Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1908, p. 2

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SINT WAT Tw We wre ate PAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, » TUESDAY. JANUARY 14, 1908. - ---- ------------ ES 8 Fe. and the cantnity, Ever in-a pro- | Philtive » simply "ate up the ice," Al : Y Shiloh' S: r the worst ! M f | CAL L B I | | gressive institution the. changes 'come derman Harty said. He was dashing : a al | lowly and the pace may not be per everywhere, and showed that he a « « by those most concerned except' ways | d reserve energy. Smith is Cure : y ; : Va ws | WHICH WAS FORMALLY | EC Ce as landmarks ita evolu QUEEN'S SENIORS SHOWING Tn" more re than be fat over ED ONE SHOULD BE ESTABLISH. Cures money back 1 | OPENED THIS AFTERNOON. tion. FINE FORM. * The takes means sonahing. Boon For ED IN THE CITY. 4 odie 8 ts} ? You will permit me to refer briefly kev Tn ce rs tear about Se wear i . s Ee ¢ im i themselves "out. Not so with Smith. | The Question Brought Up Some t is One of the Finest O the events of , jmportance in be Raise of Rink Said t ' So with Smi It is One o e Finest on Queen's Charge to Be When he moves, there's something do Time Ago But Was Allowed to or e a €e. : : than any you ( hs Aan & ' life of the school. "ln: 1855 the firs oug : ever tried. di Grounds---A Description of! class graduated In} ; just fifty Due to Queen's Athletic As- ing, and he's generally in the right ake,--nothiig mn | Both Exterior and Interior. vears ago, the old medical building sociation--City League Gares spot , i The annual meet the hingstor and Colds it to hurt even To-day there took place with econ-| was eree ted. In + the faculty left - Start Thursday. ; Publi 9 ET aS ] a i Almost every table ~ baby. 34 years | siderable felat; the formal opening « the "university and abandoned the Queen's 1 had a good practice at - Curling Contests ar old a No hs was oN am bd Soquires: er letiishin 4 UICKLY SUC ess o« mn ¥ (Queen's new' medical laboratories' | building, but continued | its existence.) * Kingston. skating rink on Mon: I'w 0 curing matches were pulled Ou ul 4 ee « n "A y Bday " . ze " j 1equE 8 wv Suan 2 0 Shilof ure : ulding, than which there is no more under the chartér of the Roval Col dav afternoon at five o clock A at the rink én Monday evening adic A ment Si a a ocl AH gn 0% Your y seeing the *¢ 25¢c.. Boc.. $1 », m ¥ edit on the university lege. In 1880 it returned to its own number were Strachan's rink defeated The So Ire tin | "three ok T te re t fare' 1 se of Knives iy . . out and a good practice grounds. Among the eminent speakers building, In 1892 it again became a was indulged. in. The ul Hague's, fifteen shots to eight and W 2 a | ® 2 x - . y : = n we | I . moan app- 8 the. meeting ana 0 8, OL whic w from outside points were Hon. Dr. i faeulty of the university. Then in 190] § i k Lesslie defeated Dr. Etherington fifteen as . d Fe rk ¥ hich we the Accord reports the hbrary a complete range, in Drop. dayers ane showing line form and are be - - t " ne' ' of i ie nn an ade y 3 - oO o > Ih Mid-Winter Pyne, Ontario's minister of education, | a considerable a...uon was made. to: eam that has represented the college i che Te ice was in fair vondi 3 vessful year, but the old ||} newest designs g representing 3 i vir | gove o a ; on wl al ere. OCI ee : + : bu EE p | representing the provincial govern- ithe old building in some years. Queen's plav their first and all the rinks were. ¢ ied Qnetion establishing : J wa, which granted $50,000 toward! That the school passed through the league game on Friday night. in M brat has hess. rextend the erection of the building. Dr. Bar- | perils of its first fifty years was due! onl when they meet MGill. © The Sporting Notes. : ral opinion is that a The | ker, who succeeded Dr. William Osler | to the seli-sacrifice and devotion of (team will likely be the same as Tined |, Ottawa Free Press: "Chaucer" El. | oat lack of ihterest slong these Lines 113 {in the chair of pathology at the the past generation of gentlemen com- |, against Ottawa Coilege in the last (DOtt's up-to-date refereeing made it and that steps should be akan a ey Car et, Curtain Sale | medical faculty of Johns Hopkins! posing the medical profession of this half of last Friday's game, and eiean game soon Tak possible 1 , ha a new ki. 