Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1908, p. 8

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Vo RYE EE RR SRN New yy ray in a PAGE EIGHT ; ; THE DAILY [BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1908. THES P.M.EDITION vores sce Ait | Jot in. Robert Davis Makes a oT " im Kingston. f - Sl "roe Nour Jobn Robert Davie, late of B, ( Fe iia 4 CPE Pali-Poulf.. company, rh: : nd successor to Edgar Alcock Rush, | aad bis frst appearance at the Bi-| HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY | 3 Tost nights Tp red he cr} HELD ANNUAL MEETING. | yesterday, too late for adequate * re | hear=al, despite which bis performance! such as to arouse the greatest » | was Annual Show Will Be Held in the admiration among his bearers. Nr.| | Month of September--.he 'Davis has a rich, vibrant baritone, . Officers Elected For the Year. 'which will be heard to advantage to. That the Kingston Horticultural | day ~and Saturday, in the splendid y is in a most flourishing con-| ballad "Good-Bye Sweetheart," while! - 4 dition, and that increased intgrest is Yin Vera Holden will sing "Dolly's = being shown ic the work, was amply Farewell. Both songs will be sung, | manifested a the annual meeting, lat each performance, except betwéen | ' | which was held in the committee 7 and 10 pn. when. the siogers will Will be the last of the 4 SPECIAL SALE 'DAYS, and we have some x Hall, Thursday | unite in one song, room at the Uily on ; evening. The chair was occupied by! The pictures for to-day and Satur | particularly good things to offer, so come early, AND { the first vice-president, R. E. Kent, day are the pathetic drama, 'Ninette, | and the following directors were pre-| the Artist's Model," and "Dolly's Fare- § Y sent: W. H. Macnee, J. N. Watts, B. well ards WW. Robertson, Dr. Beil, YV.¥., S. \. safes . C 5 | Watts, W. 3. McNeil, W. H. Phillivs,| THE LATE PATRICK CONROY.| . Pillow ottons dames Crawiord, James Daly, Thomas -- : | Engle d, 8 > Newton, R. J. Baiden, Drove a Horse When 100 Yea's| 44 inches wide. | seorge Nicol, J. Friendship, and sce | 01d. i r WOr ' retary-trensurer. A. ¥. Molen, | "ne | Regularly worth 18¢ yard. Toronto News in noting the | v ting In open: th meeting, Mr. Kent leath ¢ Wolf jd rath on Wolle Island of the late P relerred in fopling terms ta. the late | ick Conroy. aed 108 years, save Yours Tomorrow, 19146 Yard. { J ¥. 3 years, © | Mr. Oldviove, who was president of "Eventually "he hecaine a cabwan. t ; a f the society, nnd it had sustained a: being probably one of the first of that | | severe loss through his death, as Mr. vocation -in Kingston, He Pontinued | | Uldrieve was a hard worker, liad al to drive a cab until well advanced in | ways the interests of the association {vears. He was of large stature and | en' 'S ite ou | at heart, and did much to bring the jan shaven. Half a century ago he | society up to Hs present standenl: had.a leg broken, and the limb never \ report 'was presented by: the wee: | siraightened, but this did not: afiect { retary-treasurer, and it proved a1 him. : | ® " | most encouraging one. The tntal re-| Fhe h 3 fine | g . ta he tate Mr. Conroy was a fine 0 A Pr | ite amid to $544.97, nd toe apt Comox wae 0 el Yeoypyps To~morrow 35c¢ Eac 4 | disbursements $476.15, leaving a bal the late Michael Convoy, acquired a ance on hand of $65.82, Good size and weight. Usually sold at 50c each. . . great liking for horses, of which at} Fhe election oi officers resulted as different times he owned several that | . i followas - © . were well known on distriet race | { Honorary Presidents Hon. William | {racks The old gentleman kept a Harty, M.P., Edw. J. B. Pense, M.P | favorite horse uritil it died of old age P., Dr. E. Ryan, Dr. J. M, Platt, 8.1 He wouldn't part with it, and had it N. Watts, {carefully tended, When Mr: Conroy President-R. E. Kent. {was nearly one hundred vears old he | First Vice-President--1,. W. Robert was known to hitch a horse to a on. ulky and po off for a drive." Second Vice Président-W. H. Mae] ren A * ) net . | Sons Of England Concert. | . y hird Vice-President--R. J. Baiden. | A very successful concert was held | Fourth Vice-President--W. J. M on Thursday night, © in the Sons of 4 . | Neil, k Yk | Fngland hall, hy the members and] . Directors--Dr. A, P. Chown, Thom-| their friends. . The chairman was T.! Dal Eogland, Suarite Nigol, James} A Wright Character songs "were | 600 LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS i i "dso . © RW | ord ry Wo Rha » op ' . . . 