PAGE we. ------ Avoid | Appendicitis i caused by the clogging of the 3 Is and intestines ecp the di- i clive, the stomach right, A the healthy open with | Beecham's | Pills In boxes 25 cents. and + Bold Fvervwhere, 'Mid-Winter Furniture ~ Qarpet, Curtain Sale the It all goes and prices are whips Parlor Suites reduced 85, 87 Our own own chwice id to choose from, all £10 wi sever vem B15 each ake of upholetering Your of coverings. Parlor Odd Pieces A host to $3, 85, §7 #45 each select from, Carpets but all good. 1 end, 90 yards FEaoglish Axminster, regu Jur $1.75 vand Our Sale Price, $1.20 Thwre are 6 emds in differant colors of this gual ty, 20 to 90 varde in each, at 21 and $1.20 Made and laid SOME Rugs, left on Dr tisfits Hod Tapestry you. yard Sale Price, « 2 Hrusseis regular £10 each. Several others Curtains and Lmolewins, up LX Last sason's styles, our hands 5 yards, at vy $10 $24. male a all reduced. Yours, Ti F. Harrison Co. PHONE 90. See RS XR Wire | Mats| Our Wire Mat immpor- tation from Germany [2 has arrived. The Mats §g are soitablé for inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather, We Have All Sizes | from 60c. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. im rave Www] TERE Residence Single Brick, 2-storey, 8 rooms, hot water heating, electric light- "ing. all modern improvements, concrete cellar, city water, fine stable, drive house and hen house. Lot 140x172, pleasantly situated 'near the water and convemient to the trolley line. In good Hesidential locality, i Can be bought ht reasonable, { season took place | rink; 1 tions, destroy iasdse ST. GEORGES VGTORS DEFEATED FRONTENACS BY | FOUR TO THREE. 1 The 14th Regiment Senior Teli ' Ready For Parkdale--Queen's Seniors Play McGill in Moz- | treal To-Morrow Evening. Fhe first OHA hoe key game of the "at the Kingston last evening, when the Fron St. Georges played befofe a slim crowd. The score at the finish stood 4 for St. Georges. The contest was by no means as good a ax' has 'been seen here in the jun- ior "series, both teams being decidedly weak (f the two sevens the St. Georges have the best balanced team. They play well together and put up combination Their defense is but 'was not troubled much rushes, as it was individual rushes only that the Froutenaes in- dulged in The St. Georges are all young fellows who never before played 0O.H.A. hockey, 'and deserve great credit for the game they put up last evening. In comparing the two teams the above seven played the better game. Anglin, Robertson, Macdonnell and Torrance are four good forwards, and time after time they would come down the rink, together, passing the whole Frontenac team Their rushes were of the speedy class, their passing good and their shots possessed of lots of ginger, were generally true. Twigg in goal proved himself a veteran and was always there when called upon The Frontenses clearly showed the want of practice and a general on the Their combination was very poor and their, team work and combination was conspicuous by its absence. They were badly crippled on the forwaid line by the Hunter, who was injured in practice last week, and Cooke's ankles were giving him lots of trouble. Ainslee and MacDonald were the stars of the forward line, the latter putting up a line game. He a worker from start to lmish and is up to all the tricks of the trade. His rushes were speedy and bis shots were seldom far out; whenever he and Ains- got together they engaged in some pretty pieces of combination, but got no support. The team was also a lit- tle slow in checking back. Sproule was easily the star man on the de- fense, and many times. he would break up the charges of the St "Georges for- watds, when a goal seemed certain. Sowards, in goal, played a good game, and Dowsley showed up well at cover. Lalonde, at rover, played fair- ly well,. but very slow in getting started, and can check back better than he did on Wednesday night. With a few good hard practices the Fron- tenacs should improve a hundred per cent., and when these twe teams meet again a good game should be the re- sult The ot Gaskin; tenacs and to 3 one good strong, by many ice, loss of fee teams lined up as follows : Georges--Goal, Twigg: point, cover, Stewart; centre, Tor- rance; rover, Robertson; Wings, Mac donnell, Anglin & Frontenacs--Ggal, Sowards: Sproule; cover, Dowsley; rover, La- londe; wings, MacDonald, Cooke. Referee, George Vanhorn; goal judges, E. J. Brooke, G. McMiilan; time keepers, Charles Moxley, Edward Dobbs; penalty timer, Ross Wilkinson. At the end of the first half the score stood 2 to 0 "in favor of St. Georges, Macdonnell getting both goals, after the whole forward line had made rushes the length