Shiloh's (Cure 'Cures Coughs 'and, Colds QUICKLY M - WINTER SIRI fe " PAGE TWO. tie sharpes antee of vo money back i 'se Shiloh's Cure or the worst cold cough ~--try it on aguar- ur doesn't actually CURE guicker take, ~-nothing baby Shiloh's 25¢.. bOc.. $1 than anything you ever tried. Sale to in it to hurt even a 34 years of success commend Cure- ns FURNITUREAND CARPET SALE. now even if until spring. a Fasy Hee you ling price only $1.10 while they last MNtirong comfortable, and $17. $32 $27 $19, $11 All Brass Bed, for .. All Brass Bed, for All Brass Bed, for Irom ond Brass Bed, for . fron and Brass Bed, for Carpets Unequalled values at our vices, in Wiltons, Axminsters, 840, ¥u5, 5, $14 Bru 00 00 00, 50. Oy reduced els, ete JANOLBUM, all widths, 20 per cent off CE ERDOWN COMFORTERS, 20 per cont. £49 of BLANKETS, ut. off. Repair sample lots, 25 and Upholstery ehenper flow than at any other uime. Hale Prices are STRICTLY, CASH per Work done Yours, T, F, HARRISON CO PHONE 90. | tation Our Wire Mat impor- from Germany has arrived. The Mats &' are suitable for inside @ or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. - . evsccessssese It May : 'e S0000000 0000000000000 000000000 from attainment by an ordinary work- SOCAL REVOLUTION REMARKABLE CONDITION IN UNITED STATES. Annesley Burrowes Takes Up ' Subject in Interesting Inter- view--Force of Movement Strongly Felt. "Perbaps the most remarkable con- dition in the United States, to-day, is the trend of public opinion towards what might be called the social revo- lution," said Annesley Durrowes, who spent many years in newspaper work across the border, in ar interview, to- day, with a representative of the Whig. "The force of this movement is beginning to be felt strongly, fot only among the middle classes, but in the highest levels of commerce, industry and the learned professions. Twenty years ago, sentiments which one hears to-day, from men of the highest busi- ness and social standing, were heard only among the most rabid agitators of the labor movement. Nowadays, vou hear merchants, lawyers and phy- sicians, giving vent to opinions, which not long ago, would have been regarded as the rankest socialism, or L anarchism, as the ease might - be. From personal conv ersation, I happen to know the opinions of one of the most eminent members of the supreme court of the United States, and these fall not very far behind those of Karl Marx himself, Within the last two weeks, | sat at luncheon in the Detroit Club with the largest employer of labor in that city. The vast works which he munages, and which he built up from small be ginnings, employ no less than five thousand workmen, and vet the opin- ions he expressed were such as twenty years ago, would rarely have been heard outside a workingmen's meet ng. " "There is no question, he said, but that we are on the brink of great sqcial and industrial changes. Present conditions cannot be maintained, and if leaders of industry "do not take some action, it will he taken for them. Changes which, during recent vears, have been made, in the me- thods of production, render men of the present generation useless to them- selves or others, at a time of life which, at an earlier period, would have been not far from their prime. Take the shoemaking trade as a case in point. A few years ago, a shoe maker could practically create a boot by his own labor, together with a few tools, and a dollars worth of leather. He was independent of all other as- sistance. He could offer his wares where and when he chose, and was sure of a™ livelihood as he could ply a needle, or strike with a hammer. To-day, it" requires many men to make a boot, and each must be able to equal or nearly eoual his brother workman in dexterity and speed, and the tools required for the performance of this work, are as far man, as the income of a banker is be- yond the reach of a ten-year-old of- fice hoy. As soon as the workmen of to-day lage behind in the amount of work performed, or falls short in the manner of its performance he must give way to younger and abler men and become a burden to his friends or the community. In the works which 1 control, we figure that the life of an employes is approximately, at twenty years, Every twenty years we use up 20,000 men who are, after that period of work, useless for our purpgses, and must be cast upon their friends or |< upon the community. Modern indus- trialism has created 'this condition. Modern