Che 10. KIN asTox, YEAR 75--NO. INAUGURAL ADDRESS ==. of * Mayor -- £ Ross to -the City Council. | Go door {dent a re the Oo way has placed on the root red on mp mp Portle hum hn maotorm een ear was on The was Samy hink start- dragged feet long over log the ed the face dow ri sr een, Ont A, His Worship Opposed to the Three-Year Alder- manic Term---Suggests Nominations to be Made in Evening. safely off constable £ MI WA car d the ns about seventy Twice table got urider naged to kick hims coat holding saved of an Wheels free and er life. The crics ed the wrong, - was cut 1 thy of from each dor was councillor or alderman a report of his | stewardship seems to have fallen disuse. M the mid-day hour -{ suitable for business and working men {1 would suggest that the reports and addresses showd be received in the evening, If the majority of citizens to show much interest and shoul. | their responsibility on othess" they | Xpeet very great results, and govern tneir ceord- th spectators warn- motor someth and 'he about the injured that stopped his car face and one shoul- custom requiring into 18 un fail der cannot e should ingly, One Buppose, eriticism a excuse for this indifierence, | is the custom of accepting the press reports of our meetings. As many around the council dis- | J colored by the press for political ad-| } vantages the newspaper report very good on most occasions, al he accepted the interpretation" of Hence, | believe is to the at the of his re the other hand, regular of all aldermen and and meetings will of indifference term. 1 was never legis lationg bit we trial if it upon us. If an alderman to attend a com he should re- opinions and actions board are colored or must not full alderman's ways as and cor an the only right re action. alderman's re way receive { port time nommation, Un atten at any the fav must | proves | a TAKAHIRA A mbassad IARON nese MAYOR | darice mayor ROSS, deliv council HIS WORSHIP, The following address was by Mayor Rows to the this mormng : Gentlemen Council--It welcome to representatives of our city, pleasure, i= my will be completed and with the single Luring success for our eity, After a brief survey of our pal government one must that the. majority of citizens display | work prevent to in ered | . suspicion owing three vear or. of this it fair "imcabus"' ty Croatian Officers On Spree. 13 Officers of (Cre City to the 1. | finds it waras | itt the mi 0 port our work fooling |X} ol Kingston pleasure tig council board of the different and joined with hope that with purpose the becomes of Judapest, Jan garrison at Ap midnight « the town dust triumphal proces town, give a even my Ah am I one and set ont throug and sal impossible wrousal, meeting, 1 believe carts his eannot pass without referring to unsatisiac- |Uproariously, tory condition of our voters' list. We Fhey ; ¢ have heard too many complaints from pelled them to join the rowdy throng qualified electors on account of special detachment from the garri The sitting of a court of ultimately apd officials « together, to chairman son 1 over election matters smasiing sagnng FOO ) the disarmed com- muniei omis conclude | revi F Jf [police son captured ofticers sions. sion does not excuse our has + g was | SBimp-\ the NTARIO, MON DAY. JANUARY 13, 190s. COULDN'T FINE THE JUDGE, But Judge Fined Juryman Was Late. 1H Ap hers Was { fore Ang Judge jurvman al late from was amount other jurym The Fre incident, eh right tory t Fuesdayv, and about 100. wav and ano and ple ther, Ix witnesses, them coming on Me be His h OwWever, the inwvers were of to Jurors here, night judge, nh he some nday time Hor wired throug! be | 30 as on to Mont until Wed that was going real not wre and ail the ir heels acount orn hours, but they four to fine nov nments case 1 tof the judge opening the failure of the tite is a comnon ronwall wnch appar rights md to respect." ourt Some ently that octurence | pants | the 'are | think judge | SNAKE STOPS WEDDING. | Finds it in Basket of Fruit Sear | Her 'By Lover. Jan. 13.