Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1908, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. "Night BY i" Cost of light for 18 hours 40 ily lie, Fo'd only at Corbett's Something You Don't Get Every Day is Good, Kindling Wood We have it under cover al- ready sawn into stove lengths and ready for mediate use. Also Wood. Orders EE] im- good quality Hard proinptly delivered. S. ANGLIN & C0. Bay & Wellington Sts. "Phone 66. 'SPECIAL HN p= NO 'SALE N 'ON. ARy Cent, and Overcoats. $ 30 Per i 10 Per Cent. Discount on Boots and Rubbers. IISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess street. A444 24-24 EE "COAL ! The sudden ch in weather ought to su, the wisdow of gutting ii some goud coal. We sell good Coal, It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and takes the home comfortable ; it's the Lest money "ean . sad there Is none better mi y We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices. Booth & Co, v Phone 133. Foot of West St g SANESIEESAISAY Rea] Es Estate Headquarters ¢ If you want to buy or sell City Property, go to a man whe . makes a specialty of same. % r-- GEO, CLIFF, 85 Clarence St., Opposite Post Office. "Phone, Nad ave No lumpiness in WINDSOR TABLE SALT. Each pure, rich salt-grain keeps separate, THE ACME HEAT PRODUCER. | when {of | two {that it is surrendering any jot or tittle | Ing ia surance that {legislate Canada wants farm help, will not do THE WHIG, 74th YEAR |prhare published | ¢ cross the international boundary line! DAILY BRITISH WHIC each fe: st 306-310 Ki Arle, 2 $6 per year kai tons ot 3 clock, WEL BRIT wWHIG, 12 and over, publ in parts on M and JThareday morning at §1 a year Attached is ome of the best Job Print King street. jat two points, {and only } giv n onday| 417® the power. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, [HE CIC CO COMMITTEES go TWO OF THEM HAD MEET- more. I purposes and Detroit, government can Buffalo the federal When the case came up before the ing Offices in Canada; he hast stylish aad fede wal parliament at the last session cheap work ; nine improved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director CLOSING OUT 191¢ ral has mission of the postmaster-genc- not heen what the cross roac politician would call "a howling suc- has established satisfaction of the gov- The | H certain but #® facts to the ernments of Japan and Cabada. treaty gives the ese the same standing in Canada of any other na- | Anglo-Saxon Japan as the representatives the Japanese government | tion, and or | does not want to sign any paper ! agreement which will make it appear | of 'its special privileges. | That would and the imperial for the time be- distinction of conquering nation. Ag 'the same Lemieux was given the as- the Japanese people will be restricted as much as The and nothing more, was given to States ambassador. It accepted because it is all he undignified, dynasty is suffering from the airs and time Mr. emigration of the possible. same assur; ance, the has to be the United Japanese government will concede the The rest lies with Canadian government. It for _ the entrance of grants, in a certain way, and if fail the Anglo-Japanese treaty ca for the present, can | emi- ns" | { be | depounced so far as Canada i¥ con- The that Jabourers be admitted freely, cerned proposal because | The difference between emigrants could detected. all until after land- | They would be they not be farm labourers ed SOME COARSE CRITICISM. _ | The opposition in the Commons in-| theipflenthant for small talk, | thef eofiticized the expenditure | the marine department. There we re | the One| dulged aspects to discussion, | had reference to the cost of onal Land maintaining the boats in the goy- | ment' 8 service The claim in this con- | nection is that excessive charges bavel | { been made | they have been ordered through mid- | diemen. | Discount on Suits] | overdoing the task of the eritic, 1 give as little | | for supplies &nd because | charge. It has not But the continual re- THis is only a yet been proven. vival of the subject suggests the need of somo understanding. Can the sup- plies be contracted for ? Can they be sufficiently described in tenders and be secured without question or dissatis- faction. The opposition may in the affirmati;.e, when in office, pursued the policy the They are but the government should know them and answer but some of its lead- ers, ol present government. oceasion as possible for complaint. The personal attacks on Hon. Mr Brodeur, another mat- are, however, The conservatives have to that he travels with | too much comfort. THE cost of the] trip which he