industrialism has got to meet it, and remedy it, the question is, "How 7' "Personally," this gentleman con- tinued, 'I think that we must pro- vide for the future of those men and others of their class with a svstem of pensions; part of which will be contri- buted by the employees and part hy the general government, but whatever the remedy, it must come, and (ome quickly.' "Are you award, | asked, you are talking rank: socialism ?' "* '1 am talking business," he said." "Ten minutes afterwards in he low er hallway of the club, I met a gen- tleman, ®ho two, years ago, as can- didate for the republican nomination as governor, and was defeated in con- veftion by a narrow majority. ile is at the head of the real estate bus'ness in Detroit, and oné of the most popu- lar and highly esteemed men in the entire state. 1 made no mention of the conversation I have given abo: e, or of the topic, but his thourhts weve evidently running in the same dice tion. i " 'I made a speech down in Massa chusetts, the other day,' he said. "ard I told the people down there that if the east continued its present meth- ods--that if there was not some alter ation in social and industrial condi- tions, that this country would wit- ness an upheaval which would mde the French revolution look like a pind tea. I notice,' 'that added, 'that the powerful and cap subdue the fiery itching and pain. Pes munication possible between San Fran- cable and antiseptic it prevents the infection of wounds by parasites stubborn skin diseases. Cures Eczema, Salt Rneum, Scald Head, Cold Sores, \25c., at Wade's drug store. asked Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper Ao apeept nomination. i division of opinion among the Or men cof the city as to the p of the act, and there is quite a in coast Orangeism. There things in this world which do THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1908. trade unions almost nugatory. strike is declared in a certain trade, the combined employers, after a slight show of resistance, grant the de calmly sit back and raise prices, sui ficiently to cover the increase and give | besides, themselves a good profit These increases in price in lines of commerce react against various the various trades, and in the course of a | short time, the worker finds that while his income has been increased through the trade unions the cost of living has been still further increased through the combinations of manufac turers and producers. "In the ten years to 1906 the increase in wages throughout the country . amounted to 19 per cent. while the increase in the cost of food, was 21 p.c., and that similar increases occurred in rentals and in the other necessaries of life, is perfectly wel known by all heads of families. Dur ing the last six months, the indrease in the cost "of living has been more previous rapid than at any previous. tume, and | is the accasion for alarm mm all cliss es of the American people. . "With the American trade unions apparently at the limit of their pow- er, in'wo far as the mere question of wages is concerned, it remains to be seen what "action they will take in or der to maintain the advantages here! tofofe secured: and to gain the new advantages which they seek. It is to be hoped that the sensational predic tions of the Detroit gentleman whom I mentioned, will not be realized, but that some great change will soon oe cur in the neighboring" republiv;"is a matter of which few people "ag enter- tain a serious doubt." HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. The Christmas and New Year's Donations. Poultry, ete.--W. H. Réid, Miss Betts, turkey; Mrs. J. B. Wal kem, goose; from teachers and pu pils, Cataraqui school, two turkeys and one Mrs. Daniel Gor- don, goose; Mrs. James Yule, pair of chickens; Mrs. Oberndorfier, Charles, McConville, turkey; Steacy Steacy, turkey; S. 8. Corbett, tur- key; Thomas Mills, banker, pair of ducks; Davis company, large supply of corned beef; Mrs, Meek, sausage Mrs. Jordan, ince pies. Fruit, éte~Mrs. James Mrs. Meek, oranges; Miss Tillie oganges; Mrs, Nickle, oranges; Daniel Rees, oranges; Misses Guild, prunes; H. Bryant, bag of Apples; D. D. Rogers, bag of apples and bag. of turnips; Mrs. Meek, grapes; S. Corbett, oranges. Candies, ete.--W. J, Crothers, box of candies; Mr. Greenlees and pupils, Frontenac gchool, entertainment and box of a with 15¢. enclosed for each inmate; Mrs. Meck, candies; Mfs. Yule, ' candie Mrs. Birch, candies; Miss Machar, buns; Mrs. Read, his- cuits; W. J. Crothers!