-4Fra: nurse, has on Heimath, ; of Vienna ulein Viennese declined an Of marriage account ol a ed from a Br sithan Iruit as a Chnes former patient, iniit grower, e, of Lmas pre It wi which Is accompanied by the fruit gr to Brazil promised ter ua Wer ame her to go to wx his his s6le le and as ar faith iuclosed oul He rate ga wife to make evidens n | Heimath was delight good 750, Fraulein the fruit it shock that and wa ding to when she saw proce open coiled up within I'he Bra the cate large snake her a us gave poison such a he at marriage ror of | wrote once declining inevitable result -- of right the the Growth je done i | : work in direetion an apparent indilerence to civic af faire. At our recent nominations | visited several booths found 2 | ment roll seeins to-be justified. Again, uotable absence of citizens. The heal {1 find no authority for the distinc | tion of ballots by color for municipal | | elections, Lefors another election. we | | should leave no doubt on this matter | and so save confusion and possible | error, Gentlémen, your work will be portant this vear. Upon the board works 'will depend the suceessiul con tinuation of permanent street mak fing. We must congratulate last vear's chairman upon the disappearance several white elephants from our slate, Wodnes- 1112 , the Queen street ship and the breakwaters and I trust he. will push to completion the O'Kill- street' sewer | outlet The committee ipower will take short time from the expert, men to be placed on that 'this public its patrons the very: best Engle proven that just election street lighting is very satisfactory dur- [ing the remainder of the year, very fitful. 1 have never been satis- | Northern fied with the explanation for this and | for the r I hope to see a better street lighting 1 they wer throughout this year. Uur street Jackson is. a miner lights are about the only public pro- I the Black Hills for tection oar outlying wards secure. Burton came Consequently it should be better than | months ago it has young woman sold Gentlemen, our some books. Jackson some saerifice of | her, to soe than from-yolu. Let us gladly give it. exists, From if such a omissions and re HE NE3088 | | negligence, {port of and DAILY MEMORANDA. 7.80 pm, Portsmouth Coureil, City Hall, Imperial Seots' Conenrt Co, Pm. Wonderland Theatre, evening. Civie light pom. Tuesday. Opening Queen's New Medical pon, Tuesday. This day in hist first published, 17835, 18th Band at the Roy: Rink; day 'night. Admission, 10¢ Niinen Paper and Faovelopes with Queen's Crest, Jackson Press, ington street. At The Opera, Colored and The Forty Vagabond." Good h afternoon und | of and Power Commitiee, 4 Ma Building 2 ol ry ~London "Times Embossed Well- Thei Discover on light, heat and over our plant in a I ask our this utility I 2 Comic bi Babbi and he Princesg--FPictures Pictures, Fhieves Vaudeville. strongest {committee hall give service, It Pp. and Miss before that and Min: mother, Jan Minnie the ty set for they brother they have to to make a search they* have little and wood, S Albert Jack dis WHIG TELEYRONES. 243--Basiness Office. 229--Edilorial Rooms. 2V2---Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all Kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig 14 always on sale at Qioson's Drag Store, Market Square Opén till late each evening. has--=been son previous to an covered thelr marriage it and sister our just but were is gone esata not children has been in . Miss Hills six or seven book agent. The the young miner fell in love with her frequently, | whom since Dionar Sets several years to the as a been. position demands timé, more from me contrived shi FOUND OUT IN TIME Brother and Sister Engaged to! TTY. -- Just Before the Time Set for Nuptials | They, eir Relation- ip. S-- ve p------ and and week him. She for the to light was 1 her to the a lew marry and set a day It marriage before celebrated came o the vouny Burton, real name of her lover was not J but Worthington. Each had away child; he had tak mar who had ad that of the m woman s name Worthington, was} but and the son, heer given when a en the name of the opted him and she who had adopted separated, and name the other her. They had beer neither had known th had taken In all our let us take the citizens and our fellow aldermen into | SNAP. A our trust, as to explain best Bng- and rectify all wrongs and defects, decorated - A reasonable despatch of biSiness J land the best return for the money ex pended will be our motto. To aid us. (in the despatch of business, 1 shgll sk the city clerk to keep before us t each meeting the different petitions and communications the previous meetings till they are finally of, and se prevent them from being | up in 'a balloon every day forgotten for months. advice of 'those to ' { For my-part, I am eager to keep in tives. touch and sympathy with all organi- The has zations of the city and to act in {ack of exvens conjunction with them for the city's fur { benefit, "1 shall gladly receive any ad- {vice from willing citizens regarding | lour work and deliberations and will | {esteem it a favor if more than one will profier suck advice. In conclusion, may the™esult of our endeavors be some for our beloved ~ reports HAS MANY ADVANTAGES. This is a RARE we endeavor Seba pretty set of 97 pieces, fin porcelain, nicely *' GOLD LINE This set would cost you $10 id any other store. Our price, $9, Jor this week only. Special "$6.25. ROBERTSON BROS. COFFEE! "There is plenty. of Coffee to be had. You can get it in almoet deliboragions and any Grocery store, but very el. Pérmanent success domi you find anv like our eity, (vA > Java and Mocha Blend Josh Billings once said he had New York, Jan. 13.