YEAR 75--NO. 14, . : _BINGSTON, OXEARIO. FRIDAY, JAN NUARY 17, 190s. : La ; . LAST EDITION. ---- E---- -- -- ---- S---- - - re greatest necessity would be for seed REMOVES ALL oBIPETIONS COLLEGE EPISODE, . oats, although wheat would be wanted - also, Not only would the banks not fae the O'Brienites Get Into Col. Taylor Acted With Soldieily ' £8 Probabilities lead, but they were coming down ba: i Irish Party. LAs tutenns / Soar') Toronto, Outs. Lon those who happend 16 owe then | an. TT Phe 3 Xe: wal, Jasuary 14h, F 7 A at N Jan. 17, Ottawa aythi Irish parlia A y } i mentary part vesterday. ye.elected . sing with de bate arose mn the House S---- Hon Thomas Greenway referred 3 ; i . John F tedimaond | to the po ol Commons on the incident of young with evident pride to ihe fact that To The Farmers. of West dung the post wason fity thausaui | TOronto Ladies Before a sition of cheicmun AT thi same meet | Despatches #ro From Near An) lorie, who wes put uoder atevet] | per Sh: Linsinse 3 re of the. Royal { a.m. )--Mod- i ng a motion as passed lorsing commandant farmers of Manitoba had produced for L HE. 8 3 Dista Pi i 3 sale grain and dairy ; ondon Magistrate 6 resolution of the na , nt Places. Military - College, for having in his in Need. ale gran and dar products to the ag . tod . jague op POSSESSION. A Cigarette case belonging | €? erately cold to~ value of forty milion dollars There | - : --p---- : {might be a necessity for aid to Mani proviig the action of Mr. Redmond : to another student. We are glad that day and Satur- -- RK 1 ece oride . A [His i . caster has bee 0 id L {toba in limited areas, but, generally | ho his . reecen serene with William | ' you g Pr neler has "been exon Rated d avy a light y thpeaking, the provisee would not re J + A Xf ressing the opinion { en - Simian intent, as Bar red 4 quire a asgistance, It was a good | that the reement a hed 1 moves ie ! glen was altered i She. charges snow fall to- night. ' lea t base the question de with Declion, on the grougd of A-- on which he was: found gutlty, s0 as at once, before it was sli ball cant p pre ple : : Bsttionali=ty oul GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. 10 hoop the good ame and honor of srrryrrrrreves TrIYTTew \ fward, as there was plenty of grain {side the party had to rejoining the rs : ! } utitied to respect. u we 4 THE DISTRIBUTION WILL ONLY |jor seed in the province at the present | FOR A COSTUME SECURED IN| ranks SIBLE FORM, must doubt the good. taste of his ety i a -- " {father, who is a member of parla * "4 time. TR P-- BE AS A LOAN. i Ww B. Staples was of the same opin THE METROPOLIS, FRENCH WON OUT. | ment, pnd bas laid his complaint be- | p yl Matters That Interest Everybody | { ford the country. No speech, complaint St b 3 ion as to the situation in Manitoba The Banks Crowding the Residents [and thought the provincial authorities | One Was Convicted and the Other | A Splendid Victory Over Arabs in| Notes From All Over--Littls | Of feFuuination can put on one side] 4 ~Representatives to Visit [were in the best position to ascertain | Acquitted--The High Charac-| Moroced. of Everything Easily Read { the light character of a youth who, in id A yo ¢ what was required and to baudle de ter of Mrs. Cutter Testified t Tagier, Jan. 17.--News has reached d one of those loolish fits, so natural to 4 Ottawa--The Condition of the an , AE: Teach and Remembered. students, voluntarily exposed himself {tails of distribution are of an terri . UPS en . y z : Canadian Railways--Talkie | Mr: Mclntyre thought the arrange: | By Rev. Armstrong Black, D. g bd ee Sortun om hours engage [he 'people of Michigan are working { to suspicion. He took the silver ca Over the French Treaty. [ment was pecessary. aud Mr. Heron | london, Jan. 17.