2 J Daily BE eh a his en foc msl EE KINGSTON > ONTARIO, NV EPREEDa raven 15, 1908. Halifax Garrison to Remain Canadian. | YEAR 75--NO. 12. | NE BALE Givin by Queen's Aesculap- | lan Society. MEDICAL NEN GATHER THE | unkiodly in cur rivalry. He Soped to} sce all"this disappear. As Canadians we were proud of our race i he coun- try had men strong and sturdy, he referred to the Canadians in the i ada ecoul it send to duty was found to be extremely JURIST OF REFUTE no brave | South In closing, wark of th jy an War. this stage, "08's octette favored |! selection, entitled "That'y | Gratitude," in which the members | | made a great "his."" The oc tette gave | SENEE on cl , W hic I were most delightful Mr. Nickle | Nickle, B.A., proposed the i "The * Profession Of Medi- which was replied to by Dr, took casion to refer to the great { NEGOTIATED BY BRODEUR advances being 'made in medicine | 2 {study. In future years, the speaker ! EXPLAINED BY FIELDING, isaid, many of the students would be i settled in the west, and would have a Minister of Education Has | j.,.0 to take an active juterest ip | Strong Sympathies With the the wellare of the country. He urged | Medical Profession--Prineipal [then not only to make a living, but [to also make a life. He urged that | t i Gordon Responded to Toast o | they get into public service and i ueen's. do | something for the country. From Our Own e "Queen's | Queen's | Queen's! Oil | The speaker said that child labor | Ottawa, Jan. 15. When the house thigh na Banrighini yiu brath | cha should be struck from the factorie met yestetday, R. L. Borden asked ghetll ! cha ghall | cha gheill 1" Parents should be taught that their | when Mr. Lemieux would make a The old college yell of Queen's was children had a right to df elopment. statement in respect to his mission to Jciven with a vim, at Grant hall, on and that the profits from child labor Jagan, Tuesday evening, The occasion was were very small while at the same Sir Willd "the annual banquet of the Aesculapian time_the future of the children was | would be able to fix a date Sodety, and the affair will go down destroyed. of the week. He also in the records as one of the best Dr. Barker congratulated the ke truth nm the report ever held, Upwards of twd hundred [dents upon the fact that they were | garrison, at Halifax, will" be and fifty people attended. 'The tables to become members of a great | British troops. were nicely arranged, and the spread and honorable profession. Medicine | Mr. Fielding then was under the care of Mexsrs Pelham, | ™a% a great bevelit to the community | explanation of the Richardson and William Bilson, The! t treated not only the body, but the | France, negotiated ¢ menu was of the bess, and an excel- (Mind. The doctor must become ae- | Brodeur and himself, * * i ; . lent service was rendered, The Grand Usinted with people, and their daily | ance of Sir Fran is, Opera House orchestra rendered a fine 'V¢ IR order, to doctor them. He | dor at Paris. Formal y urge hey > + familia i { 1¢ e i $5, programme of music while dinner was arged that they become familiar with which the bill was based, served Ihe galery was opened. at people, that they would be in a |ing with an agreement previously . J )osition to act rived at with Mr. Borden, and adopt 3 loc before the speeches |! Ar, adoy 8:30 o'clock, and ayy = Dr Barker said that the alumni of [ed without comment. Mr Fielding commenced it was filled with people. g H. A. Dani cdident A tha Queen's University had much to dealt length with the terms of the wale MURAD, presice t . proud of. Quebn's had the right sort | convention, and the ideas which actu Aesculapian Society acted as toast- : R ' ter 1 at ten 'clock, after am- |of spirit, and reference was made to |ated government in entering into the > ¢ y « : ° mas er, an at n # » oro AI" ithe erection of Grant hall, Hy the stu- treaty He referred to the progress . "eo pe > y ple Justice I I many {de nts. He would made by Canada during the recent de good things provided, he proposed thely, their SUCCeRE and the of the trea-| Rhodes' "T "" the company re- |: . . « t A BE ou = --- oo he Sing, ati ' gh j Sted it overseas trade were to continue |terday, the