of the rink. In the, second -- half the first_goal was scored by Robertson, after a nice rush unas- cisted. This was disputed] but after: wards allowed The goal judge was displaced Cooke scored the first one for Frontenncs, on MacDonald's pass from right wing. After getting this goal the Frontenges bucked up a little and shortly after Ainslee landed an other This goal also caused a dispute Mr. Cooke was foreed tp hand the flag. The last goal went to St. Georges in the last min- ute of -play, when Anglin found the nets on a nice wing shot The game was comparatively clean, although quite a few penalties were handed dut for minor offences, point, one and over At The Royal Rink. About two hundred people turned out on Wednesday night to enjoy the good skating at the Royal open air rink. The band was in attendance and fine music rendered. The boys in charge had everything in good shape, the we being in excellent condition. The first City League games of the season will be played on this rink, to-night, when the Frontenac Business College and" Black Watch will clash in the senior serics, and the St. Georges and Thistles in the janior ranks. All the City League teams practice here and on Tuesday night the manage- ment was kept busy tlh "twelve o'clock with teams at work. 14th And Parkdale. The senior O.H:A. game between Relieves at Once-- Prevents and Cures Quickly. You have a cold--in something you can't esca) Bat thore is a cure--a oa delightiul me- thod of prevention--so simple even a child will use it--*'Catarrhozone." Quick as lig! joing of. 'nose colds-- Stops them, feures them, prevents Just inhalé Catarrhotone--breathe in its healing balsams and out goes the cold, away go the smiffies--catarrh vanishes like the wind. 0 - eT ne mg : the irritated Rodog supplies pure balsamic extracts that loosen the phlegm, clear all obstruc un it Fauadlf=both plea- Sissantaed, rivalled. Try sant and safe. Two months' trea I frien $l; Amall Gone, ag ct N. Co.; all dealers, Hartford, Conn, 0s. A., and King: Jer, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1908. Tl, Parkdale and 14th, kere, on Monday | night, promises to be one of the fastest Pe rcions of the sepAon The | Toronto team, according to ronto | possessed of all kinds of speed, ithat will make the 14th go The locals had'as practice after finior game on Wednesday night, from their appearance theg it not seem that Parkdale would any walk over. Constantine, ardson, Crawford and Bernier out on the forward line, and Hiscock, Pannell, Steacy, Lemmon on the do fence. A good work-out was indulged in. The many admirers of "'Benator" Powell were pleased to see him back |! in harvess. "Jack plays his same steady game, always in it at. the start and always present at finish. In the above mentioned wards the 14th have a forward well equal to last year. They down the ice as one man, their bination work being of thé highest order. Away back when Constantine played on the RM.C. team he was| noted for his long shot, and he bas | one just as wicked now, and when he comes-down his wing and hands out one of those it generally finds the | mark and | some, the | dors have Rich-{ wore for- line | come | com- Queen's II and R.M.C. 1. The first game of the intermediate, intercollegiate series will be played at| the Kingston rink on Friday night, | when Queen's II and Cadets 1 will clash. Both teams have been working well and a good contest is looked forward to. The soldier boys have been at work for some time and| their men are right in condition. Queen's For Montreal. Queen's 1 will leave Friday at noon for Montreal where they will meet McGill on Friday night in their first game of the senior series. The team generally run an excursion, buf will | wait and run one when they yo to meet Laval in February. The City League. The city league opens to-night at the Roval rink when the Frontenac Business College and Black Watch will come together, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. The ice harvest, this year, may come in June. | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. We are having a mild winter, hut we can hardly say a healthy ® one. Go to Waggoner's for a.winter over- coat, twenty-five per cent. off. Dr. Barker of Johns Hopkins, studi- ed: with Dr. Third at Toroutn, not Trinity, Medical College. "The kind that saves people' 8 lives. Pure gum rubber'bot water bottles, ut Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, This mild weather refuses either to fish or cut bait in the matter of an ice harvest. : = . A 25¢. tooth powder selling two for 25¢. on the bargain counter at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store, Miss Olga Lefave, a graduate