--~Mrs. Inez Dickey {tween a French column, under Gener : : From Our Own Correspondent. j=aid that no aid would be required in json. utter and Miss Margaret Moore al Damade, and a column commanded " of onan, killed I | the fonlents to others and kept tu Ottawa. Jan. 17--The necessity of {Southern Alberta, except perhaps in {Perkins, Toronto ladies, said to have | Mulai Rachid, a chief of Mulni Ha ru en on the Lrand article jor a time in his pocket, hax government action by the direction of | isolated cases. jleen Maver mpg pn # Jaryons break | fid's forces. The French gained a splen-! north of H B, tr an ; Xplosion gle ted to replace it supplying seed wheat to farmers in | After Cal. Samus! Hughes had ex I! Oo a, ore = har ge in the police | 5 victory in the fate of heavy odds | rh Plone Soh enora " - his Was 0 time when other students the west who have been unfortunate in j pressed sympathy, E. B. Osler, the To jEourt ye ta BY» with Mr ws Jorge | Twenty of the French soldiers were! hat the APR noE Ere prop lesying - Somplaimng to the commandant having thuir crops destroved 'by frost / ronto financie r, t i oh . pax oe a costume they had } Lo unded but many of the Arabs were this a ay i © government will of mote or fen serwus thelts, even of was introduced in the orders of the'|that it would be a mistake to lend jordered. Mrs. Cutter said she was ut | killed. The latter mot only offered algx HE Ape) Wave 10 lace a deficit of | money. li Col. Taylor had cloged his day, by Hon. Clifford Sifton. He was the money to the farmers direct. In {terly incapable of taking any part nL opged resistance. hut rd retaraed yi , : : : | eyes when youmy Lancaster was i permitted té do so as a matter of [Any cases the government would jmopay, sridnguments, ad had given repeatedly, to the battle alter. being | go ie town a Minas de Riotinto, in ported to him, he would have desers public urgency, although the order pa- [never be repaid : {Mis Polis fo tb gl atiorney routed and attacked the French from [pe 9, 1s threatghed with complete des Iu more than a reprimand; for he per indicated that the French treaty | Aiter other speakers had spoken on [Miss Perkins denied the charge, but three sides ruction, ground sinking above aban-| aloe is re ponsivle for the discipline was the business for the day Mr, | the subject, pe Olver shy that ie 3 itted ng gnomy 1 ao pou -- a | ed Copper mines, i the Jalloge and it is a school Wton sal . re lv returned [government had been considering the [irms mentione She declared she had | vy Agram, a town in Croatia Slavon where very thing is founded on rigwd if nip dud Tecentiy nT {subject for some time, In a few davs | een defrauded ont of £700 by a money | A FAMOUS AUTHOR lia, amused itself by throwing stones direipliny He found guilty a adc | od a couple of gentlemen - who ave [ropresontatives from Saskatchewan {lender Evidence regarding the tia | Hon & Permatent Place in Modern | 29 eggs at Baron Bapch, newly ap- | Caught ted-handed of gn indiscreet well informed as to the existing con- [8nd Alberta would be here, when 4 [fendant's high character was given by Lit + pointed Ban" by Hungary. | Joke, carried. to an extrem iterature, | The death is sannounced of Prince Later the minister of militia con g « Hack, former ditions. He was lead to believe that | definite statement would be made, { Rev, Dr. Armstrong Black, | a rly ' : : ; % 8 matters were $6 serious that govern A blue book was laid on the table of Foronto, and others. Miss Perkin Owen Wister, who wrote the now fa- | Edward F, 1. Zu lunhausen Und | ented with much delicacy ol feeling mot attention should be called to [by the minister-of railways, contain- [was found guilty and bound over un- 'mous novel, "The Virginian," was | Rayphausen, president of the Prussian | '0 remove alli evil: interpretations of them so that something could be done, [ing the second annual report of the {der the new prokationers' act Mrs [born in Philadelphia on July 14th {House of Lords. He was born in 1827. | the incident, by admitting that voung He desired it tb be understood that [statistical branch of the department, [Cutter was acquitted [1860, and was the son of Owen J The United States senate passed ga Lancaster bad no evil mtention and ¢ i " er {Wis He was educated at Concord y rena ' : the people in the west were not asking {organized a couple of years ago, un | Joint resolution reducing from $24, | We unreservedly agree to this But if for charity, but rather for Whig MURDER .IN FAR NORTH. TT 2 | 00 to $11,000,000 the war in | the minister has the undoubted privi which would enable them to meet the se | Ls g ; demnity of the United States from | 188% to enter into the intentioys of a difficulties ariding through an unusual rx : Trumper Charged With Killing hid China. student, the commandant has no suck #t of circumstances. Under present His Companion. | The Dominion government has told | ®¥ tended privileges. He has before him i | ronditions no help is to he expected We Gd : | Edmonton, Alta., Jan. i7.