Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY. 24, 1908 PAGE THREE. Brrr transis nents tiaedennenees $ : Get a Man-Tailored Skirt Made --FOR-- * We have again secured the services of Mr. : Rosen, the well-known Woman's Tailor, to make e up Walking Skirts, from material bought at this ~ eo store, for only $1.25. The regular charge for a e Tailored Skirt is, as .all women know, anywhere e from $3.00t0 $6.00. So you will see what an op- © portunity this is. Last yearat this time he made + up hundreds of Skirts for the women of Kingston s at this reduced rate, and they proved entirely e satisfactory. This offer holds good for two weaks, beginning Monday, 20th January. No good: /ex- e cept that bought at our store made up. See e samples - of work in window. - New Spring * Materials to-select from. Crumley Bros. 0000000000000 00NORONYS eees0cssessssscsseces eeocene Er EE EEE Er rs ce IAAI Sets natssRtantes tests sain ivnts Bd nn én e COUCHES A few left over froin our Christmas trade we intend closing ant at a price. MUSIC AND PARLOR CABINETS in a fine ma- hogany finish this week at sale prices $ JAMES REID. 'Phone 147 @ # BRAEELELLIE PLE E ELLEN ELE HERE EE0 BROWN'S Famous Butter Scotch, 20c per pound. BATGER'S ENGLISH TOFFEE, 25¢. 1 pound tins. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street TP EERP ELE PP PEEPS ENRRLEA RP A PP EEE E \ NewEngiand Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.830 a.m, to 8 a.m., the te place toget an all round Lunch in Money lonned on City and Farm FPro-|the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest portion] Musdeipal and County Sette notice. Eibglish and Chinese dishes a © Feosived and allowed. specialty, "Phove, 653. 8, C. MoGill, Managing Director, : . ; - WEATHER STRIP Sant Shr Auethng he, Claas rat 668 Barrie St. : Keeps out the Cold, Costs Litt Lesson. EB me ---- - THE FRONTENAC LOAN AnD INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. _ President~Sir Richard Cartwright 3c. Per 'and Saves Much, Good Varisty 2' wd STRACHAN'S. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer +) J BROCK,ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness oe for sale. Sale of Te Saturday. Attention, 5 unscest REESE SATE mit ld 1 R. 0. CARRIER, *; Ot N.X. Art School. HOCKEY oti "THE MMSTERS OF FATE" | deaf composer; Harriet Martineau, 'deaf shthor, and, most wonderful of tion. into the hospital for a week or of sy. SUBJECT OF A M A MOST INTER- ESTING BOOK. It is a Chronicle of "=. Great Deeds Done Bodies. A noted Harvard professor died not long ago. During his life he had be- come very much interested in the cases of many of his students who had ill-health or bodily disability to fight with. He desired to help and encourage them. So he set himself to collect all sorts of instances of people who had been burdened in the race of life with grave difliculties, and vet had achieved nobly. When she died, kis widow took this material and made a most interesting book of it called "The Masters of Fate." It isa chronicle of great deeds done by weak bodies, In philosophy, for example, Bacon, Kant, Spinoza, Aristotle, and Herbert Spencer were all men of weak bodies. Kant was never entirely free from pain, But he exercised his will to such good purpose that even when suffering from a headache or an op- pression of the chest, he could 'con- centrate his mind perfectly on his chosen subject. He accepted life un- complainingly. There was nothing of tha self-indulgence of the invalid about him. He lived above his pain. "Ip working out his salvation, an 'invalid needs the heart of a chevalier, the 'Soul of a believer, and the tempera- ment of a martyr," and Kant exem plified this, Isane Newton, Daniel Webster the Many By Weak Victor Hugo, and were such weaklings when they were born that their lives were despaired of. They went through all the sufferings of sickly and unpro mising youth. But they" were determ ined to be useful, to learn and to know, in spite of constant ill-health Webster was sent to college partly he cause he was unfit for work on his father's farm. He wrote to a class mate, "The talent which heaven has entrusted me is small, very small, yet 1 feel responsible for the use of it.' John Flaxman, the great seulptor, was a feeble, erippled boy. Seated La