifty-nine Courtney was assisted in reception Hy Mrs and ..rs A post office and Ryan register, charge the public high school now Mrs. J. W her post-nuptial Pomeroy, of this place, C. Baker, Napanee The Mission Band, of the Methodist church, accomplished the second stage of their trip around the world on Sun- day travelling pap, in son stations orphanage, zie A large load! of young people at tended the party givenrby Miss Flor ence Wagar in Enterprise on the 3rd The skating rink is going in full blast and a very fine sheet of ice is provid ed. Newbureh's voung bachelors scor ed a their first annual ball on. Monday night. About seventy-five attended and a very enjoyable time is reported. Next night, the I OF. will hold their annual election of officers in the Masonie hall, to be fol- lowed by an oyster supper Our new school teachers left this week for their Miss Marcaret Mitchell to Sharp's Corners, in Rich- mond; Miss Leptrude Clancy to the #Fhompeem 'schol; Miss Norma Donyes to the Bell school, near Tamworth, and Reggie Martin tg Mount Plea- saft. May success attend them. Miss Effie Welbanks, left: on Mondar to take charee of the schoo! at Port Credit. Frank Freeze arrived from Trenton, Pa., on the 2nd, to spend a month with his family here afternoon, across Ja Visiting missionaries and mis- They inspected the new 'nder Rev. D. R. Macken- SUCCess In Tuesday schools, A Bachelor's Ball. Mississippi, Jan, 7.---~The baghelors' ball in Minto Hall, on 27th ult., was a decided success. The Sunday school Christmas tree, was a most enjoyable event. M. W. Storms, who has had our school pupils under taining for the past ten years, left us (to reside at Wilton, and take charg { the there His departure "aused general regret. The house vacated by lim has been occupied by Jamgs Han en who will 'open an up-to-date hoarding house. W. R. Alan and wife are at Elphin, taking stock in the store there. William Steele is home from the north. Our agent, E Walker, is away on his holidays, and .is be ing relieved by F Troesdale, Verona F. L. 'Millar has been on the sick list for some days, D. McKinnon vis- iteil the city, Sunday. school over Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, Jan S.~The township council' was, this year, elected: by ac- clamation, and to-day the village was the scené of much quietness, The ser- Vices Sunday were well attended, all -ministeys giving eloquent dis. courses and very impressive through- out. R. Smith and wile have hecome village residents." A number of young couples, from adjacent towns, attend- ed the village church: services on Sun- day evening. A few farmers report foed nong too plenty, while © some others are disposing of a few loads The présbyteriaus will bold their prayer meeting, this week, at the home of R. Kells, Ida Hill. on Try Nature's Cure for Bronchitis. into the cure thé bron- How ¢ can anything - taken stomach ever hope to chial tube ? Rank nonsense, saves the physician to use cough mixtures, tablets or ato- mizers. Botter send healing nésdication into he. + Aimy air oglls of the bronchial Te -- can it be done ? 4 By Catarrhozoné, an antiseptic va- por that goes everywhere the air you | athe goes, treats the bronchial tubes with Balsams and Essences so healing, so soothing and demulednt that all soreness and cough fade right' away, So health-laden and powerful haal- ing is Catarrhozone that eure is guar- anteed for every type of catarrh, throat trouble and bronchitis. Better try Catarrhotone yourselt Large Catarthozone, sufficient for two months' treatment, price $I; all trial) ti, agg ail 'dealers or . . Polson & Ca., Hartford, Cana. and Kingaion , Ont, } from b the PEE OF THE NEWS "The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Montreal, taking morphine was killed at Point' St falling Harold Savage, ted suicide by H. Cookson Charles by train Floyd, is dead Lomm;t under a moving Semon, Windsor "colored! man, from a acid. William Harris, asphyxiated y fuines stove at Canton, Ohio Another smelting plied for eighty acres of land bridge's marsh, Toronte Alexander Noble, principal ble's Detective Agency, died Wegtern, Hospital, Toronto. It is understood Germany is willing to give France and Spain a