full extent of the disaster, hed fight, is' Mori laud p 3 one ring ; . | - ' 5. F cis reson, « Spee ing by singing natio 3 | bringing of In: this tion {in the panic following Monday night's ( Pe. Mi : ™ Trison, aug er ' em. "The Ontario Legis] {together, with such a banquet as this. Britain must have|fire, became known. hile the death | ore Midler, 9 Hout hawt nt. : "gis 1s i : 1 . rd The, toast to M0 nary AR | There was nothing that helped all con- in which list is still problematical, it will ex train near De lo., ture, was then proposed by Dr. {cerned - more than meeting fogether, had heen done 200, seventy-five in to Canada. ; Ryan and responded to by Dr. Pyne. [with the exchanging of opinions. All shown by the a ' Suc Huron and Georgian In proposing the toast Dr. Ryan re: prejudices should disappear. All the total in 18 to. Rine lasi government for ferred to the assistance rendered | universities should work in harmony. against 205.000 000 in night, had been rescued regulation restricting each the government in the erection of the Dr. Barker was loudly cheered, on igures proved that Cana and forty were seen in the { 24,000 yards of nets. new medical building, paving a warm | saking bis seat. but | OF the bodies overed Col tribute to the work of Dr. Pyne in| Thé toast to "Queen's," was have bee { Isthmian canal. commission the matter. over ninety {the actoal total vost of the After } | proposed hy R. M. tradiey and Dr. Ryan proposed the toast | sponded to by Principal Gordon. at %300 000,000 the' company sang oe Good Fellow." "For He's a Jolly, Principal Gordon said that it was | Hon. Dr. Pyne, in responding, always a great pleasure for a mem- respects, open to objection. Canada that he trusted that as long as said | ber of the university to respond tol : he | this toast. It was a good: subject. and had but a limited list of advantages | 2" was-a member of the cabinet ml it was the fault of a speaker called | j in comparison with those extended to sympathies would be with the medical upon, if he could not say anything | France, and again, certain Canadian profession, He war delighted to have { about it, The trouble with the present | artic les could not * pet the advantage | the opportunity of being present at | speaker wad, that when he once got! for the French minimum tariff, unless!™ "the day's proceedings. He wished to] on the subject, he never knew when they were shipped digéet to that coun- tender thanks for the hearty recep-| to stop, try. In negotiations, he said that Can- tion aecorded him, and would To-day, the whole ada had been embarrassed h the result back to the! legislature, { rejoicing over the success of the medi- | the tegms of our treaty, by which we |* "I believe that the people of cal faculty. It had been pointed out|were obliged to her the be nefits | province are a great people," said|in the most instructive com of Dr. | of the favored . nation Dr. Pyne, "and IT will continue to| Barker, that laboratories were essen which we might enter other] ; think so long as they keep the legis | tial. One must at the same tithe n countries This disad sould Le. the fire the Royertown lature in the same condition as it is| member that great work had been ac: hava been di sposed of by asking Great |L0EiNe company collided with a tre. at present." (Laughter). complished in poor laboratories, but, | Britain 10 the _treaty---n |O® Of the firemen was thrown from At times, the speaker said, of course, this was no excuse for poor | course which would not have been | the apparatus, landing heavily against inclined to be a little prejudicwd and | laboratories. The members of Queen's to pursue. It was decided to |the tree, and ly killed. university were very thankful for the| approach France, throdgh the imperial { addition which had been made to the government, and in-deoing so Canada's equipment. A live university stood for the pursuit of truth untrammelled Principal Gordon further stedted that it was very gratifying to the members of the other faculties to find that this vear, one of the = best scholarships. of the university, for | scientific research, had for the first time beén taken by a medical student. "Sister