Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1908, p. 9

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f sECOND SECTION, tish - PAGES 9 TO M4 Whiy YEAR 75. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATU RDAY, Zz JANUARY 18, 1908. _-- SCENES OF INDIAN MUTINY AND GUESTS AT BANQUET Today The astonished The remnant of that Which cleansed our East Rudya Wross ¢ With steel rd Kipling It was a noble of btave army which saved India for England: which assembled at the Al bert Hall on Christmas eve (to com migmorate the jubilee of the outing u fathering that was stirredlao jis dept] hve by: Lewis Waller us in thrilling accents the verse written for the ocension by Kipling, entitled "1857.1007 ening lines of which above. About 700 survivors of that cdmpaign, «all wearing their tolling of great decds done, came from all parts of the country to attemd the Jubilee dinner generousiv provided by he proprivtors of the Dai ly Telegraph. ¥ fame from places as remote as 1 Le in the Outer a lubrivies, and from) ------nirelana . Three hundred! Surv w ho. bociuse of age and infirmity or distance from Eng land, were unable to be présent, all, consoled with » Christmas per, From early morning they had assembling. At almost any of the ureat railway Wrmint were to be 'seen long before noon, a little ggroup of med all Wearing a light blue rosette and many of them a row of medal imprerfect]y conceded by a black coat I seomied to be a point among. them to wear. a black Searcely more than a thousand known to' remain of the were awarded the Mutiny 1887, and' to all of thes an ibvitation by the remnant the he recited wally Rudyard the Spe op are guoted famous medals were ham of honor cont are | who medal of ] men wax extended | proprietors : vn Were tbe Re 270 Sich we Aol yung -s Luckmow Sle / Tord miére (Olmge, (Gwapore VICETOV D organized at the umber giment Albert H Vy half r represent t | of hilt years ago vod the hamper has been Before up in Hyde Memorial, and Earl Roberts wa with come to all ' hristma ent the Ko just by their the veterans lined the Albert wispection by ¢ not the east this great mtetior of the hall lively and interesting Earl Roberts took his seat at the head ol the prindipal table, among the guests, were Lord Lurzon, Sir George White, Admiral Todt Walter! Kerr, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Hugh Gough, Admiral Sir Henry Stephen Dighton Probwn and Sir Eye dinner ; of dhe OF 4 touch &rEon ing incident The very reuanton The tervible mutiny Hlustrations recall of the of above some most BPEL 1557. The British Lucknow was the officinl building of the chief commie. high. On the vastern side was a superb portic vid a wide lofty golonuaded veranda extended along the weetery froft. The ruins still preseeved oxactly ps they were when the phiftograid was taken vears ago. The Bailey Guard Gate is famous in Song add story as of fravs and splendid heroism. The main building of the resi- was it me for the tire A sl ered Sir mortally woupded He was Dr Late Wis wa to operations: to the Martiniere fortified hv the was built at en French adventurer Martin species of architecture decorated anved 1 with carl of eves hons exciliy es of the reside presented a scone when native soldiers in lodia in ney in where, stories and bloody the room and the Bailey died, seene dency awrence s oll Heory Fay hots enemy's him which 1 kon, Sir gre Ark Wood Ihe ren ed to Guard ox pose] directing the which eccentru house tear and there he building, at ( mous exper dinner was a rs and the guests were hy over exec substantial all oiréum of mn very that force flair considerin nearly of rebels named nd awnpore was or I'he with | tances seventy by an foouche creditable tion vears age this was building combined evers mythological done there performers SUTrViL who awakened mem or. glad "The amphe Are Phere were n Roberts ution was y SHOT Js lam uring the meal carving mou lamp among the heing the only | Toys, | toas t pert Torined fell of the task of the Lord ood the he Kit g wishes ) i the vet Pheir for T telegraphic ener, who of the indian with the read bv slarious th of his thi First, of king, 'The gus Gilson, of tl wl | is Hr | mesg from the to rvation not roused re proposing Matin. nail ustomars the Engl Mutin, mutiny conveyed Ors by plaving army rans past | q GL w bulk of if men, he said, e I n Coming." obey ish HY mes the deeds are gotten country," enthusiastic | already drank: the cheers | memor from lo Lord last of « ihnost It was three are fifty the j there was y Courage great national epies of 'the To all of them; young or od, of the Combined" tragedies "and glories of the nation tragedy because