--~The tendency in read several essays on milk, but wail sirest is distinctly tow .rds im the best thing he had ever seen! rjiument. Confidence is revit ing and on_it was the Cream. Our Pure 1s much greater degree of recovery Has | JaVa and Macha Blend is the verv [been established than could have been Cream of 'the Coffee Plant. oretold a month ago. This:improve- a ment is almost chiefly due to favor: Jas, Redden & Co, ble develo ts in the monetary 'Importers of Fine Grooeries. ituation. preminm on currency Rare Chance has disappeared and rates for time- For sale, Cosy Brick Dwelling. exten- money ate steadily declining. There as been a corresponding drop in rates for commercial paper, the de Sion Kitchen, frame barn, 24x20, horse barn, 20x24, small bars and drive shed end 12 city lots Mjoining all Rlonghed. ready for planting. Suburban Balloon' ' May ' 'Be Cure. Munich, Jan. 13 and other Alpine consumptives, is growing band of who are advocating the for tuberculosis. Consumption Il of Davos requented by ~The § resorts sounded by an medica) balloon ever" continental of men, disposed | 5 is the doctors consump cure advantages of them. It is cheaper ta keep a balloon in your back garden the suburbs and take vour daily hours up above the tdouds than to have to go away and live in expensive hotels for months at a_ time, {It is also claimed the "balloon that ra: of alti- tude is obtainable by means of a bal- soon that it makes it a far superior treatment to that of ordering a 'pati- ent away to some Alpine village, where, even with hard exercise. he can. not vary his altitude by more than a few hundred feet a daw . In a paper he read recently the Academy of Sciences, M. Christian Beck, a weltknown scientist, declared [that the balloon treatment could be {carried on in conditions impossible of | attainment in any mountain resort. In' a balloon, he said, the patient could be conveyed in a jew moments linto an atmosphere where neither min- feral nor vegetable particles were pres. jut in the air, which would also be : bacteriologically pure, The dose can easily he regulated, the ipatient being able to breathe gir any altitude the physician thinks best Hor him. Even on the foggiest London davs the ean asevnd through the elouds inte lan atmosphere of perfect purity, sw, jsitiing well wrapped €p in the car, en- Hoy: the keen, pure air and bright sun: shine demied to his suforiunate fell "estan below, many is one mn two for } ke cure' such a wie ge "Restored Money Strength. before nand for which has much improved, The derangement in credit is gradually ating away; liquidation has re sutng proviously locked | en in a priced securities. . re- urn movement of funds from the in. Pries moderate, J. F. SWE, rn Sw tairly og Sead JAKE NOTICE ' alto a lot of Malai Hafid has been proclaimed wale | Ev tan at Fez one of the capitals of Mo-! EEE UE i. de | at | RRRIIRIIIIAAAIARAN | * WANT TO BOSS. % * Jan. 13.--~The % control recom- mends that municipal standing committees, - in- cluding the electric' com- Ruission, but excepting the board of health' be abolish- ed, and that all the duties heretofore imposed said committees and electric commission be as- signed to the board of conm- 8 trol. ¥* # HHI Ottawa, board of + = + upon # the ¥ + ¥ + i "A COBALT DISPUTE. Northern Miners Ask For Concil ation Board. Ottawa, Jan. 13 ~The of labor has revived from the employees of ming and. Hudson Bay Mining com pany at Cobalt, fiftv number, for the appointment: of a*board of 'inves tigation under the Lemieux aet into the action of the company in reducing Wages {wenty-five cenis a dav all along 'the line. an application the Temiska in You Are Getting The Best. When you buy Sealshipt oysters vou get solid meat oysters full flavor. cleaw and fresh-and no water framaveky has them fresh daily of | There are on view at Kirkpatrick's £ manufacturing dollars. Art Store; Princess street, two spe ial styles of Nordheimer pidnos which [are attracting considerable attention {You are invited to call and ses them i A close proximity to work may ox- taggerate is Importance and 'obscure duties and opportunities, 5 he deci to learn why things re | one way and nol another is one | t elements Halos. on tween sherill oecu Limprovements department ] ~ SCANDAL OUSTS JAP ---------- | ------ "- Baron Ito Has Been Dismissed From the Service. ---------- 2! Commender of the Navy Which Defeated Chinese Fleet---Given Title for His Services. Steacy's Remnant Sale A GREAT 4, SUCCESS. 