parti prtin gc spe wg Ra se TT ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1908. sresseesecsnercsserens : Gold in i Cuwilight VIII IIPPIIPIIIIIIF from Alfred returned routo Miss Toro: rtwright, Ottawa, is QUITE A QUEER CASE WOMAN SEIZED WITH LOCK- JAW, DOCTORS PUZZLED. in : . . = » announced of : . daughter of Mr. A Herbert W, The engageme: Miss Grace A A. Aver, Montreal, to Mr Hamlin, of Chics Marguerite Arthur Ni of Rev Leitch; Nothing Could Be Done For Her and She Died Yesterday---Did Not Remember An Injary. Jan. 1%. --Loesl puzzled over Sarah M. Leith, Peter. Leith, which urridd at her home in Welland ave yesterday Mrs. Leith, day or sufierad from what she be be cold, became with swollen glands and a the limbs. A doctor was called in but he did not think there symptoms. At four morning Mr. Leith low groaning of become get speak. The doctor sent for, and he at case of tetanus daughter of and grand Nicol ol, Guelph, Dr. Torrance, t Minneapolis, daughter Mr Allan M ' {Continued Page 2. 0 On Thursday the vouthiul bride, Mrs. Chadwick, held her bridal "recep her little on Brock where hyacinths and oth Howers gave all the additional beauty her wedding silk and ' : irs with of ~t Unt greatly Mrs ol Catharines, mn Miss daughter of judge are of H tion at treet, phy the: the of nue two vans death young wife IL. Benson his Honor "t of the he bride Northumberland and I. T. Jafiray, manager of Yaoe ol Sapa; Bank of Canada, at ace, and look |p e Alan Chadwick, . her danghter-in- gilk with embroidery and Irish At the tea-tuble which was cen. sie + Voungest Judge counties court for Durham, to Mr the Imper Revelstoke, Cos home, I benso white on, HOT surround or weet np § Hy an a Wore gown ago lieved to troubled s& of ' ©" wit win pretty a and she PERSONAL MENTION. ---- * Movements Of The People--W1atl ri L y i . o'cloe vesterday with Nile tulle and lace, They Are Saying And Doine. was awakened by silver-rimmed mirror, op which! J. H. Jarvis is ill at his home with Her had with pink and rpheumonia she was unable t Mrs. C. E. Lin Miss M. Williams has left for Water was harriedl - and assisting TOWH; N Y. . | once pronounced it a The Lockett will leave on a busi lockiaw. Death occurred Chadwick to Montreal on Monday. after of first and } Mat "Be has $7,500 stock family and physician month in the Sovereign Bank; R. Crawford, | b> aocouit | he Youd . $3,000; "Francis Davis, £2,700. fo A Rot tor She Jorsicjue, Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds are Ay il , he : : 3 "Ce % 8 eTse from Montreal and have taken recently. Mrs. Leith herself aidence Victor: : that she did not remember some residence on ietoria street % . A any bruise or iss Minnie Whitmore, Cape cent, died" at Watertown, N.Y Wednesday afternoon, fifty She had resided in Cape Vincent near ly her who received sti lnw, trimmings Was in grey ehlienne, ol Serious lace tred green and a wife. jaws and tient a crystal vase, white carn wis the hiride's were ninber atians, mother, of numerous in futur: of ton her girls, Mrs on the 0 Visi Or nes Arth wr FF later a series convuleions The able far injury clared ceiving Were are an as, been w CORTY il r 1 the third Thursdays of the as - . - x no he re as back up The Misses tained of Rev. Dougla Laing, Last hit wens students, . oe the enter and street, Laing Johnson in injury honor of Vin- on the ( QUEEN'S WON EASILY. aged four Mrs asked n H. } tow to Burstall, Barrie married ladies to Mrs. Irwin tformal little Mr Irs street : yes Lefeated Seventeen ta plea McGill By Goals to Three. Montreal Gazette, Arranging; Jueen's overwhelmed McGill in the at the 1oPening game the intercollegiate 97th. last night. The Kingston seven for Torry the local student team with. a Victotia rink, by a score the to three. The attendance how | Vas small, some three hundred only * chiefly students, being The one-sided scoring killed the interest in the at an early stage in the play McGill, team, point ten of and entire life, FE larnett, W. Marks Cot Marks, ix his terday h <1 here nieet for A advance supporting May the agent wa was very R dell for whieh Grand of January Muss J. Hazza, advance agent ! from Kerry," an attraction brass band and orchestra, was in city today, arranging for his which: will appear at the Grand, Saturday, January 25th Hewitt, supefiutendent works department, leave Tuesday morning, on trip to the old country. He will from Halifax for Liverpool on steamer Corsican, January He will be absent three months. Miss Vern Holden at the Bijou Theatre, took vesterday, and was unable to n John Rob ert Davis Sweet heart," at every ceived many compliment applanse for