PAGE EIGHT i Fur Goats FOR MEN -- IN -- Fur-Lined & Raccoon $100 Coats. $85 Coats. $75 Coats, ae 5 $65 Coats, NOW ,.ev..cces 49.00, $50 Coats, NOW ,.. we 37.50. Above are a few of the bargains to e picked up at our FUR SALE now on. All new and stylish gantents. Our own make and guaranteed in every particular. John McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock St. Prevents Catarrh All the natural cavities of the body-- (nose, mouth etc.) are linéd with mucous membrane. This membrane is very delicate. The least exposure irritates and inflames it,--causing it to pour out the fluid mucous. The "first stage is'a 61d. The next stage is chronic cold or catarrh. Gray's Syrup prevents Catarrh because ft breaks up the cold and cures the cough. Keep a bottle on hand this winter, to cure coughs and colds and ward off Catarrh altogether. Sold by all dealers, 25¢ and soc. GRAY'S Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Relieves Colds--Hoarseness--Cold in the Head --Coughs-- Bronchitis Asthma~--Pain in Chest--Night Coughs--and permits Restful Sleep. 36 \o Get It for To-Morrow's Breakfast "THE BEST OATMEAL MADE." Cheap Oran ges f 4 Dozen for 25 Cents. Mexican Oranges, good size, 10 cents per doz. 3 Bahama Grape Fruit, 6 for 25 Cents., A. J. REES: 168 Princess Street Hr rE EE Try Our Kind £ of Boys' Suits and Overcoats + One-quarter Off Price of Boys' Suits and Overcoats dur- ing our January b Sale. 3 Note These Reductions | $3.00 8 » i ts 3.75. 4.00 4.50 7.00 5.25 5.00 8.00 6.00 Same Reduction on Overcoats. Goods marked in plain figures. All sales for cash Livingston's. ji $4.13 1.50 4.87 '$2.25 208 Suits, 2.82 3.00 © 3.38 3.75 '" " i " " si " | Open Saturday Night | { * | student, | duated | was married on New ¥ear's day | winter's septette \ the Whig to-day, | have been easily, defeated. vight votes that could have been ob- gone against local option. are employed to walk over daughter of the late | friends. | smart brown | Rideau street, 'Ider the comtrol of a commission, in- |iachargs be will THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, THE 5P.M.EDITION QUEEN'S DEBATING SENTATIVES 'ELECIE Scienc¢ Dance on Feb. l4th--Rev. J. A. Scuffie in Yesterday. Messrs. Chatham and File have been | chosen by the debate committee to up- hold Queen's splendid débating record in the final intercollegiate debate with | Uttawa College, ten days hence. Those who have heard these speakers in de- bate entertain ho fear as to the re- sult of the coming contest. Already the science students have appointed a committee to prepare for the asuual science dance, which will} | take place 'on the evening of Friday, | February 14th, . D. Trueman, a practical science | was. hastily summoned to his | hme St. John, N.B., on account| of the serious iliness of his father, | Judge Trusmai.' | { Many students who were not in col- | lege last term have returned this term | to finish one or more subjects of their | course. -- | Profound sympathy is extended tol G. Cameron, '10 science, in his sore bereavement occasioned by the recent | death of his fathér, the well-known editor of the Hamilton Spec tator, | Prof. McDonald, the recently ap-| pointed assistant to the professors of | English, assumed his duties this week. The ever-increasing attendance at the | English classes rendered absolutely | necessary 'an addition to the faculty! {in this important branch of the arts | course, -_-- | Dounell, M.A., who gra-| theology two years ago, to Toronto, Mr. will reside in Hai- | Rev. J. A. Miss Mary and Mrs, | leybury, E. Smith, Donnell The hockey team is hard at work in | preparation" for its game with Ottawa [James Flagg and a full page repro- lon Friday evening. The tearm has re- ceived with regret "from "Bob" Me- Laughlin, secretary-treasurer of the {club, the announcement that he will | govern himself 'by medical advice and; refrain from, playing the game this season, "Bob" played rover on last | and his place will indeed be hard to a, | A little post-vacation scufffe in the | corridor of the new arts building ves- terday morning, terminated in an ac- cident whereby an arts student had a! | tooth. loosened, FOR LOCAL OPTION. in Pittsburgh Gives] Majority of 6. A recount just made, on the local | optign vote in Pittsburgh township, gives a majority of six, in favor of | local option. 