Universities," proposed hy D. R. Cameron, brought an able reply | from Mr. MecGibbon, of McGill. The sifter " iiniversities represented were Toronto, McGill, and Western Univer- sity, at London. r. Cameron, ¥n proposing the referred to the friendly feeling which exists botween the different universi- ties. Each university was very much pleased to har of the other's and the advances which were ing made. Queen's and the other versities were 'working for the end, Mr. MeGibbon conveved the wishes of the sister universities Queen's, and also congratulated members on the great suecess of banquet. Dr. Third proposed the toast to the "Undergraduates," and T. R.' Ross re plied in a negt speech. 1. D. Cotnam proposed the toast to "The Ladies," and H. H. Milburn re- sponded in a happy manner The officers of the Aesculapian Soeci- ety are as follows : Honorary presi dent, De. A. ny Macintyrs; president, H. A. Dunlop, viee-prosident, J. J. McCann; Ay H. Craig; secretary, IH. H. Milburn, assistant serstagy, A. Wickware. i In the evening he debate was taken | ESTED {up by the opposition, Mr. Foster, ridi- | ARR GRATION jeuling the idea that there was any dif- | Man ference in the new French treaty apd ¥ Ankuey wat) Gathered In | the treaty shade by Sir Charles Top. Afri per. He traced the. historv.of the Johaunasbury, Jan." I5.--Pursuant | Flenipotentinries powers, and with to the determination of the govern- {copious extracts proved that the pow ment to make the Transvaal so hot fers of those of 18371 were the same a for Asiatios that these now in the [hoc of 1906. and had been so all i country will be driven out and fur- along the line, He strongly condemn: ther me to an sd. ity | ed the attack, by the minister of. fin- | prominent Asiatics were arrested he jance, on Sir Charles Tupper' 8 treaty, yestoiday. Among the p prisohels ee land said it was "a shame: it was the chairman the British-Indian | 8 wrong, and mischiefiul. for the govern- and Chinese associations, and a num- J ment of Canada to play to party ber of officials and committee men of Ivotes in such o manner. He abused | these organizations. ithe new French trealy for agreving | A Ww ' One Of The G 8 {that Canadian goods, intended for fener, of Khartoum. committed suicide lishing his explanations, as ang. Toronto, Jan. 15.--Charles Burke, | France, could only be taken bv ves in the port of Colon, on Mondas- America, but in Fr Luols, sailing direct from Canada to [Pight, by jumping overbgard from as well the well-known member of the Qhack «| France, while French goods were lenbush gang, will 'be taken back to lowed to enter Canada through any Peterboro 'Made An Excellent Record on the tl w oy d fine Despatches From Near Distant Places, (THE WORLD'S TIDIN & Suing ~ t Bes GIVEN Byr boing the toast, ' pe SIBLE FORM, LR. BARKER ONE OF SPEAKERS. Formal Resolutions in Xeeping With Agreement Arrived at With R. iL. Borden--Foster At- tacks the Treaty on All Sides. Correspondent, The and Remembered. The last of the 3210,140. Ihe United from Cuba in A cyclone has seaport, aud dependency in China. Thaw defence taint of anity prisoner, Negotiations owners and cotton been broken off A block of the Sidney, Neb, was The loss $100,000, 1590. In 1897 he A five year-old girl the state senate, 'and on real from drinking lye 1906, he was elevated toa joke by a young boy Governor, Crothers has C. P. R. trains will be running arid, and makes his home Portland, Oregon, early in Ma Md. the Oregon Short Line, TWO HUNDRED VICTIMS 8 ssion senate States will withd ) February of next ¥ Austin L. Crothers devastated Macac ; of Portu Austin L. Crothers, of Maryland, reputation, and his excellent re bench in the Maryland very influential his fight for the high est position in his state. He was horn in Ceeil county, Md. | a common school edu-| studying law, Hon, governor wide cord state was the of the w a jurist of 1 18 to sho family attempts ins in the hoped that they before the said there that the replaced { i 1 { Aaurier | Aurier on the courts in British operators | end between SUCCPssS was no stu business section destroyed by at Conowingo, {and received cation, later his deg in a member March "25th, the bench never mi at Elkton, ROOM by hand the with took ia convention, by Hom. L. P. with the assist British ambassa resolutions, were in keep ar receiving | is at Mq to he e was | ¢ died given of on | over | state, {- The | Harvard And a"§oodly Number Are Badly This isa Injured. last year. 1 Jan. the ! Word comes hing the ruins of the | pelago that the Opera House progressed, yes- captured a rebel 0 total enrollment of students this vear of twenty-six f be at University is 3, decrease f from the Malay As Dutch troops kh stronghold after 3s 15.