made to England and] on public business, is objected ter. the conclusion come France, The account must be examined by | the the public| may rest assured that he will permit nothing to pass which he cannot ap-| prove. It has been found that the ex- penses of the minister's wife and lady Lo, auditor:general, and first ex-| penditure--in the passage home-- and | Nr. Brodedr declares that every cop-| per of expenses, not his own, and not will be | friend were included in the entailed in the public business, peidd by kim, and nothing more can | honestly be said upon the subject. al- | together too suspicious. It is time en- | ough to offer reproaches whén a man | has done a wrong, and there is proof of it. As a matter of fact no doing has been brought home to Hon, Nir. Brodeur, and it is a scandal that he should meanwhile be submitted to the reflections or insults for which there .is no justification. The minds "of some people are wrong- A CLASH OF POWERS. So there is going.to be a clash be tween the Ontario and Dominion gov. ernments with regard to the Hamil ton Radial railway bill, That at least is the promise of Hon. Adam Beck, who is presumably reflecting the mind of the government. The Hamilton ra- dial railway is not a street railway, but as well equipped a road for its length, as there is in Canada. It con- nects Hamilton with Oakville, travers: ing the space between over private right of way. In one way and snoth- er there has heen spent a milliun dol- lars, not including the new terminal station at Hamilton, which cost $235,000. wh ' The line connects with the Hamilton and Dundas railway, the Hamilton. Grimsby and Beamsville, and the Brantford and Hamilton railways, all of them belonging" to the same com dominion charter. Tue plan is to push on to Woodstock, in one direction, to Toronto in another direction. and on these enterprises expend capital to the iit The British Whig Publishing Ce., L1"d. | { tinwa } and { this should not be allowed. Baile Whig. - } THE JAPANESE. | | justive. interpreting the law | fers, | Beck's ! charter taverage pupil all the training i material increase {the Collegiate | marked in the future as in the past, | | they {help of the secondary school, | business. pany, and one of them possessed of a' to appear that the ra- to was made railway for ial company was fe argume nt going JJegislation anaecessarily, the was advanced that There are but the advisers among © the and the minister without legal complications of the company, f men in Canada, yias, declare that the parliament of 'anada only can give relief and pend- suf ~ ing 'its action the radial railway financially and otherwise. The by Ontario _ fudging it ~that the overnment will do all it can to pre domimen sitiation statement | vent the radial. getting a pecdliar a is, one, and com-| mon sense would suggest remedial ra ther than obstructive tactics The | | Whig has hitherto been an advocate | iment is the agent of the Ontario Pow- of provincial rights, but are they be- ing affected or influenced in any by the legislative relief which is now! sought ? meee HAVE HIGHER IDEALS. The school board has been organiz- | ed for another year, and begins its The chair- | indicates that | being promisingly. address, work most man, in his some large issues will come up for t is well that com- carefully selected. and not so long apo gave the he re- consideration, and ! mittees have been * The time was --when the public school Now the ideal is higher, and it by the | ceived. has been in 4 sense endorsed recent vote of the people on the ques- | tions which were submitted to them. | Officers Japanese | that there will be: a in the attendance at | if the wf of the young peoplg are so The feeling is Institute, and ambition | the but will which will not be satisfied with the wider vision Queen's College affords the not long for institute, or complete the It eves to the great) possibilities that are before him. 1t| helps in the ~ritivation of thosel tastes The public school, the mental equipment of the student, simply college, does opens his L i $e hich contribute to his proiession calling ADVANTAGE OF At people voted dn the power question. They the council to ceed at once to such a contract or un- dertaking as would give the city an electrical service at the lowest rates. A point of importance has been re- vealed by the later proceedings of the A COMMISSION. the last election in Toronto the | { anthorized pro- i also to. jeourt, cl {many navy, derfully {neat work. ® ho Toronto News will forfeit way er lform, {ing [getting Trioe, | A serious accident occurred here, EDITORIAL NOTES, The are