2 PIRES REE 5 J --Ace ording Aki REE by the Y. Ito, who command brought here Admiral B Aaron of the The qualities And no wonder.' com- supreme naval cot i of good and small makes it interesting to thrifty buyers: The Silks, Materials are very: low, lengths 1 to 5 yards, both novelty Fabrics this Season's buying. Remnants of Silks phe |S DRESS GOODS, jn TRIMMINGS, LININGS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, LINENS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW COTTONS, FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, ART MUSLINS, SATEENS, CRETONNES, bination RY ed Japanese navy in the war with prices generally China, has been dismissed from the service because of a seandal which in volves him with the wife of a work and Dress marked run man in the Yokosuka n vards, Admiral miral from [to was appointed vice-ad BEE plain and of the of He and commander-in-chie! united ron 1803. com squad in manded the squadron with signal suc cess against. the enemy's fleet in the RRR Japan-China war, which broke After following vear the close of war the emperor rewarded him by him with the rank o He Dec eating peer iscount, made admiral was MARQUIS ITO. {the fleet on ember 31st, 1906. HRRHAARAAARAAN A TRAGIC END. PITH OF THE NEWS. * 1 ERRRE AL * The Very Latest Culled From All| | Over The World. tarted the Frunk Pacific IT New York, Jan. 13.-- While endeavoring to pre- vent a man, who gave the name of Edward Walker of 537 Wabash Avenue, Chica- go, from leaping from the Brooklyn bridge on Friday night, Patrolman Robert Fitzgerald was Knocked from the overhead ironwork by the pole of a passing trolley car into the East River, 135 feet below. His body was not recovered. Another policeman arrested the would-be suicide as he was about to jump over the railing. Walker is about twenty-one years. of age, [ Work of (he Iw hi h will | ' {lield, Man Sell onee carry on new shops railway, tablished at Spring will at and | | 10 l'elephone company many throughout out extensions the province ot Untario . s In Ne York charges are made that ; the anti-saloc lengue is supported by multi-milliona ' v the politic ganization for ul pPRrposds, Schmidt, for apepond of ¢; ! Edward jyears Quebec manager of the Canada Hite Inkutauce company, with head- fqui¥ters in Montreal, has resigned, Annie Smale, an inmate' of the threaten- | of refuge, Woodstock in will w ) use or- ete. . Come TO-MORROW. We'll expect you.Come early, all sales for cash, EERIE IRE E IS VOLSE = 4 PERERBRRPERPEE BEER ed 10 attempt to fant child be taken, Arthur | years, murder he a ¥ FARHAN AN twenty-six | - r GANANOQUE TIDINGS. fatally apartments. ! Brooklyn | Fodge Members Have esting Time. Criminal progeedings FEXEEEFEFEFEFMEF EERE TH 0 Manning, age: shot and PRRRRE probably | wounded - Lis the Hotel and then killed himself their George wile 1 mn in An Inter-| Dr. W. 8. Butler, Ros summondd to give expert the trial of Harry tempt will be Butler, that Thaw family, While operating planer in k McAlbert Brins Marrickville four. hinge ol his ght A al Jan 13. ~The schedule woke, has heen opening St Gananoque, in the Hockey Leagu took at Maple Star-Bachelors, ands the testimony me of the Law in La An at Dr in the place on Leaf rink champions Lajisdowne K. Thaw. made rence to prove, | Friday en hetween the for two years, Ramblers. The game was start to finish, and full plave, the Lansdowne out the "Stars a total eclipse Neore, The last tators, A Free has by emog imsanily is inherent hockey from | WELBANKS of brilhang Benjamin 3X boys shuttiyyg mill had off got tant} hand cut holding han¢ was ir ma FALVUHNAN in M ( Ramblers, 2 Star-Bachelo tick 1 Ie Was 132th Obie 8 accommodation was better th: standing planked ministerial cor Méthodists, of Kingston been in progress during days, the opening drawn wmto hine The ham 000 nate was SON room for. spe advanced Wil 520 amount of M au money said was 8 beng over om mass the understand ken zie of distivict the HORs1ON hie re bu doubt, l'oronto mag ention the there £001 given to past being at woul ming market