1 Y oy In Bi or } on, Samos { EO gives hy ¥ Shea an 3 H of Hie. 36 inches long by 20 inches wide, with hemmed ends. These are worth : . Bd a . By: 1 Soles by RATS, arker, Shea, jr., oy gp spre nT thael F. Flannigan, M. H, Philips. | Flowers, Davidson, Hagan, Lemmon, | 18¢ each or $2.00 per dozan. Yours To-morrow 12'¢ Each. = : EE Messrs. KE. A. Guild and 0. V. Bar: Leach and the Misses Harrison and] " am - . els were reelected auditors, and al Qeanshury, Duetts by Messrs. Davis vote of thanks was tendered them for and Leach and the two little Browns.| J " their services rendered during the Quartette by Misses Davis, Leach, Par-| 3 20 " ve CHILDREN'S WARM GLOVES year. ke 1 Alton. Iris) logue by | : It was decided to hold the annual Bon aint taGhG ¥ Gor | # A 1 eolors, 25¢ quality. To-morro 15c Pair. { 5 J 't exhibition in September, the date to! don, J. H Parker and Miss Elliott: | Nearl O er he fixed be the peetors later i ad | Piano soloists and accompanist. James | \ . LADIES' KNITTED GLOVES . A. mesting o he directors was held AOI ak Mies 1 ik Dal : . . at the tase of the ann Srrtios | Thompson, Miss Elliott and Miss Da-| Ny Of good quality, 25¢ and 30¢ makes. . "hina snl commition oman Rel vis, Banio solos hy W. Martinello { Yours To To-morrow 18¢ Pair. ! ; Fhe envores were frequent and hearty | Messrs. George Nichol, W. H. Macnee. | bio ohont™ the whole of the pre | me st ett rt erie James Crawford, and J. N. Watts, ! ments he made have , | gramme During the evening J. H.| was Sppointed to. ses What wit | Parker spoke hriefly on the aims and | 1 ,000 Yards Striped ed Flannelette A objeets of the RBociety of tne Dang school children grow flowers for the | a eo nugh- next annual show in September. 1] 5 wig Maide ahiingiuns, Rh Bea SHIRTING. Good weight and width and very pretty i of ic s o 8 " . . ' y was also suggested that prizes be giv-| yo 0 i designs, a quality usually sold at 12le yard. en for writing by the children. I'he! gt . n 9 Y. d question of advisability of having a { Y ur W department. for ladies' 'work, was also I a The Cadet Case. hadi 0 Ss To-morro C ar . + = woenrrent and undoubted { discussed | The directors re-elected A, W, Me. {Correct report that the minister of I Youn. us secretary tronsurer. isk {militia has declared the Lancaster in- | . } Sabian . 4 ident closed se i 8 he gover Tl are o | In the election of S. N. 'Watts Iniclen BE RE vw. govern | ese goods are all new and up-to-date. n_the election o alls, AS AN, ir voncered { t i g : : be np-io ate Ee member, it is of interest to Teen! afi pr . at it isnot clos | # ed, so iar a he public N dl, : s concerned Have been handled and shown as samples, but hale, that he has: been-a-direstor of} a jax will Iu arned latin J the society for 47 years Charles It is al tated } tl tv | ---- be -- . | George, gardener, Bath road, is the a Bl ap a goa AUthority are in No. 1 condition, and are the only other person 'now living = whe hat when Col. Tavlor, Papa Lancas- | MORE "INSANITY EVIDENCE.' F f te on. R Jorden (leade d | who was a director with Mr. Watts in le " a De cit L. Borden (leader) and ---- the vear 1861. age ancaster were in conference Sent Evelyn 84 Pounds of Beef ith the minister of militi. at Otta | When She Was Ill Greatest Bargains in Furs Ever Offered | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | lilo (he sul or the abil. |, No Yorke Jan. 16. Morw evidence SALE. F Spumentins in Kingston, | fing period of tén minutes, and it was | ! | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By| } ids Ro Foam - the defendant was offered & . . Our B & jot a mi torm eith: th Yof H K. 1 Horse Blankets at the biggest r Busy Reporters. -------------------- w trial of arry haw. to 8 t $ ) Canon Grout has gone. west to ivith Begging On The Street. the most impressive witness being Ab. | reduction ever seen in Kingston |g OC {a sister, who is very ill, I A good deal of complaint: has heen | raham R. Beck, an uncle of former as We don't want to 'carry any over, | Limburger cheese and Frankfurt sau-i{ ade about small bovs w a loiter SiStant Attorney General James M' | gnd must dispose of them. Won't |g : . { ut § Hend rocery ! : M. Beck. The elder Mr. Beck taught Are gpod time keepers an § "ayes, hi Jvplersang grocery, around the- theatres each evening and oh ck £ fis, a AUGLL a 1ast long at the price. 