of the Kingston Business College, is spend- ing a few weeks at her home, Garden Island. Some of the worst cases of rheuma- tism are cured by taking Wa-Hoo To- pie. It's on the bargain counter for x at Gibson's Red Cross drug store The big flag pole in Macdonald park sufféred last night by the weather con- ditions. It is somewhat out of gear. The parks' committee is thus early give n-something to attend to. . "They stand the test," the hot wa: ter bottles sold at Gibson's Red ross drug store. A few hockey players have made =a fine rink in front of the cotton mill the ice. The ice is flooded every with the cotton mill hose and a surface is ready for covery after- " on day fine noon The Nordheimer Piano Co., Toronto, have placed on sale, at Kirkpatrick's Art Store, two new style pianos, which are attracting considerable at- tention. Owing to inability to meet the in- creasing demands 'upon his services, Edgar Alcock Rush, late voealist at the Bijou theatre" has resigned. Mr. Burrowes, with his usual generosity, arranged for immediate withdrawal. Get A New Back. need not have backache and Avy distress in the back Smith's back You should not. should have prompt attention. White Liniment will make your fee! as new. : It penetrates deeply into the mus. cles and relieves all inflammation and congestion, Cures lumbago. rheu- matism. neuralgia or pain or _sore- ness of any Kind. Only 25c., at Wade's drug store. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. T. 8S. Baker, St. Johus, N.B.; N. R. Turner and wile, Peterboro; | McRae, H. C. Douglas, R. Chadwick, H. Jamieson, K. Harrine, Montreal; D. A. O'Connor, West Osgoode: G. R. Ross, H. RB: Boulton. D. W. Downey, R. Wright, W. A Gilmour, J. E. Chrysler, GG. T. Mallory, Justice Hod- gins, T. W. Doran, A. Eaton, Brock- ville; A. H. Richardson, W. H, Goe- bell, Toronto: Harry Stanford, Laura Burt Stanford, London, Eag.: James McKeane, Kate Guyson, Eleanor Mil- R. Watson, F. J. Purtill, New York; R. G. Barrington, Cleveland, 0; H. G. Irwin, Ashland. Ky.: C.J, Lamont, Ottawa: F. A. Webster, Lans- downe. Court Stanley Officers. «4 At the regular meeting of Court Stanley, No. 199, C.O.F.. held last evening, the following officers were initiated : PCR, W. McCallagh: C. R.. J. Cullen: "V.C. R., * J. Massey; chaplain, Rev. Dr. MacTavish: record- ding secretary, H. Graham; financial sncretary, J. Berry: treasurer, Wells: Sw. 3 - Fhompaan: JW; Marshall; . E. Robbs; 1.B., Abrams; physician. Dr. Bogart; court | deputy. 8. "ih, Hi ennings, ul Bogart; | auditors, T. Healey, J. Purdy. I. G. Waggoner Somrmniess first-class trim- mings, fit and workmanshi, or sale. All suite for cash. ne . Lston, Out. | leakage {otd t ITY IN GAS TANK. Part of Repairs. There is an Lppression among large pumber plant is not satisfactory, iewcd Ald. Toye, th the tery ol sentaipe ex-chalrman THE CITY | PROTECTED ne 'papers, is a very jo lie one, AGAINST ANY \NY IRREGULAR. and Ald. Toye Explains the Situation fof thirteen to five --Gas Tank in Use--City Holds cured five Contract Money For mittees are | a of citizens that the new | gas tank recently erected at the light! Craig, Medley, owmg 10 ealfe. I'his morning a Whig repre he light commiitee, the | pon the matter, as he is thoroughly | conversant with ev erything pertaining to the light plant. Ald. Toye stated that while tank s concrete foundation leaked little, it far from being unsatis factory. Ibe concrete wall is twenty-two ~ feet deep, perfectly tight halfay ap. been in for some time, 75,000 cubic feet of gas at night. is and heldir use auk is nlso | that is tight is being used, | there is no loss by leakage. as spring comes, the the concrete wail exists will be repaired. not be satisfuctorily done cold weather prevails. Ald that the city holds more of Contractor for the necessary according to agreement, tor guaranteeing a perfectly tight crete wall. The city, AW. Toye = is fully protected. while repairs. Then as to the steel part of the stating that be had handed in his re- tank--it is guaranteed by the contra tors, and the and $100 of any repairs thut may be needed. tank, however, has been found to I free from leakage. The new incandescent light machix erected last fall is guaranteed for year by the contractors, that is it kept in repair by 'them free "of cos There is also a special guarantee « it. The machine and giving good secvice. Ald. Toye points out, the further, last year, ported. That, he says, | the work was done. He also draws attention to the fgct|thé Ancient Order of Hibernians that oi the 885,000 voted by the pede | dance is always ple for extensions to the electric ght | | with great interest. Every year it has and gas plants, there