-As Boy ertown, congratulate them | work of searcl and wish for success. He appreciated the the different universities con- | cade, necessity, t to | trade | first tion a great | the past ! that the 1 895.000 000 | 1907, These fig {da kept her eye on British trade home producers were not Touching upon the r Sir Charles Fupper, said, that though it was a move in { the right direction, it Sn some 108 | i be developed, with Great considera®ion deal was connec « jon a oto, | {her I rmen connec- in fact | jured, was fe umbed, another way of whom ceed with nu have ake Bay and as ber Th I trade, I o'clock, aske ; 3 163 corpses Re boat more ruins red over Goethals, chairman of and sixty there are esting persons stated by the missing. All of the bodies taken from the ruins, vesierdav, are charred and mutilated beyond recog- nition. Most of the dead ave women nd children. The chief of the Potistown fire de- partment, who investigated the cause |of the disaster, says the first rush to- wards the stage was caused by seve- ral men and women becoming fright ened when the hose connecting the moving picture machine and the tank supplying the light slipped off its con- nection and made a hissing nose The tank itseli did .not explode, he says; until the flames had reached it n identified then re-| guite satis treaty made Mr. Fielding {canal police 1 Re as Belgian par {mentary commission will K { Leopold's Congo treaty, though will endorse some of it, There is.trouble cabinet. communications | the resignation of the premier, Saionji, has not been accepted. A term of twenty vears' work as fudisor of Toronto, will soon brought to a by the of W Ww Jones, for a year kept hinr from his duties North Renfrew "tiherats ha Norman Reid the Mackie was proposed for but dec at least the election is expected reject was, 5 have resigned, convey university was by l close resigna | | | } the | illness give 2 | | {ated | Albert agreements; with vantage mto i lat going to tor slat | commons, lined u denoiince dat | the reneral {nounced i The * Ohip {form er Suprems | WW, Emer to | State Senator lavs ir tion with latter' without proper examination The Grand . Trunk 'announces 1 {| owing to slackness of traffic, the w { ing stafi throughout the entire | will be re The k's wor hours will hortened to forty wk. The shops affected will FPoint St. Chardey, Fort Gratiot he old board bank wo are | it ul 1 1] i wise I court s ter Law jail, HUPreme N, B. TEACHERS' PENSIONS. Court Clerk ten. day Austin jail and the of 2100 fine of practice in DAILY MEMORANDA. Zioh, good skating to-night. Waterworks Committee" 8 pm, AO. Pance, City Hall, 8 p.m, Bourd of Works, 4 p.m., Thursday: Wonderland Theatre, afternoon and eveniog: Hockey this evening : Frontenacs. "Fhe Walls Of House, 8.15 pm 8, 0. E. Concert Thursday wight 14th Band at Royal Admission, 10c. Bijou Theutre--Magical © omeios, "The Devil As Engine-Driver." The Miracu- lous Powder," Caruso sings, "Spirit Se Fade." At Opera, and Vagabond," representatives had reegived every as sistance and courtesy from Lord El- gin, Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Lloyd George--a courtesy that had been also John, shown bv the French government. The in ohjects which Canada's representatives schools was had endeavored to sum- | government {marized as follows {now the "To remove la pension » old treaty, and teachers tions fairly reciprocal Mate teachers age (2)--To guard against {males, hittxe-6 concessions which would for a pension of #160 Canadian interest (3p-To kéep, as lar as possible, for British trade, that degr of prefer- jence established by tarili policy of the | last (4)- jextent * Iment,' uni- {oo rded same | oprve any see Accepts Suggestions By Teachers. N.B., J the made within and government is adopting scheme for public school | Government { ten in « ee cha secur -A notabl te o grant to provincial year, 5 provincial the past St ! {the certition te ingrease " a by secure wore the St. George's vs same the ito inequalities of make condi duced we Jericho," Grand Opera I ty. and® fo- will be eligible and 8350 a vear they have the provi nS Hail, o'clock, Rink O. > of aged any granting to-night injure tod don and i yrovider large I A 11s ht made of direc desper being of the Ontario respectively, ear : VOATS taught . thirty Those incapacitated more their sls of the stave or will pen- ngth of ser- toast, ten hing . . to suecess{ of the for the «¢ make t 22.000,000 the bank main bod le ee twenty vears or or to get x sion , B vices, Princess--Pictured : Comic . Colored Pictures, Av Babbi Forty 'Thieves," and "The Good Vaudeville. The g 1 A in reasonable treat- France, by favored nation treatment which is ac any foreign country, and to re te Canada, the right to make tarifi arrangement which may fit with Great Britain any { British colony. (3)--~In granting {which might be thought desirable, {decided to confine them, as far as pos- sible, to French specialities, which would not be likely to come into com. petition, to any large degree, with our own industries, 4&r British indus [tries, and to secure favored nation treatment, as far as possible. in the | hief artides of export which we may hope to send abroad: and (lastly) to see the favored nation treatment of some things which, though we might trot export them. we might reasonably { hope to export in the future. yrant of the the best SEEKS INFORMATION a Child Left Years Ago. ration Inspector received the Henry sue- yout be: ing CONE, fea that must t tate the WHIG TELEPHONES, About Siae. 55 243 Busingss Office 229 Pxhitorial Rooms M2---Jabbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at The Daily Whig is always on Gimon's Drug tore, Market Open till Jate vach evening. shareholder stand to lose their double In the Petersburg brought forward | Arthur was y struggle Decams and again, Col. Golitzvnsky his command at Fort 2 hilated hy the fearful rain of Jag bullets and shells, and when to the sixth le declared, we with Liability court martial in strong testimony to tha abandoned when utterly hopless best to the the Devlin ving Challand, Immig fweek this strange Dekalb or Stoes=el Whig tolto sale al Square of any special rates letter from I we | Lllinots : | "Dear Sir a line for information. | was in the the spring of 1543 or 1544, wife and two children. My and the baby was left would like to know what the child. 1 had quite a sum money taken from me. lt was if belt 'around my bodddo--"" Mr. Devlin does not think that] ! his duties require him to pry into such a case as this. It would be 8a most] {difficult thing to answer the query. show a little hospital in | also my wife died there. became teJust NO WAR A feme of Iapanese advanced of] the Russian garrison, MUST PUBLISH VIEWS | Attitude of Candidate wards Modernism Rome, Jan. 15.--~Cardinal prefect of the Congregation of the | The Disguised As Women. Ge London, Jan. 153.--1he Globe's Buda- pest SOT Te Apo naant states that a tele gral from Belgrade, announces' that | gr sensation has been created [there by\a police raid upon a club | where a number of men belonging te the highest circles were arrested, seve- ral of them being disguised as women. Tt is stated that the government w take 'drastic mengures, irrespective the status of thelofienders. Juniped Of Steamer. t meeting held on Monday, des hat the failure to select Rev. {ward J. Hanoi Rochester, N.} | the office of co-admtor archbishoy [Ran Francisco did not assume Hhing of a personal nature ill ibe candidate, it being generally Of | vitted that he deserved the post. view, however, of the present sf igle against a. e indispensable that Dr anna pn Colon, Jab. 15.