--Word | Japan that the repart of the Hin 1oMy the strict letter of the law iit Valley snd Up- 0 secure The name of God in their | from a comrades: room; this tribited gave it as his opinion TERR Ad Ame baba Tree eww wns rere," PITTI I TITS TTT TL me from the banks or the loan companies has been received from" Athabasca pe | Rodolphe Lemicux regardin 2 the. im | the house desires to blame him to day | and something should certainly be ¢ {Landing that Sergt. Anderson, of the a | migration fuestion is entirely satis {for having given judgment on the evi | done to relieve the sithation. It had ] i IR NWN P., has arrived there with a ) pr factory. > dence, which presented itself to his] been suggested that the provincial ot f x es *§ [prisoner named 'Irumper, who has | A United States cavalryman in | eves, of the discovery in the pocket of | governments should assume the re- ie: wx {been arrested at" Pauce Coupe Prairie, | y z {Cuba has been orn and | @pother man of an object which its | sponsibility of distributing and secur- | 3 % {north of Fort Macleod, charged with L found guilty of shooting off his right | OWner was looking for, there will be ing repayment of the money, which | ; ; pale Atha. murder of George W. Coleman : : { forefinger to secrtre his being mus tered [28 ond for ever of discipline in. the wight he advanced hy the federal gov- | . Lise: . i i {The men had been living together in out of the service, > | mi ilitary college of Kingston. What ernment. He did not know whether | gE a 2] la shack, and they had some words } » ; | The British sailing ship Hartfield, commandant. will apply well deserved this would be the correct courses to : 3 : » | Trumper claims that Coleman took | " Captain Sanderson, 1.815 tons h punishment if he is fairly certain that pursue, bat understood that the mat- | a {down a rifle from the wail and threat- | : been totally wracked and her re - | he will pay with the loss of his "head ? | ter would 'be discussed at an early : : i. ened to shioot him, and that he (the | ; eighteen lost, off Hoa he" Tew oH The proposals of Mr. Lancaster and| date, with representatives of the pro d X ? {accused jrushed and caught the rifle, | a | west coast of Vautonver ing the his friends in this case amoun} to al vincial governments, who are coming | BE k » # bi |at the same time hitting Coleman on J . 2 . William Gilmoug a prikter a Mo go-as-you-please'" decree, «16: is trge | " to Ottawa. In closing, Mr. Sifton J 3 | the head with a club; "knockiiig him | | treal, who, last aluner an -- 1 "| that the culprit occupied a prominent | a laid emphasis on the great loss to the 4 ; oo into the fireplace, where he leit the the deck of a steamer rid Jang a little | position in seciety, but that was ex.| 4 Cornwall and English ¢ gountry which would be entailed if J hh bibdy till the head and part of one i \ hoy who had fallen into. the sive has actly why the commandant put on 4 Blankets. These Rlankets ¥ several ty i ; i arm were badly burned. Trumper then 0 \ heén awarded, fram the Carnegie hero | OM S148" onsiderations, 'which wonld 3 are favorites in every house not seeded next spring. He estima + ; y went out and told some settlers about | : " V : fund, a silver medal .and $1.000 { have savared of favoritism. It is impos : hold where they are known. that under ord lireFy conditions the h tive miles distant that he had killed | X eA E. D. Seott. cashier IW g v {sible that a gov erument, responsible] 4 Blankets that are absolutely loss would be equal to the destruction | . {the man in soll-defence. Later evi- afl 8 hoesen, 'book-keete , a > or {tar all the institutions under ity con | 4 sanitary, which cannot be ot | from ten tosfifteen milliops of cap j Jemce, however, made suspici ie, point Bank, 1 rk NY oF oapie's sol should consent to allow A in | : said