8 will prove their, lasting | Br. R. 5. Minnes, who has been | hog money from passersby for ad select school of fifteen boys in Penn : pur- | . ' p ualities in years after | seriously ill with pneumonia, is re-|S res. "Please give sylvania in 1881 and 1852, and young $2.50 Kersey Stay-on, $1.85 jo Sua 8 years a exam { . thaw was one of his pupils. Mr. B gore i covering. me a nickel," is a plea - that one x Pup, Jet 3 Blue Stay-on, $2.35, John McKay The Bishop of Ontario and Dean! gfien © meots with Cn oe iog ala described Thaw as a boy of ungovern $ i § Clocks for the parlor. \ i ¥ i 0] < J 3 res Farthing left this afternoon for Brock- and some of the youngsters are not ok temper. 'He produced a letter from: $1.50 Jute Lind, for $1.10 Clocks for the dining room. < ville, to take part in the brotherhood : " 8 . - 1 : ! » at all complimentary in their remarks) 1 ' . 5 rin gl y 9 B il {said in it that she feared Harry's, Also Halters, Circingles, Whips Clocks for the library convention. : BC y I= Ir y s : to people who do not see fit to help I and Rugs, at lowest possible Li H oOouLIse Miss Nellie Hanley, Wellington | them out in their financial difficulty. | Hind was unbalanced, he was so dif price. Clocks for the kitchen » e ldre street, returned, to-day, from Brock- | Some few months ago similar com} rent from her other four children ville, where she spent three weeks, the | plaint was made about the lads beg-! Yue, of Mr. Thaw's Seven! miei lise Ww i h 11 ; Pood Aur Croke. guest of Pr. and Mrs. Moher. . Ring on: the street, but it is stated) which it is said soon will be testified ® A. Mite e ' Fully warranted and soid Charles Diamond, confined to' the | that now the nuisance is far greater to, was 'the sending of eighty four | Hard war at cost prices. Hotel Dien for some time, owing to in { than before. | pounds of beef to Evelyn Nesbit ont ardware " juries received in a cab aceident, 39] { morning when she was ill. The attor mproving daily and will be around ! | weys have the receipts for the meat. again shortly haw, mother of the William Thaw, the mother, who | Chalmers Club Annual Meeting. | 4 . William N { vening, i <q i . The are 452 public schools in the |B Leo Sengleton, cover point on the Jost v Fung, at Ch Simmer sharch, | defendant, is now in New York. It i i f New York whi y have 637,337 | 8 pangen r Yeantenae - Business. College. hovhey the anual meet oh ( ha me ih oung | expected that she will be ealled as a p il . 56 of ti schools. ii . by en's ub was Mc he followin sabia . rover POPES, and in okr @ ese SC00IS, in 2 0 . team, lost his overcoat at the game a ne ted fo The TE witness: this afternoon or tosgorrow. (ab 0 0 re about 150,000 pupils, | @ Watclunaker and Jeweler, ¥ the Royal rink last evenin : ; fo | there : al daily i n i played on. the Y % | orary president, Rev. M. MacGillivray, | -- {there is a rigid personal daily inspe z King St. To garment, wax likely taken in ie D.D.; president, Ross M. McRae; first | HER BODY F( FOUND. | tion by a corps of 120 doctors and 47 | 2 . i : vive-president, H. Dick; second viee-pre g --. nurses. , | @ Issuer of Marriage ay | John MeMullin, a resident of Brew- | ! EE Sule of three-inch silk ribbon » er's Hills, passer' away at the Hotelfsident. HB. Rewton; stesvtary," 8. Cor. Had Jumped : Or Bean Thrown FS05 LIC-nee siLnyen. C9018 Licenses. a b . p po Pas i ¥ Liv sto 's * " Dieu, on Thursday morning, after apnett; treasurer, W. Smith. | From a Window. Wine, pisk, procs and white, New n YY y lingering illness. The deceased, sixty this orghnization J J8 only a year old! Now York, Jon. "The