demanding a pure food Why ? Are the peo- ple suffering from adulterations ? -- grovers commission. Dr they they tockeieller's and Nesbitt but they don't say John hoy Beattie pass. by think. may speak as all ---- without must be tame. under Judge Dowling, to all artistic tSuches. Ex ely n in § is lost The Thaw trial her daily poses ablest | Admiral Goodrich endorses of the adverse eriticisms which been passed on the American He has no fear of Teddy's club : his eves. : -- Rear have hefore The "probabilities have been won- of late. The "chief appears to be doing very It will rank as an correct forecaster' exact sence. the government Whitney It says this goverp- confidence of the if it keeps on. company. The very idea ! Some of dente are writing silly things They cannot see much in an the and their personal opinions do not count for much. Some of them are awful {guff. these English correspon- about Canada. excursion across country, Goldwin Smith, eriticizing British politics, says the party of tariff re (or imperial protection), is liv- fool's paradise. They are support in this country i in a no and can get none. HELD ANNUAL MEETING. of Xingston Township Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the Kingston Township Agricultural Society was {held in the town hall, at Cataraqui, on Wednesday afternoon, the presi- dent, H. J. Simpson, presiding. The chiel business was the election of offi: which resulted as follows : Pre- sident, RB. J. Bushell; first vice-presi dent, H. J. Sinipson; second vice-pré- sident, Frederick Gates; directors, E K. Purdy, Michael Fowler, W. non, F. Truedell, J. L, F, Sproule, A. E. Weller, F. Knight, A. Day and W Toplifie. cers, A Serious Accident. Marlbank, Jan, 13.---M May Westplaii, is @ iss 3: i "Ey Mr. and Mrs. fon ew days with friends here, Shan- | 1908, INGS YESTERDAY. Waterworks Wants More --Property Decides * For Sale of Lot. At the ing last (chairman, Graham and Kent, With reference to the Ald. Chown, passed by il at its inaugural pon the waterworks waterworks' committee meet eveumnyg were Couper, Carson, Hanley resolution the ety mesting, department orevious vear, February, the time be extended until March 15th, as the collector could not prepare date, in Jawyary tion of the quarter's rates. The committee decided to hold meetings this. vear on Monday even- ing at eight o'clock, afternoon as in past years. at its first meeting view of committee for hose burned at the wat erworks coal shed fire chairman and the superintendent arrange, The superi thing could ¥ wards rebuilding coal was. in the some time before be commenced endent done the way at coal shed, It would present City Property Committee. The city property committee had meeting yesterday afternoon. men Angtove (chairman), Cartney and Graham were dance. Besides there fora that Couper, the was only the committee of the on the . east side of which the eify owns. It to recommend to council that passing of one other matter of lot number Nelson sale Gown Of Crepe De Chine. Da- Shangraw left, on Monday, for Toron- Miss Ada Carseallen, Napanee, spending her holidays with her pa- rents here. Derwood Garrison, brook, has been speading his holidays with his sister, Mrs. E. D. Shangraw last Saturday. Three men were putting on a belt in the coal room, when it broke, breaking one of Mr. Hartin's fingers, and bruising the other two badly. Peter Moreaw got his thumb broken, to-day, while running the hoist. His to. Cole- hoard of control. Thig body does not desire 09 direct or manage this new | It realizes that if electrieal machinery and appliances represent. | ing several millions of dollars are to" to the best advantage they should be under a commission. Hence | the proposal is: - | be run To organize a board of three members appointed by and responsible to the council, to look after all the city"s| interests in connection with electrical { matters. This body will be deputed to! confer with representatives of the To- ronto Electrie Light company with re-| ference to the taking over of that! concern, and if the negotiations gol through it will be empowéred to oper- | ate the system. If the negotiations] fail the commission will be authorized | to go ahead with the arrangements | for 'a civie distributing plant and to| operate that after it is installed. The attitude of this commission will and it will be | made up of the best men who can be| | found to give their attention to the | It is not likely that the duties] be largely advisory, work. will monopolize the time of the com- and for this reason it is! them large eal- mi ssione rs, I not proposed to pay { aries, The marvel is