TOW eld um the mbers pre vailed for ' daily broker 8 C1 3 arge n the Pu I repetition Md which ity in erted pr Been COUT ses spent by hall, King iD D.G M Ticers ughout were ened famine ol all ha i 0.0 F lay ev installed street wn Willian In Wednes Finney no (On Peput compar Reyr Lodge, No AnOGue in the ening the Encampment Thur Pr mortal ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. t| "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. been of Gana £ Oming {ue slature will JILTED GIRLS' REVENGE, Man to commi Sherratt Kit official s that stor to Ga Toronto Rail city the Univ deaded to nme With Knives--Ali- Cremiate Him Il Attack tempt Geneva capacit of Harmon, of Rebekat street. Af aged eighiie biin a factor ar ers elect No. 1 , Daughters LOOF. hall, King ceremony excellent od ir of the » an excellent time was an installed offic Lodge in the ersity senate grant ¥ terthe LED. to coward | w of New Brunswick, | sisters, elior the new University | spent by all. I* wskatehewan; LL.D. to Limat.-Gov. | Probate of the will of the late Nar ar H. Bulyea, of Al rissa. Gordon, Gananoque. has Bent, 1M mer of 6 NB. granted to her sister he to Jan Nt. execative named in sing hed her: the death from of A W. Peck, Philadelphia Peck has owned a summer re Hay Island, and a numl of years Fr old Gananoque boy lo some years in Vortage la Priitio, has arrived here (0 spend the balance of the winter with Miss Kate MeCarnes dan ghtr Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mel arney | Provincial spending + with friends at Williams, Kingston with relatives alumni of rsi Brunswitk have t} to Tur ixiting uni an ree of honot honorary Wetmore, chane a8 ser turn made wrmerly and of Italian, wi ther now ~ ings of @ E Geo knit work, he ja attacked Lim with from Asx thes i} aml wria, for and © M.A Stephen, returned hoo pepe todly, ground Gorham the Word arah will ipetowr wa Vroom, of a has + i Ie ap the of : clothes w PASTOR IN TROUBLE. ree pney Intre were about fo monia L death when darme The Deen burn bum Former Woodstock Min Charved With Counterfeiting. field, "1li., Jan. 13.--The . James \ Raye, of ink Park, II, of the terian h at il. aged as a writ ous on trial in on the coins at pastor rch there 3 He i rescued hy tim at camped : arre wr mond for an ngs Forget To- Night. re the "Im Company Kingston, a at the (ly He Spring Rev Dr pastor heaton, er nn rehg the federal charge is home in Le of "the Firet Preshy ts intent to pass experimenting "in order for his Sunday school | pate i the press chur ert od Presb redatives of the time | and papers; is of rt in this ety coun terieit 1. ie ES Falls. Ge spent vestero mn town. Miss Mildred Standen. Brockville Business College who has heen spending two weeks pupils. - He "was born in Woodstock, Jeitn: relatives has retuned to on Gut, in 1815 and was 'brought up § er course in that institution there. ' : Un Saturday the jur Woman And Horse Over Cliff verdict. fin the cler Lucknow. Tan. 13.-An amazing having in possession moklds for [cape from death is reported from Bin. aX dollars, sur, in te Kumoan distriet of the quarters and dimes, with the intention Himalayas. A woman from Ranikhet of using them unlawfully. Judge Hum- | was riding along the Dhaulching road phrey sentenced him to two years im- | wi®n her horse shied at an unprotect prisonment in 'the United States pris. od part, gud horse and rider fell sixty ou at Fort Leavenworth, Kansss. He feet down a precipice to a ledge tw | will app wal to the United States cir- low. The horse rolled over, and wan jdashed to pieces farther down. The yal was wlterwards found on the it ledge, and was so by injured that | she was able 10 walk home, making London, of . . rath os ge N ordhially vited te OPERING COremonies Medical hile t whil he attend nection public Lhe with are in ton Laboratories Mik fost... at 3 om. in Convoention Hall Mrs. Lda Husted bas completed the writing of the third volume of the "Life And Work Of -Susan B, Wn thonv™ It ix expected that the book will be ready for circulation in Febwu- arv, Miss Adthonv's birth month. Two special st of Nordheimer pianos are pow view at Kirk. patrick's Art Store, Princess street, and citizens are invited to eall and inspect them, The statesman leads the masses, The masses Joad the politician. Salvation often means making man jover according to one's pattern Faith is not built by failing 5 to taki of all the facts, with the he w make medals huitding. Tuesday, retarmed A gyvanan guilty, of his on 1 Tt is no disgrace not to know, JSS Sst alah hing 10 Bed ot, saturn te | hig