of all makes. Blankets ital. i ; to trumper, and he was arrested, and | rested on four charges ir oti troduction of anarchy that are soft and warm Hr lake followed and pointed ini COL. SAMUEL HUGHES, is being brought to police headguar- [x and graduated from Harvard | with the bank's ie " ge an Col. Hughes talked like a dema- | 4 Without being heavy. Easily Hat ju oftale ites frost had + while | ters at Fort Saskatchewan. University in 1585. He studied law, | held in 84.000 bail each. ; {gogue, in reply to Col. Talbot's ques + washed and borders guar- ie + A , (der the leadership of J. Lambert ! a ta--------. jand was admitted to the bar in Active preparations are > , (tion, "Would Col. Hughes approve of | 4 anteed fast colors, The un- frosted wheat would grow if the 33 Fhis in the second report and A RAILWAY DISASTER. { Philadelphia, in 1889; He went in to by the do urayqus. hr [cadets going to the commandant and | 4 usual mild winter has _left 3 ia" Payne. er conditions after seeding were a opal Pod k 4.1 : r . pb : ar, ¥ ath ble it wold: not be.w wise contains considerable indermation . + literature professionally «-in=1881, but [the exhibitions tobe held this year--{ tC Hi thal he Wiis-neting ike a 4 Us with'a heavy stock. hence avarable, i jeoward ? He gravel replied "Cer. | the reduction of 28 1 } x iv ¥ i he 6 ¢ - $ . Fy ive polity to plant: any more of it than | {which was not given in the fivst state Electric Car Falls Over Trestle !! Was not until nine years later that [the Franco-British at 'London and a : 25 per cent. cond be helped "He reminded .. [ment issued. } be brought. out "Ihe Virginian," and | Seottish National at Edinburgh A [tainly "wo military code can force a to clear before inventorye 3 ie mileage of double tre as Near Paris. {soldier officer or sadet. to. consent Oliver that he had, on December /161N, The mileage of double track wa i wurde ; : i 25 Per Cent Off . . became entitled (6 a permanent place | very complete exhibit of Canadian ! increased during the year from 743 to | Brantford, Jan. 16.--A Grand Valley lin mode rn Hterature, He has written | dueis will be made - eet he $2.00 BLANKETS, 81.50 $2.50 BLANKETS, $1.87 Sawn the. attntion of govern y a 1-067. With double tracks, sidings and railway electric car dropped twenty many volumes and many magazine ar places. abominable What is the criterion oi ' yards 'added, the total of all tracks [feet over a trestle bridge near Paris ticles, and even dabbled slightly in A loading: conservative owardice Are subordinates } $3.00 BLANKETS, $2.25. $3 50 BLANKETS, 82.62 minister would be able to lay felons the house the results of the investira- laid on steel rails. The number of |hurdt, of Brantford, was seriously in = ---- | government of Cuba t $4.00 BLANKETS, $3.00. $4.50 BLANKETS, 83 37 tions which he had promised then to make, - He hoped that in any scheme miles | af tually under construction was |iured and seven or sight passengers o , pe, saving that the question is ry 34.50 BLANKETS, $3.3 25 Per Cent off that might be adopted there would be : erred. a mi | subtainee sainft ists The i we rho Su etiolated | Jwsiod, site, rubs Th "or| MADE MANY BEQuests, line he mets nn Dr. Cash said that in his distric o not include tines projected and not While the motorman was eating Thousands of Dollars Were Dis- | S008 g them to judgment for it ? If we "are THE HOUSEWIFE'S OP- PORTUNITY. ALL SALES FOR CASH. under contract Innch Conductor - Beacon took charge g STEACY'S. to a cowardly act Ihe theory + * + » * * : ' > ' ' ' ¥ ' r + * v + 0 et nid i g aper in in the dominion amounted to 27,611 [Conductor Beacon, of Brantiord, may | verses for magazine publications, His | Havana objects to th tt Pol fo ; : C ? 1g " 1 i £ 2 ei 0 Te mi mg » «o miles, of which all but ninety-five were {die from his" injuries. Motorman Long home is in Philadelphia another year the hand ; Rt he h - 1 a 1e hanadmg over of the to be put in judgment over chiefs ? ly there any proof that cadets sympathized with young 0 Its own peo- | cugter ? And if it entered heads to say that thé minister | committed a cowardly act in disav personal relations between i ing the commandant, who could bring Cuba and President Roosevelt, ae : : posed of. } DAILY MEMORANDA. | Divided by -provinces, the railway {on .the grade leading to the trestle! - -------------- going to recognize such a freedom of | ) {oNapane¢, Jan. 17.