\ y " dn pin a ea hen ils Tani -- i 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1908. PAGE SEVEN. HTH THRILLING RESCUE TE | To ore Some NEWS OF DISTRICT ri veh. mite some ein men aa Suffered From Heart trlluwing silicers war : arabes, LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS LITTLE GIRL'S FACE Tusfuan aad Nerve Troubles A GLENORA BOY SAVES A "7", gout, rec A. F Wilson, hess. The mayor and oklermen are men IN GENERAL 8a rom rmx GIRL FRIEND. ) ' rit ose of Is e ta ie seco od i ident hes 4 1 . Cured By Z: . ¢ i Last Ten Years. . 3 t di i 8 ts 'wu 1 The Two Broke Through the Ice : The Tulizgs From Various Polans That terrible 1 disea ' 3 i . -- 3 rio no respector of person attacks d | While Skating---Picton La lies . tandard Ean 2 at . in a : - . "it ge . Stat } ae 3 . k The heart has supplied to two sets of Organize For the Purpose of son. Mrs. Vanke et, the organizer, HORA Ra People Are Doing An 8 : y . ave d | merves, ome set whieh guickens, the other E pital. - vill be here from Tor | AL They Are Saying. g Lt . i 4 which slows ite action. The preper action Testing a Hospital, art the local branch is » weeks Ope igus, waler, D : . = : ES remy or combating and ove of these nerves, so important te the well- Picton, Jar g i Wilson, While talking to a gro of Is Al raig ater w industy + hap a ne ) pr te nti dag . ) being of the heart, depends upon the general the fourteen-year-ol t Mr. and i enarate = Jeav: wr te Ld. Larsow~Linar walter, print Tn ie / Eve 1sease io 8 ) sondition of the nervous system. Lf there Mrs. Frederick = | { Glenora,'!} 0 his '" ellinats ! . LEIS) Bas a OM ah cian Bel ie je in : Z elious = cures > NH Rn be nerve defangement say kind it ia Ber of 2 very Heihant fen 1000. tH Ga otal Hort iluntrics, ligktoqurks, 7 sie was ISsmeliy epenud as. Nev weil fog gmt Dro aA /. eau tha vasisds phipotitng hat might have a double y » was saricken with apoplex : id. | o Ie ' I pe We ng mace 9% argum the ih SH RA & oar ° drowning. Young Wilson snd Mis . NOoH Wo; Noxon ; i : iVens ght and wo i hus aug in the rural « wo} hav the very a = are offered to N \ i Knowi: the intsiente stroctare ot the ke vy Wilcon 0 laughter the well} ounty auctioneer. His | AY Hate Aa wr Pte nd Mrs, Mile. Naan. left Hy oun Cathie i 3 | heart ning swaiy Nan dissaase ined adition: "late, yesterday, w Ves I ankin i p for Kennebec vn Friday last d | says: (ne box of Z Buk healed : in Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills » » : - a, . 1 : | treatment that will cure all forms of mer | vous disorders as well as set on the heart | itself, and in this is the secret of their Success im curing #6 Wany cases of heard | trouble which have defied all other treats ment, i Mra John Riley Douro, Ont, writes: 8 a 16 i t WOT 3 Omnis el fa ~on AL | Cure " 8 2 he doctor Ys Fhe boy grabbed his voung companion held the Ow contract for ot M rine) ' property ner ¥ "nh Lar 1 her alter ; E ad '1 haye been a great sufferer from heart } I } e } 1 i e of R. A. Pennett Dame J. R.- Sm Hawkesbury, 'id wird plu v kept: a firm hold, while in MeCa i 2 . 3 : . : : sid 0 a y three applica of a Fer n he wealthy | and nerve tronhles for the last ten years. he endeavored Jimself upor . Hopkins, teller in the v : Me Jan to works Iirht w he as gone wal: : Ont : gi BE iA .e Suan ea fa ate and. 1 Sed Ne York, | After trying many Somedies and dootaring the ice. | the ie was . branch of the. Standard Bank. i k Je nance, works, fire | a lorence Arner, olebrook, fons was otter 5 a na . Se . horn'i Eben, x in 1838] for two years, without the Jeast benefit, rotten, giving suddenly. away with | been promoted to. the market branch po *obertson--Priating hnancg, |+ 4 X the model School in Na- {fore 3 ae, used hail a bh dy and wa 208 Le n his native coun decided $0 give Milbarn's Heart and Nerve each effort, Continued cal " in Toronto. Last, week ap informal | A : Dita rm hate taken the Pet- | ¢ are uk aa = : ar trv. I was uot ant 52 that Keeno{ Pills & tri I iy th «ul to say sat, were nov boa the v a n supper was given by his vou 2 en Al Fo } nnance 3 worth sof ¢ ' E Yon . ain a : { : 7 ss ' ont 1 ' where he + i after using Sine; OXSS, Myon esntin tance from shore, + evening |friends, at the Globe hotel. in hi Lach parks, House Peck, whe for a number nleers, Eingworm, jtoh, om. | oa t rneticnl miner! Sured, And would recommend them te shadows faliing. Young Wilson, honor. He was then presented py.» | OL Industry : [years past has spent his summers a #l | poison i "1 and. developed bow. of ve sufferers. = however, kept up a determined fight |V. M Nanughit, of the Bank of 'Ms * member for Frontenac wa his eattage on ay Island, die 1t | ahrasions, SOEs and 5 ; rt out hi Price 50c. per box or three for $1.25 at and | trong athletic powers, coup. |treal, with a handsome signet ring pars ise of | Indust ry "hiladelp , last week all dealers, or mailed direct an receipt of 49 co ' clerk of the hace} ice by vy T. Milbura Ce., Limited, where Jed with Lis excellent swimming ability B. R. Hopburn .went to Toront -_-- cg F OW Rn ig . v 10 ' ¥ ] f Eanto What Canses Boils ? - ship of Ameliasburg, is dead. He was . to, ee » sucessful part in the feverish! Soronie, for 82 50 R fal p i o fevers and being mencombered with any | vesterday, with Miss Mss ws He heavy cont, enabled him to keep: Miss Ireturning to b Nive Nid - Huth Most people say a run-down condi- {greatly respected throughout Prince r 82.5 } is . ig securities Wilcackss and himself above the water, (A. Wilcocks, of the Bank of Monten) HO. The actual cause is the invas | Edward and Hastitigs counties Paw "so that by. 1870, h s worth $6 until a firm piece of i * reavhed, 1s spending his holidays in Bufialo, | °" ©f bacteria around the hair Miss Lulu Bongard, youngest gh Seven The Perfect Number 060.000. With these he went to New The great Uterine Tonic, amd when the two sicceeded $n Mr. and Mrs. Wilcoeks, Sr., Richmond | folicle. 1i in poor health the cure | ter of Mr. und Mrs. William gard Millville, NJ. Jan. I3.--Despondent |v 0 © d boldly entered Wall street : "only swe effectual Monthly of the water and reachir ave Qe, are the guests of Mr. and Mes takes Jonger Yo treatment 1s more | Salmon Point, was united in marriags because of his inalglity to pre where he has over nee. 'heen his ogulato Un tive degree for slight colds the two voune people |H. S. Wilcock Main. trot Mis, Oflicient than Dr. Hamilton's Oint- | (o Dr. H. ( Rundle, of Orillia, late (Lis family, Joseph H. Sheppard | tures: i o i x » of strength~No, 1, #1 ; os are none the worse for their very | Marjorie Wilson pending her holidays Met It sinks into the core of the of Milford No. 255 Powell street, blew out - his home } . : > 10 degrees stronger I y boil, destroys bacteria, relieves the Year's Fhe slide is forty: fhrains Sheppard had often complain ---- ay sly for epecial case: Tr] 1 » 1 . » X { 4 1 N i . } hal + ) i 1 ¥ eri oe up the ior fe oa | foe Sy gn and The fal irom ha ed Jal Be had ube ane wi an he di en The Next Cold Starts CEN pimples, blackheads and any other | tha tobogeans are carrion] 5 ent dis. theid several rae : : ire named : Paskage _©1 Gook Meorcuen Oa. TonowTa, ONT. dormerdy Wind skin disease Dr. Hamilton's Ointment | tance into th wamp. mit suicide. This week his wile ad hati a the (ld Ba ' 1# simply