his admirable work Albert Brown and wife, of Vancou wit toa on Thurs oli Wits with a i also in rity honor, Hi as guest of show will he . . . the weel series, Polden, « nitmber ol Ou Wedne oped in to . defeated the teen goals F. 8 at had for Ww "0 if Lowell little da . of seven- ar her aftairs half a Miss M "treet, to friends Hen "ane Tohnson on present to-night Mas street, he = pangenherg tricot 4 foun have er her, and asked William Neat Jame of 4 g will his sail the 24th Thoma the been to Jam On 3, lor water with an almost entirely was outclassed- at almost by whose line-up largely composed of players with two Ben- the riew Prrpose week will be busv on every ulte tution IRGoN ane ¥ ov net ting \ ' Won and evenin weepting invi Queen's, She will leave town on Fhnrsday r : . on or three experience a vears senior nett, in goal for Queen's, new comer, but McDonnell, point, Craw- ford, centre and Dobson, right wing were members of Queen's champion ship seven years ago, and Campbell, rover, were playing last sea- son. Beaton, at left wing, is a form- ver, B.C., are visiting relatives in [or McGill player. McGill presented an I entirely new and untried forward line, Kingston, and will remain until March | 1 . 3 i Hhgeta ol hi : iwhile Cassills, the cover point,.is also 5 rose " » the-pruests y presen , y ave the-pue 0. one. Mather and Wallace were W. D. Greaves, [Princess street Mr \ " ; the veterans of the team, Brown, who is a former Kingstonian, | Queen's should stand a good chance - haa heen in the west for er [Hor championship honors this season honor of Colonel Irwin, of land this is his first visit to Kingston, | ha = during that time. He in eentre - - - - th * 1 1 2 the real estate business, likes the Hague, Farl street, ask. west fine. Miss Winnifred Hague's tea, yesterday, as a little Mrs. Jegivald rock i . » * . - 1 is vocalist cald, ppear The Budminton, in the men which being played of Goals, tournament, Wed the wo being al began, on nesday, are at sany Good-bye, : of this afternoon Fhe of the "do use a phrase \rmouries, two and re point, performance, and 1" members club, 1y oh are 4 Pennock, cover masculine mu who is the the Mont- | come. Singles this tried out, pure senior to see to they with sporting best among them real players when played meet ate heing end in Nel fn new Stuart Le Frontenac Club, ves Major luncheon at terday Ottawa Norman lie gave a ) the eleven vears, in team ix a good one from goal ', the forward line playing a nice jcombination game, and having speed, while the defence is of the new style, {one that can rush as well as block. h | FORMER KINGSTON GIRL Four Nephews Lose Suit Brought! Against Widow. { Married Arackville, 48 Anglin! (gave mdgment, last night, in favor oi | Mrs. Charles Cornwall, defendant | the case of Cornwall Cornwall, of dispute over the will of her late hus. | lowers, Yast band The plaintifi's four nephews, hter Leesiding at-Alexandria Bay --N-Y was the will the ground their late mentally petent at made ter a trial the nudge held all willow pay is engaged and Mrs ol a few friends to farewell to George CORNWALL WILL VALID. Liarrett evening Miss Hattie gave a pleasant Thursday . Davy, little sireet, party, in Sarnia Last Tuesday Morning. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Martin, George street, Sifknia, was. most beautifully decked with ferns and Tuesday, when the ot the Rouse, Miss May Mar married to Stanley +. Wit hams, one of the town's very prosper- | ous and popular men. I'he pretty bride was given away by i her father, and wore a wedding KOWD of pot d'esprit, over silk with trim- | mings of Irish point and satin rib Her shower bouquet was of bride's roses, and her sloth -wes taught Ww her prettily-coifed heads wih orange blossoms. The pair were unat tended, Rev J. WW. Baird the guests, numbered about twen Fhe groom's gift to his bride was | 8 sapphire ring set in diamonds. Mr. { subjects of sermons, morning, **'Salva | and Mrs. Williams left, after the wed Edward Moore artived | tion, What is it, and How Attained?" | ding breakfast, for a trip to Buffalo, vesterday, and are at | Evening, "Some Words of Good Ad-| Toronto, and Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. | vice." Sunday school pastor's | many warm friends 3 pom: to | spent her girthood, and ®ogratala- Bible class at Mes. W. C. Barber, Rockwood hos- | all. Strangers cordially sions of the heartiest nature aécom | panied beautiful gifts westward to her. pital, will leave shortly for Beant | are free. | ford. | ; | ee m------ and Mrs. Georee Lappage, who | Big Fda in wall paper; all this A WOMAN IN TROUBLE. Ny have been visiting