THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1808. , \ PAGE SEVEN. HOW WILL I BE DONE? 5.7 A SOLDIER VIGTHH, 5 WAS YEAS ON RODE ofan COSTIGAN _ " BoaRd Gr wows yi TSR mar emer or CLES EE guy) FRO BATH Ki litem ket: from the : : . Regarding Road Im provement-- Ce An Life and Resources, ic # | Thinking He Was i a . Den of ] - SO Wife Proving Faithless, He Aban- the | i 1 be: iM those wei Int think | > a - a FF 7 . t < - is { « } ents per posined a a Kingston Should Be Made al . 17 ws Thieves te Uses His Revdlver doned Business For Life of An | he or Cri) New Brunswick's Grand Old Man. {that = Larder City That will Attract | Fs ' ; yo Freely Itinerant . . \ proposition of Wer $ 1 freely. ; } ; R tin . m of the export ul ol Ih bh + ade a Wealthy People. Pest, some fay. low' grade" pro-} Paris. Jan. I nah emed Joi x ¥ Paris. idan. 1a : i uslp-woad. | Suffered Severely, but Made Kingston, Jan. 10.--~(To the Edi-{ o=ition : hols, who shot dead two persons and | f " * i a robbery at Sart ouvill , the Ma; uite as. im an {nid T O Quick Recovery, tor) I hear on the streets conyer- t subions something like this What or | ¥ exposed on the Fournenir--old In- ome months age, was yesterday plac | Le ame. Upon a strange human story Ee A very interesting vein was reeent vounded two oth in Montmartre, | sone-Lafitte police © Christmas Eve how is the best wav to lay out the [9180 oper at Lardes Lake--a view ed on trial for murder 7, " 2) An innkeeper, whom they questioned by-law grant on the stréiets oi our [of which is reproduced from a proto Miserly by babit, Jolibo arried in | '8% i about the robbery, mentioned that a p for ke y 5 y +. i E : as « ul 'ostigan states "ity 7 Twelve thousand dollars wil [€Taph taken by a visitor, whose only this pockets all his ¥ r. amoun TR ! I short time before a man, who looked ala bh d of Hou. Jona L ostig 4 of er aan vein is that. of : ; } 3 : man, orator, "MP, Cabine: Minister, not suffi to put all of our streets | ighere H. hae fl 18 that of a sight Jing to about $1 200 ring idly | } sf] ike a tramp, i bought 'three bot-|¢ 3,297, were entered for ship-| and" how Senator, from New Brung in good condition, It may repair the | vt and i photographer. The lin the streets on a Sunday afternoon, i \ tes of champagne and paid for them] r t * United States, vei no} wick. For over irty years (his vein exposed, which in the ' picture he decided to visit a woman named | ih . with a 100-franc note. The police fal | fr ¢ bought in the mar-| promirent man wa: a Wartyr 19° X lowed his tracks to a broken-down] } is evident that 59.205] Chronic Cunstipatio: 1. Leading phy= sic of Lo Pgs, New York and Ottawa treated b in vain, I i I | i 1 } i > \ remained for a wonderful Canadiet : roused the hounse bv cries of le man with the banknotes sodn he 3 89.295 pounds, would ai pt r him--and in ony on : ap i b L . 3 at . ! ' iscov to cure i . foot of > ata, n i d 0 ap murder. Jolibois tried 1G escape. but | Jacob H. Galinger made mmself known. With a smite-and ay fishermen to devote their] three moaths too pearance from the wholé vein, assayed the landlord and waiter barred his nn a distinction of manner that ontrasi-| time ai maintain power boats to ¥ 232 Cooper Street, Otlawa. $1, 100 of gold to the ton. The vein f croprms mn he dark 4nd narrow Dr 'acon H. Lallimger, nited | of "I have been a dreadful sufferer t t of tl belie exposed for a distance of 200 feet stairs, States senator from New Hampshire | 4 from chronic constipation for over. 0 say - slinve : : : ) ; : os ing, : a ey wey - ¢ it is estimated that the vein since 1591, and whose present term of lice Hore are ro Tl foinaid ri : a {| thirty years, and I have been treuted . JUS do . W » Fa ' ? . i a 41 > demand througl p fominio \ ' ' i n ake 3 tvelve thousand ar ill put our Ao 10.006 tons of ore 'in sight expires in 1909 was born at ny i ey y 1 dominion ar DY ay yas eon realty stress in good eanditson i hot 1 x iy were an 1 ructive 3 One wr i wernments, that, if licens kinds of medicin ul any bene- : If it is all as good as the assay |... 