Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1908, p. 7

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Kinestong PevBROKEl RAILWAY i COANECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Rallway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.10 p.m. ~Express--For Cttawa, Mon- | troal, Quebec, St. Joha, N.B., Halifax, Moston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frow, Bauit Ste, og Duluth, St. Paul,. Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Fradciéco. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, tounecting with C , East sad West 7.45 amy, Mixed--For Henfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.10 pm. arrive In Ottawa at 4.45 pm. or 1.1% p.m Toronto, 7. 08 Montreal, 6.50 p.m. ; Boston, 7 30 . Mohn 11.20 a.m XG Ne yxrAVA. Leave, pietos # 0 'p.m. arpive| Ottawa, 4 he voi Ottawa, 10.45 | am. REN ingeton, 3.45 p.m. Direct! connections at Renfrew with U.P. .R. I, leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for Pem-| broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci-| fic Const points. ¥. CONWAY, Bay of Quinte Railway New short live for Tweed, Deseronto, and all local ol leave ny Hall Depot at 4 W. DICKSON, Agent BQ. Ry. Gen. Pass Agent. ingstos i RAILWAY, EM leave and arrive at City Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City | 5 wall nn 13. 80 a.m, 1.02 a.m. | Trains will Depot, ---------- 1.08 p.m. GOING EAST. Lve. City Arr. ouey | 1.43 a.m, 2.13 a.m. expiess 3.38 am. 3.02 am. | l were 8.18 a.m. R.50 a.m en mee 1.00 pm. 1.20 p.m [4 Inst express --. 1.00 p.m. 1.290 p.m | '12 loeal we = 7.08 p.m. 7.838 p.m | Nos. 1,2,8,4,5,6, Tend 8, run daily | All other trains dally azcept Sunday, i For Mil particulare apply to | J. P. HANLEY, Agent, corneg Jou | son and Ontario streets; ROYAL MAIL TRAINS { -- R | YIA Leaving Montreal 12.00 noon, Fridays | "15 local carries the European Mail and lands passengers, baggage, stc., at the Steam- ors side, Halifax, avoiding any extras transier. the following Saturday, INTERCOLONIAL] | i RAILWAY Canada's Famous Train c Sudadies OR--FARUIT LIVER TABLETS --cleant the blood of all impurities--clear the skin of pimples and and blotches, make the complexion beautiful. © Made of fruit 'juices and tonics. 50c¢ a box,'s® J) 7% 4 YZ IY) P Is The Fastest Growing Company In Canada $2,714,453 was gained in the Monk of i Jatus ance in force at e close of 1906 as compared with the previous year. The expenses were $10,224 LESS than in 1905, while the volume of business on its books was much larger. Is it any wonder then that the whole Canadian people have confidence in the wise, 'con- servative business management ? And they show their confidence by taking out enough insurance in The Mutual Life to make it the fastest growing company in the Dominion. Write Head Office, Waterloo, ) Ont, or call on S. ROUGHTON - District Agent Kingston, Tn Suffer From Headaches Makes Life Miserable. . , A TT | ject to headaches to describe the suffering which attends them. The majority of cases are caused by con stipation and dyspepsia. The dull threb- | bings, the intense pain, sometimes in one | vi sometimes in another, and' then over inn bay. the whole head, varying in ite severity by | = | the cause which brings it ef, purely indi. |" | cates that there is something the matter | | with the stomach or bowels. ' To the fact THE MARITIME EXPRESS Ho not connect the Maritime Express--west bound special | traln with through sleeping and dining | oars attached, for passengers, baggage! and mail, will leave Halifax for Quebec and Montreal, connecting with traine foe Ottawa, Toronta and all points westy For further particulars, apply to Monts real City Office, 141 St, James street, | QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Renched in 45 hours from New York | Ns § days. | Bermuda to Nassau, Bahamas | a5. ar uid fortnightly in Petauazy aroh. West India Cruises from New York | New Steamer 'Guiana,' 3,700 tons, | With all up-to-date improvements and | ther first-class steamers