/ box of bhis- cuits; Mrs. Coward, biscuits. Christmas and New Year's dona- tions--Mrs. Hugh Nickle, tobacco; Mrs. James Yule, tobacco; Mr. Abramson, large supply of men's hats; Mrs. Ber mingham, cash, $10, turkey; goose; goose & a Yule, oran- ges; Reid, oS It Cures Eczema Quickly. be more tantalizing treat Eczema with poor Only an Ointment that's penetrating. can restore the texture and integrity ofthe skin Nothing can than to remedy. a Physicians who have watched the sue- of Dr. Hamilton's Ointment say it cures thoroughly. It penétrates un der the diseased skin, forms a new uter covering, subdues irritation, de stroys every trace of the disease. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Ointment in 50c, boxes. A Great System. A eomplete wireless telegraph sys tem, connecting every military post in Alaska and making commercial com- cisco and small boats plying on the Yukon, has been planned by the Uni- tod States government. This work is being done by the army forces of the Signal Corps and nearly completed Important work is also heing done to perfect the cable, telegraph and tele- phone systems between the mainland of the United States and Alaskan points. All of these lines are (to be duplicated, or ddubled, to insure ser: vice through the long winter months. Heretofore if one of the lines became disabled communication = between the points it spanned remained cut off un- til summer came for repairs. The gov. ernment owns 8.956 miles of land | wifeless . systems in and about Alaska. Heals Live A Magic. Wade's Ointment is more than soothing, healing application. It is and germicide. It heals, or and germs and it destroys the germs that cause annoying Erysipelas, Piles, ete. In big boxes, 'Over Zealous Friends. In' Vancouver, Orange' conservatives Now, there a foe" wiy yreeze some { mot dis are readily mix. < 00000 FOIVIOOROOSOS A » BY BIG AUDIENCE. '"Wildfire'" Proved a . Delightful Comedy--Miss Russell Xeens i Young--She Made a Short ] Speech. { The Grand Opera House was crowd ed to ite utmost capacity, last even- ing. when Lilian Russell appeared in 'Wildfire. "Wildfire" is a comedy in | three acts by George Broadburst and George Hobart. The play deals with { the trials of a handsome voung widow who is left a string of runners by hex hushand. Wildfire js a three fon which she stakes everything, she wins. The tainment of the highest order and was, | well received by one of the largest au- idiences the house has ever held. | As Mrs. Henrietta Barrington, the {widow, Miss Russell was seen at her best. She has a part that gave her and {ample scope and she proved herself a | years | talented actress. For many [Miss Russell has been known' as {of the most handsome actresses on the [ American stage, and her years of act- ling have not marred in the least her charm of fate and grace of figure, and those who remember her fifteen or twenty vears ago say that she is just {as handsome as at that time, and is the same vivacity ' and at the commence- | possessed of | charm as she was iment of her theatrical caréér. Miss Russell appeared in a number of cos- | tumes, her gowns heing the richest {and bandsomest seen on a local stage {in many a day. The star is given good support h- (every méamber of the caste. Mat. { Donovan, trainer for the widow's was portrayed in fine style by | Herbert Corthell. ¥rom the first un- tii the last Mr. CArthell was a fa- vorite. He is givep a good part, and {plays the part ofthe straight, manly | trainer, to give it full justice. | Will Archie, as Bud; g stable bor was a sure His race track slang { and his work all through made a de- cided hit. His .part stands out from {all the others 'and he certainly did it { credit, Mise Gehevieve Clifi, as Myrtle | Wentworth, Mrs. Barrington's sister, {was well suited to her part, and | Hortense Green, the tolored maid, was | handled by Miss Annie Buckley in { way that caused many a laugh. Ps up the production, Miss | Russell is a very clever and attractive woman. "Her company stron and well balanced, the play is bricht and In the | stables, SO ns treat a sum is the comedy staging and costumes everything is correct to the merest detail, and everyone admitted that the perform- ance was one of the best of the sea- son. : 1 After the second act Miss Russell was called back seven times, and was forced to sav a few words hefordghe applause stopped. In a neat speéch, she