Mrs James Wale { month, at Fraser's, 78 William street ---------------- | Has Jewels Not Usually Found | With a Maid. iy Ottawa, Jan IRA vernment house, ¢, was arrested, the other alleged peculations theree charged with the offence at court, Méantime the police are further into the matter, Jan Justice Gh . Hobart Dyde,. Johnson street, a little tea, vesterday afternoon, H: H. Chown, Winnipeg, and Mrs, E. 8. Holden, Lowell, Mass, Those invited were old friends - - . S| tested ; «iw Mrs nf gave for Mrs va | daug Seon Hy; that mncom Af on uncle the time which lasted twelve way that the last will Le personal and real e« and that Costs Miss street, was this fs Alice Chown, Stuart wis hostess at an evening party, week, with Mrs H. H guest' of honor. it was Chown, » * fheathing his to his must tate was valid bon Campbell will receive, each Mrs. J. W Tuesday next, at 297 on the third and fourth the month that «a. on siede its own and of T Queen street Tuesduvs ~ Church Notice, First Congregational church, | of Wellington and Johnson to ! pastor, Rev. J, Charles Villiers. Dis a week's | ine worship at 11 am. and 7 pm alter » corner officiated, streets. | and ty. Mrs BE are A. Booth, down Captain and Alfred street, Montreal, visit Mr. and Mrs, from Winnipeg, 'Arthur Place.' R. Wakiron going to-morrow, for and here, where she A weleane invited. Seats THE STANDARD Head Office <Ossessions are yewels of worth not { usually by housemaids, It JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS { thought the mystery of a big Eng ly {lish jewel robbery may be cleared -up Deposits may be made or withdrawn by cither of the two members of a household. by the woman's areest. She recently This form of account is specially suitable for living in the country, as cither member | cume direct from England to Rideau Brrr wo diay of a In case of death, the movey may be withdraws { Hall, and is of refined domestic named Elizabeth day, She the for was going - : for among her Toronto owned is appearance investigating of cot. Weite or call for farther particulars. Col. Perey Sherwood Interest added four times a year the affair. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. KINGSTON BRANCH JANUARY BARGAINS IN COATS & SKIRTS. LADIES' COATS--A good assortment to select from, in Black, / Navy and Brown Beavers, and Fancy Tweeds, full lengths, latest styles. Prices cut down to the lowest notch. See the Coats we are offering at $4, $5, $6, $6.34 and $6.63. WOMEN'S WARM LINED HALF LENGTH COATS. in Black and Grey, $1, $1.95 and $2.95. CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS' COATS, all reduced. : WOMEN'S ODD SKIRTS, about, twenty in the lot, only one or § two of a hind, but all sizes, ir them, from 38 to 43. Were $s to $5. Your choice, for $1.75. Reaclied The Penitentiary. i George Chambers, sentenced for life fat Toronto, for burglaries and other ferimes, was safely handed over to the | | penitentiary authorities, this - after- noon. He was recognized as an old { friend, having under the same fame, served three vears for house-breaking. He was released a month ago. once at the Victoria Industrial School, Mimico. Sa St. Georges Beaten. 3 covered rink, this morning, 'Georges and Collegiate Insti- At the the St. {team that defeated the Frontenac: on ednesday night, proved easy for the iK.C.L 3 wha 'wom out handily, the score being 'seven to two. The Collegiate are giving fair promise to repeat in hockey what they did in football. Property valued ot £400.000 was | destrowved by fire which started in . a | six-stovey brick building at 219 Mar-| ket street, Chicago, IIL. on Friday! Attorney 7 pst. -- to have the whuded | ome hours | + feated was | * PAnitting while | to | eldest | at | police | He | was four times in Central prison and | tute played a practice game, and the | FITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From. All Over The World. B Hawilion, dead. Francis charg North trapped Edwards, Murray with Cobalt, was two robberies Itberals legislatu A. Mchou rushed to death at Uglerudge, I'he government of Hayti to bombard the towns ent Riwawga, consulate Is prepar ing held' by the insurg Mr anese of the Jap has secretary at Vancouver summoned to Tokio has decided to assume a posi been France tion of normal the two neutrality rival In the war between Moroccan sul tans An machine nA JRoving -preture ged the the caused a explosion t Ingersoll dama building by fire pauic @wmong the Mondav, Judge derision as u atre and small "On give public, including Thaw trial. The Emperor William, as gra the Prussian Order of the presided at audience Dowling. will excluding