sail trom New | York every 10 days. * 5,060 tons. Saihings every ten | ; t Steamanis SS » Brow way, Canada, to Ticket A 4 Ag 9 Pr. BASLE. nd J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, | Kingston, ALLEN i LINE TO LIVERPOOL S. Ss. IONIAN Twin-Screw, 9,000 t St. Friday, Jan. 17; Hala, Jan, a nd Cabin, irst $40; Third-Class. $27. oso ta ein Glasgow London or urs ol passage be jrom. rw Agent nt 0p es a {Skin Protection | that Burdock Blood Bitters reaches every | part of the system is due its success in re- | lieving and permanently curing headache, | Whea mward mail steamers at Halifax | [gy with the regular train, | all its forma a specific for the malady in | Mr. Wm. R. Gilchrist, Now Mills, N.B., writes: "I was troubled for years with constipation and headaches, but after using | four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I am completely cured." Mr. John T. Kidner, Red Deer, Alta, writes: "I was troubled for several years | { with headsche. I tried a number of re. | medies but they did me no good. I tried a | bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and is new Twin Screw Steamship * Ber | sured me completely." For sale at all Druggists and Dealers, | Forskin comfort, skin health, skin beauty and for protection against hard water, str ag sun and wind use | Babys Own" p. It is the best for every toilet purpose for babies, women and men, Its daily use keeps the skin Are you looking for § 2 something that will give 2 both pleasure and com- t fort? She will appre- ciate a load of COAL OOOO FROM sac | i {they will THE DAILY BRITISY WHIG, WEUNESDAY, JANUARY 15, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG Col CORRESPOND-| ENTS TELL US | Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered : Secured Good Position. Murvale, Jan. 14.--Miss Violet Mur- ton returned to Toronto after spending the holidays at home. Mrs. James Rayegoflt and son, Baldur, | Man., at John Grant's. Ross Walker i bas returned from Philadelphia A inymber from here attended Hodge's show at Piro ah, oh Friday Froderick Murton left for Toronto, on { Wedpesday: he has secured a good I position. Ernest Redden has moved | 'to Glenvale. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs William McClement, Kingston, at B Guess'; Mr. and Mrs. James For- scyth, Harrowsmith, at Mr. and Mrs. George Knowlton, enham, at William Harper's has Syd- | Lapum's West Notes. Lapum's West, Jan. 14. The {fall has made first<class sléighing. Mr jand Mrs. J. FE. Boulton entertained | the members of the school board re cently. Foster Ham, of Vancouver, I B.C., leit for Toronto, last week, af ter spending two weeks visiting his mother, Mrs. T. Ham, here. He has | Theen alent about eighteen years, in the Klondvke and elsewhere. and Rupert were friends at Sydenham W. A. McLean, Harrowsmith, turned home, after visiting her Mrs. C. Davy. Charles Jovner, who has been under the care of Dr. Me- Quade, Yarker. is very much improved | in health Wesley Brown, Mrs. H. Bush. and Mrs. Benjamin Rose, are on the sick list Snow visiting | recently. Mrs has re sister, Jovner Lavant Station Iterus 14.~-- Mr. Har Tuesday to at Business' College Paul spent in La week Lavant Station, Jan okl Robertson left on i tend the Kingston Miss Jessie Jackson and J Sunday at the latter's home vant. Herrick Roche left last to resume his work as dispatcher the C.P.R. Miss Maimie Boyd has re turned home from Toronto. Mr. Mrs. E. J. McFarlane «find family, a companied by Mrs. Katie Corn te visited friends in Lanark on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mater are visiting latter's sister, Mrs. J. Burk, don. Mr. and Mrs. G. Moowe and granddaughter have returned to their] { home in Montreal after spending the | holidays with friends in Lavant. John Lee's little dog was poisoned on Sat jurday last. The dog was a great pet {amongst the children and they we all sorry to lose him. ay] Sick Getting' Better. Lyndhurst, Jan. 11.--The municipal election passed off quietly. 