--0On Wednesday J | Good Furs imileage in the dominion is as fol- [bridge a slippery rail made running Janvary 15th: Rufus A ad TO PLAY IN GANANOQUE, criticism, it must be allowed to act { Fr r Fer rr Seve ou Tittle Bros'. clearing sale. lows ; difficult, and three different attempts both wavs, It is short an appeal i Ontario y waar wh 08H -- had to he ade Fhe third time in Civie Finance Comanitter; 8 pom. i backs itl ly" lof . [vd i Quebec 2 : "on FR wmeking up, one of the wheely left the : - 14th Band at Royal Rink Friday! K 1 : 8 n Hluess of several + . = } might I Manitoba SAE an 3,071.46 [rails and the car was thrownlaver the | #11F Fin illuess of several years De- | a Drive. : onlleriacd. Theatre, "siternoon wad | Saskatohonan : 2 | wigle to the ground The 'passengers Senate was engaged in the grocery rananoque, lan. 16. At the us acter and well-known qualitios of © & i evening. | British Columbia : 6 [were taken out through the windows. | Pusiness or a number of vears; but | meeting of Gananoque Council, No soldier. No one has the | MARRIED HorkeX hie evening ;~Queen's. IL. vs New Brunswick . - r | The motorman and condnetor were [O08 10 ill-health had to give up | 182, C.O.C.F., in their hall in Kenny ) Whe the ligh Lo "LLIN A ol Napunee's most respected citizens | The School Children Had a Merry |'0 MO! ! } jbdaddidasddddaddiiiaisd passed. away, aged sixty-five years 4 1 4 4 1 + 4 ' 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 i commandant of the R.M.( a 1 gushed man, who has the char- bd him an inj OO R.M he P Piet "Tee Tn | Nova Scotia 0.47 assisted to the home of Mr. Foulds Busine #8. The funeral will take place | & Coc heili block, » officers were i ess Pictures Shei , y a» residence Job Stres uly st Yity The Sweden. "Her e First Biko| Alberta . as ee 323.02 = | Conductor Beacoy had his leg broken | 'f€ "E iis Int r ack nes fohy Sr | Salt F Justalied fox J cument vu Ride! and "The Simple Minded Peas- Prince Edward Island ' rand his sk oll fractured oF de ay, at < pm, i 4 0 Frontenaes of Kingston will cross ant" Sone, "Southern Girl: Good | yop : i --- cemetery vault.- sticks with the Star Ha helor aggre-1i... oi the house into the cor Vaudeville. " . : : : ! The funer i the late lex: or | gata » s d h # . yt a he aon 'Theatro--J ohn Robert Davis The total earnings from operation cuT mw OCEAN RATES Willi : a al ol i Es ' a ander gals ton Saturday evening next an honest servant of the t : Jra e } } s to slace iro ¢ residence o James (Ce arden sive ; tate of the "Pill-Pad-Poull" Compeny | for the vear were £146,738 214.68 of . iid foi VL Ol] ames Lowan, Garden street, ar-iiuipments of ( el. Hughes and of aod Miss Vera V den. in Hiustrated | poo of R,07¢ 21 came from freight | Steamship War on Atlantic Caus. Dis father-in-law aps anAlstine, | rested a short time ago charged with others* who pretend to represent Songs. An extra ame at each perfor | ice. $45.790.652 20 i = . ales Centre street, yesterday afternoon. The | stealing a quantity ol brass axle nus i ance, before 5.8 wl after 10 nm. | Service, 45,730,652 rom pas-| ing Big Reductions. remains were take to the Western | and £ i i Piotures : "'Ninottr "ta Artist's Model." Igenger sepvice and $5,.2690.483.08 from | The stanmship war on the Atlantic : ' i ane mactunery = for cutting leather { cemetery vault Ihe funeral was large | washers, for axles, on December » 3 » »5t fel. , : and "A Oabman st i flow other sources, This represented an is causing big Fedustione in rates, es- |, i nded y ifftonde wetext of a famuly afi hamentary immunity behind pthey hide does not justify the intrus griefls of a father nat rally to uphold his son, have last. had i bef h th iThey talk of an injurv. Let them | increase of $21 415,349.65 or 17.00 per | pec. ially on the C.P.R. lines Fhe of- | Si» 8G a heariyg belore the county [for one: only after that will the -- w-------- -- e-- . : «1 James Russell left, vesterday, for e's imine . hr | WHIG TELEFHONES {cenit aver 1906, The operating expens- | fice