4 'Had the voters been properly can- | vassed," 'said a Barriefield man to | "local option would | I know of | 3 Recount and all of them would have | The men | in the city, but could | not get the time from their business | te Barriefield to vote. | The liquor vote was not properly can- | vassed." tained, ---------------- | | Married On Thursday. A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Mary's cathedral on Thursday | morning, when Miss Elizabeth Keenan, James Keenan, | John T. Maloney, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father, Hanlev, in the preseyce of a large number of The bride was dressed in a tailor-made suit, with | hat to match. Miss L. Leverque was | bridesmaid and Thomas Fleming was | best mana After the ceremony the | wedding party drove to the 'home of | the bride's sister, Mrs. John M¢Kee, where a sumptuous wed- ding breakiast awaited them. Mr. and Mps. Maloney left on the noon train for the west and upon their re- turn will take: up residence in the city. The bride was the recipient of many useful presents. showing the es- teem in which she is held. was married to both of this city. The Board Of Trade. Board of trade will resume its meet- ings next Tuesday evening. Its ecom- mittee on industries is in communica tion with four or five companies, in regard to locating here. There is nothing definite ' to report, but. the committee gets after all possible con- { cerns. It will land something good some day. The. railway committee is still in communication with the rail way companies, and by the spring there may be womething of interest to report. ------------ The People Said No. Before the city council could place the light and water departments un- stead of a committee of the council, 'another vote of the-peeple. would have to be taken. The matter was voted upon just two years ago, and the ex] themselves against a commission. The vote was: For a 721; against a commis will ggg Lash. Frank twenty-two, brought to hil, aad from Ot- tawa, to serve two years yor criminal assault, will ako get the lash. He will receive ten loshes inside of one month, at the end of six monibs, ten more lashes, and two weeks \efore his receive five more He was' sentiment by: Justios 8 Baincos $18 conta for $6.70, $15; TE th, Toe or FROM COLLEGE ls Donnell Married--A | the Arts Building | lin) ladies' fine and medium priced shoes | { Jenkins' { shape the office of the assessor | gatherings of the aldermen. | gilded. | kins' {novel * {and Physical Director Burton, of the | and | The following schedule was drawn up: JANUARY 10, 1908. FE OF THE DAY, {Mewsy Paragraphs Picked, Up By Reporters On Their: Bounds. Fancy spx, cashmege, 23¢., at Jen: kins'. sale. Not much, so far, to complain about lia this winter. George Gillespie Bey Se on business. 1 All 15¢. collars le. sale, George Vanhorn went Falls, at noon to-day. The corncob weather prophets | predicting an early spring | "Chaucer" Eliott will referee the | | Wanderer-Ottawa match in Ottawa on! Saturday. | 25e¢. Scotch heather sox for 1Se., at Jenkins' sale. | | Capt. F. Lawrence left," to-day, on ithe noon train, for Brockville, where | he will visit for a few days. Acton Burrows, editor and publisher | of the: Railway and Shipping World, | Toronto, is a visitor in the aty. } Opening of the Royal rink to-night. | 14th band in attendance. Admission, | 10c. Skating Seturday aiternoon. | Miss Emma Veale, who has been iu | {charge of a hospital at Grand Forks, | B.C., is here vn a visit to her brother, lon Barrie street. 50c. Scotch beather sox for 40c., at' | tables of great bargains | | i + . } is in Parham, to-!| at Jenkins' | to Smith's | are | ~ Jenkins 'sale. Seventeen at our diséoumt---sale. 'the donk, Shoe Store. | Brockville curlers were to have play- | ed here, yesterday, but they could not | come, so the game will be played at | some future date. Napanee will Play | a series here this evening. Boys' overcoats, $4.50 to $6.50, at | sale. Miss S. McArdle, Wolie Island, has | brown, grey, cardinal, | --_-- -- -- -- | 8 John Laidlaw & Son. pecials To-morrow -- Saturday, ALL DAY. We have been fortunate in. securing some remarkably good things. These will be placed on sale To-morrow morning from 9 to 12, 247 Pairs Ladies' Knitted Gloves Usually sold at 20c pair, black and colors. 