body of [pens Tha! : : \ we years old, has been a resident of {it has proved a sigeess and the com- | [Mps. Sears, said %o be a well-known See Waggoner s' $i6 suitings, S¢ rrr ¥ vy nnual Janu » - Brewer's Mills since his youth and was! ing yrar promises to be even more (uety woman, of Boston, and for Fowl . ary. ei E well known in the city. Mr: McMul- [30+ The club has the honor to nag. twelve days-past a guest at the St | 1 " lin was married and leaves one sis. | ber among its members Mayor Ross, | Regis hotel, was found on the roof of | Custom Clothi p ter, Mrs, Daley, Charles street, to] ------------ ia four storey building adjoining the | ng mourn his loss. The Taneral wps held | Oranges, Oranges. {hotel, carly to-day. "The woman had | Secesssccssecssssccscsarseccsscsresrssessens dh Friday morning to Brewer's Mills,| Mexicans, Florida and Navels. Low [either jumped or fallen or been thrown ii Saturday Bargains where ihe'remains were laid in the prices for Saturday, R., H. Tove, {from the window of her room some vanht {King street, {time during the night. SUITS TO ORDER S16, $18, $20 Winter Overcoats 20% Off All Our Regular Stock. 20 Per Cent, Off Regular (Rubbers and Slater Shoes excepted) Prices ol Pest of Linings and Trimmings *. Empress , 'orothy Dodd Shoes, for Ladies and all our Fine Stork of Men's and Boys Boots. used, and First-Class Work Guar- anteed.. 30 Pairs ladies' Fine Strap Slippers, regular $1.50 NOW $1 'Sales for Cash 30 Pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Patent and Gun Metal 6 11 Orders Promptly Executed. All Or omptiy Blucher Shoes, regular $3. NOW +. --..-... ~4- $2.25 1» ® 3 : Livingston S. AND 15 TABLES FULL OF OTHERS. PS.--Get a Trunk or Valise Now, Yon Can Save 20 Per Lr rrrrrererssrscovyrierryy Y Kingston Old Boys, | William Hale, Johnston street, is] Who The Lady Was, Toronto Mail i recovering slowly from a severe ac! Boston, Jan. 17. Mrs. Herbert NM A roushig annual meeting of the | cident which be suffered in Gananoque | Sears, who, to- day, made a fatal lea) Kingston Old Boys' Association was [a few days ago. His left knee was | from an hotel window in New York. A held, last night. in the Dominion Busi- | knocked out of joint. : | was the wife of a"prominent broker of poss College, G. W, Caden presiding. Dr. George . McKinley, New rk this city. Mr. Sears is the beother of | {The proposition that the associgtion feity, is visiting his brother, N {Richard D. Sears, former national | enter the Federal Old Bovs' Assecia- i McKinley, Queen's, for a couple | {tennis champion. Friends here «ay tion of Toronto, was adopted unani: days, : A Mrs. Senrs had bea suffering for mona, I. was decided to entertain | Clarence W. Helms, St, Catharines, some time from melancholia. Mra E. J. B. Pense, MPP, at an early lis in the city on business. {Sears was Miss Caroline Bartlett, | oe The trea 's report showed - {daughter of Francis Bartlett, an em the organization to enjoy a good rest 1 ; {inent lawyer of this city fund. The following officers were i} ¢ | -- elocted for the easaing year : Honor 3 & A Terrible Report. ary presidents. Col. Sir I. M. Pel ; A wire 16 Mr. Hume. of the stock lait, Hon.-lastics B. M. Britton; presi- a i " -Lofice, Clarence street, today, reported dent, G. W. Gaden; first vige-presi-' ay FA Plug {that the United States bat theship. dent, George B. 8. Sweetnam: second) . | Massachusetts had heen blown ap, and vioe-president, W. D. YeRac: secretary. fit in claiiod that it wis hot the re R. Marshall: treasurer, George B. Me s = a sult of an accident. - Ray: exButive committer, the ha : . ' HE officers and James Williamson, James x RJ. MeClelland. of tha city he Camphell, H. Clazton, A. Darragh, R. BY . Bas been poid- $127.50 by hE hall A Main, B. Van Wi ; mwditors, W, . council for his sérvices in connection pets po Wiseoek "and H. Claxton. : , Ly with cement walke in that town. be Joockett & a ' , Je. 5% -. Sh si 3 . : ¢ thei ' Mes : : : 3 ig ¥ Ae SWE GRA SR FLL 2A EL GO0000 20000 ORRYOGRRORIOENTS Cent. ng SSB eset Sos sseat Ise TRESS, Bees TTTTVITVTTIVITIV IY reT ey Baasaarcesccnsi > |

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