'niversit Dr. Reeve, des % of the city. It seems most fitting that 1 they play as good Rockey as they did : George Stallings is to be back in the bra: About Six months aro a pro Jewellers, Opticians. a 2 dee ; ! oa | medical" facult Poronto Urdversity ; | should recall, to-day, the names of (hen. they should win out astern Baseball League as manager sitio > Ye "a. a o ihre y : EY BRIT . " -- 3 . D Adami, representing the medical | these gentlemen, once familiar and Queen's 11, or a li Indians," [of the Montreal team : = position 30 has 5 i diene ie Sheary Issuers of Marriage {faculty of MeGill Umversity, and much-beloved in sick-room and college | had their first practice on Monday Mtawa Citizen "Chaucer" Elliott | Board of Trad: 4 ommittes was ap Licenses. | man cthers who have attained to hall, now for the most part long for- from twelie to one o'clock Fourteen [15 On¢ of the best referres who ever pointed to look into the matter. but { pre-eminence in the medical profession. | gotten ©: John R. Dickson, John Ste- men were out amd a rather strenuous (handled a game in Ottawa . up to the present time, there h as Bok 350 King St "Phone, 666 Apropos of this ceremony, which is of | wart, Horatio Yates, Octavius Yates, hour's work was put in. Quite a few In a Trent Valley League hockey been a meeting of tl at ommittes ; -- ne mean unportance in the history of | M. Lavell, Thomas R. Dupuis, C. A.lpruises were inflicted, but an amin- (match, at Hastings, Saturday. Keene "The work of the library has beer Queens, a brief description of the new | Irwin, A. 8. Oliver, W. H. Henderson, lance was not necessars defeated Hastings hy g§ score of Uljeft in the hands of a few." remarked medical building will not be amiss, |H. J. Saunders, K. N. Fenwick, Fife cr to 1 one member of the board to a repre On approaching the magnificent en-| Fowler, John Herald Last Evening's Practices. The Montreal A.A A. will go into the {sentative of the Whiz. "We have been trance on the south side, one is at One other name 1 mention, the name] 7 Monday evening Frontenses Russell case again next Thursday, pushing along, but the lack of interest | once impres ed with the pronounced! of one who is -still with us, but much Y4th. senior and intermediate Sy | When he will have an opportunity to jis a great drawback ; | ' | to our regret, not of us. tha Hon.|(. rgex and Cadets practised at the | 51 his story The member further pointed out that | : ' + v Senator Sullivan, whe for many Kingston rink. Each team had all the Foronto Star Pittsbarg hockey | the grant from the government was ! : vears gave of his best to the school players recited and. all showed up jteams excel in rovers having real | very small, last year, R150. A oe il: Couches, $45 styles reduced to 353 | and brought lustre and renown to its!) The first O.H.A. game will be | F08mers,. who follow the puck from ! tain amount was set-aside by the gon bil Catiches, $30 style reduced to $25 reputation. We have entered into their played on Wednesday i when Fron. | Ottawa to Winnipeg or Pittsburg and [ernment for libraries, but within the whiw, BIR vie reduced to 3 ; : labors and profit by their example of |tapnes and St. G orges will clash in always look after their "checks.' past few years so many new libraries | 3 whes, $15 style reduced to $12.50 " ; sell-denial and foresight. the fst game of the round. Both Unless there ix a very marked im- | had come into existence that the sum | very X 1C e | . . to $e 3 : : ; provement in the conditions of the jor each one had been greatly cur Honey I alle ra may not wt now, it will pay us keep them $7.50 style reduced A y 4 i RILOI SEITES, {roan $17 up to To-day we are directly indebted 10 t.ams have been working well and a | the present legislation of the pro-io,d contest should result Fonts. Claude Pearce, of the Irish Ca- tailed The member was of the opis | vince for the building which vou have nachans_will abandon his attempt Yo ion that the city shoul take