'The reeve is G. Bracken, aud the councillors are | Robert Moulton, Zeba Jackson and |John Slack, Jr., Somerville. Mr. and | Mrs. John Harvey have gone back to {their home in Montreal, after spending the holidays at their parents', Oscar | | Harvey has gone to Ottawa to high | OO | chool. Miss Maud Webster has gone {to her new school at Maiuand. Anna Harvey has taken a school near Geor- D. Green has teams haul- to build more concrete summer. Mr, Garrett had and drawing firewood | The ling gravel Iks next la bee cutting { today, and it was well attended. {sick -are--improving. is not able to be around, but § Kouney is well again. Mrs. | Dile is under the doctor's care. { McRacken, of Califomia, visiting | his sister, Mrs. B. Stringer. Mrs, { John Stewart, Morton, is at her sis- {ter's, Mrs, | Yates', Mr. and Mrs A. Weeks were visitiig at Opinicon, {and on their way home their jran away and btoke the cutter up [pretty badly, but the occupants were The boys are busy get snot Injured, | ing the skating rink ready for busi- tN. A. . John 18 horse I ne 58. | Moved To Kingston. | _ Sydenhgm, Jan. 13 ~The schools! { opened, on Monday, Jan. 6th, under | the same staff of teachers. The mun- | icipal election passed off very quietly. A number attended .the annual month- ly Ladies" Aid tea, in Wesley Hall, on Thursday. The funeral of the | late Charles Wartman was very large | Ly attended; the family have the sym | pathy of a large circle ' | Blake Switzer, Wilton, is® spending a few days the guest of Harry Sills | Miss A, Griffith has returned to | ronto and Miss Edna Griffith to Mon! | treal, after spending their holidays at { home. The infant children of bra | Hagerman and Hugh Barclay are riously ill. Mr. and Mrs. George son have moved to Sydenham, where make their Home. Miss Hattie Penil returned, last week, to! Toronto, to resume her studies. Miss! Flossie Orr. is teaching at Union| school this year. iss Lacey is in| very poor Jrealtl. Miss Armitage, Newark, N. is here and will spend the winter >i Miss Lacey. Miss E. ya Jow went down to Wilton, on Saturday, to be the guest of Mise Pearl Switzer. Miss hathleen Jovee, home from Elgin for a few days, has returned to her studies. John Me- | Rory and family moved to Kingston last week, -- Harlowe Happenings. 4 Harlowe, Jan. 10.---Mrs. 8, Wheeler, Cloyne, is visiting at Mrs. A. Palma- teer's. Mrs. Gearge Wheeler spent a | few days, last week, at Arden. There are revival services in the Hornerite churchi' Thosé who attended the con- Seution, at Madoc, returned on Tues- day. Sadie Seott spent Satur- day at in W. Black's. P. Arm strong was a guest at the Cedars on Sunday. Mrs. A. Paimateer and Mrs. Wheeler ware visiting at Mrs. J. Milles and Mrs. W. Black's this week. Miss L. Kinley Mit for Ottawa on Mouday. Walter Scott made » Mr. Detlor 4 JM. Thommen, Ariss r and Mr Arden made a flying trip through our Bae on Woon. "Min Bits Wood to visit parents at oh gr . Jolm and id. Reid, { Causland | Thompson's Jolin Grant's; | Francis | the | Claren- | Witham Webster | [ Williams' | under {seeing them in good health again when |a friend called my irobust girls. | done for my children that 1 strongly of friends. | To- | thing, {aches and backaches, indigestion, iments of growing girls and {Sold hy | svlvania--and a hotel clerk got it! nd on WS i Wel, ToT ec i i Te Te i Se ef ly it ve - - ' y s 1908. PAGE SEVEN, ONITS THE CRIME MURDERESS ACQUITTED BY SYMPATHETIC JURY. Mes. S at Mrs were Wheeler, Hosa: were fine Marshall's Thos who itawing lumber to Ardendale are {finished and none are sorry, as it was a long trip. George Bradshaw is home from Rainy Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roblin, are rentwing acquain- tances here. John Grey, Thomas Thompson, William Head, and William McCausland, were elected councilmen, and C. McGregor, Isaiah M speat Sunday at Samuel 'Miss L. Morrison was guest of Miss S. Scott. Mrs. J entertained a few friends on Thursday. Miss M. Bott was the guest of Miss Ruth Thompson on Sunday. Shot Faith- Before Eiglishwoman Who less French Husband ~ Court of Justice. 