the from the favorable ol his to pressmen defence is wd master Black 1 gorgeous Knights the cervimonies of New er Charged Tewkeshury arrest at with burglar fifteen-year Windsor a odd under police head rpuarters for the second time within the vear claim for the ubsuh Robert Reid has filed a 250,000) damag against of N¢ wioundland for line of to Sir ges gov ernment a steamers compete zing with his Hon. G railways, he of ter of Huron, the Graham, 10 min South P has gone address meetings in Y. Mclean, the Liber will MN where interest al candidate On Friday Pembroke Renfrev place night at hockey by "Raldy for 6 Spittal was arrest ocking' kn man ollided shit on Air Saturday and I'wo freig trains N man ameron One | Seahoard line near ( {C'.. on morning was killed, injured. , Three iredd a dozen others wer killed, or mit ten serious more sli Imperial girls were ly inj} and a scor hurt n Iv at a lire company, s ran ton, Pa The premier of migration problem is pra tied with Canada, and expects a satisfactory | with the United States Ihe Grand Trunk and Canadian Pa cific railways were found guilty on a criminal charge arising out of the death of two men at the Bay | crossing, Toronto, in May | After long negotiations Chinese offi | cials have recovered from the Pekin vndicate, a British corporation, all the concession rights held by them in the province of Shanghai. fhe funeral of Edward Henry | hel, general adviser of (he government { of Suam, and at gne time professor of international law at Harvard, oc t curred at Bangkok, Siam, I" The revenie cutters Perry tis have lefi Seattle to survivors of the British ship believed to be: lost off the coast of Vancouver Island Owing to an attack of gout the pope has reluctantly obliged i pend his audiences He was visited by hig private physician, Dr. Petscoi insisted that the pontiff go to bed Sir Henry Camphell-Bannerman | prime minister, Lord | Kedleston, have selected liberal conservative candidates for the torship of | University | Hon. J. D appointed a judge ot Manitoba, and Montreal, was appointed bee bench, to the Champagne | A British syndicate wants to build a the a'ly says im sel confident] tanding Japan he unders street stro The sible Hart west and seek po held, heen 16° sus who the and Curzon, of been as rival and lord re Glasgow Cameron, Winnipeg, was of e "high court Lebeaf the Que Judge Cal to snceeed late The bride has railway in South Manchuria paralleling must the present line. Japan says it : do be built." "What = will was asked. "We not you {about it.? it," was the answer Word is received of the Seven: Islands, of Rev, | parish priest of Clarke Father Conan was erossing {sleigh from Clarke City to when the t will stop frowning, at Conan Re { a ther City HH Ww ven ls throu --~e lands, am broke gh | the ice : The Lake Carriers ing in Detroit, dec lared against proposal to make the Chicago drain- canal into a commercial water The danger feared is the of the water the Lawrence land great lakes. Five hundred gas in one of Association meet" the age way lower- {ing in St thousand cubic feet of the gasometres of the { Montreal - Light, Heat & Power com pany, Hochelaga took fire this morn , and there was a terrific explosion the structure encirci ¢ holder and | ing it were burned . } Sir Wilirid Laurier, Lady Laurier, { Hon. L. P. Brodeur, and Madame Bro deur are in Montreal, for the wedding lof Madame Henri Laurier, sister-in- law of the prime minister, to Al phonse Brodeur, a cousin of the min- ister of marine and fisheries, Archduke Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke | of Tuscany, and father of Couniess Montignoso, formerly Princess Louise, and the divorced wife of the present King of Saxony. who last » was wedded to Signor Toselli, a | died at Salzburg, on Friday. Descendants of General Israel { nam, of ' revolutionary Jame, i within a few days hold a family § 4 wn New York at which time plans will be made to prove the right of the family to a fortune of $20.000.- which is. said to be lying in the vault of the Bank of England. At Hamilton, Ont, William Kirk- | patrick, sizteen years' of age was ar irested, on. Friday, in connection with {the stabbing of John Cummings, aged | nineteen years, whith resuited in the {death of the latter. Cummings, in his idving statement. forgave his slaver, and requested that - he he not pun jished. i -Japan is now said to be annexing to Corea a strip of Southern, Man- ichuria miles. Jong and from | cian, Put will, coun- & 3 Sot > . . aT Sar Ew aid EW a WT WT WE Ra ee 3 3 yg PAGE SEVEN. 