over the Reduced inspected. In their wisdom and gen Hockey Matches. run from Hamilton to Toronto library. . erosity they adopted the principle of Satirday. afternoon the Crescenta Some sped Jerlin O. HA. team; has consented to the admission into that district of the "The Walls "ot Terichs " v --- Foronto Athlétic Club's new team. on Mis glish Ax» wter regular | $2 2 | I. : regulir 4 { state aid for medical education, a pol-| 4 so 1 ihe Beavers, 5 to 3, on Zion iev I am well assured has the ap ' he: o 3 bt fre atapt 1 rink Fhe game was fast from start condition that it accepts the dates of « Fogitsh Axminster, regular i { proval not only of those engaged inl, oo. hoe withessed by a large [the Prost Clul hic} 3 HHord, the clever co-stars in "The Walls | : : a Price, $1 2 ; | this work, but of the whole people of number of spectators St tf 1 Sed Which reured. 'of Jericho" nf the Grand Opera earing rices English Axminster eguls i the province : I'he City League opens, on Thurs add ~ Sppose hos Witior ¥ { House ons Wednesday, January 15th . Price. $1 YA We are fortunate in having with us|, av. fight, at the Royal open air rink, | k ne il BE k on in are not only clever and accomplished AXminster, reg " 7? to-day Hon. Dr. R. A. Pyne, minister| po. oanec in both the senior and Bl, ahd Wi Pay ho more hockey | iivtc on the stawe. In are genial 2 ; a} in Ottawa this winter. Gilmour was i \ $1 * 1 | of education; representing the legisla {junior series will be pulled off alled 5 : ] ' : oy Ry and clever people off the stage Unent ed for y . ' ture, and on behalf of the faculty 1 A number of students appear to be : Bway through' business, and the carry with th in atmosphers ' I t, $66 va ale x 2% t¢hank him for his personal interest| 5 (ph. impression an it "is the Vics will feel his loss keen, as they geniality which, h their natural W.F. Gourdier, Brock St : intended playing him against the Wan and I ask him to receive and to con-| jp agement that is to blame for derers Mond a vey to Mr. Whitney and his colleagues vo ica in price of admission. But ror Monday | the assurances of our appreciation of it is stated that those in charge of 5 w 3 i what they have done for the school {Queen's Athletio Association or Hoe 36 po The building committee had thé sum key Associatign. were -the Jmair others, le Ter PR, J. 0. CONNELL. MA_ Mp of £30,000 available and it hase been movers in having the general admis Dew of Qumin'a Motul Colina most carefully administered and will | sion raised, from twenty-five to flty | ead against that club, last winter } not ~ be exceeded The architects, | ants. The "Freeze Out' Club at the | ¢° , im---------- + and | ; ; refusing to play at New Orleans ; C state lines ss of the splendid four-storey | Messrs. Power & Son, have given Us |ogjlege is growing every day, and the wording : Get A New Back. E INCREASE YOUR FAR TT: F. Harrison O-y ¢ ! efficient and satisfactory service bers will all stand by it, and if aceorving lo agreement You need not have backache and N NG stone structure. It is almost square | MOS 3 : . K members all ) : 1 . PHONE 90. and the massive solidity of the walls 8nd are to be eongmtulated upon the | hey do so, Queen's will come out | should -not. Any distress in the hack POWER 2 8 . ; : . : , Si as they rise from the foundation to design and arrangemént of the build very much in the hole at the end of KX FINE SCOTCH CONCERT should have prompt attention. Smith & Dey and Evening Classes at the i ing f lly, all the equipment |p." co. s the bovs are bound | White 1 ant 1 ak bac) the broad, handsome eaves of the slate | PE Unfortunately, all the season, a we bo a | : ite Liniment will make vour ack | 1, . 