free hand in Mc orocco provided the open there 8 not disturbed The number of emploved men in New York, has reached 160.050 ac cording to estimates of offic wals of the Central Federated Union. Robbers wrecked the : State Bank at Quenemo, at Kan., here and escag between £7,000 and 55,0600 The crew of the Wabash train were held responsible for = the Tillsonburg collision by a coroner's jury, fer not protecting the rear of their, train It is said that United States sty dose of carboli Windsor, Ont, from a company has ap in Ash of No at .the door safe in the Quens mo, near wil with inter are looking to the purchase of the Imperial paper mills and Northern sulphite mills at Sturgeon Falls it is claimed that. the Canadian Northern's new connection, the Win nipeg and Duluth railway, places Win nipeg within forty-eight hours of New York A strike of six hundred employees of the Thomas: Davidson Manufacturing company, tinware manufacturers, | Montreal, was inaugurated day, on account of a reduction. of ten per cent. in wages The Montreal Light, Heat er company has applied for an injune tion to prevent the conneil © giving a, contract + for lighting to the Robert syndicate China is comsidering the matter of applying for membership in the that may receive mail from. Russia in Manchuria and pre vent those Japanege trans portation companies For the past twelve hours Western New York has been in the grip of an | extensive storm. At Capadaigua eight inches' of snow have fallen, and in the Interdaken district, all trains have been delayed by the heavy snowstorm and over a foot fallen Country roads are reported to be al most impedable MILL DAM BROKE LOOSE on Thurs and Pow out 'going city | city postal union she 1 gong to of snow has And Floated Down Stream--Tam- worth Weddings. { Tamworth, Jan. 8 Captain Holmes and wile, and Miss Aylesworth, Napa nee, visited: James Aylesworth last | week, Miss Hattie Kennedy spent Christmas at home. Stanley' Carseal len, spent Monday and Tuesday ing renewing old' "Aequaintances This municipal election was one of | the sharpest "contests held in Shei | field, forcyears. Duncan Alford called | to see us on Tuesday last | William George Hyland and Linzie Lind of Sth concession, united in the holy bonds of matri mony by Rev. Mr. Hendry, at the manse on' December 3lst. School re opened under the management of Miser «8 Baker and Allen. Mr. and Mrs Garett Rutherford, of Camphellio: I 2) who were married New Year's spent their honeymoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jamieson, ve. turning to Campbeliford Mace's Mill dam broke and floated down James *Wheeler, manager, of men at work, Mo morning putting in a new dam. w Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. D, B Floys, There was a large turnout. Mrs. Robb and daug} ter, Kingston, visited, her mother Mrs. Stinson, the past week, Another Barrgcks Possibility. It is said that only temporary re pairs to be madeso Tete de Pont Barracks, and that the likelihood is that cventually a new artillery racks will be builg near Barriefield common. It is presumed that the Grand Trunk railway. company or the CPR. company is dickering for the present site of Tete de Pont Barracks Twice have plans been prepared and tenders valled for thé renovation of Tete de Pont, but as yet have been awarded. evens Miss were | night, { on Tuesday loose, on Sunday, streans. had a gang the home 0 on Tuesday are bar contracts not Arrested For Vagrancy. A young woman, 'giving the name of Catherine Mclean, was placed under arrest, this afternoon; by Constable Muliinger, on a charge of. vagrancy Another Young woman was tak en in charge, but was. not held, as she was quite ill, She was ordered to be takew to the hospital by a local physician. . Several complaints had also fbeen made about the yqung women to the police. a . A New Case Ordered. Word wax roeeived, this aiternoon. Rochester, N.Y., that the court of appeals had ordered a new trial in ease of Nash Bros. vs. the Thou- sand Island Steamboat company. In the first trial, the plaintifis were awarded six conts damages. They ap- | pealed and their appeal has. been granted, Case Was Dismissed: The charge of theft preferred Wy Jules * Olshinetsky