thanked the audience on behalf of herself, the company and the man- agement for the enthusiastic reception teridered them, saying that if the au- diénce were pleased the company were more than pleased. langh provoking. "Jerry From Kerry." "Jerry from Kerry," which comes to the Grand on Saturday, January 25th, matinee and night, 'was written to make people laugh. There is almost a continuous round of laughter through- out" the I'he play itself a funny farce--plot, there scarcely none. The first act, is a good bright opener, songs and specialties following in such quick succession as to be almost bewildering, introducing all the latest songs and funny sayings.' The speci alty acts are all far above the aver- age and are selected to please all. piece Ty Always Welcome. few vears since May A. Bell Marks, who is to be at The dGrand Opéra House, starting next Monday night, for a stay of one solid week, with matinees on Saturday only, supporting the Marks Bros' No I Dramatic company, and from all re- ports this popular and ever fascipa- ting actress has lost none of her win- ning ways and has just as many friends as ever. Her supporting com- pany this season better thah it has ever been. "Where is the cough" that Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup can not cure ? 20c. a bottle. It 'has been a 8 This has been a remarkably good season for' Men's Furs and more particular- ly for Fur and Fur-lined Over- coats. Men and alike @ cause here you | can see the Biggest Stock, Biggest Values, Best Styles. Any price you care to pay. What we say, we do, we do. PLAY THAT PLEASED mands io whole or in part, and then | Jj | JAN RUSSELL GREETED ire brigade was sailed to A {partition vear-old | play proved an enter- |. one | {Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug because so safe, so efiective, so sure {5 lute » Tere, MUST HAVE GOAGH 1 Small Fire Last Evening. i Last evening, about 8.15 o'clock, the | | : . 3 to Alfred strat TO HANDLE THE QUEEN'S! « wish a smal Maze mm we FOOTBALLERS NEXT YEAR. house occupied by John Wright Al lamp had exploded and set five to a! $ Very little damage Science Dance to Be on: St Valentine's Day--Will Be Ab-| solutely Unique--Classes in! Economics Begun. Society esting was done The Better Cough Cure. No medicine for coughs, colds, sere throat or hoarseness could be more! The Engineering harmless or effective than the Dia-!pointed the mond Cough Remedy Then it is committees pleasant to take, the dose is small and the price is reasonable. at Wade's Drug Store. has ap- ot an QO following copvenors to arrange' for the nual science dance: Invitation programmes A. M. Squire; re freshment, J. J. Jelirey; finance, ( KR. McColl" decoration, E. IL. Brace: reception, M. Y. Willams. The date of the dance has been changed from supper last night a party of cadets February 21st to February Hth, in including hockey team, spare men, order to Merry's coach and B.S. M. Carson. In spite chestra, ' which {of their defeat the gentlemen in scar furnish the music. Rumor let and white enjoyed to the full the that in several respects the | hospitality of their popular professor | Will be absolutely will jand his wile, vastly from any Grant hall Sweerv: Cadets Entertained. Prof. and Mrs. J.Lanos entertained at ore will accommodate of Ogdensburg, whispers function differ held unique at home vet mn County Road Improvement. The county council will, this year, {have the road improvement guestion before it. The Perth toll road, re {cently purchased, to receive the most attention. It wouldn't be amiss to put some repairs on the old Yor Road, which is in the worst condition Classes in economics the it has been. for years. . The completion | {ical science students have begun of the Loughboro Lake bridge will, no | prof Shortt 'and Assistant Prof. Skel- doubt, be celebrated by the council | this vear." Registrar Chown announces that 2 prize of $20 will be awarded the theo logical student who submits the host essay on 'Relations of the Pastor The Young People of His Congrega tion." to for prac ton have.arranged a series of lectures which will be of special to the student of practical science alue Any Ache To-Day ? | : When any ache or pain comes you "John Burrowes And The Modern should have the habit of reaching for | School Of Nature Study" wae ahly the bottle of Smith's' White Liniment. discussed by J. W. Gibson, "08, © ut There is nothing else that cures the regular meeting of the