14.-- Ming who ® es oe Prizes to the 128 Lins Soinpesag the best St. George's Baking Powder Limerick $200.00 will be given to the person sending in the best line, 50.00 to the person sending in the 2nd. best. 25.00 * n3d { i 5.00 each to the next twenty-five best. an 3.00 «+ * one hundred best irl : One vear ago, St. George's Baking Powder was introduced to the a Grey Margry, the ht ol pas French hus ard lia Jan. Englishwoman Paris, in a stonate band dead. on the Boulev hens "July last, was -placed upon trial for murder at the day, with the result that she quitted by a sympathetic jury. Mme. Margey s maiden name was Schoolbred, aud she was born near London. Her husband kept a small dyer's shop in the Rue St. Apolline, Early this year it came to her knowl: edge that the deceased man had been guilty of misconduct 'with a girl em ployed in kis workshop. There a scene, but the husband, who admitted | bis infidelity, promised to make am ends and break off the attache nt. In July last, however, he a holiday to Fontainebleau, accompanying him, while the unsus pecting wife remained in Paris, Ai Canadian people. Fontuineiieny, Margry inticd ced bis "Now, thousands of housewives use it for Cakes, Pies, Rolls domain hi : 1 the ned and Biscuits. But there are still many more who do not ; . a8 Nn and the pai we want them fo try just one can of St. George's - were photographed together. The er because we know that one can will make them firm friends ring husband, however, by an over of this absolutely pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, sight left with the photographer That is why we are taking this means of getting YOU card bearing his Paris address, and] to see how good it is--by giving you a chance the incriminating pictures were sent | to share in the $500.00 prizes to his shop. Here they fell into the! * Everyone may compete-- those who are now harids of the real wife. She, mad with friends of St. George's as well as those who have put the photographs in her | never used it. handbag together with loatied re Conditions: volver, and started in quest. of her | husband, who had réturned fro s 1 1st. Your line with your name and address' holide N : 10 had returned' from hi i must be plainly written on the coupon below, ay. . } 2nd. Carefully remove the trade mark from Encountering Margry the Boule a tin of St. George's Baking Powder by wetting vard des Italiens, pulled out the the labe! with a cloth dampened in hot water } = . (note--be careful not to get the powder in the photographs from her bay taxed tin damp.) Paste or pin the trade mark to the with corner of the coupon in the space proyided. were 3rd. Competitors may send in as many lines as they like providing each is accompanied by a trade mark cut from a tin of $t. George's Baking Powder, ith. The Editor of the Montreal Star has kindly consented to act as judge and all answers must be addressed to the Editor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal. Sth. All answers must be posted not later than Feb, 88th, 1908. The names of the prize winners will be published in this paper as soon after that date as possible > No trademart cof from our sample package will be accepted. Limerick -- For Cakes, just as Itght as a feather-- And Biscuits and Pies, the best ever- You can easily bake them St. George's will make them jealously shot her des asses Lo- | was a A Pretty Wedding. hes Pleasant Valley, Jan. 11.