PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY - -- i ~ | | | i { { } i | ! THE 5P.M.EDITION FT THE POLGE COUT FINED FOR KEEPING SLOT MACHINES. THE NEW HONORS. | ? | | Some Good Kingston Men Were, Overlooked. | The ranks of the formidable army of | king's counsel has been depleted and { reinforcement i= timely, Of course, to the victors belong the spoils and the } | i i ! ! { only new dignitaries are conservatives. Not that, but they have walked straight, and heen near the handle af | i . - the local machine. The ins and fhe © Two Tobaééonists Called Upon to |, uts are thus arrayed : e { Pay $10 5 and Costs Each-- | King's counsel. Not K. C's rsia nN aw - Money Given For Poor Relief iy' wucdonnell, J. M. Farcell, { "John MeGall and Daniel Fitzgibbon, |). 1. Whiting, J. Macnee, A { tobaceonists, Princess street, appeared | John Melntyre, A. B. Cunningham, | beiore Magistrate Farrell, this morn- | Donald Mclotyre, Francis King, i {ing, charged 'with keeping slot. ma-{R.'V. Rogers, George Smythe, { chanes in their stores for gain! Each |W. F, Nickle, W. Mundell, | pleaded guilty, and" fine of $10 and!J. B. Walkem D. Givens, | costs was imposed in each case. The] oe M. Mowat, three machines confiscated a few days! J, Rigney, | ago by Constable Bateson, were pro- L. Snook, { dured in court, two of them were] John Strange, | taken from Metialls store. The court! ', R. Webster, { ordered that the money in the ma-! W. H. Sullivan. { chings, which will amount to a few -- | dollars, be handed over to the poor 13 relief. For the past two weeks, the police What's the matter with King, Rig- ney apd Givens * Haven't they done have been keeping watch on the cigar stores, but it was only at those two veoman work for the party ? These three added would have evened up the Pstores that the slot machines were { found. Ly, dropping one eent into forces, and they should not have been overlooked. 1t is not too late to cor- these slots, un wheel turns around, and|rect the omissions. - there the chance of winning from one to three cigars. The game has been played to a large extent. Some have made good, while others did not fare 'very well. » Mr. Fitzgiphon stated to the magis- trate that he did not know tigat there was harm tin the running of the slot machines. Xi Jd. 7 ¥. T Bb x A SPECIAL SALE CORSETS | ALL DAY TO-MORROW OR AS LONG AS THE LOT LASTS. 119 PAIRS ALL THE LATEST AND BEST SHAPES, mostly white. Sizes from 19 to 26. None in the lot worth less than $1.00, some worth more. OF 1s LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. lbs Principal Ellis' Adiress. Kingston, dan. 22 (To the Fdi- tor): | was asked to give a state- {ment of what | understood Mr. Elis | {to say in his address to the Young a Men's , Club, on Sunday afternoon, "1 did pot think there was anyimore | January 12th. This statement" was harm in these machines thap there [desired because of the controversy would be .in a shooting gallery." he|that has occurred with respect to cer. | said. "At a shooting gallery vou have [tain poinis on which there bas cer to pay for your shots, and if you|tainly been a misunderstanding. don't hit the bull's eye, you don't get] Mr. Ellis was invited to speak to anything. It is just the same with|the (Thb some weeks ago, and sug- these machines. | do not see any harm [gested as his theme, "Clean and Hon- in the machines; they have been oper-jest Government." His subject was ated for years, and there has been no approved, and his address was an ex- | warning given." ceedingly able one, comprehensive' "It is to prevent young men and! clear, and instructive. At its close the | boys from getting. into the way » of club tendered him a cordial vole of | magis- | thanks. : | $5.00 A $5.00 p-------------- $10.00 You must conre in to see and appreciate the Bargains in FINE FL/RS to be picked up in our Show Rooms during January. Your Choice To-morrow, 69c Pair. WHITE NS YHITE COTTONS In a great variety of makes, proper finish and weight for underwear and all home sewing. ) White English Cottons, 10¢, 121¢, 15¢. White Canadian Cottons, 6c, 7c, 8¢, 10¢, 121c. Horrockses' White Cottons, 12le, 15¢ and up. Madapolam Cottons, 121c, 15¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢. Nainsook Cottons, 121¢, 15¢. 