that the Torontb enn-| trollers did not. like the civic = com- | mittees in Kingston, all the | responsibilities which the new situa. tion opened up. The light, heat ond| power plants, to be profitable, to be | installed without blunders and oper- ated without accidents, should be n- der the direction of men who will de- velop a policy carefully and hold to it at all hazards, Kingston is paying for its experi. ments with committees. Its utilities have passed Yrom ond" set of men to another, yet without being long en- ough with any of them to enable them to speak definitely upon its tondition. There is the promise of financial' state ments at the beginning of each year. What would . be more to the purpose would be a monthly report upon the condition of the plaut. Had such re ports been submitted to the council last year there would have been less occasion possibly for some of the rumours which were in circulation and with certain effects in the late elec. tion, Assume | headache is band was caught. between the button on the cable and the block which strikes the button, and his hand was | pinned fast until help arrived. Dr. Burrows attended to the injuries. Mr. andl Mrs. Sanford Long, Tamworth, wore calling on friends here last week, hs -- Be Ready For Colds. Coughs, colds, sore throat or hoarse- ness should be treated as soon as i they start. 'The best remedy, always, is the Diamond Cough Remedy. Keep lit handy to cure promptly and thor- loughly. 2c. at Wade's drug store. Will Stay At St. James'. Rev. C. L. Bilkey, offered the parish BL Rawdon, by the bishop, has decided to remain at his present charge at St. James' church. Bargains In Harness. Attention is_called to the advt., in | Zotar column, of the Rudd Harpess Co, Princess street. This is the firm's annual winter sale, and Manager Nor cis has 'placed oun the list some de cided bargains in harness, robes, { trunks, suit cases, etc. That tired, languid feeling and dull very disagreeable. 'Fake Liver Pills be- re- two of Carter's Little fore retiring, and you will find {lief. They never fail to do good. Ontario fruit growers complain that the French treaty will hit the grape and wine industry of Ontario. "A stitch in time saves yine, "isan adage that can well be applied to the consideration of health. At this sea- won of the year exclusion from fresh | air, sunshine and exercise renders the body an easy victim to disease. The blood is impoverished and lacking in those red corpuscles that denote | strength and purity. Hard work | seems an impossibility, and even a slight exertion produces dragging weariness and depréssion. : How baflling the effort to obtain sleep, how distressingly poor the ap- petite has ow the heart and norves flutter and twitch--a dangerous condition, surely, because there is no power to resist disease when the con- "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, | Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Worthy Of It. list Prof. Adam She itt, Queen's Vaivir sity, is mentioned for a enlarged railway com extent of three millions of dollars, a Sure am i stitution is so terribly run down. I you're to be well yon must start inow and build up with Ferrozone, {which is the most nutritive and vital- lizing tonic made. Thiy is how Ferro {zone will make you pvell. First, it {will increase the appftite, and at the {same time give you + power to die gest apd assimilate Hood. by | strengthening the starch it will con- } ment. Sach an $ of well-digested vert everything yom at into nourish | is | An effective design for a costume of crepe de chene or soft silk is pictured in the accompanying sketch. The mo- del was in leal green crepe, bands of lace dyed to mateh.. was embroidered, rather pattern "accentuated with and green chenille, and was trimmed | with a searl of chiffon, edged with the lace and drawn over the shoulders and attached under litile bows of satin to match. In the back, these scarfs were fastened at the top of the very high girdle, with small bows and little green and gilt buckles, the ends allowed to fall in . sash efiect almost the length of the sekirt, was used on the hodice wide hias band, whith was set on skirt in a point inset had the riH-thread- or and the the back and front Officers Elected. the meeting District No. 1, South Fronteuac, held Orange hall, Kingston, the fol- were elected for 190% District master, James Berry; deputy master, H. Grabam chaplain, F. Milo; district |seeretary, W. Graham: district lal secretary, James Meoman; treasurer, J. Kelly=distiiet D.C, | Dine: district lecturers, W. Callen, D { Brown: district tyler, I". Watson. The officers