360 Pairs Ladie Extes good inake, ranging in valu Yours To-morrow 10c Pair: Knitted Gloves from 25¢ to 30c pair. Colors black, Yours To-morrow 18c Pair. returned from Lethbridge, Alberta, where she was engaged in teaching at | one of the schools. She has been en- | |gaged to teach at one of the schools on the islasd. Painters will to-morrow complete their work is-the city buildings, where | they have beem putting into good | and | The | for the Even the | been re- | i | { room adjoining. made Gt the committee iatter has been picture frames in it have value at 15¢ yard. working shirts, 50c., at Jen-| sale. | The Woman's Home Companion for | TOC. 1,000 Yerds Good Quality Cream White English Flannelette For Ladies' and C hildren's Underweat and Nightgowns. This is similar in wove to the Ceylon flannels, and considered excellent Yours To-morrow Morning 10c Yard. January has a showy cover design by | due tion of W, Ballour Ker's painting 1 "Forgotten." Jack London. contri Lutes the first letter of impressions | for which the paper sent him around | the world; it is the record of adven- ture among the lepers of Molokai Among the fiction is an instalment of Mrs Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' great 'Though Life Us Do Part," A new departure is a study of three im- by Anne Peacock and by portant plays, la departwent, Teevs and Twenties, i Lucy Norman. CITY HOCKEY LEAGUE. The Schedule of Games For Janu- ary and February. well attended meeting of the City Hockey League was held in the Fron- | tenac Business Colloge, on Thursday evening. Ald. J. J. Harty was pre sent and in a few pa words | presented the ollicers of the league with a handsome trophy: for competi- tion in the senior series. The trophy is very beautiful, one of the finest | ever offered in the city. W. W. Gib- | son, donator of the junior trophy, i IRRIGATION OF LANDS, Y.M.C.A. also gave short addresses. There are three teams in the senior | series, Froutenac Business College, | i Black WatéK and and RCHA The | following schédule was drawn up : Jan. 16--Hlackwatch at F.B.C, Jan. 23--R.C.ILA. at Blackwatch. Jan. 30-R.C.H.A. at FBC. Feb. 6-F.B.C. at Blackwatch. Feb. 13--Blackwatch at R.C.H.A, Feb. 20-F.B.C. at RC.HA. Group "'B" will be drawn up at later date. There are scVén: teams entered in the | junior series, Fhistles, St. James, St | Georges and the Blackwatch making | {up group "A" and Regiopolis, K.C.I. RBC making up group "B. | Government Leaves Something to Individual Enterprise. Ottawa, Jan; 10.--A discussion irvigation in the west and considera | Hon of the accounts-of - the depast {ment of marine and fisheries occupied the bulk of the time of the house yes | terday. Three and a half hours wert spent over ah appropriation of $129, {000 by the department presidéd over iby Mr. Brodeur, the opposition mak ing a concerted attack on the minis ter of marine and fisheries on the ground of extravagances, particularhy mn regard to his expenses connected with the colonial conference. Mr. Fro | deur warmly resented the charge, and convieted Mr. Foster of misrepresent wmtion. In a discussion on the irriga tion bill, Mr. Bergeron urged upon the government the desirability. of un dertaking the work of irrigation, stead of leating it to private enter-| { prise.- In reply to a question Sir Wil [frid Laurier stated that the | ment had no information as to a 'fresh influx of Japanese to British on a Group "A." Jan. 16---Thistles at St. George's, Jan, 21--St. James' at Black Watch. Jan. 23-St. Georges at Black Watch, Jan, 28-Thistles at St. James. Jan, 30---St, James at St. Georges, | Feb, 4-Black Watch at Thistles. Feb. 6.