is a balance between 83,000 and $4,000. He wou like "06 know if -any- wother city town on the whole continent wou bave had its work done so .fficiently, or whether it would have been financ- ed so welt that the whole amount would not require to he ducts and labor are so dear at sent. the, a foundation Thompson and Meek 18 It has | Medley, 'g The in use for the pre-| {went. Only the portion of the new tank |Lean, so that| As soon Bennett and Lambert. upper part of | where the leakage! son, This work can- | the | Craig and Metcalfe. | Toye says | than-enough |ardson and Renton. Tait's contract money | This was |G. Anglin, Chown and leevos the contrac | on-| addressed the board, dealing with edu- Ce «city holds between $300 contract money for [ted that The | honor extended to him, and liked e ne al is t n is im good condition | that in the twenty miles of gas mains laid | no leakage has yet been re-| decked shows how well | night, the occasion being the annual | }imself helpless of | id id | Vv by-law | ex- | by Crosby pended, and. this considering that pro- | The programme of dancing music was | letter pre-| of the best, || Our Sale of Odd" Pisces of Fashionable At deep-cut prices contin- ues to attract careful buyers and these are fraak enough to admit the sup- eriority of our goo ds aad prices as com* pared with what they are shown else- wlee Extravagant Statements don't count at all with think-ing people but high quality and fair prices will win out every time, Compare Compare Compare Take this list with you. 1 only ladies' black cloth shell, Grey and White Squir- rel lining, Alaska sable collar and revers, semi-litting yl, 43 inches long size 38 Reg- ular price $60. for $39.00 1 only. man's black "cloth shell muskrat lining, German Otter Collar, 50 inches long, size 42. Regular price $42.50 for $31.75 1 only misses' satin lined stole made from best mouf- falon, trimmed with 2 tails-- Sul and durable. Regular ce $6.00 for $3.95 - , prige only, Grey and Sok, SqiiErel | a Satin- st nT Ee price, $10, for i T hivet Double only, Rise Boa, T2 inches long. lar . Maire priee $10, for 2 omly, Urey Astrachan full sive, bin tri Stoles, . good lined, prettily a fastener, ete, regular price 37 50, fore > 1 only, Stone Marten Muff, empire Jarge five stripes. regular price $27 750: for $15.35. Qur Furs are oh marked in plain figures all the year round ] i | i | i i | is : | ! MAKERS oF FINE FURS. ok ar | were | you memember | Well, | the clerk. L lwhere his wife and son lie buried. The ~ J 'tarrh Remedy. The steamer Pierrepont was sent out | New York Dress Reform. SCORED BIG SUCCESS "THE WALLS S' OF JERICHO" P D AT GRAND. W. H. Godwin se {Laura Burt and Hefiry Stanford The standing com- | Given Ovation on Their Seconr | Visit to Kingston. When Henry Stanford and Laura Lam- { Burt appeared at the Grand here 'last season, in "Dorothy Vermon of Had don Hall," they met with a great triumph. Last pight, they returned to the Grand, in "The Walls Of {Jericho,"" and by their clever work won the hearts of all the theatregoers present. Dealing as it does, with . the London "smart set," the ability of Mr. Stanford and Miss Burt is given over to a diflierent\ield in their new play, but the general opinion express ed was that the play was far superior [to any of its kind ever given to King- istonians. The principals are sur- rounded with a company of brilliant | players, and. alter witnessing last vight's production, all one could say was that the fourth and last act'came altogether too I'he audience was oue of the largest of the season hase who attended "Dorothy Vernod Haddon Hall," last season could " stay away, and others who miss fed that theatrical treat did-not in tend to miss this one. The story told in "The Walls Of {Jericho." as already stated, deals with life among the "smart set' in {London. and it is indeed a fine. por- itrayal of a husband and wife who mingle with this class, that is given by Mr. Stanford and Miss Burt. In | Queensland, Australia; Jack Frobish- ier, who looks into all matters quite seriously, and who has the interest of Isipnation to the city council. as high |his fellow men at heart, makes a rich {school trustee. Mr. Bermingham sta. find. He spends several years, and a while he appreciated the [small fortune, in endeavoring to im- the (prove! the conditions of the poorer work, he had not the time to devote (Classes. He returns to the city, falls [to it, and thus he considered it best in Jove with Lady Alethea, and mar- to resign. ries her. Lady Alethea, following in A hateh of Communications were re- |the footsteps of other members of the {ferred to the proper committeés. | "smart set,"" spends a of i money at