Natoral aches so soon or thotoughly. It makes ists' Club, this week it easy. to cure in the start many - painful affections that would become Rundle, manager of the Na serious if nigletted, Smith's White Trust company, Faronto Liniment is one of the things no fam-| branch, and one of Toronto's ily can afford to be without. Large widely and favorably knows men of bottles, 25c., at Wade's drug store. affairs, will address 'the Political Science Club at three o'clock, to-mor row afternoon the subject Pub hie Responsibilities of Business Men.' The meeting, to which the public cordially invited, will he held in of the large elpss of the new {arts building WE tional most on Very Few Contagious Cases Medical Health Officer Bell says that there have been very few new conta- gious disease cases in the past month. Only half a dozen new cases of scar let fever have been reported to - him, and only two of diphtheria There is~no typhoid at present known There have been a few fever, but these have én days or so. are one room - cases Prof not meet on Macnaughton's Bible class will Sunday morning cases of low -- recovered after Chess occasion Club har risen nobly its attempt to procrastination," All the first round which before February Ist Queen's to the conquer mn X tourna What About The City Hall ? ment games of Probably the eity engineer will have 4 not played something to say as to whether theyll be City Hall has engugh e$ts in case of fire, upstairs or down. It is held by many that the local theatres. are three times as safe in case of fire as is the City Hall which has practiea. ly but one exit. There is another in rear of the stage, but the stairs are 20 narrow and of such a winding na ture that the place would be blocked in an instant. The new by-law all public places.' » cancelled Notice has been given that the fimancial =n Journal - for the session "06-07, will be presented at the A M.S. meeting on Saturday even ing report The hockey players and enthukinsts are sitting in sackcloth and ashes this covers wok as a result of the J dh iliry "thaw " | winehvhas practically put out of com { mission; the ice at the rink. They : irealize™that the game with Toronto chronic diseases | University here on Friday are due to lack of nutrition of the will be a hard fought battle and the vital organs. These organs get their [occurrence of the thaw at this parti uytriment from the blood. The blood cular time is most inopportune, as it must be pure and rich in iron to isc surprising. to what the los keep the system in order. Those who of even two three practices are in any sense run down need bet- [tells on the player ter blood. They can get it by use of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative) The Journal's editor for athletics They are a great nerve strengthener has allied himself with the large and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at ber of individual students who favor Wade's drug store. *' Money back if | the employment of a professional foot not satisfactory. The -- is to the profes sional coach scheme is undoubtedly the minority and if "public constitutes the governing in such a case, as, it n all | matters upder student control in demo racy like Gueen's, it gether probable that a coach. will appear on the gridiron with {the footballists at their first practi e next fall : pe-------------- Why Disease Comes.' A good share of evening extent or daily num ball coach far next dent on stu a who apposed in Passed Physics Examination. { The following medical students Queen's the physics tion heid before vacation B. C. Patterson, R. A. Simpson, W. E. Wilkins, J. Brown, J. 0. Reilly, G.' 8. Clancy, R. A. Dick, J. V. Jor dan, G. W, Pringle, C. A. Howerd, N. i. MecbDougall, C. M. Crawford, P. J. Kennedy, C, UC. Ligoure, W. R. Bate.) man, A. W, MacBeth, M. H. McDop ald, G. J. Young, H. Grev, OFS. | Worrell, A. C. Seott, F, ( H. Wallace, G. A. Publowg"w, Cook. v opinion' Dower ol passed exaning indeed, does n is alto professional The freshman year in arts has chal lenged any team. excepting the regular college teams, to a hockey match, No neceptances have yet heen received acken Y -- Colds Cannot #Fxist. Wade's Cold Cure ts (Laxative) cure colds of every, y in twelve hours if used pro No one cap estimate the v : of such for colds are. (lf. beginning of a host of serious ailfients. The remedy by its laxativey' cleansing properties also cares Headaches, Constipation, ete A specifi¢ for La Grippe also In boxes, 25¢. ror sale only at Wade's ding store. ' Money back if not satis factory, That the athletic committee wishes to avoid any unwarranted action with reference to the proposed new system of distributing Q's is evidenced by the fact that a meeting of all the piavers and officers of the athletic or ganizations has this afternoon thoroughly Ditly, a remedy, college been called for to disetiss the gue It is the general opinion of the stu dents that {have won out if, Irish mode of expression, twenty minutes had lasted It is a noteworthy fact that jof Queen's speakers reached the end of their time: The find adiustment of the Ottawa speakers' addresses with referees to time elicited miieh admir ation Queen's debaters accord their longer neither B. A. Hotel Arrivals. ' J. W. Allison, Picton; J. H. De Wolfe, W. C. Carney, Allah P. Gillies, M. McFarlane, J. M. K. Taylor, W. A. Robertson, J. A. Black, J. 3B. | Dempsier, C. W. Baker, Miss Stevens, | W. G. Rogers, Gananoque: C. H. S.| Lenier, New York; C. H. Shields, Pe} terboro; A. Maude, Galt; W. Reunick,! > : Hespeler; J. R. Anderson, Quebec; F.|4 x Cooper, J. L. Busfield, T. H.|¥ New Pine Air Cure . Bell; J, E., Serwe, Archibald Reid, (TT Orila Trades, W. R. Allen, H. Dip-' 3 for Catarrh Colds lock, Charles H. Binks, A. Mclellan, ig : Montreal; D. W. Clarke, C. H. Bur-|4 Se------ gess, C. T. Pearce, i. D. Teller, A.! i s R. Wooldridge, G. P. Harlock, A. K._|, Ywellers in pine forests never have Patterson, A. Fitzpatrick, Toronto; J,,0/8, never know the meaning of ca- B Jennings, Miss Genevieve Chiff, Miss | 18770- : : . Annie Br Jey. New York: 4. E.| Upon this fact is built "Catarrho- Hampson, milton: A. B. Carev, Ra. 20%," Which forees into the lungs ihe, Wis. : {and nostrils the bealing balsams and {soothing antiseptics of the pine for John~""What kind of téa do you like! best ** Priscilla--""Gostees, some, but | Rocky Mountain Tea best." John-- |. lis i den- "Why Hoilister's Rocky Mountain Tea gant, so} starthedom it ina Yea best 7" Priscilla--"Tt speaks or iti VThe tiniest corners of the Jungs are self, John. (Makes lovely complex: treated, the uttermost parts - the ions.) Mabood's drug store, + {broncirial tobes are reached, every Saturday last day of our twenty call in the nose and throat is hathed pe ont. discount sale, at the Loc jn' the antiseptic balsam of €Catarrh- ett Shoe Store. 471 Cologne and 4711 soap sold inl FHL 2 00444404040 444 + + + + + The bealth-laden "vapor of "Catarrh- ozone," cures the worst of coughs, orone. Simply invaluable is Catarrbozone, store. This magning. the thermometer regis. tered weven degrees above zero. Doctors "Livol,™ tonic. {to cure huskiness, whooping cough, eatarrh, nose colds or bronchitis--1try t yourself ' Complete two months' treatment ¥ $1; small {inal} ji = X08 : a or No Giokon & police. court session this morn. |size, Be. JOSS. Mu Shin, or a Conn, USA, mpd I3 | Newman & Shaw SOOOOOOOO00 BOOOO0 x Stokers Way Down in the boiler-room of the steam- ship shovel in the soal night and day that gives hen power to make a record. The best coal gives the best power. That is why : Scott's Emulsion produces flesh when other things fail. It i Te pave. Itis a fue! y a Uy oy nd have broken their records for weight « by the of flesh gained from SCOTT'S EMULSION. It is a powerful flesh-producer. All Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. The Sunrise. ALARM CLOCKS Aré dependable Timepieces, the alarm is clear and sure, and to the minute This Clock will outwear all other styles and makes, and is fully guaranteed. Ask for (THE SUNRISE.) SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage | License. | enser. | ee eemoea urs! Every Article Reduced. Sale of F Som---------------- Clearing Prices. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Furs Exclusively. BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL CouGHs ALwaYs, AND costs But I5¢ GOODIN WE ARE CLOSING | OUTMANY Of WINTER GOODS in order © to ~~ make room for spring shipments nowarriving. You can save bank in terest many times over by buying. now. The knife has been put into the price of 8 8 2 Heavy Dress Goods ; Wool Underwear, White Wool Blan- kets, Grey Wool Blankets, Flannelette Under- wear, Ladies' Coats. Think of buying a $15 Coat, this season's latest style, for only $5. Many other lines in same proportion. Ot O 0 . 0 . 0 0 x 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ¥ Skirts and Pe MOO