--Mrs. Kitchener, wi- niapetaaii that he i= pot anilt dow of a brother of Viscount * Kiteh- {he charge made against him, \ Rare Chance For sale, Cosy Brick Dwelling, exten- sion kitchen, J. Sg bose barn, 1 and drive shed 'and 12 city lots ~4icining. all ¥ ready for planting. uburban not only ance and Gr re of To Have A Boycott. al- [the stoanter Magdelona, the Roval on & charge of attempting other port. There was not much Indian ports, for Kingston, Shanghai, Jan. 15. Chinese i Mail Jioe, from Southam ptom, via West The wo up a country store at Ban- [chance of Canada ever making any man's hushand ic thousht to have t, near that town, of November | (trade with France in mioerals; the | boon the late Arthur Buck Kitchener, Sth last. A victure of Burke was for- [duty on these goods was prohibitive: » Hich Constable Cochrane, jin fact wearily all the goods that Can- | The Nordheimer Piase Co. Toronto, the H aM nda. could sad a, TS h on, sale, wt yr nd bf them that it ae, wo new. sty jisnan, fosing Price moderate, J. F. SWIFT. i te er ma the Sestiemant, urging a boyeott ardive, Matheson & Co., British mercantile house, British | "LATEST NEWS BRIEFEST POS. | 5 sun's Red Cross arug store, Matters That Interest Everybody manuer on Notes From Al Over--Little of Everything Easily Read '™o' of the have officials while chang Panama in the Japanese The ministers of finance and | but Toledo, , svat SEVER | (leoree Ottawd; Lon NOW T testified, al reduced to two officers and one man. paganda, in a report to the pope, against Webb, CG. B.. modernism it was deemed | M. Molzer, RB. N. Corley lars haved bien distributed throughout | Kong and Shanghai Bank, L AST EDITION Probabilities © Toronto, Out. Jan. 15, Ottawa Valley and Up- per Se. Lawrence (10 a.m.)-Strong winds and con tinued cold wea~ ther, hight snow la and on Thursday. OF THE DAY, INCIDENTS Newsy-Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Busy Reporters, stand woe lest, bot bottles sold at Gibsons Heu "They thie was Ler 1 drug store, Four police ross at the hey tramps were taken in station on Tuesday night | I. out lor the east this mormug. Augustus Doxtater, an Indian, [tenced at St. Lhomas, to three for assaulting (aother man, Brougut here to-day. Zhe, tooth powder selling two for] on we bargain counter at Gib An b3 - sen- { years, was, ¥ E RI, ERR EY BEAUTIF UL MATERIALS FOR EVENING Ihree boys have been summoned to | appear in the police court, to-inorrow, of acung in a disorderly Chatham street. police court has made a fine | for itseli far this week, being uo cases before the I bere cases again on a charge Lhe sO there If trate. { cost day. the depot car is running all to-day, the road being cleared of snow and ice. The line from Princess 'street to the depot had to chopped out after Sunday's storm Some of" the worst cases of rheuma tism are cured by tang Wa-Hoo To pic, It's on the bargain {23¢., at Gibson's Red Uross drug store The sand gang were busy, ing, putting sand on the principal streets of the city. "The walks were in of la very slippery condition quite a fire. [few people recéived falls, He sus tained serious injuries. Mayor Ross, should ascertain if there ave assessment rolls: if there are into! opprobrium he cast valued rch, | official should be speedily and public ly removed. Many ill agree with him | that the voters' list t at | but that is "augther matter and is not 763 the fut rom | "The kind that saves people's lives Pure gum bottles chi- (at Gibson's ave Phone 230, a | There have been accretions in the years that are past to the expendi ture of the board of educatic m that that body should with unsparing hand board she sould he run This has not been plan of some mem hers I'he board should men would handle | mags wee no to- right, comple ely = = raw ear 2, gal, | be Ww a counter -for mill this morn REE IEEE IR] TEA and but ne Tar ol haste, the the mnt with all ras = o OmissIOns on ra ae [i not ar on a y 12 not perfect assessor's rubber hot water Red Cross drug store of hed now cut The copeern FISH) on business the in vears past conducted their "Saved bottle A town drug store and addressing you remember as nu only. tra fish in to rer larl WE OFFER THEM In sl whew Re be as own businesses his lide ro nd hot entered the with water ites the also wide Silk Marqui ise n A gentleman a down | J A 0 recently | co 2h the clerk Do | & that hot bottle 1 bought from you a few days ago' | Well, it saved wy life." That the quality of bottles we always sell, at} {Gibson's Red Cross drugstore, said { the clerk. They save people's lives. one morning inches urd ctte lp sad lia ing 1 water HICSS Tha in Silk. With is "a Ch Wnare material that gives all the good figure AH new hite end Piack, Price, $1.25, nw shy: drapes gravel] Hines sha dex bes wid i6 ine Portland Township Council, 13.