3 n Cornwall, Out... on March 25th, A837 vas a | : : ¥ ) ised then we must fall back on an assess 4 he became panic-stricken at this 3 : was a bank « for $360, and from y etting are issued, we should] fit whatever nally, -I was advise " shows, that would give R11.000 000 5 } He graduated in medicine IBS and 3 . 1 3 try "Frait-a-tives," and, after taks ment taxation to finish them. ight." How in that f dow | FOIL, believing he was in a den of 1" § Sth rs il appeared t the tramp, have * "hante to' purchase the fish] to try rait-a h Wd, aft sight y % that for a "low } practiced for a number of vear In 1 3 i them for a few months, 1 fee! I wonld sugpe » oa thieves, Demented with fear p ow 1 PTA ] 3 had been mayor of Po une in Lo IT i i ters. which re ' ng them yA ! {Ay What I wonld suggest would be proposition *'* The old 1th fear, he drew 1860 Senator Gallinger marriéd « Miss H 'mmune in Loi 8 } 8 "1 am well from this horrible complaint has at last been discovered He pata) which he Sarned 0 sale inp, v Anna Bailey at Salishury, N.H | ret. department 'yed the stu Rasary Jo som R t the same] qpejit.a-tives' is the of Mediciay i provement plan, the same as @ wel, now the white guard his money and fired at random Becoming prominent in political eir ton with which the police scanned | prices that th Y are 4 to the fish' ever took that did me aay sitive build our cement walks. This plani_ three times, killing the waiter named ! Pr. Gallinger hell many minos the documents, and then, with the . good for Constipation I can ROR will give oll a chance to share the | Redoul, and wounding landlord, | wibie offices and finally i nerve begotten of champagne, he told i logs that Gananoque sus-| Sclentiously recommend 'Fruit-a- nefits the snent | Phen he fled, terror-stric en, down the ' Mikio 2 Yipart of hs life story 4 i e axport « tives" as, in my opinion, it is the: henelits of the improvements, A Touch Of Millinery. [fongress in ISR% He crv Wher t} 4 . finest medicine ever produced." Fliis plan at forty per cent. to the 2 terms and made a strong impress gen at the head of ood business, te nrsiy d sunaner Vist. (Signed) Jonny COSTIGAN, pews city and sixty per cent. to the bene | ry officer named _ Mannier, who bad} t Wahi ton. He Was next made: a nnd one day that he had been! tors, w ould be attracted here if] his is only one of the hundreds of 1 fietaries would: he equal to thirty Loon- " heard the shots seized him, member of the apper house at Wah. | 100d by his wife, whom he ador-| the fishing was good and who would | stinilar cases--all successfully treated' sand dollars, instead of wel thou. ; ( Still thinking he was beset hy lingtor His Rome is at Concord N I Mad with ds Spar, he realized on} spe 1 he town $100 for every 81] by "Frult-a-tives ' Don't suffer sand, to expend on our read Look La 3 thieves, Jolihois fired again, mortally | ------------ ¥ possessions, and disappeared, tak. | spent the few fishermen who are de longer, ir he Rruit-a-tives, They st i thin 'way H a good street is Fo a ! *ounding Mannier, and fled wildly ON THE DEDICATION. 