chair, supported by pillows, behine the counter in hiséfather's shop, the little cripple spent his time in draw- ing from plaster casts. He taught himsoli Latin, and at fourteen was modelling and depigning for the Wedg- wood - potteries. These young lives wore weighted down with burdens that most: boys would have considéred crushing. But they faced fate, and mastered it by slow, patient, every- day effort. Thev had faith, too--faith in God, who had put them in the world, and faith that He would help them forward. They were not mor- bid; they were sane and brave. Vie tory came to them because it belongs to the eourageous. Alired the Great, from his early teens, suffered from an illness of the nature of epilepsy. There were times, frequently ® when both mind and body failed him. But after these attacks he returned, with indomitable will, to Lis tagk of ruling a distracted king- dom and resisting the incessant onslaughts of "the Danes. "He was constantly," says one biographer, "afflicted with severe attacks of an in- curable complaint; he had not a mo- ment's ease, either from the pain it cased him, or from the gloom which was thrown over him by the appre- hension 'of its coming.' ~ Yet how few young people who have studied Eng- lish history in school ever think of Alfred except as strong, active, and uneonquerable. His steadfast, splendid soul shines out in the chronicles, and his weak, 'pain-racked body is kept in the background. Nelson, the great naval hero, extremely unpromising material for even a midshipman. His health was very weak, and his uncle, who took him on his own chip as a favor, said that there was little use in his go- ing to sea, but that "a cannon ball would probably, knock off his head the first time he went into actibn, and so provide for him." After this, in, dif- ferent naval 'battles, Nelson lost his right arm and the sight of his right eve. On the eve of the battle of Co- penhagen he had to lie on his cot, from sheer exhaustion, while giving his orders. Yet England could have better spared a hundred of her most stalwart and healthy sons than this one undersized, frail, exhausted crip- ° was the deaf have in overcome their ple. The blind and many famous cases handicap. Milton writing his - most splendid poetry in his blindness; Pres. cott, composing his great history; Homer, the blind bard of Greece; Huber, the blind naturalist; Fawcett, the blind statesman; Beethoven, the the all, Laura Bridgeman and Helen Kel ler, blind; deaf and dumb, yet master ing these alficdions with extraordin- ary greatness and bravery of spirit. Harriet Martineau called her deafness "The greatest impulse to self-mas- " * Qehiller, Stevenson, James Watt, h , William Pitt, Pope, Eliza- beth Barrett, Browning, Wilberforce, Kepler, Parkman--the hst of those who have conquered their disabilities contains all sorts of famous names. In the ordinaty ranks of: life. also, are masters of fate. The story is told of a onelegged er soldber on an ican Roku i urd to ploughman's work and won substan tial prosperity. He used that lornmi of pla where the ploughman rides: in. ol following; but he worked ff teen hours a day and took care of but only to come back. and take up ve way. 'he that overcometh'--and De twice * blessed in such wo " rE -- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Pirst insertion 1c. a word. Esch cone secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum gharge lor one in- sorvon, SATURDAY, JAN. 35k Matinee, 2.30. Evening, 8.15. { PATTEN and FLETCHER Present { i "Jerry From Kerry" with Funny Comed- A Fusny Show, SNE Superior Omid | | fans. Carrying their formed Band and Orc Free Band Concert im Yt of Theatre! at 2 pm. am 2.80 p.m. Matinee, hildeen, 15¢. ; Evening, 15¢., 23¢., 85¢., S0e. Seats now on sale. ALL NEXT WEEK. Evening, 8.15. Matinee Saturday, B®. W. MARKS Presents MAY A BELL MARKS | Supported By MARKS BROS NO. 1 DRAMATIC co In a Repertoire of New Plays, High- | Class adie Moving Pictures sud | llustrated S WITCH WALL Tr PERSONAL. BALSTEAD, PALMIST, ist apd Teachér. Owi to many a Rapents will remain a few days longer Kingston. ~ Unsur- , passed consultation daily, 78 Witliam 'street. PROF. Psychol = feapILLY FORMA -- BEST KNOWN Bair restorer. Produces luxufiaat growth measuri one foch pe month, Excellent