were installed by Past District Master W. Cullen At of L.O.L lodge, in the lowing officers recording finani Ww We are not thankful enough for the tire that is not punctured Well This Winter. food means an iotrensed supply i strong, red blood, which will circulate | | vitality and energy into every ofgan lof the body. ito' do her work, and in so doing ac- lcomplishes wonders for those in ill health. | To clearly show just how Ferrozone | [ing of lacts, we give here the statement {John McNichol, of Turbull, Man., who ys © "Last 8G . Spring '1 wad terribly run down. 1 was so completely fagged {out 1 could not do any hard work, {In the morning 1 was tired--my limbs | ached all over. Appetite 73-1 simply | {didn't have any. Sleepless ?--Yes, ner- ivons and unhappy, too. 1 braced up | iat once' alter taking Ferrozome. It iput new life and vitality into my {body. My nerves are strong, I eat {heartily I sleep well. Now 1 know {the joy of health.' i It'sy the nourishment in Ferrorone | 'that makes yon feel good. It puts life into the blood, energy into the | lyprves, makes you rejoice tn new-found {ealth; try Ferrozone, 30c. per box. or isix for $250, at afi dealers in madi } . Polson & Co. Hart USA. and Kingston, Time For Preparation of Statement on Price fermen Craag culling to present to council a statement for the in it was decided to ask that possibly a statement at such an early the fact that all is' taken up with the collec | { its instead of in the| | The matter of compensating the fire | was left to the| to stated that no- to- as the be | a new building could | accounts | he- for "consideration-- | T08 | street | was decided $110 be | accepted for the purchase of this lot i with | I'he lace | 3all fringe | and trimmed | district | district | distriet | | 3 Ferrozone assists nature | wre eee ee wee me : Bibby' Ss Special No. ¥ ad) of coun- About 25 Fancy Knitted Vests Sold regularly $3.00, 2.50, 2.00, 1.50. Salc price $1 Each. '§ About 25 Extra Fine Fancy Vests Sold regularly at $4.00 and 4.50. Sale Price ¢ $3. ai Alder-| Me-| an atten- About 50 bozon- Men's Golf Caps and Men's Deep Band Storm Caps. " Sale price 25¢ See these Goods in our Windows. HE H. D. BIBBY GO. The and One Price Clothing Store. ------------------ i ---- GREAT JANUARY SALE OF FURNITURE Cash The Choicest Stock of High 'Grade Furniture in the City Now on Sale. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street, Near Opera House. Telephone, 775 7 FESTASES SHEE ELAS ERE 0 4 40040000000 04004 BROWN'S Famous Butter Scotch, 20c¢ per-pound. BATGER'S ENGLISH TOFFEE, 25¢c. 1 pound tins. PAELLA E 4 PIOTOTVCVCOPOTT IE « A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street SAEIFIEEII 494044 C4444 . [4444444 +4 $944 + BIG JANUARY SALE Horse Blankets at the biggest | reduction ever seen in Kingston | We. don't want to carry any ever, and must dispose of them. Won't last long at the price. $2.50 Kersey Stay-on, $1.85 | $3 Blue Stay-on, $2.35. $1.50 Jute Lind, for $1.10. EET "Spangenberg Clocks Are 'pood time keepers and will prove their lasting qualities in years after pur- chase, Clocks for the' parlor IR RRR] Clocks for the dining room Clecks for the library. Clocks for the kitchen Good Alarm Clocks. Fully + at cost vr Whips possible Also Halters, Circingles, and Rugs, at lowest Ww. A. Mitchell, Hardware ranted and soud Spangenberg Watchunaker and. Jeweler King St. . i Plevna Notes. Plevna, Jan. 13. {heavy snow storm in' this lon January 12th, and the | almost impassable. Rev. Mr. Hughes {has returned to Plevua alter spend the week in. Denbigh. William Godin, Watertown, NY., is spending 2 few days here with his mother. Hq | Efidington and A. Ostler have eit for la trip to the west. A number of chil {dren have been confined fo ther homes with chickenpox. Miss Esther | Wood has gone to spend a few weeks {at Delta. Miss L. Weston, Fernleigh spend Sunday with Miss M. Card. The | council held its opening meeting iday, and the township business Aer transacted in a satisfa tory manne¥. | Nr. and Mrs. G. Ostler entertained a | number ol their friends on Tharsday { evening, . Collins has left for Beach- | burg, to h a few days with his parents. W. MeCrimmon left, on Tues i day for the lumber camps Pr. Adams i who has been ill for the past few | days, is rapidly recovering. Snot op | ened here, last week, under the man agement of 3. MeAliister, and "work is | progressing favoeshly. Ny ery community roads are There was a VRPERERREEFREE CN RRRE Issuer of Marriag Licenses, WEE PRRRRRSY EHR 8 HAIER] Cures ALL CouGHS ALWAYS. AND COSTS BL r }5* b

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