against Moses El. | lenson, of Kingston, arising out of some business transactions, was dis | : missed by Judge Winchester in the! sessions court, Toronto, and the mat-| ter is to be referred to the civil | courts. = { Prof. Shortt Named. i The representative. of the Canadian] Northern KR. amd its engineers, fire | men and hosilers, having been unable | to agred upon a chairman of the) board of conciliation appointed in! their case, the acting minister has | chosen-Prol. Adam Shortt, Kirgston, | as the chairman of the board. not underrate another man's tof the tehid Aho {is only | pier than { there is ione's ito hate ofe's i love Maxwell Gray. : i +. 'Bor over+ate your own, A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SANUARY 9, 1908. "BACK TO THE FARM." The Cry of Sidney Fisher to EH. CARTER BITTER Sian i REGARDING EV EVIDENCE IN! Piciop, "an. 9.- At an ol THE PARKS ENQUIRY. gz the Enters Dairymen's on ation Sidney Fisher, minister agriculture, Ottawa, spoke. He is advocate of the simple the farms of Outano {LOCAL NOTES AND: THINGS | IN GENERAL | Occurrences "In The City And | Vicinity--Other Brief Items of | Interest Easily Read And | ' Bamambeted. | Calls Inspector a "Home Wreck- er"--More Deer Carried By Ex- hundred people, ass press Companies This Year | k irst Methodist chiarch. he 1 Than Ever--Damage Action, stered]' an ener wppeal for the Jan. 9.<A% a resul left st the i d on mb getic t country, who had meqfor the city, 40 return to old homestead, and Lelp mould i. He t that the § serted by the easier life of cit vounyg them t of tom parks inquiry nde if Riverd Mm us or f the iail g stories of pagt ol Carter, etter of ignation, re gnation 106 rms young peo birds gave and Ottawa, spent We city with friends Fraser and Miss are. visting in Watertown, N.\ Ross, Hrockville, AY, on way to mmor Walsh, women to + f help. build 4 nesday in the and help bu ae Mrs. A. O the v. in af undation fo stronger and more vor f people ir population dis- lef: great products, as | the aud the men and ality latter, in bitterly to epting h evidence Moral yi pector Arc 'Home. Wrecker." Fdmund Tinsley, s bsheries, has received the number of deer past year. In CArCAsses about 576 more than 1906 duce this |Eresse BO damage. action |#F¢ eating McGowan, Past. Again: he attributed the ad- R1.275. Me. vanced ce fo the fact of a better the product am glad, that the prices when ire high,' serted Mr. Fisher, to-day the farmers are get best of it, they their reward. vheel they have benefited." James, deputy miter of ay ricul ture, Toronto, in a excel lent addr referved to in dairying and agri upon Greg refers to was here his Watertown meeting of the board Monday, hibald as a reountry 1 The farms Bure: the speaker [eit cause avhy: agricultural poultry, etc i ches were "being perintendent be held on ne and was the turns irom EXPress companies as to the the were 15 hkely ta be of the Be thi butter Educa COST sO Very There pro- carried dh ring next chatrmat mrad much more than ten years ago were nrore to eat alt, tion, Dean ronto, en London Anthony Lake, of Harting left on a visit to relatives at Millen's | Bay, N.Y. According to mg wants to dian list. Albert - Slack and fewer to country pro people, they luxuries than in the shipped, returned to To Woodstock Farti 4 {outs to and again, as she hag the more carried in street railway « ottled a ainst it by M for was working in the . company and he were The morning and company, and ; * ton, has | rough ay one of its emplove Gowan truck of overturned repair it x verely in his letter, Dean Rare put "be dause af was we ting the are only now jured, With the turn Because were not the case the lawyers on both sides present, this morning was called Chief lok in the assiz ordered stricken off the lists. It of Andrew vs. Ganstein, an $3,000 wages and alleged wringful dis- missal. It is estimated hy ut Bellevill returned to his Adams, N.Y yesterday Willis Doucette, of the city, visit to F. H. Doucette, of the P.AM.