in Kingston has received / word of Re el : Sruay, of jus riminal court this week at!auihorized to formulate an accusation ROBERT J. REID, 24il~Business Office | ng f J © a 'New York, to w days with | Brockville, and plgading guilty th ; 229--Bditorial Rooms {#8 amounted to $103,748,672.67, an the following cuts on C.P.R. hoats : his wo sons. hide ilove. Mr -- > . P ¢ ) ee 3 1! The pretence that the victim of the The Leading Undertaker. ho, A }s a ato . . i i Qp as tw 8¢ ' ' » case was adjourne nti uesday next! inke dic NG a omblaint AB 3 5 292-~labibing Department. janbnse, Over 1906 of 816,619,242 78} Second cabin passage, from Liand Mes. J. oung, Centre street, | to allow further enquiry to be made joke. did not make a co pla) , Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. or 19.07 per cent. The proportion { John to Liverpool, on the Empresses, were at-home 10. a Iafye number of i The 1 sleigl A 0. made. | pears extraordinary from the mouth The Daily Whig is always ou sale ot pperating expenses to sarnings was | £33.75. against the ordinary fare of hoit mars § so Wednesday | JAanual sleigh ride of the pupils! of 4a member HH there is anvthing Gliman's Sheu Store, Markos Square 0.70 per cent | $42. 50. Same céabin on 'other boats Of leven marron (Hetuls. on efhescay {of the Misses ( arpeuter and MeCam- | oq, red 1) . ra . } . 3 "rey loges sitios 3 [9a net earnings of the year werelth $31.95 inst $37.50, {Ccning. Mes. M, 0. Fraser and three | mon's classes in the King street-sohool| ir scmbinat onde, md ants or rin ---- -- rnin | We net earnings o he vear were the company, 25, against i {little daughters expect to leave for | was held after the 'close of school this x ombing y ny # ol . Open till late oath evening. | 30.000, HT3). oo compnred with $08. {Steerage on Empresses,. $17.50, against k Wawanesa, M dent who denouns ior in E, & : % v. Of their home, at a ¢ ab Ob | afternoon. A large pumber participat- puthorities 'woald be covered w ith, | 198,430.54. for 1906. The total earnings | $28.75. On other boats, £16.25, against [yp day next, after a couple of months' | od and from the amount of Mughter ? 3 6 | were equal to 8 6.53561 per mile of $27.50 formerly, The other hig tines | it with Fr parents, Mr. and Mrs and noise they. must have rojoyed dishonor. F Vidently it was ti BAKING POWDER oya railway and the operating expenses to! are meeting the cuts and it is stated! A Graham | themselves thorough y appearance of the object whic bh Crea $4,620.00... | that the war arose through the C.P.R4-¢ harles Fisher has purchased the | Abbott. ght. ted for the moment a certain feet n Ci 3 { Harry an old Gananoque In the: 'evening an almost empt 0 bo deferential | . Contre Stree MUAROGUE: It would not have been called in 15 nt y n wt ply demanding for its ats a erential home of A W. Caton. Centre street, | boy, who has been located for some question. unless all wi apc o or i Quarter Ib. Tins, 15 Cents : '9 h | i house resumed an uninteresting debate! rate, as its steamers were not as large | {apd will take possession in, March i : e arn 4 | years Wion o 0 \ oy f1 i . Doulton {on the French treaty... , {and speedy as the Lusitania and | pext. The late Gideon Milligan who | creator part of Be Mau. Span te comrade had beet absent. In fact if Half 1b. Tins, 25 Cents. : y i -- | Mauretania. The Cunard line, so it \djed at Vernon, B.C., recently, left the | tives in. town. Mr. and Mrs Wiliria | anyone among them had been sus 1 1b. Tins. 45 Cents Wo are opening a vew 10t & J}! Getting Into Monopoly's Hands. [is claimed, would not agree to this, [following bequests : To his brother, | | Bulloch spent some time during the| Preu™ the others could have disco: i ! these goods. Something you have t land thus the war. James, $12,000, to Robert Milligan, ast fow d ered the thing in private but wo G d P neYer seen wefore, "wl RLY, on, oo ng 1 T. Tioning, travelling passenger $5,000. to a sister in Oswego, 55.000, gros qe Habel ington. son. Bd inot have drawn the attention of the uaraniee ure 2 Wunindet Sond, 2. oldlashinned, day, resolution was passed express: agent for the C.P.R. steamship line. 10 "John W. Milligan's two daughters monton, Alta., are