there were concentrated into those ter rible months the" agany and the suffer } almost of centages; glory, because names leaped to life, high and ennobling = deeds 'were done, and best and most enduring of all, there sprang irom all that havoe and disaster. the majestic fabric of an india united un- der a single crown. hey were gazing for-the last time {at one of the suprade pages of his- (tory, befofs it wa¥® turned back for ever and stored' away on the dusty shelves of time. They were rendering the last. tribute of gratitude and re. spect to those who wrote thele names race it was one great "upon that page in letters that would die, and who were there to answer the {las t roll call they would hear together fupon earth in the presence of their old {comrades and before their old com- manders | There w toast as only one response to the and Lord in his expressed profound regret that one-left alive who held of responsibility in expire their indebted and with char Roberts, speach. was no I any mutiny position He ness to Lord Burvham jacteri modesty added that they { must all fel that the commemors vas anl honor paid through them memory of those they had emetged v great gle. . ssod tiv ition ito the by whose victorious from strug CBRITIS SH BARMAID OF ASS ment BORN AT YAZOO Is CREDIT TO SEX. [me * hn her the reptitation eontrar And London, Jan. 18~The marriage of Paul Patten; son of Charles H. Pat ton, a i Re owner - Ye Palatine bank, at Palatice) lil, 'Miss Dolly Powell, « barmaid at Reaaner's res taurant ie the Strand. although ro io ave been resented hv the family, is mo surprise here, where other barminids have made { matches even move eligible. i Dolly is a rather remarkable wo- "having an Matensive Knowledge of Shakers. lerbert Spencer and other ¢ not wsually' ewltivated «amd is HkelY fo make i= only twenty she a Senator. tri rule maintains enit] the ents and it an both. barn Skin Defent > The skin, thin as } prot vou from sort slightest break in the wit in blood poisoning if germs present Care for tect Wade's O a perfect healer and antisentic Cures salt rheum, itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, jblotches, dandruff, ote In © big box- dbc., at Wade's drug store. spre all of evil skin may erty ar are i pro your skin with niment, eczema, sealy or eg, JDC steamer lalan di late P| vault of | at Wolie #8¢< than crose- will be re St tin the for reach of mn jossible i to remains Walle : : , wher James P. Clarke Clarke, of Yaz MM, and schools the the the were placed Heart Cemetery auch. Lime when * they vault in } Conroy | the Sacred {1eland. until ing will be to Arian: Miss, edu nag the of prac at Senator James P sas, was born at on Xi 1st I1Sth, ® eated in the Mary's ive town e aduated law department of «Virginia in +. 5 and nurn | tise of his 'profession Helena Arkar Senator married Miss Sallie Moore in { Helena. He was a member {state lorislature in 1986 fand state senator from i 1862, He was attorney general of the wo City, wise safe, the his the i his monved ormitery, Daring Months mothers become tired, jout, can't eat, sleep or work. Hollis from University began the 1879 the dreary. winter in san {Clarke ISR at of the nd 1887 38 until i je | | fies 3 Rocky Mountain Tea is the great- est Blessing for mothers. Makes them | happy and well. 33¢., Tea or Tablets, Mahood's drug store. For first-class storage on carriages, ae Whe roe S| state from 13¥ until 1504 and vag Andrew MyFarlane hee sold bis house, ernor of Achansas or IS to 1aW;. Asnericans } and lot at Cherry Valley, known as perm ro tian who stay. at home have but vague {the Ogden. place, to David Starke, | Mrs. William aid generally mistaken ite as of her | Cherry Valley {dant of: Picton, pas away on Tess As a role she is regarded &s of a val | day | 'night, aller a month's illness, gor type, wud the obinson, pretiy gens | Mrs. Swéener = hushand was a imties erally obtains that! owing te her eps] tin Picton for maddy vesrs. ~Decease vi nly okt nich ict her mor When yon, wire up' with beadache Jeaves oth dobn Rotter, Adel GY the highest standard. and bad faste in the mouth, some. (phustown, and a sister, Mrs. Ware There never whe i greater mistake, ! thing to settle khe stomach is needed. {wiek, of Adshe. She was in her cigh Besides being invariably proto often | That dull, heavy feeling must be lifted tr beautiful, the Kverage hirmaid 1s well | avd appetite must be created. Get a) eduented; well sead. well. bpd. polite Jumbler of water. some sugar, _ and and vivacious. As ange. shé is a flen por in a stuff dose of Nerviline. charming tonversationalist, and le [YOUT feel tip top in a few minutes knowledge of . ourrent