-W, H York, deputy reeve lenderson, Walker Irish, councillors, subscribed declarations. T, D. Minnes and ( (Stewart were appointed auditors Tockhart health officer pointed to the for three re-appoint hall. Appl iced managey son and to on ng law M. We wwe of are Reynolds, reeve B M the Jan. ci James r 0 =. ar SER be tion has James and FRENCH BROCH! to i FLORAL MARQ MERCER BEAL CHANT AED -OHGA nin re-appointed medica J focal Har caretaker be was TIF NC) I ure FRI H Snider wa board of health | Wrig of the ation made t« the Metropolitan Bank for L000, to he by thi will np the ntil an ¥ LAC) SR ed FT £ ey ht ' ( I" GROUT in town y the SEQUIN AND LACH ren of fn of upon orders township placed in 4 Voted balance boundary 210. to O bridge: 85 to 8. Loughhoro houndary Rigney. legal Wright, caretaker Kit 25 credit drawn out |@ All | promptly given coupeil MONEE he the bank 2225.00, work = EET heing receis G. A. Smith, i Hinchinbrooke | Velley, job Babeock, $12.52 to : gervices 86 to n i of hall; 824 to work: 82 M. Revell J. Mills and wife to mes in upon to or on on on} work ff 31 hat} ork- RRL = = & a ™m king te te in- cha wity, tin Verona Febru re 11 a.m by tors ully | mer wil bem lost Loughboro Township Couneil. Sydenham 13.4. M reeve; Ruttan, J. W Leman and Sherm As the local receive the of MARRIED Jan Stones ' LIAN h I'r by n option 1 Charles 8 W. A, ser qualified. tlaw did not required three-fifths was dropped On Trousdale, Clifton | pointed assessor tion, Trousdale-Leman, tan and Charles P. Maxwell were pointed auditors nt $5 each Moreland appointed to" ibe Health. Moved, Leman this council petition the repeal 606 of the ang thereqgy relieve from a portion of their responsibility for the highways 'arried Orser, that this ecouneil expend ¢ 83 on the road between Svdenham i Spafford providing the government | grant sum: carried us dale, On In v of on S St. ary was 'ort the me nni an the line was legislature to | Municipal Act nicipalities Rec ------------------_---- ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. ts ee ee ------, COFFEE! There is plenty of Coffes to Lad. You - ean get it in \almost oe | 2 7 .. any Grocery store, but vefy sel: Rd: Simson, A. W, Abbott, J. B, Fin. vou find anv like our" for! ning, ~@eorge A. Stone. John A . y of Greigg. 0 P. Hamilton, W. C. Thomp Java and Mocha Blend I . R. R. Davis, J, dot, BR. Hors, i Bgwia, 3 W Josh Bilas once said he ? . 4 d several essays on milk ad Ryan, R. Dugan, Newburg: W §.4 THO: ; x In Bullock and wife, Gananoque: A Kel. [the best thing he had ever seen rug- {lv, J: McLellan, Arch, L. MacDougnil; | 28 it was the Cream. Our Pure Montreal: J | Java and Mocha Blend is the very {Cream of the Coffer Plant. ficly | Smythe, New York; M. J. Loughlin, | of Sam. Myers, Sir Rid hard Cartwright Ympiriers of Fine Grpuries. resent hep ve | non-repair of { Moked, Leman ang ---- n, a like To- sti B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Pro George A. Barragar, Svl, Price of A. Fish, Belleville; S. B. Brush, Reed, a. W. West, .P. Marks, H x Phid be Area - ik had but v pub- | in ny Sherif Richardson, ©. achionald Ottawa; H. H. Pg Williams, Port Hore R00 lev, Beoekwalle: J. A. Johnson ville: W. J. Wilson, Wil Perth. ®. W. Fergusom 0. Lahelle, Peterhoro {Stanstead Junction. { ia] Brock iam McGarr London: W D. Bullock \ > A Public Reception The ladies of Princess street Metho: church will hold a public rece. HOR In thelr new parsonage on Fri. day, from three 1 six o'dock, The Iyoung people will give a social thers years ithe same evening. There will be an of age, walked into the Central police | excellent programme and refreshments, station in Montreal, on Monday, asd] 'Go to Waggoner' "PE iy, up a8 a deserter from cs, mt diet ren- Surrendered. Adolphe Fournier, twenty-five of | t the | and vp s tar overs FAT SAY Fo # a