--St. Georges at Thistles. Feb. 11--Black Watch at St. James, | Columbia. Feb. 13--8t. James at Thistles. {| Hom. W. Fielding announced that Feb. 18-Black Watch at St. George' *| his motion - concerning the . French Feb, 20-St. Georges at St. James. | treaty will come up for discussion on Feb. 235--Thistles at Black Watch, Tuesday next. Sr. Wilfrid Laurier, answering Mr | Macdonell (Toronto), said that on : | July 27th, an order-fn-councily was | passed authorizing the renewal of the | contract with the Union Steamship | company, of New Zealand, which does { business 'between Vancouver and Aus | tralia. The * contract had been lor: | warded for signature, ---------------- WAIVED EXTRADITION to oH Thomas Answer Charges. Toronto, Jan. 10.--Waiving extradi in i gover . Group. "B." Jan. 16-Regiopolis at K.C.L Jan, "23-K.C.L. at K.B.C. Jan. 30--Regiopolis at K.B.C. Feb. 4-K.C.I. at Regiopolis. Feb. 8-K.B.C. at KCI. Feb. 13-K.B.C. at Regiopolis. SPRUNG A-LEAK. Mishap to the Steamer Geo. Howe To-Day. The; steamer George C. Howe, lying Ir v r Ton, a leak this Torenton, 'and the. sigra part | tio on. a charge of. theft of furs, of the vessel was flooded. The burst-| Hengy Cherry bas 'been brought eck ing of a seacock is believed to have to St. Thomas by the provincial de been the cause of the accident. | tective department and will stagd Lis Quick. work was done in looking of- | | trial" there. The fars were stolen Inst ter the boat, the work of pumping her | | March from the Jones eompany. of out being speedily attended to. The St. Thomas, and afterwards a sale of tug Frontenac got on one side of the | furs was made to a wholesale house, vessel. the Donnelly on the other, and| by Henry Cherry and W. Moore, who with steam from the elevator engine | received $115 and $100: the pumps were soon at work. | Cherry cashed the $115 cheque at a It was stated this afternoon, that hotel in London, and both men jeft the vessel would - be up again by to-| the sumisy. When Moore setugnod he mage pected | Was ares wut Cherry remained in night, 4 the da 38. 50% on | Detroit. Detective Rogers. of the pro The Howe runs on the St. Lawrence] vincial department, applied for an cr- route, and D, Sullivan, of Chicago, is der for extradition but Cherry Greided the 'menager of the company. The ves- inot to fight it, and has conse vr ath sel is insured, and a representative of been brought back to St. Thomas. the underwriters is now on his way! to Kingston, to. look after the mat. | The steamer Howe c.| | Brought to therefore Shoes es For Children. Selling at twenty per cent. was the last off regilar prices.' $1 shoes for SOc The $1.25 shoes for $l, 0 for 21.20 disconot 35 Samples of Boys' Fine Unshrinkable Wool UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Different sizes and makes. These will be sold at 25 Per Cent. Off. Balance of Ladies' Winter Coats at Half Price JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. PIER BIG JANUARY x SALE Horse Blankets at the biggest reduction ever seen in Kingston We don't want to carry any over, and must dispose of them. Won't last long at the price. $2.50 Kersey Stay-on, $1 85 $3 Blue Stay-on, $2.35. $1.50 Jute Lind, for $1.10. Also Halters, Whips | and Rugs, at possible price. W. A. Mitchell, Hardware. ER aE RRPINEERE | Ares a business necessity in this day and generation. BUY THE BEST. WATERMAN AND STERLING Can be depended upon. Our English made short size pen is reliable ahd handy. It can be carried in purse, bag or pocket. Circingles, lowest We guarantee every pen we sell. Spangenberg | JEWELLERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses. = MEN AND WOMEN Use Pig @ for vonature discharges inflammations frritations or uiesration of mucous membrane Paltione, sod not sstris , #ent or poisonous by Druggise, wr sont in plain wrapper 0) exproms, prepaid, fo 8) 8. or 3 bottles 8 7, romlar vit on rane SR RE SE UR = Oo FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. Roll Besos. 12 per Ib: Fora al BJ. NTELS. 43 Pre Breck He A sara ¢ Our 20|Per Cent Discount Sale Some Extra Bargains. Boys' Box Calf Blucher Boots, size 1 to 5, always B2. 'NOW $1.50. Women's Fine Dongola Kid Strap Slipper, wr, wide toe, regular $1.50. NOW 81. Women's Fine Calf Dongola Kid and Patent Bluther "Cut Boots, regular $3. NOW, $2.25. Won'en's Fine Dongola Kid sizes, regular $2. NOW $1.50. 17 Tables Full of Genuine Bargains. ned i low heel, Blucher Cut Lace Boc'+, all OER CIN 0RO00R00000O00ORS S Bbe Joockett Shoe Store. eeseassaeesateeseens 225000000004000000000; Seevecccee