( John Hess, of Lockport, N.Y his father brother, in returned home on Wednesday Robert Hughes was taken te seriously ill, while 3 duty, ves terday, and is still confined to the | i home at when Justice Mu an action the action for i the bar on the who has been visiting | Peterbord' his son 18 1n Pte Very the on a progrefs through putting 'of basis. He | "8 city, was case visit educative forees, {farming upon a scientific referred more particularly to the form ing of stitutes declared held more E.O.D.A., or any hese educative tered home life, and of pure homes from w expected purit tional sentiment Thos, MeGillicuddy that and Hon. Mr. Mathe treasurer, that the last year wil} about $136. I'he from succes- duties, was 3904 562.22; last year 51,015,562, including the Gooderham two large that of Timothy Constable woman's which he provinaal the son, receipts of the province exceed 0600 promise than similiar association estimates by : forces the house Driver Harrison is in the hospital at | from meant an al the development which might well gross revenue won it was $510.677 I'hig year into the trea FuMord, $180 2100000 barracks, sufiering the result of a horse A telegram that Mr Monday, to Collegiate Institut Pwo: bottles (100 e genuine Blaud's the bargain ce Xd hsoii's Red Uross drug Miss Lou McLennan nurse, of Brockville, tending her father, operation in the General Hospital The Board of m ceed to lop off Miss (es from dl a sprain this L1 1 ankle being throw political d na y > gE th n from estate in poli and A off wn estates paic ; only . paid from Brantford states Toronto Prince pont Edward the No prosperous Senator Faton Bury will be here or duties at last year Saunders 1,000 worth of going to 2.000 looks comment was ed out made $ money wonder His ly applauded De. Currie, M.P.P ward, thought 'the look to the example of and build up the dairymen | Mayor Farrington was the et chairman. 'A musical programme terspersed the speeches, Little mal tree Ina Hephurn presented beautiful bou- {ton. The oak would thrive quets to Hon y | and Mr There is a gentleman' in James, the possibility of Seine temm heating f been houses gregation at of managers be used for 1 Two public est. Rev. V few and bein his patrons in each) of Tonic counter at pills Picton passing thunderous 5 Iron pills 25¢., on 4 store for Prin could "w'¥l the d professional the city at underwent ar Canners airymer Hin had such. an industry a who Education she the n e educat ning's wuld pro wldering branch of King better Syd isher town quiring as to criticism has [cilizen® taking the the b chure rather directed by the in allowing the the comments will be of Emory, the "Personally the church is bro for this meeting." "The Propriety of holding this convention jn a church might be juestioned," remarked Mr. James: - - "but 'I would say; if the FE.0.DA Children For Hire. isn't fit to enter a church, it isn't fit Hepaldo de -Madrid to live," Quite a flourishing trade is done by the poorer Madrid, who let out their children to be rs. at 80 Schenectady much an kh The i hirer Une of best re applies to the Likely can make the chilidl, The price 5 upon, a | practical® standpoint; is to nw amount paid down as a guaran! little money for the return of the little Lty-two Weeks : and the beggar forthwith sets 'But 1° can't," ex with human implement of income is small I to implore the public charity few The childfen tas it is ten the hearts of passers-by required to nl They must © have hungry , ing faces, be first-rate criers and whole po very ugly, for a good-looking child is ily few j more hikely to earn extra tween ne account of its pretty face favored eompetitior While the professional beguar his hapless charge wearily walk eects of Spain's capital the father child, ina hard by, proudly better strenuous members of con- | stores and from a central plant 'Kando," the r, threw packages for ol Un action of a Russian'cleaning pow the Red l meeting. | der barg dairvmen Gibson's regularly counter at store, It rain drug for 15¢ Thomas Hewitt, superintendent of the water works, leaves on the 21st for, England. N. ( Polson .is {going to the old country, leaving about Feb. 1st, The installation of officers of Earl Roberts, [.O.F.. will Tuesday evening An A Good Resolution To Make. |r the r Gazette. installation the anyone | hy Ada tor from a land Des Soy aside a {Toronto Univer Its medical ter pastor Cross words said enough