1g the public road For twenty pleting the waters oi fish for the bene i 300 ok: i for $250. It your drugs made in front of my property my {a 4 flown the street, He was tri pped up -- . he had lived away from thei fitsf the citizens of the ['nited States gist Is not able to supply you, we will and captured, but first wounded an the Medical . Laboratories "orld, and his family, determined t A HOU SEROLDER. | . send "Fruit-a-tives,"™ postpaid, on re- other man From the very first he himself adrift from so ety He ---- ceipt of price ded that be had only fired in self irew his meome steadily, and spent it | The Whig has been asked to publish | Fruit-a<tives Limited; - Ottawa, Ont Practically everyone in Canada has Prius pal vues, but this money is paid by the whole eity, and it is pot jus wy [Jocks nol unlike a naLrow waterfall Repignon Swho lived in a small hotel h to take money from all, then spend it Pring. . over the, rocks, in five I The woman demanded money from K FRR raagdside hut. ° There they found four] pounds do # nt the total [rt wide at the wurface ana seven feet | him, 1 when he refused to give all J vagrants sitting und a gypsy fire t of oa in this locality wide at the [fifty-foot v A cubic | she a ked for the benefit of the few, "Vurther- more it was ¢ understood and believed that by passing this grant there would be fio rise in our sssessment taxation, I appeal to those capable with his shabby clothes, be produc y on the business. It is time that his poe ketbook, 8 2 to the po ein Gananoque: should wake up and According te 2 story of the pris mer, who bea an excellent charac Indian's repair the streets on the'local im- man's pantry | f fish, is the ah stairs, at the foot of which an infan property is made more valuable there- by. 1 would hiner pay a Jocal im- provement tax for weillile amount Building, Gueen's University wide the portals ! Far snd near nee, and this plea he made again rociaim jt through the among his chance vagabonds whom he the above as. it wa OBO dRYIIFIN] ------------------------ - ment tax year after Ar as Sternita | during his trial. "balls of learning wondrof ; met, in. one of the Gananoque » pers J ' : ve ' y ' h { " . ' V's stramd The 3 hs 4 3 wags on. Good streets, Ligh and \ J " When his father gt "Vidence v } + Who other days he pes J : nite wancerer | petiido as {ita ficheriey PURE FOOD IN URES water property value to me, and g jos Teg ilar life and good ar 1 this ie gill 0 his fire ¢ \ companions. | part ne . ane . v are sobbed aloud and erie & howe'er distant her nnd a specific time aa nn assess v he . sigrng, as 8 OO my heirs or assigne, as much a good ove their Mother stil houses and house furniture are. a th ours, "Thank you, thank vou ONTARIO'S BLINDNESS tha prof ibition qf netting ween Bear with me a little further. How $ a ey ' brow wide the Port: als ¥ Clearer ring fi ngston and Bro in ra , COL av coftdemnes - ' v across noOws -- feel 4 . Aq . Ki many taxpayers realize just what our £4 i X . W . 3 wh i a y lal lemned him to Pusty gUArdigns know ladge bring Call For Cheap Food Fish For ti ; : . 4 Is for A t ar abor and or tered | Sack } duty knows i ¢ f Y ve 3 at Joa city is hest adapted for ? it : " y his manulactoring industriek 7 Not spe 7 ge / { him to v $600 to the widow of the » his taskgwith patience bends People " officer whom he 'shot 16 hundreds they have nd, ann jue, fan f h 18 lax, The dominion custom depart : ' / r \ cially =o Is it for trade and com \ ' / { ve them as faithiu a frien { The ; n merece 7 Only in a second degree, 1s i LR ! i Se -------- | r worth and skill rever : : 3 ome of cony ment. reports from Ottawa that fish tor oi 8 center / fg] Mon 18 had HIe i nereass worth 818000, at" ridiculously low it tor agrienltural advaptages center , A A & Avoid Biliousness Ihrow wide thie portals !' Faw youths [eost of livin and ve sonle a | X ing here ? No. It is specially adopt ™ lull A. Athirst for power and light HOWing tha: ) ie are valuation, was shipped from Kingston ed for a residential city. We have we dull, sluggish condition usually Would seek within for hidden {raths 0 : ES -r | von G fe veprived of lin 1007. The laxity of fisheries policies ja of the best kinds food § A ; wittion declares 0 upervision : : termed biliousness ! hick ludes wi gather strength to fight t . . ' tried again and again to induce peo tousness, and which