20¢, 25¢. Lonsdale Cottons, 12i¢, 15¢. Twill Nightgown Cottons 7 ; ' Very durable and' woven on purpose to give extra good wear for men's nightgowns. b Butterick's Patterns for February NOW ON SALE. FASHION SHEETS FREE. gambling habits, said the i { trate. 'I think possibly, that thereis| I was about to give my impression | ia good deal in what you say. These |of the "address, and one very favor | machines have been used without the able to Mr. Ellis, when it geeurred to the danger, and I am|me that it would be better, for all into congidera- | concerned, if it were repeated, nnder | | tion, although there is the old story {the same auspices, in the same place, 'ignorance of the law does not ex-lat an early day. The members of the cuse." However, | think that the ends [council and of the school hoard will of justice will be served in imposing a [be pleased, of course, to hear! it, and fine of $10 and costs in each case' [so will many who could not he pres- | The fines were paid immediately af-lent an January 12th, in consequence ter court was over. The machines will{of the stormy weather. be held by the police, It had been proposed that the ad dress be given later in any case, hut the action of the council makes this the more necessary, and Mr. Ellis will King Street West (uartette and [probably he greeted with a much |" Two Lady Students. larger audience on his second appear- The gang on King street are again ance.~--Yours,' R.: MEEK. making themselves troublesome to peo- ple passing by. Last evening two lady students were insulted as they were walking on King street, near Centre street. As the two girls neared the carner four fellows walked down Centre street, two of them stepped out in front of the girls and two of them behind, and walked this way for over a block. Numerous times the girls tried to pass the men in front but were not allowed to de so. , The lan: guage used hy the men, and the re I! i marke made about the girls were churéh. She leaves he sons aud shocking, These people have been three danghters: John liam and | ! sor « | Heney: Mrs. Walter Clarke, of Have- causing much trouble lately in tha® | 3 : Mit Ms, Wal- vicinity, and before long some of {lock; and Alfred, of ttawn; y aa, Mn them will run up against some per-|ter Jackson, of Limerick, N.X.; Wis son who will hand them a few to re-|Charles Anderson, of Racine, Wis., | member the occasion by. { who was unable to attend the funeral, | It is known shat the people who | and Frederick, on the homestead, Con | are causing the trouble do not Wve |taraqui, where the funeral was hed. | in that section of the town, but | Kervioe was conducted by the Rev. Mr. i gregate around there to disturb Catate/ghi, after Which | . : people. A few complaints have laced. in. the | Covers Her Bed With Fragrant bhebn made about a bunch that hang 1 ; Flowers, Then ~"Blows "Out around Union street, "near Colling- wood street; and the athletic grounds, His Brains. A military man and his lady frieml | were given quite a reception in that | vicinity a few nights ago. ------------ i ---- John McKay Fur House | knowledge of | willing. to take this STILL INSULTING LADIES. Late Mrs. Angus Burnett. Last Friday night Mrs, Angus Bur. nett passed to rest at the general hos- pital. She had been suffering with paralysis for the past three years. During all that time she bore herill- ness with great patience and Christian confidence. The deceased was born in Hamilton, Scotland, sixty-five vears ago. Her maiden name was Eliza: | beth McNaught. Mrs. Bygpett was a | member of Cataragui Methodist SI0-EAD OF ROMANCE BIG JANUARY | KILLS HIMSELF BY SWEET- SALE HEART'S BODY. Horse Blankets at the biggest reduction ever seen in Kingston We don't want