LURA BURT, "The Walls Of Jericho," on Wednesday, Jau * at also 1h With The Grand Court taka plac te -------- next oyster sup classes "of will be given at close of the solutions will represent | McGill, and Dr. McCallum, the opening of building next nding ot new year, fay une of sity, at during every Queen's new Tuesday The junior are lat td wal tee one, Frontenacs will practice rink t t I he ractice, and as the cove rink laims someonyg out whose bos very to sof. there is titute circumstances sary here Occasionally his trade yng who cannot rel whose someone who is in such des ope the possess that the neces Wipe secured all he or she garns, A they are rare, very rare. The |g int of 1t 1s that comparative fore breakia know the difference lx Fhat bright boy luxuries. » when he found it 820 or thirty for nt. the ith are ] qualifica expenses take young - Queen student 1 spec but calling on a unt tions volung co t. and knew sitiey and peniiies eg than a on Phere more a week and [1 goes in the | spending is slack work, or COMES, however, he and hi in hard strait It men Know, we end of are men earning Upwards of are a cent of 1: the hort and the "sickness, {pp the kind | 0 174 {amy are Thi SUrprise | o . tor the ' ran less man who 'de not save t hie various enjoyable COUTSC wavs When something of batterymen, now on are from the sth, 9th batteries comfortably seated people are wing wou and ar Those wh tavern hig hou rates half, as he con. Some tion. "What a splen before him ! old, and is ant how much of il .passed over Rea contention between Mahogany and melted foam, A dist churth, ( Venerns 9 one of Ari grows emarks to his ntedly mons fused to vear, how his wine career our Joey He is hardly three ve alreddy a bone of nan a wooden-legged sips has Away with pom rah hout the sams Ars wl James SHALY There are women, nd all they can one-eved street for England, i and the ban! As soon as he make a beggar of him elope -without : - for the future Ihe future has al-| 3 ways taken care of itsed, they think, hoy find out when trouble too, who serene from the | vets to a thought A immigration branc! up we'll return : Spay on writer 1 What Is Love ? What is love Y--the tung we wh a fuss about and what: does it matter after Is it just this--~heing lifted up another world: and breathing purer air and thinking better thoughts? Or is it a strange, sweet sort of pain, that still when one----only one-person is near ? Or iz 1t to see everything in a fresh Leht, fairy glaniour that turns cotimon things and hard things to magic splen. dor and beaaty ? Oris at to be hap you can bear, or to feel nothing You cannot besrfor sake ? l« it a great. vague, sweet terror, a wild and yet delight ed unrest ? Is it to feel vour heart teat thirk and quick at the sound {of a voice or astep, a name. al most, to feel sale, quite safe and sheltered, near one, and - happy at the Vory thought of him? Or is it petty and -frivol- to be better for what you call advantage alway they all make [and it point I where wrong | and so rarely not 80 comes, It is not ne large amount in a small way she can spare more fund every month day. -Why. the' quire that anything TN be giver" ups . 3 : The There are a large number of indi tio viduals and families that will he bet- 1 Ls inmates of th tor 'off in more ways than one at the | rea sonosit i close of 1908 ii, at beginning, they Wedne look over their determine DEOFEaTS AN what they ean honestly afford to have |! and save the rest. \ bank account will be an exceeding. y pleasant thing | sich ah to think of on a cloudy dav. mu -- YO Traer "How thea of Salt) for ithe Red Cross ssary to lay aside a . The who begins soon [intls that he or for the rainy day Nor does it re really necessary vou dn it gel Laxative said a drug store or burgain 'an ' saver (hike: "Aphby customer at Mon doe Saline 0%? some counter Morey be the bar House tea, at the aon 1 rendered: and the greatly pleased. The he league and Saly boon the League of Army, a sort of assisted its "expenses, on tery was people were Lwas provided - by t joped. mei ge, m-- | Struck The High Rails __="Yerocious Pike. A wseriods accident wae narrowly London Standard. averted at the Crown Bank gorner, at The pike