perfect. Sold hy all drug Ou Monday fire destroyed the dwel-in geventh child the il and | iid leave you better condic 4424444044444 4440494¢ Made in Canada th ne ' i ; \ i in ' SUS goa Sitoval > Vrs os ak ' I. Harty ir nark ' = of | the balance of the winter, my litt irl's face of « 1. We use Rt th a he tropchuicas Lay n ams, 2 = 'd resident celts tiv William H Bradshaw, Tyendin ® lit for ents and sores also i a ake res lied at noon ' } Al Henderson--Vire Pro y, javcused of setting fire to the no Mrs. i. A. Kerr, Denbigh, Out ee, rom Rh Moff i urlace He had ouly been ill since t sii. his uncle james H. -Bradshaw ils a Mv baby's Jet. were 30 bad the young 4 iortanately made night tu he fell avd broke his leg. ! of Water ' : Say Ta for } Hanle : : . lung oh j ; { A : Kent--~Parks, water, printing « A. Vanluven has been appointed stockings on her. A box of Zam-Buk plung their ito th v walters on fo a number of 5 foil ed y r had failed parks i Tyendimaga. with eczema that 1 could not Keep and | M; L Ver well-known thrilling experience. Phe parents of {at her home, at the Ban) of Montreal the two are ver prominent resident has retuned to Glen Mawr, Toronto in town -- et may 3 expect - » on ' I exp ¢ Toronto Street 'Market. Toronto, Jan. 13. <~ Wheat white per bushel the near future if the Oa woman trusted lay fternoon home of Judge Duncan Mors Morrison presided ove » ¥l to ¥1.01: wheat, red in 50 ) boxt ling house on Br, Cowan's farm ne her husband bees per bushel, $1 to 81.01 wheat, spris : : . - - | Switzerville. The temant also los I paced the floor and per bushel, Yc, to Yic.; wheat, goose An Organist : Lh iggery He, rhe a nts Bo Jost al paced meeting toward Tormine per bushel, Sc; Oats, per bushel, 53 ondon, .J¢ 14.---Migs Elsie Baker. | from the chimney i -- of the Daughter of the "| alle ve " ' Hot ke Nether, Cerne. Dor Miss Mackay the guest of her broth i work "will directed Ws i" : rye, per bushel, Me. peas per |, a youngest church r Revi EW i oe "Three Swallows. X bushel, 5xc¢,; hay, timothy, per ton IZ aNns kingdom. She is only | ka mith a for the pas fore Sir John Power & Sons. ton, where "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, tion than O t cold beg to Ble; barley, per bushel, Re. 1. 5 TRADE 1315 to 821; hay; cloy ton. & : hay; clover, per ton, 16:1 + vs old. but.. "she as had | wths. ha it for ¥ straw, per ton, ¥15 ceeds, Alsike, No. | chy gan for two y | o will onga i her prod in Famous for over a century, I, per bushel, $7.50 to 8x seeds. Xo i OF hua [OF OVE 5 Senta, Distillers to His Majesty the King. P44 P4499 9494 S494 SATISFACTORY ¥ & ¢ + 7 9 26 ™ to 37.95: seeds, red lover I lea erred, Friday ati . Burns, real estate $0.25 to B50 ssedd hogs, $8 {(o Y of Mrs hn Enright. | Smith's Falls, seed Mrs " R50; eggs, new laid, per dozen, 40c. | + deceas lady. was native of | for $25 commission on the ale of | Would Not Kill A=Cat On Friday to 45¢ CgRs, storage, 26e. to elleville, a daughter of Robert Wil ome property The plea put v London, Jan. 14.--~When requested to butter, dairy, 26 to 30c.: butter . the defendant was that the sale was kill I Whiskey and ul cerine, mixed with Virgin Oil of Pine aid o imperial Grown Brand Underwear to break up a co in twenty four hours and cure any congh ty of Toledo peamer Xu geese ressed | ! } : A nee (le £ i creamery, J . geese, dressed - i made independent of Mr. Burns ¢ residents ol a hou . Lucas Counts as He r.; chickens : . 