to carry any over, and must dispose of them. Won't last long at the price. $2.50 Kersey Stay-on, $1.85 $3 Blue Stay-on, $2.35. $1.5Q Jute Lind, for $1.10. Also Halters, Circingles, Whips and Rugs, at lowest possible | price. W. A. Mitchell, § Hardware | Alteration ale! |Mill Ends! + a EF RSS Spangenberg Clocks Are good time keepers and will prove their lasting qualities in years after pur- chase. Clocks for the parlor. Clocks for the dining room. Clocks for the library. Clocks for the kitchen. Good Alarm Clocks. | Fully warranted and at cost prices. con- : the | Stillwell, also | the remains weve p of Lillian Russéll In "Wildfire." | Lillian Russell made ber- debut last | season as a comedienne after achiev-| Nice, Jan ing fortune and fame. as a prima iy romance of (wo young French peo donna. She will appear at the Grand ple of good family occurved at Nice Jan. 22nd, to-night, in a racing com- |yvesterday, when M. Georges Hucher seorge Broadhurst and George |a medical student. and the son « "Wildfire' is the name) well-known official of one of the gav- horse owned secretly by | vernmént offices, killed himself at the Her hus- | bedside of bis dead fiancee, Mile, Ja i ; i | Liette de y { d died, leaving her nothing but a/| liette de Raymond. aol stable. For various reasons, | Mlle. de Kaymond bad been under after a serious illness. important among which is the engage | treatment at he private hospital Ye | William Carroll, New York, arrived | ment sof her sister 10 the son of at br aw. wiki Fo a ae] on Tuesday, to spend a woek's visi | reformer, she must not let it be known! was an pos ' = 2 ent folk bn with J. Williams, University [that she is the real owner of "Wild- {love ar Fe eps' PE to the | 3 1 i | no ear of a €, he avenue. fire," and from this situation the com- | not ern 3 / - EL The many friends of Mrs. George plications ensue. Being a racing comedy | girls delicate State of iy Public Building Exits. Bategan, Sydenham street, will be |jt is natural that there should be ; 3 al an City Engineer Beckwith : . to Nice, where they took a beautilul | present to the eit ouncil F 1 plefised to hear that she is greatly im-« | 1,0 afiair. { ' : I : e city eouncil i proved 'in health. { ground-floor flat, with a laige garden {meeting on Feb. 3rd, his report : > { overlooking 'the Promenade des An- | (he requirements f vublic buildio . u : 4 its of public buildings, Cates Bow, for ahs past Jone buyer glais, and M. Hucher hoped that the | as set forth in the new by-law passed of Steacy & Steacy. has resigned her al srenant for warmth-of the climate wou = cure Bi% {lagt April by the city council. Bix position and leaves to-morrow for of the county i mates] for swaethenst ans Ne De 1 on Han ThY+ months was given in which (0 com i the inaugural session, 1 i But Mile. de ymond g orse, Iv th the by The : chia Montrepl and Boston: Tuenduy: When the fourth Tuesday of | oi died in ber lover's arms on Thurs iy. with 14 u law, The chief The following left here, yesterday the 'month is the date provided by the | jv morning : [uirement is that regarding exite, The fteriooh, lof Lage Vinpeut : dob statute, Two weeks ago a Whig * re-| Jycher was frantic with grief. Yes ch oils -y Sut » Seta A McMaster, of srona; Jd. Porter, presentative was informed by a coun- | jorday he stripped the garden of all the brie ulding that comes under Oliver Christopher, K. L. Eggleston, ciflor that Jun€ 21st was the time of [ie flowers, roses, arum lilies and | yaw, ¢ \ ficton, Yas 3 1.Bertoline, D. Way, meeting. Even the time-honored can- | hite lilac, and ordered large quan- The Git situa] the di cus was held on Mondas night. "The | tities from Nice. He went into the ¢ pit Haws ne says it Ee Dehot. council shoul: eee What hereafter no | hod-room, where his fiancee was lying : ra a Ry Fo ¥ Al" such serious bungling should oecur. | and covered her with the flowers un- ng he & Fe "of he Jepar Every member who was present on tii the hed was one large floral bank. fi ae re AF Jobat o Mos ma Mar Tuesday will havé to defray his own Then he stretched himself at the | ol oe ra god A ion esary, Star. expenses, unless the council at ite se8- {oil's feet and shot himself through in (VGa . 