Nerve Tonic, cures Headache, Neuralgia, Dandruff Flezema Pemonsiratibn »ireatment free. Shampoo fHity cents. tured by Mme. Elder, Dressmaking Parlor's, 268 Princess St. Evening Costumes a specialty, Opera Clocks, MONDAY oT tie oF etc, Priceg--10¢,, hr é Z ts now on sale. > For M.sday might ticket wiven free with ever purchased belo! re 6 p.m, BIJOU Open 10 a.m. Saturdays. A FEW LAUGHS AT THE ' ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen amd Bagot streets. only ome lady's oF Doe E Yieka {| HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345: -------------------------------------------------- POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street "Phone, 608. MEDICAL. KEYES, LATE fn the New has opened » Opposite {PR. STANLEY J | Chief Reskdent Surgeon, | York Polyclinic Hospital Didn't the News' "Final| go ofc ar aan Jharne and | CARRIAGES, FOR SALE. BUILDING LOTS FROM $ iS UP. Meo Cann's Reai Estate OR 51 Brock street 2h, FURNISHED pictures, bedding, Apply "LLB FROM APRIL house, without china, or silver Whig. office. PEOPLE WITH FURNITURE TH) T! BOATS A) for 3 boats, solos, JOB CLEAKING ASHES QUT OF ya or cellars, or other bagge carted. Prices right Appl to 5 Lytle, General Carter, ain St, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR and have them pressed and , t & new velvet collar , it makes them .like new. Prices right. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock St., mext to Bibby's livery. A ONE vo; EDISON KENRTISCOPE, tWo 300 and owe 500 gel. Steel tanks: Apply Capt, Roys, gare Steamer Aletha. DOUBLE HOSPITAL smallpox and other [Te tactured Peterboro, TENTS, FOR contagio us diss the best ia the world. Manus by J. J. Turter & Sons, Unt, Canada WAGGONS, URNI- ture, Pianos, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any way required. For further f{nformation, apply to Leturney's Carriage Works 3 and 3892 Princess St. "Phone, 153. NVALWVABLE PROPERTY FOR SAL} Double house, on Johnson street, the property of the late Joseph Jamies son, now used as-a dwelling and = dumber's shop Apply to Messrs, Falken & Walkem owNE Ra wit) 3 a 4! SNAP FOR MOTOR HOAT | whe Dynamo Riv ! fe ral tehtos SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN barber trade in eight weeks ; ates earn twelve to eighteen weekly : help secure positions : logue free. Moler Barber Col Queen and Spedipa, Toronto. TO LEARN radu re cata ot r 10 Bs, Brock ~ STORES = McCarm's, O61 MONEY AND BUSINESS. DWELI F Storage, ' te street. QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other! company offers. Examine them at!STORAGE FOR FU RNITURE, CLEAN Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- dry rooms, Frost's City Storage, 299 et Square. Queen St. "Phone, | 526. 141 KING STREET, FURNISHED OR Fire Instrance Company, Available unfurnished, on low lease. For assets $61 187,215. In addition to terms, apply to J. 5. R. McCann which the policyholders have for . security i, limited liabitity of all} } the stockholMers. Farm and city o | ~ perty insured at lowest p aati le | MARRIAGE LICENSES. rates. Before renewing old or giving' --. new bhusipess get rated from Strange C. S. KIRKPATRICK, SAUER & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 5568 Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR Statement" about The Bijou sound VIRTUOUS ? ? You dig almost 'think Brother Black [2 theant it. WONDERLAND JODA ¥ and SATU RIA Y he len at ry afternoon performdion YrRATED SONG SN, "Love HY Ry [MovING PICTURES AND VAUDE- VILLE, Ly Miss Vera Holdem, and Blue Fyes | Ly Joba Robert Davis. But the News didn't nams of the "expert" that bogus *'information" tor, TO-DAY confess the who unloaded on the edi TITLE "Uncle by Marriage" The funniest moving pictures you ever aw, screwtn from start to finish, "Red Tapeism" at dight official and SATURDAY 'we present a delightful Society Comedy, "Won By | Strategy." We pever showed a prettier | picture, See it} Having saved ¢ ing burned to de ath Bro. Black and Bro. Newton ought to present themselves, as' candidates, for a slice of, the Carnegie hero fund. "Won By Strategy' tells the story of a Ballroom Love-Affair. It is beautiful- ly . Fine decorations, and tatat) some Soutiney. Remember in better tected oa fre Tid The Bijou. or Pram the tearful tone of Brother Black's "final statement" one might almost think that somebody had hurt his feelings, Monologues amd Drill Wo also préseh an imiwtally perfect | PALrOnage, J. WC nod beautiful picture fro Ta Ww--A | « Wh Li + avhetic Urame, entitigd, Twixt . » $1,000,000 IN GIFTS. | {| Pinkerton Detectives to ouTY AND. ¥ Vanderbilt Presents, "| New York, Jan. 24.