3 : hingled roof, coupled with the nia is not yet in place, but enough can be | 44.0 wii] not pay fifty cents to see an | Was Given in the City Hald Last feel as new ® Frontenac Business ally artistic effect of the masonry, |%®" to give a fair idea of whet is ordinary game. Just think, they say, Evening. It penetrates deeply into the mu . College command universal admiration. The "VM be when completed 3 he ig : | of paying lifty 'tints to witness suc ha! The Imperial Scots congert com-|cles and relieves all inflammation 'and | ® : ' windows are large and numerous, the ol the commaities are wil "William jtarce as that put on at the rink "last | pany was greeted by a lgfge audience | congestion Cures lumbayga, rheu Barrie aid Clergy Sra. majority of them being of the modern the following = éomtractors : Friday evening. {in the city hall last evening. This | matism. neuralgia or pain or sore x Po 3 McCartney, Messrs, Hunter & Harold, 3 3 4 i al A 4 T. N. STOCKDALE, square shape, From the four sides. of M T NM Mak & Co. 'and the | | company consists of J. M. Hamilton, | ness of any kind Only ¢ a Pa 250 . Ds the pyramid-shaped roof there project py. irs + BON 4 HOT ' : "Jock Harty On The Ottawas. tenor; Miss Mary M. MacLean, so-| Wade's drug store one, . Principal Berlin Tuterior Ilardwood 'company Alderman J. J. Harty, who acted as | prano; Miss Elsie Dixon Craig, enter rm --r-- PI LTT TIT TE rr rr er rr» In the new building," accommodation ' $ Ta ? { ; Ass July ug, FITIT TTT TTI Ferry : * . : timekeeper at the Ottawa-Wanderer or wmry George, ir tario - - . oft § ; "lis provided for biology, physiology, & i tch in 'Ottaw Saturday tainer, and Thomas Henry George Js | Going To New Onta aloft from the pinnacle of the roof, histology. pathology and bacteriology. |- hockey match in Ottawa on Saturday | solo pianist and: SRompanisi, all four| N. "1. Turner M.A returned to "00v0ccvoecncreee oe and. the one huge chimney of the | here will also bo yooms fox the Pubs | night, says that 'Marty' Waleh play- f of whom are artists. . Hamilton is | Belleville, this morning, after visiting I Jou. ish to be atcomalar ate & building is seen near it. The corner. . ed a good, steady and effective game. |gaid to be the or of Scottish {a few days in the city. Mr. Tarnes tend The went on the ies in a half-sick con- | tenors, Canada has a dozen "superior | ¢ Lavra Rurt and Henry Star vivacity, makes them delightful con Furs Exclusively. pny i Miss Burt's natur ul man ---- N ase S «sion, | ational Baseball ecommi SM, there is something of the spirit ) EDUCATIONAL. in session at Cincinnati, wired Presi dent John T. Brush, of the New York y , gets that the two are ne same 44-0844 0444 Add a National League Club. that he muff" ie © Bre AlN i hw. saad aia taki 4 No wonder she ix clover i yo ole d pay within a week the $1,000 fine as |) 0 is se arly Yatdral ; » IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION ; Lady Alethen, and one sometimes for ---------- > - a dormer windows for the lighting of the fourth floor. A flag stafi towers i york which his' grown in a : {lic health work w BE gre He | will go on to New Ontario, where he! Stone inscription at the south-east | i ww years to be a considerable tax few 2 | dition from a cold, but put up a won- tenors, but, of course, not in Scottish | will be in charge of the wing dis Kingston Business corner informs the observer that | a ) . ef. During the vear | M am n as a ege Lieutenant-Governor (lar Wi npon our resources, . derful game. While not te as fast : he i ve M arke, of Tor 3 RE EO% o derful gan hile x quite a ast | gong r. B ilto has decidedly | trict for the next two or three Co wo Neant Gover Tim a, Si Taro | ust i ho. le se thun 1,508 Sami fas Alf. Smith' and Phillips, he is a ae 5 effective and dramatic voice | months 11 g i g ns have been ade Pe Of expense | . medical building, an edifice at once atio crack centre player. Alderman "Harty | but his high notes suggest the fault of ™ HIGH ) RAD) ¢ y ie, i the specimens have vie S . pleasing to the aesthetic sense and to the public, anc a: Specimey Be {says that Smith and Phillips are the singing through his nose. However,| When the stomach, heart or kidney CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE me from all over the province, from 8 A ) e CAFTYINg upon its exterior the stamp | Fort William 'and Essex county in |greatest players in ( anada, The fea- | (Lat is perhdps a very minor offence | nerves get weak, then these organs a busingss _ sctpol, Bovkheuplng Our Wire Mat impor- of permanence and utility {the west to the extreme eastern limit. | ture about the latter is his tremen- | to