aol . me; authorities to it. Alter the first sue dnd best of all. ing regret that the trade of the Cen {has been in Kingston the past fow | Flossie and Laura, 81.900 cach: Mrs ithe in town the ete of Ne - 4 | Picion the young Cadet Wanklyn could] Get a tin and try their Linerick, id | rence he A. B. Schryner, Chambers, $1000. {tral Meat Market was srradually got- (days in role to the cut in the 3 j Me= G. N. Asselstine, Princess sire a £ " {ting into the hands of the American [Totes [Mre. «Hamilton: "Loucks, Napanee | goo og og 00 Mr i Mrs. | plaining of another student J Redd & C VE - pring pr {81.000. He was supposed to be worth | \ 3 a ane The New York papers indeed report | ds, ch 0, me dm pba o a i no longer entertain the idea of com ment trust to the tint of the | She - ae an) George Cash, South street, who has! consumers, and calling on the carpor-. | Another Sulcide. Po 000. 'ane i | been spending the past few weeks with | the story of a pupil who had brought | --g. { Fine Or i As » " her sis porters o ine ooeries. ation, as the market authorities, to : 4 in } dl Miss Woodie Kent ia visiting kis {pends in "(Mtawn, has retusned home, before the grand jury of the county Washington. P.L., Jan. 17 ~The y Mrs. A. Mclellan, at Lindsay. for Anes By of Muskingium, Ohio. an 'action for sateyuant the intercsts of consumers; | A ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon, left to- of Lieut. John W. Crawford, PHvAte || foe weeks: Shewill- visit friends'in | © = for Burlington, Vt., whee Mr. | assault committed ' at. the collage of | Lowney's Chorolates Fresh To-Dav The resolution was referred -to the | - secre 10 Admiral Dewey, was found | a : x a " ! ROBERTSON BROS. {inanen.. commitice for investigation, [yo flo Admiral on by 44 rio aan Taranto" before eturning Gretna, Inst | Dillon has accepted a situation and New Concord. His return to chapel ly fancy boxes. Fdwards & Jenkin, | The tea meeting & reins, will reside there for the future Iwas greeted with hoots, and doubt. | Stl o---------- md their recommendation. It has » £ side fomac. appeared | 8 os . - been alleged for some time past that joe No: Patomen. He disap note Tuesday Seeuing, tad BT. fac] a Hess his place there will be rendered! A settlement of the sait for $40, { The proceeds amo o Food Or Work The Cry. j untenable. Complain by all means of 00 damages for hel, brought by the price of ail beef in England whe 4 it f od drt t ond ' 5 ¢ x o a friend that he was driven to | beyond the expectations of the eon- i Seattle. Wn. dan. 17.---At a conven. [a0 employes wha doss nat do his Adolph. 8. Obs noel New York dietated hy the Chicago packers, w : Rare Snance refised further supplies to retuflers | his life by finaisial troultles, + jgregntion Xo pe orchisn an. | tion of delegates from labor unions it | duty, but do not desouues hid be fines against Wiliam RK. Beasst and attempting to cul rates. { Campbell Bras* Sai { ei "tr he. mnie {was decided. Just pight, that a. mon. | C80% he has done it. UW young Lan the New Sork American, hus been : : mp ros'. Far ale. jis ot jeter demonstration be held on Moy { caster had suflared an injury that had reached. Hearsd and Nrishane ators, Held Him For Trial wi] Is proving a big success. : {day to enforce the demands of the [#0 been altered there would have Me Ochs™ statement that be is the Londo, Jan. 17. Carl Ludwig Von | .. Mistaken For Deer. {unemployed for work or food --#nd Hosen cause for complaint But the controlling owsier of the Times, and charged with attempting to | Chocolates Second To None. Dauphin, Man., Jan. 17. ~-John Wil isheiter. Ton thousand men will as. | contrary is the case. All is explained withdrew all imputstions against this Joel,» Sapitafist, out Bilwards & & detikin, : | rahe and march {fo the Citv hall, Jand reparation bar been sade. The charactor. . ol ------ Sa chi i ore they propose to camp ontiithe | strictness of the commandast was) The steel plant at Sault Sts. Marie : g took Williams | Le yon takes favorable action. | caused ony * Shramgh the ye hos been shat down, owing to short- mainte cretion of the students. iter lage of pig iron. Repairs . a i St of Bain ae eee ls be oni forse of hands a4 fo oil Yop a