--Farmers are getting up their wood for the vear s consumption. Our schogl re &th with Miss Davis, control. The home Mr. and Mrs. E. Whitty was the scene of a very pleasing event on the lst mst, it being the ma; iage of their daughter, Jeanette to George Trous- dale, Holleford, Rev, W. Service, oi- ficiating. The bride was gowned in point d'esprit over cream taffeta silk. ther only ornament being g pearl brooch, gift of the <room Ihe bride was assisted by her sister, Miss { Nellic Watson, while his cousin Fred. G. Porter, Elginbarg, did honors for the groom. The groom's gift to the Harry was a pearl bar, and to {the groomsman' an amethyst stick pin | The bride entered the parlor. on the arm of E. Whitty, her ho By to the strains of Lohengrin, - rendered by {Miss Eva Whitty, and standing un- {der an. arch of evergreens and tinsel, having in the centre a large wedding bell, repeated the words which made her and her husband one 'for life. Ai- ter this the pafty repaired to the din ing-room, where waited a dainty breakfast. There were. about fifty pre- sent, immediate friends and relatives jof the contracting parties. The bride's going-away gown was a suit of blue | Amazon cloth, white silk blouse and white hat. She received a great many beautiful presents which testify to the (esteem of her many friends. Mr. and Mré. Trousdale departed for their new home, at Hartingdon, where the vroom purchased . a fine farm them a pleasant and pros journey through life. Visitors Mis. J Ellerbeck, at Napance, at tending Friends conference Mr. and { Mrs, E. Hughes, at Camden East of the people took in the show Harrowsmith, last night. A. Char. bonneau- came through business trip and has returned Westport again, {opened on the Svdenbam, in of Was went a the ¢ Wile al anger, a on she and that de of such | admitted | unfaithful, and ed that him his guilt. m proofs Seeing nials useless overwhelming that he had been coming angry would see the view he be- | he | as he | annound girl often pleased, This answer maddened Mme Margry, who the reupon drew her re volver 'and shot her hushand throush the heart. The prisoner appeared in court to day dre m mourning. She admit ted her crime, but pleaded that it was not premeditated. She said she usually cartied a revolper for her own safety she lived in an unfrequented Un hearing her reply lost control scarcely. conscious of did, she fired upon him. The jury, throughout themselves sympathetic | the wronged returned a vepdicty | of not guilty, and Mme Margry, amid | the applause of a crowded court, w as | discharged. { has recently We wish perous ssed Some lat Paste or pin the trade mark from the label of a tin of St. George's Raking Powder here, as burh cal and on a to an husbanil's cvni of herself what { she ------ STARVED BY ANAEMIA i PA ------ | Health Restored By the { Blood Pink Pills Make. Thousanus and thousanas of young irls throughout Canada are { passing into hopeless decline tor the | want of the new rich red blood * so | abundantly suppiied by Lr. Williams | Vink nls. they are distressingly | | weak, pale or sallow, appetite hicase, | | subject to headaches, uwziness, are breathless and the heart palpitates | [violently at the least exertion. ihe | {doctors call this anaemia--w hich is | the meuical name for bloodlessness. Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills actually make | new blood--they cure anaemia Just ly as food cures hunger. . Here {a bit of the strongest kind of {dence : "Dr. Williains' Pink Pills sud | nothing else saved my two daughters when doctors had faued to help them. This statement is made by Mrs Joseph Martel, St. Oliver street, Quebec, Sne adds: "My daughters are aged re spectively twenty-two and twenty-three years. For years they suffered from the weakness and distress anaemia, and had | learned of Pink Pills earlier it only have saved me mogey, worry and auxiety girls as pale suffered from appetite, and grew could hardly go about, They a doctor's care, but did 1 dispaired of who very wife showed | toward | I agree to abide by the decision « f the Editor of Montreal Star as final, and ! enter the competition wilh that understanding Rich Signature lieraiiy J Address ____ Afternoon Reception Gown. Address this coupon with our trade mark attached, and your line and signature plainly writtes, to The Rditor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal, Que. RUBBERS. UAR- as | sure is evi We are exclusive for the only G ANTEED RUBBER made. DAINTY MODE For men and women. Reid & Charles, 111 agents two would | but well, | sheet poor so feeble that waey not much Both They as were as a headaches, were