4 ml ; 8 2 ; chickens, per A Toilet Luxury H. J. Allison, of Picton, spent New policeman pe inted at ank J. Cheney makes oath that he to ; , Hressed, bey Mira Skin Soap is a delight to e ir's in Napar visiting his. moth. Friday. the Lith « sed de >artner of the firm of FJ i > very 1 ) other relatives s Hison iis Jd the tash Cher ness in the Ujt woman who values a soft, beautiful skin. |X" ! ther relatives. Mrs. Allison is 3 he a County on ot a hy Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin | 'M hat eighty RiXth vear, find ig enjoy : --_-- . I said firm will pay the sum of irritations -- cures skin troubles--and |e the best of health She has one A. Champagne s received the u ONE Hit NDR Bb D OL {es for eact * RT OK keeps the skin clear and smooth, ster, Mrs. lsaiah Hoffman, also liv- | smimous nomination 3 i l ois > Very Ase u ats arth u t cannot ions, per bag, $1 to 3 1.2 hee, hind Elegantly perfumed -- refreshing -- | ing in® Napanee. who has nearly | of the new conatituer " it | y FRANK quarters, Ns to FU.50: beef, forequar unsurpassed for toilet and bath eached the age of aighty eight. and is | tleford for the Domi . Sworn to belore ras aid ters, 8&5 to 86; beef, choice, carcase, 85 25c & cake --at druggists or sent on receiptot | in comparatively good health ment. Mr. Champagne is v my presence, this 6th day to ¥R.25; beet, medium, carcase, $6.25 price. The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited he death took place, on Saturday Atherta. house hn. i = A.W GLEASON Seal) A : : to 8; mutton, per cwt., Hawminba, of Charles Thrasher, son of the | For first-class storage on carriages, Notary Publ [ veal, prime, per ewt., $7.50 to 8 * { James 'Thrasher. Belleville The ¢- furniture, ete., go to James Latur > f up taken lamb, per ewt., £10 to $11, | wed was in his twenty-first \ nev's Carriage Works, 390 Princess St " : ! rere and was a popular voung man. For Dr MeKay, nominated. as libera that ix curable, Get from vour druggist ane half ounce inl of ¥irgin. OH of Pine and two ounees of glveerin Mix these thoroughly with a half to He. turkeys, per 1b : pint Me.: ¢ os , - 0 good whiskey and take a "ie. appl per hare to PEL 490090499405 0205040444 ++ t4 IEP ob IPod 23.050; potatoes, per bag, Xie. to U8 THE KINGSTON HOSIERY CO: LTD., KINGSTON, ONT spoonful every four hour . : cabbage ' ' 1" oO Bik nn has been found that five ounces age, per dozen, 4 to J oF Ee PEP P EPP E eve ¢ of tincture of Cinchona com pound can be used in place of whiskey with the same result Virvin Oil of Pine i put up oily by the Leach ( hemieal Co, Windsor, Ont.. ia half ounce vials, esch vial securely Ask Your 'Dealer For It PAP 4 040900000004 444 4000444000044 | 32254440 ERITH HET rey } eatts a axe + - t General 1 pital, an Ratur Mrs. Loughlin Grant, a resi sealed in a round wooden case +oo4 bbb bb Eb "w 2s ' : I'he Bessemer iro mines near Dav HRAOE MARK Fike {¥ome time he had heen residing with | eandidate for the legislatiire: in South . | Dr , He » all ngwists W tent of Shanley, p « awn vier a 4 [croft have heen Jo ae by a syndi : his wnele, William Thrasher, Thrash- | Oxford. has withdraw: says it is! aqup 11 » 2 i © 1 I aid Pilis fo onstipag BEES PEEP b det bed [cate of Belleville capitalists, SKIN SCAP 22 {er's Corners, where he passed away. | for business reasons only. | tion, ia Tomily Tsong Pe: Liow days' illness, fom preumonia { | | Bo sure to get the gennine 17% EE ------ EE -- -- -- ' . - OR EE OTE SS TO CE EA Te (i SR Ce CE Ce Ee ES EE ME EB Be BIG Our Travellers' and Show Room Samples I) HoT 1a) Ie fe Going to McKAY"S Clearing Sale of Fine Furs. W- will use the AXE and CHOP PRICES IN HALF. SALE NOW ON for i only STARTING . . ; ."* WEDNESDAY MORNING AT mr O'CLOCK All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. All Sales for Cash. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE, 149-155 Brock Si