'Cured Senator Costigan "FRU o OPC 00 The thousands who kr Senator from New nothing short of a complete and could induce him to write Brunswic IT-A-TIVES" --is the finest medicine ever produced" OTrawa, ONT , Jan. Sth, 1006 1 have been a dreadful sufferer from chronic consti; been t taken ation ated by many kinds of without any benefit whatever tor over thirty years and | have many physicians and F have proprietary medicines I took a pill for a long time which was prescribed by the late Dr. CG. Rogers, good. try "Fruit-a-tives"' the Honorable k, know that wonderful cu tipation R "Fruit- Church, months 1 took a pill prescribed by Dr of Ottawa, Finally I was advised by Dr Also for many AF Nothing seemed to'do me Rogers to and after taking them for of Ottawa. a few months I feel I am completely well from this horrible complaint. | have had no trouble with this com- plaint now for a long time, and 1 can certainly state that "Fruit-a-tives' 1s the only medicine I ever took that did me any tipation recommend public As, in medicine ever a-tives positive good for cons- I can, conscientiously ** Fruit-a-tives" to the my opinion, it is the finest produced. (Signed) JOHN COSTIGAN, | > is the oply real cure for Cons- because it is the only remedy that invi. gorates the liver--strengthens the bowel muscles -- regulates the kidneys such a testimonial as the above letter "Frujt-a-tives' remedy that gave Hon.') Costigan any permanent relief. ' was the only shin or "Fruit Liver Tablets" "Thuile and uuproves the skin action "Fruit-a-tives"is a wonderful combination of fruit juices and tonics in tablet form pleasant to take and abso- lutely certain to produce an "Fruil-a-lives" hed in three months, Physicians far accompli led hat the leading 0 do in thirty "Fruit-a-tives"' soc a box or sent on receipt of price. Limited, Ottawa, Ont, easy and natural movement. 6for $2.50. Atdealers 145 THE COUNTY JUDGE : Hear a Charge Against Almonte Magistrate. Jar To An Ottawa the Cha prohibited Entertained Friends fresdiment CURE RHEUMATISM DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS WILL DO IT. Every Form of the Disease Yields ~ to This Blood Building Remedy ~--Reasons and Proois easy a median but the rhe more have hams noth reasol Pink i rheumatism Hers Rheumati Every actually This \ m is dos . red blood the poi blood ives out ism testified 1 and riieumat sands these fresh proof Que. , havi 0 statements, @ Jerome, 1 was a vicum of almost § cripple necessary for me to good bit of the day, but my came swollen and the 'pain agonizing that 1 was foreed to work. I tried remedy after remedg, but nothing gave me relief and 1 be would never get bet gan to think | ter. At last 1 was 'persuaded trv In dess than } Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a month 1 deted a slight vhange mn my condition. 1 ecottipued the pills for three months and at the end of this time the swelling had disappear- ed: every pain and wehbe had left me and I felt better in every way. | was completely cured ard once more able to go about my work with ease. Dr Williams Pink Pills are esriaink worthy all the praise | fa them." Thousands giving just as strong proof of the value of Dr. Wil Jiams™ Pink Pills--not only as a eure for cheuimatiem, but as a cure for all the ailments finding their root ig bad hiood such as anaemia, bexrt palpits- | tion, indigestion, kidoey trouble, head. | ache pod backache, disardered serves, Tete. Pr. Williams' Pink Pills are rk on made my limbs be be 0 sO stop to n give | of write sold br medicine deslers or Bie mail Liovrded to allow some p LIL Nd] oe we] x J ANUBLY. Bargains en; and OhHe- I'edson is come in RSID Eo Ei oa eo "" Outside WASH N.P. COPPER Af] rT) RW Linives, I'rays, are for 0 wT RRL WU why always a success, Forks, Ware, Jelly. Moulds, Padding Dishes, Tea her intefest portion to the cut in regular prices. COVERED ROAST Self-Basting, i KETTLES, Oth For the and: see onr stock: reg. here is no limit to the interest exhibited by a woman when shown good and useful articles for the home, especially the kitch- is increased in pro- That January Sales are other reasons, PANS 5c. Special, 60c. DOUBLE SAUCE PANS Inside holds 3 pints Special 44c. BOILERS, 20. Discount. all sizes, 99 Cents. and hundreds Spoons, BIRD CAGES, 20% Discount. Fancy Enamelled of other things in our big stock going at sale prices, which Cash Only. Come! MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. The Trotter wi of the i} ralipe ease w helade Col. Hunter, this morning, {the court house, bui wad; again ad- ® 10-. by hid TT The Kingston & Pembroke and Bay | of Quinte BE. trains brought large crowds to the city, to-day, from Share bot Lake, Napanes and intevmedinte tg hd