not nproved a bit, ever This 18 admirably cloth, with The skirt is were | front and circular lemi-train; it trimmed hottom with thrype rows forming a shape] band, emphasized The blouse i= soft folds, over the shoulders. yoke is cut deep and is made of n tucked Oriental is placed on each side of the The lower part of the blouse buttons to match design, for an afternoon go adapted to silk-covered cord with sides, WI, 0 ink Successors to-D. J. MeDermott, a panel in and fas n around the silk cord ts of De, ty was an mj rove attention Pink Pills. Soon alter t} pills there condition and in of months they good health, am grateful Williams" Pink Pills rose Street -- Williams' Princess began the ment in their than a couple again enjoying loss made active 8 for have of the poi silk draped in The ous { om #0 what Dr. which are with ered buttons. to mother pale recommend them every who has a weak, girl Dr. faced boy or A Pale Ale, palats- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in seline crosswise broidery voke. is decorated those Pink Pills do only do it well--they rich blood. They They change one actu- don't on bad thus | ' such side anae neuralgia, partial. paralysis, painful secret ail women. by Williams' but they { ally make new, tinker with symptoms, {the bowels. They simply { blood into © good blood and | strike straight at the root of comunon ailments as headaches, with skirt TWO NAPANEE DEATHS act on the . sparkling condition, is (LONDON) the ideal beverage. Alexander Willis Died From Effects of Typhoid Napanee, Jan. 15.--~The death oc | red on Tuesday morning of Alexander | Willis, aged thirty-eight years, after all medicine dealers or an illness extending over six months at 50c. a box or six boxes for Deceased contracted typhoid fever last from the Dr. Williams" Medicine [July and for two months was Ont. i Kingston General Hospital. About } -- two months ago he was removed to |» eT be stingy with tips to host iNapanee, but never rallied from the | The most delicate and dainty swestpaats are of them may die and leave shock to his system. Besides his sor This bappened in Penn. rowing wife, one little son, Reggie, i= | eft to mourn. The funeral will take Maple Buds, : 2 MilK Chocolate, A man who knows it all has one ar- [place from the residence of his father. Cream Bars, etc. dent admirer, and he always takes him | (in- law, John Vanalstine, Centre street with him 'on Thareday afternoon, to the Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. "THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO Of all callings the waiter's shows ern cemetery vault. the greatest mortality-23 per 1,000. Last Saturday Aneita Allison Pig Copper, Lead, Tin, Antimony cael Uo and Zinc. H. Cunningham. piano tuner, 2I youngest daughter of the late Roder #«WE ARE 'HEADQUARTERS. King'street, and McAuley's bookstore. [ick Allison of Adolphustown, passe +H Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Torato, ox Now, when chemists announce its purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. mia, nervous exhaustion, St. Vitus' and the dance, uy special, | mail, $2.50, Co., Brockville, JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. -- in | - Don't lers. One you £70,000. East- b white woman in India. |eitis.. Deceased was a bright little girl -- about thirteen years old, and was a {pupil of the Napanee Collegiate In {stitute up to the Chxistmas holidays {She was only ill for a few days. The Huneral took place on Monday to the feaiily plot, Adolphustown. i {| We are getting on in Canada. Al dane was given at Peterboro in aid | "deep sea missions,' ' and the news Papers. say "it was a brilliant suc- { The Coldwater Planet reports al i {of i | ces i wedding in which the presents were not sumerous and costly. In hin un they were costly ous. A pretty woman may have a wav of her own, hot a large woman will There are cipht white men to one away after an operation for appendi invariably outweigh ber s Toronto, Ont

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