includ Aud gather gtrength to figh i" one of West anada's crimes ple here to make money, but we failed constipation, headache, . nausea apd |The bitter foes that wight aad day " Heh, which { : Our sullering race beset : {1 other symptoms, is due to a clogged | Would lift. the serrow-clowds away prices within the. my Now dot us try to induce people here The 'millinery this season is quite! vondition of the system. Both stom That gloomiaround us yet ario contains 45.000 are 10 Spetui money, . difierent from that of last winter, The {ach and liver are involved water, one-fifth J 1a Ft 'riments have pros ie, Hae ~ INSUE i In order to do this we must have |Inrge hat, with a high cron, narrow Day's Dyspepsia Cure is an infallible | 210" Wide the portals From whole provinee, i ' ins {ness of certain drags for the cure o heautifu® streets, pood street ear: ser 7 oth f § at € goo e | brim in front and wide iy » back, { remedy, This preparation has diges. | Some, ne unsung by vite seven days in the week for seven | the most favored. Soft felts will he tive, tonic amd laxative properti R * Joyal sons of Queen's the St. Lawrence rin t i% i land under inehriate act reports 3 onthe in the year, allow exeur fons the most worn, a binding of « 'r | Each bottle contains sixteen days' Then ope ' the ae Far and near possible to buy fresh water ¢ Phe drugs used were atropine, quinine, tn Ba and dopaiet at Jeaduce; tidy velvet finishing the edge. Coque h- | treatment | Proclaime it through the jand ir market outside of the large ammonium, sodium and aloine, a mix and: beautiful parks, with accommoda- ors, dames, marabout feathers \ Rin ily New halls of leathing wondrous fair . 1 desmzsms | s asech 1 nie Twenty ; ey hotel : cl $I nit leath : X| For sale only at Wade's drag store. | Adorn Ontario's strand Fact will, den - | much vaunt : ! Ey il Feta Yoh ® tions therein; accommodation: orprevs and Caesare feathers \ Shi } } C. SELWYN WORRELL. reason why junteered and 'underwent a H course good moorage for yachts, pure water, eed in profusion. The design illus " i ' cheap light (thanks to Alderman trated was a dark bloe fot, am ius. Keep out of debt f there is any- | Keep your feet warm. More cold is ment of the ovines for 1406 tate elapsed into drunken habits E W. GILLETT comMPANnY . aye), healthy atmosphere, education with loops of ribbon with white and | thing warranted to worry one in taken through the ankles than in any [that the whole vield of fish "for the In these da when candidates are LIMITED al and church accommodation, public green feathers and a buckle in front. | death It 18 money troubles, Care will other way, so do not wear low shoes vear ax HER pound Phe {so thick that you can't shy a "tone YORONTO,ONT. hath houses free, a moral and intelli: I------------ {even kill the nihe lived eat. and'shai all winter i population is ahout 2.500.000, there: [without hitting one, it is well to re ar gent nopolation, a city beautiful for Tt is easy to borrow that which we | gives more care than a inch of Washington: wants hetier gas. Con- (fore, if all the fish were sold in the fmember, brethren, that while man, hin. situation, Why, Mr. Editor, think do not Jveed. | debits with no money to pay them ? Lares will pleas take notice. are wv the allowance pet hond per fave "mentioned" few are chosen. Point of view is what decides things, + . 4 EE ------ " ---- " * ---- TE ---- ~ eh a-------- -- " . fame Inde the waters of the great ls sr | drunken » inspector for Seot | ain ---- Fhe repo the fisheries' depart- {Every one of the women treated ha EC CS SR EE SE CE EY ETE Er ER ES EE BE DS LB EE BEE ER 7 PRICE SALE ST AR'T'S WEDNESDAY, dan. 15 JE will use the AXE and CHOP PRICES IN HALF. All Manufactured only STARTING Ea . . : ! WEDNESDAY MORNING AT 0'CLOCK.-- Plain Figures. ~All Sales for FUR HOUSE, 149-155 Brock