bridge, takes a delight in {smoking, and talking scandal, and flirts with other men. She at BPpears to have no tune to devote to the welfare of her husband and infant child.. The husband, although strong and stern in the days passed, looks about for a remedy but finds He tries his best tn re-arrange matters in his home. Just at this time, he decides that he must iput his foot down. He becomes stir- red up, and there is a scene when his been marked with succes and last'|yife carries on a flirtation with Harry || night's affair was no exception to the Dallas, after she had been asked by +i rule. . her husband, not to receive his atten- Over oiie hundred couple were . in at- tions. Dallas goes so far as to make | tendance, and the programme was, love to LAdy Alethea, but he is cast | much enjoyed. It consisted of thirty-|aside, as Lady Alethea truly loved her two numbers, the music being given husband. A strong scene is-that en- & O'Connor's orchestra. acted when Jack finde a love Dallas hax written to the orchestra also giving his wife He makes Dallas open [a liberal supply of encores. The the letter, the contents are made | chestra is deserving of great praise known, and as a result, Jack declares | for their good work. {that he will sell his house and furni Supper was served in Ontario Hall, ture, and return to Queensland, and the arrangements were complete in ting that there his wife would every respect. Dancing was commenced away from the temptations of the at mine o'clock, and the clock in the! 'smart set" As Jack, Mr. Stanford City Hall tower had struck three, (makes a strong attack on his wife's when the affair was hreught to_a hap- |companions, scores her for her neglect py close with the * 'Home Sweet Home' | of himself and their child, and refers | waltz. {to the many evils of the "kmart set." Credit is due all the members . who Lady_Alethea, after r_ listening to the { made the affair so pleasant. The exe- lecture, refuses to go with her hus cutive was composed of Messrs. D. F band to Queensland. They separate, Dennis, chairman: P. J. O'Brien; sec. Dut are brought together again by retary, and J. Lawlor, treasurer Haukey Bannister, an old friend of 1 . Jack, and it was then arranged that husband, wife and child should go to Queensland and thus get away people life but INAUGURAL MEETING. Martin Chainor of Public School Board. At the inaugural meeting of - the Board of Education, for 1908, held on | Wednesday night, Prof. Ilva. E. Mar- | tin was elected chairman, by a vote | votes Management -- Messrs © Richardson, (chairman), Bennett, Walkem, bert, Meek, Renton land Marshall Property--Messrs. Meek (chairman), W. G. Anglin, Met- Chown and F. Anglin. { Finanee Messrs. McLeod, man), Thompson, Reeves, Walkem, Macgilliveay. (chair- Godwin, School Committees. Collegiate Institute--Messrs shall, Lyons. Macgiilivray, Medley and Bermingham. Central school--Messrs Mar- Walkem, Lambert, school --Messrs. Walkem, Macgillivray. Frontenac school--Messrs. son, Craig and F. Anglin. Louise schoot=~Messrs, Metcalfe. Cataraqui school--Messrs. F. Victoria Thomp- | soon. Renton, Me. Anglin, | Richar 1 Anglin. school--Messrs, Godwin, yvdenham school--Messrs, Reeves and W. G. Rideau McLean, Depot school--Messrs, Riel; Orphans' Home schoo! Messrs, W, The chairman-elect, Prof. Martin, ,|eational work. YC Bermingham 'wrote the hard, HELD ANNUAL "AT HOME." even | Ancient Order of Hibeinians, City Hall. Both City hall and Ontario hall were out in holiday attire last held under the auspices of This to | "at home' looked forward or. | sta be | Great. Clearing Sale. +- Prevost; Brock street; has made |great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department, |.) "0 also in the gent's furnishings. The "The Walls stock is well assorted with new goods. p41 ang. has a | makes the and from who have to have na other object in a good time. Then i= at an end Of Jericho! with every ti think, Both Burt perfection, one being the other. The several other characters were well por teaved, Henry Mills, as the Marquis of { Steventon, showing marked ability in that role His attempt "match imaking'" were very Wit {John Alexander, the Har. Dallas was in capablé Tames J MeKean made rather dif ficult Bannister Jack's who go a pile of money, mine, and who "catch on' to the of © but who was willing Emma |. Frederick Lady Alethes's Very winsome her is a play life, and kind that this class Stan- out day the and Me carried moral { one | Barbers Elect Officers. is best i At a of the local Barbers' [ford Miss | Union, the following officers | their parts to ; James Lee: |®qually as strong financial meeting Nor B14, elected: President, | vice-president, U. Keyes; i