a Scotch audience, enthused to the | ways fai. Don't drug the stomach shorthund, typewriting, a J) e structure is heated through " mn . + {dous speed, his strength and his re he itch by the splendid interpre. | not stimulate . the heart or kidneys ETaPhy, amd . all commercial u 'me r oughout | There will also be the department in 8 highest pitch by, the splendid interpre | nd » tation from Ge: many hy steam and-tightod by electricity, |, Rae tion with the dairy interests. | Serve power. When Ottawa were play: [tation of old Seotia's songs, That is simply a makeshift Geta auhjects | thoroughly -- taught has arrived. The Mats Fhe -walls have not been left in the [Pure euvltures are supplied to all the | ing five. men to ' Wanderers' 'seven, | Mise Mary M. Mcleod is heralded as | prescription known to druggists every Day. and night classes. Foter : 3 : ) { | pressed Brick finish, as in the other cheese factories throughout FEastern | | the greatest living Scottish and Gae. | Where as Dr. dunoop's Restorative. The any Mma. Hates very moderate . § y 1 3 1 . iy a 8 ) oO! . se are suitable for inside A buildings, but some have the rough | Ontario from our laboratories and | lie soprano. As two other Scottish | Restorative is prepared expressly for gah ou a a g plaster finish, and othe ! i is i tthese weak inside nerves. Strengthen i MIETCALFE, Prestidewt, | or outside of your porch SL \ Others the kalso: [problems connected with this impor | sopranos who visited 'Kingston within | g ° $ ) I I {mine finish A mauve wainscoting | tant industry are constantly being | the past year or so carrie. like ad these nerves, build them up with Dr J. BE. CUNNINGHAY, Secretary and cannot rust in anv adds cons lerably to the general ap studied. Dairv bacteriology has had a Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid eeee ese pearance of the walls considerable development in the past | ) | , | --and see how quickly help will come ------ weather, In the basement the most conspicu: | fifteen years in our laboratories ous piece of apparatus is. a large ven- It is very gratifying that Dr. Barker " | the voice of Jessie Maclachlan who I---- | vance notices, there surely must be | somé mistake. Miss Mcleod has Fes. bo tek sath causgt 1 8 = powerful voice; but it is not equal to yes SAP 'es A Wis ge '¥ G000600008000000000000 Dr. Shoop, Racine, Your health 18 surely worth this simple test. Sold by all druggists, H ¥ If not, etie See the snaps we are sell ing at : | tile J wachine . W . ang machine, of. the very latest [has been good enough to come to has visited Kingston on four ocea e ave [Zés in a Maiitlactured and installed by !gpeak to us. to-day, and in the name sions. He that as it may. Mr. Hamil : ufinlo Forge = company Al Lof-the faculty T bid him heartily wel | ton and Miss Meleod delichted the an +h ° A tree ustyian china it three fierman : thoug we y . from 60c ) gh Y building is heated hy | come and venture to express the hope EI, I dionca. which was most -lilerul in i Blas ] . hy ped } i i i re Sen an an PY . » tn. It as not equipped with a [that this is only the first of a series | | applause oth are fine singers and | FMS, representing an annual pr tion of 120.000 600 marks formed furnace, ax the ste s « ad | isi & r PC sas r ¥ i ¢ steam 1s conducted hy of visits to us credited enthusiasm Mr. Hamilton's Vy t 1 Berl Th st a rv meeting in Berlin *e pes fro he engine ' . saad pips h m the engineering building, | We are also honored with the visit ! dramatic solo, entitled "The Battle of | he tn Lae case of the remaining col- [of Desh: Reeve and Dr. McCallum, of Stirling," which he sang in Highland ege buildings. The lavatories will be Toronto, and of Dr. Adami, of M« . costume, hrought forth a great ova i | loc ted in the basement, and it is © ill, and we hasten to assure them . / y tion ada au Jrabat: © that a cement floor will be [that we desire fo compete with them j Tr 5 Miss: Croic is a fine entertainer There o aid shortly. , . : > : Lv : re } A 2 KS 8 1g 18 t ain a * C on in the quality of the work done. Wi | y GER even though her natural voice ix like 122 the first floor a spacious cor ave as nts ¢ : 13 : dor lends {rom the entrance to ih hrs rotor. ip pe I EERE that of a man. This is lean vear, how p) trance to the perly care for, and if there is anv fee Carpet Warehouse. handsome staircase which ascends to | ine ain ow Tear I onle A the second floor t righ les © {ing of rivalry on ur part, it is only | at night angles to [in the cenerous spirit of an endeavor the entrance. On either side of the to produce results at least equal to | corridor Fn a commolicus oeture theirs, though we are blest with few bie N : : : « cats are fi " : : | ¢ BOrYe . is Ang . h ¥ im : at So finished in antique | of the materinl advantages which they . rita wr _ : Bi n 4 ; ; ' 1's : weries for onk anc ire beyond a doubt the fin- erniion : nanist ee -eonce BR. Ore Ol Wel ine v 10th, wes 2 i " » r a long time \ est in any building of the entire uni- | Fellow students and colleagues : To- Our 0dds and Ends Sal he ot gi Yon here fof hy, nf hm : laily average of 3.900 versity mediately behind the stair- day we dedicate another temple to produces marvels in value aE rain youse, inland That tired, languid fee way is a cloak room and at the | Aas ula y 1s . wo-third fu onse heada @ disagrees) bls ¢ » v apiug and kindle upon its altar x as readac ry disagrees ' north end of the first floor is the bio the divine fire. Let it he ours, | every day, and not the least ---- | two « 'arter's Little Liver Pills bs logh al and pathological museum, at throughout our day and generation, enticing ate in such little fur | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR fore retiring and you will find re each end of which is situated a pro- 40 strive to maintain { ! lief. Thev neve I to d i ito = e and enhance the comforts as Mulls. | Wey ¥ r fai a pO feasor ck private Ram: i brillianey of its flame so that its aT | Favors a Former Member For! Leonard Haynes, a Jad about 1 n the east side of the second floo a . ! years»! age, had two fingers taken {rays mav penetrate to the four quar i Frontenac County. py ge, hi eer a is the bacteriological laboratory, with ters of the earth. | A Muff is oneof the fur } Kingston Tayaship,. Jan. 13.~(To off in the Gananoque Journdl office : experimenting" tables for thirty - stu- e-- fashions that never grows |i. Editor): Your editorial of Frida Sent: I Burges . dor bh exint. | no Kingston Young Irishmeh. old--and it never will while Jilast. headéd "Farmers Must Wake TTTTITTTTTIVYOTTITTITOSv | other laboratory, , fitted with experi-| The Young Irish 's Catholic Bene- | . . { gl To + le, espeeiall y » N bios 2 SARA t g Irishmen s Catholic Bene . iUp,"" is a timelv article, especially to | ¥ . ment tables and miscroscope lockers. | volar t+ Association has elected the fol- | Jack Frost continues fo nip. the electors of Foonteuar. acd cortninc ty TH ROAT CATA il R H v . » Behind the stairwgy is another cloak {lowing officers : President, J. J. 1 I M ff l Iv it must be a surprise to. many, = + room and in the further end i¢ a Behan; first vice-president, M. Camo- only Beaver Ma arge it was to me, to find that out of two | 8 private laboratory with a professor's | he)y. second vi e-president, John | Empire shape, best qu ay hundred and nine members in the do | #® Deeb Cure Discovered And less. Not the or- private room at either end. The third |{Byrns: recording-secretary, S. Mateer; $181 $11.35 {minion house, we have only twenty re | ¥ That Cures Quickly r di ary line } Roa is almost Dracisely "the same | financial sec stary, A. W. Gannon; | or +39 presenting our calling as farmers, > , } dinary ines to be seen as 1 ie second. The top oor, or 28r- | treasurer, W. J. Bryson: arshal, P.! . where, df wé had our proper représen- . A cough mixture slips over J in every store e ret, has not yet been finished, but it Fannon: Stganlal Le . Jovee: | 1 only Oranburger Mink. tation, according to ee we | the sore spots, drops into the ory lore, but th will be the abode of hosts of biologi- | librarian, J.J. Bryson beautiful full fur, Empire {should Have one hundred and thirty- | & stomach and does little else very latest miodels, See . cal specimens. & five f ors 11 x tified n but h = 5 > a» { 4 1v armers, anc am sat: iH we |B Mit harm digestion o a Suburban pe Subjects which wil Soe tanght | be) Gave Birthday Party. i shape, $10 for £6.95. had our proper representation the | Is different. with "Catarcho- th swell Coat we are 7 'the new building are nology, patho Miss A Fowl ) count : whole uld be none the >." acs oa . fori v ferns he : gnes owler, O'Kill street, ountry as a hole would be none the zone," a remedy that cures he offering for . ogy and medic cal chemistry The | hold a birthday party the other even. 1 only Near Seal Muff, worse for it. for my experience, as a cause it gets at the trouble ; teaching of chemistry to the medical | ng, which proved a very jolly affair] Empire shape, $5 for rule, is, that the judgment of the! You inhale Catarrhozone ject of int to regulate export > prices y , nite State® and Og ever. and evel lady entertainers hay | nrivileres Mise Craig excels | humorist and in her Vie {trasts" showed marked ability or Th of the Crow KER LOOV0CVVOOVOCOVOVOTV00 students apart from the arts and jfor the guests, who numbered about] farmer: generally is sound on matters | & Every breath you draw » : : Residence gy Sue hig w : ig pe jtwenty. was dancing and games pertaining so the welfare of the coun- through the 'inbaler sends peal. ¥ ure, and will 'he in charge of Prol.|ang everyone present had a fine time. | try. But how can we ever expect to! C ing balsamp and soothing an- | y A. R. B. Williamson. | - ! 1 only Brown Bear Muff. bave fair representation when the tiseptics" to the inflamed tis 5. Single Brick, 2-storey, 8 rooms ---- i What Causes Headachs. i Fapire shape, $12.00 for | farmers of Frontenac (the most rural sues, Sing y , , } ak : {eounty in the i 1 t i r lens hot water heating, electric light- | 'A¢ Dean Connell: $ Mares, a Oetobie to Mav solis are | $7.45. ounty in province] will meet in You experience a pleasant ing. all modern improvements, | jai " 2G - quent cause of headache. Lax- 4 . : i y this afternoon, Dr. J. ¢. Con - candidate dnd scores of farmers in the ; ghin . Concrete sella, ity te in |e dea oi sh tins tact, maf, om See mares cme | ° 1 only. ixfla duality and icant or of farmer 1h | sores" ind coughing dor {18 stable. drive house and hen house. | (1 following address :, | {] size. Mink Mail. pillow |!their inferests creditably, and when further attacks prevented. 4 : 3 . Lot 140x172, pleasantly situated The exercises in whieh we are ey questions would arise would be able _s he Xercises : - y B ' Rie ho ; Campbell Bros'. Fur Sale. || shape, $85 for $58.25. decide whether: thoy would = oc ick or well, use Catarrhe iar and convenient to gaged to-day form an incident in the | Is where people go expecting gennide ito sone, not hecaute i irees. Bink history of the medical faculty of the] ; i i would not be in the best interests of been i iver Catarrh bargains and they are not disappoint-| - 1 ' i muse it prevents Catarrh, lod ® Bt Compare, Compare, Com the farmers * If the farmers would Colds, Bronchitie and Throat In good residential locality. greatest importance to the university | i : 2 . a i . ' } 1 on > . i re. take vour advice and wake up ana ar- j T ble. Both lens nt wel Tan be bought reasonable. t pa : ion and have it lafuely rou th pleasa an . Only One "BROMO QUININE, * that is | Ouly men of decision and experience, ulate 8 petihan - i Can fae (¥ safe--try it : Bromo O | =h Id have been placed on the m-| sign . : th Large. ons doMar outfit ie ¥ : rt portant civie OI, . jo. She caumy, ani m he ta him, riaranteesd. Small (trial) «ize k . '§ c t «! = | . ' McCann Cares a Cold in Ove Day, 2 bon, rte clearing sale of fall and win-| ; [I ould make hw fou prio he ---- i» 25. all, duglers, orN. C. Pol- ». 8 SHA Ww . y 9 {ter suitings, $16, SIS and 20. Fit} : : ™ him to. ruc. and wiip Joop i son & Co... Hrrtlord, Conn, - * i wary and workmanship guaranteed, at Wag-| get i SA. and K'agston, Ont, ; bl : J There. wonld be no trouble in secting | & > b1 Broek St. 'Phone, 326 or 621, 35¢ \gmars, 4 him. --Yours. truly, FARMER. imree ATT TIT IY ba FCO COLOO convention and select a doctor for al¥% saation of warmth--tightress

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