--=Pinkerton de- tectives have been apd to guard | the Vanderbilt mansion for the wed- the otestations | Gladys Vanderbilt and of innocénce in that "final statement," | Count Szchenyi, which will take place one would almost think that the | | next \ Monday. One man mn plain News had beep trying to heli the the clothes was assigned to~cover the in atorigms along. terior of the house. Two men in uni form will, until the place, with reliefs, patrol the outside The wedding presents will be exhibit ed, to-day, but it is not believed that list will i given out. It is esti Brother Sparling might have TOL bln : wD mated that the value of these gifts Brother Black that it was loaded, ond will approximate at feast $1,000,000 easy on 'the trigher ! It is because of their Tait is tha home of art and beauty | that it was considered necessary and the and sh es Jualities Show in every part j employ the Pinkertons. Those igh whom Bro Black saw smiling over his Shay theatres. oug- burst were smiling him, not with him. The operating roomy of "The Bijou™ is | thoroughly fire proof, end ail the equip ment is firsteclase 22,000 people from be- in The Bijou, appreciate this film not suffered from You will { Who has {dignity 2? SONG, "Sweetheart" mtn VAUDEVILLE Jack and, Mabelle Price, in their re- fined Interpretations, They deserve your SPARKS, Mgr. Guard Judging from ps Iding of Miss wedding takes "Duty ve. Hh rr > Hugrraniit 3 is the story of 4 street young men in Ial$ who took to poach-| ng in order to gave his family from | starvition. It is a wonderfully artistic | and tmautifel picture, pod unusually well | Worth: seeing. i extreme valle to PLAYED WITH DYNAMITE. Child in Galt About to Hamumer Kitchen Stove. Galt, Ont., Jan. 24.--A four-year-old member of the family of John McKen- > tie, moulder, discoverad what the Whan Brother Black puts on a halo, | yopngster termed "a nice toy." It flaps 'his wings apd writes a "final {was in the shape.of a eylinlipical statement ,™ he almost angelic. stick, and on examination was found The Public ds juvited to inspect to be dynamite front asl rear exits. There was over a foot of the stick, {and the child was about to hammer it jon the kitchen stove when the mother interposed and prevented an explosion An expert who disclosed the nature of the "toy" said that was enough of the explosive to destroy a brick block The child said he wis given the play looks our | i When we twice invited Brother New ton to call at The Bijou and see haw badly' Brother Black had misrepresent- ed us, we really expected him to Ke cept. But he didn't. ROM "|THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarign. REV. C. W. CASSON. Come, Comrade ! comrade, there jis We have been the 'bay; let us seek the open sea. it | has been pleasant in the of re | ceived belief--pleasant and safe and calm. Upon the open of truth we have watched .the tossing waves of religious unrest, and thanked God for the quiet harborage in which: we i lay. But the open sea invites. If we fine anchored in! Come" ture ahead. ven bay sea Impersonations, progress, we must set sail Danger ? Where deeds are ventures made, there {Will you fare out with me, sétting sail for the port of the larger truth {and hav ing faith in the God of the open sea upon it done' and must be danger AT VAN LUVEN'S. Address, Rev. (.. W, Casson, at 25 fee de Beatou street, Boston, Mass., for frie litew= Sure, Choice Caliic Prunes, per Ib nia and Oregon 10 und Fish tomato Celel mm om ane tins for Mix Piel 1k rato Cre ALAA A A BAA AAA AA A ACASK A SLSLARBVLXDAN02 000522 Chemically Pure Cream of Tartar Is the only kind used in Choices Couper's Pure > | Messing Baking Powder | He We. guarantee it the best that Celery money can buy. We put i up in Esser 2 ox, ¥Ib., } and 1 ah packages, at 40c y his en abling you to buy a High Clasg Article onmble price D. Couper, 841-8 Princess St Dealer and Chiov 15¢. and California ri Lem Inked Beans Relish, inz | at a reas in Pure Food Groceries "Phone, 76, TT ITIT ITI IT TOY VIII ivr rivinrers i F. " Van Luven South Huron's Member. Phone 417 = 246 Princess St Toronta World In ancient days the won honorable distin lifting and despoiling lan m Canads have kind of foray----that of the House of Commons, and Qarrying off seats in that chamber, sasigl being worth 325000 a vear, a trunk and 'a fountain pén The Minority. oronto (Tory) "n Pes Clan Maclean tion in. cattle lowlanders. The started & new InCursiops into THE PORTLAND BLAZE, Persons Hall Burat. Maine Only a Few Hurt City Portiagmd, dan. HM which « I a property dar one million datlars, warly stroyved the hall and pol ngs and endanger than 700 Knigh gathered in the Every male adult in Ontario who Uity hall. Oaly Snot a K. C..,a J.P. or LL.D. | hurt AMON please stand up, and then there won't | Eldridge, be ov many on their feet ag theres in a six oelock street car. » wr ( se ats LE lea thet City Telegram ' a a perso . them Chief kof or Cod Emulsion of Cross drug store, an are Liver (nl Fresh Buy on'# Red Bvery man lighes m. more evil than he [t teaches. You can prevent vour tongue | Both teams claim the from talking, but no man can prevent [night is all they desire fast ive to to wallop Madame Tetrazzini The lgmous Italian Prison-Donna, now of the Metropolitan Opers, New York, sings through the Coneens 1 rei 1 it had occurred to us that Becther Goderich, Ont. Jan. 2. ¥ircisse M. Newton was uneasy about dropping |Cantine, the Torosto land promoter, in, we would have chained up the pi-|arrested at St: Joseph, a little vil- anist. Inge on Lake Huron, on the charge of Now, Brother Newton! Sapte your your | obtaining _ money, 82.475, and 130 an advertiser in the News, jp A : shares of stock of the St. Joseph heart 1 If The, Bijou -- Land Improvement and Manufacturing Well, perhaps we were [a YudTs sorone. with. Brother Black, wv Feing sO of eotrse, company, which scheme the prisoner good a Christian, he w It Only Costs 5 Cents to Wisit the thing by boys pasging by the house, -------------- Started For Toronto. left here, this morning, on the Grand Trunk train for Toronto, accompanied promoted on alleged false pretences, bear no malice. 1by Detective Anderson. Big Cash Bargains. Frosh eggs tor boiling, 2c. per doz. Finest creamery butter, Re. per Ib. Mild cheese, 15e. per Ib. Pure cofiee, fresh ground, Ih. Be. per Good potatoes, per bag, S5e, These prices are for Saturday 'only, trouble. his ears from hearing the other, Po you know a man who does his Woollen stockings, sev work with greater ease than vou do {20¢., ribbed or pian, yours 2 Why not learn from him ? a New York Dress Kelorm eral Kk cashmere, Dr. Hamilton Gives Useful Prescription or Backache. y remedy goes right to the spot. Color comen to the It gives quick resulps because it re- | circulgtion improves moves the copditions that make your tone. back ache and drag. Every organ is strengthensd, flearing down pains, backache and ling the nerves, Iecaise thero draggy limbs are all caunsed by kidney, cient may ime nt in the blood. You ghn't imagine the enormous gain My pills, commonly known as in'hea and spirits from Dy Hamil checks, with pew borane blood wwerhud in suffi 'fat Mullin's grocery, corner Johnson, and Division streets. S Rev. Dr. Benson Invited. St. Catharines, Ont, Jan. 21.-Ata a largely attended meeting of the quar- a2 he Welland Avenue last. Sing, 5 r. Moir has . Vals, { and freedom from the poisons {strength and weight get a chance to Vague Pills. ace | ie - snc: 1or pe ply ries defies further danger health and vigor whe pas- {from Hamilton's, make the &idneys do theipdton's Pills; you must use them {o know work. In doing so they cure hackach grgat is their power to restork amd Good Kidney action means pire Blog tbuikil any person yun down through that [defdetive kidney or liver action make life unbearable. Pr. Hamilton's guarantee By weing Dr. Hanilton's Pills your every box of his Mandrake and up. aged and the young-=omen or You stors up a surplus of vital pow men--il sick, rundown and miserable await you dw Ty s Fide: they mens ne Tile Ry sour food and (256. per box' or five hoses for $1. Took verywhenia yellow bosen, ap ai 3 JJ wie dw a ihr juin shee elaiy Im

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