has been termed the fresh |; 30 o'clock, to-day, when a ab sake hari and it. deserves. the name. Charles Diamond Strick the There are # cases on record tracks and turned over where pike have seized ducks, swans, John Sin even dogt, in the water, There Own and he a story of a pike seizing a man. The injury. He was oive man was a-Dr. * Couge, who when and for a moment all bathing near Vienna, was seized by see was papers flying the heel by a pike weighing 'more than "dohn" put hix head out thirty pounds and dragged under wa-igi the window, and finding the ter. Had. not his Irends come to his! dear climbed out. rescue he would certainly have been! (Charles Diamond was thrown off the drowned. A certain amount of risk driver's wat, and received injury to atiaches to the catching of large pike. his right side and hip. He was taken .{ That celebrated sportsman Cholmonde- to Ir Hasley's surgery {ley Pennell once bookid and landed a. The injuries to Cabman Dinmont narticularly fine specimen from the proved more serious than at first im- "Phames. when the creature sprang |agined. He was exammed at Dr. Han jirom the grass and fixed its sharp levs sargery, and later removed to (teeth in his leg just abové the knee. the Hotel Dieu. where he was put un- tits jaws had! to be pried open with a der chloroform. At the time of going i stick to foroe it to let go, to press Dr. Hanley could not say ------------ what the extent of the injuries were. Abstractedly the answer to the oit.- | repeated t's the use of "English Rose Tooth Paste," three Query J {inhing > is to keep women from do- [tubes for 2%e., on the bargain coun ing somthing worse. _ jter- at Gibson's Red Crom drug store, driven by fatreet raiinay The nott luckily quite a one could around until own want that wores of ous self and his sake? Is upied by cab was ow the well-k; escaped is even newshoy toss We are not thankful spobigh for the tire that is mot punctured Coast The Name of Black Watch Black Ching Tob Stands for Quality. THE. DAYS S EPISODES HIGH GRADE With its topaz-like COFFE nee acu Pp Ne holds clearness and aromatic fragrs of Chase & Sanborn's Ci out a promise of deliciousness @hat is more than fulfilled in the drinking. For unqualified perfection in coffee, be sure to order Chase & Sanborn's. an ------------------ Geessssessnsses rtrerierer eset: SATURDAY MORNING AT 8 0°CLOCK We will swing open our doors and inaugurate ourfamous Red Letter Shoe Sale event in the we afford our Cut Price Those who have benefited by this ?} ig years know what a genuine money rons. It is acknowledged to be the greatest Sale of the year No humbug' bargains, but a genuine clear~ » ing wp of .our ¢ 3 '> » $10.000 SHOE STOCK TO-MORROW bargain past pat Shoe saving IIIS IE SPSS SIP vy SIIIIIIIIS Watch this come«early paper for individual pr ces on SATURD AY to thebhig night, feast, J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. » FESS IF FSP IP SPSS ISIS ISIS PUSHES STEP and 3 : t 3 A JANUARY BARGAINS} IN COATS & SKIRTS. COATS--A good assortment to Brown Beavers, and Fancy Prices down to the Jowest natch the Coats offering at $4, $5, $6, $6.24 and $6.63 WOMEN'S WARM LINED HALF LENGTH coars Black and Grey, $1, $1.95 and $2.95 CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS' COATS, all WOMEN'S ODD SKIRTS, about select ir in Black, and Tweed lengths full latest styles, cut See we are reduced twenty in the Millinery at Fadi Prices. SPENCE'S ole & Millar The Leading Mantle & Mi; inery Store, 119 Princess St. OUR ANNUAL JANUARY DISGOUNT SALE IN FULL SWING. : 20% Discount Off Some Goods More Off Others. Make a of "and come in and see us, NOW list tyour requirements 3 : McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St sun Soest een any Jegnclic-. RAZOR NO HONING S0000000000000000s0s000000000000000 THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION - EVERLASTING SHAVING COMFORT NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE -- * bess razors are Wenpered as hard as flint by our ex ve } secret process of electricity, You can obtain one on 80 days tr tal from your dealer without obligation to purchaser For sale by McKelvey & Birch

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