topics is. by no Nerviline invigorates, braces, to mens {inited to the har. As jor hex puts vim and ap into your move Ans kivel of 5 hat Tooks good an a ry HEE og nk: be fitted for 'a hand momen iif whe has the right sort of fackory 'etter. Large botth: The, ny Isa Swneping susertion - to SY clean, yn fore. nol surpeising that ov, an old resi Have You Stomach Trouble ? fifth year. , languid Feeling and dull ¢ disagresanls. Take of Carlier Little Fiver Pll he fore reticing. and vou will fad re i! They never fail tn do pod Yet He Was Able to Become GREATEST OF PATENTEES, Holds Record With Thousand. catest that Edison One patentee 1 this coun probably means the the world -is Thomas A has rolled up the ener of almost | N00 patents and to quit. ofhoe inchinatio nt ta by the pat people who bison the New SAV will ng distance of tell vou that good patents many men can by score, and as ger than out in much beat voun him however, he che toe great American means a good deal. fur fact that Am out a patent leas mblediy a ill take wation than the an on prow man anv world other or woman in As a ping WO 3 COSY ge he swollen we officp which makes it a bloated hopdholder among the government departments It has achieved a surplus of 836.000.0000 and is ther every day. Yankee in ring the patent offen and piling up models Ired thousand patent fortune i= Zrowity gendity with records the hund Iw When The Next Cold Starts. Procure mumediately packa Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Lax tive), This remedy will cure the cold in twelve hours and leave you ju better condi tion than belore the cold began. The remedy is also a positive cure for la grippe, headache and constipation. In boxes, #5. Rold only Money Lack of at of store Wade's drag satisfactory not Roosevelt's Witticism. A witticism was ntéributed the other day in Washington 1a the President A young man, the story goes, during a cal! at the White House, told the president that he had been married the wear before amd was already the father of a bov. - "1 congratulate vou." said the president. "T am sore vou find it pleasanter to be a loving sire than a sighing lover." 5,000 Out Of Work Not men, but corns that were put out of business Inst week by Put naw"s Corn Extractor. Xo corn can fife # tented with Pateam™s. Tn safe, painless and sure, Use only Tolman, the, | NO. 15 ET DOINGS IN ps = ABOUT PLAYS, PLAYERS ; AND" PLAYHOUSES. E I Lecturing Colleges-- 'The Right Of Way" Playing Big "Houses Chicago : i Maud Fealey dit will : new with a b cities The brated York Arthur may aj » Sphynx to write to reminig produ Lecording called the new play four-act Man of the our' cele New 4 mistake amateurish in in Nur Fleming The sirst pirate Ihe Bern stein It is Thre the 1LOry Los) te Fasan, ' be Ke March, m is "Americas ut hoe i the Hud i Foby nese Merry Shaul Clan sa Honey moe Knight For A Andrew Ma \ustralia that oH rithon officially ountry wil Mr. Fiteh, the it out appear in especially for passed plav "The Cre lyn in Gidea i out Adelaide Verns her untimel Reliears "Th "aband Prince Mrs pl A were company derstand two week MOE act alter the fore The Paris, in Ferinand » plete ager of the his attem house havin ile ; Miss ( ii ftu ffering from | *Y torn mer al of produ pPpose dowry an abso I st ' be able ial ru York premiere Camille Sir Right and Theod capacity h Deerbohm ° London 1 Drood,' 1s said to Georg tention to to the repulidice from the tenth of Indiana Josephine of 'the porvel On Theatre Od Fy pro January Charles first fares many ves Da Victor, Orel in} : {of farce false be a member i ---- Bargains In Harness. Attention is called to the advt., another column, of the wuld Harme Princess street. This ist M: nlaving . now 'The Reeret in New York, is to be featured next season in a play to be written by Channing Pol oc Justiy ard," this ti of the Om pany Hunt Me "n x Yor arthy's new play "Cesare Edinburg) { n i firn Dorothe; roles Co., annual winter sale, and ris has placed on cided" bargains in trunks, principal the Reports fro effect splendid The pl London season Charles aw tr Iy in "A Me peared in a ville called Bul cam vehicle AV is One new the SET Pear 0] | Julia Marlowe : g { State ol bia, Ado About Nethi ad tw ) ank J. Cheney makes Shakespin i" i v i partner of the fir used doing t inty as | and that said firm will pay HUNDRED DOLLAR ry case of Cslarrh ti the use of ligil's FRANK before me this 6th City of County he which has Ethel Barrym Hudson the Febru Ary and eve Ary tour of Sworn to presence, NH. 1886 Beal) day rob Cita dipsetiy rfaces of phe free 3 CHENEY, &( AIS d by ail D Take ihn 8 Family

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