8 . : ey tod sion next week orders the treasirer toi the head. Queen's Senior Hockey Dates. The dates of Queen's senior hockey pay. No meeting was called by the | county clerk. teams matohes are: Jan. 24th, Var- sity at Queen's; Jan. 31st, Queen's at Laval; Fob. 7th, Laval at Queen's; Feb. Mth, McGill at Queen's; Feb. 21st; Queen's at Varsity, Worthy Of A Trial. Bananas sliced lengthwise and fried 22. --A tragic ending to We have just received from the Manches- ter Bleachers' Association of Manchester, England, Richardson. Sons and John 8S. Brown & Co.. of Belfast Ireland, the over- makes and mill ends of these three large manufacturers, the largest stock of Linens. and Cottons ever imported to this city, which we have placed on sale at prices 20 to 30 per cent. lower than regular price. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. P. O'Brien, clerk at the Grand Opera Honse, has resumed his duties edy by ( V. Hobart. of a race Mrs. Henrietta Barrington. sold 1 ns on expects » Spangenberg | Watchmaker and King St. Issner of Marriage ; Licenses. RRR PRE XN They comprise remnants of Sheetings, Pil- Jeweler low Cottons, Odd White Quilts, Bed Room Towels, Table Linens, odd dozen Table Napkins, Roller Towellings, Glass Towellings, Bleached Table Cloths, Dish : Towellings, Knds of Pillow and Drawn Work, Linen Doilies, ete. The County Council Episode. It seems strange that every member RARER J. ' wa . The Final Week Your Last Chance You will have this year to get Real Up-To-Date Shoes. Goods that you have got to buy pretty soon anyway. Now you can get the same Shoes, Empress, Dorotily Dodd or any other kind. Shoes with the price stamped on the sole and we We have a splendid Stock of Boys' 'and Girls' Boots. Ss i Gbe Taockett Shoe Store. Bassssessssarsscsscess sressasbsconnss You will find this an excellent chance to replace your wants in thisline of goods at this sale, -- SICILIAN'S ROUGH TRIP. . Liner Puts Into Halifax With Damaged Steering Gear. Halifax, Jan, 22-The Allan line steamer Sicilian, Uapt. Campbell, six days out from Philadelphia for Liver pool, via St. John's, Nid. came un expectedly into port, yesterday after noon, with her steering gear damaged. Tn the hurricane which raged off the Nova Scotia coast on Saturday and . Their Design Stood Second. The Daily Standard, of Regina, Sask., states that the plans of Storey & Van Egmond, of that city, stood second in the competition for the new parliament buildings to be erected, but that Many ate of opinion hat i bacon. o they are best. designs submitte Baas sky Satnfe are ~ were those of E. and W. G. Hoxwell perly Fijhoed and have their. fa Ta {Nontrenl. The parliament buildings : . will cost about two million dollars. | Sunday, great seas washed over her Tou: Mr. Storey was formerly an architect {| dock one large one breaking a por- of Kingston, and went to Regina a gion of her steering gear, and while couple of years ago, whore he has [his was being repaired the other part heen doing well. gave way, leaving the big liver at the -------------- mercy of aos Pn was impossible , to guide her, and was driven 150 Canada In Line. miles off her course. Part of the A Whig corsespondent reports the | fraken gear was patched up, and occurrence of an earthquake at Tra {Capt. Camphell shaped his course' for more, county of Renirew, on Senday, | {his port, and was sighted off the 19th, at 8:25 pom. The rumble lasted {harbor shortly after noon; steaming about a minute and the houses shook , i ; A Talk On Zenanas. give you Miss Strickland, Canadian mission ary to the Zenauas al Tara Taran, L India, will speak at St. George's hall on Tharsday at 8 pm. storm the chisel' is his band ¥ SO000P0000000000000000000C0COOOORORROYS eecscesesdecscccenee 0000000000800 000 sens RS the crew had ih he