retary, R. Kingsbury; recording Frank McGinty: treasurer, J | retary, | Lawrence; guard, W. Lemmon ns 80 Beg af -- amusing ole Two Dozen Oranges For 25¢ t of Mexican Edwards & | kin. hands good-in the of Hankey friend, yt sweets, Jen- role who in a gold Some of the local curlers ineyed to Napanee, on Tuesday night, {were given quite a scare as they {alighted from the train. The passen- iger train stopped on the second track {irom -the platiorm, and after about |hali the passengers had alighted and {were making for the station, a freight {train came thundering through at {full speed, between them and the plat. {form It was a narrow excape | "Saved his life with.'a hot water l, | 8) . | bottle.' A gentleman entered a down | to bridge, and Mis< E. Mi or {town drug store one morning recently {Lady Parchester, a xo lender {and addressing the clerk said: "Po took their paris w i that hot water bottle My. Stanford an {1 bought from yon a few days ago?(**" ® curtain call ul it saved my life." That is the] [the third oct wiry u {quality of bottles we always sell, gtjmads a Short a3 uch, fe: May : 5 nce 2 8 J ova © Gibson's Red Cross drug store, said Ytkisir" work, and referred Approva visit They save people's hives. Noere last year, stating that they ap The remains of the inte Patrick Con- | preciated very much playing belors a jroy, who died on Wolie Island on Hingston YoY ny "gigi Tr gp Bh {Tuesday morning, aged 165 years, {was maide each wear, to get a plas {were brought to the city, this morn- | worthy of - pa ling, on the steamer Wolfe Islander, ! i (which would ' rand he hoped the audience would al ~ ; | and taken to St. Mary's cemetery, the {ways have occasion to remember « company Forel Bae of Cn 20 | Naanter Brains i gu congrats { mailed out free, on request, by De lated upon securing such good at Shoop, Racine, Wis. 'Lhese tests are | traction for the theatre-going prablic proving to the - people--without a! a a {penny's cost--the great value of thig| | De Germans | scientific prescription known to drug: | neckties i gists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Ca-| °°" out billiard Sold by all druggists, | into dice On account of the ice, the steamer | SHILOH'S | Wanderer did pot reach Kingston irom jour- {could not {the "smart to be Lady ter, {admiration of very first time Her off-hand ibands was ways set taught Luey, nas ns voung si "She audience from. the she came on the stage talk on securing Miss Leonora ruven jas the Duchess of Matlock, Miss Fk Patterson, as Miss Mornington and wim boise good votes As ver of Stanford thanked the be are wearing aluminum balls are cut' up Cape Vincent, until* late last night. lin the afternoon to break the ice, and | {bad a lively time. ease for le worst cougl Annual clearing sale of fall and win-| | relief to the heaviest cok eid SAP SAFE ter suitings, $16, ¥I8 and 20. Fish tetas. oven for. a child GC {and woHimenbip guaranteed, at Wag-! § bers is Shiloh's Cure C : under a guarantee Fresh MeConkey's Choice of Royalty | Baden «olds and' coughs & Colds candy just received at Gibson's Red] joc or your back. 34 years than any other {Cross drug store. Suces i Shiloh' Sale of flannelette might dresses, He. sac, SL 3 Cure . QUICK LY! It is home wherever the gar bill Deigk is the chief came of suicidn. Silver 'For the Table. Almost every table service requires replenishing" at times. We would advise your seeing the "1835 Wal. lace' line of Knives, Spoons and Forks, of which we have a complete range, in all newest designs. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. Every Article Reduced. Clearing Prices. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Furs Exclusively. EDUCATIONAL. A "AA AY SAFI ATSR "a " Sadia IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION od INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Evening ( od > " 4 « Day and Frontenac Business College, Barrie and asses at the Clergy Sts T XN 680 STOCKDALE Phone, Principal ¥ bp PITTS It to be tend The Kingston Business College Lipvited, hewd of Quesn street o CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school He crikanpiy © LY pow riting rewd od I sublects thorough! y competent experienced Bayard might classes any time. Rates very 'Phone, . 440 H. F. METCALF} President J. BE, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary 00000000 COOCOONOOOGSOYS You wish successful at business shorthand gruphy ner taught teacher Firrter rt moderate gl Hi Have You Bought a Goat Yet: If not, better see the snaps we are sell- And less. Not the or- dinary lines to be seen in every store, but the very latest models. See the swell Coat we are offering for IrRApe BAUTY NEWMAN &